Universe of EVE online. What to do if the autopatcher did not work

Unlike many other mmorpgs, EVE-online has a single game server. Strictly speaking, there are two servers. One server is dedicated to Chinese players (requirement of local legislation), the second server is Tranquility- pan-European.

Tranquility is the largest supercomputer in the gaming industry and is a cluster of more than a hundred machines. Instead of traditional hard drives, Solid State Disks (SSD) are used, allowing higher data transfer speeds. Today's evening online exceeds 30 thousand players (peak value 41,690 online players), and, according to the developer company, the cluster capacity can handle up to 50 thousand connections.

Client and updates.

The game client is available for two operating systems: WINDOWS and MAC.

You can download the latest version of the client from official website of the game
If updates are released, use the client's autopatch function.

Note: version installed client can be seen in the upper left corner of the login window

Every day, from 11:00 to 11:30 GMT (Moscow time +4 hours) on Tranquility are held technical work(Downtime/DT, ДТ). During this period of time, the server is unavailable to players. Also, the server closes on DT when installing patches. They are warned about in advance in the news.

Test server

In addition to the main Tranquility game server, EVE-online There are two test servers:

  • Singularity and Multiplicity.

They are installed on a much less powerful cluster and are designed to test new versions of the client before they are launched on the main server. However, players can successfully use them for their own purposes. For example, to study the operating features of a module, learn to pilot Capital class ships (for example, Carreer, Dreadnout, Mothersheep, or even Titan), practice skills in working with POS, conduct exercises without fear of losing the ship, etc.


To install the client for the test server, you must:

    Copy the contents of the game folder (...CCP/EVE) to another directory, for example C:/EVE_TEST (installing the test version on the main client will make it impossible to log into the game server).

  1. Create a shortcut eve.exe in the test folder and add /server: for Singularity, /server: for Multiplicity in the “Object” field. The final view of the "Object" field should look something like this: C:\EVE_TEST\eve.exe" /server: Update the test client to the latest version:

    • Using an autopatcher. To do this, just launch the game from the test directory. In our example: C:/EVE_TEST/ shortcut eve.exe

IMPORTANT! Do not install a test patch on the main version of the game under any circumstances. Test version not compatible with Tranquility version. Rollback is not possible. The only way to correct the situation is to reinstall the client.


The player base on the test server is lagging behind Tranquility (a copy is usually taken before testing a major update). Therefore, your character will lag behind the main one in development, at best - for several weeks or even months (this was done to prevent a situation where players are only busy testing Capital class ships), at worst - if your account was not paid at the time of withdrawal a copy of the database was missing, or you changed the password - when you try to log in, a message will be displayed indicating that the username or password is incorrect.

The stations have a full range of goods at a price of 100 ISK, so your character’s financial problems will not be an obstacle to fully testing the entire range of equipment and ships available to you (within the limits of your skills).

The DT time on the test server is not clearly defined. He may not be available at any time. However, usually the DT on Singularity occurs later than on Tranquility, and lasts slightly longer (around 2-3 hours). Also, due to the low power of the test server equipment, there are strict restrictions on the number of players simultaneously on the server. With a significant online presence (more than 200 people), there may be noticeable lags.

Necessary notes for installing the client.

  • Make sure that the path to the game folder does not contain letters of the Russian alphabet;
  • Make sure that your Windows account does not contain letters of the Russian alphabet;
  • It is recommended to install the game and patches in the default folder C:Program FilesCCPEVE;
  • Make sure you install the correct patch. Check the installed version of the client by launching it. Check out the available patches on the corresponding page of the official website;
  • Match, system requirements with my operating system and hard;
  • Make sure you install the patch in the game folder...
  • Sometimes a compatibility problem arises (right-click on the patch on the “compatibility” tab).

With introduction Revelations 2 a new test server “Multiplicity” has been added. This server will be used to test patches of the current patch - hotfixes.

