IPv6: here and now. All IPv6 tunneling technologies in plain language You are in IPv6

The Scandinavian macabre thriller series The Bridge blew up in 2010 in such a way that its echoes could be heard (and seen) around the world. The Americans, the British and the French got their versions of the mega-popular killer plot. For the latter, the detective changed the title in an understandable way, because England and France are not connected by a bridge, which, of course, looks more spectacular and somehow more significant for the idea of ​​a crime conceived and carried out by a serial killer. But the Channel Tunnel, as the practice of the presented TV show shows, is also suitable for a criminal plan.

Later, the press and Internet bloggers will call him “Terrorist of Truth” and “True Terrorist”, and tonight, French police and Scotland Yard detectives stand under the English Channel and look at the body of a murdered woman, neatly located on the rails. The trick of the unknown killer is that the body consists of two parts belonging to different people: the upper part is a famous French woman politician, and the lower part is an English cheap prostitute. Already with this caustic gesture, the criminal asks the authorities a question: would they make such a fuss, appoint a joint team of detectives from France and Great Britain, raise both countries to their ears, belonging to both parts of an unknown street prostitute.

Further, the Terrorist of Truth will commit more than one sinister crime, each time literally one step ahead of the police pursuing him - the Frenchwoman Elise Wasserman (Clemence Poesy) and the Briton Karl Roebuck (Stephen Dillane). The race is gaining momentum and the trap is about to snap, but the Truth-terrorist foresaw this and is not going to go to the bottom alone...

After a breakdown of the lighting, the repair team turns on the light in the tunnel. Suddenly, a terrifying picture appears in front of people in the form of a dead woman. The dead body lay exactly in the middle of the strip, which is the dividing line between the two countries. Detectives from France and Britain immediately arrived at the scene of the crime and began to carefully study the case. Tunnel season 3 online free HD 720.
Carl Roebuck is a true professional from the UK department who has worked hard for the benefit of the people for many years and boasts a lot of experience. Elise Wasserman is an attractive and very ambitious Frenchwoman who became Roebuck's opponent. The murder of a stranger is clearly committed by a master who wanted to play a dangerous game with the police. At the time of the transportation of the corpse, it suddenly broke into two parts. It soon became clear that they belonged to completely different women. The main characters are aware that the investigation will be very complicated and serious, so it is worth taking a good look at it. Detectives are immersed in the work process, not giving guarantees that they will be able to outplay too clever attacker and force him to suffer a well-deserved punishment behind bars.

Most users do not care how things are with free IPv4 addresses and when providers will switch to IPv6. I will say more: the latter will not happen in the near future. However, IPv6 can be used now and get from it not only a geeky feeling, but also quite tangible benefits.

What for?

The increased address capacity by using a 128-bit address (2001:5c0:1400:a::68d) instead of a 32-bit one ( is the most important feature of the new IPv6 protocol. The idea is simple: there will be more than enough IPv6 addresses for everyone, and you will never have to save them again. But to be honest, the Internet works fine even now, even if there is a problem with free IPv4 addresses. The only thing that users will get with the transition to IPv6 is a real IP address, which allows you to forget NAT like a bad dream. But this bonus can be obtained even now, like some other goodies. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

    1. Static real address for all devices, even if you work through NAT. Providers are actively using NAT technology, thanks to which IPv4 addresses have not yet ended. In practice, this means that behind one "white" (real) IP address there can be hundreds and thousands of devices that have been issued an internal "gray" IP address. Working through NAT makes itself felt: you cannot make a service accessible from the outside in a simple way, and the functionality of many applications suffers greatly. To send a file to ICQ, one of the participants in the exchange must have a "white" IP address, and this is just one example. Instead of paying an ISP for a real IP address (if possible), you can get it for free in IPv6 right now. Such a service, for example, is provided by tunnel brokers that “forward” packets from IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa (read more about IPv6 connection methods below). In this case, you get not only one real address, but an entire IPv6 subnet. Thus, for any computer or device that needs access from the outside, you can now issue a separate real IPv6 address and not deal with port forwarding on the router. Moreover, the IPv6 range allocated to you is tied to your account, so even if you change the provider (and the corresponding IPv4 address), all your settings will be saved
  • The ability to forward any traffic through an IPv6 tunnel. If you are in a corporate network where a certain type of traffic is cut (for example, BitTorrent), but IPv6 is skipped, then it’s a sin not to use it. It is difficult to isolate unwanted traffic in such a situation, no matter how the administrator wants it. Judge for yourself. Inside IP lies UDP, inside UDP lies “wrapped” IPv6, in IPv6 lies TCP or UDP packets, and they may already contain the same unwanted traffic. Each tunnel broker, as we will see later, uses its own way of "wrapping" IPv6 packets in IPv4 (more precisely, UDPv4). To be able to cut unwanted traffic, the software must know each of them. What if a new IPv6-to-IPv4 encapsulation method comes out tomorrow? In addition, an IPv6 packet can be cut into pieces and transmitted in different UDPv4 packets: in order to handle this situation, the filtering software needs to have a large buffer to glue the original packets for analysis.
  • Faster torrent download speed. This argument may seem insignificant, but it especially affects us - ordinary users. As you know, torrent clients that go behind NAT "th can only" communicate "with those clients who have a white IP address (and therefore have the ability to accept connections). Having received an IPv6 address, any client can become a full member exchange and start interacting with a large number of seeders and leechers. Here you need to understand that the number of users who work behind NAT "ohm will increase every day - thus, providers solve the problem of free IP addresses (and not at all by switching to IPv6 as it may seem at first glance). Most popular torrent clients already support IPv6: uTorrent, Azureus, Transmission. Finding a client in IPv6 is possible via DHT (does not work in all clients), but it's best if the new protocol supports the tracker. A new field peers6 has been added to the tracker response protocol, where a list of addresses is transmitted in binary form, 18 bytes each (16 - address, 2 - port). True, there are not very many IPv6 peers yet, but their number is constantly growing. Not all trackers have turned on support for the new protocol yet, but thepiratebay.org and ipv6.nnm-club.ru are on this list.
  • Long term connections. For some clients, it is important to keep the connection active for a long time (“not a single disconnect”, huh). For example, in order not to reconnect to the game server, where an elegantly written bot tirelessly "pumps" the character :). Some providers for various reasons make a forced disconnect once a day. The same broker tunnels allow you to avoid the need to reconnect to servers. While the ISP is being reconnected, the IPv6 connection remains active.

