The newest computer in the world. The most powerful computer in the world, the R2 Razer Edition gaming PC

1 place

The first place in the top most powerful computers in the world for two years has been occupied by Tianhe-2 . This is a joint development of Insput and the People's Army University of China. The computer has more than three million cores and a power level of 17.6 MW. Its RAM is located on an area of ​​720 square meters. The Milky Way was designed by order of the government and serves Chinese security purposes. If you need to buy a KIPEV cable, then contact the website

2nd place

In 2011, the Japanese company Fujitsu developed a computer K Computer with a capacity of 12.6 MW. For a year it was considered the most powerful and productive in the world. Its performance reached 10 petaflops. Currently, the machine is located in the city of Kobe, at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics Research. Its main purpose is forecasting natural disasters and medical research.

3rd place

The most powerful computer ever created by the American company Cray is Titan-Cray XK7 This 8.2 MW machine was installed at the Oak Ridge Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy. It was announced that the computer could be used by any research group. But the laboratory was unable to satisfy all applications submitted for Titan-Cray XK7. Only 6 projects were selected, which the commission considered the most promising.

4th place

The fourth place among the world leaders is occupied by the most powerful (7.8 MW) computer of the Blue Gene / Q series, called “ Sequoia" It was created to simulate nuclear explosions as an alternative to prohibited nuclear tests. This miracle of technology is located at the Livemore National Laboratory (United States). It must be said that scientists use Sequoia for more peaceful purposes. For example, for research in the field of space and medicine.

5th place

The most powerful computer in the world, used purely in scientific research, is Stampede – PowerEdgeC8220. This machine consists of 160 cluster racks with a total capacity of 4.5 MW. Range of applications Stampede very wide. It is used for calculations and modeling in the fields of linguistics, tomography, seismology and even art. This miracle of engineering is located in the Texas State Laboratory.

6th place

The supercomputer has a power of 3.9 MW Mira, the brainchild of IBM, created as part of the Blue Gene / Q project . 48 racks of this giant are installed in the Aragonese National Laboratory of the United States, in the department of high-performance computing. Used by Mira to predict natural disasters and climate change.

7th place

The most powerful computer in Europe is located at the CSCS (Swiss National Supercomputing Center). His name " Piz Daint – CrayXC30 " This machine, which has 2.3 MW of power, is used for research in the field of physics.

8th place

Juqueen a series Blue Gene / Q the most powerful (2.3 MW) supercomputer located in Germany. It was purchased for the center scientific research city ​​of Jülich, and is used exclusively for scientific purposes.

9th place

The penultimate position in the top is occupied by an American supercomputer Vulkan from the same line BlueGene / Q from IMB, which includes 24 racks and has a power of 1.9 MW. He belongs to the same generation as Juqueen. In 2013, it was installed by the Livermore Laboratory, owned by the US Department of Energy. Vulkan – Blue Gene / Q is used to study natural changes and calculate the necessary data. The computer is available to various groups of researchers if their application is approved by the laboratory's innovation center.

10th place

One of the most powerful (1.9 MW) computers in the world closes the top ten. Cray C.S.Storm American made. It consists of a whole gallery of processors with 78 thousand cores, united by a common network. The computer is multifunctional. Mainly used in the fields of exploration and seismology. One of these computers was purchased by the US government. But where it is located and for what purposes it is used is not known for certain.

Scientists from around the world are working to create the most powerful computer in the world. Every year more and more productive electronic computers are released that are used for scientific purposes. The characteristics of this technology are simply amazing, and its cost reaches hundreds of millions of dollars. Next, let's find out what is the most powerful computer in the world and what are the main responsibilities that it must perform. We will also consider the characteristics of the most productive PCs for home use.

TOP500 ranking of the most powerful computers in the world

In the 90s In the 20th century, the idea arose to create a list of the most productive electronic computers. It first appeared in 1993 and included 500 supercomputers from around the world. Since then, this rating has been compiled and published twice a year. To calculate the power of a particular computer, a value such as flops was introduced, which shows how many computing operations a particular machine is capable of performing in one second.

