What to say during the let's play. How to Shoot a Game Video

The year 2011 coming to an end showed the world through the service Youtube new media genre called let's play"(from English let's play - « let's play»).

Which appealed to both avid fans of computer toys and people who are far from such entertainment for one reason or another. The movement is just gaining momentum and it seems that it is still far from reaching the peak of popularity, if such a peak is in principle possible for it.

What is let's play?

This a video recording the passage of a game with voice comments by the author. That is, a person plays and talks about his impressions of the game, both in general and momentary.

It would seem - nothing supernatural, but they came up with this format quite recently. Considering that creating let's plays does not require complex equipment (an existing computer is sufficient), almost anyone can start creating them - if they have the desire.

The desire has arisen among many, and at the moment, along with successful let-players, who are interesting and pleasant to listen to, YouTube is also full of all sorts of slag, which is simply a pity to waste time on.

The fact is that many Let's Players forget that it is not enough to simply buy a computer game on the Internet (or download it for free from a torrent), record a video, and this will be enough to achieve success. In addition to the desire to create media content, it would be nice to add talent, diligence and attention to detail. Having a good voice will also add bonuses to its owner.

There is also a financial barrier to entry. To play modern games you need powerful(which is equivalent to the word "dear") computer. If you plan to review console games, then you also need to spend money on a video capture card, which costs from 4 to 10 thousand rubles, depending on the capabilities. High-quality microphones also cost a lot.

The reality is that successful let-players, in addition to fame, also receive good cash income from Youtube affiliate program. This factor also attracts the attention of many sufferers, but in pursuit of easy money they do not take into account many factors, as a result of which they fail to earn even a penny. Meanwhile, the number of low-quality videos on the service is growing, and some even regularly come across it in searches.

What is the secret to the success of letplayers?

First of all, they found a new audience that had not yet been reached by other media channels.

There are many reasons why people don't play games, but prefer to watch others play them. This is the lack of a powerful computer and lack of money for games (which is essentially the same thing), but at the same time the desire to learn more about some games. After all, many Let's Players are experts in knowledge of certain games and can tell a lot of interesting things in the process of playing.

Hello! Almost every day I get asked questions about how exactly I shoot video: what programs are needed for capturing and editing, what microphone I use, and other similar ones. I decided to write a short article and tell you about everything I know.

I’ll be honest - I’m not a master of video editing and I’m far from even an amateur; besides, my father helps me in editing videos. So, summarizing my own little experience and my father’s explanations, I will try to tell you everything as clearly and in detail as possible.

Screen video capture

Filming a let's play or the construction process begins with capturing video from the monitor and saving it to hard drive computer. For this you need special software, for Windows OS I know the two most famous programs - Bandicam and Fraps. Both are good for shooting Sims 3 games, but I use Bandicam for two reasons. The first - both are paid, and my father already had the Bandicam, so I didn’t have to shell out any money; second - Fraps, unlike bandicam, can only work in applications, that is, you can shoot games, but the desktop cannot.

You can download bandicam from the site bandicam.com, you can easily find it, the program costs about $40, you don’t have to pay money right away, the unregistered version works, but with a video recording limit of up to 10 minutes and the bandicam.com logo will be displayed on the screen.

Bandicam program interface.

The program settings are very simple, I think anyone can figure them out, I’ll say the most basic thing - you need to turn on the program before starting The Sims 3 and select the recording mode for video games. If you record your voice through a microphone, do not forget to specify the audio recording device in the settings. And one more thing - the video files turn out very large size(Bandicam cannot compress video), so you need to select a folder on your computer drive with enough space. By default, the settings are set to drive C, which doesn’t suit me, so I created it on drive D new folder, which I designated as the storage location for files for bandicam.

Editing captured video

Well, the video has been filmed! What to do next? In fact, you can immediately post it on YouTube, as I did before, but I don’t advise you to do that. Look carefully at the footage - do you like everything about it? - I’m talking about the quality of image, sound and other aspects that were not successful; I wouldn’t want to show this to the audience, right? Therefore, if you want people to watch your videos, you need to bring them into a “human form,” that is, edit them.

