How can I contact Apple Russian technical support? What is Apple mobile device support in the list of installed programs? What does it mean to support app.

“Apple Application Support what kind of program is this” is a query that is explicitly asked by users of Apple software products. After all, there is no other way than using their programs to find out about the Apple Application Support tool. Moreover, it is also found in a not entirely trivial way. Most often, Apple Application Support comes across either in the task manager or in the list installed programs.

We all know Apple not only as closed, but also as independent. She manages to supply absolutely all her hardware with her own software.

On the one hand, this reduces the interest of third-party developers in the operating systems that are installed on Apple products, which entails a decrease in the choice for users, but on the other hand, it gives the corporation full control over all software and eliminates the appearance of viruses, which eliminates the need to create antivirus programs.

They created their own multimedia device, and developed their own software player for it. Some software tool is missing - we developed our own technology, and even the same as others Operating Systems enjoy using it. In a particular case, we are talking about QuickTime, which, along with its players, is also available on Windows. And it is worth noting that it has a very good demand for it.

Therefore, no matter what product or what program you buy from Apple, they always know with what software the purchase needs to be surrounded, and they certainly do it. This also happens with Apple application support, because no one puts it into their system on their own, especially those who ask the above request.

Officially, Apple Application Support is Apple's software product support program. It allegedly eliminates some errors and helps all systems work correctly. But the same tasks are for updates that are regularly delivered to the system thanks to another product from Apple.

Therefore, we can conclude that Apple application support simply collects information from your computer and sends it directly to Apple.

Therefore, having learned what kind of program it is - Apple Application Support, the decision whether to delete it or not is purely yours.

Hey! Despite numerous instructions posted on the Internet and on this blog, there are some issues regarding the iPhone and iPad that can only be resolved with the help of Apple technical support. For example, unlock iCloud, . Who can do it? None! Only a specially trained employee of the company. And it’s not just about blocking, you never know what other questions can be answered by a competent specialist?

And after all, it would seem that technical support itself is not hiding from anyone, there are a lot of ways to contact it, but people still ask in the comments - how to call or write to an Apple operator? And if they ask, we will answer!

Here are all the ways to reach technical support, wherever you are.

Apple technical support phone numbers in Russia

Apple, like any normal company, has its own hotline whose employees will answer any question related to the iPhone and iPad. Here are the phone numbers for the Russian Federation:

  • 8-495-580-95-57 (Moscow number).
  • 8-800-555-67-34 (Free number for calls from any region of Russia).
  • 8-800-333-51-73 (Apple Store Customer Service).

For any of these numbers, Russian-speaking employees will be ready to advise you from 9.00 to 21.00 on weekdays.

Other Ways to Talk to Apple Technical Support in Russia

When you call any of the phones, you are met by an answering machine. If for some reason you cannot get through his commands or do not want to do this, then you can order a call back - the company will call you. To do this, go to this page and:

The incoming call will not be from the numbers listed above, but from others. It can be a number from any country (I got calls from the Philippines, Bangkok and somewhere else in Asia). There is no need to be afraid - a Russian-speaking employee will talk to you and this call will be free.

For some reason you don't want to talk? FROM technical support You can always chat through a special chat. To do this, repeat all the steps indicated just above, the only thing, on the third paragraph, select: "Chat". It also shows the approximate waiting time, which is convenient.

In 2018, Apple launched an application that contains various articles and instructions on the company's products. Cool? Not bad!

However, we are interested in another possibility of this program - to get the help of a technical support specialist. What should be done?

It remains to select the device and the problem you are facing. The application will offer various solutions:

  • Articles and instructions.
  • Chat with a specialist.
  • Call support yourself.
  • Callback order.

Agree, the choice is simply excellent. We use!

How to contact Apple Russian technical support if you are in another country?

There are a large number of countries where technical support is either absent in principle, or available, but in the language that the Russian-speaking user does not know. How to be in this case? How to contact and talk specifically with Russian technical support if you are in another country?

