Instagram healthy eating. The best Instagrams about a healthy lifestyle

Sometimes Instagram becomes mega-useful. You scroll through your feed, like your friends’ posts, and quite by accident your eye stops on a colorful photo of food. Out of curiosity, you go to the page, and there are a dozen similar photos. And everyone is so beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes! And then, on a subconscious level, somewhere in the cerebral cortex, the thought arises that thousands of people probably subscribed to the updates of the beautiful girl in her avatar for a reason. After all, everyone around is just buzzing about health + nutrition + sports. In an instant you are caught up in the mainstream and now you are one of...

Today I propose to learn more about the most popular Instagram accounts that promote a healthy lifestyle through the touchscreens of our smartphones.


Natasha Corrett is the #1 nutritionist in the world of Western show business. Developed together with Vicki Edgson, a popular US nutritionist, the healthy eating program is the beauty secret of many Hollywood stars. One of those who have already tried the program is Victoria Beckham. By the way, Vicky is one of the subscribers of Natasha’s page.


In the account of a married couple, for whom happiness comes from food and travel, there is a lot beautiful photos food. Sometimes not very useful, but that is the main idea. Kezia and Jared share their secrets for harmoniously combining delicious food and a healthy lifestyle.


An account of a beautiful girl who regularly shares secrets on how to change your life towards health, while she is an ardent opponent of sugar. Many of the desserts in the photo do not contain this ingredient, although the descriptions contain detailed recipes that clearly and easily describe the preparation process.


Meet the Hemsley sisters and they run a cheerful and beautiful Instagram account. The girls even managed to present to the world their first book with healthy recipes, which “appealed to the taste” of many adherents of this movement. The sisters do not forget to share their recipes on their page, which, by the way, anyone can prepare.


A wonderful account to start the day from a girl who is also a loving wife and mother. She was able to collect recipes for healthy breakfasts: rolled oats with organic cocoa, oatmeal-flax pancakes, cheesecakes with turmeric and many more interesting and equally healthy ideas for a delicious breakfast.


Olga Malysheva is a Russian blogger and she knows a lot about how to eat healthy and happily shares this information with all her subscribers. For example, from her page you can get an answer to what detox is and how to cook healthy meals. In the latter case, Olga also has many online recipes with her participation.


Another account from a professional nutritionist, where you can find exclusively vegetarian recipes. Besides this there is a lot useful information about health, nutrition and all the benefits of vegetarianism.


Sarah Fort, a mother of two beautiful babies, shares with everyone her personally proven recipes on how to quickly get in shape after childbirth and how to teach yourself to eat healthy. Sarah prepares all her dishes exclusively on her own and does not forget to share photos and recipes with her subscribers, of whom there are more than 150 thousand.


Cupcakes, pancakes, cakes and many other desserts, which at first glance seem to be the main enemies of a healthy diet. But this beautiful girl proves the opposite - sweets can be healthy. Therefore, her recipes do not harm the figure and among all the madness there are also recipes for main dishes.


The blog option on Instagram is gaining popularity every day, because we are talking about smoothies: berries, fruits, vegetables. In addition, on the page you can find many healthy recipes, such as nutritious lunch dishes, vegetable and fruit salads. Judging by the number of subscribers (418 thousand people), the recipes deserve attention.

How much time do you spend on social networks every day? About 5-6, according to data from the large analytical company Nielsen. The figure, of course, is average, like, say, the temperature in a hospital (or the percentage of fat in a fitness club), but it fully reflects the trend: sitting on “contacts”, “Facebook”, “Insta”, etc. really takes a lot from us time. Which could be spent on a lot of other useful activities, including improving your body or taking care of your health.

And if you don’t like the idea of ​​scrolling through the “feed” exclusively while standing in the “plank” position (although this, no doubt, will help at least a little prepare your body for the beach), I advise you to take at least the first step towards a healthy lifestyle: take this very “feed” (at least on Instagram) a little more sporty and useful. So that it inspires you to cook healthy recipes or start your morning with exercise. I am sharing the pages that I regularly read for this purpose:

This yoga instructor's pet helps him train

jasmine_yoga- Instagram of a charming yoga instructor from Singapore, who shares funny pictures of her practice and from time to time holds online marathons: she shows a certain sequence of asanas, asks her followers to repeat and post a photo of it with a certain hashtag. Some who “accept the challenge” receive prizes, others receive honor, fame and pleasure. It’s so nice to realize that you have something in common with someone in another part of the world, for example, a love of yoga and the same set of asanas.

The breakfasts on this page will inspire you to culinary feats

pelochka_a- page of a Russian food blogger “specializing” in breakfast. On this page, the girl almost every morning publishes pictures of her breakfasts with recipes: variations on the theme of oatmeal, safe for your figure, incredible salads, cereals, etc. All dishes fit into the framework of proper nutrition and are always very beautifully decorated. And they were shot so appetizingly that they can cause intense salivation even in those who have just had breakfast with sausage sandwiches.

