Beeline tariffs “Everything for business. "Everything for Business" - a line of tariffs from Beeline for legal entities Connecting and disconnecting the "All for Business" family

The service is obligatory for payment and cannot be deactivated.
* The subscription fee is indicated taking into account the discount provided for replenishing the balance of the number in the amount of a monthly subscription fee at the rate or more, the discount (cashback) is calculated in the next billing period after payment.
The subscription fee, excluding the discount, is 1000 rubles per month.
Replenishment of the balance must be carried out in a certain way by the provider, details by phone. (495) 225-25-77 (around the clock).

All calls up to 3 seconds are free of charge. A local telephone conversation with a duration of less than 60 seconds is charged in the amount of the cost of a minute of airtime, for a duration of 60 seconds or more - it is charged per minute.

The specified tariff is valid for outgoing calls, provided that you are in the Beeline network, except for calls to numbers on the Beeline network. The included minutes are not spent on Beeline network numbers, the tariffication is 0 rubles / min.
Tariffication of incoming and outgoing calls on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is 9.95 rubles.

The coverage area is all of Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
When you are in roaming on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, incoming calls consume the minutes package included in the tariff, outgoing calls are charged at 9.95 rubles / min.
After the package of minutes has been exhausted, incoming and outgoing calls when roaming in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are 9.95 rubles / min.

Tariffication of calls on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol after the exhaustion of the package of minutes included in the tariff is 9.95 rubles / min.

The included SMS and MMS package is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators in the home network and in intranet roaming. The cost of one SMS-message and MMS-message to the numbers of subscribers of other countries is 5.95 rubles.
The cost of outgoing SMS-messages while in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is 5.95 rubles.
In national and international roaming, when sending MMS, Mobile Internet is also charged.

The coverage area is all of Russia, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
Tariffication of mobile Internet while in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is 9.95 rubles per 1 Mb of Internet traffic.
When traveling across Russia on the Beeline network in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: Internet traffic is provided at a speed of up to 128 Kbps. The speed is restored within two days from the moment of the last Internet session outside these territories.

Prohibition of identifying your number for outgoing calls (not guaranteed for calls to other mobile networks).

The airtime spent by the subscriber to perform any operations using the mailbox when calling 0600 is paid in accordance with the selected tariff plan - like local outgoing calls to Beeline phones. The subscriber does not pay for the airtime used by the caller to record the message.

Conference call participants pay for the airtime of the conversation independently of each other in accordance with their chosen tariff plans and tariffication rules.

Calls forwarded to a local phone number (including to numbers of the Beeline network and other mobile operators in your city). Long-distance (international) calls are considered to be forwarded to long-distance (international) numbers; such calls are paid according to the tariffs for long distance (international) communication.

Long distance (international) calls are charged from the beginning of the conversation. The tariff for long-distance (international) communication services is calculated by summing the cost of a minute of long-distance (international) communication and the cost of a minute of local airtime in accordance with the selected tariff plan. When calculating the long-distance (international) component of the airtime cost, the duration of a telephone conversation is rounded up with an accuracy of 60 seconds.

Provided when the "International communication" service is activated.
Tariffication is indicated when staying on the territory of Moscow and Moscow region. When traveling across Russia, the Beeline network has a single tariffing of 40 rubles per minute.

Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT. Tariffication is indicated taking into account discounts and adjustments when the number is located in the home region. When connecting a number to a legal entity, the telecom operator has the right to use a surcharge of 1.2% to all tariffs for communication services.

When specifying tariffication, mathematical rounding in the second decimal place is allowed. The tariff plan is based on the line tariff. Not developed by PJSC VimpelCom.

The data published on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a public offer. In the event that the price of a product or service is indicated incorrectly due to a typo or technical error, the exact price will be given by the manager.

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Everything for Business is great for corporate use. The line includes 5 starter packs, the transition to which is absolutely free. Moreover, the starter packages provide for intra-roaming and international communication. You can learn more about business rates in the next article.