Such programs as Corel Videostudio, Sony Vegas pro, Pinnacle Video Studio and other video editors will help us with this. I use Corel Videostudio, again, because my father has it (almost all worthwhile video editors are paid), but you can choose any one to suit your taste. You can also edit videos in YouTube itself, but the capabilities of the built-in editor are very limited. In Corel Videostudio, I can change the lighting, contrast, saturation of the video, add a screensaver, add music, cut out unnecessary things, and so on. In general, there is no way without editing.

Briefly about sound recording

And finally, a few words about sound quality: it very much depends on the microphone. For recording, you ideally need a professional studio microphone. If your financial capabilities allow it, be sure to buy it. I'm currently using a simple cheap microphone. The sound it produces is terrible, with noise. To fix the situation, I improve it with free program Audacity - remove noise and change frequencies a little.

Still, I bought a good USB microphone: Samson Meteor Mic, it’s a condenser microphone with a built-in sound card. Why didn't you do this before? Now I understand that no matter how you process the sound from a cheap microphone, it will still be disgusting.

That's all - I told you what I know, all this is the result of my own experience, unfortunately, I have no one to learn from, I look for all the information on the Internet, over time I learn something new and try to improve the quality of my videos. I’m glad if the article helped you in any way, if you have questions, ask them in the comments. And one more thing, thank you for your attention to the channel, I hope to see you more often on the site!

P.S. In addition to the above, you can read about.

Now on YouTube you can find many videos in which people play computer and console games, constantly commenting on the process. Having learned what this phenomenon is and what it is eaten with, many ask questions: “How to become a Let’s Player? What is needed for this? How difficult is it? You will learn all this from the article. In addition, you will see what popular let's players there are.

What is Let's Play

In short: let’s play (or “Let’s Play”, which is literally translated from English as “let’s play”) is a video walkthrough of the game with comments from the gamer. Man turns on special program, reveals what he is going to show the audience and begins to play, saying something along the way.

Let's plays vs reviews

Some people confuse let's plays with reviews. Indeed, there are some similarities, since both let-players and reviewers open the game and comment on it. The difference is that the latter discuss the video, gameplay, music and other technical issues in order to ultimately give an assessment and form an opinion. Let's players can also talk about the above game elements, but their main task is the passage. Their comments can be absolutely anything, sometimes not even entirely related to the game (of course, it is better to do this only after gaining popularity among a certain audience). Most often, gamers simply discuss the passage and share their impressions; less often they show “secrets” and secret passages.

What do you need to film let's plays?

When thinking about how to become a let's player, many people ask the question: “What does it take?” Now you will find out.

Firstly, good computer. The cooler the processor, video card and other components of a full-fledged expensive PC, the higher quality games you can record without slowdowns, freezes and other troubles.

Secondly, an excellent microphone. If it is of poor quality, it is unlikely that anyone will stand more than five minutes of your comments. They will run away, despite all your potential, so a microphone for a let's player is like hands for a jeweler.

Thirdly, the program for Where would we be without it, otherwise how will people see that you completed this or that game? The most common programs for recording game videos are Bandicam and Fraps. The second one is better, however, it consumes several times more resources, so for recording you need the aforementioned good computer.

Fourthly, webcam. It’s not a mandatory attribute, but spectators like to not only hear, but also see the emotions of those going through the game. Especially when it comes to horror, where let's play players are genuinely scared by scary moments. However, some do not show themselves at all, and their viewers are satisfied with everything, despite their dreams of seeing their favorite gamer.

Fifthly, a video editing program. Again, this is not required, but it is advisable. If you want to make an interesting screensaver for a video, apply some kind of effect or trim the result, removing everything unnecessary from the video, you will need a program in which you can The most common, accessible and easy to use is Sony Vegas Pro.

