Where do YouTubers stand? Top YouTube Channels

There are no questions about Russian top bloggers - everyone knows their names. But we should not forget that the world blogosphere is not alone in being famous for Ivangay. There are many names and projects on the World Wide Web that deserve attention. Moreover, for their sake you can (and should) finally learn English. We have compiled a list of the 10 coolest foreign channels that are worth watching. So, let's go!


We couldn’t help but include the most popular blogger in the world in this selection. Today the PewDiePie channel has more than 50 million subscribers. Felix Kjellberg most often makes video game review videos. In addition, approximately once a week the popular Swede describes travel on his channel.

Shane Dawson

Shane Dawson became famous on YouTube thanks to his parodies of stars and celebrities. His main channel has 6.5 million subscribers, and in addition there are two more channels, one of which contains comedy videos and sketches, and the second - videos shot on an iPhone. Note that Dawson began recording videos in high school, when it was definitely not mainstream. Thus, the guy was just doing his homework.

Ray William Johnson

Johnson lives in New York and makes comedy videos about viral videos. He became an Internet star thanks to his sense of humor. Ray has more than 10 million subscribers, and the number of views has exceeded 3 billion. Ray sometimes composes his own songs and releases animated videos in his releases.


The real name of this popular British blogger is Zoe Elizabeth Sugg. The girl not only runs a channel that has about 10 million subscribers, but also writes books. Her debut novel, Girl Online, was published in 2014. Zoella reviews cosmetics and also produces her own line of cosmetic products, Zoella Beauty.


Eva Gutowski from California captivated 7 million viewers around the world with her sincere and touching videos. Most often, she makes vlogs about herself, where she shares her personal life with subscribers. The girl is 21 years old, she is studying at college to become a journalist, but she is already making quite a good living thanks to her popularity on YouTube.


Joseph Sugg is the brother of Zoella, who has already appeared on this list. Joe makes humorous videos, and his channel ThatcherJoe has 7.5 million subscribers. The guy has three channels in total, all of them are quite successful and interesting to learn, so improve your English and have fun with Joe!


Ryan Higa, an American blogger and actor of Japanese descent, runs a channel better known as “nigahiga.” Ryan makes comedy videos, which brought him fame along with twenty million subscribers.


Cassie Ho is an international fitness blogger who has become famous for her weight loss story. Cassie teaches Pilates and presents her own line of sportswear, but the girl herself has repeatedly admitted that a significant part of her income comes from YouTube.


19-year-old Chris Ofling has been running his YouTube channel since 2012. Various kinds of scandals arise around his personality every now and then, for example, on the topic of the blogger’s multisexuality. However, this does not stop him from becoming more popular day by day.


Roseanne has one of the most popular cooking shows on YouTube, Nerdy Nummies. The girl dreamed of becoming an actress and even appeared in some episodic roles in films, but her career on the Internet developed much faster and more successfully. Rosanna is watched by more than 7.5 million subscribers, and she herself says that cooking is one of her main passions, so we can only wish her good luck.

Comedy duo founded by Daniel Padilla and Ian Hickox. Ian and Anthony post their skits and other videos on the channel. The authors have several more channels: Behind the Scenes with Smosh, Smosh Games, IanH, Smosh Pit Weekly, Shut Up! Cartoons. Almost all of them release videos on a strict schedule.



An entertaining and sometimes educational channel from Canada. Many people work on creating a video: several editors and presenters. They release videos very often, two a day.

Lisa Kosher

Channel of an American actress and video blogger. She started vlogging on YouTube as a teenager. By 2017, the channel gained 10 million subscribers. In addition to his Internet activity, he appears in films and TV series.


Video blogger and comedian from Canada. He often makes humorous videos about situations from everyday life and problems that people often complain about. One of the most popular videos is about girls getting ready to leave the house.

