What account to create on Instagram for promotion. How to promote instagram - step by step instructions

Reading advice related to promotion on social networks is great, but first you need to at least decide why you should be interested in and work with promotion on Instagram at all? Just wasting your time? It is unlikely that this event can have a serious meaning, and since you found yourself here, it means that you pin certain hopes on social networks and work in them. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to set a specific, clear and understandable goal, towards which you will begin your movement. So, it may not seem so at first glance, but in fact the goals can be completely different, the methods for achieving them can be extremely different from each other, so decide everything at once, and do not rush about in the future. Any task assigned to you is important for you personally, therefore all extraneous opinions that can openly condemn all undertakings should become “white noise” that has no fundamental significance. If you value your time and efforts, you can order high-quality promotion on Instagram on our website by going to link .

2) Creation of an Instagram account sharpened for promotion

In order to get an excellent result, it is imperative to methodically move in the direction that was originally chosen, we are talking about self-promotion on Instagram. If we take Instagram specifically, then all your photos must be of high quality, successful, and have a connection with the topic that is being promoted on this Instagram page. That is, everything should be exactly in the same direction with which it works this account Instagram, and any unrelated or even only partially related photos should not appear in any case. A user who first came to your page should definitely not make an effort to understand the presented photos and the purposes of their placement, for this you will be helped by a creative streak, rationalism and a professional attitude towards your own topic for promotion on Instagram.

3) Describe your Instagram profile correctly

A competent, pleasantly written and most understandable description of your Instagram profile is a matter of maximum importance, because this is the sign that will be considered first of all. The most juicy, eye-pleasing photos, while telling the user as informative as possible about the account itself, its goals and capabilities, should be selected first. To immediately strike the imagination is a bad idea. Since too catchy, too original or simply poor quality photographs are the most The best way so that the user never returns to your page, and advised friends and acquaintances to do the same.

4) Instagram hashtags are irreplaceable

Using hashtags on Instagram is the most important rule for anyone who wants to promote and promote on social networks, and this applies to Instagram almost to a greater extent. Thanks to high-quality work and the use of tags on Instagram, you can get an excellent audience, moreover, assembled from real Internet users, which, of course, is extremely attractive for any cheat customer. You can learn more about hashtags on Instagram and how to work with them correctly in article

5) Find a path to your audience

Having finally decided what the average user looks like, whom you want to attract to your own audience, you need to create a strategy and focus on attracting and recruiting live followers on instagram . Constant work to attract attention, raise the degree of viewer interest and attract more and more new layers of Internet users - this is what should be your main task, and this task is not canceled after the first subscribers, because they also need to be retained. If a random user is interested in your page, then he will immediately become your subscriber, and this should not be forgotten for a second. By and large, there are three most fundamental methods for attracting at least a minimal part of the Instagram audience. They are called simply: subscription or following (what is it, read), likes , commenting on Instagram. To work in such seemingly simple ways, you need to work quite seriously, and select not the most promoted accounts and pages for this. Working on more advanced and discussed pages is an almost impossible task, because your likes and comments will simply go to waste, unnoticed by hundreds of others. It is easier to work with pages that are not well promoted, but, again, it is necessary to select the audience very competently, since it may not be interested in your page at all.

Competent interaction with potential subscribers is very cool, but it must be taken into account that the reckless subscription of everyone right and left will not lead to the most joyful situation. Soon your work account will become a real bedlam, in which the devil himself will break his leg, and it will be very difficult to carry out competent work with him. Before you activate in terms of likes and comments, evaluate the possible consequences of your actions twice and thrice. By the way, active commenting on photos brings pretty good results, especially if you do this with some interesting and original idea that is not too boring for everyone around. Of course, you should not criticize anyone abundantly and a lot, because no one likes bilious and dissatisfied people, on the contrary, you should note the positive aspects of the photos, and do it very politely and pleasantly, because in this way you will show yourself only from the best side. Moreover, such operations to improve reputation can be carried out not only with the accounts of ordinary people, but also on the more promoted pages of stars, because the audience for reading comments there is much wider. Buy followers on Instagram , as well as a lot of likes, comments and views for a very low prices can be on our website. Self-promotion of new pages, stores and brands on Instagram is quite time-consuming and brings little effort. If, for example initially add 2-5 thousand subscribers, a few likes on photos and comments, then you can thereby gain the trust of other users and increase their subscriptions to this account. Therefore, do not neglect the initial promotion from scratch, as it has a place to be.