Connection options

So, the main question is how to start using IPv6? The best scenario, but, alas, unrealistic, is when the provider itself gives you an IPv6 address. In this case, the system, firstly, is the easiest to set up, secondly, it guarantees minimal ping (there are no intermediaries, no additional operations are performed to “wrap” data), and, thirdly, it is trite more reliable than others. You just connect to the provider, and everything is the same as in the case of IPv4. Alas, a provider providing an IPv6 address in Russia, and in the whole world, is a practically fantastic phenomenon. The account so far goes to dozens all over the world. There are many reasons for this. There is no normal support for the new protocol not only in many client equipment, but even in server equipment. Even if the manufacturer declares IPv6 compatibility, in practice it can work very awry. Providers are afraid and know how to count money. Clients are not ready to pay for IPv6 as a service (they don’t need it), and the transfer of all equipment and a person will cost an astronomical amount. So providers continue to put clients on NAT to fit into the IPv4 address limit, and this will no doubt continue in the coming years. We are left to use alternative ways obtaining the coveted IPv6. There are several.

== 6to4
If you have a whitelisted IPv4 address, then the 6to4 mechanism is definitely a viable option for introducing IPv6. In two lines I will tell you what the essence is. In order for 6to4 hosts to send packets to other IPv6 networks, 6to4 relays were created that are connected to both the IPv4 network and the IPv6 network. When a 6to4 host needs to send an IPv6 packet, it sends it to the so-called anycast address The relay, having received the 6to4 data, extracts the IPv6 packet and sends it over the IPv6 network. Sounds pretty simple, using the approach is even easier. You bring up a 6to4 interface and configure the address in the format "2002:xxyy:zztt", where "xx.yy.zz.tt" is an IPv4 address written in hexadecimal form, and you configure routing so that all outgoing packets "leave » to That's the whole setup. The advantage of 6to4 is that communication between two 6to4 users is not carried out through a tunnel server, but directly, with zero additional delay, while the closest gateway is automatically selected. There is no need to register with any systems, and the already simple configuration process is made even easier by automatic settings generators. But there is important point. If you have a dynamic IP address, then when you change it, IPv6 will also change. Therefore, it is most convenient to use 6to4 with "static". True, this service is usually provided by a provider on a paid basis, and, for example, it costs me 200 rubles a month.

== Teredo
Many users do not have not only a static, but generally a white IP address, constantly working through NAT. In this case, using 6to4 will no longer work - instead, Teredo technology can be used. The protocol transmits IPv6 packets over IPv4 networks by encapsulating them in UDP datagrams - in particular, through devices using NAT. The technology was developed by Microsoft and is very easy to set up, not only under Windows, but also under nix systems. If you use uTorrent, you can find the “Install IPv6/Teredo” button right in the program settings (the developers of uTorrent not only implemented IPv6 support, but also promote the use of the new protocol in every possible way). Raising Teredo "handles" is not difficult - just two commands (we are talking about Vista / Windows 7):

ipv6 install netsh int ipv6 set teredo client

Under niks, you need to raise one of the alternative (and, as a rule, open) implementations of the Teredo protocol (for example, Miredo):

sudo apt-get install miredo

No registrations are needed: everything works, as they say, “out of the box”. All clients connected to the Network in the same way connect directly to each other (Teredo only helps to bypass NAT restrictions). In this case, there is practically no loss in speed. What can not be said about routing traffic between Teredo and native IPv6: for example, data can easily go through gateways located in the United States (the default gateway can be changed, in Russia it is most efficient to use teredo.remlab.net). This is not the only negative. If in the case of 6to4 you could get a whole range of IPv6 addresses, which you could then distribute to other local devices, then in the case of Teredo, only one address is issued. You will even have to forget about a permanent address: Teredo addresses are generated each time based on the current IP address and the UDP port used, that is, they are dynamic. But worst of all, Teredo can't bypass every NAT. If the verification site ipv6.google.com does not open after configuration, the first thing to do is to type “netsh int ipv6 show teredo” in the console. The message "Error: client behind symmetric NAT" means that you cannot use Teredo. In this case, the last (but not the worst) option remains - to use a tunnel broker.

