Social networks and megaphone. MegaFon “Social Networks” option: detailed overview, how to connect, cost and limitations

05/29/2017, Mon, 19:41, Moscow time , Text: Igor Korolev

Megafon has found a replacement for tariffs with unlimited Internet access. Now subscribers are offered unlimited access to major instant messengers and social networks, although the list of these services is unevenly distributed between tariffs.

Unlimited messengers

Megafon presented a new line of package tariff plans “Turn on”. Instead of unlimited Internet traffic, the new tariffs offer unlimited access to social networks, instant messengers and other Internet services.

The junior tariff in the line is “Write” - for a subscription fee of 350 rubles. per month (hereinafter prices for Moscow) provides 350 minutes of telephone calls, 200 SMS messages, 2 GB of Internet traffic and free traffic for instant messengers WhatsApp, Viber and eMotion (a messenger created by Megafon). The tariff is aimed at users who need various types messaging.

Tariff plan “Speak” for a subscription fee of 500 rubles. per month provides 600 minutes of calls, 3 GB of Internet traffic and unlimited traffic to WhatsApp, Viber and eMotion instant messengers. The tariff is aimed at users who need voice communication along with messaging in instant messengers.

The “Listen” tariff is intended for music lovers. For a subscription fee of 500 rubles. per month, 250 minutes of calls, 6 GB of Internet traffic, unlimited access to instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion) and music services(“VKontakte Music”, Boom, “Yandex.Music”, Zvooq).

Unlimited social networks

The “Communicate” tariff is intended for active Internet users. In the tariff for 600 rubles. per month includes 500 minutes of calls, 12 GB of Internet traffic, unlimited access to instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion) and social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki).

The “Look” tariff plan is intended for active Internet and video streaming users. For 950 rub. per month, the tariff offers 1.2 thousand minutes of calls, 16 GB of Internet traffic, 20 GB of traffic to the YouTube service and unlimited traffic to instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion) and social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram ).

Rate Subscription fee, rub/month Included voice call package, minutes Consumption of minutes from the intercity package Included Internet traffic package, GB Included SMS package Using packages in intranet roaming Unlimited social networks Unlimited messengers Unlimited music services Traffic for video services MegafonTV
"Write" 350 350 - 2 200 - - WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion - - -
"Listen" 500 250 - 6 - data only - WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion "VKontakte Music", "Yandex.Music", BOOM, Zvooq 20 GB for Youtube 50 TV channels
"Speak" 500 600 + 3 - only voice - WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion - - -
"Chat" 600 500 + 12 - + "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", Facebook WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion - - 50 TV channels, 2 films
"Look" 950 1 200 + 16 - + WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion - - 50 TV channels, 4 films
"Premium" 3 000 5 000 + 20 unlimited + "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", Facebook, Instagram WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, Telegram, FB messanger, OK messanger "Yandex.Music", BOOM, Zvooq 20 GB for Youtube, Rutube, Vimeo 100 TV channels, 4 films

Finally, the Premium plan is aimed at the most active users. For a subscription fee of 3 thousand rubles. per month it provides 5 thousand minutes of calls, unlimited SMS messages, 20 GB of Internet traffic, 20 GB of traffic for video services (YouTube, RuTube, Vimeo), unlimited access to instant messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, Telegram, FB Messenger, OK Messenger), social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram) and music services (Boom, Yandex.Music, Zvooq).

Unlimited Facebook without unlimited FB Messenger

At first glance, the uneven distribution of Internet services between tariffs is obvious. Thus, free access to Instagram from social networks is provided only in the “Premium” and “Look” tariffs. Similarly, among messengers, free access to Telegram, FB Messenger and OK Messenger is only available in the Premium tariff. At the same time, access to social Facebook networks and Odnoklassniki is present in a larger number of tariff plans.

If the tariff plan does not contain unlimited access to any services, then it is possible to connect the option. A package of unlimited access to all of the above messengers will cost 2 rubles. per day, package of unlimited access to social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki) - 4 rubles. per day, unlimited access to Instagram - 2 rubles. per day. Also for 4 rubles. per day you can buy unlimited access to music services and for the same price - unlimited access to video services. For 50 rub. You can activate unlimited SMS messages per month.

