Action blocked by Instagram. Why are temporary blocks on Instagram needed and how dangerous are they for your profile? How to block an account on Instagram for violation

“Instagram: action blocked, try again later” appears if the user has exceeded the daily limit, used automatic promotion services, a proxy, or his page has been hacked.

Errors and blocking of actions on Instagram

Blocking actions on Instagram is possible if the user has exceeded the daily limits. Every year, the number of interactions with a social network either increases or decreases. This is done to eliminate automatic systems: promotion, mass following, mailing in Direct and others.

At the same time, it happens that “Action is blocked”, even if the user did not use additional tools.

List of issues that affect the error:

  • proxy or anonymous access services;
  • "shadow ban" The owner of the page posted material that does not comply with the rules of use of Instagram;
  • subscribed to a blogger who regularly receives complaints;
  • user uses popular geos and hashtags too often.

A shadow ban may not affect user actions. Such cases are an exception rather than a frequent occurrence. Basically, the restriction of actions is affected by VPN, unverified email address or numbers, registration was performed recently.

Ban on likes: limits and warnings

If you can’t like it on Instagram or can’t subscribe, it means the limit has been exceeded.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • the user really gets likes and mass follows others;
  • there was absolutely more action than usual in a short period of time: other people’s publications were liked, mass subscriptions to sponsors in the competition;
  • geolocation suddenly changed.

The last case can be considered as a problem when connecting via mobile data and using a VPN. If the user exceeds the limits, he will be given the first warning. Afterwards - blocking for several days, indicating the unblocking period in the notification.

Basic limits on Instagram:

  • likes and subscriptions: per hour – 20, per day – 200;
  • direct – no more than 100 per day, taking into account unsubscribed users;
  • comments – 13-14 per hour;
  • mentions – up to 5 in one comment.

Moreover, the limits work differently for new profiles and old ones. So, for recently registered pages you need to divide by two and get the maximum number of actions per day.

Can't follow someone else's profile

The error when it is impossible to subscribe to someone else's profile is also related to limits. But subscribing to pages that are in the shadow ban also affects them; users often complain about them.

A lot of companies and online stores have already created profiles for themselves in this network. They created them in order to receive orders and communicate with potential audiences.

Most of all potential sellers on Instagram begin to randomly create duplicate accounts and try to promote them.

In this article, we will tell you in detail what actions Instagram is most likely to block your accounts for.

Instagram can block your account for any offense, and it will be impossible to restore your account in the future.

In this article we will tell For what actions does Instagram account block accounts??

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Prohibited actions on Instagram

Instagram is very protected from various types of password guessing and is practically automatic mode blocks people for violating the rules. It does not have a support service that considers various issues, unlike Vkontakte.

If your Instagram account is blocked, consider it lost forever. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all how many photos and subscribers you had there.

When blocked, your account is not just limited in access - it simply becomes deleted. You won’t even be able to log into your account; a message will be written everywhere that the account no longer exists.

Any attempts to restore your account will amount to changing the password, but the error with a non-existent account will not go away.

Here is an example of such a message

Instagram does not have a support service that will understand your problems when blocked. Blocking occurs automatically, which is why accounts are very difficult to restore on your own.

Main reasons for blocking
  1. Advertising accounts - You created an account solely to sell products, this is prohibited by the rules.

  2. Availability of links to various resources - you cannot leave a clickable link on Instagram, except home page profile. However, these actions can also cause blocking.

  3. Account activated for suspicious telephone numbers, or the account has been unlinked from the phone.

    Very often, the reason for blocking is exceptionally suspicious activity with telephone activation, that is, you either registered the number from someone else’s number, or using SMS activator services

  4. The account has not been used for a long time (suspicion of a corrupt account) - our accounts sometimes suffer from this problem, but in our case there is a way to safely restore the account and it will work again.

  5. Use of prohibited content (advertising of porn, various diets and other topics).

    In general, this is a very rare reason for blocking, since Instagram itself can recognize photos by their subject, and it most likely simply will not publish them.

  6. Recruiting subscribers using promotion services - such actions rarely lead to blocking, however, Instagram reacts to inflated subscribers by simply writing off everything that has been inflated.

    For example, today you have 11 thousand subscribers, but tomorrow there may be only 500 people.

    If you charge frequently, you risk losing your account altogether, without the possibility of recovery.

  7. Subscription and further unsubscription. In general, it seems to us that this method will soon be closed on Instagram and there will be no point in using it. At the same time, more than a hundred services on the Internet that operate on this principle will have to close.

    For those who are not familiar with this method, let us explain that the essence of the promotion method is very simple. You simply subscribe to the accounts of other users on a large scale and wait for them to reciprocally subscribe to your profile.

    In the future, you will also quickly unsubscribe from them. The result is free set real and live subscribers, absolutely legal and free.

