How to gain an audience in VK. How can I get subscribers to a VKontakte group using free methods? The main ways to recruit subscribers to the VKontakte group

Good afternoon, dear readers! In today's article, I will talk about how to get subscribers on VK and climb in the search. Getting to the top of the VK search is probably the blue dream of any user who uses this social network to earn money or develop a business. The competition here is growing by leaps and bounds, so it is not so easy and fast to take the leading places in the search. But still, you should not give up and say “No” to your ambitions, you need to go step by step towards your goal.

To begin with, let's decide what indicators can affect the ranking in the VK search. In simple terms, by what criteria is the Vkontakte search sorted?

    The first point is the pure key entry of the query. In other words, your name or the name of the public should accurately reflect the most popular query on your topic. If you make hairstyles or sell dresses, then the page should look like: "Irina Abramova Hairstyles."

    The second point is the number of live subscribers on the page. That is, dogs do not count, on the contrary, they can shake your position. Therefore, when looking for options on how to quickly gain subscribers in VK, pay attention to the quality of the purchased resources.

These two points are key when sorting a search. And if the page name can be changed in a couple of seconds, then it will take time and long work to attract a lively and active audience:

    Generating interesting and unique content. The information originally presented on the page makes subscribers return to it again and again and, in order not to lose sight of the author, he is most often subscribed to;

    Run contests and other events on the page. This will not only draw attention to the profile, but also attract additional traffic. The main thing is that some kind of prize is provided for winning the competition: a free service, a popular product as a gift, and the like;

    Specify the city within which you are going to promote the page. It is not necessary to indicate Moscow or St. Petersburg just for significance, since breaking into the leaders in these cities will be a very difficult task. The smaller the city, the less competition;

    Some users notice that writing posts with keywords can also affect search engine rankings. In any case, it will not be superfluous to write competent and optimized texts for publications, so it is worth starting to develop in this direction now.

    Some of the people on the page can be obtained for a small fee through the services. To do this, you need to enter a query into a search engine of this kind: “How to get Vkontakte subscribers for a fee” and you will see many sites providing such services.

Above, I mentioned how to get subscribers to VK through services for money. Now I consider it my duty to tell you more about it.

Paid services for promotion in social networks appeared about 5 years ago. Around the same time, blogging and making money through social networks peaked. To date, a huge number of online sites have appeared to quickly increase any parameters in social networks, and all of them are in great demand.

So that you do not waste your precious time searching for and selecting the perfect service, I decided to make a brief selection of the resources that I once used myself: - here you can get likes, subscribers and views in any social networks at a low price. This service appeared one of the very first, and its work is honed to the ideal. It has everything that even the most picky client may need: technical support, no registration, discounts for large orders, inexpensive rates and a wide variety of services; this site is not just a service, but rather an exchange for the exchange of tasks. On this resource, you will definitely need to register, for which you will be presented with the first 50 points. They can be spent on posting your task (subscribing to the page). To increase the number of points, you must complete similar tasks or pay a certain amount, at least 700-800 rubles, depending on the dollar exchange rate; - seller of SMM services offering Vkontakte subscribers via inexpensive price. This site has been confidently holding the leaders of the network for more than a year. Here, such a service as dialing Vkontakte is quite affordable, 1000 people can be purchased for 389 rubles and at the same time receive 500 likes as a gift. There are a lot of similar promotions on this service, so it has become a favorite among users; a resource for finding remote workers. Thousands of specialists in various fields, including SMM, offer their services here. Specialists have their own rating and feedback on working with them. In principle, the idea of ​​the site is not bad, but the minimum price tag of 500 rubles, regardless of the service, is a bit repulsive; is a young and developing service where you can order subscribers to VK inexpensively and with high quality. There is absolutely no need to register here, it will be possible to place any service in an order in a couple of minutes. The site has several forms of payment so that each user can find a convenient format for themselves; another service offering paid services for promotion and promotion in social networks. It does not work with all social networks, but only with VK, Instagram and YouTube. The price tag practically does not differ from other services, except that there are no special discounts for wholesale.

I hope now it has become clearer to you how to quickly gain subscribers in VK and which sites and services you can take as a guide.

