What does a flashing green traffic light mean? Correct interpretation of traffic signals from traffic lights

Classic three-section transport traffic light.

Any of us knows from childhood that a red traffic light prohibits movement, and now both drivers are required to stop at the stop line.

But not everyone knows how a modern “advanced” traffic light works, what signals it can have and how exactly they alternate.

At the exam in the traffic police you will be asked:

What does the combination of red and yellow traffic lights mean?

The answer should not leave you in doubt - a short combination of red and yellow signals informs drivers that the green signal will turn on soon.

Red and yellow went out, green turned on, and you can move in all directions (unless, of course, otherwise indicated by signs or markings).

But do not rush to start moving. How many troubles and tragedies the author of these lines saw when the neighbors on the road blindly oriented towards the green signal. And this is not just advice, this is a requirement of the Rules.

Rules. Section 13. Clause 13.8. When the permissive signal of the traffic light is turned on, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles completing the movement through the intersection, and to pedestrians who have not completed the crossing of the carriageway of this direction.

That is, before you start moving, you need to make sure that those who have now turned red have stopped. Someone may simply not have time to stop, and someone is in such a hurry that he is ready to slip through the intersection risking his life (well, only his own, but also someone else's).

Well, finally, the drivers on the intersecting road stopped at their stop lines, and now you can start moving. We are still green.

Green burned out, burned out and blinked.

And again, at the exam in the traffic police, someone will definitely get this question:

What does a flashing green traffic light mean?

And again, the answer is obvious - a flashing green signal informs drivers that its time is running out and yellow will soon turn on.

Is it possible to move on the green flashing? Do not doubt it is possible. Its duration is expiring, but it hasn't expired yet!

Another thing is that the green will blink for a short time - it will blink only three times, and then it will go out.

The green will go out, but then the yellow will light up. And here is what is said about the lone yellow signal in the Rules, in clause 6.2:

« yellow signal prohibits movement and warns of the upcoming change of signals.

And here it is important for the driver to understand!If the lone yellow is on, then the next one will be red! That means you have to stop!

Now imagine that the yellow turned on when there were 5-10 meters left to the stop line. At a speed of 60 km / h, you can only keep the car by applying emergency braking! And even then, you will have to stop already at the intersection (having crossed the stop line and risking getting hit from behind). Novice drivers often do this (slow down sharply on yellow), and if an aggressive “experienced driver” was driving behind, then a blow from behind to a beginner in this situation is guaranteed.

Meanwhile, the Rules prohibit sudden braking anywhere and everywhere (except when it is necessary to prevent an accident):

Rules. Section 10. Clause 10.5. The driver is prohibited brake hard unless required to prevent an accident.

That is, if now the driver of the brown car brakes sharply, he will violate the requirement of paragraph 10.5 of the Rules. And in the event of an accident, both will be to blame - the driver of the red car is to blame because he did not keep a safe distance, and the driver of the brown car - because he braked unnecessarily sharply.

The Rules reacted to this situation with understanding and allowed movement to the yellow traffic light (if it is no longer possible to stop smoothly in front of the stop line):

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.14. Drivers who, when the yellow signal is turned on, cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking, are allowed to continue further movement.

And you may be asked about this in the exam: “Are you allowed to continue driving if, when the traffic light turns yellow after the green one, you can stop before the intersection only by applying emergency braking?”.

And here the answer should be absolutely clear to you - permitted. Simply allowed, in any direction you want.

A lone yellow will not burn for long - in just a couple of seconds it will change to red, and the cycle will start over. But already on a red signal, drivers should definitely stop at the stop line.

Turning on the green signal opens the movement in all directions. But at the same time, no one canceled the general principle of safety:

- you can directly from all lanes;

- to the right - from the right lane;

- to the left and to turn - from the left lane.

1. In all.

2. Only straight ahead or right.

1. In all.

2. Only

But now the signs are given special instructions. And we remember that signs (or markings) that allow a left turn also allow a U-turn.

But the U-turn must always be carried out only from the leftmost lane!

