Why is there no digital TV signal. What to do if you do not have free digital terrestrial TV - a blog about information technology: software, hardware, Internet, services, tips

Modern technologies constantly improving to make life easier for people. But sometimes there are problems even with the most advanced technology. A common problem is the loss of digital channels on the TV. About ways to solve the problem - later in the article.

Digital television has become widely available recently, but the technology is gaining popularity as the user gets high quality picture and sound on the TV monitor. Also, by connecting the function, you can watch many different TV programs, tune additional functions, enjoy interactive TV.

Principle of operation digital television simple enough. The encoded audio and video signal is transmitted to TVs through an antenna via a special stream. And already on the TV device itself, the picture is decrypted and the person receives a high-quality image.

Thanks to compression technology, the manufacturer can transmit to the customer many more radio stations and TV channels than before. It is for this reason that analog television is gradually becoming a thing of the past.
One of the main advantages of digital television is the absence of interference and poor quality pictures. The TV connected to the new broadcast receives only a high-quality image.

If the picture on the screen periodically disappears, this is not due to digital television failures, the problem is in the existing equipment. It is advisable to tune the antenna or install a high-quality amplifier for the received signal.

Reception of digital broadcasting is carried out through several channels:

  • ethereal;
  • satellite;
  • cable.

Using terrestrial television, users receive a picture through repeater towers. To catch a signal, it is enough to buy the necessary indoor antenna.

Cable TV is used in multi-apartment residential complexes. The signal is transmitted through a collective antenna. Typically, the service is provided by various operators. This type of signal is not shown in private homes. And this is one of the main drawbacks of the system.

For reception satellite television you need a special plate. Using this method, you can watch a large number of TV channels. The disadvantages include a rather large monthly payment, as well as the purchase of special equipment.

Reasons for the problem

If channels go missing, there are two main reasons to investigate.

Why the TV does not find them:

  • software failure;
  • poor receiving signal of the installed equipment. The TV is not picking up a signal.

There are other reasons, but the main ones to pay attention to are only these two.
The problem can be solved on your own if you carry out the appropriate manipulations. If the TV does not find channels due to the hardware, then there are several ways to troubleshoot - buy a new antenna or signal amplifier, give old equipment for repair. The receiver should be disassembled manually only if there is experience in such manipulations.
If the broadcasts stopped going due to a program failure, then it is worth making adjustments through the menu.

Digital channel tuning

If the channels are not caught not because of low-quality equipment, then it is possible to configure the equipment (Samsung, LG and other popular models). The whole process will not take more than 10 minutes.
There are several options - use manual or auto search. Users prefer the automatic option, since there is practically nothing required from a person.

Automatic and manual search

When they disappear digital channels due to a program failure, it is not necessary to call the wizard, since you can do the setup yourself. (There is a video at the end of the article)

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with auto-search, it is easier to master it. You need to carry out the operation using the remote control remote control.

What to do:

  1. Find on the remote control desired button, go to the main menu of the TV.
  2. Select the "Settings" sub-item.
  3. Find the search section and click on the "Auto search" or "Auto settings" box.
  4. After activating the program, the search will begin. You have to wait until the end of the operation.

Before the procedure, you should answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. What frequencies are used to transmit the channels of interest.
  2. What is the channel speed.
  3. What modulation of TV resources is used.

Manual setup (for Samsung, LG and other popular models):

  1. Go to main menu.
  2. Find a sub-item with "Manual tuning".
  3. In the field that appears, enter the data from the provider.
  4. To start searching.

Button " Further » should be pressed after each found channel. If the problem persists, then most likely there is an incompatibility between the receiver for the TV and digital TV.
All providers encrypt channels, and therefore it is worth purchasing a special card for your TV set-top box receiving the signal to activate access.

Modern technologies make life easier, but there are times when they make us a little nervous. What to do if the channels on the TV are missing? Everyone has probably faced such a situation, and immediately panic sets in. Most in this case are immediately nervous and think that they will need to call the master. But this is far from true. In general, you can manage on your own, if you correctly approach the solution of the problem.