Sixth, desire. You can't go anywhere without this. Recording let's plays is a hobby. Only a few manage to make a decent living from such a hobby, so you need to love what you do. Viewers will quickly sense if the let's player is recording a video without much enthusiasm, and then they may decide that they have nothing to catch with you.

How to become a popular Let's Play player

Making and publishing videos is not a difficult task (okay, it takes a lot of time and effort). It’s much more difficult to become famous with its help, especially considering the level of competition. Now you will learn how to become not just a simple let's player, but a popular one.

Firstly, advertising will help. All popular let's players started somewhere, and some of them (confident in future success) did not hesitate to order PR from others, more famous personalities. Yes, it takes money, but it's worth it. At least if you really feel the great potential within yourself.

Secondly, you need to post videos on new games before others. Many major let's play companies already have their own subscriber bases. But not all viewers belong to them. Often people want to quickly look at new game, and therefore they enter its name into the YouTube search engine (most often) and look at the results. If you are the only person who recorded a video, potential subscribers will look at you. If popular let's players have already posted their videos, then they will be at the top, which means that viewers will be more likely to go to them.

Thirdly, it is interesting and fun to comment on the passage. No one will watch a video where a Let's Play player mumbles something sadly and boringly. Everyone likes lively, charming (not externally) people who are able to intrigue and captivate. And if you are like that, it is quite possible that a random visitor will become a subscriber and, perhaps, bring a friend with him. All the best Let's Players are charismatic, interesting and often funny personalities who are always a pleasure to listen to.

Famous Let's Players

Here are the top let's play players.


So, now you have learned enough new information. You saw the skins of Let's Play players, found out who the most famous of them are, and also understood how you can do such an interesting business yourself. True, difficult, but this is not a problem for those who are used to achieving their goals. Now that you know how to become a let's player, all you have to do is take action.

I'll warn you right away: this article is long.

In it we will look in detail at HOW.

So be patient and have some tea and jam! Or cookies. Let's go! ↓↓↓

People who make money from them

The top let's players are: ↓↓↓

Look at their channels, the number of subscribers, views, likes. Evaluate what they do for this and what kind of content they produce.

What do you need to create?

In order to film a let's play on a computer, you will need: ↓↓↓

To shoot a let's play from a laptop, you will need the same set, only instead of a PC there will be a laptop!!!

Regarding the choice of game to record. Not all games are equally suitable.

  • It's better to choose those that you like and are good at playing.
  • Try not to take games that are hackneyed in let's plays - Minecraft, Super Mario, Slender, etc. Since there is so much content filmed on them, viewers may get bored. And then your content will not be noticed
  • Shoot different games, avoid monotony

Here are examples of several games for let's plays: ↓↓↓

  • Saints Row: The Third is an open world. However, unlike GTA, which strives to be realistic, this game, on the contrary, is completely absurd
  • Garry's mod - a sandbox similar to Minecraft
  • Sims 4

→ How do you like this idea - to film a let’s play based on intellectual games?

P.S - some good tips in the video instructions ↓

Programs and recording methods

To film let's plays, you will need a video capture program.

Here are examples of several popular applications: ↓↓↓

The highest quality is considered: ↓↓↓


→ To record video on a game console, you will need a video card with:

  1. video outputs
  2. video capture card
  3. DVD recorder
  4. video camera with AV inputs or FireWire/USB converter.

The camera is convenient because it connects to the console itself.

Audio recording

This is a separate issue, since in let’s play not only the quality of the video, but also the sound is important.

It should be pleasant.

→ Use Audacity and similar programs for recording sound, as well as a good microphone.

To avoid distorting the sound, do not speak very close to the microphone.

Commentating live on a game and making it interesting is not as easy as it might seem. Especially for beginners.

If you have difficulty with this, you can try adding comments after recording the game and inserting them during editing!