In what directions can the driver of the brown car continue to move?

1. Only straight or left.

2. Directly,

In what directions can the driver of the red car continue to move?

1. Only to the left.

2. To the left or in the opposite direction.

And it's not all about traffic lights. If the traffic is not intensive, then it is irrational to keep drivers at the stop lines, and the traffic light can be transferred to the so-called yellow flashing mode.

That is, red and green do not turn on at all, and only yellow is turned on all the time. Moreover, it does not just burn, but it flashes at a frequency of once per second. This is how the Rules say about this signal:

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.2. Yellow flashing signal allows traffic and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

In this situation, drivers must independently determine the order of passage, guided by the general principle of “interference on the right”.

In the traffic police collection there is a problem (shown below), solving which you are often mistaken. Some of you choose the third answer for some reason. Most likely, because they inattentively read the question. And the question says "with a yellow flashing traffic light"! And, consequently, this intersection has become unregulated. And, therefore, it is necessary to be guided by the signs of priority.

You intend to continue straight ahead. What do you do when the yellow traffic light flashes?

1. Give way only to the tram.

2. Give way only to cars.

3. Wait until the traffic light turns green and continue driving.

Task comment

On the main road you and a car, and it is an obstacle for you on the right - you have to give way to it.

And the tram is on a minor road, it will pass the intersection last.

Traffic lights with an additional section (or with two additional sections).

A classic three-section traffic light can be equipped with an additional section (right or left) or two additional sections (right and left).

Such "rationalization" makes it possible to significantly increase the throughput of the intersection, it is only important that drivers correctly understand the signals of such a traffic light.

And, first of all, it is necessary to understand that movement in the direction of the arrow is only allowed when the additional section is turned on.

For example, traffic to the right is now open.

And only to the right and nowhere else!

Everyone who needs to go in other directions should stand and wait for the main green signal to turn on.

The main green signal turned on, and pay attention - black contour arrows are applied on the main green signal.

This was not the case at a three-section traffic light, but for a traffic light with an additional section, the presence of contour arrows on the main green is a must-have!

Now movement is allowed only in the directions indicated by the contour arrows.

But now the movement is open in all directions.

In what directions can the driver of the brown car continue to move?

1. Straight or left.

2. Only straight.

And what should he do if he needs to go to the right?

1. You have to go to the next intersection.

2. You need to stand at the stop line and wait for the right arrow to turn on.

Task comment

Now the traffic light allows you to turn left and turn around. But this can only be done by those in the left lane. The driver of a brown car with such traffic signals can only go straight.

Traffic lights designed to regulate traffic in certain directions.

Creative thought does not stand still, and the organizers of the traffic did not calm down that they proposed adding additional sections to the traditional traffic light. If necessary, you can put a classic three-section traffic light additional features without equipping it with additional sections.

You drive up to the intersection and see three traffic lights instead of one (according to the number of lanes in your direction).

It should be assumed that the action of each traffic light applies only to the lane over which it hangs. And since the red signal is on everywhere, it means that traffic from all lanes is prohibited.

Students. But why are red arrows burning instead of the usual round signal?

Teacher. This is done so that drivers, approaching the intersection, can change lanes in advance to the lane they need.

And the same arrows will be lit on the yellow signal, informing drivers about the directions in which they will be allowed to drive from this lane when the green signal turns on.

Now traffic is allowed from all lanes.


It is necessary to adhere to those instructions that are dictated by arrows at traffic lights.

In what directions can the driver of the brown car continue to move?

1. Only to the left.

2. To the left or in the opposite direction.

In what directions can the driver of the blue car continue to move?

1. Straight or left.

2. Straight, left or reverse.

In what directions can the driver of the red car continue to move?

1. Only to the right.

2. The driver of the red car must stop at the stop line and wait for the green signal.

Traffic light with a flashing yellow signal.

The most dangerous intersections on the driver's path are an unregulated pedestrian crossing and an unregulated intersection. At these intersections, drivers must independently determine the order of passage, guided by the relevant requirements of the Rules.