Although Internet traffic is limited in all tariffs, you cannot distribute Internet from a smartphone in option or modem mode: for this you need to connect an additional option.

In addition to the “Write” and “Listen” tariffs, the package of minutes can be spent on both local and long-distance calls. “Premium”, “Chat” and “Watch” tariffs continue to apply when traveling within the country. In the “Talk” tariff, a package of minutes is valid when traveling around the country, and in the “Listen” tariff - a traffic package. For 15 rubles. per day, you can expand the tariff for intranet roaming.

Replacement for tariffs with unlimited traffic

The new line of tariffs replaced the “All inclusive” tariff line. In the latest modification of this line, the subscription fee was from 300 rubles. per month up to 2.7 thousand rubles. per month. The new line has a slightly higher subscription fee. Users of the new tariffs will receive additional opportunity in the form of unlimited traffic to social networks and instant messengers, but in most tariffs there will be no package of included SMS.

This corresponds to Megafon’s new approach to tariff setting - “more for more” (more opportunities for more money), which was announced last week by the operator’s commercial director Vlad Wolfson.

In addition, even earlier Megafon abandoned unlimited tariffs on the mobile Internet - the corresponding option was in the previous line of tariffs, but now it is not available for new connections.

Let us remind you that since the end of 2016 mobile operators one after another they began to abandon tariffs with unlimited Internet access. Yota, a subsidiary of Megafon, was the first to take this step. Instead of an unlimited Internet traffic package, the operator offered packages with a limited amount of data and the ability to connect an additional option with unlimited access to major social networks and instant messengers.

The MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan from MegaFon allows subscribers to get unlimited access to the Internet in their home region and almost anywhere in Russia with the exception of some regions. The tariff will be of interest primarily to active Internet users in 3G/4G format on smartphones and tablets.

Description of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff

The tariff provides for a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which varies depending on the region. For example, subscribers from Moscow and the region will pay 20 rubles daily, and from the Krasnodar Territory - only 11 rubles for the same period. On the official MegaFon website you can get information about the amount of the subscription fee for a particular region.
  • Subscription fee - 20 rubles per day

When connecting to MegaFon Unlimited for the first time or switching from another tariff, the amount for the first 7 days of service is debited from the subscriber’s account. In this case, the subscriber gets access to Internet traffic in the amount of 7/30 of the monthly volume. Starting from the 8th day of using the tariff and on subsequent days, the subscription fee is charged daily.

The minimum advance payment for connection is 160 rubles, the connection itself is free.

The package of services within the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan includes:

  1. 250 minutes of calls to MegaFon numbers and other operators in your home region. You can use the package of free minutes both in the region where the tariff is connected and outside of it in the Russian Federation.
  2. 200 SMS to numbers of all operators in your home region, including MegaFon. You can send free SMS in your region and while traveling around Russia.
  3. Unlimited mobile internet.
  4. Unlimited on-net calls.

Not included in the service package

If the tariff package limits have expired

If the package of free calls and SMS is exhausted, the subscriber will pay 1.6 rubles per minute for calls to mobile and landline numbers in the home region and 2.9 rubles for calls to landlines and mobile numbers other regions of Russia. Calls to MegaFon numbers remain free if the subscriber talks for no more than 1440 minutes daily. It is difficult to exceed this figure, since 1440 minutes are equal to 24 hours.

Features of the MegaFon Unlimited tariff plan

The benefits of unlimited Internet traffic can be enjoyed in various regions of Russia. The exceptions are several republics, cities and regions:

  • the cities of Sevastopol and Norilsk;
  • the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Crimea;
  • Magadan and Sakhalin regions;
  • Kamchatka region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The cost of 1 MB of traffic in these constituent entities of the Russian Federation is 9.9 rubles.

