Popular themes for the youtube channel. What video to shoot for YouTube (YouTube) for a beginner

Reviews and passing of popular games.
What's in my bag (in my briefcase)
Humor and jokes.
Video tutorials for studying the program.
If you know any foreign language perfectly, then go ahead. Make videos on this topic.
Grab an instrument and play something of your own.
Film your life story (if you have a large audience.

Show 51 items that you have in your room.
Make a reincarnation in someone of the famous. Shoot a video or cover for a famous song. Where do I get inspiration from
Drawing in 30 seconds
Getting ready for (next holiday)
Video preparation
Beauty themes
Music video clip
Channel trailer
Help for beginners
How to cheer yourself up
About your fears.
Your hobby.
My pets.
My ridiculous situations.
How do you stay at home alone.
Emoticons in real life.
Favorite series/movies
My cat/dog/t, d
My morning / evening
How to get a friend / girlfriend
How to cheer me up? (Sketch)
Social networks
White problems
Challenge accepted (lemon, pepper, cinnamon)
15 things I do every day
Why do I love summer?
Why don't I like summer?
How to have a good weekend?
What's in my summer bag?
Drawing in 30 seconds
How to get a friend
Makeup (no mirror, eyes closed)
Bag to school (trip, to the sea, to the camp)
Lets play
Outfits (for summer, winter, autumn, spring, school, your style)
Useful tips (decorating the room, how to study well, how to have a good summer, preparing for the summer, how to make a paper waterfall, how to become healthy.)
What to do when bored?
My morning (day, evening, night)
How to host a pajama party?
Making a personal diary
15 things I love (I'm afraid I don't)
Just a video about something, without words (for example: about winter, summer, autumn, spring, about helping other people, in general, further is your fantasy)
My birthday
Cooking (for example, you can show how to cook: mojito, pie, borscht, melting chocolate, smoothies.)
My room
Question answer
Your things (for example, your: varnishes, perfumes, spongebob things, etc., etc.)
Film Council
My most embarrassing situations
How do I edit my Instagram photos?
What's on my phone
What do I eat
Favorites of the month
My pets
My jewelry
50 things in my room
Funny moments from life
My old photos and videos
Draw My Life
How to start filming?
How to spend the summer?
Challenge accepted (Chubby Bunny, eat lemon, eat cinnamon, hand out balloons to passersby, smile at every passerby.)
Daily Makeup
Acquaintance (for those who have just started making videos)
First cosmetics
Hair care (Styling, shampoo, conditioners, etc.)
Plans (for the summer, for the near future)
Summer skin care
How to do Hollywood curls
Lessons. (dance, singing, drawing)
Sports morning (show how you do sports, you can combine it with your morning. Jogging, exercising, etc.)
Behind the scenes
Cosmetic bag (it can be summer, at sea or just a cosmetic bag for every day)
Live (if there are many subscribers)
TAG: sunkissed summer time
TAG: yes-no
How to take the perfect selfie?
Draw a video blogger
School bustle? (Tell me about all the school jokes, what you need to think about, etc.)
Movies and reality (show a skit of what happens in the movies and what really happens)
Congratulations (for example, you want to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday or a video blogger)
Cooking: homemade ice cream
Tag: beauty scenario
My summer day (no need to do a vlog, just show your day with music in the background, how you spend it most often)
My YouTube Story
17 parenting phrases (typical parents)
Top 5: (for example: vloggers, movies, food, bands)
Game: Songs in reverse
What's in my tablet/computer
Tasty (test phones, computers, food, etc.)
Tag: rainbow
Tag: 10 things I do every day
Master classes (show a master class in dancing, polymer clay. In general, what you can do best)
How to save yourself from the heat?
What books have I read?
How to quickly save money?
Pros of being a student
Favorite sites

This question can even appear in the head of a very ideological person. In fact, you need to proceed from what is interesting for you. If you still can't decide, check out our cheat sheet below.