Paid promotion services are a huge success, but no less excitement is caused by free options for getting subscribers to the page. When attracting an audience on your own, you pump your “skill” on promotion and in the future this experience will come in handy anyway. There are a lot of ways to quickly gain Vkontakte subscribers, but not all of them are presented to the masses. Those users who have opened some loopholes for the safe recruitment of people on the page try to keep all secrets secret. And in this article I will talk about the well-known methods of self-attraction:

    Mass following - You will have to add strangers as friends in the hope of a mutual response. Later added can be deleted, and they will move to the rank of subscribers. The main thing is not to cross the borders and not to be added to the more and more often established limits;

    Programs - such software is engaged in the same mass following, but without your direct participation. It is enough to set the necessary settings and invitations to “be friends” will begin to pour from your page. To expand the possible settings and parameters, you can buy a full license of the program, but as practice shows, the trial version is enough for users;

    Exchanger sites - with them you can get 1000 Vkontakte subscribers, and quite quickly. You have to join various groups, like even the posts you don’t like, and all this for the sake of getting points on your balance. Then they can pay users for the fact that they will subscribe to your account. This method is not considered the safest, but if you remove spam from your page in time, then it will most likely not be suspected of excessive activity. But you should expect the same from other users, having received payment, they can unsubscribe from you.

And so that no one even thinks about unsubscribing from your account, be sure to work on interesting content, on holding contests and voting. All this together gives a good impetus to the development of pages on Vkontakte.

So, now you know how to quickly gain Vkontakte subscribers yourself quickly and for free. Forward to new achievements!

The circle of acquaintances of each person is limited, as a rule, to two or three hundred people, although there are exceptions. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to contact all this audience with the usual everyday methods, namely: to meet, call up, go to visit. After all, if you see each comrade at least once a year, subject to the presence of 300 friends, almost every day will be busy with this. In this case, social networks come to the rescue, where you can add all your friends and communicate with them, which will not take much time.

However, not for all people, the number of users in "Friends" determines the circle of acquaintances. Often there are strangers there. For some, this is a hindrance, and they try to get rid of strangers as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, have learned to benefit from this. Moreover, now many of those involved in social media promotion are trying to replenish their VKontakte friend list. How to get 10,000 friends on this social network will be discussed in this article.

Why you need a lot of friends

As mentioned above, many people involved in advertising find fertile ground for promoting their product or service on social networks. In order to learn about the product, you must first resolve the issue of how to quickly recruit friends on VKontakte. In other words, the updates that appear on the seller's wall are duplicated in the news section of his friends, where out of several thousand, someone is sure to pay attention to the advertisement and become interested.

Some will repost for their friends to see, and so on. Thus, in order to effectively sell your product, you need to know how to quickly get friends on your VKontakte page.

Ways to win friends

In general, there are several ways to increase your friend list. Nevertheless, it should immediately be noted that the administration of "VK" is struggling with cheating in every possible way. Therefore, a limit was set on the number of outgoing applications, namely no more than 50 per day. However, it is worth noting a little trick: the limit is reset every 8 hours, that is, every quarter of the day you can send up to 50 applications to people. And this is already 200 per day. Knowing such a moment, it is easier to answer the question of how to make many friends on VKontakte quickly.

The easiest ways

As many have already guessed, the most affordable way to increase the number of friends is to send requests to other users on your own. As noted above, up to 200 invitations can be sent per day. Even if 100 of them respond, it will be very good.

There are also various groups for self-promotion, in which the same users ask to add them as friends. You can also place your request there. However, to improve the result, it is necessary to do this repeatedly. Since the messages are posted in the comments, which are updated extremely quickly. This is due to the fact that many are trying to resolve the issue of how to quickly gain friends on VKontakte. By the way, this method allows you to increase your friend list several times a day.

Cheat exchanges

This versatile tool allows you to significantly increase the circle of your friends and subscribers. In addition to cheating likes, reposts, subscribers to groups, exchanges make it possible to add friends. This requires an internal currency, on all services it is called differently: "points", "hearts" and so on. You can earn it using the same actions, namely, liking and reposting posts on tasks, joining groups and adding friends. For the received currency, you can order the wrapping of your friend list. Exchanges such as Turboliker, Olike, VKTarget and others allow you to resolve the issue of how to get friends on VKontakte. By the way, for many services there are automatic bots that make it easier to earn points. Nevertheless, their use should be approached very carefully. Since when automatically earning "hearts", the actions of your account can be regarded as cheating, which can lead to a page freeze.

Who to add as a friend

When adding a stranger as a friend, you need to be careful. Firstly, for the reason that a user whose goal is not a reciprocal cheat is likely to reject your application. And this means that the number of unspent outgoing offers will decrease, which is undesirable to allow without the appearance of a result.

