How to make large letters small in Word. Keyboard case, keyboard layout How to type capital letters

Microsoft Office is the most famous office software package for editing and creating tables, presentations, text and other types of documents. Today we will talk about the Word application, which almost every person is familiar with: children are taught to work with it in schools, colleges, and universities. Abstracts and documents are prepared using this program. However, few people are familiar with its extensive functionality. That is why today we want to tell you how to make large letters small in Word. In general, there is nothing complicated here - everything can be solved in just a few clicks, but if you are faced with this problem for the first time, finding a magic button that will make all capital letters lowercase can take a long time.

How to make capital letters lowercase in Word

Not all people can touch-type, looking not at the keyboard, but at the screen of their laptop or computer - this is where problems of this kind arise. Just press the "" button once. Caps Lock”, and then type, peering at every button on the keyboard... and when you notice that all the text is printed in capital letters, it will be too late to change anything. In this regard, we have made for you these instructions. So, to make all letters in Word small, you must follow these steps:

As you can see, thanks to the truly extensive functionality Microsoft programs Office Word, the problem with converting large letters into small ones is solved literally in a matter of seconds. That is why we advise all our users to more carefully study the functionality of this text editor. Believe me, it hides many more interesting, and most importantly useful, surprises.

Remember that the “Aa” icon is responsible for the case of letters. By clicking on it, you can format the text as you wish: small; large; letters, as in sentences; every word is capitalized, as well as changing case to reverse, where small ones become large and large ones become small.

So, today we have to find out what a keyboard register switching key is. In addition, you need to clearly understand what will be discussed in general. That is, we will try to explain the concept of a keyboard register on a computer. In fact, all users are faced with this topic, but not everyone knows that they work specifically with the register in the operating system. Don't think that everything here is very difficult to understand. On the contrary, it’s as simple as shelling pears. The name of the keyboard register switching key has several options. And today we will try to figure out what kind of “names” are given to these buttons, as well as what (besides register) they are responsible for.

What is a register

The first thing you should pay attention to is what we have to work with today. We are talking about the keyboard register. What is it? Many do not even suspect that they have ever had contact with this “service”.

It is not difficult to guess that the “switch keyboard registers” key changes the value of the register. But what are we talking about? The point is that this concept is applicable to editing text information. In particular, to writing text on a computer.

Of course, everyone knows that in the text there are capital letters and there are capital letters. This is precisely the register on the computer. In other words, these are small and large letters that are written in a text editor. And they are very important. And the key for switching keyboard registers is responsible for their display and writing. That is, by pressing yes on a certain button, you will begin to print capital letters. Now it’s worth looking at exactly which commands help carry out this action.

Option "Familiar"

You were asked: “Name the register switching keys on the keyboard,” but you don’t know what to answer? Then let's try to correct this situation. Let's start by studying the most familiar button for everyone. There are usually two of them on the keyboard.

The name of the keyboard register switching key sounds like Shift. This is a very common option that can be used to change case on a computer. For convenience, each keyboard has two such buttons. One is on the right side (near the arrow panel), and the other is on the left. Only in practice, to be honest, it is the left key that is used. It’s more familiar and convenient.

Action Shift

The Shift key is used, as a rule, when writing texts on a computer. She is very comfortable. But how does it work? We'll find out now.

For example, you type text in small letters in Word. When you finish a sentence, you need to put a capital letter after that, and then write in capitals again. To do this, hold Shift and click on the desired button on the keyboard. Now release it and start typing again. What did we get?

But in fact it turned out that the keyboard register switching key temporarily changed the original parameter. That is, if you initially wrote in small letters, then with Shift held down you will type in large ones. But only as long as you hold this button. It's very convenient. Especially when you are typing large text. But that’s not all that the register switching key on the keyboard is useful for. Let's try to figure out how else it can be used.


Shift, as we found out, is responsible for briefly changing the keyboard case parameter. But this button was created not only for this purpose. It also has other uses. And now we will deal with the most popular scenarios.

For example, this key also serves to switch the keyboard layout. Only in this case it has to be used in combination with Ctrl or Alt - depending on your system settings. Moreover, to change the alphabet on the keyboard, you quite often press the left Shift. This is also more convenient and familiar to the user.

In addition, in games, this key for switching keyboard registers helps to run. It is this button that, as a rule, in many toys is assigned the function of quickly moving the character. In extreme cases (usually in older applications), Shift represents "attack" or "action". In other words, very useful button. If you play online games, you can also use Shift to write sentences in capital letters in chat. But this is not all that may concern our topic today.


There is another name for the register switching key. And, accordingly, there is another button for this idea. Only it is not used as often as Shift. After all, it gives us a slightly different change in the keyboard register settings parameter. What are we talking about?