Tell us about yourself. If you are planning to make your first video, you should start by getting to know your viewers. Tell us about your life, hobbies, habits. Also, it would not be superfluous to mention what you plan to shoot videos about in the future and how often you will update the channel.

Conduct a master class. Are you good at dancing or knitting? Interested in foreign languages? Or maybe cook delicious food? Then share your knowledge with the audience by releasing a series of video tutorials. In such videos, you can either demonstrate and explain any process step by step, or simply talk about any interesting facts from the selected area.

Overview. Do you like watching movies or reading books? Pay attention to video reviews. In such videos, you can express your opinion and evaluate absolutely any thing and event: cinema, music, literature, politics ... the list is endless.

Trips. Every year there are more and more videos on this topic. If you also like to discover new and interesting places, then try making a video dedicated to them. Show the most interesting moments and locations and be sure - you will find your audience very quickly!

Any novice blogger who decides to start creating and promoting his YouTube channel in the first place may face a shortage of topics and ideas for his future videos. What to write down and how, in what sequence, what will “shoot” and what will not - these and other questions can become a real “headache” for a future blogger. After numerous letters from users, I decided to help beginners and tell you what you can shoot on a YouTube channel for beginners, what topics may be relevant, and how to open them correctly.

Understanding what video topics will be relevant for beginners

How to start making videos on YouTube

The whole process of finding an idea can be divided into several main stages:

1. Collection of information on currently popular topics. An easy way to find a topic is to watch the videos that are gaining popularity, getting to know their topics, design, and authors. Based on what you have watched and analyzed, you can try to shoot your own video (for example, as a reaction to one of the popular videos), and get your first viewers, commentators and subscribers.

Nowadays, the Russian-language segment is dominated by such bloggers as Ivan Rudskoy (Ivangay), Yuri Yaniv, Maxim Golopolosov (the famous show "+100500"), Yuri Morozilka (Frost), Olei Breina and other authors whose videos you can find on YouTube. I recommend studying how the authors build their video, how they behave in the frame, work on what effects they use, and so on, learning from the best is always useful.

For example, I propose to enjoy a fresh video from Ivan Rudsky (Ivangai).

2. Generate ideas. Throw all possible topics for your videos in a notebook, everything that comes to mind, even initially “crazy”. After the list of ideas has been created, think carefully about each of the topics you have written down. It may happen that some initially awkward topic may have a good potential to grow your channel's popularity.

3. Write a detailed script for your video. Imagine in advance what the plot of your video is, what you will talk about and what to show, what effects can be applied here, inserts from other videos, and so on. You will need to design your channel, and for this you need to make or download.

Popular YouTube Custom Video Types

There are the following types of custom videos that you can use to promote your channel:

You will need: .

YouTube Video Recording Ideas (Beginners List)

When creating videos, you should remember that your videos should be interesting not only for you. They should be of interest to other users, and if possible have a good level of uniqueness (try to say or show something bright and new).

At the same time, it is quite important that you yourself “burn” with the theme of your video, so that you are interested in what you are talking about and showing. The emotional involvement of a person in the results of his work is a good bonus that contributes to the success of the individual in the chosen field of activity.

For example, you can look at one of the following topics on which you can make a video on YouTube:

Women's theme

  • Makeup;
  • Outfits (for different seasons, your style);
  • Your cosmetics collection;
  • My boyfriend;
  • Your first cosmetic;
  • Cooking (how to cook any treats);
  • your decorations;
  • your hair care;
  • your skin care;
  • Taking the perfect selfie
  • My fitness and so on.

Men's ideas

General directions for making videos

  • Trips;
  • How to start making videos;
  • How to spend the summer;
  • My plans;
  • How to take the perfect selfie;
  • School life;
  • University life;
  • Computer games;
  • Interesting books;
  • Pranks;
  • favorite sites;
  • Tasty food;
  • Favorite restaurant, etc.