Traffic safety can be significantly improved if the simplest traffic lights with one yellow flashing signal are installed at such intersections. The continuous flashing of the yellow signal informs the driver in advance of the approach to an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

There were no traffic lights at this intersection. We hung him here with the help of graphic editor Photoshop.

But if he were actually here, this accident most likely did not happen.

And these two-way traffic lights with a yellow flashing signal are not at all superfluous at an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

Reversible traffic lights.

Until recently, we had roads with reverse traffic, almost exotic (although they were always in the Rules).

And today you can often see such a warning.

And here it is - a section of the road with reverse traffic.

There are appropriate markings on the roadway (double broken lines with long strokes), and reversible traffic lights hang above the lanes allocated for reverse traffic.

Now green arrows are turned on at all traffic lights, and while they are on, these three lanes are given for traffic in our direction.

On this section of the road, only one lane is allocated for reverse traffic. And now at the reversing traffic light we have a red cross on. And, therefore, now the reverse lane is given to drivers of the opposite direction.

In our country, right-hand traffic is accepted and, in principle, everyone understands that, freeing the reverse lane, you need to change lanes to the right.

Nevertheless, the Rules also provided for a three-section reversing traffic light - the yellow arrow, firstly, informs about the upcoming signal change, and, secondly, shows drivers where to change lanes, freeing up the reverse lane.

Now it's time for the driver of the blue jeep to turn on the right direction indicators and immediately change lanes to the right. At the next reversing traffic light, a red cross will already be on.

Traffic lights to regulate traffic across railroad crossings.

To regulate the movement of vehicles through railway crossings, the Rules provided for three types of traffic lights.

It can be either one red signal flashing at a frequency of once per second.

Or two alternately flashing red signals.

Or, together with two red signals, a white-moon signal can also be installed, which, if turned on, also flashes at a frequency of once per second.

Now let's see what the Rules say about this:

Rules. Section 6. Clause 6.9. A round white-moon flashing signal, located at the railway crossing, allows the movement of vehicles through the crossing. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are turned off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, trolley) approaching the crossing within sight.

That is, if one red signal flashes or two red signals flash alternately, movement through the crossing is prohibited.

If the white-moon signal flashes, traffic through the crossing is allowed.

If nothing is flashing, traffic across the crossing is also allowed. BUT! It's not just allowed. First, the driver must make sure that there is no (within sight!) of an approaching train. And if there is one, then movement through the crossing is prohibited.

In conclusion, we note that GOST allows the use of conventional traffic lights at a railway crossing.

Four-section traffic light with moon-white signals.

The use of such traffic lights makes it possible to organize conflict-free movement of route vehicles at intersections. We are talking about trams, as well as buses and trolleybuses, if they move along a lane specially allocated for them.

Now all four white-moon signals are turned on at the traffic lights and, therefore, the tram (bus, trolleybus) can move in all directions.

If the lower signal and the upper left signal are on, the tram (bus, trolley bus) is allowed to move to the left.

If the lower signal and the middle upper signal are on, the tram (bus, trolleybus) is allowed to move straight.

If the lower signal and the upper right signal are on, the tram (bus, trolleybus) is allowed to move to the right.

If the lower signal is off, then the tram (bus, trolley bus) is turned on “brick” - entry to the intersection is prohibited.

Now the tram is allowed to go straight or to the left, and we are allowed to go straight or to the right.

Indeed, a conflict-free movement.

Now the tram is allowed to go straight or to the right, and we will stand at the stop line.

Again, no conflict.

But now the tram will stop, and we can go in all directions.

And again, no conflict.

A traffic light should make traffic in a busy and complex area more orderly. And yet, not all drivers, pedestrians correctly understand the meaning of red, yellow and green colors, although they have been taught this since childhood. As a result of accidents in the coverage area of ​​the lighting device, no less is recorded than on other sections of the road. For information on how traffic rules are interpreted by traffic lights, what it means to flash, as well as fines for violations of the rules of travel, read the article.