6) Top photos are critical - Instagram business card

The latest photos of any account are the most viewed by default, because rarely any of the users starts to get into the archives and view all the photos, starting from the debut images (Creating a business card on Instagram). Thus, the last photos, namely the last three dozen photos, since they are displayed immediately, are a kind of “Instagram business card” of your account that you will create. It is necessary to treat this very person as reverently and simply as possible. Your thirty, forty photographs should be ideal from your point of view, and fully cover the resource of your subject and opinion. There should not be any bad photos in this section categorically, because even one bad shot will extremely adversely affect your reputation in social network.

7) Statigram - a useful program for promoting Instagram

Why do we need such a program, whose name is very similar to Instagram, and why, when promoting on Instagram, it is sometimes impossible to do without it? In fact, writing a large number of comments with pens is not always convenient, especially if you write them from the small screen of your own smartphone. And in general, printing the same text to many photographs is extremely tiring, and thoughts begin to come that this process can somehow be simplified. For this it was created Statigram, thanks to the use of which, it is possible to speed up the writing of various comments several times, both from the phone and from the computer, the program works equally well. Choose one from popular hashtags on Instagram , and it can be absolutely different kind and orientation, and start leaving comments on this very hashtag. After some time, the memory of the Statigram program will be replenished, and it will become clear that a large set of comments can be made by pressing just one button.

8) Instagram scam is the best way to stay without followers

Nobody likes scammers. Including other scammers, for whom one more competitor is unlikely to be a reason for great joy. So be careful and you, and do not think that you can kill two birds with one stone, agreeing to not the most legitimate procedure for the mutual exchange of likes and comments. In the vast majority of cases, you will be required to give your username and password to a rather rubbing company, which, in turn, will swear to help with the promotion and promotion of your Instagram account. Relying on easy and fast promotion, you will simply lose your account, since all such offers of cooperation are just a cunningly presented form of so-called spam. Your Instagram account may be closed, and you will have to re-create and promote a new one. That's the whole catch that can be obtained from such a "partnership". Read carefully the detailed material on the topic: Why get banned on Instagram - in this article, we have described in detail many of the troubles, blocking, hackers and other negative aspects that may arise when working in this social network.

9) You need to know the measure in hashtags without turning it into spam

Often, a beginner, who is just starting the path of promotion and promotion on Instagram, begins to bring such a long list of hashtags to any of his pictures that it seems as if they could make up a separate independent story from them. hashtag - this is very good, but in all good things it is necessary to observe the measure, for example, 20-40 hashtag signatures for a single photo will create a clear feeling of irritation among those users who are lucky enough to watch this creation. Rubbish is what excessive use of hashtags is, and if you use them, do not forget about the conciseness and accuracy of each of them, since this cannot be avoided.

10) Instagram photo feed does not tolerate excessive diversity

Equally, a sense of proportion will come in handy for all of us when we take care of our own photo feed on Instagram. Getting a subscriber is an extremely wonderful event, but how to keep it without pushing it away with many actions is no less a question, and most often much more important. In no case should you think that a hundred uploaded photos a day is great and cool, no, with this you only dirty the feed of other users who are subscribed to you. You will thus clog up the day, the other, the third - and in the very near future, absolutely everyone will unsubscribe from your page. After all, you are creating serious inconvenience to all active Instagram followers. Do not stop thinking even about such seemingly simple trifles, and in this case, all roads to success will be open.

11) Feedback from the audience is the key to their hearts

Always remember that the audience of the account is “Your everything” in social networks, and it is simply criminal to neglect the attention of this very audience, use writing comments on Instagram and programs that help speed up this process. Do not forget about photos, be sure to have good ones, come up with interesting slogans and names for pictures, and communicate, communicate, communicate. Writing comments on Instagram is a very important direction that attracts the attention of users. Account promotion is certainly a necessary moment, but only with excellent contact with the audience, your Instagram page can be called really successful. Treat the requests and wishes of users carefully, think about what else you can do for people reading you - and people will be drawn to you. The conclusion will not be wordy, since everything you need is as detailed as possible above. The main thing is not to forget about these tips, but at the same time constantly look for new ways of development, and then the result will be achieved. All the best to you and good luck on your journey. self promotion. Oh yes, be sure to read the articles below, they will expand your knowledge in this direction!