There are many topics for your video - you just have to look


In this article, I have considered what you can shoot on YouTube for those who start this activity, and what topics you should pay attention to when creating your video. If you have not previously had the experience of recording videos on YouTube, then you can try to shoot a video on any hot topic, and evaluate how much you like the process itself. At the same time, remember that success is, first of all, 90% sweat and only a little luck. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

There are two options for making a video on YouTube:

  • First: you rush off the bat and immediately shoot something useful. If you decide to do reviews, then a detailed, useful and verified review. If training videos, then a fundamental guide. which takes into account everything.
  • Second: write down a short greeting-story about the channel. My name is so-and-so, I do so-and-so, subscribe because of that. These videos are often posted on home page channel because they help visitors understand who you are and where they are. Plus, while you're writing the script once again put everything on the shelves.

In fact, the best way out is a combination of these two approaches. That is, in fact, you don’t need to be torn and decide which video for YouTube to shoot first - you just upload two videos at the same time. The main advantage of this approach is that potential subscribers will understand the seriousness of your intentions, and you will immediately provide them with interesting content.

Plus, it's better not to make the first videos long. The most popular videos are several minutes long (although there are exceptions). If you want to tell everything at once, then try to do it as soon as possible. To do this, carefully consider the scenario.

You don't have to worry too much about technology either. Ask good camera from friends, buy a microphone and get comfortable in editing programs. At first, this will be enough. If you have a hard time with fellow photographers, buy a special lens for your smartphone. If your gadget can shoot in HD, then it is quite possible to get by with it.

8. Makeup tutorial videos. Many girls cannot afford the services of makeup artists, and they do not see the point in them. It is easier for them to watch such videos and learn from them. They also allow you to keep track of fashion and what makeup is intended for what occasions.

9. Parodies. In general, they are suitable not only for women's channels, but there are many topics that only girls will understand jokes about. It can also be parodies of popular video blogger girls or pop artists.

10. The contents of the handbag. Surely many have heard the joke: "a girl can have anything in her purse." Such videos help girls somewhere to laugh at themselves, somewhere to learn from your experience, if it turns out to be useful.

11. Reviews on cosmetics and other women's products. Such videos are also in demand among girls, because they make their life much easier. We recommend doing reviews in an interesting format, but without extra information- only on topic.

12. Video about manicure and nails. Makeup is only a small part of the information about self-care. Manicure training materials, especially original ones, will definitely find their audience.

13. Video about hair care. Proper Care hair is a chore. Therefore, many girls are looking for the cheapest, highest quality and not time-consuming ways to care for their hair.

14. Video about yourself. Particularly useful material for audiences under 18. Young girls are active users of YouTube, so they will benefit from the experience gained over your life.

Today we will talk about what you need to shoot on YouTube so that it is regularly watched. And with each new video, the number of subscribers only increased.

We have already written about topics that you should choose in order to make good money on YouTube. In this article, we will focus on the design, theme and name of the channel and video.

So, let's consider everything in order. Grab a pen and notepad and let's get started!

Time and topic for YouTube videos

Whatever topic you choose, the structure of creating a video can be determined in advance. The most important thing is to choose the days and the best time in which you will publish your videos.

For example, your video will be released 3 times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 15:00. Try to stick to these limits at all times. This is necessary so that your subscribers know when they should visit your channel for a new portion of the video. And you will gain maximum views immediately after posting the video.

Now let's talk about topics. Let's say you're filming game reviews, cooking shows, or anything else that's interesting. Here, in order not to annoy your viewers, try to diversify your content.

For example, on Tuesday, post a video with tutorials on how to beat a level in a game or how to make a berry pie. On Thursday, intrigue viewers with the “secret recipe”. And on Saturday, post positive and light material that is just nice to watch.

Effective YouTube Video Title

It's time to learn how to create titles for your videos. The first rule is don't lie. Even if you manage to attract visitors to your video by deceiving in the title, then after a few seconds after opening, the user will stop watching. And for video, this is very bad, such indicators are preparing that the video does not meet the expectations of the audience.