== Tunnel Broker
This is perhaps the most versatile option that will suit both users with a white IPv4 address and those working without it. The tunnel service, as you might guess, provides a tunnel to an IPv6 network. There are quite a few of them, and each of them can have several gateways in different countries of the world. It is best to choose the closest one to minimize delays. This is subject to experimentation with the ping and traceroute utilities, as well as services like ipv6-test.com. Remember: the delay to the tunnel will be added to the transmission time of each IPv6 packet, so the minimum ping value is extremely important for comfortable operation. A tunnel broker usually issues not one, but a whole range of IPv6 addresses. It is important that they do not change when you change your IPv4 address and are tied to your account. For this reason, most services require registration (and some even take the most thorough approach to verifying the data specified during registration). True, the new address will have to be reported, but this is easy to do automatically. Despite the general similarity of the approach used, tunnel brokers use different methods of wrapping IPv6 in UDPv4 and therefore offer different options for configuring the connection. One of the simplest (as they say, “to start”) is gogo6 / Freenet6, which we will discuss below.

Tunnel setup

The practical part of the article, it would seem, should be the most difficult, but in reality, setting up IPv6, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. But the creators of freenet6 offered by gogo6 have made this process as easy as possible. The broker offers several types of tunnels: IPv6-in-IPv4 in native mode (in case direct connection to the Network, with a real IP), IPv6-in-IPv4 in NAT Traversal mode (also called IPv6-in-UDP-is-IPv4) which will be used if you have a gray IP, and even IPv4-in-IPv6 (on when you need to access IPv4 resources with only an IPv6 address). The TSP (Tunnel Setup Protocol) is responsible for choosing the type of tunnel. Despite complex abbreviations, the service offers an incredibly convenient client for connecting. Under Windows, the whole setup comes down to two trivial steps:

  1. Download and install gogoCLIENT.
  2. We start, leave all the default settings and click "Connect".

The program should establish a connection, the performance of which is quickly checked if you try to open some IPv6 resource in the browser (for example, ipv6.google.com). Everything should work. The only thing is that in the firewall it may be necessary to open outgoing port 3653. Without configuration, the client establishes a so-called anonymous tunnel. Its limitation is that when you change the IPv4 address, the IPv6 address given to you will also change. To "bind" static IPv6 addresses to yourself, you must:

  1. Register an account (gogonet.gogo6.com/page/freenet6-registration) by which freenet6 will recognize you.
  2. Switch the mode from "Connect Anonymously" to ""Connect Using the Following Credentials" by entering the username and password.
  3. Click Connect.

The site test-ipv6.com will help you check the IPv6 address given to you, and at the same time - the performance of the new protocol by various parameters. Remember the address - now it is assigned to you. freenet6 even issues reverse dns (username.broker.freenet6.net). When connecting, keep in mind that authentication is carried out with the transmission of passwords in plain-text "e. To protect yourself, on the Advanced tab, it is recommended to select the PASS DSS 3DES1 or Digest MD5 authentication method.

You are in IPv6

freenet6 is by far the easiest way to get an IPv6 address, but not always the best. Other tunnel brokers, which we review in the sidebar, may offer faster speeds and lower latency due to the large number of ingress servers hosted in nearby countries (Sweden, for example). As you can see, the new protocol on home computer does not require any unimaginably complex configuration. And it seems to me that it offers good bonuses for 10 minutes, which will take you to set up.

Tunnel Brokers

What you need to know about IPv6

  1. IPv6 is, first of all, a huge 128-bit address space. An IPv6 address consists of eight groups of hexadecimal characters: for example, 2001:0db8:11a3:09d7:1f34:8a2e:07a0:765d. If one or more groups are equal to 0000, then they can be replaced with a colon. 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:ae21:ad12 is written as 2001:db8::ae21:ad12. If you want to go to the site using an IPv6 address, then you need to take it into square brackets: http://. Remembering such an address is unrealistic, so DNS servers will be even more important in IPv6 networks.
  2. Because this address space is now available, IPv6 moves away from the familiar notion of subnets that was used in IPv4. Masks are now set only by / prefix "s (CIDR / VLSM). In IPv6, each subnet is / 64. The goal is to get away from different subnet sizes. IPv6 / 64 subnets will be enough to cover all devices that can only be reached in conditions of physical accessibility For home users, a /48 subnet is issued.
  3. No NAT "a. With the abolition of the notorious network address translation, problems in the operation of many network protocols that are used for voice transmission (VoIP), in network games, P2p solutions will go away. In most cases, you can forget about port forwarding.

Hello! The idea to make tunnels came to me spontaneously. I looked at the ears of my friends, and they all wore earrings. It seemed to me that this is quite common and the tunnels would somehow separate me from the rest

I wanted to make tunnels back in November, and I took a long time to decide and could not buy stretch marks. Stretch marks are special spirals or fangs that are inserted into the puncture in order to widen it. I chose a rather expensive method, because each stretching costs from 80 rubles, in total I reached 6 mm by 1 mm in 1-2 days in 7 days. I don’t know about others, but I didn’t have any problems with my ears. I was afraid to pull 5 mm at once, so I decided that I’d rather spend a lot of money, but everything would be safer.