When you encounter such a problem, you should not immediately call the master. Self-restoration of the “numbers” is a reality. Next, we will consider the common causes of breakdown and how to solve them, what kind of manipulations will have to be carried out in a given situation.

Common Problems in Digital Signal Reception

Why do digital channels disappear on TVs LG, SONY and other brands? There are a couple of situations that act as a catalyst for the appearance of problems in the process of receiving a signal. Some of them can really be solved on your own, others require the hands of a professional, so you have to turn to the master:

  1. The set-top box does not support the DVB-T2 digital broadcasting standard. Be careful when selecting equipment as other countries may use different standards.
  2. Preventive work is being carried out, which caused the lack of a signal.
  3. The antenna settings have gone wrong, as a result of which the signal search is a little difficult, half of the channels are not broadcast.
  4. The attachment does not turn on. Possibly burned out motherboard. The reason for this could be a sudden power surge.
  5. On the screen "No signal". This is a common sign of problems with the antenna. When the antenna does not work as it should, problems with signal reception immediately begin. When the device is just purchased and installed, it is likely that the programs are not fully configured. It may be that all channels have disappeared, to solve the problem, see if the antenna has moved, perhaps there was a strong wind or bad weather.
  6. It happens that there are some problems with the connection between the cable and the antenna itself, also between the cable and the receiver. In this case, you will need to check how the cable is connected, whether it is plugged into the LNB IN jack.

When you have completed all the actions from the above list, but the signal has not arrived, then it is better to contact the wizard.

Also, do not forget about the connection between the reception of "numbers" and weather conditions. Each subscriber can notice that when the weather is bad outside, the image quality, and hence the signal, drops. When it rains, winds or heavy snow, etc., outside the window, you can observe a negative effect on the antenna, which worsens signal reception and the TV does not broadcast channels.

Only after the weather has returned to normal, all processes begin to return to standard operation. So at such a moment you should not try to fix the breakdown yourself, thereby setting up channels. After bad weather, make sure that the cable is intact, that it does not deviate from the antenna and set-top box.

The next, no less common problem, due to which the signal reception worsens, or it does not exist at all, is the failure of the receiver. Do not rush to go to the workshop or service center your carrier, you can take steps yourself to help resolve the problem.

Quite often, you need to replace the power supply (adapter), and after that the functioning is normalized. The power supply may burn out, then it is enough to buy a new device and connect it. A complicated situation is the moment when the picture freezes on the screen after a short work. If the image does not appear, you will have to visit the service workshop.

Reasons for the problem

It happens that the channels on the TV disappeared abruptly or immediately after turning on, what are the reasons for the appearance of such a problem? There are several reasons why the channels disappeared:

  1. A software error has occurred.
  2. The signal from the TV tower is poor for the selected equipment, resulting in no reception on the TV.

These are the most common situations, and if you wish, you can solve them on your own. When the TV does not see channels due to poor-quality or broken equipment, then you can purchase a new antenna or install an additional amplifier for the signal, or take a non-working device to the workshop for repair. You should not disassemble the receiver yourself, as you can aggravate the situation.

When the broadcast of channels stopped due to a malfunction in the program, then you need to figure out the menu yourself and make the settings. Next, we will dwell on manual and autotuning in detail.

Show only 10 out of 20 digital channels, how to fix

Watching TV is an opportunity to relax and unwind, see what is happening in the country, enjoy your favorite series or TV show. What to do if 10 out of 20 channels are missing? Is it possible to solve this problem on your own? Can. Over the past couple of years, the number of complaints from digital subscribers has increased just after the channel update on the set-top box, certain positions from the 1st and 2nd multiplex disappeared. Therefore, the question of why 10 channels disappeared, and what to do if they previously functioned, is relevant.

Most likely, the reason for this situation is the difficulty of receiving a signal associated with technical work or the characteristic features of the "numbers". Since only since the beginning of this year a full transition to the “digit” has been carried out, there is a possibility that the signal is not coming in as well as it should. Moreover, RTRS notes that at the moment the work has not yet been stabilized, so there are difficulties in certain regions of the country. So the question of why the channels disappeared will be considered relevant for a long time until the signal supply in different parts of the country finally stabilizes.

