How to make a superscript font in html. Making upper case in css

Hello. Sometimes when creating web pages, you need to set some words to uppercase or superscript using CSS. Let's see how it's done.

Upper and lower case using css

In general, today you can enclose the desired text in tags and get the desired display, but let’s also look at how this can be done using CSS, because the technique is a little different.

For example, you need to write the formula H 2 O in an html document. This is done like this:

  • The formula itself is written
  • Those words and numbers that need to be displayed in upper or lower index are enclosed in a span tag, which needs to be assigned some class. For example: characters to be output
  • In css you need to set this element:

    Vertical-align: super;

This property is responsible for vertical alignment text. Its value super specifies that the text will be displayed in superscript. But the font size remained the same as regular text. To make everything look nicer, you should also set the font size a little smaller using the font-size property.

This is how the property simply works. Accordingly, to output in subscript you need to write like this:

Vertical-align: sub;

The difference from similar HTML tags is that these rules do not change the font size, so if you need to do this, you will have to write a new size in the style sheet.

That's all you need to know about superscript and subscript in css. None additional features the property does not provide, and they are not needed. If you wish, you can arrange this text in a special way, but this is rarely necessary.

Where it might come in handy

Superscript and subscript text can be used when writing formulas, adding notes and markings to articles. For example, Wikipedia provides sources and notes for each article. As the article progresses, they are placed in the form of small superscripts. This does not irritate readers and at the same time allows you to give the articles the desired look.

The property is fully cross-browser and supported in all CSS versions.

CSS allows for flexible customization of text, which is presented using the HMTL language. Today we will look at the effect of the “text-transform” property, which makes it possible to change the font case. This option is supported by all modern browsers and is included in the specification for all versions of CSS.


The “text-transform” property can take three main values ​​and two additional ones. For example, you can assign upper case to all selected text. Or you can give the command the opposite of the previous property, where all characters become lowercase. You can make an appointment using any method convenient for you. For example, using inline styles. Or you can create

A separate file with a description of all properties. Which assignment method to use is up to you. "Text-transform" can take the following values:

  • Uppercase. Makes all selected characters capitalize. Uppercase is a common value in CSS because it helps solve many complex text-related problems.
  • Lowercase. This property is completely opposite to the uppercase command.
  • Capitalize. Changes the case of the first letter to upper case. The remaining characters will not change.
  • None. Allows you to undo all assigned values ​​(needed to predefine a property). Typically, this value is set by default.
  • Inherit. Inherits all properties from the parent element. It should be noted that IE does not support this property.


WITH using CSS uppercase (or similar effects) are set with one simple command. Therefore, there is no need to change or rewrite all the text. If we are talking about a one-page site, then this property may not be useful. But when you control a huge portal where you need to correct the case of letters in certain fragments, then “text-transform” becomes the only effective tool. For example, you need to fix the font in the “h2” heading tags. To do this, you need to add the entry: “h2 ( text-transform: uppercase; )”, and then all second-level headings will be uppercase.


Some may think that manually processing text and changing the font using the "text-transform" property makes no difference. But that's not true. If you manually change to capital letters (upper case), then when this information is copied from your site, the characters will remain unchanged. If you use CSS language, then everything happens differently. The “text-transform” property only changes the font visually for users. But in reality the symbols remain unchanged. This happens for all values ​​of this property. The copied information (text) will have the original case used in source code pages. This is the only difference between manual processing and using CSS commands.

It doesn’t matter which one you want to use - lower or upper case, the main thing is not to forget the purpose. For example, if you need changes only for decorative purposes, then you can safely use the “text-transform” property. Well, if you know that your users will probably copy the information you post, then it is best to manually change the case of all text. After all, sometimes readers do not notice such a font substitution. This is especially critical when it comes to important documents and similar information.

Convert lowercase letter to lowercase and first uppercase using CSS (8)

There is no cap clause option in CSS. Other answers suggesting text-transform: capitalize are incorrect because this option uses every word for every word .

Here rude A way to do this is if you want the first letter of each element to be uppercase, but that's definitely nowhere near the actual restrictions:

P ( text-transform: lowercase; ) p:first-letter ( text-transform: uppercase; )



How to convert the letter UPPERCASE to lowercase and the first letter of Uppercase for each sentence as shown below using CSS only?


To: This is an example sentence.

Update: When I use text-transform: capize; The result is still the same.