A SIM card with the current MegaFon Unlimited tariff is used only on tablets and smartphones. There is no provision for installing a SIM card on a router or modem and distributing free internet via Wi-Fi via Bluetooth and USB. In addition, the operator has set speed limits when using file-sharing networks (torrents).

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

To connect to the MegaFon Unlimited tariff, you can use the following methods:

  1. Contact any MegaFon salon.
  2. Go to “Personal Account” on the official website, select the “Tariffs” tab and act according to the instructions.
  3. Call the number hotline MegaFon and follow the operator's instructions.
A prerequisite for connecting to the tariff is the presence of sufficient funds in the subscriber’s account. Currently, the tariff plan is archived, so it cannot be activated.

How to disable the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

The tariff is switched off automatically when you change the tariff plan. MegaFon Unlimited is most suitable for fans virtual communication. If a subscriber only occasionally goes online, but plans to make more calls, he should consider other offers from tariff line Megaphone.

Today, the use of the Internet in everyday life became a very important link. The Internet is needed not only for recreation, but also for work, doing business and other matters.

Clients cellular communication MegaFon, which uses tariff plans from the “All inclusive” series, can now use unlimited internet thanks to the special option “MegaUnlimit”. For a modest subscription fee, customers can use the Internet on an unlimited basis.

Description of the “MegaUnlimit” option

To use this option, you must, in addition to being a MegaFon communications client, also be a user of one of the tariffs of the “ ” family. Such a family implies a whole series services: free minutes, messages, Internet traffic. All these services are charged per month of use. With the onset of a new month, the unused amount is canceled and a new one is added. Tariffs are very competitive and convenient.

Using the MegaFon Internet option in addition to the “All Inclusive” tariffs, it is possible to make it unlimited. Thus, there will be no restrictions on speed or accrued traffic. It is also worth noting the good news: by activating the MegaUnlimit service, subscribers have the opportunity to use the Internet at 4G+ speed. The service is activated on free of charge. And the payment for the very use of the option is a certain amount, which varies depending on the tariff used.

Subscription fees are charged on a daily basis. The write-off amount varies from 0 to 9 rubles/day. It should also be noted that all prices and amounts presented in the review are calculated for the Moscow region and the Moscow region. It is recommended to check with the operator by calling 0500 or on the company’s website before activation for cost information for other regions.

Cost of services provided

First, you should switch to the appropriate tariff plan, and then activate the MegaUnlimit service. The price for the initial connection will not cost subscribers a penny. But with subsequent activations of the option, the cost for connection will be 100 rubles.

If we talk about subscription fees, communication customers will need to pay different amounts. It all depends on the connected tariff plan:

  • For people who use the “VIP” service package, there is no subscription fee;
  • Clients using packages and XL – 5 rubles/day.
  • Subscribers who have connected and are using the “M” tariff plans, in the “All Inclusive” line, as well as “Warm Welcome” - 7 rubles / day.
  • Payment for use when connected to plan “S” on the “All Inclusive” line, as well as “ ” - 9 rubles / day.

As you can see, the cost of Internet on different packages differs, but with all this, at any tariff, access to the network becomes available at the same high speed. Whether there is a need to use such an option, each subscriber must answer independently. Perhaps some people primarily use the Internet. This decision will be very beneficial for them. To calculate whether the option is worth activating, you need to calculate the costs of communication and Internet. And use some mathematical calculations that will allow you to understand whether the investment will be a profitable investment.

Restrictions on the Megafon "MegaUnlimited" service

Before activating the option, you need to study some restrictions:

  1. This option is only available for home network. As soon as one’s territory is abandoned, the conditions of action cease;
  2. The connected service prohibits the use of torrents;
  3. You can use a SIM card with this service only on mobile phones and tablets. You cannot insert a SIM card into a router or modem. There is also an important note to note for this point. If subscribers want to distribute the Internet to other devices ( Wi-Fi hotspot), then you will need to pay extra for this.
  4. When using another option that expands Internet access, you must disable it, and only then activate MegaUnlimit.
  5. The service may not be used throughout Russia. More details can be found on the MegaFon website.
  6. The connected option is permanent and will be active until the subscriber disables it.

