Why does the computer crash? Why does the computer turn off by itself while working? #5 Bad RAM

Updated: 12/17/12

The computer turns off by itself - reasons

So yours The computer started turning off on its own First of all The computer turns off during games, while watching videos and on the Internet.

The cause of the above symptoms is when The computer works and suddenly turns off by itself, first of all, there may be overheating of the central processor. The fact is that all modern motherboards have protection against processor overheating. When a certain maximum temperature is reached, The computer just turns off on its own.

The cause of overheating of most components is dust.

Dust gets clogged between the radiator lamellas and prevents the fan from blowing air through them. Accordingly, the radiator is practically not cooled and neither is the processor.

Indirect confirmation that the cause is processor overheating is that The computer turns itself off when the CPU is under heavy load..

More often computer turns off while playing, because modern computer games are demanding on computer resources and heavily load the processor and video card. The computer may also turn off when watching a video or while actively browsing the Internet.

If the computer turns off due to overheating of the processor, then when you turn it on again, it may not turn on at all or turn off when Windows loads. This happens because the processor has heated up to the maximum permissible temperature and has not yet cooled down.

So, the answer to the question " Why does the computer turn off on its own?"in most cases it is simple. This is overheating of the processor, which is caused by dust. In some cases, the cause of overheating of the processor may be mechanical damage to the cooler fasteners or improper installation of the cooler, as a result of which it does not fit tightly to the surface of the processor and does not cool it properly. Read more about this problem.

Less common causes Automatic shutdown of the computer during operation are malfunctions motherboard or power supply.

The computer turns off spontaneously - diagnostics

If your computer turns off spontaneously, you first need to check the temperature of the central processor. There are several ways to do this.

The easiest way is to look at the processor temperature in the BIOS. But not all BIOS version support this feature, especially on laptops.

Depending on the BIOS version, this may be PC Health Status or Hardware Monitor.

Parameter CPU Temperature and shows the CPU temperature.

The processor temperature of a computer that has just been turned on should not exceed 70 degrees.

However, it is possible to determine much more accurately whether the processor is overheating or not using the program Everest or Aida64. You can download it.

In the left window, open the tab Computer and select the element Sensor. In the right window, look at the CPU temperature. If it is more than 70 degrees, then overheating is most likely occurring. For an accurate determination, you need to load the processor and monitor the temperature rise.

Open the tab Test in the left window and select test FPU Julia. To start the test, click the button Update on top panel tools. Do the test several times. After each time, monitor the processor temperature. If the temperature rises sharply to 85-100 degrees and falls very slowly, the reason why computer turns off by itself is the processor overheating.

Turning off the computer on its own while working - what to do if the computer turns off by itself

The computer turns off on its own, what should I do??

If the processor overheats, you need to open the case and carefully vacuum it so as not to catch anything. Then you need to remove the processor cooler and clean it from dust. The fan must be removed to better clean the radiator from dust.

The radiator and processor must be cleaned of any remaining thermal paste. Thin layer Apply new thermal paste to the processor and install the cooler in place.

After you assemble the computer, run tests in Everest again and make sure that the temperature is normal. During the tests it should increase, but at the end it will quickly drop to 55-65 degrees or lower.

Spontaneous computer shutdown is a fairly common occurrence among inexperienced users. This happens for a number of reasons, and some of them can be fixed manually. Others require contacting service center specialists. This article will focus on solving problems with PC shutdowns or reboots.

Let's start with the most common reasons. They can be divided into those that are the result of a careless attitude towards the computer and those that do not depend on the user in any way.

  • Overheat. This is an increased temperature of PC components, at which their normal operation is simply impossible.
  • Lack of electricity. This reason may be due to a weak power supply or electrical problems.
  • Faulty peripheral equipment. This could be, for example, a printer or monitor, and so on.
  • Failure of electronic components of the board or entire devices - video card, hard drive.
  • Viruses.

The list above is compiled in the order in which the reasons for the shutdown should be identified.

Reason 1: Overheating

A local increase in temperature on computer components to a critical level can and should lead to constant shutdowns or reboots. Most often, the processor, video card and CPU power circuits suffer from this. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to eliminate factors that lead to overheating.

  • Dust on the radiators of the processor, video adapter and other cooling systems on the motherboard. At first glance, these particles are something very small and weightless, but in large accumulations they can cause a lot of trouble. Just look at a cooler that hasn't been cleaned for several years.

    All dust from coolers, radiators and the PC case in general must be removed using a brush, or better yet, a vacuum cleaner (compressor). Compressed air cylinders that perform the same function are also available for sale.