This is not difficult, there are several ways:

But ordering a callback if you are in another country, most likely will not work (unless, of course, you do not have a Russian SIM card). The fact is that the callback form requires the indication of a number starting with +7 (a prefix for Russian numbers). You cannot erase it and replace it with another.

P.S. If you suddenly have questions, then write in the comments. And of course, put "like", then the conversation with technical support will be favorable and successful!

Hello everyone I noticed that I have some kind of program like Support for Apple programs, while two versions are installed, these are 64 and 32 bits. What is what is not clear. How they appeared is unclear. I didn’t seem to install software from Apple, I don’t use iPods, iPhones and other devices from Apple. This means that the program is stray and there is no sense from it. Which means it can be removed.

In general, programs are often installed that you don’t need stupidly, but they’re installed and that’s it. I don't like it, I think you do too! So let's delete

But here's something else that's interesting. I started to study the processes in the manager and I look there one is sitting some kind of asshole under the name AppleMobileDeviceService.exe, here it is:

I watched him and came to the conclusion that he does not load the percentage, does not eat much RAM and seems to be sitting quietly. So what is this AppleMobileDeviceService.exe process? And go know what he wants, it starts from this folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support

But I think that you understand that he is somehow connected with Apple, it is possible that this all relates to that support for Apple programs ...

In general, here is a recipe for you on how to get rid of the AppleMobileDeviceService.exe process, however, the recipe is suitable for almost any process, well, except for the system ones, of course. So look, you opened the dispatcher, found the process, excellent. Now right-click on the process and select Open location, the folder with the selected file will open, we don’t do anything with it, but we don’t close it either! Then we complete the process in the manager, and the file (process) that was selected in the folder, then quickly rename it until the process starts! I advise you to rename it to this name:


This is to change the name and keep the original name, well, I think now you understand exactly how to disable the AppleMobileDeviceService.exe process ..

Guys, if there are any problems, well, you never know if there are any jambs, then remember that you can always rename the process back and reboot! Then everything will be as before!

It seems that there is nothing else that applies to Apple. Now you can proceed to the most important and simplest, so to speak, it's just stupid to remove these all sorts of Apple support!

To remove, I advise you to use, if you want. It's just a program, you need to install it, but the program itself is like a remover of other programs, well, like this. But in fact, the remover is worthwhile, it helps to uninstall the software and then even remove traces of this software! So think, my job is to suggest...

Well, now how to support this using the built-in functions of Windows. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then this is good, but there this item is in the menu, which, in order to open, you need to hold down the Win + X buttons!

Then we find the Programs and Features icon:

Just a moment gentlemen! Look carefully, you need to remove these supports when you never connect Apple devices to your computer, when you don’t have any software from Apple on your computer! In general, I think that you understand what I mean!

A list of software will open, this is all that you have on your computer. Well, here, find Apple Software Support and right-click, then select Delete:

Then there will be such a message, then click Yes:

Then the deletion starts:

And in a couple of seconds it will end, that is, everything will be deleted quickly. It was I who removed 32-bit support, but there will still be 64-bit support, you delete it in the same way, such a window will pop up there, don’t touch anything, just click OK.

If Apple equipment was connected to your computer or laptop at least once for synchronization, then most likely you will find the Apple mobile device support program in programs and components. It can also be Russified and be called "Apple Software Support".

In this article, we will tell you what this program is for and whether it can be removed from your computer.

What is Apple mobile device support for?

This application is necessary for the full and correct operation of another application - iTunes. It is used to upload and download from Apple devices media content, which includes photos, music and videos.

For example, in order to download videos from an iPhone to your computer, you need iTunes. And in order for iTunes to be able to do this operation, you will need Apple mobile device support. The same goes for photography and music.

If you use an iPod player, then you simply cannot do without Apple mobile device support to connect it to your computer.

Service running when Apple mobile device support is installed

By the way this program creates the AppleMobileDeviceService.exe process, which can be found on the corresponding tab of the task manager.

Can Apple mobile device support be removed?

If you do not plan to connect and synchronize Apple devices with your computer or laptop, then you can safely remove this program.

Removing Apple mobile device support

Together with it, it is also better to remove iTunes, which is also needed exclusively for connecting iPhones, iPods and iPads to a computer.