How to enable the option

You can start using the service after using one of the connection methods:

  • Using the company's website you can activate the service. To do this, you need to fill out the appropriate form and send it to the operator. After connecting to mobile phone You will receive a notification about a successful operation.
  • By logging into his personal account on the website, each subscriber has the opportunity not only to activate MegaUnlimit, but also to connect the desired tariff plan or other services. In addition, your personal account allows you to manage your SIM card without imposing any restrictions. This connection method is intuitively simple and clear. All you need to do is log in to your account. And for this you need to register.
  • The functional analogue of a personal account is mobile application from MegaFon. You can download it from the appropriate resources or on the website.
  • By sending a message by phone 05001153 you can activate the service. The response message will contain a report of successful connection. The SMS sent by the subscriber must be empty.
  • In order not to suffer for a long time, it is recommended to use the most in a fast way service installations. To do this, you need to send a ussd request to the operators. After some time, the option will become active. To implement, you need to dial the combination *105*1153# on your device .
  • Employees of service centers or company stores can also activate the service. For both methods, you must have a passport to confirm your identity and details. In case of operator assistance service center Passport details will need to be dictated. To get in touch please call toll free phone 0500. Salon specialists themselves activate the option after verifying the subscriber’s identity.

How to disable MegaUnlimit on Megafon?

When there is no need to use of this service, and also if you spend unnecessary money, you can always turn off the service, spending just a few minutes. It is very strange that the MegaFon website does not provide any information about disabling the service. All information is presented in personal account, through which you can actually deactivate the service. You can also use the mobile application, which allows you to disable the option in a couple of clicks.

In the last days of May, the Megafon operator launched a line of “Turn on!” tariffs. Key Feature new proposals have become tariffs mobile internet. Unlike previously existing packages, the current ones began to include a little less traffic, but there were unlimited limits on individual services - instant messengers, social networks, streaming services, music and video. Let's figure out how profitable the new tariffs are and what unpleasant surprises subscribers can expect.

On May 29, Megafon announced the launch of seven new tariffs under the general name “Turn on!” The company tried to diversify its package tariffs in accordance with the needs of users. From the same day, “All inclusive” packages were closed for connection.

The names of the new tariffs are unusual at first glance: “Open”, “Write”, “Listen”, “Speak”, “Communicate”, “Watch”, “Premium”. Megafon itself considers this naming very convenient and descriptive. It is understood that the "Write" tariff is for lovers of SMS and instant messengers, "Listen" - for music lovers, "Talk" - for voice calls via mobile network etc.

It is also worth noting that new line tariffs are maximally unified in all Ural regions (same prices), which in Megafon include the Republic of Udmurtia, Kirov, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The most budget package will cost 200 rubles per month, and the most expensive - 1990 rubles per month.

Representatives of the operator noted that the new tariffs were developed using the analysis of “big data” and the behavioral characteristics of existing subscribers.

“Line of tariff plans “Turn on!” built based on the real interests of users: talking, chatting in instant messengers, listening to music, communicating on social networks, watching videos. Now every MegaFon subscriber can “join” the world of limitless digital capabilities. The set of applications included in the tariff with unlimited access corresponds to the interests of the client. Therefore, the tariff “Turn on!” does not contain, as before, redundant services,” says the operator’s website.

The main feature of the new tariffs is unlimited access to instant messengers, social networks, video and music streaming services. According to Megafon marketers, the use of the wording “unlimited” and “unlimited access” should ensure the popularity of the new line. What’s most interesting is that a couple of months ago the same people argued that unlimited Internet and unlimited internet in general is an extremely unpopular and unclaimed service.

The list of social networks and instant messengers is extensive: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Tam Tam, BOOM, Yandex.Music, Zvooq, VKontakte Music, YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo and others . Audio and video on social networks are also unlimited and the package is not consumed.

But you shouldn’t delude yourself. Cheap tariffs include only a minimum set of instant messengers and social networks without “heavy content”. The more expensive the tariff, the wider the list of social networks, multimedia services and instant messengers included in it. If what you need is not on the list, you will have to buy a separate option with subscription fee. But first things first (then tariffs are discussed using the example of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region).

