Algorithms and data structures in Python. Basic course

What unites Google, YouTube, Yandex, Reddit, Instagram, Dropbox, Pinterest, PayPal, Intel, NASA, Microsoft and other giants? In addition to being a world-class name, they all use code written entirely or partially in Python.

Python is used in large projects due to its high quality software, cross-platform, development efficiency, and versatility.
Programmers value it for its ease of use, simple and clear syntax, readability, large number of libraries, and open community.

Based on the results of work in 2017, several major publications put Python at the top of their ratings. IEEE Spectrum identified the language as the best, giving the palm, the Stackoverflow resource allocated fifth place, as one of the most popular languages, RedMonk put it in third place in demand.

The number of pythonists increases every year. Who they are, what they do, how much they earn and how to become a Python programmer - let's take a closer look.

Who are Python Programmers?

A Python programmer is a specialist who works with the language of the same name. Since the language is multifunctional, a programmer can do a variety of work: write plugins and scripts, develop games, mobile and web applications, and maintain software.

Pros and cons of the profession

Programming in Python has its advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • low entry threshold;
  • demand;
  • large community;
  • possibility of independent learning;
  • the ability to work remotely;
  • high salary for python programmer.

Main disadvantages:

  • specialists are in demand in large cities; finding a vacancy in small towns is difficult;
  • some companies only hire programmers with work experience;
  • Often, employment requires a second, additional language, for example, for example, for a job as a Java programmer.

What does a Python programmer need to know?

Each employer has its own projects and requirements, but there is also a general list of knowledge, with which it will be much easier to get a job. This includes:

  1. Knowledge of programming basics, data structures, OOP.
  2. The language itself, its syntax, libraries, frameworks (especially Django).
  3. Databases.
  4. English, especially for remote work as a Python programmer.
  5. Know version control systems (git).
  6. Understand other people's code. It is worth mentioning here that the second and third versions of Python are different, you need to be aware of the differences.
  7. Ability to work in a team.
  8. Javascript, jQuery.

Where to study

To find a job as a python programmer, you need to learn a lot. It is advisable, but not necessary, to graduate from a higher education institution; you can engage in self-education or attend special courses. Many employers no longer look at diplomas, but are only interested in knowledge. This is especially true for large companies such as Yandex or Google.

If you choose self-paced learning, check out Mark Lutz's books Learning Python and Programming in Python. They are voluminous (2 thousand pages in both combined) and difficult for a beginner to read. But Lutz's books provide a complete understanding of the topic and a quick introduction.
For those who don’t yet know anything about programming, we can recommend the author D. Briggs and his wonderful and easy-to-learn book “Python for Kids.” Here you will understand the basics of the profession, learn to write your first program, your first game.

Python programming courses will help you learn the material faster and easier. Their advantage is contact with mentors and the opportunity to ask a question and receive a quick and clear answer to it.
The courses focus on the basics of the language and provide homework and tasks for beginning Python programmers. Online courses are worth your attention. Eat vivid examples teaching site, where lectures and teaching materials on programming are collected. After completing the training, you receive a certificate that you can print.

There is good free stuff mobile application– SoloLearn. Learn the theory, do it test tasks, solve problems, train by playing with other users. At the end of the course a certificate is issued. The application is Russified, allows you to learn 9 popular languages, machine learning, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Web Development.

Another tip: visit Python programming forums. You can find a lot on them useful information, both in training and in job search. Get inspired by the stories of other developers, read articles on important topics: “How I became a Python programmer”, “Where to start learning the language”, “How to become a Python programmer”.

Job search

Programmers are divided into three categories according to their level of knowledge: Junior, Middle and Senior.

A beginning developer (Junior) is characterized by little or no work experience. Copes with easy tasks, but cannot complete difficult ones or works under the supervision of an experienced mentor.

Middle works both independently and in a team; his code does not require changes. Work experience (most often, but not required) 1-3 years. Performs complex tasks, writes complex applications.

Signor is an experienced specialist who can solve problems of any level and fix serious problems in the code. To become a Senior you need a lot of practice and knowledge.