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

According to official statistics, more than a million companies around the world rely on the promotion of a business account on Instagram. And there are good reasons for this:

  • Over the past year and a half, the monthly attendance of Instagram in Russia has exceeded the mark of 22 million people.
  • In May 2018, active Instagram users generated over 71 million posts.
  • Users from Russia update their Instagram feed about 16 times a day on average. In 1 second, they write 1 thousand comments and put 8.5 thousand likes.

So all the same, how to promote your business on Instagram from scratch.

  • To get started, switch your profile from Personal to Business Account mode and optimize it. By optimization, I mean the company logo, a designed profile header, and contacts to contact you.
  • Start posting photos of the products you sell. Remember that Instagram is a storefront, so keep an eye on the quality of your posts.
  • Write informative texts that describe the products, services, processes of your company.
  • Use at least 5 hashtags. relevant to your business.
  • Run contests for subscribers.

This is a standard but effective promotion strategy. Depending on the subject of the business, the ways to promote a business on Instagram may vary.

How to promote an Instagram business if you sell goods and services

If you are promoting a fitness club or candy store, these tips will help you:

  • Write the name of the brand in the profile name.
  • Fill in each field in the registration form.
  • Put your company logo on your profile picture. You can add a slogan if it is easy to read.
  • Make a promotion plan - what, when and why to publish.
  • Post high quality photos. This is your business card when promoting services and goods.
  • Communicate with subscribers in stories, find out their opinion, conduct polls.
  • Create unique hashtags.

Let's say you are the owner of a small cafe-bakery. You will promote your service on Instagram as follows:

  • Make a content plan for publications. Show the inner "kitchen" of your business, tell us about sesame buns, shoot funny videos with the participation of staff. Your subscribers should like the "picture". Decide on which day the recipe will go better, and on which - a video about friendly waiters and beautiful shop windows.
  • To attract subscribers to the page, barter buns to an Instagram blogger popular with your target audience. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a blogger. Check how active and "live" his audience is, how it reacts to advertising.
  • Take beautiful photos and run ads. Here it is important not to miss with the selection of the audience, so that targeted baking advertising does not appear in the feed of those who are losing weight. This is the task of an experienced targetologist.

If you have an abstract understanding of how to promote a page on Instagram for business, it is better to contact professionals. So you will quickly achieve the expected result. And remember, you should not save on high-quality business promotion on Instagram.

How to promote “non-photogenic” products and services on Instagram

If everything is clear with the promotion of goods, then a fair question arises, how to sell services on Instagram that cannot be photographed. After all, more and more people are starting to run a business whose product is difficult to visualize.

There are several non-trivial ways to promote such a business:

  • Bet on product features. The Instagram of the creator of Adobe graphics editors has a lot of work by illustrators and designers. All these people work in Adobe programs.

  • And GoPro publishes pictures from their action cameras. The company does not spend any money on its content, because users themselves upload photos with the #gopro hashtag.

  • Promote brand ideology. Come up with a message and promote it. Red Bull was the first to implement this strategy. There are no product photos on their Instagram, but there are pictures of people doing extreme sports. Users publish these photos under unique hashtags.

  • Transform your product. For example, you sell stationery. Which user will be interested in felt-tip pens in the feed? Precisely because no one, give free rein to your imagination. For example, a grocery store Office deport turned pens into funny characters.

How to promote your business on Instagram yourself

And don't make a million mistakes.

To understand how to promote a business page on Instagram yourself, you need to learn everything about:

  • Targeted advertising.
  • Ranking posts in the feed.
  • Quality content.
  • Photo processing.
  • Tracking popular hashtags.
  • Statistics and analysis of the main indicators of involvement.
  • The work of increasing audience loyalty.

And if this is too long a process for you, then you will probably misfire:

  • Start using bots. Inanimate accounts are immediately visible, no one will subscribe to them from real users.
  • Start a massive mutual following. 3% of users subscribe mutually, and not 30% as two years ago. This method is deprecated.
  • Use the wrong hashtags. And this is an important mechanic for promoting a business account on Instagram. Duplicate tags can provoke sanctions from the Instagram administration.
  • Post low quality photos. Instagram audience appreciates visual content. Poor quality photos are disrespectful to subscribers.
  • You won't be updating on a regular basis. Publications should not be frequent and highly informative or, on the contrary, rare entertaining. When creating a content plan, you should take into account the ratio of educational posts, promotional posts, and engaging ones so as to attract, and not scare away subscribers.
  • You will create base texts. The text must be divided into paragraphs, otherwise no one will read the letter vinaigrette. Markers, emoticons, "inverted pyramid" - these are all tools for working with text.