Tariff “Open”


The cheapest package tariff in the new Megafon line is called “Open”. There are no unlimited limits. It includes 300 minutes to all networks in your home region, 250 SMS and 1 GB of mobile Internet. When the prepaid service package is exhausted, calls to Megafon in your home region are free, and other outgoing calls are charged at 1.5 rubles per minute. SMS also cost 1.5 rubles. Internet will be charged in blocks: 3 0 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

Tariff "Write"


The most affordable tariff with unlimited messengers is called “Write”. Costs from 300 rubles per month. True, by default only WhatsApp, Viber and eMotion are included. Unlimited traffic in instant messengers also applies to voice and video calls. But “Contact”, Facebook Messenger, Telegram are not among the unlimited ones. This whole thing can be connected for an additional fee (“Messengers+” option). But You cannot connect free Instagram, music or video services with this tariff.

In addition to three instant messengers, the base tariff includes 500 minutes for all operators in the home region, 500 SMS, 4 GB of mobile Internet. When the prepaid service package is exhausted, calls to Megafon in your home region are free, and other outgoing calls are charged at 1.5 rubles per minute. SMS also cost 1.5 rubles. Internet will be charged in blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

The service package can only be spent in the connection region; roaming applies to the rest of the territory.

Tariffs “Speak” and “Listen”


The “Speak” and “Listen” tariffs have the same subscription fee - 450 rubles per month. True, the packages of included services are radically different. The first tariff is most suitable for lovers of long telephone conversations, and the second - for young people and fans of listening to music from Yandex, Contact, etc.

The “Speak” package includes 1000 minutes to all numbers in the Russian Federation without division into regions, 5 GB of mobile Internet, as well as unlimited WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion traffic. All additional options are also available for connection.

The “Listen” package includes 600 minutes to all numbers in the Russian Federation without division into regions, 10 GB of mobile Internet, as well as unlimited traffic WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, MegaFon.TV, BOOM, Yandex.Music, Zvooq, VKontakte Music. Additional options are also available for connection, although not all. So, " Social media+" and "Video+" cannot be connected.

1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (in Russia). Internet will be charged in blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

Both service packages are valid in Russia with the exception of. There is no roaming tariff.

Tariff “Communicate”


The next tariff in order of seniority is “Communicate”. It has a subscription fee of 550 rubles. It includes 1200 minutes to numbers of any Russian operators, 12 GB of Internet traffic and unlimited access to WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, MegaFon.TV (including 2 films per month), VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. All additional options are also available for connection.

When the prepaid service package is exhausted, calls to Megafon of Russia are free, and other outgoing calls are charged at 1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (in Russia). Internet will be charged in blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

Tariff "Look"


The tariff for included video viewing services is called “Watch”. Subscription fee 750 rubles per month. The package includes 1,700 outgoing minutes to all networks of Russian operators, 15 GB of Internet traffic, as well as free tariffication for WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, MegaFon.TV, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram. Separately YouTube provides 20 GB per month. All additional options are also available for connection.

30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

The tariff is valid on the territory of Russia with the exception of. There is no roaming tariff, all incoming calls are free, traffic is consumed from the package.

Tariff "Premium"


The most expensive tariff, which includes the maximum number of non-tariffed applications, is called “Premium”. The subscription fee is 1990 rubles per month. The service package includes 3,500 minutes within Russia, 20 GB of Internet traffic, as well as non-tariffed traffic in the applications WhatsApp, Viber, eMotion, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, TamTam, MegaFon.TV, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, BOOM, Yandex. Music, Zvooq, VKontakte Music. Separately for YouTube, Rutube, Vimeo, 20 GB per month is provided.

When the prepaid service package is exhausted, calls to Megafon of Russia are free, and other outgoing calls are charged at 1.5 rubles per minute (home region) and 3 rubles per minute (within Russia). Internet will be charged in blocks: 30 rubles for every 200 MB until the end of the billing period.