How to do everything right??? ↓↓↓

  1. Get viewers interested in the gameplay
  • Don't be silent, but don't just verbalize what's happening on the screen. This is an example of how not to film let's plays
  • Don't forget to joke, especially if you're wrong.
  • Reveal the secrets of the game and share tips for passing
  • You can come up with your own story for the game
  • The rule is: if you're having fun, the audience will probably have fun too.
  • Don't cut off the video in the middle of a game or during something interesting. choose the right time for the final
  • Finally, briefly tell us what to expect in the next video.

The following video services are good for downloading let's plays: ↓↓↓

  1. Youtube
  2. blip.tv
  3. Dailymotion

See the full selection of the best video hosting sites - here

But you can also upload them to your own blog or website.

Some tips for success ↓↓↓

  • Prepare some jokes in advance
  • The optimal video length is 10-25 minutes. If it takes longer, it is better to break it into pieces!!!
  • When recording complex games, be prepared to cut a lot of fragments
  • Don't sing along to the music in the game!
  • If you're filming Minecraft, make sure to turn off the background music.
  • Test your microphone and software before starting. Make a one-minute test video to see how everything works
  • Record without background music - you will add it during the editing process
  • Make and print a plan. Hang the sheet in front of your eyes while you write.
  • Be positive. Don't swear while recording
  • Filming is better than not filming. Continue filming, despite the small number of subscribers - gradually there will be more of them
  • Design your channel, use cross-references between different videos

All types and genres ↓↓↓

Let's plays are divided into several genres: ↓↓↓

  1. Blind is a recording of the passage of a new game without preparation for what awaits the author ahead
  2. Cooperative - record a game with friends
  3. Skillplay - from English. “skill” - ability and “play” - to play. Record games in which you are a pro - you know all the secrets of passing, you know interesting tricks and facts, etc.

P.S - How to film a let’s play in Minecraft??? ↓↓↓

Since this game is quite hackneyed among let-players, you will have to work hard to get your content noticed. Use the tips and secrets above.

You can make a let's play for Minecraft in a single game or on popular server.

About choosing a microphone

A microphone is an important tool for recording let's plays.

For this purpose, three types are used:

→ Built-in microphones produce the lowest quality sound with hiss.

→ Desktop ones are better in this sense, but they are not always convenient to use.

Best option- these are headsets.

→ Today, the most popular model among Let's players is the Logitech Clearchat Comfort USB, which costs about $35.

→ If finances allow, you can purchase a Blue Yeti for $150.

Why is the microphone hissing???

If after recording you find hissing in addition to your voice, there are several possible reasons: ↓↓↓

  1. The computer does not have a ground connection. It's easy enough to check. Place one hand on your body system unit(on top or side, not behind), and the other on the battery. If the hiss decreases, then there is no grounding. A grounded socket will help correct the situation, or ground the PC in another way
  2. Weak sound card. This is often a problem with built-in maps. Invest in quality sound card
  3. The problem is with the microphone. In this case, you need to either repair it or buy a new one.

Attention - important

How to shoot let's plays on a tablet and phone??? ↓↓↓

In this case, you first stream the game from mobile device(iOS/Android) to your laptop, and from there you record it.

To do this you will need:

  1. webcam (if you plan to film yourself as well)
  2. lighting
  3. microphone
  4. laptop for broadcasting and recording games from a phone or tablet.

To record you need these programs: ↓↓↓

Recording gameplay in Google Play

Did you know that Google Play Games makes it easy to record gameplay?

→ They can then be uploaded to YouTube to gain new subscribers.

A microphone and webcam will allow you to film yourself playing the game and record comments.

Here's a video instruction ↓

Here's how it's done: ↓↓↓

  1. Open Google Play Games
  2. Go to the game description page
  3. At the top of the page click on the ↓ icon
  4. Select resolution: 480p and 720p. In this case, at the bottom of the screen you will see the maximum possible video length at the selected settings
  5. Click Get Started. The video circle will show the current settings
  6. Click ↓
  7. Recording will start after 3 seconds
  8. To stop it, click on the video circle, and then on

P.S -If you want to delete a recording, drag the video circle onto the cross in the middle of the screen.