Now that we promise to tell only the truth, let's move on to tactics. There are several of them:

  • Intrigue. Grab attention, but don't reveal the full meaning of the video.
  • Example: I have more friends because of THIS cake.
  • Data. Good for instructional videos.
  • Example: 14 ways to make lessons for 5 minutes.

Video 40 video ideas

What to do when bored. Banal remedies for blues

  • to watch a movie
  • delicious food
  • surfing the internet looking for something interesting
  • get stuck on social networks (today almost anyone can do this)
  • chat with an interesting person
  • make a new acquaintance (you won't get bored together)
  • look out the window (if you have any suitable view from it)
  • remember loved ones
  • collect your thoughts (maybe there are unfinished business)
  • make a to-do list (if you have any and you decide to get rid of them)
  • plan the necessary purchases
  • gaze at the stars (preferably at night)
  • admire the sky (this is already possible at any time of the day and in any weather)
  • fall asleep (in general, all advice - advice)
  • make yourself tea / coffee (not a fact that will dispel boredom, but it will distract you a little and, perhaps, lead to interesting thoughts over a cup of hot drink)
  • read your horoscope
  • listen to music
  • take a bath
  • play computer games (a thing, of course, is interesting and addictive, but not everyone will take up this / not everyone will do it)
  • sit by the fireplace (this is not the sky, and not everyone has it)
  • cook something tasty and unusual
  • go in for sports (for an amateur)
  • invite friends (which will be discussed later)

In this article, I will consider only one way to find a popular topic for promotion on Youtube, because the whole topic is so vast that it will not fit in one article.

Due to the fact that Youtube has collected several million videos that do not fit on one page, YouTube's own search engine is of great importance for the user in terms of finding the right video.

And it is through him that your video can be found by an interested audience.

And if you want to create a popular video, you must create a video that is searched for and found through the YouTube search engine.

Since no one will lay out “what they are looking for on YouTube” on a silver platter, we will look for it ourselves.

We will search among those videos that are exactly like that on YouTube and untwisted - through its own search engine.

How to find videos successfully promoted through the YouTube search engine

We will find them by signs:

1. Such videos have a good, steadily growing traffic.

2. We can see the search queries by which people go to the video in its statistics.

Where to looking for?

You can search for such videos using the brute force method, but from such a search, you should immediately exclude videos that contain sensation, jokes, etc. signs - such videos are promoted due to viral mechanisms and in this case will not be useful to us.

Let's go the other way. We will find serious (without tantrums) channels with a large number of videos.

And we will find among these videos those that have higher traffic compared to the rest.

And thanks to the statistics of these videos, we can find out by what search queries the audience came to them.

Experience in prospecting search queries

For the first experience, I chose the Ukrainian business channel UBRua - youtube.com/user/UBRua (it has more than 3500 videos). This channel is serious, so you can be sure that its videos do not contain far-fetched sensations and inflated views.

With an average number of video views for this channel from 5 to 100 (for 1.5 years of the channel’s existence), there are videos with a fairly large number of views (marked in red below):

It is on such videos that we will pay attention.

We go to the video page "Master class" on balcony insulation - youtube.com/watch?v=t31cEcPuFjs - and click the statistics button (marked with a red arrow in the picture below):

Let's look at the statistics:

First I want to note the smooth increase in the number of views. This is a good sign that the video was promoted in a natural, stable way (through the Youtube search engine, and not because someone posted it on a popular site).

And as you can see, this video was visited the very next day after posting (almost immediately) using the search phrase “balcony insulation” (which provided 2636 views) and in the following days - using the search phrase “loggia insulation”.

It happens that a video is not promoted by direct search queries, but due to the fact that it is placed on the page of another video (due to a common theme or matching keywords). Then we will find the key queries we need for the video, thanks to which users came to our video.