A fitness blogger's page will help diversify your workouts

beyond_the_comfort_zone- sports diary of a fitness blogger from the USA. The girl maintains the page in two languages ​​- English and Russian, since she was born and lived in Moscow for a long time. The fitness blogger posts videos of her workouts, tips on nutrition and an active lifestyle. I respect this page for its simplicity and brevity: in short videos, Irina (that’s the blogger’s name) manages to show effective exercises, which are so convenient to create a workout for yourself.

This week HELLO.RU decided to collect the best Instagram stories about a healthy lifestyle. The owners of these accounts inspire readers around the world every day. Bloggers share not only healthy recipes, but also techniques for performing sports exercises, yoga poses, and inspiring quotes. Looking at their beautiful photos and reading useful tips about a healthy lifestyle, you just want to go for a run in a green park or make yourself a vegetable smoothie.

Every day on her Instagram, Sarah Forte tells more than 50 thousand readers about her lifestyle. Her interests include friends, travel, her little son, but most of all Sarah pays attention to healthy eating. The girl posts beautiful photos of her breakfasts, lunches and dinners along with recipes. Most often these are unusual but easy-to-prepare dishes - tofu and broccoli risotto, cauliflower cheese pie, chocolate maple granola bars, and so on.

Belly Gibson's Instagram can not only inspire healthy eating, but also teach you to love life in all its manifestations. Once upon a time, a girl heard a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer, but did not give up. Belly lives life to the fullest and encourages everyone to practice yoga and watch their diet. She created the Whole Pantry App, where she gives advice on health, nutrition and lifestyle. In addition, in October Gibson intends to release a book with her best recipes, and in social network Belly posts pictures of the results of her culinary experiments, photos of her beloved daughter and inspiring quotes.

Hill McKeel calls himself a nutritionist and “health coach.” On her Instagram you can find not just healthy recipes, but also quick ones - a lot of healthy smoothies, soups and quick dishes. Hill proves that eating quickly, tasty and healthy is a completely doable task. The girl often advises her readers to pay attention to greens and vegetables. And one of Hill's most unusual and favorite drinks is blue-green milk, which is prepared using algae.

Among Russian-speaking Instagram users there are also promoters of healthy eating, who are read by thousands of people. Among them is Masha Muller, who surfs, yoga, runs marathons and eats exclusively healthy foods. On her page, Masha can recommend a recipe for a trendy green smoothie with her signature additives, show off her favorite yoga poses or new running sneakers. Masha's Instagram inspires and simple photos the housewife's pumped up and slender body itself says that all of Masha's efforts are not in vain.

Olga Malysheva maintains a blog and Instagram about healthy living in a big city. Most of all, the girl pays attention to detoxing the body; you can even get the appropriate professional program nutrition. Olga shares vegetarian recipes, sports tips, interesting quotes from celebrities and personal experience resident of the metropolis.

The most popular Instagram account is about smoothies - the favorite dish of all followers of a healthy lifestyle. Judging by this blog, smoothies can be made from absolutely any product - from cabbage to strawberries. The account creators offer readers both simple recipes and complex programs for up to 30 days. @simplegreensmoothies' main focus is on green drinks, which many celebrities drink in Hollywood. Also, the owner of the account often publishes photographs of her daughter and rules from life, which, of course, encourage exercise and healthy eating.


Have you tried searching for interesting weight loss blogs on Instagram? Then you probably noticed that there are a lot of advertisements in top accounts. And other good pages are completely difficult to find - to do this you need to look through the entire list of search engine results.

We don't like watching advertisements either. So one day we put together a list of just these - interesting pages Instagrams that help you lose weight with good advice, a healthy recipe, or just a good mood. And today we offer this wealth to you.

In this article we will talk about 10 blogs dedicated to proper nutrition and recipes.
In the second part, we collected 15 motivating sports girls on Instagram: trainers, fitness moms, weight loss stories. Read the article.

Attention! Readers and subscribers of “Superfigurines” helped us compile this collection.

Which means all information is verified by practice.
Girls, thank you very much for this!

Let `s start?

1. Instagram of nutritionist Natalia Zubareva @doctor_zubareva

This account will appeal to those who appreciate a professional approach. Natalya believes that the transition to proper nutrition should take place naturally, without violence to the body. And on his Instagram account he tells how this can be done. At the same time, she shares stories from the lives of her patients, and signs the topics of the articles directly on the photographs - for our convenience.

The same nutritionist has good Instagram account with recipes for healthy eating– @recepty_strojnosti Now there are more than 400 tasty, healthy and, most importantly, proven recipes.

2. Sonya Rudenko’s page “What to eat to lose weight” @sonya.tastydiet