How to find out when the computer turned on? How to check who is connected to your network. How to check home Wi-Fi for unauthorized connection How to check if the Internet is working properly

Before you start diagnosing your Internet connection, first check your local network. Many World Wide Web Connection Errors Are Actually Problems local network(LAN).

If you ask from system administrator large company, what was the main network problem he faced, then, paradoxically, the most popular answer will be disconnected network cable. Indeed, if the external cable connected to the router or DSL modem is not connected to the port, you will not be able to access the Internet. Very often, problems occur after cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner. In this case, you know what to do.

Also, if the above wireless connection does not work, check that your computer is connecting to the correct access point. If the device tries to connect to the old WiFi networks, the connection cannot be established.

Remember that if you change the authentication password on the router, then you need to change it on all connected devices. Very often, users encounter this problem when they have not used the device for a long time, and at that time they managed to change the password for the wireless network.

If you only use wireless connections on your home network, make sure your access points are working. An excellent tool for this is the Network Analyzer Pro app for Android or iOS. Although intended for professionals, the application is very easy to use and allows you to view active wireless networks. On Windows 10, you can use the WiFi Analyzer app available from the Windows Store.

If you've checked everything, but wireless connection does not allow you to go online, then try using direct connection via Ethernet cable.

If you can access the web-based admin panel, then it's time to check your internet connection.

Check your internet connection

First of all, you need to perform the standard actions that experts usually ask for. technical support your provider. Disconnect the incoming network cable from the router or DSL modem, wait one minute, and reconnect it to the port. Wait one more minute and then check to see if the Internet has reappeared.

If nothing happens, try unplugging your router for a minute. Still nothing?

In such a case, it is time to call your ISP. A technical support specialist can provide useful information - perhaps not only you, but the entire area has problems, and they are related to planned work.

Otherwise, you can create a request to call an employee of the provider company. The reason for the "disconnect" may be a cable break in the entrance or on the main line. Physical problems are often the cause of network problems.

Just be prepared to wait. Very rare providers respond promptly.

Now suppose that Internet access is restored, but it is slow and unstable. First, let's check the bandwidth of the network you are paying money for. The best site to check your current current speed is Speedtest. This site is operated by the network company Ookla. The test shows download speed, upload speed and ping to the nearest test server.

The Google Internet Speed ​​test is the result of a partnership between Google and a measurement laboratory (M-Lab) and is available in English Google search (type "check internet speed" on the English version of the search engine). In addition to speed, this test measures network latency. Latency is a measure of how quickly you get a response from the server. Low response time is important for real-time applications such as video calls and online gaming. Latency is measured in ms (milliseconds) and is similar to ping, but is a measure of persistent latency between your system and servers.

Some types of connections, such as dial-up and satellite connections, always cause high ping and latency values ​​to be displayed. There is nothing you can do about it - these technologies are simply not capable of it. From a practical point of view, this means, for example, online games and video conferences can be unstable with these types of Internet connections.

The ISP also has its own performance tests. Generally speaking, these tests will show you the maximum speed. Nothing surprising! In the real world, providers usually overestimate their capabilities and do not provide the advertised bandwidth.

However, throughput rates can vary markedly at different times. This is due to the fact that cable Internet bandwidth is distributed among users in the same cable segment. Thus, if a high Internet speed is recorded in the morning, then in the evening it may drop, because other users start watching Youtube, playing online games, etc. Even with low ping and fast bandwidth, your connection may still not be as good. This is because ping, latency, and throughput don't give the full picture. You may lose packets or suffer from jitter digital signal data.

Jitter or Packet Delay is the amount of time it takes for internet packets to reach your system. So, for example, if you pinged a site once, it took 1 millisecond to send a response, and the next packet pinged 10 milliseconds, then you have a terrible case of jitter. Sometimes the jitter is so bad that packets are lost.

Jitter can be caused by interference, overloaded network equipment, or a bad connection. The more jittery the packets are, the less stable your connection will be. in browsers and mail clients, you won't notice it, but during voice calls or video conferences, jitter can be quite a problem.

You can check if you have jitter using test. This test measures jitter by pinging sites from all over the world from your system. If you have a high level of jitter, then your Internet connection is most likely suffering from network congestion somewhere up the line.

Ideally, you want zero packet loss, but the average Internet user can live with 1 or 2 percent loss. If you're constantly seeing jitter, change your ISP.