→ Impossible in eve online – pirate server

Imagine: you are flying out of a hangar in the very center of the empire. Your ship has just undocked from the station, and then a titan takes aim at you and does three doomsdays in a row. The Concorde does not fly to him, and the titan pilot, grunting contentedly into the local chat, begins to rummage through your mortal remains. Since this is happening in Zhit, the entire giant online group of six people sympathizes with you. What kind of nonsense am I describing, you ask. This is exactly what pirate servers would look like in eve online.

Questions about “rogue” servers have been repeatedly raised on eve online websites. I'll probably disappoint everyone right away. There were no “free Russian servers” in eve online, no, and never will be. There are many reasons for this, the two main ones are that such a server is too expensive, and players will have absolutely no interest in playing on a shard.

Anyone who has played EVE online knows that you can download the game completely free, no one will require you to pay for the game client, you only pay for the subscription. Therefore, for all fans of eve online, a free Russian server is nothing more than a joke. Even on the official server of the game you can play absolutely free, because PLEX can be paid through the Eva website with online game currency. After all, you can always download it online on the official website, and earn some PLX during the trial (although this requires a serious understanding of the mechanics of the game). In eve online, pirate servers are also impossible because only on the official server can more than sixty thousand people gather at the same time. And even with such a gigantic online presence, most systems have between zero and five players.

What will the free server be like?

What will happen if a free Russian server is launched in eve online? Nothing particularly interesting. It will cease to exist very quickly. Let's say someone saved up several tens of thousands of dollars to buy a server large enough to support eve. Let's say he even managed to gain access to the server side of the code and receives updates in a timely manner, which is already a fairy tale. Only beginners will fall for this very free thing. Even if fifty thousand people decide to download this version of Eva online, then there will be no more than a thousand online at a time. These people will simply get lost in the vastness of Eva. The spaces that are present in the game are so large that the maps of any other MMO look like a tiny piece of paper against their background. And even if these people are interested in continuing the game, then what next?

The market will practically not work. After all, the production of many types of ships requires the coordinated efforts of entire clans. Of course, since this version of eve online is a pirate server, the admins will sell motherships and titans to the player, inflate their parameters and use other methods to create imbecility. As a result, even fewer people will play. Besides, what admin, who set up a real pirate server for eve online, would allow someone other than himself to trade in game currency?

In a word, Eva online has, so to speak, excellent pirate resistance. Not a single serious player who downloaded EVE online more than three months ago will change their minds, sell their character and go to some kind of shard. And the cost of equipment for creating a free Russian server in eve online will scare off any, even the most staunch fans of such an idea.

I'm sorry if this article has upset anyone greatly. But don’t forget - you can make the game for yourself on the official server completely free. Some even manage to make money in Eva online by selling game currency. In addition, only the massive scale and huge number of players creates the charm, scale and beauty that greets us in the vastness of Eve. Think about it: in Eve, NPCs don't sell any goods. Every ship, module, mineral or cartridge is all made by the players. And on any pirate server there will simply be underproduction. And therefore, everyone will fly on nubships, except those who pay a lot. Does anyone really need such a “free” server?


Many novice players EVE Online or people interested in this game very often wonder: “Are there EVE Online pirate servers". Of course, the answer to this question has always been (and, most likely, will be) negative. Pirate EVE Online is doomed to failure and its feasibility is called into question.

Of course - there is little that can compete with single CCP Games server, not to mention the constant support of the game, the annual release of additions and the quality of service. But we will try to assume that someone managed to get hold of all the source files of the EVE Online servers, and this someone eventually created informal free server- pirate.

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Problems for creating a pirate EVE Online server

  • First of all, the lack of source game files
  • the need for good and powerful server computers
  • low online, difficulty attracting new players
  • as a result of low online - difficulty in purchasing new equipment in the game
  • Another result of the small number of players is a lot of empty systems and a lack of balance in PvP
  • lack of constant quality technical support, the need for a large and experienced team
  • copyright infringement - creating a pirate server will be considered an illegal activity
  • lack of any income from such very costly activities

What does the owner of the EVE Online pirate look like?