  • Insufficient ventilation. In this case, hot air does not escape outside, but accumulates in the case, negating all the efforts of the cooling systems. It is necessary to ensure the most efficient ejection of it outside the body.

    Another reason is the placement of PCs in tight niches, which also impede normal ventilation. The system unit should be placed on or under a table, that is, in a place where a flow of fresh air is guaranteed.

  • Dried thermal paste under the CPU cooler. The solution here is simple - change the thermal interface.

    Video card cooling systems also contain paste, which can be replaced with fresh one. Please note that dismantling the device yourself will void the warranty, if any.

  • Power circuits. In this case, the mosfets, the transistors that supply electricity to the processor, overheat. If they have a radiator, then under it there is a thermal pad that can be replaced. If it is not there, then it is necessary to provide forced ventilation of this area with an additional fan.
  • This point does not concern you if you have not overclocked the processor, since under normal conditions the circuits cannot reach a critical temperature, but there are exceptions. For example, setting powerful processor into a cheap motherboard with a small number of power phases. If this is the case, then you should think about purchasing a more expensive board.

Reason 2: Lack of electricity

This is the second most common reason for shutting down or restarting a PC. Both a weak power supply and problems in the electrical network of your premises may be to blame for this.

Reason 3: Faulty peripheral equipment

Periphery is external devices, connected to a PC - keyboard and mouse, monitor, various MFPs, etc. If at some stage of their operation problems arise, for example, a short circuit, then the power supply can simply “go into protection”, that is, turn off. In some cases, faulty USB devices, such as modems or flash drives, can also lead to shutdown.

The solution is to disconnect the suspicious device and check the functionality of the PC.

Reason 4: Failure of electronic components

This is the most serious problem that causes system failures. Most often, capacitors fail, which allows the computer to function, but intermittently. On old motherboards with installed electrolytic components, faulty ones can be identified by a swollen case.

On new boards, without using measuring instruments, the problem cannot be identified, so you will have to go to service center. You also need to go there for repairs.

Reason 5: Viruses

Virus attacks can affect the system in different ways, including affecting the shutdown and reboot process. As we know, Windows has buttons that send "shutdown" commands to shutdown or restart. So, malware can cause them to spontaneously “click”.

  • To scan your computer for viruses and remove them, it is advisable to use free utilities from venerable brands - Kaspersky, Dr.Web.
  • If the problem cannot be solved, then you can turn to specialized resources, where they can help you get rid of “pests” completely free of charge, for example, Safezone.cc.
  • The last resort to solve all problems is to reinstall the operating system with mandatory formatting of the infected hard drive.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a computer turns off on its own. Eliminating most of them will not require any special skills from the user, just a little time and patience (sometimes money). After studying this article, you should draw one simple conclusion: it is better to play it safe and prevent these factors from occurring than to then waste energy on eliminating them.

One of the common problems when working with a PC is the sudden shutdown of the device. Moreover, this often happens unexpectedly, without visible reasons. This behavior can cause a lot of inconvenience, even if such unexpected shutdowns rarely occur.

Listed below are the most likely reasons why your computer turns off by itself, as well as recommendations for troubleshooting possible problems.

1. Overheating of one of the computer components

First of all, when the PC randomly turns off, it is recommended to check the temperature of the processor and other components. Overheats more often CPU(this component generates a lot of heat due to its design). But the reason may also lie in other components. For monitoring you can use specialized program, which shows the temperature of individual PC elements, for example, HWmonitor.

Cleaning your PC helps prevent overheating, which is best done not by yourself, but by contacting a service center. The fact is that cleaning a PC using ordinary brushes, brushes, a vacuum cleaner, etc. can cause additional problems. To clean your PC well, you need not only skills, but also the right equipment and tools.

The computer can overheat simply in hot weather. Its cooling system has limited capabilities. And in the event of abnormal heat, the power of the cooling system may not be enough. And then the PC clicks and turns off. Well, you will have to wait until more acceptable operating conditions arrive, or use fans, air conditioners and other cooling devices to create more comfortable operating conditions for your PC. Where people are able to withstand heat or cold, the computer may turn out to be a weaker partner and fail at the most inopportune moment.

2. Problem with the power supply

This is the second most common reason. There can be two main problems with the power supply: a malfunction and insufficient power. The problem may arise, for example, after installing new components (for example, a more powerful video card).

To check, you can temporarily install another, known working power supply into the PC. If the total power of the new components exceeds the total power of the previously installed power supply, then you need to replace the power supply with a more powerful one. In any case, the power supply must be sufficient to power all elements of the PC, otherwise the power supply must be repaired or replaced.

