Find the Hardware Installation Wizard. Installation of new equipment

When you install new hardware on your computer, Windows startup the system automatically detects its presence and tries to install what is necessary for its operation. However, if for some reason automatic detection no new hardware has occurred, you can run the Add Hardware Wizard yourself. It should be noted that most often very old or very new devices are not automatically recognized. Old devices do not support automatic recognition, and new devices are simply not known to Windows XP, as they appeared after the system was released. Sometimes some exotic devices that are not widely used cannot be identified. Please also note that some devices may not be compatible with Windows XP. In this case, nothing can be done, and you will not be able to install the device. If the device should, in principle, operate in Windows system XP, but the necessary drivers are not installed automatically, you should use the services of the Hardware Installation Wizard.

Open your control panel and select the link Printer and other equipment(Printer and Other Hardware), then select the link in the taskbar Equipment installation(Add Hardware). The first dialog of the Hardware Installation Wizard will appear (Fig. 16.21).

Rice. 16.21. Welcome and device selection

Click the button Next(Next) to continue working. A search for installed hardware will be performed, and the results of this search will be displayed as a list in the next dialog of the hardware installation wizard (Fig. 16.21, right). Devices for which drivers are not installed or that work with errors have a question mark on this list. By selecting such a device and pressing the button Next(Next), you will continue the wizard in the hardware driver update mode. If you are adding new equipment, then select the item Adding a new device(Add New Hardware Device) and click the button Next(Next). The following wizard dialog will appear, prompting you to automatically search for new devices (Fig. 16.22). Automatic search mode is offered by default and is marked as recommended for use. However, if you know exactly the model of your device, you can select it from the list, thereby avoiding wasting extra time searching. If the switch is set to automatic search mode and the Next button is clicked, the following dialog will display a progress indicator illustrating the search process (Fig. 16.22, right). Once the search is complete, its results will be displayed in the wizard dialog.

Rice. 16.22. Mode selection and search

Sometimes the program cannot automatically detect a new device. In this case, click the button Back(Back) to return to the add mode selection and set the switch to Selecting equipment from the list(Manually Select from list). Now press the button again Next(Next). The following wizard dialog will appear, displaying a list of device groups (Fig. 16.23).

Select the group to which your device belongs from the list. If there is no such group in the list, select the item Show all devices(List All Devices). After selecting a device group, click the button Next(Next) to display the next wizard dialog (Fig. 16.23).

The dialog contains a list of manufacturers and a list of models of the selected equipment group. First, in the list of manufacturers, select the manufacturer of your equipment, and then in the list of models, select its model. Please note that to the left of the modem model names there is a zzzz icon . This is an icon digital signature, indicating that the operation of this equipment has been tested in Windows XP. It may happen that you will not find your equipment on these lists. Then you will have to use a floppy disk or CD, which should be included in the equipment delivery package. To use a floppy disk, press the button Install from disk(Have disk). A folder and drive selection dialog will appear. Insert the floppy disk that should be included with your equipment and click OK to close the dialog. If the device driver is on a CD, enter the drive letter in the input field and then click OK. In the file selection dialog that appears, select the desired file and click the button Open(Open) to open the file and close the search dialog. A new dialog will appear showing which device drivers are on the disk. Select the device driver and click OK to continue with the installation. Depending on the type of equipment being installed, several more installation wizard dialogs may appear to indicate specific equipment parameters. At the end of the wizard, the new hardware will be installed on your computer, and you can start working with it.

After installing a new driver, even if you did everything correctly, the hardware may not work properly or the system may be unstable. Windows XP allows you to uninstall a device driver and revert to the previous driver. To revert to a previous working device driver, right-click on the desktop icon My computer(My Computer) to display the sub menu. From this menu, select the command Properties device Manager(Device Manager). Next, select the device whose driver you want to return from the list and click the button Properties(Properties). In the dialog that appears, select the tab Driver(Driver) and press the button Return driver(Rollback Driver). The previous version of the device driver will be restored.

When you update device drivers, the system remembers the last working driver. This happens automatically every time the Windows system boots. If you have problems with new drivers and cannot boot your system to reset the driver, you should use the Last Known Good Configuration tool. To do this, during boot, press the key on the keyboard to select special boot modes. In the menu that appears, select the configuration called Last known successful(Last Known Good). The computer will boot successfully and you can decide what to do next while still working in Windows.