First of all, this should be a person who has considerable experience in programming and maintaining servers. In addition, he needs very strong equipment, even if there will not be a very large number of people on his pirate server. To the costs of equipment, you must also add advertising and promotion of your server - yet there is no way to reach a large number of people without these factors.

Based on this, we get a person who has experience playing EVE Online, experience system administration and programming. In addition, he has enough experienced people ready to help him with this, as well as additional money for advertising and promotion. Agree - it’s hard to imagine someone so enthusiastic about making a pirate server.

Of course, most likely it will be possible to find such a person in the world, but the likelihood is that, given his experience and capabilities, he will waste his time on such pointless exercise- extremely small. But okay, let’s say that such a person exists and he really set out to create a pirate EVE Online server and even has access to all the source code of the game. What awaits him and potential players next on a similar pirate Eva? And many problems and disappointments await them.

A look at a pirate server through the eyes of a beginner

So, hypothetical EVE Online pirate server exists, and even has several thousand players online. Pirate launched! A newcomer happily enters it and begins to get acquainted with the game. He carries out starting tasks and at one fine moment may discover that in his initial star systems there is simply no other players. Absolutely. He has nowhere to buy a new ship, equipment or replenish his ammunition supply. All life in such a non-world will be reduced to a constant flight to systems where there is at least some kind of trading activity.

But if you can still come to terms with the problems of constant star flights, then you can’t come to terms with the fact that some ships will really be of no use to anyone. EVE Online has many specific cars, which perform a very narrow role. In a relatively low online environment, no one will simply need such ships and developing a character to the level of mastery of them will simply be a waste of time.

In addition, on a pirate server the production and economic process will be just as damaged due to the fact that certain goods simply will not be needed by anyone, or there will be no one capable of producing them. In order for the domestic market to function adequately, a good production process is needed, and even five thousand regular players will not be able to provide everything you need.

PvP problems on a pirate server

PvP (player versus player) system on such a server will also be doomed to fail. Most likely, everything will come down to the presence of two large alliances that will be at enmity with each other and organize the semblance of real massive battles, and petty piracy and trips for loot to systems with low security will either disappear as a class, or vice versa - alliances will simply block all possible exits in low-sec systems and every newcomer who dares to leave high-sec will die instantly.


Based on all of the above, we can conclude that even creating such an unofficial free server will be a practically insoluble problem, the possibility of solving which is on the verge of science fiction. But even if such an element someday appears in some form, we can say with confidence that playing on this server will bring more inconvenience and pain than pleasure.

If you are a beginner and want to get acquainted with the world of EVE Online, then the best option for you would be to try playing this wonderful game on the official Tranquility server by activating a free trial account - this is 14 days of free play.

For those who fundamentally does not want to pay money for the game There is another option for playing on the official server - EVE Online provides the ability to pay for game time using in-game currency.

Some experienced players even manage to earn money to purchase PLEX (an in-game item that allows you to both pay for a subscription to the game and perform several other specialized functions) for first two weeks games on a free account. Of course, this will be very difficult to do, since characters on trial accounts cannot learn some skills that can significantly increase gaming income. But for such principled players complexity And hardcore have never been a problem.

Plunge into the real world of New Eden yourself and you will understand that a pirate EVE Online server is not only impossible in principle, but will also be simply a flawed and useless ugly likeness of the real game.

  • Published: January 20, 2014
  • Updated: September 16, 2014

Every player of the space MMORPG EVE Online knows that all users of this project are simultaneously on the same server, which is called “Tranquility”. One server and one world for all players - one of key features EVE Online, which had a significant impact on the popularity of this game among subscribers. However, not everyone knows that in reality there are many more game servers. Tranquility, Serenity, Singularity and Duality are the basic well-known EVE Online servers. However, in addition to them, there are also specific Multiplicity, Adam, Chinakoy, Entropy, Transam, Unicorn, Vertigo and even a separate server called localhost, as well as special technical APIs for applications and testing, API CREST and others.