Description of tariffs

All for Business mobile packages include the following plans: All for 400, All for 700, All for 1100, All for 1600 and All for 3000. Previously, the exclusive lineup consisted of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum mobile plans. Business packages are also called corporate packages.

The fact is that they are most often used in order to create a bond between employees of a company. Since these tariffs are suitable for office use, subscribers are provided with services such as: SMS, MMS and Internet traffic.

In addition, clients of the business plan have the opportunity to use the services of the package not only in their home region, but throughout Russia.

All tariff plans include such services:

  1. Free communication with Beeline subscribers.
  2. Sending SMS, MMS to designated corporate numbers is free of charge.
  3. Each mobile plan has a service package.
  4. The designated limit for Internet traffic.

For business for 400 rubles

In this mobile connection, money for the transition is not charged. In addition, the following services are provided for corporate use: 5 GB mobile internet, 100 messages and the same number of minutes for monthly use.

And what is beneficial, users of the tariff are provided with unlimited calls throughout the Russian Federation, as well as communication with the numbers of their working circle.

For business for 700 rubles

The total subscription fee for the “Everything for 700” tariff is 700 rubles. For these funds the subscriber is provided with 600 SMS, MMS and minutes, as well as 15 GB of Internet traffic.

As well as for other tariffs of this line, the mobile package implies preferential prices for international as well as within roaming calls.

It should be noted that the transition to the tariff is absolutely free.

Like its predecessors from the All for Business line, the tariff includes unlimited calls throughout the Russian Federation.

In addition, the mobile package contains 1500 minutes, MMS, SMS for a month... Also, the subscription fee includes 20 GB internet... There are preferential prices for international and intra-roaming calls, traditional for corporate communications.

For business for 1600 rubles

This starter package contains 400 minutes more messages and MMS than the previous tariff.

It assumes such conditions: 25 GB of internet and 0 rubles for international roaming.

In addition, unlimited calls to all employees of the company, no matter where they are, and free connection to the tariff.

For business for 3000 rubles

This starter package is the most expensive of the entire line of mobile packages.

It includes 6,000 minutes, messages, and MMS. However, the package has unlimited for any communication with employee numbers. In addition, the business package includes 30 GB of Internet per month. Regarding international roaming, the tariff has a limit of 100 SMS and minutes.

International communication for travel in Russia

Payment for international communication with the following countries is carried out at a rate of 40 rubles: Abkhazia, Armenia, China, Canada, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and others.

The same price applies to calls to European countries and America (USA is not included in the list). The highest fee is charged for connection to satellite systems such as Inmarsat, iridium (145 rubles). Moreover, tariffication is set for communication with satellites "Global Star", "ICO Global", "Thuraya".

Benefits of a postpaid payment system

The main advantages of the postpaid settlement system include:

  1. The ability to save up to 30% on taxes.
  2. Unlimited SMS, MMS, Internet, mobile communications.
  3. Convenient non-cash payment method.
  4. The payment period can be extended up to twenty days.
  5. Regular notifications about the state of the subscriber account.
  6. Internal roaming services.
  7. Constantly updated promotional offers from the Beeline operator.

It will be helpful to review:

How to save on taxes?

Relying on the information of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the financial costs of legal entities associated with corporate cellular services can be minimized by signing a corporate agreement with the Beeline operator.

So, in order to charge VAT on communication costs, you need to prepare such documents:

  • An official paper that will designate all employees with access to corporate communications.
  • Documents containing information about the expenditure limit of operator services.
  • A document that confirms the need to use mobile network services on the territory of the institution. In addition, the application should be accompanied by a contractual invoice, as well as an invoice, as well as a report of calls made by the company's employees. Typically, such securities are provided by PJSC Vympel Kom.

Survey for visitors

Connecting and disconnecting the All for Business family

The corporate mobile plan can be connected in several ways: through one of the provider's stores or through the operator's main site. You will need to select the desired plan, and accordingly fill out the application form with its data.