Using a modern computer is unthinkable without additional equipment. Many people mistakenly believe that this is not true: they say, I only store and process data on a computer, and work on the Internet, so I don’t need a printer, a scanner, a web camera, or other equipment. But in order to see the result of the processes occurring in the computer, you need at least a monitor that is recognized by the system as a separate type of equipment. In addition, you must have a mouse and keyboard - these essential tools are also recognized as separate types of equipment. Therefore, every user should know how to properly connect the equipment, configure it, and also how to solve possible problems related to the operation of equipment. All this, as well as much more, will be discussed in this chapter of the book.

Drivers and their purpose

To connect equipment to a computer, it is not enough to simply physically connect it to system unit. In order for the operating system to recognize this equipment, you must have a special program - a driver. Only after this the computer will “see” the equipment and be able to work with it in a single connection.

It is worth noting that the Windows 7 operating system contains a large number of built-in drivers by default. When connecting new equipment to a computer, a suitable driver is automatically searched for, and in fact the user can only wait until the required driver is selected and an information message is displayed on the screen stating that the equipment is connected and ready for use.

However, if the system was unable to find the required driver, it will have to be installed separately. In this regard, the question immediately arises: where can I get the necessary driver, and how is it installed?

Currently, as a rule, there are no problems with finding the right driver. Firstly, the new equipment comes with a CD, on which, in addition to other materials (operation manual, etc.), there is a driver distribution kit. Secondly, the driver can be found on the Internet - either on the equipment manufacturer’s website, or on other resources, of which there are a great many (for example, www.freesoft.r, www.softodrom.r, etc.).

As for installing the driver, in most cases this does not present any difficulty. To install the driver, run the installation file and then follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard. If you are not very knowledgeable about computers, in particular, you have little knowledge (or no knowledge at all) of hardware installation issues, then it is not recommended to change the driver installation parameters that are offered by the system by default.

After the driver is installed, the equipment will be ready for use, and a corresponding information message will be displayed on the screen.

Connecting new equipment and removing devices

To connect new hardware to your computer, select the Hardware and Sound category in Control Panel, and click the Devices and Printers link. You can do it easier by selecting Devices and Printers from the Start menu. In any case, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1. List of equipment connected to the computer

This window provides a list of all devices connected to the computer. For each of them, you can go to the mode of viewing and editing properties - to do this, you need to right-click on the corresponding icon and select the Properties command in the context menu that opens.

To connect new equipment, you need to click the Add device button in the toolbar of this window. As a result, a window will open on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Rice. 3.2. Search for devices to install

This window will initially display information that the system is searching for new devices that have been connected to the computer, but have not yet been installed. In other words, after completing the search, the window will display a list of devices that are physically connected to the computer (the connector is plugged into the corresponding socket), but for which the driver has not yet been installed.

After clicking the Next button in this window (you must first select the device you want to install with a mouse click), you will proceed to the first stage of installing the device. General installation procedure different devices is built using approximately the same algorithm, although, of course, it has its own characteristics. In the next section we will talk about how to connect devices using the example of one of the most popular types of equipment - a printer.

To remove a device from the list of types of equipment available for use (see Fig. 3.1), you need to right-click on it and execute the Delete command in the context menu that opens. In this case, the system will issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation. Typically, devices are removed in the following cases:

When there is no longer a need to use the device, in this case its driver is usually removed so as not to take up extra disk space;

When there is a need to remove and then reinstall the driver - for example, if the equipment is unstable or incorrect;

When a device driver conflicts with other software installed on the computer.

There are other situations that require removing the device and uninstalling the driver - here a lot depends on the specifics of the situation and the use of the computer.

Installing and setting up the printer

As we noted earlier, you can connect a variety of external devices to your computer - printers, scanners, web cameras, etc. In this section we will learn how to connect the most popular external device– printer.

Note that in the Windows 7 operating system, the process of installing a printer is maximally automated, performed in a step-by-step mode and accompanied by appropriate prompts, so even an inexperienced user can easily connect the printer independently. Moreover, USB printers can generally be installed automatically when connected (and this also applies to a number of other devices), and to connect all other printers you just need to perform a few simple steps.