Repairing or replacing the power supply is also best done with the assistance of specialists or by contacting a specialized center. Since you not only need to have a suitable power supply available, but you also need to make an accurate diagnosis that confirms the version that the computer turns off due to the PC power supply.

3. Viruses or damage to system files

Serious viruses can also affect system performance. To check for viruses, you must use a reliable antivirus. For a one-time check you can use trial version a paid program, for example, DrWeb or Kaspersky, will have sufficient functionality.

If serious damage occurs, a complete system reinstallation may be necessary.

Some inexperienced users like to clean the registry and optimize Windows in the hope of speeding up their computer. To do this, they use appropriate programs like CCleaner. As a result of inept use of such “simple” programs, important system files are deleted, operating system stops working. The only option left is to reinstall the operating system with the simultaneous loss of the user’s personal files.

In such cases, it is better for novice users to use the built-in tools in the operating system.

4. Power outages in the home network

Even minor and short-term power surges in the network can also lead to the PC turning off. At the same time, the rest of the electronics will continue to work, since they are less sensitive to network parameters. To solve electrical problems, a UPS (stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply) is used.

In some cases, it is enough to have a so-called device for smoothing out power surges in the network. It is much cheaper and easier to operate than a UPS, does not include a battery, is lighter in weight, and looks like a regular extension cord and 220V splitter.

But a surge protector does not help with all problems. If power surges are so strong that they lead to a short-term power outage, then you can’t do without a UPS.

Also, of course, at the first opportunity, efforts must be made to repair the electrical network so that there are no power surges or short-term power outages. The fact is that these jumps lead to so-called transient processes. They, in turn, can generate dangerous voltages in the network, leading not only to PC shutdowns, but also to complete failure of electrical equipment, including personal computers.

It must be remembered that thunderstorms and other weather anomalies (for example, strong winds, storms) contribute to the appearance of strong interference in electrical network. This can also lead to unexpected PC shutdowns.

It is better to wait out thunderstorms and storms without using a PC, since power outages can easily damage electronics and mechanics personal computer.

5. Computer overload

The computer, of course, is made of iron. And it must withstand any load. For example, it must work with powerful modern games with their graphics capabilities and other user interfaces. But the computer is not always able to withstand these loads.

Why does my computer turn off while playing?

For each software product, for each game, for each application, as a rule, game developers indicate the minimum required PC hardware configuration.

If the real PC has a weaker configuration, be it a processor, hard drive, video card, sound card and other components, this PC may not be able to withstand the load and turn off at the most inopportune moment.

The situation can be corrected only by refusing to use such “heavy” programs that are beyond the capabilities of the computer hardware. Moreover, such programs must be completely removed from the computer.

For removal, there may be an option within the game itself (the application itself) to remove itself. If there is no such option in the game (in the application), then you can use the “Uninstall programs” system option, which is part of the operating system. Windows systems. If you simply delete the files of these programs, there will be no effect.

6. Problem driver or device

Sudden shutdowns may begin after installing a new device or after. In this case, it is enough to return the previous configuration so that the computer starts working stably again.

This is a rather rare malfunction; it should really be considered as a last resort, having previously ruled out all other reasons for the sudden shutdown of the PC.

Reverting to the previous configuration is a rollback of the system to a state on a date prior to the installation of a new driver or driver update for a suspicious device.

7. Other reasons

When the PC turns on, applications that are in startup begin to load. If there are too many programs in startup, this can lead to the PC shutting down. I wrote more about this for Windows 7.

If all of the above reasons can be ruled out, and sudden shutdowns do not disappear, then a serious hardware problem may have arisen. Here, if a PC user has little experience in servicing computers, it is better to contact specialists who can help solve this difficult problem.

In any case, the PC should not turn off automatically without user intervention. And if he does do this, then this is a reason to think about it and try to fix the problem.

Good afternoon, friends. Why does my computer turn off on its own in Windows 7 10 and how to fix it? I already wrote a similar article, only it was about. These topics are very similar, but there are differences. So, let's think about why it turns itself off, and how this can be prevented. Although, to be honest, there can be a lot of reasons.

Why does my computer turn off after a certain time?

So, let's start to figure it out. First, through “Start” we enter “Settings”. Select "Personalization".

In the new window, select “Lock screen” in the left column, then “Screen saver options”.

Why did we do all this? To check whether the checkbox for the “Start at login screen” command is cleared or not.

So, go back to “settings”, select “System”, then “Power and sleep mode”. In this window, we must check that the settings are set to “Never” (if you have no problems with turning off, I advise you to set “Screen” to 30 minutes, “Sleep” to 2 hours.).