Read in this article

The main traffic signals in traffic rules

Light control devices are automobile (the most common), intended for pedestrians, cyclists, railway transport, trams. Each uses 1 to 3 colors. Sometimes the same light, lit on the device, has a different meaning for each category of road users.


A signal that does not allow the continuation of movement should be indicated in red. It is located at the highest point of the device. Forbidding red is for all participants to which it applies. That is, if it is lit on a signaling device for a car, they must stand. The same color on the device for pedestrians does not allow them to go through the carriageway.

Sometimes there is only one control device on a section of the road. Usually it is a three-color automobile. In this case, the light commands given to them have to be obeyed by both drivers and pedestrians. According to the traffic rules, a red traffic light, turned on for the first category of road users, is permissive for the second. That is, the cars are standing, and pedestrians at this time can go through the roadway.


The orange or yellow color of the light device causes the most conflicts between motorists and traffic police officers. Many drivers are sure that it is already possible to continue driving under it. In fact, according to traffic rules, a yellow traffic light does not allow this. It only informs about the imminent color change to red or green. And he suggests getting ready to move on. True, there is also paragraph 6.14:

Drivers who, when the yellow signal is turned on ... cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking in the places determined by paragraph 6.13 of the Rules, are allowed to continue driving.

Pedestrians who, when the signal was given, were on the carriageway must clear it, and if this is not possible, stop on the line dividing the traffic flows of opposite directions.

Such sections of the road are intersections, railway crossings and other areas where the vehicle can proceed without interfering with other participants in the process.


The most favorite of all those involved in the movement is the third color of the light device. After all, the green signal of the traffic light according to the traffic rules allows you to drive or walk through the roadway. But you need to look for whom it burns. Because when green refers to cars, red is turned on for pedestrians. And vice versa.

How to understand the flashing sign

Each of the colors of the regulator does not light up instantly. Sometimes he blinks, and drivers understand this action differently and not in all cases correctly.

The flashing traffic signal in the SDA is also interpreted differently:

  • If it is red, then it will soon change to another color. But it is still not possible to continue driving or walking across the road.
  • If yellow “blinks”, its first meaning is almost the same, that is, informing about an imminent color change. But it also makes it possible to continue following. And a non-replaceable flashing yellow informs that the light fixture is not working. This means that this intersection or pedestrian crossing has become unregulated. And you need to follow through the territory according to other rules than those in force in the presence of a traffic light.
  • Green signals an imminent change to red. So those who followed him should strive to complete the process. Although he does not forbid to go and go.

Which are allowing passage, and which are prohibiting

To leave the regulated section of the road as soon as possible is the desire of all those on it. What traffic signal permits according to traffic rules allow you to do this:

  • green, including flashing;
  • flashing yellow.

The main prohibitory signal of a traffic light according to traffic rules is red, including flashing. If it burns simultaneously with yellow, it is also impossible to proceed further. There is also a rule in clause 6.2 of the SDA that not all drivers pay attention to:

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal.

Indeed, for vehicles moving in the direction at an angle, green is still shining, which means that a collision is possible. Yellow is also prohibited if it is lit alone and does not blink.

On lighting devices, there may also be arrows located on each color. And then the included green light refers only to the direction indicated by it. And those who need to go the other way should stand. The same applies to burning red and yellow colors if they have arrows on them.

According to traffic rules, an additional traffic light signal also changes the order and sequence of travel. It applies only to a certain direction. If the main green is on and the same color is on in the additional section, it is allowed to follow in all directions. Including the one to which the additional signal belongs. But when the main green is used, and red is on in the additional section, you cannot drive in the direction indicated by it.

Traffic can be resumed only by those cars that need to go in other directions. The lighting device may have one more feature regarding the additional signal:

If a black contour arrow (arrows) is applied to the main green signal of the traffic light, then it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

If the signaling device is reversible, its signs refer only to the lane of the road over which they are located. Red forbids traffic on it, green allows, yellow warns of a change of colors or the need to change lanes. Which one is indicated by the arrow in the device compartment.