You can't do this solely with CSS. There is a text-transform attribute, but it only accepts none , capitalize uppercase , uppercase , lowercase and inherit .

You might want to look into a JS solution or a server-side solution.

If you can make all characters lowercase on the server, than you can apply:

Text-transform: capitalize

I don't think text transform will work with capital letters as input.

If you want to use for it won't work, for or textarea you need to use Javascript

function capitaliseName() ( var str = document.getElementById("name").value; document.getElementById("name").value = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); )

which should work well for or

For several lessons now we've been getting more sophisticated with formatting text using CSS, and this time we're learning how to change the case of text. In this regard, cascading style sheets open up very wide possibilities for us, and to be more precise, we can:

  • Display all text in capital letters;
  • Select all text in lowercase letters;
  • Make sure that the first letter of each word starts with uppercase.

“This is all good, of course, but when might it be needed?” - you ask. Let's imagine a situation where you need to display all menu items in capital letters. To do this, it is not necessary to type them, including the CapsLock key, or while holding down the Shift button. It will be enough to set all list items to display in upper case by creating a corresponding rule in CSS file. And this is just one of many possible situations.

text-transform property

We will control the case of the text using the text-transform property. It has 4 main values ​​- uppercase (capital letters), lowercase (lowercase letters), capitalize (upper case for each first letter of the word, other values ​​​​do not change), none (formatting is not applied). At first glance, all this may seem very complicated to you.

The main thing is not to panic...

But in practice everything is quite simple, as you will now see. The main thing is to choose the right selector, because the values ​​of the text-transform property are inherited.


First of all, I suggest setting all text to capital letters, for which we create the following CSS rule:

Body ( text-transform: uppercase; )

In principle, nothing complicated, we just used the uppercase value. As they say, everything is intuitive. This is what it looks like in real life:

All with a capital letter... Lower case - apply to all

The next step is to apply lowercase letters everywhere by writing the following:

Body ( text-transform: lowercase; )

As you probably already guessed, the two meanings we just met are to some extent antonyms. And in the illustration below you can see the result of the newly created property.

Web page with lowercase enabled We highlight the first letter of each word in uppercase

To do this, we just need to use the corresponding value:

Body ( text-transform: capitalize; )

I don’t know how often you will use such a CSS rule, but it won’t hurt you to know about such a possibility, especially when solving non-trivial problems. The result can be seen in the image below.

Text after applying capitalize

Finally, let's take a quick look at the last value - none. As I already said, it can be used to cancel inheritance from a parent. For example, let’s imagine that we have all the previous rules in effect, and for paragraphs we need to cancel them, for this we write the following:

P (text-transform: none; )

I dare to assume that everything is clear to you, if not, ask your questions in the comments. And that's all for me. I hope this CSS tutorial was helpful to you. If so:

  • Repost this article on social networks, to more people benefited from it;
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This is where I don’t say goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention and see you in the next publications!

HTML Tags and - Subscript and Superscript Text Definition and Usage

The tag defines subscript text. Sublinear text is half the height and appears below the baseline. Interlinear text can be used when writing chemical formulas, such as H 2 O.

The tag specifies superscript text. Superscript text is half the height and appears above the baseline. Superscript text can be used when writing footnotes, such as WWW.

Browser support

Tags are supported by all major browsers.

Differences Between HTML and XHTML Standard Attributes

The DTD column indicates in which document type the HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 DTD attribute is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional and F=Frameset.

Tags support the following standard attributes:

Attribute Value Description DTD
class class_name Specifies the class name for the element STF
dir rtl
Specifies the text direction for content in an element STF
id identifier Specifies a unique identifier for an element STF
lang language_code Specifies the language code for the element's content STF
style style_definition Specifies an inline style for an element STF
title text Indicates additional information about an element STF
xml:lang language_code Defines the language code for element content in XHTML documents STF

More information about Standard Attributes.

Event Attributes

Tags and support the following event attributes:

Attribute Value Description DTD
onclick script Script launched on mouse click STF
ondblclick script Double-click script STF
onmousedown script Script to run when mouse button is pressed STF
onmousemove script Script to run when the mouse pointer is moved STF
onmouseout script Script to run when the mouse pointer moves outside of an element STF
onmouseover script Script run when the mouse pointer moves over an element STF
onmouseup script Script to run when mouse button is released STF
onkeydown script Script run on keypress STF
onkeypress script Script run when a key is pressed and then released STF
onkeyup script Script to run when the key is released STF

More information about