And now I will tell you how I did it. In no case do I say what is right, and if someone starts to resent or say that I did something wrong, then IMHO this is my way

1 day

I started to stretch the tunnels with 2.5 mm as advised in the store. Actually, it was white spirals that looked damn cool in the ears. You will need chlorhexidine to treat the stretch marks and the ear, and you will also need a cream. so that the stretch gets into the ear. I took Levomekol, it is also antibacterial, so there was no pus

As to whether it hurt. Not really. Pulling 1-1.5 mm is quite tolerable, I did not complain. But the ears ache after 4-5 hours, so it’s better to pull in the morning, otherwise you won’t be able to sleep.

On the 2nd day, I also walked with these stretch marks so that my ears get used to it. When the stretch can be more or less easily moved in the ear, I inserted a new one. I don't know if it's possible to do this, or if I have to wait longer

Day 3

I bought a 3 mm stretcher (1 pc) to quickly stretch holes and insert tunnels. I spent 1 day with them.

Day 4

I'm impatient 3 mm is still very small and imperceptible, so in the afternoon I inserted 4 mm fangs

Day 5

I just removed the stretch marks and put 4 mm tunnels

Already in the evening I got tired, inserted 5 mm stretch marks. It’s bad that in the evening, I couldn’t sleep for half the night

Day 6

I decided to end it and inserted 6 mm spirals, after which I was wildly delighted

Day 7

The tunnels began to heal, I replaced the stretch marks with white acrylic tunnels, now I'm just crazy about them! Pull on 8? Hardly. So far 6mm is perfect. They can be seen from afar, there are a lot of decorations for this size and they look pretty

So, although I spent so much money on stretch marks and tunnels that are practically unnecessary now, I did not tear my ear and now it feels great. The tunnels came out neat and even. Therefore, I do not advise pulling anything and saving on this matter. Health is more important.

About leaving. Now I just wash a couple of times a day with chlorhexidine for prevention.

More frequently asked questions:

What did the parents say? -I am an adult and I decide what to do with my body

Do they look terrible without decorations? -I do not think so. Just an enlarged hole

Do they stink? -I have no. The main thing is to wash and not wear steel too often. Acrylic is better (especially in winter)

Where to buy tunnels and plugs? -If you do not feel sorry for the money, then 69level, piercingmarket (google), and so, cheap ones can be ordered on AliExpress, etc.

In general, if you want, DO! So that you don’t regret later that you didn’t do it, as one good friend told me

Original taken from live_imho to the Secret government facility "Metro-2" (D-6)

Metro-2 (also known as D-6) is a secret underground transportation system in Moscow to link government and military command posts and bunkers.

There were already secret places in the Moscow metro before his birth in 1935. The project of the second stage included the Sovetskaya station under Sovetskaya Square. between the stations "Teatralnaya" (at that time "Sverdlov Square") and "Mayakovskaya". During the construction process, on the personal order of Stalin, the Sovetskaya was adapted for the underground command post of the Moscow Civil Defense Headquarters. The unreasonably long haul in the very center of Moscow that arose as a result of its closure was liquidated only on 07/15/1979 by the construction of Gorkovskaya - Tverskaya. The implementation of this project was very expensive even in times of stagnation. If you look closely at the stretch in front of Tverskaya, you can see traces of the Sovietskaya.

The next was the pre-war (as well as post-war) modernization project of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya to link the Kremlin with both Stalinist bunkers. Before the war, Stalin planned to build the largest stadium not only for the expected Olympics. The idea of ​​the stadium of the USSR (or Peoples) was prompted by mass propaganda events, often held by the Nazis in Germany for the German people and so beloved by the Fuhrer.

Under the future stadium (a piece of which was nevertheless built) a bunker for Stalin was erected with a small hall for performances and a tunnel to the stands. Two automobile tunnels were built: to the Kremlin (moreover, the gates of the tunnel are located exactly under the Spassky Gates) and to the area of ​​the Sokolniki metro station. A similar Stalin bunker was built under his dacha in Kuntsevo (there is also a car tunnel from the public reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, 37 through the Kremlin). Only specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations know about it: the Central Regional Center of this department is located directly above it. Stalin's suspiciousness is well known. From the first days of the war, he hesitated whether to stay in the capital or go with the government to Kuibyshev (now Samara).

When the bombing of Moscow became more frequent, he ordered the construction of a bomb shelter, which was dug in Kuntsevo at a depth of fifteen meters. In order to completely protect the leader, cast-iron rails were used as ceilings. According to Colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Cherepanov, the structure will withstand a direct hit from an air bomb even today. The entrance to the bunker is an ordinary door, which you will find in any entrance, with a combination lock. A very clean staircase with railings leads underground.