It is easier to find a job for Middle and Senior, while there are few vacancies for Junior. Companies looking for developers are interested in work experience, knowledge and skills, and sometimes a diploma.

To gain experience, you can take an internship. This is Learning by Doing, you will work on real projects that can then be mentioned in your portfolio.

Speaking of a resume, a Python programmer must fill it out responsibly before starting a job search. It is important to correctly indicate skills and knowledge of frameworks, without seeming like a superficial one-man band. You can mention your knowledge of other languages, for example: “Worked with PHP. I speak HTML, CSS, and am familiar with the Django framework.”

My website will also help you fill out your resume correctly and find a job, see and.
It is not necessary to live and work in the same city; progressive companies are recruiting remote developers.

Top vacancies for python programmers are regularly published on my website.

Beginners should pay attention to freelancing; Python programmers are more in demand on English-language resources, such as Upwork, GlobalFreelance.

There are vacancies for Python programmer without experience on Yandex. To cooperate, you need to successfully pass a test, for example. See all vacancies.

Python Programmer uses a high-level programming language to create client-server applications, different types games, microservices, large and small sites, bots for social networks. Engaged not only in creating software, but also technical support, integration, optimization, trains company personnel to work with programs and services. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

In the early 90s of the last century, a Dutch developer created Python, which combined features of different programming languages. The high-level language in question ranks 4th in the world rankings; it is used and supported by Mail, Pinterest, Youtube, and the creators of large search engines.

Experienced Python programmers highlight the following: strengths language and the advantages of working with it:

  • language extensibility, integration with C/C++;
  • simplified syntax, Unicode support;
  • cross-platform;
  • dynamic typing;
  • the ability to quickly create the most complex code;
  • a huge number of development environments;
  • can be used to write all types of software products;
  • simplified maintenance of the created software;
  • free license;
  • a large community of competent programmers.

The disadvantages of Python include its slowness and the fact that the language in question is quite specific. Most often, programmers who study this language want to expand their horizons and improve their skills. The network contains a huge amount of interesting materials about Python: useful books and textbooks, videos, Russian-speaking communities, translated instructions.

Features of the Python programmer profession

Experienced programmers are constantly learning, because if they do not gain new knowledge, the developer will quickly lose both their qualifications and their value in the labor market. Python is a general-purpose programming language that is desirable for a developer to know. Most often, programmers who already have solid experience with C++ or Java take up learning Python. The fact is that skills in working with object-oriented programming allow you to master Python in a short time.

Many developers consider the Python language to be outdated and too slow, so they do not pay due attention to studying it. But large technology companies are actively using this programming language; it has been at the top of the rankings for many years, thanks to which it can be considered promising.

A Python developer is involved in maintaining the software that he has developed or upgraded, training employees, preparing instructions, and documentation.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The ability to learn independently, which is convenient for people who decide to move away from complex programming.
  2. Fast learning.
  3. Large Russian-speaking community of programmers.
  4. Beautiful and simple language code, which significantly speeds up the development process.
  5. A small number of programmers who are fluent in Python.
  6. There is a lot of demand, so there will be a lot of work.


  1. Python is less popular than Java and C/C++, which has a significant impact on salaries.
  2. The programming language in question may be a second language, but not a first language.
  3. Python programmers are in demand in well-known companies based in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Therefore, a developer who speaks only one programming language may have problems finding work in remote regions.
  4. To get hired in a large company, you must have 2-3 years of experience with Java, C/C++.

Important personal qualities

  1. Patience.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Determination.
  4. Initiative.
  5. Determination.
  6. Self-confidence.
  7. Attentiveness.
  8. Self-control.

Python programmer training

Anyone with a higher technical or IT education can master Python. Receiving a higher education is another plus on a resume, because employers looking for a Python programmer give preference to developers with a university degree.

You can learn the language in 2-6 months through Python programming courses, which can be either paid or free. You can learn Python on your own using videos, blogs, and textbooks. Another good option is a search for a practicing programmer who is ready to take on a student.

Well . You will gain knowledge and skills that allow you to implement projects of varying levels of complexity, from small web applications, simple scripts and programs, to software for spacecraft and artificial intelligence. Training takes place in a convenient and effective format in the form of step-by-step lessons with individual analysis of homework.