Once recording is complete, the video will be saved to your device automatically.

The service will also offer you to post it on the Internet.

So, you know how to film the best let's play on different devices. Get started and stick with it!


The art of speaking, or how to film a let's play

Let's play - what is it and where to start

Having decided to film your own review, you need to decide on the genre in which the let’s play will be filmed. These could be:

Required Components

The desire to film a let’s play may be hindered by ordinary physical needs: a computer capable of “playing” the game and recording a review of it, a decent microphone. In addition, the reviewer will not take a step without the desired program for filming and subsequent editing. And finally, how can you shoot good let’s plays if you don’t have a plan in advance according to which the future creation will develop!

When talking about a computer (or laptop), much attention should be paid to its parameters. It is very important before choosing a game to be sure that the configurations will allow the reviewer not only to play the game on medium settings (will anyone watch the review with low quality? Unlikely!), but also to make video and preferably audio recordings in parallel with the playthrough. Below, in order to save the reader from searching for an answer to the question of how to film a let’s play, we will consider the main programs used for video recording of gameplay.

More information about programs for recording let's play

For high-quality shooting of games, there are not so many worthwhile programs. Many of them take up a huge amount of computer resources to maintain recording, providing the reviewer with significant lags. Some of the highest quality ones include:

  • Fraps is one of the most popular programs for recording game videos. Has a significant number of settings and clear interface, which will allow even a novice let's player to start filming almost instantly. The only drawback is the colossal size of the captured video, which requires hard drive with a large amount of free space;
  • Mirillis Action is a program that shoots videos of relatively small size and decent quality, but in return produces “whims” in the form of periodic screen freezes for a couple of seconds. Very convenient for recording streams, but a transcoder is needed in order to upload the video to hosting sites;
  • Bandicam - along with Fraps, this is the most popular program for recording videos, and also with the ability to instantly upload videos to a video sharing service. It has built-in codecs and is capable of “compressing” video directly during the recording process.

To choose the proposed programs or find another is the decision of the Let's Player, but it must be accepted. Otherwise, how can you film a let’s play without having the most important part of this process?

The correct scenario plan for the future video

It's very difficult to be original throughout the entire video. At the most inopportune moments, awkward moments of silence or, conversely, unnecessary and inappropriate comments may arise. In pursuit of the answer to the question “how to make a high-quality let’s play,” many forget about another important detail - drawing up a plan for the reviewer’s future speech. The let's player must build in advance, if not a detailed, but at least a general plan for the performance. The narrative script should be similar in structure to any story and include an introduction, central action and, accordingly, a conclusion.

The opening speech should give the audience a brief idea of ​​who you are (you can use a cliché greeting or use something unique) and what the review will actually be about. It is advisable to show the relevance of the video, that is, why this particular topic was chosen.

Most of the time of the video should be devoted to the main action, the main story for which the video was written. It is advisable not to use long lists when explaining, as they are very difficult to remember.

The ending should sum up the above, emphasize the significance and, if you are going to continue, contain a thread to the next issue and a short preview of it.

How not to film let's plays - preventing mistakes

Most newly minted letplayers make a number of serious mistakes, due to which their reviews receive negative reviews and a low number of views. An experienced reviewer should avoid the most dangerous of them:

  • it is necessary to understand the material that will be presented;
  • you should not move the mouse cursor with high speed, thereby not giving the viewer the opportunity to see anything;
  • the presence of both external noise (from a window, from a working TV, from relatives) and internal noise (poor quality microphone, too loud music in the game);
  • poor quality editing with abrupt transitions or, conversely, drawn out and boring, as well as “holes” in the video;
  • incorrect voice placement during recording (special attention must be paid to the voice, it should not be too strict or too cheeky).

Using this advice, you can be able to independently advise other people on how to film a let’s play, and, of course, achieve popularity among viewers.