It feels like you are going down into the basement of an ordinary residential building. Stalin did not walk up the stairs. Especially for him, an elevator was launched, where parquet was laid, the walls were sheathed with wooden panels. An elevator connected the bomb shelter with Stalin's dacha, under which the bunker was dug. To exclude accidental meetings of Joseph Stalin with the attendants, several corridors were built. In the corridor for diesel workers, cooks and others, the walls were covered with white tiles. Stalin, on the other hand, walked from the elevator along the parquet floor and surveyed the marble walls. In the bomb shelter, Joseph Stalin held meetings of the Defense Council. For this, a spacious office was allocated - "General's". Its walls are finished with oak and Karelian birch. In the middle is an oval oak table. Near the wall are tables for duty officers and stenographers.

Eight-armed chandeliers have also been preserved in the bomb shelter from the war. And only the rectangular shape of modern fluorescent lamps reminds us that it is not 1942 in the yard. A small corridor separated the leader's bedroom from the meeting room. The bedroom is very small. It contained only a bed and a nightstand. Because of this bunker, on 04/05/1953, the mysterious deep-laid section "Revolution Square" - "Kievskaya" was launched. Stalin was afraid of a repeat of the incident with an air bomb hitting the tunnel on the stretch between Smolenskaya and Arbatskaya. The section was built in a record short time, less than two years, despite the fact that the route passed in extremely unfavorable hydrogeological conditions. For the first time, it was necessary to solve the problem of connecting tunnels of two radii - the existing one and the new one, without stopping the normal movement. For this, a tunnel of increased diameter was built, which, as it were, accommodated the existing tunnel. The tunnel behind the "Kievskaya" was passed and further right up to the Victory Park. According to the plan of 1932, the line to Kuntsevo and Krylatskoye was to be completely underground. And it was supposed to pass next to Stalin's dacha. When a new express line to Kuntsevskaya was being built, this tunnel was used. This explains such a strange choice of route.

The first serious information about these subway tunnels appeared in 1992 in one of the AiF issues. There, some aunt wrote that her friend worked as a cleaner in the KGB and she was taken to special facilities by special metro lines. "AiF" answered that this system is described in the annual publication of the US Department of Defense on the Soviet Armed Forces for 1991.

TITLE: Military forces in transition.
PUBLISHED: 1991 Washington, D.C.
Dept. of Defense: For sale
by the Supt. of Docs.,
U.S.G.P.O., 1991-v., ill.
(some col.) ; 28 cm. + map 1991-
ISSN: 1062-6557
OTHER SYSTEM #: (OCoLC)25013229
CARD NUMBER: sn91-23807

Shafts above the underground command post in Ramenki are marked (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991).

The dotted line on the map shows the Metro-2 lines (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991).

In 92, other publications picked up the topic. With the light hand of the Ogonyok magazine, the system was called Metro-2. Through the efforts of the yellow press, an unrealistic amount of nonsense and tales was put into play, thanks to which most Muscovites generally doubt the existence of the system.

So, Metro-2

It was commissioned in 1967 (it is presumed that some part was put into operation earlier). Length 27 km. Stations: Kremlin Library im. Lenin (for evacuation to the underground city in Ramenki of all readers who are in the halls at the time of the signal; maybe the Kremlin station and the Library are the same station)

A yellow house with a turret on Smolenskaya Square, designed by Academician Zholtovsky (this is a special house, it has entrances to 2 metro systems: to the Filevskaya line and to Metro-2, because of the elevators to the Metro-2 station in this house, legends about such stations a little or under every nomenklatura house in Moscow) the former residence of the first and last President of the USSR on the Lenin Hills, an underground city near Ramenki (max. capacity 12,000-15,000 inhabitants) with a pedestrian tunnel to the main building of Moscow State University (entrance at the checkpoint zone B)

Academy of the FSB and the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the FSB of Russia (a huge brick building at the entrance to the Olympic village. In one of the occasionally open gates in the building, you can see a long corridor going far down, illuminated on the sides by small lamps) Academy of the General Staff emergency exit somewhere then to Solntsevo government airport Vnukovo-2

The book "Moscow Metro" of 1954 describes the fifth phase of the construction of the metro. If everything is clear with the Shcherbakov (now Riga) radius, then the continuation of the Frunze radius is confusing. A never-realized version with a tunnel under the Moscow River is described. The length of the section is 6.5 km. "Frunzenskaya" is according to the plan in the same place where it is now. "Usachevskaya" either became "Sportivnaya", or should have been located closer to Bolshaya Pirogovskaya. Luzhnikovskaya was supposed to be at the entrance to the stadium in Luzhniki on Novoluzhnetsky. Ground vestibules of "Leninskiye Gory" were planned on the slopes of the Sparrow Hills and from the side of the Vorobyevskoye Highway (Kosygin St.). "University" is planned next to the main building of Moscow State University.

In 1957 and 1959 everything was built differently.

There is an implausible story that for the youth festival of 1957 a branch was built from the "Park of Culture" to the "University". In the spirit of Khrushchev's decision to reduce the cost of construction, the designers decided to lay part of the passenger route along the first line of the Metro-2 tunnel, which had already been built by that time. It would seem that there is a ready-made tunnel dug under the Moscow River, which means that it will not be necessary to spend time and money on building a new crossing through this water barrier. But at the very last moment, the "competent authorities" said decisively: no! And I had to flog a fever, changing the project, diverting the new metro route to the side and building a metro bridge with the Leninskiye Gory station. The memory of that long-standing "discrepancy" was the characteristic bend of this metro line near the station "Sportivnaya".