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The heart of the EVE Online universe is the Tranquility server

Main gaming EVE Online server, which has existed for more than ten years - it was on it that this multiplayer project started and it is on it that all the main events in the world of New Eden take place. To start playing on Tranquility All you need to do is pay for a subscription or sign up for a trial version of the game, as well as actually install the game. The number of online players on Tranquility is up to 60 thousand people.

Server "Serenity"

A separate game server, to which they have access only players from the People's Republic of China. Specific time, due to the special policy of the Chinese government towards computer games, EVE Online was not available to players located in China. To get to Chinese server EVE Online you need to be in China and also have a special client, which differs in some ways from the classic EVE Online client. The Serenity server is currently supported by CDC Games, a leading video game publisher in China. Chinese server started June 12, 2006.

Server "Singularity"

"Singularity" is the main test server for EVE Online, where all innovations and changes to the game are run and tested before they are transferred to "Tranquility". Every player whose subscription is active and has been so for two months can get to the “Singularity” server. To do this, you need to change the properties of the EVE Online launcher shortcut and the next time you launch it, updates for the test server will be downloaded. However, using the updated client it will not be possible to play on “Tranquility”, so it’s better to do backup copy games.

Server "Duality"

"Duality" is a test server for EVE Online, just like "Singularity". However, if all players in EVE Online have access to “Singularity,” then “Duality” most of the time operates in a closed mode, to which only developers and VIP testers have access. In addition, “Duality” is not always an enabled server. Sometimes developers open access to “Duality” to ordinary players for testing certain moments and game functions.

Servers Multiplicity, Adam, Chinakoy, Entropy, Transam, Unicorn, Vertigo

Closed EVE Online servers, accessible only to game developers and testers. Here, closed testing of all innovations is carried out, their debugging and verification at an early stage of development. Players do not have the opportunity to get to these servers.


Specialized servers for application developers that are in one way or another related to CCP products, primarily EVE games Online and Dust 514. In order to gain access to these projects, a person needs to fill out a special application developer profile, confirm his identity and contact information, after which he will receive the necessary tools for developing new applications for CCP games.

Physical servers of EVE Online, their location and basic principles of operation

The data center of the Icelandic company CCP (developers and publishers of EVE Online) is one of the largest server nodes in the world, and the largest among all gaming products. Capacity of this complex truly unimaginable- the need to simultaneously support several tens of thousands of players, more than seven thousand star systems, as well as all in-game functions imposes enormous demands on the machines involved in this process. The fundamental difference between the EVE Online server mechanism and other video games is that other developers prefer to split their hardware into clusters in different parts of the Earth and install machines in different countries. However, with EVE Online this physically cannot be done - all users are in the same game world.

At the same time, each of the individual computers performs its own specific tasks. For example, one star system called Jita(largest shopping mall in New Eden, within which there are about two thousand players at a time) is located entirely on a separate specialized server. In addition, developers are provided with a system of quick response and predictive notifications, which allows real-time transfer of the power and components of the game to certain physical computers.

To reduce the problems associated with massive battles between players, it was invented time dilation system- the more players there are in one system, the slower all events happen there. This system allows developers to troubleshoot problems and reduce the load on servers and players’ computers in the event of large-scale promotions.

One server. This is the main feature EVE, distinguishing it from many popular MMO. It is this approach that helps achieve integrity game world, give players more options and developers focus Not on the universalization of the server and client sides (universalization is suitable for those who are ready to churn out clumsy worlds on an industrial scale, winning not in quality, but in numbers), but on the little things, detailing the game as much as possible.

However, in addition to the main EVE Online servers (Tranquility) there are several more test servers (the main ones are Singularity, Duality And Multiplicity), as well as the server Serenity, available only to players from the PRC.

Below is a description of these servers and how to connect to them.

Free EVE Online server

Almost every new pilot tries to find free EVE Online server. This happens because I like the game, but for some reason it’s a pity to pay 500 rubles a month for it.