It takes you forever to collect working information, but you no longer have enough enthusiasm to generate breakthrough business ideas? you will write your first code in Python, learn how to work with files containing millions of lines, extract data from web pages without even opening them in a browser, customize automatic start scripts.

Place of work

A Python developer will be able to find a decent job only if he has experience in programming. Talent, creativity, desire to learn, quick response, attention to detail - these are additional requirements for applicants. The doors of universities, trade and IT companies, state enterprises, economic institutions, media holdings, etc. will open to a developer who meets these requirements.

Python Programmer Salary

The salary depends on the Python developer’s experience, higher education, reviews from previous employers, and level of technical training. The highest salary is received by a Python programmer with 2-3 years of work experience, who works in companies based in Moscow Region and St. Petersburg.

Salary as of September 17, 2019

Russia 50000—200000 ₽

Moscow 80000—200000 ₽


  1. Knowledge of the basics of Python programming, at least 1 year of experience.
  2. Free Django framework.
  3. Practical skills in working with Java, JavaScript, C/C++ are desirable.
  4. Knowledge of REST, HTML, CSS, AJAX, Canvas, Web Sockets.
  5. Version Control System.
  6. Database management systems, page layout.
  7. English, which is necessary for reading and writing technical documents. documentation.

Python is one of the most popular “non-classical” programming languages. It is ideal for the role of an “introductory” or second language (for example, after more complex C++ or Java). Thanks to its brevity (or even minimalism), it is quickly absorbed. Python's simplified syntax allows you to convey a large amount of information in a minimal amount of source code.

In addition, Python can be used in almost any area of ​​software development (standalone applications, client-servers, web applications) and in any subject area. It integrates easily with other components, allowing you to embed Python into already written applications. Projects written in this language have the property of being cross-platform, that is, if necessary, they can be quickly and painlessly transferred from one operating system to another.

The reference implementation of Python is CPython, which supports most actively used platforms and is distributed under a free license, which allows it to be used without restrictions in any application, including proprietary ones.

New versions of Python (with added/changed language properties) are released approximately every two and a half years.


Design and development

The main task of a Python programmer is to create applications and services using the language of the same name. At the same time, the programmer must be able to draw up technical specifications (TOR) and understand special terminology.

Testing and implementation

The tasks of a C++ programmer also include supporting a project to create applications and services: testing them, debugging them (if errors are found) and, finally, implementation - putting them into operation.


Another responsibility of the programmer is the development of instructions for working with the finished product, as well as the preparation of the necessary technical documentation.

What you need to know and be able to do

    Personal qualities
  • Analytical mind;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Structural thinking;
  • Self-learning ability;
  • Responsibility.
    Basic Skills
  • Knowledge and experience of development in Python;
  • Knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
  • Knowledge of MySQL, PgSQL;
  • Experience in developing applications/services;
  • Ability to compose and read technical specifications;
  • Ability to understand other people's code;
  • Skills in working with large volumes of information.

" We tell you what professional and career opportunities learning this programming language provides.

How much can a Pythonist earn?

The future specialty is often chosen based on demand and salary levels. A Python developer with at least a year of experience can expect a salary of 80-120 thousand rubles per month from the start in a new place. Naturally, the upper limit is much higher: a Python developer’s income depends on his abilities, the specifics of the business, and the city in which he is looking for work. The maximum salary for the position “Python developer,” as indicated by employers on the portal, is 280 thousand rubles per month. Applicants without work experience only need to have completed or incomplete higher education, have basic skills in working with CSS, HTML and, of course, Python. Beginners can count on an income of at least 40 thousand rubles per month in St. Petersburg and from 50 thousand in Moscow.

Work experience increases the value of a specialist in the market. The higher it is, the higher the salary will be. Other sought-after benefits include:

  • knowledge of technical English;
  • availability of a portfolio of completed projects;
  • experience with MySQL;
  • knowledge of an additional programming language (PHP, Java, C);
  • development for Unix/Linux;
  • skills in developing web services using Django, Tornado and/or Twisted;
  • development of high-load information systems;
  • optimization of information systems performance.