Reviews of the most famous games

Games that are in great demand in the world of e-sports most often come to the attention of let-players. It’s not surprising that many people have questions about how to make a let’s play based on Minecraft, CS 1.6, Dota 2, Warcraft, and Stalker. It is worth noting that “the places are already taken,” that is, it will be extremely difficult for a novice reviewer to get on the list of popular ones, since almost all aspects of the games have already been reviewed and studied inside and out. The only way out if it was decided to start filming popular game, there will be an overview of innovations or new modifications.

It is most appropriate to try to consider either a new game that has not yet been thoroughly studied, or to try to find those “highlights” that were not noticed earlier, or to try to express a different opinion, your own.


How to become a let's play maker and how to shoot let's plays

Today we’ll talk about how to become a let’s play maker and how to film let’s plays. Hello, dear visitors of my site. Perhaps many of you have heard about the so-called Let's Players, who play computer (and other) games by filming and posting videos on YouTube video hosting? So, in this article we will talk about them. I will explain why they do this, and also tell you how to become a let's player, and what is needed for this.

An important element at the start of the path to popularity of every let-player is certainly the promotion of their endeavors. In our time, it is almost impossible to ascend to the Olympus of popularity without a starting push. And many turn to professionals for help; you can always add significance to your videos and increase the number of views by turning to professionals - here. Also available for ordering are likes and comments under the video, and subscribers to the channel.

Since the beginning of 2012, I myself have become a let's player. Why did I decide to become one? Probably because I was attracted by the ease of this type of earnings on Youtube. It seems like nothing complicated - you just need to play through some recently released, popular game, recording it all on video and get subscribers and views. But it's not that simple. At that time, there was huge competition among let-players and video bloggers on Youtube, and each of them wanted viewers to watch only his videos.

I didn’t really promote my channel, didn’t pay other, more popular let-players for PR, but simply filmed 1-2 episodes of retro games every day, like Command & Conquer - Red Alert, Diablo, etc. A year later, my channel already had more than 200 posted videos, 300 subscribers and 100,000 views. Not so much, but quite enough to get an affiliate program.

Read also: Who are let's players and what are let's plays?

So, why do you need to film let’s plays at all? The reason is simple and clear - to make money. The fact is that recently all residents of the CIS countries who have more or less promoted channels on Youtube have been able to connect to an affiliate program. Before this, only foreign users and some Russian-language channels, which had more than a million subscribers and even more views, could connect to it. Affiliate ( affiliate program) is necessary to add new functions to your channel that were not there before and, most importantly, to monetize the video.

After we have figured out who Let's Players are and why they do it, we can talk about what needs to be done to become one of them.

  1. Firstly, you need to have free time, great patience, and endurance to sit in one place for many hours and shoot videos. Many novice let's players give up their work precisely because of a lack of patience.
  2. Secondly, there is no need to pay attention to haters. Haters are users who dislike videos and write angry comments to them. It is best to ban such users in their infancy, although you can leave them alone. After all, haters help a lot in promoting the channel by watching videos of the Let's Play player they don't like so much.
  3. If you are going to film walkthroughs of modern games, then you need to buy more powerful computer. It is desirable that it runs games at least on medium settings, without loss of FPS (frames per second). Because viewers will not be very pleased to watch let’s plays that are more like “slideshows”. Also, to this item you can add the purchase of a capacious hard drive, where the Let's Plays will be stored. I think 500 gigabytes will be enough.
  4. To become a Let's Play player, you need to buy a microphone. It is not necessary to buy a studio microphone from the very beginning, which costs a couple of thousand dollars; it is better to buy an inexpensive microphone, within 500 rubles. The main thing is that when recording, the voice is clearly audible, without interference or noise.

Let's play - what is it and where to start

Having decided to film your own review, you need to decide on the genre in which the let’s play will be filmed. These could be:

Required Components

The desire to film a let’s play may be hindered by ordinary physical needs: a computer capable of “playing” the game and recording a review of it, a decent microphone. In addition, the reviewer will not take a single step without the necessary program for shooting and subsequent editing. And finally, how can you shoot good let’s plays if you don’t have a plan in advance according to which the future creation will develop!