Initially, they wanted to build the "University" next to the MGU. But after all, the first line of Metro-2 passes just under the GZ, more precisely, through the 3rd basement or level-3, where there are cryogenic installations for generating liquid nitrogen for freezing the soil. Entrance through the checkpoint area B of the main building. By the way, in the first basement, almost exactly under the zone B checkpoint, there is a door with a combination lock and a TV camera.

According to the American DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency), the Metro-2 station of the first line is located under the former residence of the first and last President of the USSR (Gorbachev) on Leninskiye Gory, and this is exactly the place where the Leninskiye Gory station was planned.

Most likely, projects of tunnels and deep stations were developed. Then Khrushchev ordered to sharply reduce the cost of construction. Then they built a miracle bridge, in which there is more salt than concrete. And a bend with a rise after "Sportivnaya" appeared. But already in the 60s, when the bunker in Kuntsevo and the first line of Metro-2 began to be built, then the old projects were raised. What's the point of duplicating work? And slowly the tunnel was zababakhali according to old projects, but already single-track.

If you go from "Sportivnaya" to "University", then on the left along the course after "Sportivnaya" you can first see the stage connecting the path you are traveling with the opposite one. Then you see a branch to the left along the course of the train. Officially, this is a reverse dead end, but it continues further, descending between the main tunnels under the river and going in an arc steeply to the side. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks. The tunnel itself eventually rests on a steel gate. This is the only gate of the regular metro and Metro-2 in Moscow.

When they planned to build the Temple in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, there were several projects, one of them was to build a temple on Sparrow Hills. Construction has not started, as the ground here is very weak, which is not able to withstand a large building. But what the tsarist architects could not do, the Stalinist ones did. When the main building of Moscow State University was being built, they dug a huge foundation pit, filled it with liquid nitrogen, then put refrigeration units in the place that later became known as the 3rd basement or floor -3. This zone was given the status of super secret, since in the event of a possible sabotage and the failure of freezers, the building will float into the Moscow River in a week. The 3rd basement was in charge of the 15th KGB department. It is this level of Moscow State University that connects to the underground city in Ramenki and the Metro-2 station.

In the Troparevsky forest park, behind the Academy of the General Staff, you can see the ventilation shafts of the metro. The Academy of the General Staff itself is a building with a central building and side buildings around. If you look from the street, then they have 5 floors, but in fact it is much more. The elevator goes underground for a few more. Down there there are many very well guarded places where almost no one can go. From some sources it was pulled out that this is the exit to Metro-2.

When there was no "Pr. Vernadsky”, on the site of “Salute” there was a grandiose rugged terrain: ravines, a cascade of ponds, a river. In 68-70 all this was carefully covered with a large amount of soil, taken, probably, from the construction of the first line and the underground city in Ramenki.

If we draw a line from Yugo-Zapadnaya to Ochakovo and set aside 500 meters, we get to a place where there was something similar to a concrete factory with a lift with a wheel on top. Every morning a terrible crowd of people descended downstairs. Everything went on until the age of 79.

The main construction base of the first line is the same notorious concrete factory south of Moscow State University. It is there that materials are imported and land is exported.

There is evidence that the first line was lengthened in 1986-87. There are two interesting places in the suburbs. This is the military town of Vlasikha (aka Odintsovo-10). There, in 58-64, a command complex of the Strategic Missile Forces with a 4-tier bunker and the residence of their commander were built. In 1986-87 a new 12-tiered bunker was built two kilometers from the old one. The rails below were seen for sure. There is also the town of Golitsyno-2, the MCC of the military space forces. Quite interesting - the entrances to the bunker in small houses, like residential ones. There is one square in the town on which there is a monument - an ancient radar station, everything is there. People working there know for certain that the branch to Vnukovo-2 runs there.

Directly in Odintsovo itself, in 1987, they began to build a residential area "new houses" for the builders of Metro-2. There is also a station there.

Line 2

Given at the beginning of 87. The length is 60 km (it turns out that the world record for metro tunnels). It starts from the Kremlin, then south parallel to the Varshavskoe highway through Vidnoe to the government boarding house "Bor" (there is a reserve command post of the General Staff).

There is a mothballed station on the line, to which the same mysterious passage from the Tretyakovskaya Kalininskaya line leads.

It is likely that the line should be extended to the new Voronovo bunker (somewhere 74 km south of the Kremlin). There is still inaccurate information that the line goes somewhere beyond Chekhov. Summer residents from Alachkovo tell about the local military town that they have an underground facility that goes 30 floors underground, they say they were in such an exercise: it stands in a huge hall (the eyewitness could not say the size, but says “just huge”) simple composition, they set it on fire from the metro, and then extinguish it. Those who live in Kryukovo (near Chekhov) sometimes wake up at night from the fact that a train passes under them. Summer residents in Vidnoye say that in the early 80s they dug something there and very deeply. They remember only in a few places the pits are large and deep, but the walls were reinforced with boards or something else, and the pits were one after the other, that is, on the same line.

The construction base of the second line is located somewhere in Tsaritsyno.