The creators of the rating note the fact that over the past 15 years, computer productivity has increased a thousand times. If in the early 2000s the most powerful computer in the world had a computing power of 4 teraflops (four billion computational operations per second), now it is not even included in the TOP-500.

The most productive computer for the period 2015

The leader in the production of supercomputers is the United States, which owns 233 machines from the above list. They are followed by China, Great Britain, Japan and France. Despite the leading position of the United States, the most powerful computer in the world, the photo of which is presented below, is located in the Middle Kingdom. This development of Chinese scientists was called “Tianhe-2”. For three years in a row it has been ranked first in the ranking, displacing the American car Titan from this place. The Chinese government has spent more than $390 million on the supercomputer and has high hopes for it.

I would like to note that this technique has practically nothing in common with ordinary laptop computers. Basically, these machines occupy a huge area equal to half a football stadium and are used only in military or scientific developments.

Main parameters of Tianhe-2

What is so remarkable about the most powerful computer in the world? The characteristics of this machine are millions of times superior to even the most powerful home PCs. It is equipped with 16 thousand computing nodes, each of which is equipped with two twelve-core Xeon Phi E5-2692 processors and is complemented by three Intel processors Xeon IvyBridge. The performance of each node is ensured by 64 GB random access memory DDR3 and 24 GB DDR5. The total number of all cores in this system reaches 3.12 million. Tianhe-2 has a performance of 3386 teraflops, or 33.86 petaflops, almost twice as fast as its closest competitor, Titan (17.59 petaflops).

The world's most powerful computer runs operating system Linux. It also has memory storage devices with a total capacity of 12.4 petabytes.

Main functions of Tianhe-2

After the creation of the supercomputer, it was stated that it would be used only for the benefit of science, in particular for research in the field of biology and physics. But soon after this, the American government announced a ban on the supply of processors from Intel, which are one of the components of this machine. This was justified by the fact that the most powerful computer in the world is being used to create new weapons of mass destruction, and this, in turn, could threaten the security of the United States. Perhaps there is truth in this, because the Tianhe-2 project was financed by the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China. All information about it and the results of research are kept in the strictest confidence, so it is still impossible to know anything about the true purpose of the supercomputer.

Perhaps the United States specifically took similar measures to slow down the pace of development of Chinese supercomputers, which have displaced their American counterparts from the first place.

Powerful computers for home use

Now let's move from huge machines costing hundreds of millions of dollars to their more compact versions for home use. While the most powerful computers in the world are used for scientific purposes or to create new weapons, home PCs perform smaller tasks. First of all, they should be able to handle any video games and other resource-intensive applications without any problems. This technique is also used to create 3D graphics, photo and video processing. The most productive computers can be connected to several monitors simultaneously, which will ensure comfort and convenience in work.

Characteristics of the most productive PC of 2015

As is the case with powerful supercomputers, home PCs are becoming more productive every year, and the equipment that was considered top-end 2-3 years ago is now in many ways inferior to its younger models. So what characteristics should the most powerful gaming computer in the world have today?

Despite the competition between Intel and AMD, the latter's technology is inferior in power to its competitors. The most powerful processor available to ordinary users is the Intel Core i7-5960X Extreme Edition. It has 8 physical cores with clock frequency 3 GHz and overclockable to 3.5 GHz.

The most important element of any gaming computer is the graphics card. For a top-end PC in 2015, your best bet is the recently released GeForce GTX Titan from Nvidia. It has 12 GB of DDR5 memory with a capacity of 384 bit. In conjunction with motherboard Asus Rampage V Extreme can use up to four of these graphics cards in one PC.

The aforementioned processor will require new DDR4 RAM, which is 40% faster than its predecessor. Its volume depends on the individual preferences of each user, but it is advisable that the PC have at least 16 GB. You also need to worry about purchasing a reliable power supply. It is advisable to use devices with a power of more than 1000 W.