You can also try to reduce the level of jitter in the digital signal: update the firmware of the router, try to disable additional equipment on the network to find the source of distortion. Malfunctioning network equipment can seriously slow down any local network.

Still not solved the problem? Call a professional, or if you have the expertise, try troubleshooting yourself with powerful tools like WireShark, Logic Monitor, or Spiceworks Network Monitor. Remember that any network problem can be fixed with some experience.

– Igor (Administrator)

Sometimes, you are faced with the task of "quickly checking if your computer is connected to the Internet?". And there seems to be nothing complicated in this task.

The first thing that comes to mind is to open a browser. On the one hand, this is logical. On the other hand, the browser may have many tabs open, so it's not very fast. And the pages themselves can be loaded from the cache without accessing the Internet at all (some browsers, or rather their versions, do this when they first open it). Plus, the lack of a connection in the browser does not mean at all that your computer is not connected to the Internet. There could be a lot of reasons for this.

The next thing that may come to mind is the various programs that use the Internet. For example, various programs for downloading files. However, there can also be nuances here. Trite, servers with uploaded files are not available or you are uploading files from the local network.

Another option is to look at the state network card. But, this option is no longer available for those computers that use routers to connect to the Internet. Since changing the numbers of incoming and outgoing traffic does not necessarily mean that there is Internet.

From all this, a completely logical question arises with a small addition "how to quickly and accurately check the Internet connection?". And there is this way.

Using the "ping" command to check the Internet on a computer in Windows

Windows includes a fairly large number of network management tools. Among them is a very old command called "ping". This kind of command can be found in almost all common operating systems. And in most cases, it is this command that is used by technicians to check the connection. Also, such a command is quite often found in various manuals, which in their steps require you to check the availability of an Internet connection.

How it works. Ping sends signals (so-called packets) to the specified address and measures the response time (i.e., the response of the addressee). By default, this action is performed four times. In principle, the number of actions and a number of other settings can be changed by specifying parameters, but in this case it is not so important. The addressee is either Domain name, or an IP address (in the usual case, a domain name will suffice).

So, to check the connection you will need:

  1. Open command line(See the article opening the command line)
  2. Enter command:
    • ping

If you see that lines with the text "Reply from ..." appeared on the screen, and no lines "Timed out", then your computer is connected to the Internet. If all four answers contain the lines "Timeout exceeded", then this means that you are not connected to the Internet.

Footnote: It is worth noting that at one time there was even a joke about pinging a Yandex page. It was specific to its time, therefore it is not given in this article.

You can use not only the "" domain, but also any other site. However, keep in mind that not all sites respond to the ping command, so make sure in advance that the site responds to the command. It should also be noted that the domain name must be entered without protocol prefixes, i.e. without "http://", and without specifying any pages, i.e. do not try to enter "".

Note: if you use a router to connect to the Internet, then using this command you can also check if the router is available by entering its IP address instead of the domain name.

Note: there are times when the ICMP protocol is completely filtered (that's what ping uses), and then there will be no response from any site. But, this is a very specific situation, which is typical for a closed network that has its own administrator (it is worth contacting him).

Note: This method is suitable for most common situations. If there are any problems, then most likely the situation is very specific, and will require various additional tools.

Greetings dear friends. As you could understand from the title, today we will talk about how to find out who is using your WiFi network. In this article, I will try to explain in plain language what you will need to do. We will also consider how to determine those connected to you as on a router ( we will consider all popular routers), and with the help of a special program. Well let's go!!!

Reasons for concern

So what should make you think that someone is connected to your Wi-Fi network.

  1. Of course the sudden renaming of your WiFi network. Since on almost all routers the login / password for entering the router configuration interface is standard (this is admin / admin). Then any attacker can come in and change the name of your network.
  2. Also, the reason to believe that someone is connected may be a sudden loss of speed, especially if it happens at a certain time. For example, in the evening when most people come home from work. But here you need to understand that the loss of speed can occur not only due to an attacker connecting to the router. But it's definitely worth checking this one out.
  3. If you disconnect the entire device from your WiFi network. And the Wi-Fi indicator on the router will not stop blinking intensively, which means that a device that you do not know about is connected to your network.

Now if one of the top items you have is the same, then it's worth checking who is connected to your network. And this article will help you, read it further.

How to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi router?