Line 3

Cdan also at the beginning of 87 years. Length 25 km. It starts from the Kremlin, then Lubyanka (maybe there is a station near the Bolshoi Theater, because from the fountain on Teatralnaya Square it was possible to climb into the Metro-2 tunnel), the air defense headquarters of the Moscow Military District on Myasnitskaya, 33 (located next to public reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, 37, which in turn has a car tunnel to Stalin's dacha in Kuntsevo.During the war, departments of the General Staff and air defense officers were at the Kirovskaya station.Trains did not stop there, the platform was fenced off from the tracks with a high plywood wall After the war, traces of this activity were destroyed for a long time.Under the station and the building on Myasnitskaya, 33, a new bunker was built for the air defense headquarters) and the Air Defense Central Command (and the Main Air Force and Air Defense Headquarters there) in the village of Zarya, Balashikha District, where a military town with 20,000 inhabitants.

The line runs parallel to the Entuziastov Highway and through Izmailovsky Park. Most likely, it has a station near the Red Gate (this one is questionable, but there is definitely a huge Stalinist bunker there - with a manhole exit to the Red Gate platform).

People working in the Zarya bunker are called "moles". Also, miners. Every day they go into an inconspicuous-looking brick house and descend on high-speed elevators to a depth of 122 meters. The last check of documents, a submachine gunner next to a small border post, massive iron doors that slam shut automatically at the first sign of danger - and our heroes find themselves at one of the most secret military facilities in Russia. This underground city is the Central Command Post (CKP) of the air defense forces, the holy of holies of our defense power. Even the first government officials and important foreign guests cannot get here.

Any excursion requires the personal permission of the Minister of Defense. The party ordered our military to burrow into the ground back in 1958. All the General Staffs and the Central Command Center were urgently transferred to the nearest suburbs. The "cold" war could turn into a nuclear one at any moment, and the very first bombardments of the capital could leave the army without "eyes", "ears" and "language". In order to prevent this, we decided to urgently bury all the most valuable things in the ground and lead the troops from powerful bunkers. The underground city was built in the Stakhanov style: already in the 61st year, the first "moles" celebrated a housewarming party. For this, thanks to Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel Batitsky and the metro builders - they were invited to carry out an important task for the Motherland. The bunker city provides everything to survive the end of the world: its own power plants, fire extinguishing systems, water and air purification, sewerage, food supplies. They say that there are even places where you can sleep comfortably and on white linen. Even the women who work here do not particularly complain about the conditions. The transport problem in the "city" built for 1,100 people has also been solved. There are four elevators at the service of the staff - two passenger and two cargo.

Line 4

Information about her is almost fictional. The budget of Russia in 1997 included the amount for its construction. Moreover, this fact caused a scandal and proceedings in Congress, because they had to build at the expense of American loans. It will start in the Smolenskaya or Kosygin area, as a branch from the first line, then under the Victory Park (where it will share the infrastructure with the planned regular metro line) to the new A-50 bunker at 48 Rublevskoye Highway - next to Yeltsin's house on Autumn boulevard. Then a sanatorium / bunker complex in Barvikha.

The entire Metro-2 system was previously under the control of the 15th department of the KGB (underground workers). This department subsequently came under the wing of the FSB. Metro-2 has nothing to do with the Office of the Presidential Affairs, which is headed by P. Borodin. He built and is building some kind of box where people are recruited from the usual metro construction. And they live, as I already wrote, in Odintsovo.

The system is little known, because it is not a government metro, that is, it does not transport top government officials (including Yeltsin) in peacetime. The main function is readiness for evacuation. In addition - economic transportation: cargo, service personnel, etc.

The whole system is single-track (it is foolish to build 2 tracks, because even in the case of the Atom signal - evacuation in case of an atomic war or something else terrible - the entire flow of traffic is directed in one direction). Unlike a regular subway, there are no ventilation shafts from the tunnels. Construction was carried out by a closed method, and without intermediate shafts (like a tunnel under the English Channel). The contact rail is not used on long hauls - only on central ones. One of the metro trains of the second or third lines consists of 4 cars - at the ends there are two contact-battery electric locomotives "L", in the center there are 2 saloon cars with Ezh6 curtains, made on the basis of the Ezh3 series with new nodes from 81-714. The train was undergoing scheduled repairs at the Izmailovo metro depot in the early 90s.

There is also information about Metro-2 cars from one informed comrade from the Moscow Metro administration. All this was released between 1986 and 1987 in Mytishchi, just when Metro-2 lines 2 and 3 were built:

An interesting fact of the existence of a connection between the ordinary metro and D-6!

Before. If you go from Sportivnaya to the University, then on the left along the course after Sportivnaya, at first you can see the stage connecting with the path you are driving on (it goes from the opposite path). Then you see a branch to the left along the course of the train. Officially, this is a dead end. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks 20 meters before the lattice gates covered with fiberglass, behind them the next gate with a massive concrete block is visible. The tunnel continues further, dives under the tunnel of the Sokolnicheskaya line away from the center and immediately after a pair of pressure gates there is an arrow with the Vnukovo line D-6. This is the only gate of the regular metro and D-6. At the entrance to this tunnel is the only traffic light in the Moscow metro with two red ones.

Description of the ways of communication Metro-2.

