The cooler is loud, what should I do? Let's figure out why the cooler is noisy

Noise from the system unit is always a bad sign of computer operation. We should get rid of it not only because it irritates our ears, but it can also affect the performance of the computer, as well as the wear of parts. Today in this article you will learn why the computer is noisy (in particular its system unit) and what needs to be done to remove excess noise, returning the computer to its previous sound level when working.

7 reasons why the computer system unit is noisy

  1. Hard drive problem. The cause of the noise is the way it works hard drive. Moreover, it may not be noise, but crackling, grinding and even tapping. This is especially noticeable when you copy or record something on hard drive. Such sounds indicate either wear of the mechanism or poor quality material. Therefore, noise can occur both after long and persistent use of a PC, and immediately after purchase. You should not delay this, because if the HDD completely fails, you will lose the files and documents stored on the computer forever and irrevocably. Therefore, you should choose a hard drive carefully, paying attention to reviews from other owners, as well as advice from sales consultants. Of course, our article about that is worth paying attention to.

  2. Dusty video card. This device always creates maximum noise, or even better, hum in the room. To be precise, the cooler (fan) that cools the board is most likely to blame. It is often small in diameter, but even one is enough to create a loud and unpleasant noise. It is usually located upside down and its blades can touch the edge of the video card box. It is quite difficult to avoid such noise; it is easier to install it in your system unit. You can resolve the issue without purchasing a new device, but to do this you will need to disconnect the video card from motherboard, and then disassemble it to get to the cooler and lubricate it, which is very problematic! Also remember that this component is very fragile and can be easily broken. If you still manage to get to the axle, then it needs to be checked for integrity, and then lubricated with silicone oil, which will remain inside the cooler for a long time and thereby prevent noise from occurring. If the axis has already shifted and torsion creates friction against the edges of the box, then the box can be slightly trimmed or sawed off. It won’t look very aesthetically pleasing, “but it will be cheap, reliable and practical” (c)!

  3. The processor cooler is clogged. Another reason that creates a lot of inconvenience for the computer user. As you know, any motherboard has a processor installed, which is also called a “stone,” and a radiator with a cooler is additionally installed on this stone. The created design is quite bulky and collects dust well, since the cooler blows air (from the system unit) to cool the radiator, which in turn transfers the temperature to the processor. As a result, a large layer of dust accumulates between the cooler and the radiator, which gradually grows, thereby complicating the movement of the fan. The dust layer adds extra noise, and it also gets into the axis, which causes the speed to be lost and a hum begins to be heard. It's very easy to get rid of everything! First, disconnect the fan, clean it and the radiator from dust. Now disassemble the radiator itself and lubricate the axle with the same silicone oil. Now put everything back together, tightening it thoroughly with screws so as not to create unnecessary vibration.

  4. Old power supply. The power supply is a device that is recommended to be changed every 2-3 years, since it is responsible for the safety of the entire PC. In addition, this time frame is just enough to dust all the internal parts of the power supply. After all, there is the same cooler that blows in air from outside to cool the parts as on the processor. The air carries particles of debris and dust. As a result, noise occurs in the same way as in the case of a video card or processor cooler. However, there can be much more noise here, since the rotation speed of the power supply cooler is higher, since its diameter is larger, and to be honest, not all manufacturers think about creating a quiet fan in the power supply. Of course, you can get rid of the noise yourself by disassembling the unit, cleaning it and lubricating it. But again, not all models have the ability to easily access content. The site’s specialists strongly advise purchasing a new power supply rather than disassembling the old one, because the new one will produce less noise and will give you additional confidence in the serviceability of this personal computer device.

  5. Incorrectly selected optical drive. Rarely, but it still happens that noise is created not by the entire system unit, but only by the optical drive, which is more familiar to users under the name “CD-DVD ROM”. The reason for the noise is the rather low quality of the device. However, be careful here, noise can only occur when a disc is inserted into the optical drive. If there is nothing there, then there will be no noise coming from it. If you notice noise precisely when this device is operating, then we have to disappoint you, because... it is practically beyond repair. Even in warranty service centers they are not repaired, but replaced with new ones. We would generally advise you to abandon their use in favor of flash drives, since today with the help of the latter you can carry out all the same operations, even .