At the beginning of 2008, the source code of the server part of the game surfaced online, and many tried to recreate the wonderful world of New Eden “on their knees.” In any case, sooner or later the enthusiasm ends, and the next amateur world goes into oblivion. In addition, on the official server alone there are 30-40 thousand people playing at any time, which makes it phenomenal from a social point of view.

On the official EVE Online server there is an opportunity for free sign up for a trial period - trial account for 14 days. Two weeks should be more than enough time to get acquainted with the game and decide for yourself whether it’s worth continuing to play or not.

Servers (aka eve online servers)

Of course, the correct spelling is “servers”. However, the query statistics in search engines shows that the combination " EVE Online servers", not " EVE Online servers" Sometimes you have to go with search engine optimization...


Tranquility- main game EVE Online server. It is in the vastness of this server that the vastness of New Eden(aka New Eden) - the world, numbering more than five thousand solar systems. And that's not counting the wormholes that lead back to two and a half thousand systems, inaccessible by standard routes.

In order to connect to the Tranquility server, all you need to do is download the EVE Online client for the Tranquility server, install it and simply run the executable file.


Serenity- exactly the same main game server, with one exception: it is located in China and is accessible only for the residents of this country. (Although, this looks more like two exceptions rather than one.)

This server was launched on June 12, 2006. The launch was carried out by a partner - the company Optical Communications(OC), which was subsequently absorbed into the CDC Corporation. On at the moment The publisher is CDC Games, and the official website of the game is located at: http://www.eve-online.com.cn/index.htm. According to some reports, the duration of the license agreement between CCP And CDC ends in June 2011, and the further fate of the Serenity server is still unknown.

To connect to the Serenity server, you must have Chinese citizenship.


Singularity - EVE Online test server, which can be used by both developers from CCP Games and ordinary players. This server tests functionality that Maybe appear on the main server Tranquility in the near future. This server (in terms of data relevance) is as close as possible to the main EVE server. Information is copied to this test server at least once every two months, and sometimes more often if required by the quality assurance (QA) team.

IN lately this server is used to conduct large-scale testing of certain aspects of the game mechanics. How more people participate in testing, the greater the chance of finding a probable error leading to lags or memory leaks in the game client. As a reward, participants receive additional skill points (Skill Points, SP). True, additional SPs appear only on the same server, and not on the main one.

How to connect to Singularity?

Highlight: In order to connect to the Singularity server, you must have an active account on Tranquility. At the same time, the account had to be active at the time when a copy was made from the main game server. It turns out that you are guaranteed to get access to the test server Singularity, if your subscription has been active in the last two months.

To connect you need to do the following:

What to do if the autopatcher did not work?

Sometimes it happens that a client writes about a mismatch between the client and server versions, but no offer to download the required patch appears. To install the patch manually:

  • Visit the page where you can download the patch for the Singularity server
  • Select operating system
  • Click the link " Download TQ to Singularity Patch»
  • After the patch is downloaded, run it and specify the destination folder “C:\evetest” (if you copied the client folder to another location, then specify his)

I'm in, yay! Where is everyone?!

The petition system does not work on the test server, so you will not be able to send a message to the developers from the game about what you found on Singularity error. The chat channel is running on the test server " Singularity" Just open it and you will most likely be able to contact the developers, volunteers and other players who are currently on the server.


Duality- a test server, much like Singularity. However, the main the difference between the Duality server and Singularity It serves the fact that it is not available all the time, but only at times planned by the developers. The rest of the time it either does not work or is open in VIP mode, when they can access it only developers and volunteers from ISD BH.

To connect to this server, you can do the same steps as to connect to Singularity, only in the shortcut properties instead of “/server:Singularity” for Duality you will need to indicate " /server:", and you need to download the patch from this page.

Other servers

In addition to the servers described above, there are ADAM, CHAOS, CHINAJOY, ENTROPY, KALI, LOCALHOST, MULTIPLICITY, TRANSAM, UNICORN, VERTIGO. These servers are used from time to time and are “event-based”, like the Duality server (or are constantly in VIP mode).