When talking about a computer (or laptop), much attention should be paid to its parameters. It is very important before choosing a game to be sure that the configurations will allow the reviewer not only to play the game on medium settings (will anyone watch the review with low quality? Unlikely!), but also to make video and preferably audio recordings in parallel with the playthrough. Below, in order to save the reader from searching for an answer to the question of how to film a let’s play, we will consider the main programs used for video recording of gameplay.

More information about programs for recording let's play

For high-quality shooting of games, there are not so many worthwhile programs. Many of them take up a huge amount of computer resources to maintain recording, providing the reviewer with significant lags. Some of the highest quality ones include:

  • Fraps is one of the most popular programs for recording game videos. It has a significant number of settings and a clear interface, which will allow even a novice let's player to start filming almost instantly. The only drawback is the enormous size of the captured video, which requires a hard drive with a large amount of free space;
  • Mirillis Action is a program that shoots videos of relatively small size and decent quality, but in return produces “whims” in the form of periodic screen freezes for a couple of seconds. Very convenient for recording streams, but a transcoder is needed in order to upload the video to hosting sites;
  • Bandicam - along with Fraps, this is the most popular program for recording videos, as well as with the ability to instantly upload videos to a video sharing service. It has built-in codecs and is capable of “compressing” video directly during the recording process.

To choose the proposed programs or find another is the decision of the Let's Player, but it must be accepted. Otherwise, how can you film a let’s play without having the most important part of this process?

The correct scenario plan for the future video

It's very difficult to be original throughout the entire video. At the most inopportune moments, awkward moments of silence or, conversely, unnecessary and inappropriate comments may arise. In pursuit of the answer to the question “how to make a high-quality let’s play,” many forget about another important detail - drawing up a plan for the reviewer’s future speech. The let's player must build in advance, if not a detailed, but at least a general plan for the performance. The narrative script should be similar in structure to any story and include an introduction, central action and, accordingly, a conclusion.

The opening speech should give the audience a brief idea of ​​who you are (you can use a cliché greeting or use something unique) and what the review will actually be about. It is advisable to show the relevance of the video, that is, why this particular topic was chosen.

Most of the time of the video should be devoted to the main action, the main story for which the video was written. It is advisable not to use long lists when explaining, as they are very difficult to remember.

The ending should sum up the above, emphasize the significance and, if you are going to continue, contain a thread to the next issue and a short preview of it.

How not to film let's plays - preventing mistakes

Most newly minted letplayers make a number of serious mistakes, due to which their reviews receive negative reviews and a low number of views. An experienced reviewer should avoid the most dangerous of them:

  • it is necessary to understand the material that will be presented;
  • should not be moved at high speed, thereby not giving the viewer the opportunity to see anything;
  • the presence of both external noise (from a window, from a working TV, from relatives) and internal noise (poor quality microphone, too loud music in the game);
  • poor quality editing with abrupt transitions or, conversely, drawn out and boring, as well as “holes” in the video;
  • incorrect voice placement during recording (special attention must be paid to the voice, it should not be too strict or too cheeky).

Using this advice, you can be able to independently advise other people on how to film a let’s play, and, of course, achieve popularity among viewers.

Reviews of the most famous games

Games that are in great demand in the world of e-sports most often come to the attention of let-players. It’s not surprising that many people have questions about how to make a let’s play based on Minecraft, CS 1.6, Dota 2, Warcraft, and Stalker. It is worth noting that “the places are already taken,” that is, it will be extremely difficult for a novice reviewer to get on the list of popular ones, since almost all aspects of the games have already been reviewed and studied inside and out. The only way out, if it was decided to start filming a popular game, would be a review of innovations or new modifications.

It is most appropriate to try to consider either a new game that has not yet been thoroughly studied, or to try to find those “highlights” that were not noticed earlier, or to try to express a different opinion, your own.