After the document is completed, a company consultant will contact the client in the near future, who will help to make the transition to the tariff plan.

To disable a business plan, use your personal subscriber account, which is located on the main website of the provider.

In addition, you can ask for help from operators (use the work number 0611) or through one of the Beeline stores.


Summing up, it can be noted that it is easy to connect and disconnect starter packs "Everything for Business". Also, these tariffs have a postpaid billing system, which is very convenient for office use. You can learn more about the terms of use using your personal account or from a consultant (operator number - 0611).

Home network: "Beeline" network of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the subscriber was connected to the "Beeline" network.

Incoming connections: Payment for incoming connections is not charged when you are in the connection area, as well as when traveling across Russia in the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Incoming SMS: You are not charged for incoming messages when you are in the home network, while traveling within Russia and in international roaming.

Minutes packages: The tariff includes minutes that are spent: for outgoing calls to numbers of any other mobile and fixed-line operators in Russia while in the home network; for outgoing calls while traveling across Russia in the Beeline network, including when in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in the networks of other operators; for incoming calls while in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and in international roaming in tariff zones of the CIS, Europe and popular countries.

Minute packages are not used when calling numbers of subscribers of other countries.

SMS and MMS package: The included SMS package is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators in the home network and on trips across Russia, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, there are tariffs for communication services on trips across Russia in the networks of other operators. The included MMS package in all tariff plans is spent on subscriber numbers of Russian telecom operators from the home network and on trips across Russia in the Beeline network. The cost of one SMS-message and MMS-message to the numbers of subscribers of other countries is 5 rubles. Find out the rest of the traffic in the packages: by calling the free number 067406 or in your personal account