The thing is that on the left side of your keyboard there is a button called Caps Lock. This is precisely another name for the keyboard register switching key. This button is responsible for constantly changing the state of the settings of the characters being typed. If by default you have all capital letters set (this is the case on every computer), then when you press (without holding) “Caps Lock” you will switch the keyboard case to the state of writing only capital letters.

It's actually very convenient. Especially if you need to write a sentence or a long word using only large characters. When you press "Caps" (as Caps Lock is called), doing this is as easy as shelling pears.

In order to understand the initial state of your Caps Lock, you will have to carefully look at the right side of the keyboard. Or on a panel (usually the bottom) on a laptop. There are special indicator lights there. They are all signed. If you have Caps Lock on, then when you try to write text, you will get only capital letters. In cases where the indicator is not illuminated, you will be able to type text in small letters.

As you can see, switching keyboard registers is something that every user encounters every day when working with a computer. There are just a few more important points, which we have not yet mentioned. For example, what will happen if you use “Shift” and “Caps Lock” at the same time, as well as the hidden functions of these buttons.

Consequences of use

Changing the keyboard case can have some consequences. This is especially true for Caps Lock. After all, if you accidentally press this button, the register settings will change.

What awaits a user who has the wrong case? As a rule, many web pages are equipped with a system that is sensitive to this parameter. This means that when the capitalization mode is turned on and with the default settings, the same password/login will be perceived as two different ones. Thus, there are usually problems with authorization on many pages on the Internet. More precisely, almost everyone.

In addition, if you are typing a message in a chat and accidentally press “Caps Lock”, you risk offending someone. Indeed, on the World Wide Web, a word (phrase, sentence) written in capital letters is interpreted as a cry. In fact, you will yell at the other person. And if you consider that nowadays virtual communication has almost replaced real communication, then this is not a very pleasant situation. Thus, always keep an eye on the indicator on your keyboard that says Caps Lock.

Simultaneous use

What happens if you decide to use Caps Lock and Shift at the same time? It all depends on the sequence of pressing these buttons. Why? Let's try to figure this out with you.

The thing is that one key temporarily changes the keyboard register setting, and the other permanently. If you first hold down Shift and then press Caps, nothing special will happen. You can type one capital letter using Shift, and then enable the constant writing of these letters using Caps Lock.

But in cases where “Caps” was pressed first, things proceed somewhat differently. When you activate Caps Lock, as already mentioned, the register parameter will be changed. When you apply Shift in parallel, you will temporarily capitalize the text. That is, by clicking on "Caps" and then holding down "Shift", you can write in cursive. As soon as you release the key, all letters will begin to be printed in capital letters again. In fact, sometimes this can be considered a very convenient technique.


Our buttons today are also used for another purpose. Only it is implemented in the "English layout" mode on Russian keyboards. Or on number keys in any language.

As users may have already noticed, some buttons have additional symbols next to numbers and letters. And they are printed using the keyboard register switching keys. For example, on English very often they put quotation marks using “Caps” or “Shift”.

And if you pay attention to the number panel above the alphabet on the keyboard, you can say that this method of typing characters works in any language. Just click on "Shift" and then on the desired character - it will be printed on the computer. Very often this technique is used with the Russian layout. Do you want, for example, to put an asterisk in the text? Then hold down "Shift" in Russian, and then click on the number "8" on the alphanumeric keyboard. Try different options - you will definitely succeed.


So, today we found out the name of the keyboard register switching key. As you can see, there are several of them. In addition, we were able to understand what functions Shift and Caps Lock can perform on a computer.

The buttons we studied today are very diverse in their application. You just need to use them with caution. Don't forget about the consequences. For example, about the impossibility of authorization on any web pages. Pay attention to the condition of the "Caps" before you start working with the keyboard.

How to make capital letters on the keyboard?

    If you need to type several letters so that they are BIG, then you can simply press and hold the Shift key. And if you need to type a large amount of text in CAPITAL letters, then here are the possible options:

    • You can press the Caps Lock key before typing,
    • But it’s possible if you type the text in Word ( Microsoft Word), simply select the desired piece of text and, while holding down the Shift key, press the F3 key. Each time you press the F3 key, the case will change, and you can easily change any text from small to large, and from large to small.
  • To make capital letters on the keyboard - Find the Caps Lock key on the left, press once and you will print in capital letters. Then to switch to small ones, press Caps Lock again. If you only need a few capital letters, hold down the Shift key and type.

    In order to switch the keyboard to capital letters, you need to press the Caps Lock button on it. To return small letters back, you need to press e a second time. If you need, for example, to type a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, then you can press and hold the Shift button to type this letter and release the key.