Penalty for driving on a prohibition sign

Traffic rules do not allow driving at a prohibiting traffic light. For fulfillment
such an action against the violator will apply part 1 of article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This is a fine of 1000 rubles. It will be paid by those who drove on red or yellow.

And with the second such violation in a year, the payment will increase to 5000 rubles. In the worst case, the driver's license will be taken away for 4-6 months, since both offenses are already regulated by part 3 of the same article of the Code.

12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses also applies if the motorist drove through the site not on the prohibiting one, but in the absence of a permitting light. We are talking about the case when green was on the main section, and red on the additional section. If the car proceeded in the direction related to the last one, its driver committed a violation.

According to another article of the Code of Administrative Offenses (12.10), those who moved to the forbidding light at a railway crossing are punished. The violator may lose 1000 r. or driving license for 3-6 months. And if he does the same within the next year, the document will be taken away for a longer period. Part 3 of Article 12.10 provides for a misdemeanor deprivation of the VU for 12 months.

This section contains only those paragraphs of the part of the SDA "Road Signs and Markings" in which people studying the "Rules" are often confused, do not understand, etc. That is, only that which requires clarification. The rest is up to the student to learn on their own.

Let's start with the most important:
- Recall that the traffic light and the traffic controller cancel the action priority signs. That is, when a traffic light or a traffic controller is working, you simply ignore the signs. When solving problems, it makes sense to close them with your palm so as not to be confused.
- Signals of the traffic controller more important traffic lights. So if the traffic lights are contrary to the movements of the traffic controller, follow the instructions of the traffic controller.
- Both the traffic light and the traffic controller act only on first road crossing.
- Entering an intersection with a yellow light allowed only to prevent emergency braking. We are talking about old traffic lights, without scoreboards and flashing "green".
- If the car occupied the intersection and did not have time to leave it before switching the traffic light cycle (for example, when turning left, waiting for oncoming traffic), then it must leave it even at a red traffic light. The same actions - to leave the intersection - the driver is obliged to perform with the prohibiting signal of the traffic controller.
- If the roadway immediately after the intersection is occupied by a congestion (traffic jam), it is forbidden to occupy the intersection. You can turn into empty streets or stay where you are.
- The traffic light has three states: switched on and working normally switched off and flashes only yellow, and spoiled. In the latter case, most often it does not burn at all, or not all sections burn. Or, on the contrary, several, or even all, burn at once. In any case, a traffic light flashing yellow is considered off. And if a traffic light with a burning yellow signal is drawn on the traffic police examination card, this means only one thing: it is turned off.

Traffic lights

  • Railway traffic light.
There are three types, with and without a white-moon signal, with two or one red signal.

A white-moon flashing signal allows movement, a red flashing signal prohibits.

A red traffic light signal at any position of the barrier, a lowered barrier at any traffic light signal, as well as a traffic controller at any position of the barrier and traffic light signal prohibits movement through the crossing. That is, any of the prohibitions blocks the movement through the crossing.

  • Traffic light of a fixed-route transport moving along a dedicated lane.

Typically, such white-moon-colored traffic lights are installed for trams. But they can be used for any route transport that moves along a dedicated lane.

The principle of regulation is very simple: the upper signal indicates the direction, and the lower signal allows movement. If the lower signal is off, the movement is prohibited. The burning bottom together with the upper middle allows movement straight, the burning bottom together with the left - to the left. Etc.
In the top row, several signals can be lit at once, allowing you to move in several directions.

  • Reversible traffic light.

These traffic lights are above the strip reverse movement.

1. Motion in reverse lane allowed in the only case: when the green arrow is on.
2. The red cross is on - Movement Prohibition.
3. All signals are off, the traffic light is not working - Movement Prohibition.
4. The yellow arrow is on - it is necessary to change lanes to the right non-reversible lane - Movement Prohibition.

  • Traffic light traditional three-section.