Casey Neistat

Casey Nystet is not only a famous blogger, but also a film director and co-founder of a development company social network Beme. He has a difficult fate: Casey dropped out of school in the tenth grade at the age of 15. Later he ran away from home, and then his girlfriend became pregnant. From the age of 17 to 20, he lived in a trailer park with his girlfriend and son. He worked as a dishwasher and cook. Later he moved to New York, where he first worked as a courier. There he began filming and posting daily vlogs.

Nowadays, keeping a public diary is considered a very interesting and profitable profession. develop into commercial ones, and successful popular bloggers become an example for others.

One cannot but agree with the statement that the authority of blogs with a large number of subscribers is increasing every day, turning into a real tool of influence on the readership.

Blogs on the latest gadgets, tourism, cooking, cosmetics and beauty make good money on the Internet. A personal online magazine, reflecting the hobby of its owner, becomes an online continuation of the extraordinary personality who promoted the project.

Types of blogs

So, of our country - who are they? Before getting acquainted with the top projects that attract new subscribers and advertisers, it is worth talking about what online magazines exist.

A resource with interesting content

A beginner, just making his way to fame, grabs literally everything and fills his blog with content of various contents. Some diaries resemble a huge dump of irrelevant news and photos copied from other sources. However, there are talented bloggers who skillfully look for what is interesting to their subscribers. Resonating content collected on the Internet allows it to remain in the top of the most read and cited projects.

Author's magazine

The opposite of the first project is the so-called blog magazine, specializing in a specific topic. The author expresses his point of view and captivates readers with what is closest to him as the creator.

There are often cases when professional magazines with an entire army of subscribers are bought out by large publishing houses, and further development occurs through investments. Such mutually beneficial commercial deals are practiced by famous bloggers both in Russia and abroad.

The resources described above include personal diaries photographers posting original photographs, or celebrity blogs, the fame of whose owners allows them to quickly gain subscribers interested in the personal and professional lives of their idols.

Blogs on women's topics

Separate projects include magazines on purely women's topics: handicrafts, cooking, fortune telling, and others. Popular bloggers post useful master classes that attract an audience of millions.

This also includes channels that are gaining popularity, the owners of which are well versed in the beauty industry and have dedicated their lives to beauty. Famous bloggers who talk about new cosmetics and share detailed makeup tutorials express independent opinions about products by testing them on themselves.

We've looked at the main types of blogs that are popular and loved by loyal readers, and now we'll talk about famous creators of personal resources who turned their hobby into a business.

I. Varlamov

Perhaps the most popular blogger in Russia is the well-known Ilya Varlamov, who founded an advertising and development agency and writes fascinatingly on LiveJournal. Cognitive or social posts he accompanies with photographs, skillfully using his blog to advertise new projects.

Varlamov loves his readers and for their sake “travels through garbage dumps, runs to rallies and writes something new every day.” On a personal blog, which is visited by about two million people every month, it is possible to buy advertising, providing it with photographs of the customer. The author also suggests organizing a photo shoot, supplementing it with selling posts about products or stores. A businessman and human rights activist, one of the top bloggers on LiveJournal, criticizes local authorities, entering into polemics with the administration of the cities he visited. He boldly covers the most resonant political events, such as the protests in Kyiv in 2014.

E. Krygina

Speaking about the most popular media personalities, we cannot ignore the person of Elena Krygina, who burst onto the fashion Olympus with her video tutorials on makeup.

M. Wei

Masha Wei, one of the top bloggers who is incredibly popular among schoolgirls, began recording beauty video tutorials while still at school. In them, she talks about all the intricacies of applying makeup and transforms into famous pop culture divas. IN lately Masha, who has more than three million subscribers, is invited to work on television.

K. Matoyan

The very first beauty blogger in Russia with the nickname Blondycandy shares with her Livejournal subscribers everything that happens in her life. The cosmetics lover always talks about new products and reviews popular face and body skin care products. Katya is known to everyone who is even slightly interested in the beauty industry. Successful Matoyan has been collaborating with the most famous beauty brands for a long time.