As a result, if you want to take the promotion of your business on Instagram into your own hands, arm yourself with useful resources, study the mechanics in detail, and proceed by trial and error. But I advise you to turn to specialists, because while you spend time gaining basic knowledge about marketing, competition in your niche will gain momentum. In a couple of months, competitors will have an active audience, discussions, interesting content, while you are gaining the first subscribers. Spending time on this or not is your choice, but running a business requires not only strategic decisions, but also tactical ones. And in the business arena, the qualitative development and promotion of the company's Instagram account is a tactically correct decision.

Not so long ago, Facebook bought out a special photo network Instagram, which caused the approval of its active users. Now even more participants have begun to register in this service, for which they just need to fill out a simple form. Many people from around the world use this lively community not only to communicate, but also to promote goods, works or services. Every day they upload new pictures to the network, thanks to which various brands are advertised. Instagram also allows Russian citizens to build their own business, actively cooperating with both domestic and foreign partners.

How to promote a page on Instagram?

Each user of the Instagram photo network seeks to promote his page by any means. This is done in order to maximize the number of subscribers, so that advertising promoted to the masses will begin to generate the expected income. Informing Instagram users about various new products, the owner of the page can be calm, as his brand is quickly recognized in different countries of the world. Account owners are constantly sharing useful information, thanks to which you can find answers to various questions, for example,?

The main feature of this software is a method of control carried out directly from mobile phones, smartphones and tablets. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, new gadgets capable of taking photographs of the highest quality are regularly presented on the domestic market.

The filters installed in modern phones turn the pictures taken into real works of art. Each Instagram user, posting photos on his page, strives to get into the TOP. He can do this only if his account has a sufficient number of subscribers. You can also achieve a rapid “career rise in the photoset” if the picture receives at least one million likes. It is worth noting that the original plot in the photo, even if it is not of very high quality, can arouse the interest of a huge number of users who will leave their like under it.

Advice: if the owner of the account creates albums with the same type and boring photos, then he is unlikely to succeed in attracting the attention of a large number of Instagram users to them. Advanced users recommend regularly uploading new pictures that can cover personal life and professional activities. Interest will definitely be shown to such photographs, since people are very fond of observing someone else's life and, as they say, "peek through the keyhole."

To independently promote a page on Instagram, you must first pay attention to the design of the profile picture. The account owner must make it catchy, interesting and attractive. The posted image should intrigue and lure users. You should also carefully consider the creation of a portfolio, which should contain a variety of different pictures. For the convenience of viewing it, it is recommended to group the posted photos into thematic sections, for example:

  • animals;
  • cars;
  • flowers;
  • landscapes, etc.

After the presentation of the first photos to the attention of the general public, the account owner will be able to assess the interest in them by the number of likes. If pictures of a certain subject were left without the attention of Instagram users, then they should no longer be posted. Too hackneyed topics are also not an option for rapid page promotion, as people get tired of the same type of photos pretty quickly and crave something new.

Advice: before taking another photo, the Instagram user must decide on its subject. The picture should not contain something that people can contemplate from their window or see on the Internet without any problems. In order for a photo to collect a huge number of likes, it must excite the imagination of users who will immediately express a desire to become regular subscribers of the account. It is best to post new photos closer to midnight, when active movement in the photo network begins. It is also worth noting that new information should be submitted in doses in order to constantly stir up interest in your page.

Another important point when promoting a page on Instagram is the presence of hashtags. The account owner should set them on the photo on a geographical basis, since most network users search for photos by city and country. Today, there are a huge number of special applications through which people can decorate photographs in an elegant and original way.

Self promotion on Instagram

Many people ask themselves questions: why do they need to promote a page on Instagram and what financial benefits can they get from it? This is due to the fact that today there are various. It is worth noting that this photo network can be actively used not only to communicate with other users, but also to develop your own business. In Instagram, according to advanced users, there is no large amount of garbage, which social networks such as Facebook, Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki can boast of. This is due to the fact that people are trying to add meaningful photos to their pages, and not fill the feeds with entertainment nonsense and cheap advertising.

Advice: to promote a page on Instagram, there is no need to involve third-party specialists who will take a fairly decent amount of money for their work, making the result the same as with independently held events. If the owner of the account, who uses it to develop his own business, does not have free time for constant promotion, he can hire a remote employee. The Instagram manager, who works on a permanent basis, will promote the page, attract new customers and maintain their interest.

