Troubleshooting when reinstalling windows. Three reasons to reinstall Windows

Reinstalling Windows XP in some cases, it is necessary when all means of restoring the system have been exhausted or restoring the normal operation of the old copies of Windows XP is not appropriate. There are two types of Windows installation xp. Reinstallation in recovery mode and clean reinstallation. In case of reinstallation in recovery mode, partitions hard drive are not deleted or formatted, the old registry, settings and user files will remain as they were. Such reinstallation sometimes helps to solve some problems, but not always and not all. With a clean reinstall Windows system the disk is formatted or deleted and the partition is created again, and any necessary version of Windows is installed on it. If there are more partitions on the hard disk with the necessary data, then you can leave them alone, and they will remain unchanged with all the information on them. Before a clean reinstallation of Windows, you must copy all important data from the system partition to another partition that will not be deleted, and format it either on an external storage medium, such as a DVD, CD, flash drive or external HDD. If Windows no longer boots in normal mode, then you can try to boot it in "Safe Mode" through the boot menu by pressing the F8 key after starting the computer. The boot menu should open on a black screen, where you need to select "Safe Mode" in the list at the top. During the download, a window will pop up where you need to click "OK". After loading into safe mode you can copy all the necessary files and folders from the system partition (disk) to another partition (disk) or to an external storage medium. If you cannot boot Windows in any mode, then you need to boot the operating system from external media, such as CD, DVD or floppy disks. There are special bootable recovery discs on CD and DVD under different names. Most often, the names contain the words Windows Live or Windows Life, but not necessarily. The loaded operating system must provide access to your data to be copied, as well as access to the media on which the data is saved. Some users, before installing Windows, format the hard drive, delete and create partitions, with various utilities and programs. I assure you, you don't need to do any of this. All this is done during the installation process using the Windows installer. For information on how to do a clean installation (reinstallation) of Windows, read the article. One more recommendation. If you have several hard drives it's better to disable hard drives, on which Windows is not installed, so as not to get confused in disks and partitions and to avoid some of the "glitches" encountered during the installation of the operating system. You can turn it off physically, for example, by unplugging the power connector from the hard drive or programmatically via BIOS SETUP, but it's easier and more reliable to turn off the power. After the installation of Windows is completed, you can reconnect previously disconnected drives. The system will detect them, install them and assign symbols to them. In some cases, Windows Installer does not detect hard drives. This is often due to the lack of necessary drivers for SATA drives in the Windows distribution. This problem can be solved either by loading the necessary drivers by pressing F6 at the beginning of the installation, or by installing Windows versions with integrated drivers in the distribution. Such a problem can also occur due to a malfunction of the hard drive, a cable, or a lack of power.

The smooth operation of the PC, as well as the user's peace of mind about the safety and security of personal information and data, completely depends on how stable and competently the operating system is installed. Thus the importance correct installation Windows is hard to overestimate. In fact, it is better to entrust such a complex and painstaking work as reinstalling the OS to specialists. The main difficulties of this event can be called the occurrence of a number of inconveniences (using a floppy disk with program files, or difficulties when reinstalling the OS on a netbook, due to the lack of a disk drive), as well as risky situations with losses essential information. That's why important point serves to define the problem: to save the OS or the way out is to reinstall it. Reinstalling the operating system is a last resort and is taken when there is no other way to solve the problem. There are frequent cases when the correct Windows cause inconvenience easily resolvable conflicts in the hardware of the computer. In this case, reinstallation can be avoided.

Installing windows xp on ssd allows you to improve the quality and speed of using applications. The need to install the OS is required by all new PCs, reinstalling the system is necessary in cases where the user prefers one system over another (many do not like XP or others), or if it is impossible to return the old OS to normal operation.

By itself, a “clean” operating system does not allow you to fully use your PC, as you need to install drivers, various user applications and perform competent system optimization.

Reasons to reinstall operating system

The main aspect is the understanding of the relevance of the process. Often this procedure is "assigned" when the body of the system is damaged. Symptoms of damage are failures in the normal Windows boot or unstable PC. In this case, reinstallation is the only chance to restore the full functionality of the PC.

The process itself is quite complicated, so immediately realistically calculate your capabilities and turn to IT masters for help before it's too late. Only those who have special skills and knowledge in this area can make a competent reinstallation. Lack of experience can affect the quality of the "new" OS, the work of which will not differ much from the previous system.

Malicious programs, improper installation / removal of applications, illiterate editing of the registry, and others lead to critical errors and failures in operating system Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. But even if the user knows which "jamb" led to the error, he will not always be able to fix it on his own.