How to be in such a situation? In order to find the missing channels on digital television, you need to re-search for channels or reflash the receiver.

Digital channel tuning

Let's imagine that the channels on the LG TV are gone, how to set them up? Remember that, regardless of the manufacturer, there are only two options for getting out of this situation.

Missing channels on LG TV, how to set them up? Use youtube. Quite often users different models televisions independently lay out video instructions.

Customize to Samsung TV and not only missing channels are within the power of each user. This process takes about 10 minutes. You can use automatic search or manually manually tune all channels. The first option is considered more popular, since it minimizes subscriber intervention. In general, digital channels often disappear after analog channels are turned off, and their tuning is required.

Automatic search

Let's take a look at the most popular way. So, you need a remote control and the TV itself. When all digital channels have disappeared, auto-tuning requires such manipulations as:

  1. On the remote control, you need to find a button that will transfer us to "Menu". Please note that this button may change its location on the remote control depending on the manufacturer. To simplify the search, you can use the instructions for the remote control.
  2. Then we go to the section "Settings", after in "Auto Settings" and select them.
  3. The search starts, it is important to wait until the search is completed, and at this time do not turn off the TV.

If the search is completed without interruption and the signal is normal, the subscriber should receive at least 20 channels. There are situations when, after such a process, almost all TV channels may disappear, or half of the list remains, which was before the update. Accordingly, in such a situation, manual configuration is an alternative solution.

Manual search

Please note that before you start manually searching for channels, you need to find out information such as:

  1. Frequency of broadcasting channels that are of interest to you, or they were not found during the auto-tuning process.
  2. The speed of the channel, each of which you are interested in.

Having received such data, you can proceed to the setup procedure, here you also have to use the remote control:

  1. Go to "Menu".
  2. Are looking for "Manual setting".
  3. Then you will need to enter in the fields all the data that you previously learned from the provider. Be sure to save them.
  4. Activate search.

This process will need to be done for each channel you wish to search. It happens that you need to make changes to the digital series to improve the image quality. This process will take longer than auto tuning, but you will be able to tune the channel to the highest quality.

When the problem persists, the TV still does not find and does not set up free digital channels, it is likely that the cause of the breakdown is that the signal format does not meet the standards of the set-top box. It also happens that the channels simply go out of the television range, in other words, they close. In this case, no settings and actions will help.

Why is digital TV not showing? What to do.

I suppose that you have read the previous articles, and followed the algorithm I described, but nothing worked out for you. If this is not the case, then I recommend that you read all this, perhaps your problem is solved in the early steps. For example, you are simply not in the digital TV reception area or you have an old receiver.

Now let's try to figure out what's the matter, and why you don't have digital TV. I must say right away that in this article we will talk about set-top box and antenna setup. That is, we do not consider the repair of the devices themselves, and we assume that they are working.

So, if you tried to do an auto search, but not all channels were caught, we try to do a manual search (read about the second method). Most likely, you did not catch the second multiplex, and you will need the frequency of the nearest tower that transmits it.

If you caught duplicates, then we read the same article, only at first.

But if you didn’t catch anything at all, then this is already more interesting and sadder. But even here you should not despair.

If there is no picture at all from the set-top box itself, then something is not connected correctly or you have selected the wrong video input. Or they didn’t turn on the prefix, for example. In addition to plugging it into the outlet, it also needs to be started from the remote control. To change the indicator from red to green:

Working attachment, green light on

If there is a picture, but the prefix says "No signal" - most likely the antenna is not connected, or the amplifier is not turned on in it. Well, either she just moved away or does not work. Check the antenna and repeat the auto search.

No signal - a sure sign of an antenna malfunction

Autosearch did not find anything, and the prefix says "No services"

If the autosearch did not find anything, and the prefix writes “No services”. Or the channels stopped showing, and instead of them, there is also “No services” - it's a bad signal.

"No services" is a sure sign weak signal

You need to do a manual search on the frequencies at which you have a signal. Frequencies are taken here. The problem is that the auto search on a weak signal simply doesn't find anything, while the manual search will show you the strength of the transmitted signal, even if it is very weak.