Here, for example, is another video from our Ukrainian channel - "Creative wall decoration" - youtube.com/watch?v=nCnmp5V2U1Y (23198 views):

Let's see his stats:

Although this video does not have direct search queries from YouTube, it was visited by many users from related video pages.

Let's go to the very first such video - "Relief plaster - creative approach without effort" - youtube.com/watch?v=piaWha6L4V0 (22019 views):

And in the statistics of this video we find the search query we need - “embossed plaster” (by the way, while I was opening the statistics, the number of views on the video has changed - it has increased by 19, which indicates that the videos promoted using search queries have a stable view growth):

How to find out the prospects of a search query

It’s not enough to find search queries that promote someone else’s video. It remains to be seen if they work today and if you have a chance to squeeze in between the competitor videos.

So, let's check the latest videos for the search query "balcony insulation".

We go to the YouTube search bar, type the search query “balcony insulation” (just like that, in quotes, so that we get only accurate results in the results).

We sort the search results by the date the video was added (because it is important for us to find exactly the latest videos):

Firstly, the small number of competitors for this search query is already pleasing - only 65.

Secondly, the videos highlighted in gray can be ignored - this is a promoted video and is promoted according to different rules.

Thirdly, look at the dates the videos were posted: 6 days ago, 1 month ago, 2 months ago, 4 months ago. Fresh videos on this topic are quite rare.

The first of these videos - "Akterm - facade insulation" - can not be considered, since it clearly loses in the search for the phrase "balcony insulation" (by the way, if you look at the statistics of this video, you will find out that it is accessed by the search query "akterm ").

Let's look at the statistics of the second video - "How to properly insulate a balcony":

It was found on the day of placement (!) for two search queries - “balcony insulation” and “loggia insulation”. Even before this video got its views from the author's personal site!

That is why it gained a decent number of views in 1.5 months - 1845.

To reinforce confidence, let's check the third video on the list with the title "Insulation of the balcony":

It was also found almost immediately by the key phrase “balcony insulation”.

A clear niche in which you can easily crawl through.

Similarly, you can check all the other search queries you found (from someone else's successful videos).

How long will it take to find promising niches?

On the UBRua channel, I found several dozen more similar videos that were promoted thanks to YouTube search queries.

For about an hour or two of work, you can find two to three dozen search queries that have a perspective.

(Of course, it is not enough to find promising search queries, you also need to shoot videos. But to shoot videos on given topic much easier than not knowing what to shoot about.)

Two or three dozen promising videos means several hundred thousand impressions and the prospect of earning not only on videos, but also on advertising commissions if you manage to become a YouTube partner.

Multiply this number by 10 (which means several million impressions) if you sit at your computer not for an hour or two, but for a day or two ...

P.S. Unfortunately, today it is not possible to see detailed statistics (with search queries) for other people's videos on Youtube. Therefore, the way to search for popular topics based on search queries does not work.

On the other hand, you can use Google or Yandex search query statistics - after all, those who are looking for something in popular search engines can search for the same thing inside Youtube.

It's no secret that other things being equal views and subscribers, one channel can earn much more than the second. To find out, it is enough to monitor the channel and make some calculations. But, a significant difference lies in the advertisers.

In this article, we will not only look at, but try to find out which topics on YouTube are the most profitable. After all, the right choice of topics at the very beginning of video promotion is the key to success.

Also, in addition to advertisers who pay more, there are niches in which it is easier to “turn around”. In other words, a niche that allows you not only to earn on views, but also, for example, to sell services. And do not depend on how many times your advertising banner is clicked.

We are not talking about cars, airplanes or other electronic equipment (although why not?), We will talk about affiliate earnings or selling small goods/services. By creating several sources of income, you will provide yourself with a guarantee of maintaining, and sometimes even increasing, profits.

1. Overview of games.
Yes, yes, despite the fact that this is one of the most simple ways break into YouTube, there is room to turn around. Even if you are reviewing a single game, your audience may be interested in other toys as well. And considering how many new games appear every year, there will always be demand from advertisers.