The tariff is valid on the territory of Russia with the exception of Roaming tariffication, all incoming calls are free, traffic is consumed from the package.

Additional options


On certain tariffs, you can activate additional options that provide unlimited access to certain applications/services. Here is a list of six such options.

The subscription fee is charged daily, with the exception of unlimited SMS.

What’s most interesting is that neither the tariffs nor the options include the ability to connect unlimited to Skype. Discrimination? Don't think…



Megafon's new tariffs fit into the concept announced about five years ago, when subscribers must pay for access to a specific mobile service or application, or the services themselves must pay operators for the opportunity for subscribers to access them. In fact, this was implemented in the paid provision of unlimited services. At least for now.

Meanwhile tariffs have become clearly more difficult to perceive and analyze. Now you need to take into account not only minutes, SMS and traffic, but also sets of individual instant messengers, social networks, and streaming services included in each offer.

If we talk about the profitability of each of the seven tariffs, then for many people the optimal solution will be the cheapest “Write” with the addition of the unlimited option “Messengers +” (Telegram, Facebook Messenger, TamTam) for 30 rubles per month. In this case, the kit costs 330 rubles per month, however, without unlimited access to social networks, music and videos.

The “Listen”, “Speak” and “Communicate” tariffs may also be interesting. Two cheaper tariffs with different priorities (one with an emphasis on voice, the second with an emphasis on music) and one (“Communicate”) 100 rubles more expensive - universal.

The last 5-10 years can safely be called the era of Internet technologies. It was over these years that the World Wide Web became so popular and in demand even in the most remote corners of our planet. Today, each of us uses all kinds of web services every day, communicates with friends, relatives and colleagues in instant messengers, views and listens to all kinds of content. However, if we talk about the most popular Internet resources, then these are, without a doubt, social networks.

For a large number of people, the Internet is completely limited to the use of such services. After all, in social On networks today you can chat with friends, listen to music, and even watch movies. And this is an obvious advantage. But traffic to social networks, given the quality standards of modern content, “flies away” at incredible speed.

This was also noticed by MegaFon, which implemented special offer, in which social networks can be used for free. And today we will consider this tariff in as much detail as possible in our article.

Who will benefit from the “Social Networks” option?

This option is designed for active users of social networks, and these today, perhaps, are the overwhelming majority of subscribers from the youth category, and not only.

If you look at the statistics on the use of Internet traffic provided to us within the framework of the tariff plans used, you will notice one common trend - we spend most of the Internet on surfing social networks, as well as on consuming traffic located in them. And if you don't have enough traffic provided in tariff plan by default, this does not mean that you need to look towards other TPs with a more extensive web quota. After all, there is a “Social Networks” option that will allow MegaFon subscribers to solve the problem of lack of traffic.

MegaFon "Social Networks" service: a detailed review

By the way, for unlimited access to Instagram, MegaFon has the “Social Networks+” option.

Activation of the service in question provides MegaFon subscribers with the opportunity not to worry about the Internet consumed on social networks, since the traffic used will not be charged for the most popular sites in Russia. And they, quite obviously, are:

The option is available for use by subscribers who use MegaFon services as part of the “Speak”, “Warm Welcome M 2017”, and “Listen” packages. As for restrictions on devices, this offer can be used on both smartphones and tablet devices. For modems and routers connected to PCs, and even to smartphones and tablets, the option does not work.

As for the most important conditions, that is, financial ones, they look like this:

  • Activation fee: none;
  • Monthly fee: 4 rubles per day;
  • Tariffing of traffic in social media networks: absent.

When connecting to the “Talk” or “Listen” tariffs from December 25, 2017 to February 28, 2018, the “Social Networks” option will be available to MegaFon subscribers free of charge and forever, which means 120 rubles per month in savings.

Also, when considering the characteristics of this option, it is necessary to note one very important nuance. The fact is that video content embedded in social networks is often located on third-party resources (YouTube, for example). If you view videos embedded through links from other sites, Internet traffic will be counted as normal for such content.