I already wrote that I caught the first number on simple "horns" in the city center, on the second floor and there are few buildings around. The signal quality is excellent. Intensity 80%, quality 60-80%

The higher the quality and intensity, the better

But when I moved to another district of the city, to an apartment on the 9th floor, a house in a lowland and there are many other houses around, these horns did not catch anything. More precisely, autosearch caught nothing. I was very surprised (the tower is located nearby), entered the frequency manually through a manual search (which I advise you to do), and it turned out that the signal level was 10-15%! This is clearly not enough for reliable reception of digital TV.

We look at the signal level. To view signal strength, find the INFO button on the remote(or something similar), and press it three times: you will see this:

Reception on the verge of quality - only 36%

The same can happen to you if you are far from the tower, or there are many buildings around that interfere with reception.

Important: if both the intensity and quality are low, you need to amplify the signal.

Either buy an antenna with an amplifier, or put the existing one on the street, raise it higher, and so on.

But if the intensity is high, but the quality is low, then it’s more interesting. You will need to adjust the antenna. That is, in fact, turn it in different directions, in the literal sense. The digital TV signal is very sensitive to obstacles such as reinforced concrete walls or plastic window frames. The good news is that the "digit" is excellent even from the reflected signal. The only question is to find such an antenna position at which everything will go well.

My Cadena Amp Antenna General Satellite UVR-AV1000N MV+UHF

I did just that, bought an antenna with an amplifier, connected it to the set-top box. Without an amplifier, of course, the signal level is the same as that of the horns. With the amplifier, the intensity increased to 80%, but the quality began to jump at the level of 20-30%, depending on where the antenna was directed. And even some pictures began to slip, and “friezes”:

Frequent “freezes” are a sure sign of a bad signal or a change in the state of the atmosphere

As a result, inside the room, I managed to get a maximum of 35% quality with the antenna at arm's length. I already decided that everything, there would be no “numbers” for me, and I bought a prefix with an antenna in vain.

But then I put the antenna on the windowsill. And began to set it up there. Amazingly, I achieved 50-60% quality on the first multiplex, and 35-45% on the second! Only by changing the position of the round antenna. (The horns catch the meter range, and the circle catches the decimeter range, so we adjust the circle).

Horns are not needed at all, but the circle had to be turned for a very long time until I found the right position

At the same time, I found such an antenna position at which both multiplexes are caught. Since they are transmitted by different towers at different frequencies, they can be received in different ways. So, when you turn the antenna, check the channel from one multiplex and the channel from the other at once. Optimal - First and Muz TV - convenient to switch)

Well, now everything is fine, and 50-60% on the first multiplex

You need to determine why digital TV is not working. AND If it's a matter of signal strength, then increase it. Or try to adjust by manipulating the antenna. That is, display information about the signal strength on the screen and start to turn the antenna quietly. Most likely, you will be able to find an antenna position that will work well for both multiplexes.

If nothing helps at all, you can contact the support center of the federal digital TV program in your region, they will help you and advise you completely free of charge. At least they answered my email the next day.

Due to the planned disconnection of apartments from analog TV broadcasting, the majority of the population is switching to digital television, because it is characterized not only by a high-quality image, but also by uninterrupted broadcasting. However, despite the obvious advantages of technology, problems are possible here. Most often they consist in the fact that digital television channels stop working. Let's see why digital TV does not show today.

No signal what to do

Before you begin to correct the current problem, it is worth identifying what exactly it is. The reasons are divided into the following types:

  • termination of the signal from the multiplex;
  • repair work;
  • weather;
  • equipment malfunction.

If there is no digital TV signal, make sure that maintenance is not being carried out. You will need to go to the broadcaster's website and familiarize yourself with the schedule of preventive and repair work. And if the problem lies in the installed equipment, you will need to determine at what level digital channels are not caught - on software or hardware. Perhaps the settings on the TV failed, and as a result, it stopped showing. Why the channels disappeared and what to do with the cause that has arisen, we will consider further.