N. Belotserkovskaya

Russian bloggers rarely spoil their readers with culinary art and surprise them with their special skills. Nika, who found herself in France by the will of fate, fell in love with the cuisine of Provence and began generously sharing recipes for delicious and unusual dishes.

The author of books about the secrets of haute cuisine has become the most popular food blogger in Russia. Now Belotserkovskaya has her own online store where you can buy unusual spices, syrups, cereals and even branded Belonika oil. Having promoted her own brand, she also opened three culinary schools abroad.


Well-known bloggers on YouTube, whose videos are watched by millions of viewers, receive decent compensation from the channel. A girl named Veronica is called the main “sniffer” of the country. She writes original reviews about selective perfume brands and the so-called mass market. Not afraid to offend anyone, a popular blogger with a huge army of subscribers speaks out quite harshly, for which many people criticize her, but Veronica is full of positivity and shares it with everyone.

D. Borisov

The leading bodybuilder in terms of views on Youtube, Denis Borisov, has long earned the reputation of a true professional. His programs were appreciated by athletes and ordinary people. In an accessible form, he explains how muscle building occurs, talks about all the nuances of training, making differences in the programs of men and women.

Borisov, whose videos have received more than 50 million views, is not for nothing considered the most popular and successful fitness blogger in Russia.


Voronezh girl Katya Orleans quickly achieved fame. She doesn't try to be boring and doesn't mince words. Now her online magazine “about clothes” is gaining popularity in the Russian blogosphere. A non-standard approach to fashion without custom advertising sets Orleans apart from thousands of other girls. She harshly criticizes her colleagues, pointing out their obvious mistakes.

Sophie Avenue

Perhaps, the top ten bloggers are rounded off by Sofia Alekseeva, who received recognition for her amazing beauty and unique taste. Using the most unusual combinations of clothes, Sophie creates original images that her subscribers love. Each of her “looks” catches and inspires readers who admire Alekseeva’s style.

The girl who has become famous stars in television programs and participates in commercial projects that bring in good profits.

As you can see, the best bloggers in Russia, gaining popularity, receive good dividends by doing what they love. Don’t delude yourself that this is easy money, because without a creative approach it is impossible to interest a multimillion-dollar audience. Running a popular blog requires maximum effort and time, but those who are confident in themselves can be recommended to try their hand at this field.

How much can you earn from a blog? A pressing question for novice video makers or a whole army of fans of top YouTubers who are interested in counting other people’s money.

Meanwhile, YouTube has long ago ceased to be an ordinary video hosting service, having evolved into a platform for interactive Internet television, where anyone can become a celebrity, making hundreds of thousands of dollars from their popularity, and this is far from the limit.

How do video bloggers make money on YouTube?

Video bloggers have at least four sources of income:

  1. Contextual advertising. Many users still believe that YouTube pays royalties based on the number of views of a particular video. But this statement is obviously incorrect. The fact is that a blogger’s salary depends on how many clicks on advertising banners and video screens the viewers of his channel make.

For example, famous YouTubers on the Runet can earn 50¢-$2.5 from contextual advertising within 1 thousand views of video content.

  1. Product placement. You've probably already come across videos in which, in the middle of the video, the channel host advertises manufacturers of goods and services. This is far from a cheap promotion, because the same EeOneGuy, Max +100500, Katya Klap and other equally popular YouTube stars cost advertisers from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Selling links that are placed under the description of the video – 5-20 thousand rubles.
  3. Affiliate programs. In addition to standard privileges: free access to the media library, holding training webinars and round-the-clock support, an affiliate program can increase a video blogger’s income from contextual advertising by 20%-40%.

How much do YouTubers earn?

Probably, each of us was interested in how much top video bloggers earn on YouTube? Naturally, none of them will tell you about the size of their official fees, since famous YouTubers are often bound by contractual obligations to affiliate programs, advertisers and Google Corporation. However, you can calculate the approximate earnings of a particular video maker yourself or by using special online services.