Students, when solving exam tickets, and, even worse, when driving, sometimes forget that a traffic light permit does not always actually allow traffic. Jumps out of my head location of the car on the road And limit signs.
In the most general case, with a two-lane two-way traffic, a car can move on a green traffic light in any direction - straight, right, left and turn around.
If there are more lanes, then you can only turn right from the right lane, and turn left and turn around - from the left.

The presence of the prescriptive sign "travel only straight ahead" allows you to move on the green traffic light only in the forward direction.

In the same way, we must not forget to take into account the effect of other prescriptive signs ...

...and signs of special regulations indicating the direction of movement in the lanes.

Traffic signals

Green signal allows movement

Green flashing permits movement and warns that the signal will soon change to yellow.

yellow signal forbids movement and warns that the signal will change to red or green.

For those who are unable to stop in front of an intersection without emergency braking, traffic through the intersection allowed.

Yellow flashing signal permits movement and warns that the traffic light is off and unregulated intersection.

Red signal forbids motion.

Red at the same time as yellow forbids movement and warns that the green signal will soon turn on. In some places, there are still old traffic lights operating in this mode - after changing the red cycle when switching to yellow, the red signal does not go out, but continues to burn simultaneously with yellow, until the green one turns on.

Signals in the form of arrows are similar in effect to prescriptive signs - they allow movement only in the indicated direction.

Red and yellow signals with such arrows warn that traffic will be allowed only in the directions indicated by the arrows.

  • Traffic light with additional sections.

If arrows in the form of black contours are marked on the main section of the traffic light, this means that in addition to this main section there is also an additional section, and it will certainly indicate other directions of movement than those marked with a contour arrow on the main section.

Recently, traffic lights with a red ring have appeared, meaning that an additional section is present, and that travel in the direction indicated on it is prohibited.

If the signal is turned off on the additional section, then movement in this direction forbidden.

And only when the signal is on on the additional section, then the movement in this direction allowed.

When burning red main signal and green additional section- the most disenfranchised position, the driver is obliged make way for everyone. That is, cars moving from any direction. This must be remembered firmly!

Let's call this combination of signals RIGHT ny RIGHT th.

Tram in a situation with primary red and secondary green also gives way.
Recall that the tram gives way only in three cases:
- Under the sign "give way"
- When leaving the tram depot,
- And with the main red and green arrows on.

It also happens that each lane is controlled by a separate traffic light. Then there are as many traffic lights as there are lanes on the roadway.

Some intersections allow you to turn right at a red traffic light. In this case, such an arrow is installed on them, often with a corresponding inscription.

There are traffic lights with "Red" in the main section always on, only additional "arrows" are turned on and off (usually turn right). There are also such traffic lights that always have "green" in the main section, and flow control is also carried out only by arrows. It just needs to be known. And it shouldn't be confusing.

Abroad, there are very wonderful traffic lights, this one, for example, is installed in Salzburg, Austria. Comments are superfluous.


With the traffic controller, confusion arises most of all, and not only among students, but also experienced drivers, and sometimes even among the traffic controllers themselves.
Meanwhile, there is nothing complicated here - as usual, illustrations will help us figure it out, and we will add funny counting rhymes to them.
Wand only in the right hand, and nothing else. Even if the traffic controller is left-handed.

The controller has only three positions.

Hand up - prohibits movement everyone, including trams and pedestrians. You can go in the only case - in order to leave the intersection.

Two other provisions allow movement, we will consider them below. We only note that position (2) - arms to the side or at the seams - represent the same position of the traffic controller.

For a tram and a car, with the same gestures of the traffic controller, movement is allowed along different trajectories.

With a tram, everything is extremely simple, if you use the mnemonic rule "sleeve to sleeve". That is, the tram enters one sleeve, and leaves the other. Hands lowered at the seams are equated with hands spread apart. That's all you need to know about the tram.

Now - a car.
It's time for the first count. Remember: Chest, back for driver - wall.
That is, it is forbidden to go straight "on the chest" and "in the back". This applies to all positions of the regulator, except for the first. In the first, as you remember, you can’t go at all.