So, click on “Advanced power options”.

Then click “Create a power plan”.

Let's say you followed the steps described earlier. But these actions didn’t really help you. The computer also turns off without your consent. In this case, there is a possibility that an uninvited guest has appeared on your computer. I mean the virus. In this case, you simply need to perform a full PC scan.

If you do not have an antivirus installed, I advise you to download free antivirus Dr.Web CureIt. This antivirus is one day old. This means that on the day you suspect something is wrong with your computer, on the same day you should download Dr.Web CureIt, since it is not updated. Therefore, you need the latest version.

It is also advisable to look at which programs run with the computer. This is quite easy to do. Press three at once Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del. Select "Task Manager". In the manager, select “Startup” and consider programs that are not needed during startup. Then we turn them off.

What causes a computer to shut down on its own?

Why does the computer turn on by itself? Solution to the problem

  1. If you have unstable power supply voltage, purchase an uninterruptible power supply unit;
  2. Drivers. Remember which drivers you recently installed, or which new device you connected? Disconnect the device and remove installed driver. If the computer stops turning off, a solution has been found. If not, all that remains is to google it, or take the PC to a specialist, since there can be many solutions to this issue. In addition, do not forget to create system restore points to roll back at the right time;
  3. A weak power supply or not can be understood by the behavior of the computer. For example, by freezing. Or simply review the instructions for devices connected to your computer. How many watts of power do they require? Do the math and buy a power supply that is 10% more capacious than what your devices require. In any case, a stronger power supply will not hurt;
  4. If the cable is poorly inserted into the power supply, you need to insert it harder. This applies to all computer nodes. If the part is screwed to the computer case, check all the bolts and tighten them tighter.
  5. I wrote about how in one of my articles. Therefore, follow the link and find out.
  6. If your processor begins to overheat quickly, it is quite possible that its thermal paste has dried out. The processor temperature can be found using . If it is higher than normal, it is better to refer system unit to the master. I don’t advise you to change the thermal paste yourself, unless, of course, you have similar experience.
  7. Regarding capacitors, I advise you to just smell them system board, i.e., check it for a burning smell. And in general, swollen capacitors will be visible. In this case, you also need to take the PC to a service center.
  8. The north bridge can burn out due to dust, power surges, etc. What can I say? Clean the system unit from dust often. If it burns out, you need to contact a service center.
  9. Regarding program conflicts, install only one decent antivirus firewall on your computer, for example ESET. If you really want another one, you can install Malwarebytes. It protects your computer perfectly and does not conflict with other antiviruses. Used to be free version, which was quite enough. Now, unfortunately, only a demo.
  10. If you have new hardware, install Windows 10, or a modern Mac, and there will be no problems.
  11. Buy a licensed system and, if you cannot install it correctly, contact a person who can do it. Or, you can purchase a clean assembly on a trusted website.
  12. I already said about poorly inserted computer parts. Insert them correctly and the problem will go away.
  13. If the motherboard and processor are not compatible, enter the correct name of your motherboard and see which processor is suitable for it. Unfortunately, sometimes computer stores assemble PCs with incompatible parts (mostly this happens when the seller sees that you are not well versed in PCs. In this case, you need to go to the store with a knowledgeable person, or before going to the store, just find out on the Internet , which parts are suitable for your board and which are not. Also, you can contact the service center, consult with them, and ask the technician to install the required processor.
  14. Regarding dust on your computer, you just need to clean it of dust. If your laptop is dusty, take it to a technician. You shouldn't clean your laptop yourself.
  15. Regarding the USB connector, I have already said everything. Just remove the flash drive and the problem will disappear.

Hello friends. What should I do if my computer turns off by itself? A PC or laptop should not randomly turn off for no reason. And if such a problem occurs, something is obviously wrong. Either the software part of the device or the hardware may be faulty. Below we will consider common reasons that can cause unauthorized shutdown of computer devices. At the end of the article I will tell you two very interesting cases on this topic.

The computer turns off by itself

Let's start with the reasons at the Windows level.

1. Task Scheduler

Be sure to check the Task Scheduler Library first

and delete tasks that may be associated with the computer shutting down. IN Carefully review all scheduler tasks.For example, in addition to the usual task that shuts down the PC, this can be done by a bat file launched by the scheduler, and so on.