  1. We count on our own: (A x B) + C = D
  • A – number of views on the channel;
  • B – average income from contextual advertising – $1-$1.5/1 thousand views;
  • C – profit from the affiliate program, about 30% of earnings from advertising;
  • D – potential channel income.
  1. If you have the Internet at hand, you can find all the necessary information on portals such as SocialBlade, WhatStat, StatSheep, etc.
And here we calculated everything for you. We analyze the income received from all his sources of income, including YouTube.

For example, to find out how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube, you need to:

  1. Calculate using the diagram above.

(349.854 million x 1,500) + 30% = $682,215

  1. Or use the statistics of one of the above resources (using the example of the “StatSheep” service).

*– the numbers in both cases will be different, because StatSheep calculates the channel's potential profit at $2.5 per 1,000 views.

TOP 10 richest video bloggers in the Russian-language segment of YouTube

No. 1. Yuri “Frost” Freezer (Visiting FrostA).

  • Subscribers: 3.662 million
  • Views: 1 billion 452 million
  • Revenues: $3.629 million.

Yuri Frost began his career as a video blogger in October 2012. Let’s plays for the game “Minecraft” brought popularity to the native of Nizhny Novgorod. In addition to reviews of video games, Morozilka diversified his channel with vlogs, challenges, and question-and-answer videos.

Frost makes huge money on YouTube not only thanks to his charisma, but also to his stunning performance. After all, as of October 2015, Yura managed to record 958 videos - this is three times more than Max +100500!

No. 2. Maxim Golopolosov (AdamThomasMoran).

  • Subscribers: 6.604 million
  • Views: 1 billion 250 million
  • Revenues: $3.126 million.

One day, Maxim Golopolosov got tired of working as a courier for a salary of 15 thousand rubles and began devoting almost all his free time to video blogging, a graduate of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity. Subsequently, his project “+100500” conquered YouTube, which contributed to the release of the show on the country’s television screens in October 2011.

Max +100500 during 2011-2014. rightfully bore the unofficial title of the richest blogger on Russian YouTube just until Yura Frost began churning out videos on an industrial scale.

Nevertheless, to this day Golopolosov has no equal in terms of the number of subscribers. Therefore, it is possible that in the near future the famous YouTuber will return to the first line of our rating.

No. 3. Ivan Rudskoy (EeOneGuy).

  • Subscribers: 4.671 million
  • Views: 957 million
  • Revenues: $2.394 million.

Dnepropetrovsk blogger Ivan Rudskoy registered on YouTube in March 2013. Since then he has been recording videos on the most different topics. According to him, he adheres to the concept of “I shoot whatever comes into my head.”

Therefore, the content Vanya produces may cause misunderstanding among the unprepared public. Especially videos like “Stoned up antics”, “How not to poop”, “Adventures of a big penis”, etc.

Most of Ivangay’s fans are schoolchildren, who often compare Rudsky with Swedish let’s player PewDiePie and Russian YouTuber Roma Zhelud.

No. 4. Stas Davydov (This isFine).

  • Subscribers: 5.128 million
  • Views: 938 million
  • Revenues: $2.371 million.

Former KVN player Stas Davydov leads on YouTube show“This is Good”, which is comparable in format to Golopolosov’s brainchild - “+100500”. However, unlike Max, Stas is not a fan of obscene language, but arouses the viewer’s interest in his channel due to his extraordinary facial expressions and extraordinary sense of humor.

No. 5. Oleg Brain (TheBrainDit).

  • Subscribers: 2.901 million
  • Views: 797 million
  • Revenues: $1.994 million.

Oleg Brain gained fame on YouTube playing Minecraft, GTA, Mortal Kombat, and Mad Max. Recently, the star Let's Player has not limited himself in the pleasure of reviewing popular entertainment applications on iOS. Brain also has his own online store where he sells souvenirs with the branding of TheBrainDit channel.

No. 6. Roman Filchenkov (Mr. Lololoshka).