Why programmers choose Python

Python is a powerful, multi-layered language used to develop some of the world's largest platforms, websites, and applications. In particular, it provides key search engine capabilities Google systems and a number of applications of this corporation. YouTube and Dropbox, the world's largest online survey service SurveyMonkey, Reddit, Quora and others are written in Python. The architecture of websites such as Instagram, Pinterest, Prezi, Spotify, NASA, The Onion and others is built on the Django framework.

At the same time, Python is quite easy to learn. This is confirmed by the programmers themselves.

Ekaterina Nizhnikova, developer at Cupishuz (Lamoda Group):

“There is a lot of literature and courses on Python development available online, even for beginners. Python has a huge number of libraries for various purposes - this is a significant advantage over other languages. In addition, those who choose Python programming will never be left alone with difficulties. The Python development community is not only large, but also very open, so you can easily find answers to your questions.”

At first, the code written by a new Python programmer will be boilerplate and redundant. As a developer becomes more proficient, he can cut the same code in half or even three times, using tricks and neat modules that he learned on his own or in courses.

Vitaly Aduchiev, quality assurance engineer at InPlat:

“I’ve been writing in Python for about 3 years. I love it for its flexibility, simplicity in loops, small number of data types, commands without extra lines and letters, and also for the accuracy of indicating errors in the console.

After getting some bumps along the way, it is important to learn how to imagine an algorithm for solving problems. Without this, you risk wasting a lot of time. Be sure to learn how to work with data formats in the API: JSON, XML, SQL. It is advisable to get a job related to Python programming during your studies, or practice the acquired skills yourself. This way you will see prospects and opportunities more clearly, and quickly master the nuances of development.”

How and where to learn Python development

A person who has decided to connect his life (or part of it) with Python is lucky: there are many ways to learn this programming language.

University. As a rule, this method is chosen by school graduates. Many young people want to learn programming because it is fashionable now. When choosing a university, they do not delve into it training programs. And in vain: often at universities you can only get basic knowledge about several basic programming languages, and after defending your diploma you will still have to further study the area of ​​interest. In addition, studying at university takes a long time - at least 4 years.

Self-education. Perhaps the most popular way to learn Python. You can start with literature, for example, books with a systematic program. Developers recommend taking a closer look at “Automating Routine Tasks with Python” by Al Sweigart, “Scraping Websites with Python” by Ryan Mitchell and “Python in system administration UNIX and Linux" by Noah Gift.

There are many online Python courses available online: Codecademy, DataCamp, Coursera, edX and others. English-language online courses are valued by developers higher than domestic ones.

Ekaterina Nizhnikova:

Finding an experienced Pythonist online or offline is not difficult. Such a person will tell you where it’s best to start working, analyze the code and talk about common mistakes and ways to fix them. You just need to take into account the “human factor”: the mentor may have urgent matters to attend to, and he will evaluate the code subjectively. There are specialized resources where you can find a mentor - for example, Codementor.

Courses. Educational programs for Python development combine the capabilities of all of the above learning resources. Moreover, they last 2-3 months, and are taught by experienced practicing teachers. Each student can receive individual assistance in choosing solutions and clarification of difficult issues.

Another advantage of offline courses is networking. In an environment of people who are passionate about programming, you will learn new skills many times faster than on your own. Here it is quite possible to acquire useful connections for future work and find out what skills are required for employment in a particular company.

The program is a set of algorithms that ensure that the necessary actions are performed. Conventionally, an ordinary person can be programmed in the same way by writing precise commands so that, for example, he prepares tea. If the latter option uses natural speech (Russian, Ukrainian, English, Korean, etc.), then the computer will need a special programming language. Python is one of them. The programming environment will subsequently translate the commands into and the human goal for which the algorithm was created will be fulfilled. Python has its own syntax, which will be discussed below.

History of the language

Development began in the 1980s and ended in 1991. The Python language was created by Guido van Rossum. Although the main symbol of Python is a snake, it was named after the American comedy show.