Now we have come to the point that we need to check who is connected to our WiFi router. The most convenient way to do this is to see who and the Catholic number of connected devices in the router's configuration interface. To do this, you need a laptop or computer connected to your router. Open your browser and in the address bar write the address of your router ( each manufacturer has its own address, also your router may have its own unique address, you can find it out from the article). After that you will need to login if you don't know how to do it on your router model description for almost all). And in the settings interface, find the tab responsible for monitoring your network.

Well, in theory everything looks simple, but for the average user it will seem like a very difficult task. Therefore, I will describe in detail where and where to go for the most popular models.

Watch on Asus router

If you have any router from ASUS. You need to open any browser and follow the simple steps:

  1. In the address bar of the browser, we write the address of the default router (if it is not suitable, see the link above how to find out the address of the router)
  2. In the authorization field, enter the data for your Username (Login) / password. The default is admin/admin.
  3. In the window that opens, on the left in the menu we find Network map then in the middle next to the icon in the form of a computer, click on the number opposite the inscription Clients. After that in the right block Client Status All devices connected to your router will be displayed.

Watch on TP-Link router

In order to find out who is connected to the Wi-Fi network of any of the routers of TP-link companies. You will need to do simple steps:

  1. Open any browser and write the address of your router in the address bar. By default it is .
  2. Now hitting the router settings interface. Select fields from the left menu wireless mode and then Wireless statistics. In the window that opens, a list of all connected devices via WiFi to your router will appear.

Watch on a Zyxel router

To find out who is connected to your router from Zyxel companies, let's do a few things:

  1. Open a browser and write the address of your router in the address bar. By default it is .
  2. Then, in the authorization window, fill in the Username (Login) / password fields. The default is admin/admin.
  3. Now hitting the router settings interface. In the bottom menu on the page, select the first tab System Monitor . then look to the very top and select the tab home network, and in the block A list of connected devices see who is connected to the router.

Find out who is connected to a WiFi network using the Wireless Network Watcher program

To determine who is connected to your Wi-Fi network, there is handy program for PC Wireless Network Watcher. It works very simple, all you need to do is download the program. Install it on your computer, after launching it, after a couple of seconds, it will determine all the devices on your network. The first device in the list will be your computer, the second will be the router itself, all the rest are those devices that are connected to your network.


Hello dear readers of the blog site Many guests of my blog periodically have questions related to and all the points associated with this procedure. One of the most burning topics for many is the question of how to find out who is connected to my wifi router.

I want to say right away that this situation occurs in very rare cases, because without knowing the password, hack wireless network problematic and can only be done by very experienced users.

But also do not miss the moment that the security password for the wireless network organized in your home can be very simple and has become available with the usual selection of characters. It may also happen that the password was obtained randomly, they mentioned it on the landing, the child told his neighbor, and he retold everything along the chain. But in any case, it is unpleasant when something of yours is used for free, and you need to pay a monthly fee for it. Also, it may not be entirely safe if you pay by bank card and transferring money while in an insecure network. Most often, you can notice that someone has connected to your wifi network only when you feel a very strong decrease in speed. There is a special one, which you can read about in the corresponding article. But I’ll say right away that you can only feel if a very large number of devices unknown to you are connected to your network, or if these devices are constantly downloading files through .

Checking through the router menu

How can I still check who is connected to my wifi. To begin with, I advise you to read and . Depending on the brand of router that is installed in your home, the check will vary slightly. I will give two examples based on and .

First you need to go to your router settings and check the number of connected devices both via cable connection and wirelessly.

List of connected devices (Asus router)

List of connected devices (TP-Link router)

This tab displays IP addresses, MAC addresses and the names of those devices that are connected to your wifi router. If you did not find suspicious connections in this list, then you can be calm, but if not all connections are clear to you, then turn off the devices connected to your router one by one. The last device should be the computer from which you are currently configuring and checking. If, in addition to your computer, you see additional addresses and the name of devices, you can say with complete certainty that someone is connected to your network. In order to disconnect the freeloader from your Wi-Fi, I advise you simply to a more complex one, this will be enough.

Checking through utilities

In order to check who is connected to my wifi router, several nice programs have been invented and written that allow you to control the connection without going into the router settings and unnecessary manipulations. For me, only two utilities turned out to be more convenient and useful, and I will talk about them below.