To install a printer, in the toolbar of the equipment list window (see Fig. 3.1), you need to click the Install Printer button - as a result, the window shown in Fig. will open. 3.3.

Rice. 3.3. Selecting the type of printer to install

Note that this window can also be opened from the control panel - to do this, in the Hardware and Sound category, click on the Add a printer link.

In this window you need to select the type of printer to install. For most ordinary users, in this window you need to click the Add local printer option - this means that a specific printer is connected to a specific computer (as is usually the case, for example, at home). After selecting this value, you will proceed to the next installation stage (Fig. 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. Selecting a Printer Port

At this stage you need to specify the printer port. In this case, a port is a channel (type of connection) for exchanging information between a computer and a printer; simply put, it is a connector for connecting a printer. You can use an existing one or create a new one - to do this, you need to set the switch to the appropriate position. In most cases, at this stage, you can leave the default settings - when the switch is set to Use an existing port, and LPT1: (Printer Port) is selected from the drop-down list.

To go to the next step, click Next - as a result, a window will open, as in Fig. 3.5.

Rice. 3.5. Selecting a driver for installing a printer

At this stage, the printer driver is selected. Let us recall that a driver is software included in the delivery of a device connected to a computer and designed to ensure that the system “sees” and recognizes this device. Otherwise, its use will be impossible. Since the Windows 7 system has a large set of drivers for a wide variety of devices, including printers, to install it you just need to select the printer manufacturer in the left part of the window (see Fig. 3.5), and the specific printer model in the right. However, the system implements the ability to self-installation driver located on external media - to do this, insert the disk into the drive and click the Install from disk button.

Rice. 3.6. Entering a printer name

In this window, in the Printer name field, enter an arbitrary printer name using the keyboard (for example, Epson, or Photo Printer). If desired, you can leave the name suggested by the system by default.

Rice. 3.7. Setting up printer access

If you use the printer in local network is not planned (as is usually the case at home), you need to set the switch to the No sharing of this printer position. If you need to open access to the printer to network users, you should set the switch to the Allow position. general access to the printer so that others can use it, then in the appropriate fields indicate its network name (this parameter is required), location and any comment.

Rice. 3.8. The final stage of installing the printer

In this window you can make sure that everything was done correctly. To do this, click the Print test page button, and if the printer is connected correctly, it will print a test page. To complete the installation process, click Finish.

Device Manager in Windows 7

All information about your computer's hardware is stored in a special program called Device Manager. This program is included in the package operating system Windows, and here you can not only view data about the equipment connected to your computer, but also edit the properties of each type of equipment, update its driver, and also perform a number of other actions.

Description of Device Manager

To launch Device Manager, select the Hardware and Sound category in Control Panel, and in the Devices and Printers section, click the Device Manager link. You can do it differently: in the Start menu, right-click on Computer, in the context menu that appears, select Properties, and in the left part of the window that opens, click on the Device Manager link. In any case, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 3.9.

Rice. 3.9. device Manager

In general, tasks that can be solved using Device Manager can be formulated as follows.

Diagnostics of the operation of equipment installed on the computer.

View and edit hardware configuration parameters.

Select a driver for each device, and also obtain information about device drivers.

View and edit advanced parameters and device properties, install updated device drivers.

Enabling, disabling and removing equipment.

Return to previous version drivers.

View devices based on their type, how they connect to your computer, or the resources they consume.

Control the display of hidden devices that do not necessarily need to be displayed, but may be required for advanced troubleshooting.

Typically, Device Manager is used to check hardware status and update drivers. Experienced users who are well versed in the structure of computer hardware can use Device Manager to diagnose hardware operation to resolve device conflicts and change resource settings.

Note that in most cases there is no need to use Device Manager to change resource settings, since the required amount of resources is allocated by the system automatically when installing the equipment.

Remember that Device Manager only allows you to manage devices on local computer. On remote computer it operates only in read-only mode, which allows you to view, but not edit, the hardware configuration on this computer.