How to promote a business on Instagram?

Social platforms such as Instagram are not very suitable for promoting services. They are actively used by network users to sell goods of various categories:

  • cosmetics;
  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • handmade products, etc.

To use Instagram to develop their own business, Russian citizens need to use the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, you need to optimize the profile of a new or existing company in the Instagram photo network. It should become visible and accessible to all users of the resource. For self-optimization, you must first install the logo of your organization instead of the photo on the profile picture. If the company does not have a brand name, it can use instead a photo of its product, which is most in demand among a wide consumer audience. After that, you should think about a nickname, which is ideal for both the name of the company and the word that can characterize the direction in which the business is conducted. To familiarize Instagram users with your products, it is recommended to describe the currently available assortment. At the final stage, contact information should be provided that will help interested people get in touch with representatives of the organization.
  2. To actively promote your business, you need to regularly publish photos of new products on the page. To do this, it is recommended to use the services of professional photographers who know from what angle the subject will look more advantageous.
  3. Hashtags must be added to each published photo. According to experts in the field of marketing, it will be enough to indicate under each picture from 4 to 5 labels.
  4. From time to time, you need to distract the attention of page visitors with humorous or entertaining photographs so that when they study the proposed range of products, they get a lot of positive and pleasure.
  5. If a company is actively developing its business, it cannot do without the help of professionals who can be involved in maintaining an Instagram page on an ongoing basis.
  6. Attracting followers who will assist in promotion. You can also involve people in cooperation for whom the main or additional is.
  7. Informative videos that will allow potential customers to evaluate the benefits of the promoted products are almost 100% likely to transfer them to the category of buyers.
  8. Potential customers need to be lured not only with colorful product photos, but also given the opportunity to take part in bonus and promotional events.

How to promote an online store on Instagram?

To promote an online store on Instagram, you must first come up with a sonorous name for it, which will evoke clear associations among potential customers. The store page should contain all the information that the buyer may need. It is mandatory to integrate the online store account on Instagram with its Facebook page. In this case, you can count on more reposts. It will not be superfluous to involve people in cooperation.

When promoting an online store on Instagram, the user should not forget about advertising, which, as everyone knows, is an active "trade engine". On the page, you can place both advertising of a virtual outlet and videos of other non-competitive companies. As an effective advertising lever, it is necessary to use hashtags, which can include the name of the online store.

Each owner of an online store should pay great attention to their customers. He must build communication with the consumer audience in such a way that each potential buyer is confident in his uniqueness. It is imperative to show signs of respect to customers, invite them to participate in promotional events, develop for them bonus programs, which will allow you to save a little on purchases.

The owner of an online store must monitor the Internet expanses at regular intervals. If, in the process of studying other accounts or portals, he finds photos with his products, then he should make marks under them and leave positive comments. When referring to each subscriber, one should not forget to indicate their nickname. This will indicate attention and respect, which in the end can become a weighty argument for making a purchase.

So that regular subscribers and casual visitors of the online store do not get bored, they must be periodically entertained with funny photos and various jokes. To create creative pictures, you can use special programs, such as Photoshop. It is also necessary to dose the consumer audience with information about the activities of the online store, about the updated product range, about plans for the near future, etc.

To diversify the news feeds, the owners of online stores can publish videos advertising products on them. Regular subscribers should be able to “face-to-face” know the employees of the outlet, for which purpose photos of the staff should be placed in the thematic section. In order for the posts of the online store to always be unique and informative, it is recommended to involve a professional copywriter in this process on an ongoing basis. An experienced freelancer will create useful content that page visitors will not find on other virtual resources. Various, which employ very talented people, can help in finding the author.

What to do to attract new subscribers?

To popularize their account on Instagram, Russians should arouse interest among other users of the system:

  • always set hashtags;
  • indicate the cities in which the photos were taken;
  • like other users;
  • leave good comments under other people's photos;
  • subscribe to other pages;
  • advertise your account on your pages designed in other social networks;
  • use special programs and applications;
  • advertise products of various non-competitive companies, etc.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Today, many Russians who have tried have begun to actively explore the Instagram photo network. The emergence of this social resource has inspired millions of people from around the world to put their lives on public display every day. Internet users, one might say, have an “addiction” on how many likes a particular photo gets them. Such popularity of Instagram opens up great prospects for business entities seeking to promote their business through the Internet. To achieve their goals, Instagram account owners need to promote their pages as much as possible and attract as many followers as possible to them.