    It seems to us that such actions do not lead to anything good.

How to protect your Instagram account from being blocked?

Of course, everything is simple - try not to violate the reasons described above. If you follow Instagram rules, you will not be blocked. If you have already violated the rules and your account is blocked, try not to take any action yourself.

It’s better to contact account sellers (for example, us), and for a reasonable fee we will restore your account.

There are methods for restoring accounts that fully restore their functionality, while being safe.

Attempts to change the password and thereby restore the account are usually useless. If you try to contact technical support and describe your problem, most likely your account will be blocked permanently (forever). In this case, contacting other people will be useless.

If you find that your Instagram account is blocked, it is better to contact professionals in your field and restore your account for money.

This will protect your account from complete loss.

How to quickly get started on Instagram?

Everything is very simple - in our service you can buy Instagram accounts with a large number of subscribers. A large number of subscribers is the goal of most people on this network. We offer to buy ready-made accounts with varying amounts of subscription base.

All accounts are promoted using white-hat methods (using the offer exchange) and the maintenance of these profiles ranges from 2-3 months or more. This means that after promotion and recruitment of subscribers, the account was not used for more than 2 months.

All that remains for you to do after the purchase is to simply change the password and link your phone number, and then carefully change the data for yourself (login, name and upload your photos)

Promoted Instagram accounts are a great opportunity to start working with a large number of subscribers.
To select available accounts, click on the button below! Buy now Find out how to place an order correctly on our website!

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How to understand that you have been blocked on Instagram? What to do in this case, and how to restore a blocked account? Why did this happen? - learn all this from the article

In virtual space, as in real life, certain rules apply. And for violating them, users face punishment. The social network Instagram is no exception. Anyone who grossly violated the terms of use of the site (we’ll talk about them in detail later) can be banned, that is, blocked.

Moreover, the administration does not always punish for real misconduct; mistakes also happen. You simply published photos and videos, communicated, commented, that is, you did not go beyond the usual boundaries. What if, when you log in, you see the following text: “Your account has been blocked for violating our terms and conditions. Find out how you can recover your account." This means that you have been banned by the network administration. What to do if Instagram is blocked, how to unblock it?

Let’s look step by step at the entire path to recovering your account from the very beginning of the blocking:

    Open the Instagram application, insert your login (name), password; We are upset when we see a message on the screen: “Your account is blocked...”;

    We touch the “More details” button, look at the page with information from the administration: “Your account has been blocked for non-compliance with our conditions. You will not be able to log into the site and no one will be able to see your account. We prohibit the use of mechanisms for artificially collecting “likes”, subscribers or shares…” and so on;

    At the end there is a note: “If you think that an error has occurred, please let us know,” click on the last words highlighted in blue;

    We fill in all the fields in the form that opens; the procedure is different for personal pages and business accounts; if you used Instagram for commercial purposes, you will need to provide a document (registration certificate, tax certificate or something else) that your activity is legal;

    We carefully enter your data, pay special attention to the email address, this is where you should receive a response from the support service;

    When everything is filled out, we check the information again and click on the “Submit” button, as a result the text will appear: “Data from the form has been successfully sent...”.

As those who have already encountered such a problem say, a letter from support specialists can arrive quickly, or it can be delayed for several weeks. If too much time has passed and you still have not received a response, send another request. To do this, follow the same steps as described in the first instructions.

Our service will help you buy 1000 or 10,000 followers on Instagram very cheaply. Receive big discounts on bulk orders and personal offers for purchase. Hurry while there are promotions on the site!

Experienced Instagrammers assure that the support service answers the question: “Instagram has been blocked, how to unblock it? "- much faster if your account was banned by mistake. If you really violated the rules for using the site, the proceedings will take longer. And you will receive a positive answer only if the offense was a one-time offense. In case of systematic and gross violations, if there are complaints from other users and if you have already been blocked, the page may be refused to be restored.

The only thing left in the event of unfavorable developments is to register a new account, we will provide comprehensive information on this matter. And by the way, you will have to come up with a new nickname for Instagram, we will also tell you how to choose it.

And for the future, try not to neglect the rules of the site. Then you will most likely never have to think about how to restore blocked Instagram.

And one more useful advice: save all the photos and videos that you post and shoot on the site in your computer, phone or cloud storage. To do this, read our instructions “How to download photos from Instagram to your phone and PC without problems” and “How to save videos from Instagram to your phone, computer and history.” Then, when your page is liquidated, its contents will remain with you safe and sound. And to get your subscribers back, post a link to your new profile on other social networks; read how to do this with us.

If you don’t want to return to Instagram, check out the website. This resource contains information about the most popular online communities. You might like one of them better.

And we will continue talking about Instagram. Ignorance of the law does not excuse one from complying with it, lawyers say. Therefore, in order not to violate the rules of the site, you need to learn more about them.