As can be seen in Fig. 3.9, the Device Manager window is a standard Windows interface– applications. At the top there is a menu that by default contains the items File, Action, View and Help. Below the main menu there is a toolbar, the buttons of which are designed to select a display mode, as well as to perform a number of other actions. The toolbar button names appear as tooltips when you move the mouse pointer over them. Note that the contents of the toolbar may depend on the current cursor position.

By right-clicking on any position in the list, a context menu opens, some of the commands of which duplicate the corresponding commands of the main menu, as well as toolbar buttons. The contents of the context menu may also depend on the current operating mode.

At the bottom of the interface is the status bar - an element that is found in the windows of many Windows applications. This element does not carry any functional load, but plays only an informational role: information about the current operating mode is displayed here or hints are shown.

The central part of the interface contains a hierarchical list of devices installed and used on the computer. By default, all devices are grouped by type (Processors, Keyboards, etc.). To expand or collapse a hierarchy branch, click on the corresponding arrow to the left of its name, or double-click on the position name. The name of this computer is used as the top level of the hierarchy.

Before you start using the program, it is recommended to review and, if necessary, edit its settings. To switch to the corresponding mode, select the main menu command View > Configure. As a result, a window will appear on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 3.10.

Rice. 3.10. Setting up Device Manager

In this window, by checking the appropriate boxes, you can determine which interface elements and program tools should be displayed or available for use, and which should not. In Fig. Figure 3.10 shows the default settings.

You can independently customize the presentation of data in the equipment list - the corresponding View menu commands are intended for this. You can choose one of the options listed below.

Devices by type. When you select this display option, all devices presented in the list are grouped by type (for example, Monitors, Mice, etc.). As we noted earlier, this option is used by default in the program. When you double-click on the name of a device type, the names of all connections will be displayed in the subordinate positions of the hierarchy.

Devices by connection. In this case, the devices presented in the list are displayed according to how they are connected to the computer. In this case, the name of each device is displayed under the equipment to which it is connected.

Resources by type. When you select this option, all enabled resources will be listed in a list according to the type of device that uses those resources. The following types of resources are available in the program: Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels, I/O ports, Interrupt Request (IRQ) and Memory Addresses.

Connection Resources. If this display option is selected, all resources will be presented by connection type.

Also, if you wish, you can enable the mode for displaying hidden devices - for this, in the View menu, use the Show hidden devices command. Typically, hidden devices are devices and types of equipment for which drivers are installed, but which are not currently connected to the computer. In other words, if you installed a driver, but did not physically connect the corresponding device to the computer, then this device automatically falls into the category of hidden devices.

Viewing hardware properties

To view the properties of the equipment, select it in the list by clicking the mouse and execute the main command Action > Properties or the Properties command of the context menu called by right-clicking the mouse. As a result, a window consisting of several tabs will be displayed on the screen (Fig. 3.11).

Rice. 3.11. Hardware Properties, General tab

Note that the number of tabs in this window may depend on the type of device. For example, in Fig. 3.11 shows the web camera properties window, and for network adapter This window may also contain tabs Advanced, Power Management and Resources, etc.

The General tab provides general information about this device. The corresponding fields display its type, manufacturer, as well as information about the current status. If the device operates normally, without malfunctions or deviations from the norm, then the phrase Device is working normally will be displayed in the Device Status field (see Fig. 3.11). If there are any problems with the operation of the device, then the corresponding information will be displayed in the Device Status field (for example, Problems may arise in the operation of this device, etc.).

On the Driver tab, the contents of which are shown in Fig. 3.12, you can view information about the driver of this device, as well as perform a number of actions with the driver.

Rice. 3.12. Device driver information

The upper part of this tab shows information about the current version of the driver, the date of its development, the developer, and the presence of a digital signature. All listed data is shown for reference; manual editing is not possible.

To view detailed information about the driver files, click the Details button. As a result, a window will appear on the screen, which, among other things, will display the full path to the driver files. This information can be useful, for example, when you need to manually remove the driver file (it happens that the driver cannot be removed using the built-in uninstaller or using the uninstall mode implemented in Windows, and then you have to do it manually, which requires knowing the exact location file).

Updating Device Drivers

To update the device driver, click the Update button. As a result, the window shown in Fig. 1 will open on the screen. 3.13.