  6. The motherboard or other device is cracked. Noise from the system unit can come not only due to flaws in the operation of the cooler or due to manufacturing defects, but also for completely physical reasons: a cracked motherboard, large debris in the system unit, a cracked video card box, etc. This will cause various kinds of rattling and whistling noises due to the effect of air pumped by coolers on the part. To do this, you need to disassemble the system unit and check its “internals” for defects. This could only happen due to a fall or an accidental/intentional blow. For example, many PC users, when they slow down, hit the system unit with their foot or hand out of anger. Such actions may cause chips, cracks, dents and similar defects.

  7. Poor fastening of parts. If you are asking the question “Why is the computer system unit noisy?”, then you need to check all the fasteners in the system unit. To do this, first open the unit cover. Now take a screwdriver (phillips) and try to tighten all the screws and screws that you can see. Start with the motherboard, since it contains a large number of components, so if each of them is poorly secured, then when they work, the “motherboard” will begin to move in waves, each time touching the metal case of the system unit. Next, check the fastening of the processor (especially the cooler) and video card. Then examine the hard drive mounting. If it does not have anti-noise fixation using slotted gaskets or plastic holders, then rest assured that the noise arises precisely because of poor fastening of the hard drive. Therefore, try to lay a small layer of rubber between the metal beams, which would soften the vibration without spreading it throughout the entire system unit. You also need to attach an optical drive. The last thing you need to check is the power supply. Tighten its mounting bolts as well. If there are additional coolers in the system unit case, check them too.

What to do to get rid of noise from the system unit?

If you don’t see any problems with the components, but simply want not to hear the computer operating, then you can do just a few steps that will help almost completely absorb the noise.

  1. Change the cooling system. Only a radical change in cooling, namely replacing it with liquid cooling, will help get rid of noise once and for all. Thus, it is not fans that will cool computer components, but liquids, using pumps, heat sinks, radiators, hoses, sensors, etc. similar devices. The difference will be quite noticeable, but such a system costs about 500 (and sometimes more) US dollars. Too expensive!

  2. Change the system unit box. Sometimes it is enough to change the system unit box to reduce the noise level. For example, you can choose a box with noise and vibration insulation (or even make one yourself). Also think about the legs on which the system unit stands; they should be soft and absorb vibration well, i.e. rubberized.

  3. Change coolers. The most optimal option for reducing noise (low-cost and noticeable by ear) is to replace all old coolers with new, more modern and silent ones. However, here it will not be possible to waste time on trifles, otherwise you will not feel the effect as such! Some can even be customized, choosing either a quiet rotation mode or a loud, but more powerful one (it is needed for those cases when the PC will be used for a long time, without interruptions).

  4. Carry out regular. If you regularly read our magazine, then in almost every article we mention cleaning your computer, since it is really very important and useful for the system unit, so do not miss this point from our recommendations. After all, regular reading will save you from unnecessary problems associated with noise coming from the system unit.

Now you know about all the causes of noise from the system unit, as well as how to get rid of it.

You came home, turned on your computer as usual... and heard it start up. the cooler is noisy. Not a single part will just make noise - it means something has happened.

If the cooler is noisy, it is most likely either dusty or faulty(bearings have become loose, grease has dried out). The cooler on the processor, the cooler on the power supply, the cooler on the case, or the cooler on the video card can make noise.

Try it first vacuum cooler radiator to clean it from dust. If the cooler still makes noise after this, you need to lubricate it. The cooler is usually lubricated using machine oil, watch grease or sewing machine oil. Usually do not advise Use Vaseline and automobile motor oils to lubricate the cooler.

Exists two ways lubricate a noisy cooler: removing it and not removing it. If you don't want or are afraid to remove the cooler, take a syringe with a thin needle and fill it with machine oil (there should be a little oil). Use a needle to pierce the cooler sticker and the plastic plug that is located under it (you will have to apply force to do this). Guide the oil from the syringe under the plug and remove the syringe. All! It is recommended to drop a little synthetic glue onto the needle hole to prevent the oil from leaking out.

If you cannot lubricate the cooler this way, unscrew it and remove the sticker. Clean the cooler from dust (don't forget the space between the body and the propeller) and drop a few drops of machine oil into it. You can put the cooler back.

Be careful when working with the power supply cooler! Power supply elements are located under high voltage, so before cleaning and lubricating the cooler, you need to disconnect the power cord from the power supply.