We have already found out what to do if Instagram is blocked. You need to fill out a special request to the site support service as soon as possible and send it. However, not every case ends well. The administration will not return the account to a user who regularly violates the established rules. Even if he insists that he did not do it intentionally, but out of ignorance and without malicious intent.

So that you don’t end up in the role of an attacker due to a misunderstanding, let’s carefully read what Instagram itself declares. This information can be found in the “Support” section, which you can access at the bottom of your page. Next, open the “Privacy and Security” tab, and then the “Community Guidelines”.

For those who do not have the time or desire to get acquainted with a fairly extensive text. Let's talk briefly about possible reasons, why Instagram was blocked.

An extremely inexpensive purchase of likes on Instagram awaits you when you click on the link - increase activity on your page without overpaying. At the same time, you can receive guarantees for the high-quality and safe execution of your order.

So, Instagram encourages its users to create a safe and tolerant environment that respects human rights, including copyrights, as well as laws. And the site administration warns that if someone behaves differently, their rights may be limited, their account blocked, and then cancelled. What is prohibited to do on Instagram:

    Publish someone else's photos or videos downloaded from the Internet or obtained through other means, this violates copyrights on intellectual property;

    Post images of naked bodies (with the exception of paintings and sculptures) and genitals, erotic filming, especially with the participation of minors;

    Distribute spam in any form: reposts, identical materials and comments;

    Call for violence, violation of laws, vandalism;

    Offer services of a sexual nature; promote firearms and illegal or prescription drugs;

    Insult other users, threaten them, blackmail them;

    Exhibit racial, ethnic, religious or gender intolerance or hostility;

    Promote self-harm, unhealthy eating behavior;

    Publish scenes depicting violence for the purpose of promoting such behavior.

In addition, when answering the question why Instagram was blocked, one cannot fail to mention automatic methods for adding subscribers, likes and comments. The so-called masfollowing and maslayking. The administration of the social network, to put it mildly, does not welcome these actions. Therefore, it is important to choose a reliable service that will deal with the task of cheating carefully and accurately, and will not lead to your page being banned. Pay attention to which payment system the service provider works, what guarantees it gives and how quickly its support service works. We talked in detail about how to choose the right resource in the article “How to promote Instagram yourself without a single penny.”

And to make your page pleasing to the eye and even the ear, read the materials “How to add a photo to Instagram to your story and account quickly,” “How to add a video to your story from your computer and phone,” and “How to add music to Instagram posts.”

The answer to the question of how to understand that you have been blocked on Instagram is obvious. If you try to open your page, and instead you see a standard message from the site administration (look at the first photo), it means you have been banned.

No special notifications or warnings are sent to the user that a block will be exposed. He is simply presented with a fact. So if there are concerns, there is no point in thinking for a long time about how to understand that you have been blocked on Instagram. Log into your account, if everything worked out, you see the usual feed, there is no blocking. And when the sad message is in front of you, your worst fears come true.

Although there is a third option. The page cannot open due to login problems. Perhaps you deleted your profile, or someone tried to do it for you and without your knowledge. Or your profile was hacked by attackers. At complete removal its pages cannot be restored. But if you hack it, you can regain control over it.

The site administration will help you in this case. Most best option- when the hackers have not yet changed the credentials for your account. In this situation, proceed like this:

    Open the Instagram app on your phone;

    On the first page, click on the words “Help logging in”;

    Choose to return access via username or email;

    Write the address linked to the page during registration;

    Select the words “Send letter”;

    Open a message from Instagram to restore access to your profile;

    Click on the login button.

If you manage to log into your account, immediately change your password, we will show you how to do this.

Unfortunately, this is the simplest hacking option. It also happens that scammers manage to change the link to the email, phone number and even rewrite the user name. Then your page gets completely out of control.

ABOUT in different ways returning the account to its real owner and the security measures that help prevent hacking, we talked about in the article “How to restore an Instagram page - a rescue operation.” And keep in mind: it will be much easier to return your account if you provide real data: phone number and email address when registering. Don't forget about it simple rule to make it easier to solve problems in the future.

And it’s worth understanding: if Instagram was blocked due to your fault, and not because of an error, they are unlikely to meet you halfway. Those who ignore the rules of the site will not return the page. This means that you will have to create a new account, or you can have 5 at once (read about how to register with us) and continue to comply with Instagram’s policies. Otherwise, another very unpleasant ban awaits you.

By the way, you yourself can apply blocking for users you don’t like. To do this, read the material “How to block an Instagram user and remove the block.”

Instagram was blocked for violating the rules - what to do? This question often arises among users who have been temporarily blocked. In most cases, it is caused by a violation of loose but mandatory rules.