Rice. 3.13. Driver update

You can update the driver either manually or automatic mode(select the appropriate option by clicking the mouse). In the first case (value Automatic search updated drivers), the operating system will independently search for newer versions of drivers both on the computer and on the Internet (provided that this function is not disabled in the settings of this device). Based on the search results, you will either be prompted to install a more recent version of the driver, or an information message will be displayed on the screen stating that there is no need to update the driver for this device.

In the second case (the value Search for drivers on this computer), the driver update window will look like shown in Fig. 3.14.

Rice. 3.14. Entering the search area for updated drivers

In this window, you need to specify where on this computer or local network the system should search for the latest driver version for this device. If the default value offered is not suitable, click the Browse button, then in the window that opens, specify the search area and click OK. The search area can be a folder, volume hard drive, another computer on the local network, a CD, etc. If the search area contains subfolders, and you want them to also search for new driver versions, check the Include subfolders checkbox.

To begin searching for new driver versions, click Next. Based on the search results, you will either be prompted to install a more recent version of the driver, or an information message will be displayed stating that there is no need to update the driver for this device.

Note that you can select the latest driver version from the list of drivers already installed on this computer. To do this, in the window shown in Fig. 3.14, click the mouse to select the Select driver from the list already installed drivers. As a result, a window will open on the screen, which is shown in Fig. 3.15.

Rice. 3.15. Selecting a driver from the list of installed drivers

The central part of this window contains a list of installed drivers. If the Only compatible devices option is enabled, then the list will include drivers only for devices that are compatible with this device. If this option is disabled, the list will consist of two columns: on the left there will be a list of device manufacturers, and on the right - a list of models for each manufacturer. First, you will need to click on the manufacturer and then the device model.

You can install the driver from a CD - to do this, click the Install from disk button, and in the window that opens, specify the required path.

Reverting to a previous driver version, removing and disabling the device

It happens that after installing the latest version of the driver, the device works worse than with the previous version, or does not work at all. In this case, it makes sense to revert to the previous version of the driver. Since users do not always remember where they got this version from and what its number is, the system provides a standard function of returning to the previous driver version. To do this, on the Driver tab, click the Rollback button - as a result, an automatic transition to the previous version of the driver will be performed. Note that this button is only available after updating the driver version (otherwise this operation will not make sense).

Sometimes it is necessary to disable the operation of the device for a while. In this case, it will be considered installed, but at the same time disabled. To disable the device, click the Disable button on the Driver tab. In this case, the program will issue an additional request to confirm this operation. Note that after disconnecting the device, this button will be called Enable, and when you click it, the device will be connected again (in this case, an additional request to confirm the operation will not be issued).

As we noted earlier, sometimes it is necessary to completely remove a device, that is, uninstall its driver. To solve this problem, there is a Remove button on the Driver tab. Please note that this operation is not recommended for users who do not have sufficient experience. When you press the button, the program prompts you to confirm this operation. If the answer is yes to this request The device driver will be uninstalled, the device itself will disappear from the Task Manager, and it will become impossible to use.

View more device information

On the Details tab, the contents of which are shown in Fig. 3.16, you can view additional information about this device.

Rice. 3.16. View device information

All the information you can view about your device is divided into categories. By selecting a category from the Property drop-down list, you can view related information in the Value field. For example, in Fig. 3.16 shows a description of the device, and in addition you can view information about the device manufacturer, driver version and release date, device class, bus number, driver key, etc.

You're comfortable with a computer. The most necessary Egorov A. A.

2.7. Installation of new equipment. Drivers

As I noted earlier, many companies produce various accessories and equipment for PCs - printers, scanners, tablets and much more. In addition, you will sometimes have to improve your computer (or, as computer scientists say, “upgrade”) by buying different hardware for it. After installation on a PC, most hardware requires the installation (installation) of a special program - a driver.

In simple terms, drivers are needed so that the operating system can understand what kind of equipment is installed on the computer, in other words, that the printer is a printer and not a scanner; and a scanner is just a scanner, not a printer. Usually, after installing new hardware, Windows detects it and, if this device is in the driver database, the system finds it on its own, and the device appears normally in the device manager. If a device is not detected, it appears in Device Manager as a question mark.