  • How to make letters big

    In general, there is a specially designed Caps Lock key for this purpose (from the English capitals lock - fixing capital letters). But maybe it’s easier to take any ready-made text and translate it into upper case. Many programs make this very easy to do, for example, in the AkelPad text editor, you need to select the text and press the Ctrl+6 key combination.

  • You need to press the Caps Lock key and write in capital letters. As soon as you want to write in small letters again, press the same key a second time. Or you can simply hold down the Shift key and type text on the keyboard at this time.

    To write in capital letters, you can increase the font size, as in Word document, and in the Internet browser settings.

    If we are talking about uppercase and lowercase letters, then you can write in capital letters by pressing the Shift key and typing the text. Or you can press the Caps Lock key (look for it on the left, above Shift) then all the letters you type will be capitalized. You can cancel this feature by pressing the Caps Lock key again.

    To type letters, a series of letters or a sentence, you need to press Caps Lock and release it, then type - the letters will become large.

    If you need to type one or more letters, you can press the shift key, left or right. Type while holding the key - while you need large letters.

    The third way is to type text in the editor, then select with the mouse the text that you want to make in capital letters, and press the F3 key - and the letters will become capital. And if you repeat, they will be small again - the effect is reversible.

    If you need to write one large letter, it is more convenient to use the Shift key. While holding it down, you must simultaneously press the desired letter key and the letter will be printed in uppercase.

    If you want to write several capital letters in a row, then it is more convenient to use the Caps Lock key. There is no need to hold it down; to return to small letters, press it again.

    Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. To make the letters large when typing, you need to press just one button - Caps Lock, to make them small again, you need to press it again.

    This button is on the left side of the keyboard.

Many of us, when typing text in Word, do not think about subsequent formatting. What if you suddenly need to convert lowercase letters to uppercase or vice versa for an entire paragraph? Well, don’t type this text again. I want to suggest easy way How to make all letters capital or small in Word.

To change the case of letters in a Word document, select the text you want to change. Next go to the tab Home, if it is not active and press the button Register.

In this case, select from the drop-down menu desired type letter case changes:

  • As in sentences. The lowercase letter of the first word in the sentence will become capitalized.
  • all lowercase. Converts every letter in the text to lowercase.
  • ALL CAPITAL. Converts every letter in the text to upper case.
  • Start with Capitals. The first letter of each word will be capitalized
  • CHANGE CASE. Converts the first letter of each word to lowercase and capitalizes the remaining letters.

For example, if you forgot to turn off the key Caps Lock and without looking you typed a couple of sentences, then you will get something like:

Select the text and select the first option As in sentences. The letters will be in the correct case.

You can use the keyboard to convert capital letters to lowercase. To do this, select the text and click Alt + I to activate the tab Home. Then click Alt+7 and then select the right option, moving with the cursor control keys Up And Down or keys P(As in sentences) E(all lowercase), IN(ALL CAPITAL), N(Start with Capitals), M(CHANGE CASE).

This is how easy it is to change the case of letters in Word and make the letters small or large.

By the way, the keyboard shortcut Shift + F3 allows you to select any register mode except the last one - CHANGE CASE, if you press this combination several times in turn.

The need to make large letters small in Microsoft document Word most often occurs in cases where the user forgot about the CapsLock function being turned on and wrote some part of the text that way. It is also possible that you simply need to remove the capital letters so that the entire text (or part of it) is written in lowercase only. In both cases, capital letters are a problem that needs to be solved, and below we will talk about how to do this.

Obviously, if you already have a large piece of text in capital letters or just a lot of capital letters that you don’t need, it’s not practical to delete all the text and type it again or replace capital letters with lowercase letters manually, one at a time. There are only two options for solving this simple task in Microsoft Word and one more alternative, and we will consider each of them further.

Method 1: "Register"

Since large and small letters are essentially the same characters, just written in different cases, to replace the former with the latter, we turn to the text editor tool of the same name, located in the group "Font", directly to "Main" tab.

Method 2: Hotkeys

Most of the basic and frequently used Microsoft text editor tools have hotkeys assigned to them, in addition to their buttons on the control panel. With their help, we can make large letters small even faster

Additionally: Replacing capitals with small caps

In addition to directly changing the case from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa, Microsoft Word allows you to literally do what is indicated in the title of this article - turn large letters into small letters, or rather, regular capitals into small capitals, thus obtaining a type of style called capital. The resulting characters will be slightly larger in size than lowercase ones (but smaller than uppercase ones), and their appearance will remain exactly the same as that of letters of a given case.