An easy-to-use program that allows you to check how many devices are on your wifi. Its functionality includes the ability to scan the network, detect a new connection, notify of a new connection, display the address and name of the device. You can add a new device to the approved list and the next time you connect, the program will stop noticing it.

This program, like the previous one, allows you to scan wireless networks and create a table that displays a complete list of Wi-Fi users. It is possible to keep statistics, thanks to the formation of a file in xml format (for Excel). Just like in the first program, you can set up an alert when a new device is connected.

In fact, these two utilities are very similar and the choice between them is up to you.

Actually, the above described actions will be enough to check how many devices are connected to wifi. If you really found freeloaders, then first I recommend changing the network name and password from your wireless router. An additional opportunity to prevent unauthorized connections in the future is a way to hide the SSID, or rather make it invisible. And users who do not know the exact name of your network simply will not be able to find it and, accordingly, connect to it.

I hope that I was able to tell in an accessible language about how to find out who is connected to my wifi. If not all the points have been revealed to you, then contact me or the readers of my blog through the comment form for help.

To top it off, I suggest watching a video on this topic, or rather, how to use one of the programs described.

Today I will write a small note on how to find out who is connected to my WiFi. Today it is impossible to imagine life without mobile gadgets (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.). All these devices access the internet via wifi. Despite the advantages of Wi-Fi, there is one big minus, neighbors or intruders can connect to your WiFi.

Well, if the neighbors just check their mail and update their statuses on social networks, but if they get impudent and clog the entire Internet channel with downloading movies, for example, then you need to deal with it.

First you need to find out the ip address of the wifi router. You can peep it both in the instructions (or on the box), and on the router itself. If you turn the router upside down, you can read the IP address and login with password on the sticker

If you do not have an IP address written, or not an IP address is indicated, but a website, then enter either or in the address bar of your browser. This will open the username and password entry window.

Enter the login and password indicated on the sticker (usually it is admin) and click “OK”. If you did everything correctly, you will see a similar window

Now, in order to see the connected users, go to the menu “Wireless Mode” - “Wireless Statistics”

As you can see, there are 4 devices connected to my wifi. To find out what these devices are, pay attention to the MAC address. Each network device has a unique MAC address.

If you find that more devices are connected to your router than it should be, urgently change the wifi password. In my router, this can be done by going to the “Wireless Mode” tab - “Wireless Security”

After changing the password, reboot the router (the “Reboot” tool in “System Tools”). All "illegal" connections will fall off.

Have you ever noticed that in the complete absence of any Internet activity on your part, the traffic literally flows through your fingers? Did you feel that high-speed Internet, not so fast, and that the pages you need to work are loaded in an hour?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then it is quite possible that someone is stealing your Internet connection. And to find out who is connected to your Wi-Fi, we recommend that you read this article.

View connected devices

To check how many devices are connected to Wi-Fi, you will need to find out the IP address, password and login from the router.

Important! Standard IP addresses suitable for most devices are or If they do not fit, we recommend that you read the instructions that came with the router. If you have not changed the factory settings, then the standard password and login will be the word admin (unless otherwise specified in the instructions).

Having found out the address, enter the numbers in the empty line of the browser. In the window that appears, fill in the user data (login and password). If the steps are performed correctly, then we will get to the router management page. Consider, using the example of popular routers, where you need to go to find out the list of connected devices.


D-Link is one of the most popular router manufacturers in the world. The start settings page for it will look like this.

To check how many users are connected to Wi-Fi, you will need:

  1. Go to "Advanced Settings" (this button is located at the bottom right of the page).
  2. Find the "Clients" link in the "Status" line.
  3. By double-clicking on this link, you will get a list of all devices that are connected to this router.

Among them may be:

  • desktop computer;
  • a laptop;
  • netbook;
  • the tablet;
  • phone.

If there are more such devices than there should be, then you are being robbed.

TP Link

TP-Link routers are also popular in the post-Soviet space. On the settings page:


For an Asus router, the router settings menu looks like this:

  1. Go to the "Network Map" and see the "Client Status" table, these are the devices connected to your Wi-Fi. The screen will display the number of subnets and devices connected to the router.
  2. If there are more subnets than there should be, then you have a freeloader.

Disable uninvited guests

Advice! Regardless of which brand the router belongs to, the easiest way to protect yourself from scammers is to set or change your password.