The best way thank the author of the article - make a repost to your page

Classification of headphones or how not to get lost when choosing

Most of us love to listen to music. Who from time to time in the background, and who does not go beyond the threshold of his abode without headphones and a player or smartphone. In any case, the issue of buying headphones is relevant, and there are a huge number of them on the market, of various designs, schemes and price categories.

In this material, we will try to streamline a little all this chaos in the assortment of headphones. It is worth noting right away that there is a percentage of the population who does not take care of the headphones too carefully and / or does not worry about the sound quality. Sounds good. This approach has every right to life, for such cases there are a lot of "penny" headphones in each transition, we will not dwell on them.

Electrophone System

It’s not worth delving into history in this material, today it’s not about that, but it’s still worth mentioning the progenitors of the current headphones in a nutshell. From 1895 to 1926 there was a service in Britain to listen to concerts and church services at home. The device was called the Electrophone System and looked like old telephones, but with four earphones on rigid handles. Of course, the similarity of the current headphones was used by telephone companies and for military purposes. The progenitors of the current "plugs" were invented in 1891 by the French engineer Ernest Mercadier. These were miniature in-ear headphones with rubber caps that were used "to reduce friction on the pinna and effectively block out external sounds". The development was even patented, but this design was returned much later.

A lot of manufacturers in the first half of the 20th century were already engaged in headphones, including such giants as Beyerdynamic and AKG, but KOSS headphones became really popular among consumers. The $200 donated for the wedding of John Koss's wife was invested in a business, namely, renting televisions to hospital patients in 1953. A little later, Koss met engineer Martin Lange, with whom he made a "portable" record player, and military headphones were redesigned to demonstrate the possibilities. It was they who in 1958 interested the public at the exhibition, so the KOSS SP-3 appeared.

Well, enough history, let's get straight to the topic. It is worth remembering that if you buy headphones not just for show, but really get confused with the choice, in any case, you should listen and try them on before buying. Everyone has their own physiology and personal preferences, and relying solely on reviews and reviews is highly undesirable. So, for starters, it’s worth deciding on the sound source, the conditions in which the headphones will be used and their necessary functionality. Accordingly, let's move on to the first point.


The cheapest, simplest and most common are headphones - liners, popularly referred to as "droplets". Quite often, these headphones come bundled with portable electronics and usually have poor quality both in sound and in the design itself. Such headphones usually have poor sound quality, do not always fit specific ears and provide a low level of sound isolation, even with ear cushions that are made of foam rubber. The number of models of such headphones is decreasing, they are being replaced by in-ear models that provide better sound insulation and convenience. In more expensive earbuds, special interchangeable tips are supplied in the kit for a better fit in the ear. Sometimes you even come across unique models like Dunu Alpha 1 with a hybrid scheme of emitters and a bizarre shape. The earbuds are compact, which is convenient on the road.

The Dunu Alpha 1 in-ear hybrid headphones are rather bizarre in shape

Some of the most popular at the moment (if not the most popular) - intracanal headphones (popularly "plugs" or "vacuum"). Their feature is fastening directly in the ear canal, plugging it with elastic nozzles. This design provides good sound insulation and allows you to reduce the amplitude of membrane vibrations, distortion and increase frequency range. Initially, the design was borrowed from hearing aids and in-the-ear monitors for musicians. Actually, this is another name for in-ear headphones (In-ear Monitors or IEM). The main disadvantages of this type of headphones are the need for increased attention on the street and not too good reproduction of the upper part of the range, which is usually solved by using balanced armature drivers (armature) or hybrid circuits.

Overhead The earphones have a design that involves pressing the earphones to the auricles, while they are not covered by the earphones. Usually they are fixed by a headband (both in the upper part of the head and behind the head) or special ear hooks. In this case, the emitters are already outside the ear, so for comfortable listening, you need to turn up the volume. These headphones are usually lightweight and are quite comfortable to use as portable ones. But you should not expect good sound insulation from such headphones.

cups full size earcups completely encircle the ears, resulting in better sound isolation and less sound loss. Originally intended primarily for home use, but now there are a lot of full-size models that are distinguished by a light, convenient (sometimes folding) design and a relatively short cable length, which contributes to ease of use with portable equipment.