Hardware failure

In the case of intermittent sound or poor picture quality, the problem is clearly a hardware malfunction. In the event of a breakdown, there may be a complete lack of display of digital channels. Faulty may be:

  • antenna;
  • prefix;
  • cable and all connections to it.

Let's consider each item in more detail.

Antenna failure

A common reason for the lack of broadcasting is the direction of the antenna towards the transmitting tower.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that the location of the antenna matches the direction of reception of the signal.

The outdoor antenna is the most susceptible to failure. From frequent moisture ingress, strong winds, elements can be damaged and there is no digital television signal. Follow these steps to identify the problem:

  1. Check for voltage in the power supply.
  2. View cable connections to devices, plugs.

If the reviewed equipment does not help identify the cause, connect another antenna and test. If the new antenna does not work, then the reason is different.

Cable and connection failure

A common problem is cable failure. Since part of the cable is located on the street, during long-term operation, the winding is destroyed and erased, and this leads to cracks. It is important to check the integrity of all cable connections. If damage is found, the cable will need to be replaced.

Set-top box malfunction

It is quite simple to determine the breakdown of the set-top box - when turned on, a special LED lights up dimly or does not light up at all. If no action is taken when pressing the buttons on the remote control, then the problem is clearly in the set-top box. Replace the set-top box with another one and check the operation of digital TV.

IMPORTANT! Sometimes situations arise that the television does not work due to the obsolescence of the set-top box. If the equipment is outdated, then it is required to replace it with a new one.

Poor receiver firmware

The lack of a signal may be due to poor-quality firmware of the receiver itself. To fix this problem, it is enough to reflash the equipment again, or replace it with a new one. To install a new firmware version, you need to download new version for a specific model on the official website of the manufacturer, and then update on the device. For correct flashing, it is best to contact a specialist.

Spontaneous reset

There are situations when yesterday the TV displayed digital broadcasting, and today it says “No signal”. It is possible that the device spontaneously reset to factory settings and all settings were erased. You will need to go to the device menu, check the correct reception of the signal, and then start the channel search again.

Poor reception conditions

A common problem with poor or no signal is improper antenna placement. It must be correctly installed and directed in the direction where the tower stands. One of the reasons for poor signal reception can be bad weather conditions, as well as maintenance and repair work. It is also possible for the contact to come off at the connections and cable connections. In this case, all plugs should be checked.

Broadcast termination

notification on the rtrs website: short-term blackouts of the TV and radio signal in the Moscow region

Possible problem termination of the broadcast is carried out preventive work. For clarification, go to the broadcast site of your region and view the information. To carry out test work, the second multiplex is turned off and the necessary information is collected. Soon the broadcast will stop completely. Today, in most regions, broadcasting is carried out using only one multiplex package. After turning off analog television, the ability to connect the second package will increase. If such preventive work is carried out, there is a temporary shutdown of television and radio channels.

Repair work

A frequent case of signal failure is emergency situations that require repair work (during which broadcasting is stopped). This is a temporary reason during which the signal is completely absent. After the equipment is repaired, the broadcast tower will produce a digital television signal in the normal mode.


Another reason for a weak digital TV signal can be bad weather. Strong gusts of wind, thunderstorms, rain and snow can affect signal reception. In this case, there may be a deterioration in the quality of the image and sound, and the picture may be displayed in the form of "squares / pixels". It is also possible that there is no signal at all. In this case, you should check the signal level on your equipment. If the value is low, increase it to the maximum. It turns out that weather conditions will not be able to affect the loss of digital channels, but only some deterioration of the signal.


This article discusses the main reasons why digital TV does not work. The problem may lie directly in your equipment or in the broadcast tower. In order for the device not to fail, it is necessary to check all the elements for serviceability at some intervals.

In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the antenna, cable, plugs or the set-top box itself. Do not forget about updating the firmware on the receiver. If the version is outdated, the signal reception sensitivity may decrease. Updating the software in a timely manner will help prevent digital signal loss. This can be done both independently and with the help of masters.