For this reason, the first thing to do is to pay attention to those who are engaged in mutual PR, and their acquaintances, who are also very likely to do the same. Placing an ad in groups dedicated to cheating friends will allow the right people to find you on their own. These tips will help you avoid common mistakes and learn how to quickly make friends on VKontakte.

little secrets

There are several tips on how to increase the efficiency of replenishing your friend list. The first concerns page content. In "VK" there is still a so-called rating, but it is not visible to anyone except the owner of the account. So what is it for? Few people know that it allows you to display the page in the TOP friends of a particular user. For example, you went to someone's page, and those six friends that are displayed in the block under the avatar are the people with the highest rating.

You can dial it by filling in personal data. "VK" will offer to do it. Do not neglect filling if you want to make friends. The second point is related to the announcement in groups about mutual PR. A "big" message is much more effective. That is, more people will pay attention to a comment with a picture or graffiti than to a one-line text. Using these secrets, you will know how to quickly make friends on VKontakte.


In fact, it is not difficult to gain friends and subscribers in VK, because the audience of the project is huge. Thousands and even tens of thousands is far from the limit. After all, for example, on the pages of stars there are hundreds of thousands of subscribers - potential friends. It is only required to correctly build a strategy to increase the friend list. And all the main ways of how to make friends on VKontakte were outlined in this article.

Publication date: 22-03-2019 2466

“I only make original content, but I only have two hundred subscribers, and that public with button accordions is gaining so many per hour! - the administrator of the public "Lamp Republic" is perplexed. - The network is flooded with consumers who do not need food for thought! Give them funny pictures and…”

Here we interrupt the fearless hero of the keyboard and mouse, until he completely lost faith in humanity, and ask the question: how much did you, dear man, invest in advertising in order to get VK followers? Quickly “realizing” that the conversation turned to finance, the lamp Republican was already preparing to declare that he was a poor student, but the question was not at all about investing money. " How to get subscribers on Vkontakte for free? What nonsense! - immediately dismissed the administrator.

And in vain: there are many ways to quickly gain Vkontakte subscribers, without investing a penny in the promotion of the group. Of course, these methods will not allow you to build a public millionaire from scratch in one day, but they are ideal for recruiting the necessary starting base, from which the community will gain an aura of trustworthiness in the eyes of potential subscribers.

So, how to get subscribers to the VK group for free, quickly and without remorse?

How to get subscribers Vkontakte

Let's face it: you can be a natural genius writer, but not have a single reader, and then all the genius goes out the pipe. Life has failed, the person has failed, and the shelves of bookstores are filled with waste paper.

And so with everything. Even the greatest talent, even the most favorable prices, even the highest quality products will not bring anyone any benefit if no one knows about them. Social networks have made a small revolution in the promotion of goods and services, and in order to express yourself, you do not need to buy a newspaper page, billboards or airtime.

In the CIS, the most popular social network has been and remains beloved by many Vkontashechka, where more than four hundred million pages are registered. A huge number of creative people, private entrepreneurs and companies have an official VK page, and maintaining large communities has become a profitable business in itself.

Before a person who decides to declare himself to the world with the help of Vkontakte, three questions inevitably arise: “How to get VK subscribers?”, Since an empty group will give absolutely nothing; “How to get a lot of VK subscribers?”, because the more people learn about his business, the more feedback; and “How to get VK subscribers for free?”, because at first there are often no funds that could be invested in the promotion of the community.

These questions are answered by five time-tested ways with which you can gain a lot of subscribers in the VK group and spare your wallet.

How to quickly gain VKontakte subscribers: the first way

Surely you have already opened a personal to your friends and relatives for their entry into your “young, dynamically developing” VK group and already have twenty to thirty people in subscribers. But usually you have much more friends in VK.

Most likely, you have never seen most of them in person, you don’t know many of them by correspondence, and you even forgot when and why you added them as friends. It doesn't matter. The Vkontakte service makes it possible to send invitations to a group of “friended” users with one click, carrying out mass mailing in a couple of minutes without fear of losing the page due to spam complaints. The set limit of 40 invitations per day should not confuse you: friends will simply run out in a week.

Do not forget to constantly add new "friends" with a subsequent invitation to the group. This method will allow you to quickly recruit subscribers to the Vkontakte group, because a person is more willing to respond to an invitation received from a page that he himself added “as a friend”.