If the cooler on the processor is noisy, in addition to lubrication, replacing thermal paste can help. The fact is that noise occurs if the cooler does not fit tightly to the processor. Replacing thermal paste will help close the gap between the cooler and the processor, and the noise should decrease.

If after this your cooler does not feel any better, the problem may be wear. Most often the cooler bearing fails. In this case, only an urgent replacement of the cooler will help - preferably with a more modern and silent one. The problem cannot be ignored. If the cooler fails, other components of the computer will begin to overheat, and then you may have to replace not the cooler, but the video card or motherboard.

Most modern coolers are software controlled. If any part of the computer gets hotter than usual, the cooler starts working at high speeds. When the cooler makes noise for this very reason (you know that it is working) - try to look for the problem in another part. It is not recommended to artificially lower the cooler speed, this may cause overheating.

If it makes noise notebook cooler, then most likely the reasons listed above are also to blame. So the “treatment” will be standard - lubricating, cleaning or replacing the cooler. The difference is that you shouldn't take your laptop apart unless you're confident you can put it back together. It is better to entrust the solution to problems with the cooler to a specialist.

When strangers are observed on the computer, and sometimes loud sounds, then you should give this importance in a timely manner, probably the cooler is noisy, the hard drive is cracking or the BIOS is giving certain signals about a hardware failure. When noise is observed in the cooler, the situation is almost always fixable and can be eliminated without serious financial costs.

Why is the cooler noisy?

A cooler is a plastic fan that is installed on the radiator of heating elements, in particular microprocessors. Thanks to its operation, it is possible to remove heat efficiently and the processor can operate normally, which cannot be achieved in case of certain malfunctions of the cooler. When a cooler makes a lot of noise, you must first determine the cause, and then begin to solve the problem.

So we can identify several causes of noise:

  1. Pollution. The most common problem and its characteristic symptom is noise, which was caused without any intervention in the computer. In this case, the user has no idea why the noise is observed, since everything was fine before. When a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates on the cooler, it gradually loses its quality characteristics and begins to make noise, clinging to the edges of the body. The problem is that the blades will be damaged: broken, unevenly worn, which will lead to imbalance of the device. In another case, constant mechanical impact prevents normal movement of the cooler, and it stops, which leads to overheating and failure of the power supply, processor, or video card;

  1. Lubrication. The cooler, like all rubbing parts, contains lubricant; it uses a silicone type. Oil should be added periodically, otherwise sooner or later it will dry out. Another case is when a person adds grease to the fan too often and this causes it to become clogged. In some cases, WD-40 is used, which is absolutely not suitable for this purpose (although many claim that it works, you will have to lubricate it every 1-4 weeks), you should buy special silicone oil;

  1. High cooler speed. In a normal situation, the computer independently determines at what speed the fan will spin. Some experts set parameters where the number of revolutions is always maximum, which results in noise and unproductive energy consumption. The user will simply have to lower the speed or enable automatic adjustment;
  1. Incorrect housing fastening. Typically, coolers are installed on the case of a system unit or laptop, as well as on a processor radiator. If the fastenings are not tight, rattling will become noticeable, and, accordingly, certain problems with the performance of the fan and the quality of heat dissipation will become noticeable;
  2. A large number of coolers. New computers are increasingly equipped with coolers due to high performance and high heat. If you have a building of 5 or more active systems cooling, then you can’t count on a low noise level, although it’s worth checking to see if the situation can be improved somewhat.

It is worth noting that the noise increases when the PC is heavily loaded, for example, running games, demanding applications, and this is normal computer behavior.

Cleaning and lubrication

So, what to do when the cooler is noisy? The problem is that we don’t know whether the cooler on the processor, power supply, video adapter, etc. is noisy. Before starting the cleaning procedure, we need to determine which cooler is making the unpleasant noise.

In the case of a laptop, everything is somewhat simpler; it does not have a large number of fans, so the noise almost always comes from visible device, which is behind bars, usually at the bottom or sides of the PC. But the laptop is more difficult to clean.

For a desktop computer, everything is somewhat more complicated; it almost always contains at least 3 systems active cooling. To determine the culprit of the unwanted sound, it is enough to stop each cooler in turn by touching it with your hand and check for the presence of noise. The first thing to start with is that the fan stops on the central processor, then the video adapter and, ultimately, on the power supply.