Sometimes you receive a notification on your phone informing you that you are trying to log into your account. This means that a third party tried to access the account. Perhaps someone recognized the phone number or made a mistake when entering it. The same goes for email. In this case, the system does not understand the ownership of devices, but blocks authorization on each one.

What to do and how to unblock your account?

To remove the block, confirm your account ownership. To do this, provide an alternative contact address attached to your account, or contact technical support.

Blocking for violating Instagram terms

In most cases, an account is blocked for four reasons.

Upon registration

When trying to create a new account, the user receives a blocking notification and is returned to the main page. This is caused by a violation of one of the main conditions described on the main page of the social network. The inability to create an account is due to suspicious user activity. The system considers that this is a bot or spammer who creates advertising accounts and bans him.

There is a way to solve this problem using a proxy. It is recommended to try it from a computer:

  1. Install a proxy, for which you will need to purchase a new address at special server, which changes the user's IP address. Typically, Instagram blocks an account by IP, and the proxy will periodically change it. You can purchase a similar service on several online services. It is recommended to choose a country close to where you live to reduce the delay when loading pages.
  2. Clear your browser history or go into incognito mode so that the system does not recognize the user.
  3. Activate the server. To do this, read the instructions provided on the website of the service that sells the proxy server.
  4. After waiting for authorization on the Internet, create a new one email, since you cannot attach several social network pages to one. It is recommended to use Gmail, since international services trust it more.
  5. Create a new account on Instagram, linking the created email to it. Remember that proxies must be active throughout all stages.
  6. Once you've finished registering, use your account as usual: follow friends and celebrities, upload photos, like. Do not overdo it, as excess activity raises suspicions.
  7. A few days after registration, link a phone that was not previously associated with Instagram accounts to your account. Suitable for this virtual numbers, but it’s better to use a real one so that you can restore your account if it’s lost or temporarily blocked.

If you have a Facebook account, link it to Instagram. It is advisable to use the old account on which the activity is carried out. To create a binding, go to settings.

Number of likes

Often, bans are issued to new accounts that begin to heavily like various posts. The system marks the account as a bot and blocks it. To avoid this, it is recommended to follow 4 rules:

  1. Do not post dozens of likes on the first day of registration. Better fill it out personal page, posting photos every three hours. After two days of periodically posting photos, the page becomes less suspicious.
  2. Fill in personal information: put a photo in your profile, write a biography. And you can also follow several friends.
  3. Continue to post photos periodically so that the page does not become outdated.
  4. Stick to the limit of likes per hour. For new accounts it is 60, increasing over time to 300. It is advisable to avoid excess likes in order to account did not come under suspicion.


Instagram blocks users who violate the company's trademark. It is necessary to carefully study the rules and remember in which cases the user is obliged to indicate it.


What applies to a trademark also applies to copyright. Non-unique content that is not used for personal purposes is prohibited. Reposting paid photos and posts without permission from the copyright holder is also not recommended.

What to do and how to restore access to your account

To get rid of a temporary block, log in from a computer or other non-blocked device. If you can log in, then the problem is related to a locked device. You can solve this problem by reinstalling the application or contacting technical support.

If an account is permanently locked, the user will not be able to access it. Accounts that are permanently blocked are deleted, and the owner cannot even view the uploaded content. Sometimes the user does not receive notifications, so only the user can find out about the fate of the entry. technical support. In this case, you will have to create a new account using a different login. Empty mail can be reused, but it is better to create a new one.

Sometimes a serious problem arises: Instagram says “Action blocked, try again later.”

What to do? Why is this happening?

Let's look at the causes and solutions to the problem.

Action blocked by Instagram

Exceeding action limits.

Instagram is constantly improving algorithms that fight accounts that are promoted (, cheating, etc.).

If you exceed the limits on subscriptions, likes, messages and comments, then your account will be temporarily blocked.

Because of this, the “Action blocked” error appears.

Solution- you don’t need to do anything, just wait. The blocking will disappear on its own (waiting time - from 2 to 30 days).

If you use automated promotion services, unlink your accounts (this will help speed up the unblocking).

There are many different instructions on thematic sites, such as “re-authorize”, “log in from another device/IP address”, “try to restore your account”, but in 2020 all this is irrelevant.

Now Instagram blocks the account for any suspicious activity; mass following will no longer be possible as before.

Do you subscribe too often? Ban. Do you give too many likes? Ban. Do you comment a lot and monotonously? Ban!

Solution— log into your account from another device (for example, log in to the web version via a computer) and .

Also don't forget. Usually the problem disappears at this stage.

If the error still appears, follow these steps:

  1. Reset your password using this link:
  1. Remove the application from your device.
  2. Install Instagram via Play Market(android) or App Store(iPhone).
  3. Log in using your username and new password.

This method has helped many readers.

Video tutorial on the topic: what to do if an action is blocked by Instagram.