Device drivers are installed in two ways - like regular programs and through the device manager. In the first case, everything is simple - along with the equipment, you are given a special disk on which all these drivers are recorded. You insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive (or floppy disk into the drive), wait for the main menu of the disc to launch, and follow the instructions of the installation wizard - most often such discs are equipped with auto-run. If nothing happens after you insert the disk, open the disk through Explorer and look for the setup.exe or install.exe file on it. There may also be a readme.txt file on the disk. read me- “read me”), where the procedure for installing drivers for the device can be described in detail. Sometimes such disks contain special programs to work with new equipment - for a scanner it can be a special editor for scanning images, for a printer - some kind of configuration utility. In each specific case, it all depends on the device. To search for new versions of drivers, you can refer to the manufacturer’s website (the address is most often indicated in the documentation, and on the developers’ website, drivers are most often located in the “Download” or “Download Drivers” section) or to any collection of drivers. I use it most often And

The second way to install drivers is through the device manager (however, now little is installed through the device manager; usually the first method is used). The general installation principle is as follows: first of all, we connect the equipment, turn on the computer, and if Windows was unable to detect the device, the New Device Installation Wizard will start. Insert the disc, click Next and select one of the options: a) the driver file can be downloaded from Windows Update(in practice, this rarely happens - most often the system does not find anything there; of course, the computer must be connected to the Internet during the search), b) view it on a floppy disk or CD, c) select it yourself, or d) specify its location. In the latter case, click the Browse button and select the folder where the driver file is located (most often it has an inf extension).

Since Windows has its own driver database, you can choose the driver you need yourself - they are all divided by manufacturer and model.

To install the driver from Device Manager in Windows XP, do the following.

1. Click on the icon My computer and select Properties.

2. In the window that opens, select the tab Equipment and press the button device Manager.

3. Select Unknown device and right-click on its icon.

4. In the menu that opens, select Properties.

5. In the window that appears, click the button Install driver- the familiar Device Installation Wizard will appear, with which you can install the driver.

IN Windows Vista and Windows 7 by right-clicking on the computer icon and selecting partition Properties window opens System, in which you need to select the item device Manager. Then select an unknown device and install the driver.

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17.3. Installing a new kernel from an rpm package To be honest, for quite a long time I did not dare to undertake a kernel update, since the first attempt I made was unsuccessful, and so unsuccessful that I had to completely reinstall the system. I then

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Chapter 15 Correct installation of programs and hardware Divide and conquer. Device Manager In the last chapter of the book, we will talk about how to correctly install computer software and hardware. An undoubted advantage of the Windows operating system

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Installing and configuring equipment Installing and configuring equipment in the Windows XP operating system is also easy thanks to the use of Plug and Play technology (translated as “turn on and play”). According to this technology, all computer manufacturers

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Lesson 8.3. Installing and configuring hardware Basic information about devices and drivers A modern computer consists of a large number of various devices, on the correct operation of which its overall operation depends. So that the operating system can use

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3.6. Installing Hardware Typically, when you install hardware, you install one or more drivers that control that hardware. There are a number of settings that allow you to limit installation options

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Installation of equipment. Device Manager All devices connected to the computer can be divided into two groups. Devices that support Plug and Play technology. They are automatically recognized by the system and do not require manual installation

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Chapter 11 Installing new devices. Drivers 11.1. Installing a new device into your computer In this section we will talk about physically connecting the device to the computer. Any user will sooner or later be faced with installing new devices on their computer. Here

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11.1. Installing a new device into your computer In this section we will talk about physically connecting the device to the computer. Any user will sooner or later be faced with installing new devices on their computer. Here are the basic rules for connecting a new

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Connecting new equipment and removing devices To connect new equipment to your computer, select the Hardware and Sound category in the control panel, and click the Devices and Printers link. You can do it easier by selecting Devices from the Start menu.

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Drivers Let's talk about another advantage of Ubuntu Linux. If you remember the moment Windows installations, when the installation was completed, but all that remained was to install the drivers, I’m sure that everyone can remember digging through shelves and cabinets in search of firewood for our beloved computer. Ubuntu

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24.2 Drivers Generally speaking, Ubuntu comes with all the necessary drivers for all supported hardware by default. However, for some devices there are also proprietary drivers from the manufacturer, which due to expensive licenses are necessary

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Drivers Drivers are special programs that control the operation of the equipment for which they were written. Now almost every device - from optical mouse to the video camera - requires a separate driver for its interaction with the computer. Of course not

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Chapter 16 Installing incompatible equipment 16.1. Connecting old equipment16.2. Installing drivers using Microsoft Update16.3. Driver rollbackSometimes when switching to a new operating system, difficulties arise due to incorrect operation

All devices connected to a computer can be divided into two groups.