  1. Connections less than 3 seconds long are not counted in the volume of mobile services provided. Payment is made in rubles. Prices are indicated in rubles, including VAT and do not include a tariff surcharge of 1.2%. When calculating the cost, the price without VAT is applied, obtained by dividing the price indicated in the price list by 1.18 and mathematical rounding to the nearest kopeck.
  2. For the services rendered, the Operator on a monthly basis (after the expiration of the billing period - a month of the provision of services) issues an invoice to the Subscriber in accordance with the Operator's current tariffs. The invoice must be paid by the Subscriber within 20 days from the date of its issuance, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement. 2. The subscription fee is charged at the end of the billing period (month). If there are blocking of the subscriber number during the billing period at the request of the Subscriber / the initiative of the Operator (in cases stipulated by the Agreement and current legislation), the subscription fee is calculated daily. In case of blocking a subscriber number due to late payment of the invoice, it will be charged in full.
  3. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing / incoming local and long-distance calls to phone numbers under the Intracorporate mobile contract while in the home network and while traveling across Russia in the Beeline network. Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  4. Provides the Subscriber with the opportunity to make unlimited (unlimited) outgoing / incoming, local and long-distance calls to Beeline telephone numbers while in the home network and while traveling across Russia. Does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  5. Communication services while traveling in Russia in the Beeline network - the Subscriber's presence in the Beeline network outside the connection area on the territory of Russia (the service is provided automatically). International roaming - the presence of the Subscriber outside the territory of Russia (the service is provided automatically, subject to the order of international communication). Detailed information on zonal tariffing and international roaming on the site or from the operators of the Customer Support Center (8-800-700-0628). Communication services while traveling in Russia in the networks of other operators - the Subscriber's presence on the territory of Russia in the network of another operator (the service is provided automatically), for more details about the tariffs on the website: in the section "Roaming, long-distance and international communication" or from the operators of the Customer Support Center (8-800-700-0628).
  6. You can check the current classification of countries by zones on the website in the section "Roaming, long distance and international calls": for voice calls in the section "My Planet", for mobile Internet in the section "Planet of the Internet".
  7. When traveling within Russia in the networks of other operators and international roaming, when sending MMS, Mobile Internet is also charged.
  8. If the monthly volume of traffic provided under the tariff plan is exceeded, the rate of data reception and transmission will be limited to 64 Kbps until the end of the billing period (month of service provision). If the speed is limited, the current session may be broken. The non-chargeable amount of transmitted / received data at the beginning of each session is 1 KB. The volume of transmitted / received data during a session is rounded up with an accuracy of 256 Kb. Tariffication is valid when the subscriber is on the territory of the Russian Federation in the home network and while traveling across Russia in the Beeline network, except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. When traveling on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: the cost of 1 MB of Internet traffic is 9.95 rubles.
  9. The “Internet for Everything” service allows you to use the mobile Internet traffic included in the subscription fee of the “Everything for Business” tariff from other additional devices intended for using the mobile Internet. The maximum number of devices from which traffic can be used is 5 (five). In this case, making voice calls from an additional device will be impossible.
  10. The 40 MB package is charged only if the Internet connection is established in international roaming. Unused MB included in the package are not transferred to the next day. When the first received / transmitted 40 MB of traffic is reached, the per-megabyte tariffication of 5 ₽ / MB is activated and is valid until the end of the day Moscow time. The amount of transmitted / received data is rounded up with an accuracy of 20 Kb.
  11. The cost of the transition is indicated, provided that less than 1 month has passed since the previous replacement of the tariff plan. If more than 1 month has passed, the transition cost is 0 rubles.
  12. The guarantee fee is charged at a time from each subscriber number that is connected to the Tariff plan. The guarantee fee is refunded upon payment of the 4th monthly invoice (from the moment the tariff was activated), by reducing the invoice amount by the amount of the guarantee fee paid when the tariff was activated. If the Subscriber refuses services before the specified period, the guarantee fee is not refundable.
  13. International communication service must be ordered in advance.
  14. The service allows you to prohibit the determination of your number for outgoing calls to Beeline subscriber numbers in the DEF numbering code (for a detailed description, see clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 to the Price List).
  15. The Subscriber does not pay for the time used by the caller to record the message. The time spent by the Subscriber to perform operations using an answering machine from his subscriber number is paid in accordance with the Subscriber's tariff plan at the rates for outgoing calls to Beeline Business subscriber numbers of the corresponding directions.
  16. The service is provided only when the International Communication service is activated.
  17. Conference call participants pay for the conversation time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen Tariff plans and tariffication rules. The ability to forward incoming calls to any mobile and landline. Calls forwarded to the local number of the connection area are considered to be local diverted calls. Forwarded calls / connections to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators of the Russian Federation are included in the package of minutes. Call forwarding to numbers of international operators is not available.
  18. The service notifies the Subscriber via SMS about incoming calls received during unavailability in the home network, trips in Russia or international roaming.
  19. The service notifies the Subscriber via SMS about incoming calls when they are unavailable in the home network, traveling in Russia or roaming.
  20. Additionally, a monthly fee is charged for the allocation of a number: the cost of local telephone communication services of PJSC VimpelCom with the allocation of an additional number in the ABC code. Specify the ranges of numbered capacities and their availability in the offices of "Beeline".

Operator Beeline offers profitable tariff plans not only for individuals. Any business needs a stable, inexpensive and high-quality mobile connection. It is for this reason that Beeline has several favorable tariffs at once, designed specifically for both small firms and individual entrepreneurs, and for large companies with a large staff of employees. What kind of corporate Beeline tariffs are available for business clients, and why should you pay attention to them?

Description of tariffs "Everything for business"

At the moment, the Beeline operator offers a line of tariff plans "Everything for business", which consists of four corporate tariffs: "For business for 250", "For business for 450", "For business for 900" and "For business for 1500". Previously, similar business tariffs were called Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Corporate tariff plans provide an opportunity to communicate free of charge with Beeline subscribers, call, send SMS and MMS to company employees throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, free service packages and favorable terms of service are available, which can be found below.

