Why the iPhone slows down: Apple has revealed the main reason why older iPhones slow down. iPhone slows down after update - reason What to do to prevent iPhone 6 from slowing down

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As you know, any modern phone equipped with communicator functions has such an unpleasant property as freezing during operation.

And the iPhone, unfortunately, is no exception, so a huge number of “happy” owners of this gadget “travel” through forums in the hope of finding an answer to the question of what to do if the iPhone is malfunctioning. Let's try to figure it out.

Problems due to some application

  1. If the iPhone is frozen due to the operation of some application, then you need to press the lock button, which is usually located in the upper part of the case, and hold it until two words appear on the phone screen: “turn off” and "cancel".
  2. After they appear, release the lock button and press the “Home” button located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Clicking this button should close the frozen application.
If this method does not help, then you need to try restarting the phone.

How to reboot a frozen iPhone

As it turned out, doing a forced reboot on an iPhone is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because few people would guess that to do this you need to press and hold two buttons (“Home” and “Power”) at the same time.

The buttons must be held until the gadget's screen goes dark (or the world-famous apple appears on it, which will indicate that the gadget has started to reboot). After this, the gadget should start working normally.

Ways to solve the problem

Of course, the device can malfunction for various reasons, but most often it does this due to some kind of software glitch. And this problem can be solved by flashing (restoring) the device.

To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. connect your phone to iTunes;
  2. open home page device management;
  3. and press the “restore” button on the top plate.
After this, the iPhone may “ask” whether to restore the device as new or take data from it. backup copy. The user will have to select one of the proposed options and the recovery (flashing) will be completed.

After such a procedure, the phone should stop glitching, otherwise, it is recommended to send it in for repair.

In mid-December, a Reddit user under the nickname TeckFire noticed that when the battery wear on his iPhone 6s reached 20%, the smartphone began to work much more slowly. Back then, few people took the news seriously—you never know what the geek “felt”... But December 21, 2017 Apple of the Year sent the well-known IT resource TechCrunch... a letter admitting that she deliberately makes the 2012-2016 iPhones slower!

Why do older iPhones start to slow down?

Apple writes that it is forced to artificially lower clock frequency chips in older devices like the iPhone 5s, 6, 6s and 7. Why? The fact is that due to increased load, the processors of these smartphones periodically reach their maximum capacity and consume too much energy. This leads to spontaneous shutdown of the device and other problems with the gadget. If you leave everything as it is, Apple notes, this iPhone will last less, and the battery replacement time will come sooner:

“Our goal is to offer users the best possible experience, which includes overall performance and extending the operating time of their devices. Lithium-ion batteries cope less well with peak loads in the cold season, when the charge level is low or due to natural wear and tear, which, in turn, leads to forced shutdown of the device in order to protect electronic components.

Last year, we released a feature for iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, and iPhone SE to smooth out sudden outputs. peak power- exclusively for those cases when it is necessary to protect the device from unexpected power outages under the conditions described above. We have now added this feature to iPhone 7 running iOS 11.2, and we plan to add support for other products in the future.”

The feature Apple is talking about was added to iOS version 10.2.1. Then iPhone 6s users began to complain en masse about spontaneous shutdowns of their devices, and engineers from Cupertino found only two solutions: depending on the request for energy consumption, either limit the energy consumption of the chip, or divide the request into several cycles.

What should you do to avoid Apple throttling? Just replace the battery! User @sam_siruomu on his Twitter page reports that: the processor of his new iPhone 6 3 years ago worked with a clock frequency of 1400 MHz, while now the heart of the smartphone produces only 600 MHz. Replacing the battery restored the processor clock speed to its previous level, and now the old iPhone 6 runs much faster even on the latest versions of iOS.