The inner diameter of the tunnels practically coincides with the diameter of the civil subway. To be more precise, the inner diameter of the D-6 tunnels built over the past 20 years is 5.45 meters. Unlike conventional metro, in the new generation D-6 tunnels, there is a meter-long layer of foam concrete between the outer cast-iron tubing and the inner metal trim.

The whole system is single-track (it is foolish to build 2 tracks, because even in the case of the "Atom" signal - evacuation in case of an atomic war, the entire traffic flow is directed in one direction). Oddly enough, but the ventilation shafts from the D-6 tunnels are usually not camouflaged, although they are used much less frequently than in a conventional metro. In ventilation shafts, evacuation elevators are often used. The contact rail is not used. The rails themselves are recessed into carefully fitted concrete slabs, similar to tram tracks. in addition to rail transport, minibuses are also used. There are metal curbs on the sides of the tunnel at the bottom.

The D-6 stations are narrow platforms inside a tunnel like those at the PTO.

The depth of the D-6 varies greatly: from 50 to 200 meters.

Ventilation shaft. Top down view.

Civil haul VDNH-Alekseevskaya.
Closed Sanitary Node in case of emergency.

Take a closer look at the path on the right! And the contact rail then breaks after the boxes ... Suggests a certain thought ...

Semi-civilian haul used to supply state-owned households. warehouses.
The reinforced Hermetic door and a fragment of the suction system are visible (pipes on the left and right)

The same door, the thickness and guides on the floor are better visible.

but here it is much more interesting! You can see the combination of metro and car tunnels.

Everything is ascetic to the point of insanity.

Contact-battery electric locomotives type L

Electric locomotive L No. 0089.

In the early 1970s, the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant began developing specialized rolling stock for strategic underground metro lines in Moscow and its suburbs.

Due to the absence of a contact rail in the D6 system, it was decided to use trains from ordinary metro cars driven by a contact-battery electric locomotive for operation on strategic metro lines. The design of electric locomotives was carried out under the guidance of the chief designer of the plant A.G. Akimov. Ezh3 cars (factory designation 81-710) were taken as the basis. The electric locomotives were assigned the letter L and the factory designation 81-711. Unlike ordinary cars, L has two cabins, instead of windows and doors of the cabin, there are corrugated walls. There is also no roof over the car, there is only a small arched ceiling in the middle of the car.

Electric locomotive L No. 0089. Photo from the archive of Yuri Zaitsev.

In 1974, 3 electric locomotives L were produced under the numbers 5686, 5710 and 5712. Their numbering was common with the Ezh3 cars mass-produced at that time, which supplemented the train with L, forming special trains. The usual composition scheme: Ezh3-L-Ezh3. Sometimes the compositions were formed in the form of Ezh3-L-L-Ezh3.

Coloring L release in 1974 is the same as that of Ezh3 - the upper part is green, the lower part is blue.

Contrary to popular belief, the speed of communication in D6 is very low: trains cannot reach speeds higher than 15 km/h on a battery run. When moving along the lines of a conventional metro, the speed of movement of the trains can be higher, but then the electric locomotive L is no longer the leader, but the follower - the Ezh3 cars control the train.

In 1986, a new batch of electric locomotives was produced to serve the new sections of the D6 system, also from three pieces. Outwardly, they differ from the L of the first batch: instead of two small groups of corrugations on the sides of the body, there is a solid “zebra” about two-thirds of the height of the body, and on the sides of the cabs above the central decorative strip there are three corrugations instead of two. New electric locomotives from the first batch also differed in color - it was light blue. Between departure from the factory and arrival at D6, the cars spent some time at the Sokol depot, where they were engaged in their final adjustment.

Electric locomotives L of release in 1986 received numbers 0087-0089. Their numbering was already common with cars of the 81-717 type. Complete with new electric locomotives, 4 cars of the Ezh6 type were produced. Around the same time (at the end of the 1980s), 4 cars of the Ezh3 type No. 5581-5584 were transferred from D6 to the Moscow Metro to work on the Zhdanovsko-Krasnopresnenskaya (now Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya) line, and the electric locomotive L No. 5686 was decommissioned and sent to the depot "Planernoe". Of the cars manufactured in 1974, Ezh3 cars No. 5580 and No. 5590 remained in operation in the D6 system - one of the first serial Ezh3 cars, and two electric locomotives L No. 5710 and No. 5712

From time to time, electric locomotives L with cars Ezh3 or Ezh6 pass through the connecting branch to the conventional metro system for maintenance and overhaul, as well as for recharging batteries. The main repair base is located in the Planernoye depot, more serious repairs are carried out approximately once every 13-16 years at the Moscow ZREPS or at the MMZ, and special cars come to ZREPS only one at a time. So, in July 1990, the first and so far the only major overhaul of the electric locomotive L No. 5712 took place at the Vykhinsky site of ZREPS. Cars L No. 0088-0089 and Ezh6 No. 0090-0091 were overhauled in Mytishchi in the summer of 1999, and the electric locomotive No. 0088 was converted to a diesel one during the repair. Electric locomotive L No. 5686 and, apparently, Ezh3 cars decommissioned from D6 in the late 1980s, did not undergo major repairs at all during the years of their work in D6.