Each of the presented tariff plans allows you to:

  • make free calls to any Beeline numbers;
  • make free calls, send SMS and MMS messages to corporate numbers;
  • use free packages of minutes, SMS for calls and sending to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators;
  • use free internet packages.

The action of free services and packages is available when the subscriber is located both in the home region and in intranet roaming in Russia. At the same time, one or several phone numbers can be connected to any of the available tariff plans.

The size of the packages depends on the current tariff, which in turn differ in the size of the monthly fee:

Description of corporate tariffs "Everything for Business" is given for St. Petersburg and the region. For example, five similar tariff plans are already available for Moscow and the Moscow region - "For business for 300", "For business for 600", as well as tariffs for 1000,1500 and 3000 rubles, respectively.

The cost of mobile services after spending free packages is calculated as follows:

Calls to numbers of local operators 1 RUB / min
Calls to numbers of operators in roaming RUB 3 / min
SMS messages to numbers of Russian operators RUB 1
Sending MMS RUB 5

Corporate tariffs of Beeline differ from each other in the size of the subscription fee, the number of available minutes, SMS and MMS, as well as the amount of free Internet traffic. In addition, the most expensive tariffs - for 900 and 1500 rubles, allow their subscribers to use the high-speed Internet connection over the 4G network for free and unlimited.

For business for 250 rubles

The most affordable and economical tariff of the "Everything for Business" line, thanks to which you can use free packages of minutes, SMS, MMS, and access the Internet at high speed for a low cost. All this is 250 rubles a month + a one-time guarantee fee of 300 rubles. The connection of this option is free. The advantages include the low cost and the availability of everything necessary for comfortable use of mobile communications. The disadvantages are the small amount of Internet traffic, which is enough only for web surfing.

For business for 450 rubles

A more advanced tariff plan, which is similar in many respects to the previous one, but offers increased sizes of free packages. 700 minutes and SMS is quite enough for a modern person who actively uses mobile communications. Available 8 GB of traffic is enough not only for comfortable web surfing, but also enough for rare viewing of multimedia content, for example, videos, photos and listening to audio recordings. For such a pleasure, you will have to pay a guarantee fee of 600 rubles and pay a monthly subscription fee of 450 rubles.

For business for 900 rubles

A serious package that opens up great opportunities for subscribers. Connecting this tariff plan allows you to use packages for 1500 minutes, 1500 SMS and MMS messages for free, as well as spend 15 GB of Internet traffic. Such a large volume will be enough even to download a large amount of music, photos and videos, not to mention unlimited web surfing. The tariff plan "For business for 900 rubles" from Beeline is an excellent choice for subscribers who make a lot of calls and surf the Internet. The monthly subscription fee is 900 rubles, and a one-time guarantee payment upon connection is 1200.

For business for 1500 rubles

A corporate plan with maximum capabilities, available for only 1,500 rubles a month! Everyone who subscribes to this plan gets 5,000 free minutes, 3,000 SMS and MMS, as well as an impressive 20 GB package of unlimited and high-speed 4G internet. This choice is ideal for the most active mobile users - it allows you not to think about the prices for calls, since 5000 minutes per month will be enough for any needs. A large volume of traffic is suitable for watching online broadcasts, videos, downloading music, as well as for unlimited Internet surfing. This tariff is the choice for the most serious clients!

How to connect the tariff plan Beeline "All for Business"?

Are you interested in corporate rates from the mobile operator Beeline? You can connect your favorite “All for Business” tariff plan on the Beeline website or by contacting one of the operator's salons.

To connect a corporate tariff through the website, you just need to choose the tariff plan you like and fill out the order form, indicating your contact details and information about the company. Within a few hours after that, the account manager will contact you and tell you what to do next.

It is also very easy to disconnect from the corporate Beeline tariff, for example, upon liquidation of a company or upon dismissal. In order to deactivate any tariff from the "All for Business" line, you can use your personal subscriber account or contact the Beeline office, where you will be helped to cope with the disconnection procedure.