Correcting system errors in this case must be entrusted to third-party utilities and programs. We have selected the five most famous and effective programs that will help you fix operating system errors.

Microsoft Fix it

Fix it- a set of programs developed by Microsoft. This tool can help you troubleshoot specific issues with Windows 7, 8, 10, and XP. As a universal product, they cannot be used. Utilities work pointwise, correcting individual errors systems. For example, Fix it will help with problems that arose after emptying the trash, programs that started in automatic mode. It will also fix problems with the DVD drive, copying files and a number of others.

The Fix it utilities on Windows 7 are downloaded automatically and absolutely free.

How to fix system errors on Microsoft operating systems (all versions) using the Fix it utility set:

Since the set of utilities was created by the OS developers, they are safe and perform only authorized actions. The program will not do anything that would disable the computer.

The Fix it utility can be safely attributed to the best free program for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, and using it is simple, fast and reliable, but not always effective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

This program, developed by Conner Bernhard, can be called a universal solution. Using it, you can diagnose and fix any problems related to network connections and adapters. The new "ten" does not support the program, but in XP, 7 and 8 it works fine.

You can download NetAdapter (free) at.

The main feature of NetAdapter Repair (all utilities in one program) is that it diagnoses problems, and the decision to fix problems is made by the user himself. The work is started with the "Advanced Repair" button. That is, the program does not work in automatic mode. The utility has a separate menu with which you can configure network connection settings by checking the checkboxes below. You can select all areas by selecting "Run All Selected".

The program will quickly fix all existing errors.

The utility allows each user to diagnose the system for errors, but only the administrator can make decisions about troubleshooting.

Beginners may be frightened by the lack of Russian-language support, and trained users can easily figure it out and make all the necessary settings.

With NetAdapter Repair you can fix:

  1. Settings for the network protocol responsible for automatically obtaining an IP address by the computer (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
  2. Text hosts file.
  3. Electronic routing file.
  4. Domain Name System addresses.
  5. Protocol of work in local networks(Network Basic Input/Output System).
  6. Parameters for ensuring confidentiality, data authenticity, privacy in the network.
  7. Operating system network service settings.
NetAdapter Repair is ideal for advanced users and is not recommended for beginners.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish- a real doctor Aibolit for a "problem" computer. This is a universal utility that will simultaneously eliminate all problems that have arisen in the operating system. Moreover, Kerish Doctor will also solve the problem of low computer performance.

What the utility can do:

  • Fix registry errors;
  • Optimize OS services;
  • Increase network connection speed;
  • Monitor system events;
  • Protect against malware;
  • Prevent OS crashes;
  • Protect your computer from overheating;
  • Delete junk files applications, invalid shortcuts, temporary links, and more;
  • Close system and application vulnerabilities;
  • Create the optimal mode for the players.

It is important! The utility runs in manual and automatic modes. If you chose the second mode, be prepared that the program, working in the background, will decently load the processor. To avoid this, configure Kerish Doctor in manual mode by selecting the optimization items yourself.

Although the program is universal, it can scare trained users with its “permissiveness”. But beginners who prefer not to delve into any processes, but to get a “flying” operating system in the end result, will probably use it.

Kerish Doctor has a shareware version lasting half a month, and full functionality can be purchased for 380 rubles.
You can download Kerish Doctor for free by.

Anvisoft PC Plus

Anvisoft is a versatile and free option with which you can fix various problems.

Anvisoft PC PLUS can:

  • Eliminate problems with graphic files on the desktop related to moving, copying, color selection;
  • Fix system errors, for example, when a dynamic link library is missing;
  • Fix network connection errors;
  • Clean up temporary files;
  • Fix bugs in games;
  • Detect OS errors and warn about them;
  • Support users 24 hours a day (however, managers speak English).
You can download Anvisoft PC PLUS (free) on the page.

Although the program does not support the Russian language, it is popular with domestic users, especially active players.

By selecting the error search area, you can run a computer scan.

Registry Repair

A special utility that deals with registry problems. Almost 20 types of errors can be recognized and corrected by Registry Repair, and therefore it will be indispensable for those who like to edit registries at their own peril and risk. The utility will find all errors and automatically fix them. Works neatly and does not load the RAM and processor.

Registry Repair can:

  • Check the entire registry for errors or its individual sections. Using the utility, you can check file extensions and history,
  • Custom elements and services launched by the operating system, fonts, application directories, the Start menu, and more;
  • Find and destroy everything that spyware and adware have left behind;
  • Scan the entire system partition and check all users on this computer;
  • Create a list of events that do not need to be checked;
  • Undo all previously made corrections (before each change, a backup copy is created);
  • Creation text file all changes made to the register.
Registry Repair is a good solution for beginners and experienced users. The utility is free, and the developers guarantee correct operation.