In contact with

The number of Instagram users today is 130 million active users, billions of new likes appear every hour. If you work with this service correctly, you can provide instant viral marketing success. But otherwise, failure is inevitable. For those who have just started promoting a brand on Instagram, business2community.com has compiled 52 useful tips on how to successfully run an advertising campaign using this social platform.

account settings

1. Create an Instagram business account - it's very easy.

2. Use the name of the company or brand as the name. If it is taken, then choose the name that is most associated with the brand.

3. Fill in the profile information: upload a beautiful brand photo, add a short information about yourself, link to the company website.

4. Integrate your account with Facebook.

5. Set up automatic integration of photos from Instagram to Facebook, this will increase the number of reposts. Companies like Mercedes Benz get a lot of likes with cross-posts:

6. Come up with a unique brand strategy, rely on it in all aspects of promotion, show people your company's view of the world, focus all content around a bright unique idea.

Advertise your account

7. Use the tools to promote your Instagram account. For example, big brands in Russia use plibber.ru - it's enough to come up with creative content and an image, and then choose the accounts in which you are going to advertise. The average cost of one organic subscriber is from 1 to 3 rubles.


8. Hashtags in updates are one of the key components of the service. It is with the help of hashtags that the user will be able to find photos of the desired brand. Unlike Twitter, the number of characters is not limited, but do not overdo it, it looks intrusive.

9. Include the brand name in the hashtag. Write unique hashtags for individual advertising campaigns. For example, if you decide to run a photo contest, come up with a special hashtag for this. This tactic will not only be a good advertisement for the brand, but will also allow users to connect with each other, the contestants will thus see who they are competing with. Here's how Dry Soda used #fridayDRYday to engage users and share photos:

10. Use generic hashtags in every post. For example, if you're a coffee shop owner and you posted a photo of a latte, use the hashtags #latte or #coffee.

11. Use popular hashtags. Trends on Instagram change very quickly, so if you have time to join the fashion movement in time, add a suitable hashtag. Thus, your post will be among the most famous, and the number of views will be measured in thousands.

12. Be sure to follow new and relevant hashtags on Instagram. Add them to your posts. Take some time to connect with users who add these hashtags, comment and like their posts. Your activity will not go unnoticed.

13. Monitor the web and look for users adding your brand name as a hashtag. This is how subscribers use feedback to tell you something important. Track all mentions the same way you would on Facebook and Twitter. Reply quickly to ensure a good and long relationship with buyers.

The main thingthisclients

14. Show your followers how much you appreciate them by posting and sharing their best photos on social networks. But remember, before you leave a post, be sure to ask permission. Starbucks, one of the top three brands on Instagram, uses this tactic very often. Once every few weeks, they dedicate a post to one of the followers, posting their artwork depicting one of the Starbucks products.

15. C new feature In Instagram, which allows you to embed Instagram photos on other sites, you are given the opportunity to host full-fledged fan posts. Make sure the user is aware that their post will appear on your site.

16. Like your followers' photos, especially if they feature your brand.

17. Comment on followers' photos.

18. Respond to all comments that are left on your photos / videos, even if they are negative.

19. Use mentions with @. Users love to be approached personally. For example, Coca-Cola singled out a subscriber who won a photo contest:

20. Use @mentions and tag celebrities. If your image has something to do with the shape famous person, then do not be afraid to mark a star. Perhaps the photo will interest him / her so much that a repost will follow.

21. Focus on attracting buyers, create publications, constantly thinking about customers. An Instagram business should be geared towards the lifestyle your customers lead.

Show yourself

22. Don't forget to be creative: use various filters, interesting angles, lighting effects and other photography tricks. Add variety with programs like Photoshop, Diptic or Photoshake. Merge multiple images into one. Here is a great example of how you can combine three photos:

25. Show users how to use your company's products in real life. Here is an example of Whistler Water showing fans drinking their water at a concert:

26. Always maintain a perfect image: followers like cool brands. For example, Pilot Pen USA, which sells pens, is an example of successful marketing. Their Instagram is filled with stylish photos of notes and pens:

27. Illustrate the brand story colorfully: post beautiful photos and videos to show users the fundamental principles and values ​​that underpin the life and work of the company.