  • Subscribers: 3.810 million
  • Views: 782 million
  • Revenues: $1.955 million.

Roman Filchenkov became famous for filming let's plays and vlogs. From time to time he records videos with EeOneGuy. Many subscribers complain about Roma because of his arrogant attitude towards the channel's audience. However, this does not prevent him from remaining one of the most popular game reviewers on the Runet.

No. 7. Konstantin Ladanin (Jove).

  • Subscribers: 2.084 million
  • Views: 429 million
  • Revenues: $1.074 million.

Jov specializes in “World of Tanks” streams, but also sometimes posts videos of other people’s playthroughs, no less popular games– “CS”, “GTA”, “The Witcher”, “SOMA”, etc.

No. 8. Dmiry Kuplinov (KuplinovPlay).

  • Subscribers: 1.274 million
  • Views: 356 million
  • Income: $889 thousand.

If you want to know everything possible about computer gaming, then don’t waste your time and quickly subscribe to Dmitry’s channel. However, in this case, be prepared to encounter Kuplinov's reckless humor in the style of PewDiePie.

No. 9. Katya Trofimova (The Kate Clapp).

  • Subscribers: 3.541 million
  • Views: 352 million
  • Income: $882 thousand

Katya took up video blogging at the age of 16. At first I recorded vlogs, then I started a sketch show, and on at the moment continues to make videos about his personal life and travels. Klap is one of the most popular YouTubers on the Runet, which allows her to take part in many entertainment projects both on YouTube and on TV.

No. 10. Sasha Spielberg (Sasha Spielberg).

  • Subscribers: 2.543 million
  • Views: 349 million
  • Income: $874 thousand

There are conflicting rumors about how much Sasha Spielberg earns on YouTube. Evil tongues say that the video blogger’s income does not cover the costs of promoting the channel, which is sponsored by her far from poor father. It is also noteworthy that Sasha hides her real last name according to some agreement with her parents, who wished to remain incognito.

So, no matter how much bloggers earn on YouTube, you need to understand that this is a rather labor-intensive task that takes up all the free time of video makers.

After all, in order to remain at the peak of popularity, it is necessary not only to regularly release videos, but also to comply with trends, improve the quality of production, generate and implement new ideas, properly monetize content and be able to interact with the audience. And this is expensive.

Here you can watch videos about science and technology from foreign sources, as well as short science fiction films. Everything is translated into Russian and voiced.

2. Sci-One TV

On Sci-One TV you will find reports from scientific and technical events, interviews with experts and educational stories that reveal certain scientific issues. Journalists, engineers, young scientists and other volunteers work on the content.

3. Science and technology

Another resource with translations of videos about science and technology from foreign sources. On it you will find Russified videos of such world-famous channels as AsapSCIENCE , TED-Ed And MinutePhysics.

4. Science

“Nauchpok” are animated videos that popularly and humorously explain scientific facts and answer questions related to them. What is topographic cretinism? Are GMOs dangerous? They will tell you about this and much more on this humorous channel.

5. Gutenberg smoking room

Channel of the educational project “Obrazovac Lecture Hall: Gutenberg Smoking Room.” Videos of lectures from open events dedicated to popular science topics appear here. Speakers are any people who are well versed in their fields.

6. PostScience

Recordings of lectures on fundamental science are posted here, in which Russian scientists talk about their research in the first person. The channel belongs to the scientific and educational portal “PostNauka”.

7. Arzamas

Channel of the educational Internet project Arzamas. The videos are video lectures and short stories given by Russian scientists on issues in the humanities.

8. Attic

The team of this resource maintains several video sections in the form of lectures, discussions, interviews and other formats with the participation of experts. Viewers are told about science, technology and the future. The channel belongs to the Russian news agency TASS.

9. Lectorium

Channel of the educational Internet platform "Lectorium". Here you can watch recordings of lectures given at different universities in Russia. Choose from a variety of subjects and learn from the best teachers in the country.