Now the second figure - position of the regulator with arms to the sides or at the seams.

In this position, when the traffic controller is standing sideways to you (it does not matter, left or right) - you can go forward and to the right.

From the side of the chest and back, you can not go to the traffic controller.
Pedestrians can cross the road straight ahead. Car turning right passes pedestrians(this is logical: after all, it crosses their path along the sidewalk).
The tram, following "from sleeve to sleeve", can only go straight.

The complete picture looks like this. You can’t ride from the back and chest, from any side you can, straight and to the right.

The first counter helped.

Figure two. The position of the traffic controller with the right hand extended forward.
There is another counter for this position:
If a stick is poked in the mouth - -
only right turn.
If the wand is aimed to the right -
You have no right to drive.
If the wand looks to the left -
Ride like a queen!

Here "a stick is poked into the mouth." So you can turn right. Only.

By the way, this is the only exception to the first counting rhyme, which prohibits riding from the side of the chest and back. There are no other exceptions.

"The rod looks to the left." You can go "like a queen" - wherever you like: straight, right, left and turn around.

Note, however, that the first counting rhyme works here - "the back for the driver is a wall." It is forbidden to go around the traffic controller from behind, driving behind him. Yes, and he himself will be scared - who is going to him from the back?

Now let's combine all the drivers at the intersection.

This results in (clockwise from top):
- "The rod is aimed to the right" - you can not go.
- "The back is a wall for the driver" - you can’t drive
- "Wand looks to the left" - all directions of the queen.
- "The staff is poked in the mouth - this is a right turn."

Everything is extremely simple.

However, when deciding tickets and - especially - driving, one should not forget about location car on the road and road signs.

This car is in the right lane. And, despite the fact that the traffic controller allows you to drive in any direction, like a queen, the driver has no right to turn left and turn around from his right lane. He is only allowed to drive straight and to the right. And in order to turn left, the driver had to move into the left lane in advance.

This vehicle can only drive straight and left. He cannot make a right turn, as he is in the left lane, and he can only turn right from the far right. A U-turn prohibits the sign 3.19

The materials are presented on the basis of a program developed by teachers

Traffic lights come in a variety of configurations. In each individual case, there are rules for orientation according to the instructions of the device.


The standard configuration of the three-section fixture suggests the presence of three colors:

  • green- travel is allowed. In a flashing state, it warns of an imminent signal switching;
  • yellow. In a stable burning state - the passage is prohibited. Passage is allowed if the driver crosses the lane and does not have time to stop the car before marking. When flashing yellow, movement is allowed. It also indicates a malfunction of the device;
  • Red– passage is prohibited on a steadily burning or flashing signal.

Segments are arranged in order from bottom to top or left to right. Three-section devices are most often installed at intersections, as they are able to regulate the movement of vehicles in all directions. Their placement is possible at regulated crossings, which are located between intersections.

Also, traffic lights of such a plan are installed at railway crossings, at the intersection of a carriageway with a bicycle path or tram tracks.


Devices with two sections regulate the passage of vehicles in places of narrowing of the carriageway, as well as in the territories of enterprises. With their help, you can organize a single-lane reverse flow of cars. There are only two signals available: red and green. Their meaning is the same as in the three-section device.

with extra section

There is a traffic light configuration with additional sections equipped with arrows or their contours. With their help, traffic flow is regulated in a specific direction. When a certain segment with an arrow is activated, travel in a given direction is either allowed or prohibited. For example, a green arrow allows passage, but it does not provide a driving advantage.

single section

A device with one section is installed at pedestrian crossings and unregulated intersections or in the territories of closed enterprises. They are used as an addition to traffic lights. Single-section devices effectively distribute traffic flows. Often in their segments there is a scoreboard with a countdown.

The green arrow informs about the possibility of turning in the indicated direction. Using the device allows you to increase the throughput of intersections and reduce the risk of accidents.


Reversible type traffic lights are used on roads where traffic can be performed in one direction or the other. The direction is determined based on the degree of congestion of the roadway.