2. Drivers

Windows is a universal operating system for a huge number of computer components. Their support is implemented through drivers, which may malfunction due to various programmers' mistakes when writing them, problems within Windows itself, or driver conflicts. More often, such problems manifest themselves in the form blue screen death (BSOD), but sometimes they can manifest themselves in the form of random shutdown of the computer without crashing into BSOD. Knowing or at least guessing which device driver is causing the problem, you can try. If the driver is installed from an EXE installer, it is preferable to obtain one. Without knowing the specific causative driver, you can try to reset the binding to the components using the standard Windows utilities Sysprep.

3. Viruses

Viruses can cause an arbitrary computer shutdown - both their direct participation and the consequences they cause in the form of destruction of important system files. Here you need to destroy the viruses and carry out (you can even do this). As a last resort, reinstall Windows.

4. Third party programs

If your computer turns off by itself, it may be due to third-party programs running. The likelihood of one program conflicting with another causing this to happen is very low. Usually programs just crash, and serious ones like hypervisors get BSOD. But you can also come across the following picture: erroneously configured or forgotten schedulers inside programs such as media players or various kinds of organizers, working in the background, shut down the PC (the same Download Master can do this).

Naturally, believing that in this way they follow the user's instructions.

Reveal third party programs that are causing the problem, testing will help computer device in mode By the way, the task of turning off the computer in certain time or under certain circumstances it can hang out in the standard Windows scheduler (this is written about at the beginning of the article).

  • Note: whether the reason for the random shutdown of the computer is software rather than hardware can be determined by testing its operation as part of launching from any build of a Live disk for system specialists. One of the best Live disks based on WinPE is the AdminPE and .

What hardware reasons can cause the computer to turn off on its own?

5. Heavy loads on a weak computer

If resource-intensive tasks such as modern games or programs for working with 3D are launched on a weak PC or laptop, the device may not be able to withstand the load and either freeze for a long time, or go into BSOD, or randomly reboot or turn off. And this is regardless of overheating of the video card or processor, although, naturally, both factors can occur.

6. Overheating of components

One of the most common reasons why a computer turns off by itself is overheating of the processor, video card or hard drive. The protection of these components is triggered. Again, clinical manifestations may vary - both with and without BSOD. All components are required under load. If it reaches a critical threshold, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of overheating:

Check whether the PC case is sufficiently ventilated;

Clean the computer from dust, replace the thermal paste on the processor;

Increase the cooler speed, replace it or strengthen the cooling system;

Replace hard drive(often overheating HDDs are not repaired due to the impracticality of repairs, since a used hard drive in good condition is cheaper than the services of a service center to restore an overheating one).

  • Note: some laptops, for example, certain HP models, are initially susceptible to overheating of the HDD due to the poor design of the device itself. For such laptops you can choose.

7. Power supply

Another fairly common reason why a computer turns off by itself is problems with the power supply. It may either be faulty or too weak to handle powerful user tasks such as running resource-intensive games. Only a specialized specialist can determine whether the power supply is faulty.

8. Power surges

Computer more consumer electronics sensitive to power surges, which, unfortunately, is often found in settlements remote from cities. And power surges can lead to unauthorized shutdowns of computers, while other equipment in the house can continue to work. In such cases, it is necessary to take care of a surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

9. Incorrect overclocking

10. Other

Other reasons for random computer shutdown may include:

Swollen or leaking capacitors, cracks in the soldering of the motherboard;

The motherboard chipset is heating up (shutdown can occur right at the computer startup stage).

Without appropriate specialized knowledge, such issues, naturally, need to be resolved with the involvement of a service center specialist.

Promised Stories

They brought us a computer to the service center that turned off on its own (according to the client, it was always late in the evening). In search of a solution to the problem, we disassembled the entire Windows piece by piece and found nothing criminal, except for five malware, which were deleted, after which, just in case, they restored the integrity of the system files. It was already late and we got ready to go home, deciding to leave the computer on. The system engineer worked for more than a day and we safely delivered it to the client. The next day the man came again and said that the computer turned off last night. My partner decided not to suffer anymore and reinstall Windows, but I was against it. Determined to find the reason and write an article, I took the computer home. My PC didn’t turn off for three whole days! And then a wonderful thought came to my mind. I called the client and asked what he usually does at the computer in the evening and he replied: “Nothing special, watching movies”! It turned out that our victim uses only two programs: a browser and the KMPlayer player, in the settings of which I found what I was looking for.

The second incident is also interesting, but I won’t describe it in full, I’ll tell you the essence. A client brought a PC, which at his home turned off several times during the day, but worked fine for us for a week. In the end, the problem turned out to be a faulty electrical power cable for the computer, which he did not bring with him. I made this assumption and asked the client to bring the cable. When testing the cable for an open circuit with a multimeter, my assumption was confirmed and all that remains is to replace it with a new one!