So, in order to eliminate noise, you should clean and lubricate the devices, let’s look at the example of a stationary PC:

  1. Turn off the computer and disconnect power from the system unit;
  2. Remove the side cover, usually the one on the left;

  1. There are several options here:
  • If there is noise from the central processor, you need to unscrew the 4 bolts at the edges of the case with the fan and remove it, but first disconnect the cable from the motherboard (you don’t have to disconnect it). On one side there is a sticker that needs to be carefully peeled off. In order not to bother, you can simply pour a few drops of silicone oil into the hole. It is necessary to clean the blades with a brush or brush, and also remove dirt from the body and radiator itself;
  • When noise comes from the video card, you need to clean it. It’s worth noting right away that coolers rarely become clogged, since they are most often located at the bottom of the board, although not always. The first step is to disconnect the video adapter by unscrewing the bolt securing one of the sides to the frame. You may have to remove the protective casing from the device. Often the cooler mount is located under it; you will have to take a small screwdriver and insert it between the blades, unscrewing the bolts. Remove the connection cable and peel off the sticker. Clean off any dirt and add oil;

  • Noise emanating from the power supply is the most common cause of deviations. The main difficulty is that it is necessary to disassemble the block body. First of all, unscrew the 4 bolts holding the power supply together with the case (do not confuse it with the cooler mounts). Then carefully remove it and unscrew 4 more bolts connecting the 2 parts together. Now unscrew the fan itself. Clean it with a brush and lubricate it.

  1. Carefully clean the system unit from dirt in other places, otherwise the cooler will soon clog again;
  2. Now reassemble and connect everything back;
  3. You can start your computer and enjoy quiet operation.

There is such a nuance here that a lot of used oil can accumulate inside the cooler itself, which thickens and blocks its free movement. Then you will have to completely disassemble and clean the fan by prying the small clip in the hole under the sticker.

On a laptop, everything is ambiguous, since each model has distinctive parsing methods. In order to get to the cooler, it is better to look at the corresponding disassembly instructions, and cleaning and lubrication occurs in the same way as on a PC.

How to reduce the speed in the cooler?

If the cooler in a laptop or desktop computer is noisy, then simply reducing the speed may come in handy.

The easiest way is to go into the BIOS and set the Q-Fan Mode value to standard. You can also use reobass, programs, for example, SpeedFan. The use of a rheobass is rarely justified, since you will have to reach for it all the time, but you can adjust the speed at any time. The application makes settings directly from Windows.

Take care of your computer and it will work long and efficiently!

If you still have questions on the topic “Why is the cooler noisy and what to do in this case?”, you can ask them in the comments

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In this article, you will learn what to do if your laptop makes a lot of noise, which not only reduces the comfort of work, but also creates an alarming feeling that something is wrong with the computer.

It contains all possible reasons, according to which the laptop cooler begins to rotate more actively, their symptoms and possible options for eliminating the sources of the problem.


If the device is several years old from the date of purchase, and its operation is accompanied by increased generation of noise that occurs due to the accelerated rotation of the cooler, this is a reason to think about it.

During prolonged operation under heavy load, increased fan speeds are normal.

The processor processes large amounts of data (3D games), which causes it to heat up more, and to prevent it from overheating, the system automatically increases the fan speed.

By the way, if you encounter the “cpu fan error” problem, we have a separate one for solving it.

So, if you watch movies in high quality or play games, the appearance of strong noise is somewhat normal, especially after several hours of operation of the device.

It's another matter when the problem appears immediately or a few minutes after the device starts.

Is high cooler volume bad?

In addition to the feeling of discomfort and thoughts that something is wrong with the laptop, increased noise from the cooling CPU fan is a sign of significant heat or overheating of the CPU.

And the operation of any components at elevated temperatures, for which they were not designed to operate or were designed for short-term exposure to such conditions, causes their faster wear.

And that's the best case scenario. At worst, the computing device will simply overheat and fail.

The advantage of the utility is the ability to control the speed of fans installed on GPU and displaying temperature trends of key hardware components.

By manually changing the initial fan speed in 5% increments, you can either lower it if the device is humming a lot without load or overheating, or increase it when the CPU temperature is close to critical or simply elevated.

Unfortunately, the application is not updated often, which is why it may not be supported by some new products on the laptop market, and is also not compatible with a small percentage of computers due to the specificity of their hardware shell.