Monitor headphones are basically the same as full-size headphones: the cups completely cover the ears. But in this case, the headphones themselves are larger, more massive, as a rule, they are equipped with more serious emitters and a long, thick cable. This is a typical fixed installation, usually with a fairly high impedance that is not suitable for portable use. Actively used by people who are professionally engaged in sound.

Acoustic design

In headphone cases open type usually has holes, slots or slots, this is done so that the speaker is not in an isolated chamber. Thus, sounds enter from the outside, and part of the sound waves of the speakers come out, thereby reducing the number of reflections and sound distortion. Typically, these headphones sound more pure and natural, but are poorly suited for use in noisy environments and public places: an excessive amount of noise will interfere with listening to music, while others may well be annoyed by your music, which they will hear perfectly.

IN closed The headphones of the case do not have any slots and holes, so the speakers are closed from the external environment, and the sound is directed to the auricle. These headphones have much better sound isolation and can be used in noisy places. These headphones are usually more "bass".

There is also such a thing as Half-open (or Half-closed) headphones, this is a compromise between the above, which does not have any clear requirements and different manufacturers sometimes put different meanings into this name.

Emitter types

dynamic emitters are the most common and are used in headphones of all designs and types. They use a membrane to which a coil of wire is attached and a permanent magnet in whose magnetic field it is located. When an alternating current is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is generated that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. Due to this, the membrane begins to oscillate, repeating the shape of the electrical signal of the sound wave. Dynamic headphones usually have a fairly wide range of reproducible frequencies, but not the best accuracy and detail.

Scheme of the "reinforcing" emitter of the Westone company

Emitters with balanced anchor (rebar) were invented back in the 20s of the last century and were distinguished by high sensitivity and power, their first use was hearing aids. Their main part is a U-shaped plate (anchor), around which the coil is located. The armature can only move around an axis passing through the center of that part of it that is inside the magnetic field. The electrical signals cause the magnetic field to fluctuate, causing the armature to move, which is transmitted to the membrane, which produces sound waves. "Armature" is used only in in-ear headphones. The main advantages are high accuracy, detail reproduction and high sensitivity. Of the minuses - relatively small range, in particular low frequencies. This problem is solved by using several reinforcing radiators at the same time, or by using a hybrid circuit with an armature and a dynamic radiator.

Westone W50 in-ear headphones with five reinforcing drivers

At the core Isodynamic, orthodynamic (planar-magnetic) emitters is a thin and light film membrane with metal tracks deposited on it. It is placed between two magnets, when current is applied to which it is set in motion. The so-called Hale emitter, which was patented in 1973. In isodynamic, a rectangular membrane is used, in orthodynamic, a round one. They are used in full-size headphones, they are distinguished by high sound fidelity, but also by a rather high cost.

IN Electrostatic The headphones use an ultra-thin membrane, which is located between two electrodes. Under the influence high voltage the membrane moves and creates sound vibrations. Electrostatic headphones have incredibly smooth, high-quality and detailed sound that has virtually no distortion. The impedance of such headphones is measured in kiloohms and they are usually supplied with their own amplifier. These are solutions for the most hopeless audiophiles with an impressive income: such headphones usually have a very high cost.

Connection options

Standard is wired connection option with a 3.5 mm connector. This option is compatible with the vast majority of sources, be it a portable player, smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer. In some cases, a 1/4 "(6.3 mm) connector is used. More often it can be found in stationary and professional equipment, in some cases an adapter is supplied, if not, it will not be difficult to find it on sale. A wired connection wins in sound quality and signal stability , but not as convenient.

Options wireless there can be several connections: gradually fading into the background home options with radio and infrared connection. There are more and more models with Wi-Fi connection. The most common at the moment are models with Bluetooth, which usually have a microphone and can be used with mobile phones as a headset. There are models wireless headphones, which also support a wired connection, which will be useful if the battery is dead.