If you don't want to change your password so that you don't have to reconnect to the wireless network for each of your devices, you can restrict access to a specific device. For this:

In this way, you can exclude all "unwanted" devices. In this case, all your other devices will have free access to the wireless network. If you have a question about setting up Wi-Fi. Tell us in detail about your problem and we will solve it together.

The problem of traffic leakage has become especially relevant. It would seem that you are not downloading anything, but the statistics show that several hundred gigabytes have been downloaded over the current day/week/month.

If not you, then who did it?

How to see who is connected to your wifi D-link?

First you need to get into the settings of the router itself. For these purposes, in the browser, enter the standard set of numbers of the IP address (). If the system starts to "swear", then change the address to

You will see a typical dialog box in which you need to enter your login and access password.

The windows may differ from each other, but their essence is the same. Login - admin, password - admin.

We go to the main menu of the router settings.

Immediately you need to switch from basic settings to advanced, otherwise you will not see anything. For these purposes, there is a corresponding menu at the bottom right.

We are interested in the "status" item and the double arrow to the right of the name. Click on it until you come across a "client" link. That's what we need.

It displays a complete list of all devices and gadgets that consume traffic via Wi-Fi. Calculate how many of them belong to you. In particular, the following can work from the router:

  • a laptop;
  • the tablet;
  • television;
  • game console, etc.

If the number of subscribers significantly exceeds the number of “allowed” devices, then someone illegally “sucked” your source. There are 2 options for solving the problem:

  1. Setting a password;
  2. Change it to a more complex one.

Important! Password-protect the access point if you have not already done so. Firstly, you will win in data transfer speed, because the traffic will not be scattered to unauthorized users, and secondly, protect yourself in the future.

How to see who is connected to your wifi TP-link?

Perhaps the most well-known company supplying network equipment. It is not difficult to configure it, as well as view a list of connected devices.

So, how to see who is connected to my wifi tp-link? At first, you will be required to enter the same standard IP, i.e.

Note! If you have not previously changed either your login or password, then enter “admin” in both columns.

In order not to poke around in all the settings and not to search for parameters by typing, we switch to the “Wireless” tab. Next, click on the sub-item "Wireless statistics".

Here is a list of all devices that are currently connected to your Internet network via Wi-Fi (in this case - 2). You can see 3 graphs:

  1. MAC address;
  2. Encryption type (same for all);
  3. The number of packets transmitted.

The choice of options, of course, is meager, but these are all available statistics.

In addition to Wi-Fi connection, you can also look at those who are powered by your router “the old fashioned way”, i.e. via cable. To do this, open the tab "DHCP" - "DHCP Client List".

3 columns with data are also available here:

  1. PC name;
  2. MAC address;
  3. IP address.

Thus, you can "calculate by IP" someone who has not quite legally connected to your network and is brazenly stealing traffic.

And just in case, change your password for accessing the router or enable this feature if you have not done so before.

Be aware that the computer may turn on automatically to install updates. Majority latest versions operating systems are updated in automatic mode; as a rule, this happens at night, when no one uses the computer. If the computer turned on without your knowledge (that is, when you are not using it), it most likely came out of sleep mode to install updates.

  • An attacker can gain remote access to the computer, but this is unlikely. But there are some steps you can take to prevent an intrusion attempt itself.

Look for obvious signs of remote access. If the cursor moves, programs run and files are deleted without your intervention, someone has gained access to the computer. In this case, turn off the computer and disconnect the Ethernet cable.

  • If you find unfamiliar programs or your Internet connection speed has dropped, this does not mean that your computer has been hacked.
  • Many programs that update automatically open pop-up windows during the update process.
  • Disconnect your computer from the Internet. Do this if you think your computer has been hacked. Disconnect your computer not only from the Internet, but also from the local network to prevent unauthorized access to other computers.

    • Turn off your wireless router and disconnect the Ethernet cable from your computer.
  • Launch Task Manager or Activity Monitor. These utilities can be used to identify active processes.

    • On Windows, press Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc.
    • On Mac OS, open the Applications - Utilities folders and click System Monitor.
  • Listed running programs find programs for remote access. Also look for any unfamiliar or suspicious programs in this list. The following programs are popular remote access programs that install without the user's knowledge.