To download Registry Repair, go to .

When you start the program, it will automatically scan the system for errors, after which you can start the fix with the "Fix Registry" button.

All existing errors in windows xp, 7, 8, 10 will be fixed.

What to choose?

All presented utilities are among the best free programs to fix bugs in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, while each is good in its own way. But Kerish Doctor has the greatest functionality, however, in order to use all the tools, you need to buy it.

NetAdapter Repair is a professional solution, but only for advanced users. Registry Repair does an excellent job of scanning the registry and fixing the issues it finds. Anvisoft is versatile. A Fix it - the best choice in our opinion. Utilities from the Windows OS developer work precisely, safely and quickly.

Found problems with windows? Today we will tell you how to identify problems with the operating system and how to start the OS after the update.

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Taking advantage personal computer over a long period of time, it is impossible to avoid any malfunction. Sometimes the equipment itself fails, in other cases, the reasons for incorrect operation are related to the operating system itself.

The most common Windows OS problems (Windows)

  • Activation errors.

In most cases, such a Windows malfunction occurs as a result of upgrading from the seventh or eighth version to the tenth. An incorrectly performed procedure leads to OS activation failures.

To get rid of a problem with Windows like this, first of all, you should open the start menu, where you select the “Settings” column, then click on the “Update and Security” item, and then proceed to direct activation. Here you also need to select the "Go to the store" field and see if a valid license is in the public domain. If it turns out that it is not available, then you need to purchase a new one in the Store.

Also, a similar error occurs if the computer does not have Internet access or the firewall settings do not allow the system to complete the activation process via the network.

  • Broken Chrome browser.

Problems with Windows caused by any malfunctions in the operation of this Internet browser also in most cases occur with the tenth version of the system. Among these problems, slow work should be highlighted, especially when performing rather resource-intensive tasks, as well as watching videos. Some users managed to solve this problem by reinstalling Chrome.

  • Folder problem.

Many users note the appearance of such a problem with Windows as incorrect operation mail client. In the new operating system, the program does not allow you to create special subfolders to optimally organize your mail.

  • Unstable Wi-Fi.

If the problem with Windows that you had to face is caused by malfunctions wireless network, then the simplest action that you can try to troubleshoot is to restart the PC. But a greater effect can be achieved by disabling the wireless network sharing function, which is active in the system by default. In some cases, by disabling this option in wifi settings, it is possible to increase the stability of such a connection.

  • Windows problems caused by driver problems.

Typically, this problem occurs on devices with Nvidia graphics cards, as well as multiple monitors.

To solve it, you need to roll back to the previous version of the driver.

  • The operating system does not start.

The most common error is Disk Boot Failure, which occurs immediately after turning on the computer directly. In this case, instead of the usual system boot, a message about this failure appears.

Problems with Windows like this are due to the fact that the operating system cannot recognize the drive from which you tried to start. This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, a drive was simply inserted into the device, and BIOS settings in turn, such that the disk or flash drive is used to start the system.

The problem when Windows does not boot for a long time

If the system does not start for a long time, then it is imperative to disconnect from system block all third-party devices and only after that you can try to turn on the PC.

Also, among the problems that arise due to the BIOS, it is necessary to highlight its incorrect configuration, namely, an incorrectly set boot sequence. It is worth emphasizing that such failures can occur at any time, which means that you need to constantly monitor the battery charge on the motherboard in order to prevent similar problem with system startup.

"What does it cost us to build a house"? This is probably what many not too prudent users think when thinking about reinstalling the system. They believe that this is an easy and hassle-free business, therefore, with perseverance worthy of a better application, they step on the same rake over and over again. We assure you, competent installationWindows- the task is quite complicated and troublesome, therefore it must be solved either by employees service center or knowledgeable in IT-technology friends and colleagues. Moreover, even professionals sometimes make gross and unforgivable mistakes, but in order to preserve the “honor of the uniform”, customers are given a different version, in which the role of the main villain goes to (surprise, surprise!) Microsoft. Interested? Let's figure it out!

  1. Installation from under the working system

Theoretically, this is indeed possible, and you will even be able to keep all stopped programs intact. Practice, however, is not so rosy, especially if the "parent" OS resembles a nuclear weapons test site. Numerous errors in the registry, traces of viruses, not completely removed programs, conflicting drivers, the ubiquitous Kaspersky antivirus (classic BSOD and klif.sys failure) ... All this disgrace comfortably moves to a new system and continues to annoy the user with a variety of problems.