  • Devices that support Plug and Play technology. They are automatically recognized by the system and do not require manual installation software, supervising their work.
  • Devices that require driver installation to function correctly. A driver is a utility program that provides instructions to Windows on how to properly recognize this device and work with him.

Windows 7 includes a large number of drivers for various devices. When you connect new equipment to your computer, the system will immediately begin searching for drivers for it in its database, which will be indicated by a message in the notification area.

If the search returns positive results, the drivers will be installed and a message will appear in the notification area stating that the device has been successfully installed and is ready to use.

If Windows cannot find a suitable driver in its database, a window will open in which you will be asked to directly participate in installing the driver or to refuse further actions.

If you connect hardware that was released before Windows 7 to your computer, it is possible that the disc that came with it will not contain a driver compatible with the new operating system, and the installation will end with an error message. In this case, you should go to the device developer’s website, look for an updated driver for Windows 7 and download it to your computer. Typically, drivers on developer sites are presented along with the installation program, so their files have the EXE extension. To start the installation in this case, just double-click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions of the installation program. A tooltip in the notification area will notify you that the driver installation for the new hardware has been successful.

device Manager

You can easily monitor and change the status of equipment connected to your computer, troubleshoot problems, and update drivers in the Device Manager window.

To open Device Manager, click Start Control Panel System and Security and in the System section click the Device Manager link. You can also open this window by typing device manager into the search box in the Start menu and clicking on the link found. A link to it is also present in the system properties window.

Device Manager provides a list of all devices connected to your computer. They are grouped according to their purpose. To view the contents of a group, click the arrow to the left of its name.

If the device is marked yellow in the list exclamation point, which means Windows recognized it, but it doesn't work correctly. The reason for this may be either internal conflicts with the system or outdated drivers that are incompatible with Windows 7. To understand the cause of the failure, open the device properties window by double-clicking on its icon. The General tab displays a description of the device status and the problem that caused the problem. If the culprit is uninstalled or outdated drivers, you can update them without leaving this window.

Launching the Found New Hardware Wizard tool on operating systems Microsoft Windows All versions occur automatically when the necessary devices are connected. However, it is possible to manually launch the selected utility.


  • Call the operating room main menu Microsoft systems Windows by clicking the "Start" button and going to the "Control Panel" to launch the New Hardware Manager tool manually.
  • Expand the “Hardware Installation” link by double-clicking the mouse (for Windows XP) or select “Device Manager” (for Windows 7).
  • Call the context menu of the computer_name element by right-clicking and specify the “Install device” command (for Windows 7).
  • Return to the main Start menu and enter hdwwiz in the search bar text box to perform an alternative operation to launch the Found New Hardware Wizard (Windows 7).
  • Confirm the execution of the command by pressing the Enter function key and click the “Next” button in the main wizard window that opens.
  • Identify devices that do not have the necessary drivers in the list (they have a question mark) and update the necessary drivers by clicking the “Next” button.
  • Select the “Add a new device” option to install new equipment and confirm your choice by clicking the “Next” button.
  • Check the box “Automatically search for new devices” or select the required equipment in the catalog manually.
  • Use the "Have from disk" option if necessary and enter the disk name value in the appropriate field.
  • Confirm the execution of the command by clicking OK and specify the required file in the dialog box that opens.
  • Confirm your choice by clicking the "Open" button and select the required drivers in the next wizard dialog box.
  • Confirm the execution of the installation command for the selected drivers by clicking OK and wait until the process completes.
  • Call the context menu of the main menu item “My Computer” by right-clicking if you need to restore the original device driver and select “Properties”.
  • Go to the “Device Manager” tab of the dialog box that opens and select the required device in the list.
  • Use the Properties option and go to the Driver tab of the next dialog box.
  • Click the "Return Driver" button and wait for the recovery process to complete.