How to get VK subscribers: method two

A favorite among community administrators in a narrow topic is the answer to the question "How to get subscribers to the Vkontakte group for free." The essence of this method is to search for groups of the same or at least related to your subject, followed by a proposal for cooperation.

The list of community contacts often contains a separate administrator who deals with issues of cooperation and advertising. If this does not appear, it is better to offer cooperation to the chief administrator of the public. It will be much more pleasant for him to accept an offer of cooperation (usually expressed in mutual advertising through reposting) from like-minded people, especially if the theme of your groups suggests the idea of ​​​​consolidation, and getting a part of the audience of another group of the same direction in itself gives vitality to the public.

Thus, mutual advertising of groups devoted to literature (especially if they involve the literary activities of the subscribers themselves) is practiced everywhere, and sometimes large publics agree to cooperate with those that are seriously inferior in the number of participants, moreover, completely free of charge. Sometimes such cooperation develops into the creation of real clusters of communities.

Importantly, this method allows you to gain live subscribers to the Vkontakte group, because people will come to you out of personal interest, so you just have to not disappoint your new audience.

In the open spaces of VK, there are a lot of groups specifically designed to search for those who want to exchange advertising. In such communities, you can simply agree on a mutual repost.

Unlike previous method, this one will give a smaller influx of subscribers, since advertising is given in a group of a different topic, which reduces the chances of finding people interested in your group among a foreign audience, and explain to your own subscribers what is in the group of the artist Vasya reposts from the community of fishing enthusiasts not easy. But this method does not involve any extra steps. The contract is concluded - get it, sign it.

How to get a lot of Vkontakte subscribers? With the help of daily mailings of invitations. How to quickly gain subscribers in VK? Entrust mailings to a robot! There are several VK bots designed to automate the same type of processes, such as sending friend requests and group invitations.

The developers of such programs often give users a free trial of their creation for a period of time, after which they will have to subscribe, but at least a couple of weeks you will be freed from the routine and will be able to focus on filling the group with quality content.

Of course, one cannot ignore third-party sites specializing in the promotion of accounts and groups in social networks, including VK. Usually, the mechanics of these sites is based on the "karma" system: you collect points for performing certain actions, like putting "likes" on a certain photo or joining a designated group, and then spend the accumulated points by setting up your own tasks of the same kind.

It is unlikely that with the help of such services you will be able to gain many live subscribers, but even "dead souls" can form the foundation of a community. The fact is that publics with a larger number of subscribers have “weight” in the eyes of most people, because if so many people have subscribed to a public, then there is definitely something worthwhile here.

But it is very important to ensure that not only the composition of the community is “promoted”, but also posts - “I like” marks. A group of tens of thousands of people who don't get a dozen "likes" on their posts is more likely to alienate a potential audience.

You can supplement the methods discussed above with several others, elementary and somewhere even obvious:

  • If you lead several groups (and even in different social networks!) or have your own website, YouTube channel, LiveJournal account, make them work as a team. In the video on the channel, leave a link to the public VK, and in it give a hyperlink to your Instagram account.
  • Even in the 21st century, barter remains relevant. If you are able to work in graphic editors, agree with a large public about the design of the header in exchange for advertising, you know how to write - ask for a repost for an interesting article of your own preparation.
  • If you want to take a risk, advertise your group wherever possible: bombard strangers with requests to join the public, give links in the comments under the posts of third-party communities, and do not regret anything when your account is blocked due to numerous requests from workers.
  • Communication in the comments “on behalf of the community” looks less aggressive, if possible. However, this behavior is often frowned upon by the administrators of the groups in which you choose to advertise.

Using the methods described above, you can quickly and, importantly, get subscribers to the Vkontakte group for free, but you should remember that it’s not enough to get a subscriber, you also need to keep him.

Communities whose content hasn't been updated in weeks will inevitably start to lose people as people start to lose interest in the ballast hanging dead weight in the "My Groups" list.

The fact is that a community with a large number of participants is able to bring a tangible income to the owner. For example, a million or more subscribers is about 100,000 rubles of guaranteed profit per month. Agree - a very tempting prospect. In addition, such a community can be easily sold: the average price here varies from one to one and a half million rubles.

This article provides detailed step-by-step instruction about how to fill the group with active members without unnecessary expenses and expenses. But, before proceeding directly to the promotion, you need to know about the factors that affect the growth rate of the audience:

  • topic popularity;
  • content quality;
  • frequency and number of publications;
  • reader activity.