Cost of the most powerful home computer

If you want maximum performance, you will have to pay a lot of money. But it’s worth it, because once you assemble a PC from these components, you won’t have to worry about upgrading your system for many years to come. You only have to pay $1,000 for the processor itself, plus $1,500 for the video card. All in all, the entire build will cost at least $5,000 if you only use one graphics card. When a PC is equipped with 4 video adapters, the maximum amount of RAM, hard drives and SSD drives, the price will increase to 11 thousand US dollars.

Humanity has never reached Mars, a cure for all diseases has not yet been invented, cars do not fly, but, nevertheless, there are areas in which people have reached unprecedented heights. The computing power of computers is one of them. First, let's figure out what is the key parameter when assessing this characteristic of supercomputers. Flops is a value that shows the number of floating point operations that a computer can perform per second. Based on this indicator, our rating of the most powerful computers in the world, according to 2019 data, was compiled.

The ranking was presented at the International Supercomputing Conference; the top 500 supercomputers were compiled by mathematicians from Lawrence National Laboratory and Tennessee State University.

10 Trinity – 8.1 Pflop/sec performance

This supercomputer guards US military security by maintaining the effectiveness of the nation's nuclear arsenal. Given this, you might think that this device is incredibly expensive, however, starting in 2015, new, more powerful supercomputers began to supplant it. Trinity runs on the Cray XC40 system, its performance is 8.1 Pflop/sec.

9 Mira – 8.6 Pflop/sec

Mira is another brilliant product from Cray. It is worth noting that the project of this supercomputer was developed by order of the United States Department of Energy. The main area of ​​application for Mira is government industrial and research projects. The computing power of this computer is 8.6 petaflops per second.

8 K Computer – 10.5 Pflop/sec

The peculiarity of this supercomputer lies in its name, which comes from the Japanese word “kei” and means 10 quadrillion. The productive power of K Computer rests approximately on this figure – 10.5 petaflops. The specificity of this technique also lies in the fact that the system uses water cooling, which can significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce the speed of assembly.

7 Oakforest-Pacs – 13.6 Pflop/sec

The Japanese company Fujitsu, which also developed the K Computer mentioned earlier, has created a new generation supercomputer (Knights Landing generation). The project was commissioned by Tokyo and Tsukuba universities. Despite the fact that it was originally planned to equip the computer with 900 TB of memory and a performance of 25 quadrillion operations, its computing power is 13.6 petaflops/s.

6 Cori – 14 Pflop/sec

Until 2019, Cori occupied a solid 5th position in the world ranking of the most powerful computers, but in the context of rapidly developing technological progress, it still lost one ranking “line” to the latest supercomputers. It is located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the USA. Cori has already made a unique contribution to the development of science: with its help, Swiss scientists were able to simulate a 45-qubit quantum computing system. 14 petaflops is the productive capacity of this “super machine”.

5 Sequoia – 17.2 Petaflops

Many experts call Sequoia the fastest supercomputer in the world, and for good reason: its arithmetic performance is equal to the speed of 6.7 billion people who would perform an identical task using calculators for 320 years. Sequoia is also distinguished by its size: the computer occupies an area of ​​390 square meters and consists of 96 racks. 17.2 petaflops is its performance, which is equal to almost sixteen thousand trillion operations.

4 Titan – 17.6 Pflop/sec

In addition to the fact that Titan is among the top fast computers in the world, it is also considered one of the most energy efficient, with a rate of 2142.77 megaflops per watt of energy consumed. The secret to saving energy is using Nvidia accelerators, which provide up to 90% of the total computing power, which, by the way, is 17.6 petaflops. Thanks to them, Titan has noticeably reduced its dimensions - now only 404 square meters are enough to accommodate it.

3 Piz Daint – 19.6 Petaflops

The Piz Daint supercomputer project was launched back in 2013, in the Swiss city of Lugano. It is located there - in the Swiss National Supercomputing Center. Piz Daint has collected almost all the positive characteristics of the above-mentioned analogues, including energy efficiency and high speed, in addition to compactness: the device consists of 28 large racks. Its computing power is 19.6 petaflops.