2. Cosmetics and make-up.
Suitable mainly for girls and women, but this is one of the most profitable niches. Such an audience is very willing to buy goods up to 3,000 rubles.

3. Overview of Chinese parcels.
Perhaps you have already seen such videos, people order, for example, from Aliexpress and review their parcels. Having gained a large audience of your viewers, you can start your resales of such goods.

4. Fashion and clothes.
Here, perhaps, is the largest field for implementation. You can either sew and present your own clothes and things, or review your purchases. The audience of "shopaholics" monetizes very well.

5. Humor and cats.
Although there are no direct sales here, a lot of people subscribe to such channels, unless of course you have funny content. And then, when the audience of your YouTube channel is significant, you can already analyze and test different advertising offers.

6. Software review.
Reviewing various programs for Mac or Windows, you will collect 2 groups of people - blonde girls and system administrators. The latter are very good at buying hardware, and you can sell it or cooperate with an online store.

7. Mobile games and applications.
A very global and interesting niche, there is practically no ceiling for the topics of your videos. Considering that many paid games or applications cost from a few cents to just a couple of dollars, you can make good money on volume.

8. News.
If you have access to unique news content, then you will bring together people who always want to be aware of all the events and changes in the world. Such people willingly buy trendy goods.

9. Lessons and educational video.
Audiences that love to learn are sometimes eternal learners, which will allow you to make consistent sales to the same people. A very correct and economical way to promote videos in this niche.

10. Promotion of sites, blogs and social networks.
Eternal themes for monetization, there will always be people who are just starting to “promote” their site or blog. And, as you know, everyone wants an instant result, and it’s almost impossible to get it for free. This is where a huge field for your monetization appears.

By choosing one of the topics, you can count on the fact that you will always have additional ways monetize your videos. Most importantly, create quality content!

How to choose a niche for a YouTube channel?

If you still haven’t decided which niche you will work in, then we suggest you watch the video, which tells one interesting trick. Watch it to "pump" in this topic!


What theme to choose for YouTube?

  • Video blogs. When choosing vlog topics you will need to film your private life. You take a video camera and record the events of your day on it. Don't forget that users love to look at what they don't have in their lives.

    Therefore, you need to record interesting events, for example, a walk with friends around the metropolis at night or a visit to an unusual place.

    Your earnings will directly depend on the large number of views. You can also embed company ads in your video. This will bring you a good income.

  • Let's play. This theme is optimal for fans of computer games. You can combine business with pleasure. You will need to go through famous video games, accompanying the gameplay with your comments.

    In order to create high-quality content in this area, you need to have a great sense of humor and a modern PC. Video game walkthroughs are not well paid by advertisers.

    This is due to the fact that the target audience of let's plays are schoolchildren, students, whose solvency is at a low level.

  • News. News analysts shoot a video on camera, where they express their opinion about an event.

    Some do not record videos, but broadcast, discussing the news with users in real time.

    For news channels, the number of views is growing spontaneously. If something interesting happens in the world, there will be a lot of views, and vice versa.

    Therefore, the income from such channels cannot be called stable. In addition, a blogger must be well versed in the political situation in the world.

  • Covers. If you love music and know how to play some musical instrument, you can record covers of famous songs.

    However, such videos are not as popular as the previous topics. By the way, you can create covers using special programs.

  • Culinary theme. You need to shoot on camera how you cook exotic or traditional dishes, set the table. The basic rule of food bloggers is that recipes should be simple.

    Especially popular are dishes that take ten to fifteen minutes to prepare.

    A good way to make money on a cooking channel is to advertise products from certain manufacturers in videos.

    The target audience of such channels is housewives, whose solvency is at an average level.

  • Beauty blog. This theme is suitable only for girls. You need to review cosmetics, share the secrets of their use, talk about the latest fashion and current trends.

    On such a channel, you can make great money if you review cosmetics from well-known manufacturers that pay good money for advertising.