Reference! For example, groups dedicated to films and TV shows gain an audience through regular replenishment of the video library with new movies in good quality. And public health and beauty publications should be sensitive to readers' requests and publish materials taking into account the season and fashion trends.

To get started, you need to give the group a bright and memorable name, upload a beautiful avatar and a thematic cover. All this will make the group noticeable, original and recognizable, where it will not be a shame to add friends, who will become the first readers of the public.

Attention! Psychologists say that the general impression of the group is created by the header, the main picture and the first three posts. Therefore, it is they who need to be given the closest attention. Relevance to the theme, originality and imagery will be a great start to a successful promotion!

Cheat subscribers to the group

SMM specialists have long noticed that the promotion of a group is much easier when it already has 2000 or more readers. The reason is that users subconsciously distrust small communities. And at the initial stage, the effect of traditional advertising can be minimal. Therefore, promoting the community from scratch, you will first have to catch up with the audience a little.

Using special exchanges and services, you need to wind up from 5 to 10 thousand subscribers. At the same time, the ideal time for placing tasks is the period from 17.30 to 21.00, since it is then that the maximum number of real users works with the service.

Do not post assignments immediately after . It is better to wait 1-2 weeks and publish 20-30 posts during this time. Only after that you can start cheating, but add no more than 300 people per day, which reduces the risk of blocking by the social network.

Today, the following exchanges for cheating VK are the most popular:

  • Olike is a multifunctional service that allows you to get subscribers. But it is much more convenient to delete blocked pages here.

Social networks are a fairly easy and effective way to promote your own brand, create entertaining or informational content, with the ability to sell advertising in paid posts. And the larger and more active the audience of the group, the more effective the activity on the Internet will be.
Over the past few years, social media advertising has become one of the most popular types of business. This is due, first of all, to the development of social platforms in general, and VKontakte in particular.

Gaining subscribers to the VKontakte group by buying advertising or self promotion, a person can achieve his goal in a short time, whether it is the promotion of his own brand / business on the network, or the opportunity to share his ideas and creativity with the general public.

With a paid recruitment of subscribers, you need to consider this process with special care, since cooperation with cheat services can lead to sanctions from the administration of the social network. In particular, you can get not only a temporary ban, but also a block without the possibility of restoring the group.

It is VKontakte that is known as a social network that blocks communities for violating the rules without the opportunity to justify themselves and in any way mitigate the punishment. This can happen for various reasons: frequent user complaints, a large number of bots instead of active subscribers. The bulk of the blocking falls on “young” publics that use third-party services to cheat subscribers, likes, and comments.

For what purposes is it necessary to recruit subscribers to the VK group

As noted above, the number of subscribers is one of the main indicators of popularity on the Internet. The larger the audience of the group, the more expensive advertising is sold. For example, if the community belongs to an online store and is constantly updated with new, original and, most importantly, relevant content, its sales will increase significantly. If you wind up bots (accounts automatically created by the computer), you will not be able to improve the statistics of not only the online store, but also the group itself, since the bots are completely inactive.

The main ways to recruit subscribers to the VKontakte group

Cheat. When wondering how to get a sufficient number of subscribers to the VKontakte group, the first thing that comes to mind is to use third party services. And this is logical, because the Internet is full of advertising, and even bloggers with a large audience often advertise such methods of promotion on the network. This includes brute accounts, cheating bots and offers.

  1. A brute is a subscription to a group from hacked user accounts, who, as a rule, have not visited their pages for a long time. Hacking is carried out by means of automatic enumeration of passwords.
  2. Bots also belong to inactive profiles that are created automatically using special programs. Just like brutes, they are blocked quite quickly, since they are used for mass subscriptions to various groups.
  3. Offers are real people with accounts. For a certain monetary reward, they join the community and perform any targeted actions: they comment on posts, share material, put “I like” marks. Offers allow you to attract a large number of subscribers to the group in the shortest time and with a relatively small budget. The most important thing here is that they all have real pages (though often fakes). Subscribers are bought on special exchanges. The average cost of a thousand subscribers is approximately 500 rubles.

These methods of raising the audience have absolutely no practical use, except for the counter: only the number of subscribers increases. Over time, accounts, whether they are brutes, bots or offers, are blocked for excessive activity, and the community is filled with dogs, that is, deleted profiles. In addition, artificial filling of the group also usually leads to its blocking.