2 Tianhe-2 – 33.9 Petaflops

Until June 2016, the supercomputer with the romantic name “Milky Way” (translated from Chinese) topped the top 500 most powerful computers in the world. Its power provides a speed of 2507 trillion operations per second, which is equal to 33.9 petaflops. Tianhe-2 found its “vocation” in the field of construction: when calculating buildings and laying roads. It's worth noting that since the beginning of 2013, when Milky Way was released, it has not left the top position in the ratings, which is a truly powerful indicator.

1 Sunway TaihuLight – 93 Petaflops

Inside this computer there are 40,960 powerful processors, which explains its size: Sunway itself occupies an area of ​​​​about 1000 square meters. In 2016, at an international conference in Germany, it was recognized as the fastest of its kind. Today, Sunway TaihuLight is the first in the ranking and the only one in the top 10 supercomputers capable of generating speeds of 93 petaflops.

If we consider technological progress in terms of its impact on people, society as a whole and the environment, it is obvious that it has global shortcomings. Today we have access to a great variety of computers, various devices and robots. But the highest goal is to find worthy use for the great inventions of mankind and direct their use for the benefit of our common future, without turning them into meaningless toys.

Many gamers know the company Maingear - it creates and sells powerful desktop computers. So this company, together with the famous company Razer, released the most powerful gaming computer in the world (for 2018) - R2 Razer Edition.

The new computer is primarily aimed at professional gamers. The PC has the latest generation processor from Intel, 64 GB of DDR4-2666 SDRAM RAM, several hard drives and solid SSD drives, video cards from NVIDIA or AMD (to choose from) and new system water cooling. This power is enough not only for the most demanding games in 4K resolution, but also for games that support virtual reality devices.

Sell the most powerful computer R2 Razer Edition There will be two configurations.

  • Base model on AMD Ryzen 7 1800X with a frequency of 3.2 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, video card AMD Radeon R9 RX 580 and 1 TB hard drive. The computer costs $999 (65,000 rubles).
  • The most powerful model with Core i7-7700K, 16 GB of RAM, NVIDIA video card GeForce Titan X with 32 GB of memory and M.2 NVMe SSD with a capacity of 1 TB. The price of this configuration is $4,000 (260,000 rubles). But it can be made even more powerful by replacing the hard drive with an SSD, increasing the RAM, and so on. Then the approximate price of this computer will be 10,000 dollars (650,000 rubles).

The warranty for Performance Series computers is 36 months. This warranty includes highly qualified technical and service support. Our managers are always ready to provide consulting support with installation and configuration of equipment.

If you have a technical problem, we conduct an initial diagnosis and solve the problem as best as possible in a fast way. If the problem is caused by hardware faults and requires replacement of components, the computer must be brought to one of our service centers. Our company's service centers are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In this guarantee package, delivery to service centers is FREE for all cities in Russia. Additionally, it is possible to increase the duration and level of service.


We do comprehensive testing gaming computer using a specialized software, designed to evaluate stability, performance and temperature conditions.

Special sets of utilities create the maximum possible load for a long time, going through several cycles with subsequent logging and graphical display of the received data. Most problems with hardware can be “caught” at the preliminary testing stage.

For Performance Series computers, the standard testing period is 12 hours, with the option to extend to 24 hours.

Assembly and configuration

We pay special attention to the assembly and configuration of computers. The company's specialists and foremen undergo a rigorous selection process for professional suitability. This allows systems to be created to meet the company's high requirements, paying attention to the smallest details.

Our task is to provide our customers with uninterrupted and high-quality equipment with impeccable appearance, which will allow you to fully enjoy the games as intended by the developers.

The assembly includes: work with cable management, high-quality thermal interface, setting up the cooling system, BIOS firmware motherboard, installation of all current drivers and configuration of the storage subsystem.

Reliable and free delivery:

Our company provides free delivery throughout Russia. We work only with trusted logistics companies; the cargo sent will be insured for its full value.

Each gaming computer is equipped with a reliable packaging container with a foam bag that prevents any damage to the cargo during transportation.

When shipping Performance X Series computers between cities, a branded shipping box is included. It will ensure the iron safety of the cargo.