10. Science 2.0

“Science 2.0” is an account of the TV channel of the same name. Among the available videos you will find programs about space, man and technology. Professional presenters and film crew create high-quality and diverse content.

11. Everything is like animals


A channel about inventions, technology, experiments and curious features of nature. The videos are shot by residents of Donbass. The eccentric but funny presenters never cease to amaze viewers with their ideas and creative ways of bringing them to life.

13. Life hacker

Of course, we couldn’t forget about our YouTube channel. On it you will find educational videos about self-development, technology and elegant solutions to life's problems. Subscribe if you haven't already.

Perhaps we missed something interesting? What scientific and educational channels do you watch?

What are the most popular channels on youtube? After all, they have tens of millions of subscribers and billions of views, they create new trends and set an example for the younger generation. These are the stars of the new generation who film their lives and show it to everyone as a series. In general, we won’t torment you!

In this material we have collected for you the 10 most popular YouTube channels all over the world!

Let's start from the last, tenth place:

TaylorSwiftVEVO channel (10th place)

Nigahiga Channel (9th place)

JennaMarbles channel (8th place)

EminemVEVO channel (7th place)

KatyPerryVEVO channel (5th place)

RihannaVEVO channel (4th place)

Smosh Channel (3rd place)

Channel HolaSoyGerman (2nd place)

Tenth place in the top most popular channels On YouTube he occupies a channel called TaylorSwiftVEVO. Currently the channel has 14 million subscribers. The channel was created in 2009, during which time 69 videos were uploaded, which received a total of approximately 5 billion views.

Nigahiga Channel (9th place)

Ninth place in our top of the best channels is taken by the Nigahiga channel. This channel is run by a guy from America. Currently, 14 million people have subscribed to the channel.. 238 videos were published and received 2 billion views.

JennaMarbles channel (8th place)

Eighth place in the honorable TOP of the most popular channels is taken by the JennaMarbles channel. This channel has been run by a very pretty girl from the USA since 2010. Currently, 15 million people have subscribed to the channel.. 253 videos have been published and have received approximately 2 billion views.

EminemVEVO channel (7th place)

Seventh place is occupied by a channel created in 2009 in the USA - EminemVEVO. Currently the channel has approximately 15 million subscribers.. The channel published 56 video clips, which collected approximately 5 billion views.

OneDirectionVEVO channel (6th place)

Sixth place in our Top Youtube Channels is taken by the UK channel OneDirectionVEVO. Currently the channel has approximately 16 million subscribers.. In total, the channel has currently published 157 videos, which have collected approximately 4 billion views. The channel has been running since 2010.

KatyPerryVEVO channel (5th place)

Fifth place among the most popular channels is occupied by the KatyPerryVEVO channel. Currently, the channel has published 89 video clips, which have brought a total of 5 billion views. The channel also has about 16 million subscribers.

RihannaVEVO channel (4th place)

The fourth place in the global TOP of channels on YouTube is occupied by the channel from the USA RihannaVEVO. Currently the channel has 16 million subscribers, the channel has existed since 2009. Since then, 91 videos have been published, which have received a total of 7 billion views.

Smosh Channel (3rd place)

An honorable third place in the world is occupied by a channel called Smosh. This channel is run by two people and the USA. Currently the channel has 20 million subscribers, the channel has been in existence since 2005, this is probably the oldest of YouTube channel ov. During this time, 507 videos were posted, which received about 4 billion views.

Channel HolaSoyGerman (2nd place)

Second place goes to the channel HolaSoyGerman blogger and Chile. Currently the channel has 22 million subscribers. HolaSoyGerman has been running his YouTube channel since 2011 and has currently posted 128 videos on it, which have received a total of two billion views.

PewDiePie Channel (1st place)

The first place in our TOP of the most popular channels is occupied by the channel of the Swedish blogger PewDiePie. Currently the channel has 37 million subscribers(the most popular), just a huge number. PewDiePie has been running his channel since 2010 and has posted about two and a half thousand videos on it.