It is no less simple, but in each firmware version from each manufacturer this parameter may be called differently and located in different submenus.

The instruction manual or your own ingenuity will help here.

Blowing out the cooling system

If the first option does not solve the problem, or rather it is caused by dust and small specks stuck to the cooler blades and radiator mesh, then we move on to the option of purging the cooling system.

This is done in several cases:

  • when the device is still under warranty, and it is not advisable to void it by disassembling the case for cleaning;
  • the user does not have the skills to disassemble laptops or is afraid to do so, and going to a service center is not a solution.

In this case, you will need a special can filled with compressed air (sold in specialized stores) or a powerful vacuum cleaner, preferably turned on for blowing (reverse).

In extreme cases, a hair dryer will do, but its effectiveness will be extremely low.

We take the device with a spray can or vacuum cleaner to a balcony or other room that you don’t mind getting dirty with dust.

This should be done in calm, dry weather if the procedure is carried out on an unglazed balcony or in the yard. After several blows with a stream of air, the laptop can be turned on and tested.

It happens that blowing does not bring almost any benefit, or a few months after it the laptop begins to hum just as loudly.

Then it will have to be done both on the cooling system itself and on getting rid of dust under the back cover of the case.

How to quickly and easily clean your laptop from dust with a vacuum cleaner?

Let's consider a simple household method of cleaning a laptop using a vacuum cleaner, so to speak, at home. We'll also look at why it's important to clean your laptop and how to determine if it's worth cleaning.

Removing dust

You should undertake this when you are sure that you will successfully disassemble the laptop case without breaking its fasteners, carefully follow all the recommendations below, and disassembling the case will not void the warranty (it has already expired).

To remove small dust particles you will need:

  • screwdriver for unscrewing bolts;
  • preferably a kit for opening laptops and other equipment (if you don’t have one, you can use improvised tools);
  • a couple of napkins, a piece of cloth, cotton swabs or something similar;
  • vacuum cleaner, can of compressed air or hair dryer (optional).

The sequence of actions for removing dust will be as follows.

  1. We disconnect the laptop from the network and remove the battery from it.

Rice. 2 - Remove the battery

  1. Disconnect all wires and external devices.
  2. Unscrew the bolts of the back cover.

Rice. 3 – Remove the back cover

  1. We remove the entire back cover or the segment where the processor with the entire cooling system is located.

Advice. If you do not have tools for disassembling tablets/laptops, find a replacement and carefully, so as not to damage various latches, disassemble the case.

  1. Using fabric, cotton wool, or simply by hand, we remove large pieces of debris, often compressed or welded together.

Rice. 4 – Remove dust from the blades

Advice. Remaining dust can be blown off using an air can or a vacuum cleaner. When there are no such devices, carefully remove them using a napkin or cotton swab. If you want to blow off the dust, do it outside or in a utility room.

  1. If tiny air ducts in the radiator mesh are clogged with dust, the cooler and radiator can be unscrewed and thoroughly cleaned one by one.

Rice. 5 – Remove the cooling system

  1. Carefully assemble the laptop, performing all steps in reverse order.

Cooler maintenance

At the point of contact of the radiator with the surface of the processor, a special substance with high thermal conductivity is applied.

It removes excess heat from the CPU to the radiator, which is cooled by a fan by removing hot air outside the case.

And it copes worse with the functions assigned to it, and it has to be replaced.

You can do this yourself.

  1. As in the case of removing dust, we disassemble the laptop, letting it work a little or warming up the processor area with a hairdryer so that the thermal paste becomes more viscous.
  2. We remove the cooler and carefully disconnect the radiator from the processor, if necessary, heating the place of their contact.

Rice. 6 – Remove the cooling

  1. Carefully clean the contact pad from any remaining thermal paste.

Rice. 7 – Removing residual thermal paste

  1. We degrease the surfaces with an alcohol-containing substance (cologne) and let them dry completely.
  2. Apply a thin layer of new paste from the tube, using a syringe or plastic/cardboard.

Rice. 8 – Applying thermal paste

  1. We put back the radiator with cooler.
  2. Putting the body back together.

The likelihood that the problem will be completely eliminated here is small, but periodic replacement of thermal paste once every year or two is necessary.

How to replace the thermal paste of the processor and video card on a laptop?