New technologies allow you to view central digital television in high quality. Via TV tuner T2 even analog models acquire contrast, sharpness of contour and depth of color. Watching digital channels is possible on TVs of different generations: modern ones are presented with an already built-in tuner and allow you to control the equipment with one remote control. But it is not always possible to set up equipment for digital broadcasting. Consider situations in which the TV does not find channels.

Regardless of , frequency tuning is performed according to the same scheme. Both in the modern Samsung model and in older devices, the principle of operation is almost identical. First of all, there must be corresponding antenna, capable of receiving a signal from a TV tower broadcasting digital television. If the device picks up a signal, the adapter will offer to add it to the menu. After connecting it to the receiver, the setting will be carried out as follows.

If you are careful, there are many tips in the TV menu, but it is important that the signal receiver is installed correctly and the T2 set-top box is connected.

IfTV does not pick up channels, can be used alternative methods of connecting digital frequencies using cable or satellite set-top box. To search in the first way, you need to connect a wire to the antenna connector cable television. In the settings, by selecting the auto search menu, a new window will appear. If you need to connect digital television, you must select not cable TV, but “other operators”. In the cable TV preset, click the "Full" item, which will allow you to select to search only digital channels. The control panel can sort the channels and put them in the right positions.

RF OUT jack on the receiver

Using satellite equipment, the connection is made by two types of cable. For these purposes, a high-frequency cable connected to the receiver via the RF OUT connector is connected to the antenna. After connecting, you can connect the equipment to the network and start auto-search for channels on the receiver. The search will end after the information about the absence of a signal appears. The receiver is connected to the TV with a low-frequency “tulip” cable and the video mode is turned on. Then, through the menu with the sections “quality” and “signal strength”, you can adjust the dish. If the connection was made correctly, the found channels will be played without interference.

Reasons for the lack of digital television and ways to eliminate errors

If it was not possible to find digital channels during automatic start, errors may have been made. Why does the TV not find digital channels when setting up? This is the most frequently asked user question when trying to set up a modern TV with many built-in features. Consider the main causes of the problem and how to solve them.

Checking hardware capabilities

Owners of new TVs equipped with digital tuner DVB T2, can watch modern format broadcasting without resorting to additional equipment. Other viewers need to connect a set-top box with a similar decoder to receive DTTV on their TV.

Make sure technical capabilities your TV receiver in the following ways:

  • refer to the documentation of the TV and clarify which formats are supported by the device;
  • search for the necessary information on a specific TV model on the official website of the manufacturer.

Attention! If in technical specifications The TV receiver indicates support for the DVB T2 format, which means that the device is capable of receiving ETTV multiplexes. Otherwise, you will need to purchase a special attachment. Satellite receiver it is not suitable for receiving digital broadcasts, since it works with a different format, DVB-S.

Correct connection

There are models of TV receivers and set-top boxes equipped with two different antenna sockets: for receiving essential and satellite signals. For such devices, it is important correct connection to the signal source. We check that the cable from the all-wave terrestrial antenna is connected to the appropriate connector.

TV set-top box connected via HDMI cable or tulips. You should check the correct physical connection and the selection of the appropriate port on the TV. If you find any shortcomings, you should correct the connection, select the desired signal source (Source button on the remote control).

Timeliness of software updates

The cause of problems with setting up the reception of multiplexes may be outdated software receiving equipment. On modern Smart TVs, the software is updated via the Internet, and if the TV does not catch digital channels, then you should check the update and start automatic updating.

Set-top box software with DVB T2 tuner may also not work correctly, causing problems with reception digital signals. Installing the software update resolves the issue. On thematic forums and in the instructions for a specific model, you can find information on the procedure for flashing a TV set-top box.

Setting the quality of the signal from the antenna

Problems with the lack of digital channels may be related to the antenna setting. Fault diagnosis is carried out step by step.

  1. Conduct an audit condition of the connecting cable and contacts. If you find cable jams, damaged areas and poor connections, you should eliminate the shortcomings.
  2. Make sure it works properly signal amplifier by trial tuning the radio and TV signals.
  3. Adjust the position of the antenna by small turns for best performance signal strength and quality indicators- from 70% and above.