    • VNC, RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC, LogMeIn, GoToMyPC, and TeamViewer
    • Also look for unfamiliar or suspicious programs. If you do not know the purpose of a particular active process, find information about it on the Internet.
  • Note the abnormally high CPU usage. It is displayed in the Task Manager or System Monitor. High CPU usage is normal and does not indicate a compromised computer, but if it occurs when no one is using the computer, most likely a lot of processes are running in the background, which is very suspicious. Keep in mind that high CPU usage occurs during background system updates or large file downloads (that you forgot about).

    Scan the system with an antivirus program. Be sure to install an antivirus or don't turn off Windows Defender. Open antivirus program and start scanning operating system. A full scan will take about an hour.

    • If your computer does not have an antivirus, download it on another computer and copy it to your computer using a USB drive. Install an antivirus and scan the system.
  • Delete the files found by the antivirus. If the antivirus found malware, delete them or send them to "quarantine" (this depends on the antivirus); in this case, the programs found will no longer harm the computer.

    Download and install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. This is a program that detects and neutralizes malware not found by antivirus. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can be downloaded for free from

    • Since the computer is offline, download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on another computer and copy it to your computer using a USB drive.
  • Scan your system with Anti-Malware. A full scan will take about 30 minutes. It is possible that Anti-Malware will detect a cracker that controls the computer.

    Send detected malware to "quarantine". In this case, the programs found will no longer harm your computer.

    Download and run Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit Beta. This program can be downloaded for free from . Anti-Rootkit Beta detects and removes rootkits, which are malicious programs that allow an attacker to gain a foothold in the system and hide traces of penetration. It will take some time for a full system scan.

    Monitor your computer's behavior after malware removal. Even if your antivirus and/or Anti-Malware finds and removes malware, monitor your computer's behavior to determine if there is hidden malware.

    Suddenly stops working. What to do then? Call your operator right away and waste time and nerves talking to a hotline consultant?

    You can run a simple diagnostic yourself to make sure that the problem is caused by a computer failure, a router, or a fault on the operator's side.

    Internet stopped working - step by step

    Check the connection between the computer and the router

    Click the start button, then control panel, then "Network and Internet" and finally Network and Sharing Center.

    If we see something similar, as in the screenshot above, this means that our computer does not have an Internet connection and a router.

    Make sure that router is working- if no LEDs are lit on it, this means that the adapter or router is damaged - you will need to buy a new one.

    In the case when the router is working - some indicators are on, you need to turn off the power to the router for 10 seconds, turn it on again and wait about 1 minute until it boots up and check the network status in the window again Network and Sharing Center.

    If the Internet connection was restored, it means that only the router "hung" and a restart was necessary - this is the most common accident.

    Advice: Applying these tips will save time and sometimes nerves during a conversation with the operator, because we will be sure that we have already tested our equipment and the accident occurred somewhere on the side of the service provider.

    If you still cannot connect to the router and the Internet, you should check the connection on another device used in our wireless network.

    If the network is displayed on another device, this means that the problem occurs on the computer - most often, to solve the problem, it will be enough to remove the wireless network from the list of remembered ones and then reconnect (you will need to enter the security key or press the WPS button on the router).

    If the network is not displayed on another device, this may mean that the router has lost its saved settings and you need to configure it again. In this case, you need to connect to the router using the cable that came with the router (ethernet cable - connect it to the yellow port of the router and the other end to the computer) and configure using the application that comes on the disk with the router or on paper. instructions.

    Check your router for internet connection

    If in Network and Sharing Center You see something similar to the picture below, which means that even though we are connected to the router, it cannot connect to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) network. In this case, we probably will not be able to restore the Internet connection on our own, because everything is in order on our side.

    But first, you should check the LED on the router responsible for connecting to the network - is it on or blinking:

    • If you have cable Internet and the LED does not light up, the cable or WAN port on the router (most often blue) was probably damaged.
    • When, when internet access provided via a telephone cable (Orange, TPSA or Netia) the router must have 2 LED indicators that indicate the status of connection to the operator's network:
      • ADSL– signals whether the telephone line is working and whether synchronization with the modem is in progress, that is, a physical connection to the operator's network. If this indicator is off, you should immediately call the operator's hotline - the telephone cable may have been damaged.
      • Internet– if the ADSL indicator is on and the internet indicator is off, this means that despite the physical connection to the operator's network, our access to the network has been blocked. The reason may be a block for debts or a loss of router configuration settings. In this case, the operator will also need to call the hotline.