28. Open up to the world: post photos of your employees, tell us who is behind the success of your brand. Shoot videos from behind the scenes, share how a typical working day goes in your company. This will strengthen the brand image and the perception of the followers. Williams Sonoma practices a similar technique:

29. Post funny, entertaining videos about CEO companies to be "closer to the people". For example, shoot short funny videos where he talks about what he likes to do outside of work hours.

30. Post unique content to make users feel special. Share photos that can't be found on other social networks.

31. Whether you're launching a product, hosting a band's first gig, or opening a new store, do it on Instagram. For example, on the day of the opening, make a video of the staff getting ready for the official moment while the customers wait in anticipation.

32. Create a teaser that will show the preparation of the product for the launch on the market or the event for the opening. But do not reveal the secret of what exactly is at stake.

33. Post a report on Instagram about an event that has already taken place. Feel free to show how the company's employees work in real life.

34. Build partnerships with other brands, no matter what business you represent: a small store or an international holding. You can achieve ideal cooperation - mutually advertise the products of companies in the feed. For example, Wimbledon and Nike:

Be creative

35. Ask users to write comments. If you want maximum engagement, speak up. Questions breed discussion. Ask readers what they think of a recently published post or image.

36. Ask questions about the company or product, get users talking about them. Ask if they've used the brand's product today, create a hashtag so followers can post photos about the topic. Target, for example, asks questions like “What flavor of popsicles do you like?” and users in turn start talking about the brand online.

38. Create interactive "fill in the gaps" posts. For example, if your business is a grocery store, post an image of a breakfast cereal and caption “I love starting my day with a plate of _____.” People will discuss your product and express their opinion.

39. Another original way to capture the attention of users is to ask them to come up with a caption for the image. Be original and post an unusual photo of one of your products. Announce a contest for the best signature and don't forget to come up with a small prize for the winner.

40. Crowdsource: Ask users to post pictures of the role your brand plays in their lives. This will help to understand the target audience, as well as useful for further research aimed at business development. But in order to attract the maximum number of users, you will have to launch a photo contest.

Competitions inInstagram

41. An Instagram photo contest is an opportunity to get a huge amount of user generated content and new ideas, or just to get all the attention for your company. Set the theme of the competition you need and let customers show their creativity. Here is an example of what you can do if you sell mocha:

42. If you run an Instagram contest, make sure the prize is good enough to motivate entry and further spread of the word online. Sometimes it is the prize that can cause the viral effect of the photo contest.

Don't Forget Mobile Users

44. Use geotagging - linking photos to a map. Add your location to the post to target local users in this way.

45. Stop separating online and offline reality. Post QR codes on Instagram so that users can scan them to receive, for example, discount coupons.

46. ​​If you're hosting an event, create a suitable hashtag where people can post their photo reports and get to know others.

47. Organize an online meeting for active users who may be potential buyers.


48. Regardless of the number of subscribers, post content consistently. Users will look specifically at the brand account, knowing they will find interesting updates.

49. Decide on the frequency of publications. Some brands post 2-3 times a day, others 2-3 times a week. Use analytics to determine the frequency that suits you.

50. Find out what is the best time to post content. Each brand is individual. Therefore, you should resort to the help of analytics to find out when photos get the most likes, or what time subscribers actively use hashtags.

51. Analyze results: track activity across all metrics (hashtags, likes, shares, etc.)

52. Improve yourself. Based on the results, draw conclusions and improve the content.

Today, there are many services for automated promotion of your Instagram account, which, for a small fee, will help you attract followers and increase brand awareness.

53. The Zengram online service combines in its functionality a wide range of benefits and opportunities related to the promotion of Instagram accounts.

Its main advantages:

  • simultaneous maintenance of an unlimited number of accounts from one personal account;
  • full control over actions;
  • advanced targeting settings;
  • mutual liking of their subscribers;
  • sending welcome messages to new users in direct;
  • instaspy;
  • attentive and responsive. support;
  • full analytics;
  • work through a proxy;
  • cleaning from bots and commercial accounts;
  • parser and comment likes.

The cost of the service depends on the number of days of subscription, the more days you buy, the more you save. For each new user, the first 7 days are free of charge.

The Zengram blog regularly publishes useful informational articles about the promotion. If you have not yet decided how to create an account for business on Instagram, focus on the article "What to write about yourself on Instagram: designing a business profile" . It will provide guidance on choosing a name for promoting a small / large business or personal brand, Tips for designing a profile header and maintaining an account.