If you are interested in how to replace the thermal paste of a processor and video card on a laptop, then this video is for you. In it, I briefly, bypassing the obvious and understandable steps for everyone, explained how to do this after disassembling the laptop.

Fan repair/replacement

The last thing that can help the user is replacing or restoring the cooler. Over time, the ball bearings in it can wear out or the lubricant in which they move can be depleted.

Try to remove the back cover of the case in order to get to the cooler, and drop a thick lubricating fluid: grease or lithol into its center (usually you have to tear off the sticker).

If this doesn't help, possible option developments will involve the purchase and installation of a new cooler. The need to replace it may be indicated by:

  • the fan grinds throughout its operation;
  • the cooler does not rotate at the slightest touch of a finger;
  • The device is wobbly or loose.

Advice. If you are not confident in your strengths and abilities, contact a specialized center for help in cleaning your laptop from dust, replacing thermal paste, cooler, or repairing it.

And finally, a recommendation: to improve the cooling of your laptop, you can purchase a special table-stand with a built-in cooler, which will not only make work more convenient, but will also blow cold air from below the case.

Is your laptop overheating, slowing down and turning off? How to disassemble and clean a laptop from dust?

In this video, we explain why a laptop overheats, starts to slow down, and even shuts down. The whole problem is one thing - the cooling system is clogged with dust. This causes the laptop, that is, its processor and video card, to get very hot, and to prevent a malfunction, the processor and video card frequencies are lowered so as not to heat up even more. And, of course, here we tell you how to clean a laptop, change thermal paste, and in general how to disassemble it.

As a rule, the main source of noise in a laptop is the cooler or, more simply put, the fan. The fact is that it constantly works and produces a quiet, continuous hum. However, if this hum becomes too obvious and noisy, then this means that the fan is clogged with dust.

However, sometimes the cooler in a laptop makes a lot of noise for another reason. If you load a computer game, run a video in HD format, or “puzzle” the hard drive with other resource-intensive processes, the processor will begin to overheat. Consequently, the cooler will start working more actively to cool it down. So, if the cooler in your laptop makes a lot of noise when playing, then don’t panic. It simply performs its function of cooling the processor. Otherwise, it will simply melt.

Unusual cooler noise
Based on our experience service center, it can be argued that fans very rarely become unusable. In 95 cases out of 100, cleaning the cooler from dust deposits, as well as lubricating it, helps eliminate the characteristic hum. So, if your laptop cooler is making a lot of noise, contact us and we will quickly fix the problem.

True, there are times when the cooler does not hum, but taps. At the same time, a grinding noise is heard, as if fan blades are rubbing against each other. Now this is much more serious. Of course, you can try to lubricate the cooler, but it is not a fact that this procedure will help fix this problem. What to do then? Unfortunately, you need to buy a new fan.

If the cooler in the laptop makes noise and turns off, then most likely this means that the special thermal paste has spread and dried out. The latter is designed to remove heat and seal the junction of the crystal with the radiator.
Of course, you can replace the thermal paste in your laptop yourself. The Internet is full of articles and videos on this topic. But it is best to contact a service center. After all, there are such laptop models that only highly qualified specialists can carry out high-quality disassembly and subsequent assembly. Otherwise you won't be able to get to the cooler.

Prevention doesn't hurt
Unfortunately, many people forget that any computer equipment requires proper care. The laptop is no exception. To minimize risks, it is necessary to constantly wipe this device from dust. It is also not recommended to keep the laptop on your lap for a long time, place fabric materials under it, or use it on hot days when the thermometer shows +25 degrees Celsius or higher.
It also wouldn’t hurt to use a special stand designed to cool your laptop. It will act as an additional cooler. However, even she is unable to protect her laptop from dust. Sooner or later it will become clogged, and you will be notified by a characteristic noise similar to a hum. So, if the laptop fan makes a lot of noise, immediately take it to a service center. Continued use of such a laptop is fraught with serious consequences.

Good advice
For gamers who spend their free time almost all day long playing their favorite computer games, a laptop is not best solution. It's more rational to buy desktop computer. Unlike a laptop, it becomes clogged with dust more slowly and overheats less. And in the event of a breakdown, its repair will cost much less.

But, be that as it may, if a characteristic hum or grinding noise appears, you should immediately turn off your laptop or desktop computer. Then you need to show it to the service center specialists. They will instantly detect the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it as soon as possible.