The following signals apply here:

  • a red cross shaped like the letter "X". The signal prohibits driving in a certain lane;
  • yellow arrow. She points to the right. The signal requires the driver to change lanes to the right side;
  • green arrow. It allows driving in a specific lane.

In Russia, roads with reverse traffic are not widely used. Therefore, few drivers are familiar with the peculiarities of moving on such roads.

To control traffic across a pedestrian crossing

Traffic lights that regulate a pedestrian crossing usually contain only two sections. They depict a person in a standing or walking position. If the red figure is on, then the movement for people on the transition is prohibited. It is allowed to cross the road only on a burning green light.

Often control devices are equipped with a timer that reflects the waiting time. It also counts the time allotted for pedestrians to cross the roadway.

Some traffic lights are equipped with a special device for the deaf. When the passage through the passage is allowed, a special sound signal is emitted from the speakers.

For trams

A four-cell white traffic light is used to regulate the movement of trams. It is in the shape of the letter "T". This type of transport can only move when the lower signal is on. The upper sections indicate different directions of travel.

Often a railway instrument is equipped with a white lamp. It regulates the movement of vehicles through the crossing. When the white light flashes, crossing the railway line is allowed. Movement is also permitted with a steady white lamp.

The main task of a traffic light is to regulate the movement of vehicles on the roadway. If the instructions of the electronic traffic controller are violated, the risk of an accident increases.

Therefore, for ignoring the signals of the device, penalties are imposed:

  • for travel to a red signal - at least 1 thousand rubles. If the violation is repeated, the amount of the fine increases and amounts to at least 5 thousand rubles. Possible deprivation of the right to drive a car for a period of 4 - 6 months;
  • for moving to a yellow light - at least 1 thousand rubles. In the event of a repeated violation, the amount of the penalty will be 5 thousand rubles. The driver can also be deprived of the rights for a period of 4 to 6 months;
  • in case of non-observance of the stop line before the intersection, a fine of at least 800 rubles arises. (read more about);
  • leaving the lane with reverse traffic with the control device turned off - a fine of at least 5 thousand rubles. Such movement is regarded as a departure into the oncoming lane;
  • in case of non-compliance with the rebuilding of the car on the road with reverse traffic, the amount of penalties will be at least 500 rubles.

The traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles on the road, creating convenient and safe conditions for all its participants. The amount of the fine for ignoring his signal depends on the severity of the offense, as well as the consequences for road users.

The increased flow of car traffic on the streets and highways of our city contributes to increasing the requirements for all road users. Of great social importance is the process of introducing students to the modern environment in the metropolis, to a conscious attitude to compliance with traffic rules, conscious behavior as a road user.

People are taught the rules of the road since childhood. In addition to the basic rules for crossing streets, every pedestrian must know what a traffic light is for, know its light signals and be sure to follow them.

Traffic lights use green, yellow, red and white-lunar light signals. Depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped. Traffic lights with round signals may have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow (arrows), which are located at the level of the green round signal. The main criterion for the use of traffic signaling is the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows.

1. Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

    • GREEN SIGNAL allows movement;
    • A GREEN FLASHING SIGNAL allows traffic and informs that its time is running out and a prohibition signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
    • YELLOW SIGNAL prohibits movement and warns of the upcoming change of signals;
    • FLASHING YELLOW SIGNAL allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
    • RED SIGNAL, including flashing, prohibits movement.
    • The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal.
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2. If the traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists).

At the same time, the green signal allows, and the red one prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists). To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size can also be used, supplemented by a white rectangular plate 200x200 mm in size with the image of a black bicycle.

3. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with an audible signal. According to GOST 23457-86, at pedestrian crossings regularly used by blind pedestrians, in addition to traffic lights, an audible signaling can also be used, operating in a coordinated mode with pedestrian traffic lights. Sound signal, audible at a distance of several meters, turns on during the green signal for pedestrians and informs them that crossing the roadway is allowed.