54. The innovative SMM promotion tool Instapromo occupies one of the leading positions in all areas of Insta promotion. The service offers a full range of services:

  • promotion (mass liking, mass commenting, mass following)
  • deferred posting

Every year, the collection of photos on the pages of the resource increases by more than 40 million copies, attracting new users who are a potential target audience. You can lure people to a particular page using various methods.

Why do you need to open an account?

Instagram opens up the opportunity to promote various products, services or brands. Using this network, companies and people achieve popularity. Instagram audience - about 300,000,000 users. There are celebrity pages and famous brands.

Many people dream of promoting a profile. This makes it possible to attract the attention of people, to find consumers for the offered goods or services for sale. The main thing that is required is followers who are interested in the content presented in the account.

Who is using it?

Instagram allows each user to successfully develop, whether it is an ordinary person or a world-famous company. First of all, it enables the user to gain popularity and fame. After all, having thousands of subscribers who will be interested in your profile is just great. Moreover, a promoted account allows you to receive passive income from advertising.

Large manufacturers have long paid attention to this social network, as it allows you to popularize the brand. It will also be very useful for a developing business to find its target audience among users who will be interested in the goods and services offered.

With the right approach, you can significantly increase sales of a variety of products.

Show business did not stand aside. The most popular stars have already created their pages on the network. Here you can also find profiles of famous politicians, athletes, businessmen.

Ordinary people can also express themselves. For example, talents who can capture unique moments in pictures will not be left without attention and can receive quite tempting offers of cooperation. But you can develop in this network only if the created account is of interest to other users.

Free Methods

Each user can promote an account on their own. Just uploading photos and waiting for an influx of subscribers is rather naive. Today it is difficult for the audience to be interested in anything, so a lot of effort will have to be made to promote it.

Some methods will help increase the number of followers of a particular page or public:

  • On the social network, you can find many familiar people, friends or relatives who can become your subscribers. You need to constantly fill your profile with unique photos or other content that will be of interest to people.
  • You can lure followers with interesting and original photographs that can attract attention. But it is worth remembering that almost everyone has a phone that allows you to take pictures and post them online, so the competition will be high. Having a professional lens at hand and learning how to work with images and services for their processing, you can post beautiful images on the page that will be of interest to the public.
  • It is very useful to learn how to use hashtags correctly when describing the uploaded pictures. Today, no more than 30 hashtags can be used to describe a photo. Do not forget that the tags must match the content of the image, otherwise the administration may block the account.
  • Your activity on the social network will attract new subscribers. Each user will be happy with new likes and comments on their images and in most cases will respond in kind. But you should not take on such a method with excessive zeal. Unprecedented activity can be perceived by the administration as the use of a bot for promotion, which is also fraught with certain sanctions.
  • Do not forget about other social networks and place pictures on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter and others, leaving a link to Instagram under them. This promotion method will only be effective if your accounts on other social networks are well promoted.
  • No need to constantly load your subscribers with new content. Instead of twenty random photos, it is better to post two in excellent quality and well processed.
  • Submit as many contacts as possible in your profile, through which interested users can contact you. This is very useful if the page is an online store or offers some kind of service. Each user should be able to place an order as soon as possible.

Other helpful tips to promote, you can learn from the following video:

Paid Methods

On the Internet you can find a huge number of offers for account promotion. If you decide to resort to such a promotion method, you should choose the right service offering SMM services:

Don't forget that promoting the page with the help of bots, you can get a ban from the administration. Specialists of services offering effective promotion services are aware of the rights of users and will not allow their violation. This will allow you to gain popularity on the social network without falling under sanctions.

Special programs

Self-promotion requires considerable time, and for the services of reliable services, you will have to pay significant amounts. If you look for the golden mean, then you can pay attention to specially designed programs that will allow you to get a lot of subscribers in the shortest possible time.

When installing a program for following, you need to choose the right settings. The first thing to consider is the network rules for users. Excessive activity of your account will give out the work of the program, and the page will be banned. To prevent this from happening, stick to the following values:

  • put no more than 1000 likes per day;
  • leave maximum 250 comments per day;
  • have up to 300 followers in 24 hours.

These data are approximate, since the administration does not disclose the indicators that are considered the limit. Do not use multiple programs at the same time. This may result in a permanent ban, and your previously achieved results will be lost.

All of the above methods will allow users to achieve popularity on Instagram. When choosing any method, it is worth considering and calculating everything well so as not to have trouble with the administration in the future and at the same time increase the page rating.