When creating the language, the developer used some commands borrowed from existing Pascal, C and C++. After the first official version went online, a whole group of programmers joined in refining and improving it.

One of the factors that allowed Python to become quite famous is its design. He is recognized by many highly successful specialists as one of the best.

Features of Python

The Python programming language will be an excellent teacher for beginners. It has a fairly simple syntax. It will be easy to understand the code, because it does not include many auxiliary elements, and the special structure of the language will teach you how to indent. Of course, a well-designed program with a small number of commands will be immediately understandable.

Many syntactic systems were created using object-oriented programming. Python is no exception. Why exactly was he born? It will make it easier for beginners to learn and will help already qualified employees remember some elements.

Language syntax

As already mentioned, the code is quite easy and simple to read. Python has sequential commands that are precise in execution. In principle, the operators used will not seem difficult even to beginners. This is what makes Python different. Its syntax is easy and simple.

Traditional operators:

  • When setting a condition, you should use the if-else construct. If there are too many such lines, you can enter the elif command.
  • Class is for understanding the class.
  • One of simple operators- pass. It does nothing, fits for empty blocks.
  • Cyclic commands are while and for.
  • The function, method and generator are defined thanks to def.

In addition to single words, the Python programming language allows you to use expressions as operators. By using string chains, you can reduce the number of separate commands and parentheses. So-called lazy calculations are also used, i.e. those that are performed only when the condition requires it. These include and and or.

Program writing process

The interpreter works on a single mechanism: when you write a line (after which you put “Enter”), it is immediately executed, and a person can already see some result. This will be useful and quite convenient for beginners or those who want to test a small piece of code. In compiled environments, you would have to first write the entire program, only then run it and check for errors.

Python programming language (for beginners, as has already become clear, it is ideal) in the operating room Linux system allows you to work directly in the console itself. Should be written to command line Python code name English. It won't be difficult to create your first program. First of all, it is worth considering that the interpreter can be used here as a calculator. Since young and novice specialists are often not comfortable with syntax, you can write the algorithm this way:

After each line you must put “Enter”. The answer will be displayed immediately after you click it.

Data used by Python

The data that computers (and programming languages) use comes in several types, and this is quite obvious. Numbers can be fractional, integer, can consist of many digits, or can be quite massive due to the fractional part. To make it easier for the interpreter to work with them, and for him to understand what he is dealing with, a specific type should be specified. Moreover, it is necessary for the numbers to fit into the allocated memory cell.

The most common data types used by the Python programming language are:

  • Integer. We are talking about integers that have both negative and positive values. Zero is also included in this type.
  • In order for the interpreter to understand that it is working with fractional parts, the type should be float point. As a rule, it is used when using numbers with a varying point. It should be remembered that when writing a program, you need to stick to the notation “3.25” and not use the comma “3.25”.
  • In the case of adding strings, the Python programming language allows you to add a string type. Often words or phrases are enclosed in single or

Disadvantages and advantages

In the last few decades, people have been more interested in spending more time mastering data and less time getting it processed by computers. Language about which there are only positive things is the highest code.

Python has virtually no disadvantages. The only serious disadvantage is the slowness of the algorithm execution. Yes, if you compare it with “C” or “Java”, it is, frankly speaking, a turtle. This is explained by the fact that this

The developer made sure to add the best things to Python. Therefore, when using it, you can notice that it has absorbed the best features of other higher programming languages.

In the event that the idea that is implemented by the interpreter is not impressive, then it will be possible to understand this almost immediately, after writing several dozen lines. If the program is worthwhile, then the critical section can be improved at any time.

Currently, more than one group of programmers is working on improving Python, so it is not a fact that code written in C++ will be better than that created using Python.

Which version is better to work with?

Nowadays, two versions of such a syntactic system as the Python language are widely used. For beginners, choosing between them will be quite difficult. It should be noted that 3.x is still in development (although released to the masses), while 2.x is a fully completed version. Many people advise using 2.7.8, as it practically does not lag or crash. There are no radical changes in version 3.x, so you can transfer your code to the programming environment with an update at any time. To download the necessary program, you should go to the official website, select your operating system and wait for the download to finish.