Tip: install the OS only (!) on a pre-formatted hard disk partition!

  1. Installing from a problematic distribution

If your installation disk is licensed, you can safely proceed to the next section. But if you "legally" downloaded Windows from one of the many trackers, get ready for surprises, and there are more than enough pitfalls here. It can be a "crooked" activator that replaces critical system files, incorrect system tweaks, missing drivers for major computer components, or protections that are disabled by default. As a result, you get a "clean" system that refuses to accept half of the usual application software and on duty issues critical failure when trying to install an antivirus.

Tip: use only copies of the licensed disk or proven and reliable assemblies, and you will have to decide on the eligibility of such actions yourself.

  1. Installing the wrong OS version

This often affects the owners of obsolete computers 10-15 years old, who sharply recall what is in the yard XXIcentury and it's time to try something new and modern, and not once again installWindows XP. Arguments that it is pointless to install the G8 on such ancient hardware do not work on them, as a result of which the initial download (if by some miracle the installation is completed successfully) lasts 5–10 minutes. However, sometimes the opposite happens, when latest computer with Intel haswell or even broadwell, a gamer nostalgic for old games is trying to "shove" the same XP.

Good old XP just doesn't fit modern PCs anymore

Tip: the version of the system being installed and the hardware available should roughly match each other, and any excesses in this matter are fraught with big problems.

  1. "Forgetfulness" when saving user settings

A very popular mistake. The owner of the computer, absorbed in thoughts about future dividends in the form of a clean and fast system, “forgets” what is on the C drive: he has left a lot of Word documents, part of his home photo archive and some very spicy pictures of the corresponding direction. And although everything system administrators urge users not to store work data on system partition usually nobody listens to them. As a result, the user gets not only a clean system, but also a headache from the fact that the data will have to be restored somehow.

Tip: before installing the system, first copy all your data to another partition (or even better, an independent physical disk), and then make a backup copy of the system with Acronis or Paragon. Don't know what it is and how to turn on the visibility of hidden files? Ask for help from a qualified friend or more knowledgeable colleagues, and let someone else stuff himself with the inevitable bumps!

  1. Incorrect installation order of drivers and system software

widespread and very common mistake, about which Ilf and Petrov warned at one time. Remember the catchphrase "money in the morning, chairs in the evening" uttered by fitter Mechnikov? So, it is most directly related to our today's topic. That is, you need to search for and prepare drivers not after installing the OS, but before! However, it is important to make sure that they are for the version of Windows that you intend to install. By the way, this is the main danger of a “software” upgrade, when new system refuses to recognize the sound controller or USB 3.0 hub (quite typical for many laptops).

If installed incorrectly, you can forget about 3.0 connectors

Tip: Preparing drivers for all devices is an essential preparatory step when installing Windows. But you should not count on the features integrated into the distribution, since they are designed only for the implementation of basic functions, and, to put it mildly, do not suffer from an excess of features.

  1. Neglecting to install system software

If you believe that a disc that manufacturers motherboards complete their products, is a panacea for all diseases, then you are deeply mistaken. Indeed, for the correct operation of most modern games and application packages, at least three more components are needed: DirectX, librariesMicrosoft Visual C++ and the client part of the platform.NET Framework. And they don't always come with motherboard or video card. You should also take care of the support of modern Internet technologies from Adobe (Flash, AIR and Shockwave).

Required products

Tip: do not put off installing additional software "for later." Nothing good will come of this, and the "saved" time will turn into serious problems in the very near future!

  1. Refusal to install antivirus

Basic featuresWindows on protection against various Internet garbage are quite modest, and the thesis about the “uselessness” of antivirus is actually a harmful and very dangerous myth. Moreover, it is not worth justifying your own laziness by the complexity or high price of the corresponding programs. Firstly, the cost of most complex security solutions is very humane (about 1000 rubles). Secondly, even the available "free" versions of commercial programs (Avast, Avira, AVG) provide a sufficient level of counteraction to modern Internet threats. Thirdly, reputable vendors quite often hold various promotions, during which you can download an antivirus for free, for which they asked for money yesterday.

Tip: do not neglect the protection of your computer in the hope of the traditional Russian "maybe". And if you don’t believe me, take a walk through two or three “adult” sites, and then spend a few hours on emergency disposal of the system from the next Winlock. Alas, but in modern conditions, a reliable antivirus is not a whim, but an urgent need!