Inviting. The easiest way to provide a community with a few dozen or hundreds of subscribers is to send out invitations to your friends and ask them to do the same with their friends list.

You can only send invitations to friends. In other words, wanting to promote a group, a person can add other people as friends and immediately invite them to subscribe to the group. According to the rules of the social network, you can send requests to friends up to 50 times daily and make no more than 40 invites.

Despite the security, this method fills the group quite slowly, given that out of the total number of invitations sent, no more than 30% will receive a response. There are also offers of paid inviting at special sites. But such services, as a rule, are offered mainly for bot subscriptions.

Targeted advertising. This method is offered by the social network itself. However, for this you need to conduct research on your target audience, choose an ad format, choose interesting illustrations and write an attractive headline. The customer of the service pays for the result - clicks or ad impressions to users. In order for the advertising campaign budget not to be wasted, special attention should be paid to setting up targeted advertising.

Paid advertising in groups. This is another effective, but rather risky way to promote your own VKontakte group. Its meaning lies in the fact that by choosing and placing ads created from their own materials in thematic groups (here you can use text, pictures, audio and video recordings), a person gets really interested users who will subscribe and, if there is interesting material, will be active.

There are several ways to order advertising in thematic groups: contact the administrator of the community of interest directly, order the service on the official social network exchange, or contact third-party sites. The cost of the service depends on the popularity and statistics of the group in which the advertising post is placed. When choosing a community, you should pay attention not only to similar topics, but also to the behavior of the audience: “Like” marks, reposts, comments. Moreover, if this group has earned its popularity by cheating, buying advertising will be useless and will not bring an influx of audience.

How to get subscribers to a VKontakte group for free

To attract an audience without investment Money and running an advertising campaign, you need to arm yourself with patience and creativity. This is necessary in order to the target audience I found the community interesting and useful for myself.

Often, group administrators use the most interesting published post for this - it is pinned at the top on home page so that when visiting a group, people start getting to know the group from him. In addition to entertaining or informational content, such a post can be in the form of a raffle designed to motivate people to subscribe with the opportunity to win something. In addition to this, to free ways promotion of the VKontakte group include:

  • The use of services to cheat subscribers.
  • Group optimization by posting content.
  • Sending invitations to friends to join the community.
  • Mutual PR with other thematic groups.

Among the free cheat services are: Vktarget, Bosslike and Olike. These are the most popular services for cheating subscribers to the VKontakte group. However, one should not hope that increasing the number of subscribers in this way will lead to the desired result (quantity and quality are not the same thing here).

Using cheat services is quite easy: just register, create a task form indicating the address of the group and the required number of subscribers. It is worth noting that a stable subscriber base cannot be created in this way. As a rule, fake accounts are involved on these exchanges, which, due to excessive activity (subscriptions to communities, likes, etc.), are very quickly blocked by the administration of the social network.

Activity does not depend on the number of subscribers. Even with a hundred live people interested in community topics, subscribers will comment on posts, like them, and share news much more than a thousand unnaturally twisted bots.

Usually social networks are looking for groups where there is an opportunity to interact with people with similar interests. Therefore, in order to gain a lot of VK subscribers, it is important to optimize the name of the group, choose effective keywords for search engines to rank the community on the first pages of search results.

How to attract subscribers to the VKontakte group for money

Free ways to recruit subscribers to the community cannot always guarantee 100% success (however, like paid ones). If a person is willing to pay for an increase in the audience, he must choose the safest and most effective tools, including:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Special cheat services (which have already been mentioned above).
  • Specialists in the field of SMM (freelancers).

The last point - freelancing - allows you to hire a professional and get the desired result within a set period of time, without wasting your own strength. Here it is only important to discuss in advance which methods of attracting subscribers are allowed and which are prohibited due to their inefficiency and the possibility of getting a blocking of the group.

In particular, it is recommended to avoid paid services such as VkLike, TurboLiker, promotion of groups in contact with.rf, etc. Such services work in approximately the same scenario: people, wanting to promote pages on social networks, perform various tasks (subscription, comment, etc. .) in order to earn points and use them to promote your own projects for free.

They are not interested in community content. And when after some time such accounts are blocked due to excessive activity, they are not restored, as a result of which they remain in subscriptions in the form of a dog ( remote account) and spoil the statistics of the public. That is why, when blocked users are found in the subscribers of the group, they must be immediately removed, since they significantly reduce the position of the group, and saving them for the number of subscriptions is a rather useless task.