  • Sports theme. This theme is not for everyone. You need to have an athletic body so that users believe in the effectiveness of training.

    Bloggers talk about different exercises, give training recommendations, review sports nutrition.

    An additional way to make money on the "sports" channel is to advertise sports nutrition from popular manufacturers.

    The target audience is people of any gender and age. In view of this, the number of views greatly affects the earnings of a blogger.

  • Car themes. A very profitable topic, as the target audience is adults with earnings that allow them to buy their own car.

    The blogger of the “automobile” channel shoots test drives of various cars on camera, talks about troubleshooting methods. You need to be well versed in the car and their device.

The hardest part for a blogger posting their videos on YouTube is after creating a channel.

Self-advertising your own channel often turns out to be ineffective, since one person simply does not have enough resources for this.
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What is more profitable clicks or views?

In order to find out how much a youtube channel earns, you do not need to have a higher education and have special skills. What is more profitable clicks or views? We will answer this question in...

A person who decides to create his own YouTube channel usually faces two main questions - what topic to choose for his channel and how to create content. Today we will answer the first question. Unlike , there will not be a clear answer here, but we will make it as easy as possible to find it.

At the very beginning, you need to decide why you are creating a channel on YouTube. If you just want to create videos on topics that interest you and look for like-minded people, this is one thing, but if you want to make money, then this is completely different. In the first case, the answer to the question will be quite simple - create a channel about what you are interested in. But if you want to make money with YouTube, then you must create a channel about what others are interested in. And in general, it's great if you like exactly what many people like. Let's look at the four main principles for choosing the right theme for your YouTube channel.

Principle 1. Look to the future

People love watching 90s music videos, the Nostalgia channel, or playing games from the past. But they don't do it as often as they would like. Therefore, in choosing a topic, it is better to focus on what will be popular in the future. It may be the release of a new movie or game, the emergence of a new interesting industry. You have probably noticed how many channels there are dedicated to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The authors of these channels managed to ride the popularity of the new hype and are now rowing bitcoins with a shovel. Very important - do not make a channel dedicated to one thing. For example, channels about Marvel comics or hip-hop are good, but a channel about “Twilight. Saga” or rapper Seryogu is bad. We think you understand why. The first is conditionally forever, and the second can lose popularity faster than you have time to gain your first million subscribers.

This point hardly requires a detailed explanation, but I would like to add one clarification. Regardless of age, gender, opportunities and other barriers, you can always study any new topic and become a specialist in it. Do not limit yourself to some very narrow limits. A person is capable of much, and learning something new in order to succeed is generally the basic functionality of any person. So yes. Make videos about what you know, but don't limit yourself to what you know right now. You can always become an expert in another subject.

Principle 3: Don't Start What You Can't Continue

Although this point is the third, it is the most important. At the very beginning of your journey to YouTube, try to visualize what you will do on your channel, and understand whether you will pull it or not. Several simple examples. If you are bad at drawing, do not make a channel about drawing lessons. If you're bad at guitar, don't teach it to others. If you find it difficult to constantly communicate and be in the spotlight, then do not become a blogger. Speak badly and build phrases, do not review games. Think about what you can do best and build on that. If you don't know anything, then you have to learn first. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time, effort, nerves and money, and the channel will not take off.

Principle 4. Who owns the information, owns the world

We all know this Rothschild phrase, but not everyone realizes that it is the basis of popularity on YouTube. Before starting a channel, review the following:

    what videos get into YouTube Trends per day and week. Luckily, YouTube trending is no longer working and we can see the real picture.

    What is the most requested topic? Explore popular channels. How are they made? What are they about? And the most important question - can I repeat it?

    open the Wordstat service from Yandex and see what people are looking for. Is the topic about which you decided to make a video popular? Then there is a great chance of success.

Remember that preparation is 80% of success. Do not save your time and resources while preparing for the launch of the channel. It will all pay off in the future!

There is still a lot of interesting things ahead of us. See you in our academy and in YouTube trends!