Take the computer literacy test magnet.

Today there is a huge number of different computer devices, each of which has its own purpose and differs in a lot of features. Some of these devices can complement or even enhance certain features of the computer, while others are designed simply to entertain and lift the user's spirits. One way or another, today it is important for every person to know the basics of working with a computer, because in the vast majority of cases, office and many other positions are not even hired by people who do not understand working with a PC.

By passing this test, you will be able to determine at what level you are proficient with a computer and how freely you can apply your knowledge in practice. With this test, you will understand how much you understand the structure of a computer and its components, and you can also find out some new information for yourself, and if you answer some questions incorrectly, then at least you can find out the correct answer in order to remember it on future.

Take an online test on your computer device

    1. What is the name of a set of programs that interact with each other, the purpose of which is to control the computer and ensure communication with the user?

    • a) Desk
    • b) Operating system
    • c) Browser
  1. 2. The safest way to turn off your computer is:

    • a) Unplug it from the outlet
    • b) Press the power button on your computer or laptop
    • c) Shut down via the Start menu
  2. 3. Which part of the computer can be called its brain?

    • a) Processor
    • b) RAM
    • c) Hard drive
  3. 4. Which of the following devices is an input device?

    • a) Printer
    • b) Keyboard
    • c) Screen
  4. 5. In what units is RAM not measured?

    • a) Megabytes
    • b) Gigahertz
    • c) Terabytes
  5. 6. How many bits are in one byte?

    • b) 16
    • c) 1024
  6. 7. Through which port can you connect flash drives (“flash drives”)

    • a) PS/2
    • b) HDMI
    • c) USB
  7. 8. What is it called wireless internet connection

    • a) Wi-Fi
    • b) Hi-Fi
    • c) LAN
  8. 9. What is the name of the most common operating system in the world?

    • a) Windows
    • b) Unix
    • c) Linux
  9. 10. Which office program is best suited for reporting, counting money and performing mathematical and statistical operations?

    • a) Notepad
    • b) Microsoft Excel
    • c) Microsoft Word
  • Your result in points:

    You don't have enough PC knowledge. To improve the situation, you better spend more time doing useful work on the computer. Various and common office programs can help you in learning it.

    Your result in points:

    You have an average level of PC knowledge. You have a good understanding of its structure and terminology, but it’s still worth improving your knowledge by working more thoughtfully and frequently on the computer if you think it will be useful to you professionally and in life.

    Your result in points:

    Congratulations! You have a good understanding of the computer structure, the programs installed on it, as well as computer terminology. You have all the necessary basic knowledge about PCs. Keep it up!

Question. What is this site?
Answer. site is a site containing computer science lessons, tests in computer science, lectures in computer science, intended for students and those interested in modern IT technologies and computer science. Here anyone can gain knowledge in computer science.
Also on the site are tests for monitoring the knowledge of college students, schoolchildren, or even enterprise employees. Our mission is to provide accessible computer science educational materials.

Question. It seems I found an error in the test/article, how can I tell about it/I want to write to the administration
Answer. You can write to us using or leave a comment at the bottom of the test/article.

Question.I want to publish my test, how can I do this?
Answer. To do this, you can contact the administrator using . In the future, each user will be able to add an article to the site, but the functionality is still under development.

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Goal: improving the professional competence of a teacher in modern conditions, as well as developing the ability to apply information Technology to ensure the quality of educational - educational process at the preschool educational institution.



State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 59 combined type

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Compiled by:

Teacher of the first qualification category

Olga Olegovna Yudkina

Explanatory note.

The monitoring consists of two blocks.

I Block: “Basics of computer literacy”, which includes test task of 12 questions with 3 possible answers, one of which is correct. For each correct answer 1 point is given. The wrong answer is 0. The test is designed to identify the level of initial knowledge of the basic computer programs and for subsequent teacher training planning.

High level: 9 - 12 points.

Average level: 6 - 8 points.

Low level: 0-5 points.

II Block: Test CAT by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik. Purpose of the test: Determination of the integral indicator of general abilities. Using the CAT methodology, a person’s learning ability and business qualities are quite reliably predicted; the test results influence the formation of groups of students.

The value of the IP indicator

Level of general mental abilities

13 or less



below average




above average

30 and more


Test "Fundamentals of Computer Literacy"

1. What Windows does:

  1. Edits spreadsheets, text documents and photographs.
  2. Controls the computer and its devices, launches computer programs.
  3. Prints and scans documents.

2. What keyboard shortcuts can you use to emergency restart your computer:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+Tab
  2. Ctrl+Alt
  3. Ctrl+Alt+Del

3.The file is:

  1. The smallest unit of information storage containing a sequence of bytes and having a unique name.
  2. An electronic device designed to automate the creation, storage, processing and transmission of information.
  3. External PC device.

4. A desktop is:

  1. Computer desk
  2. Operating system main window
  3. Explorer program.

5. What is a browser:

  1. Program for sending and receiving email.
  2. A program for viewing Internet pages.
  3. A program for storing and processing large amounts of data.

6. Select the correct email address:

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. O [email protected]

7.Select the correct Web page address:

  1. http://www.yandex.ru
  2. nttp://www.yandex.ru
  3. www: http//yandex.ru

8. MS Word is:

  1. editor program designed to work with a large number of various types documents.
  2. a graphic editor, which is a drawing tool.
  3. clipboard.

9. Using which keys you can set the keyboard to the Russian or Latin alphabet:

  1. Alt+Shift
  2. Ctrl+Enter
  3. Alt+Delete

10. A program for creating and processing spreadsheets is:

  1. Power Point
  2. Google Chrome
  3. Microsoft Office Excel

11. MS Power Point is:

  1. A program for creating presentations.
  2. A program for working with photographs.
  3. Text editor.

12. Microsoft program Outlook Express:

  1. Allows you to work with tables.
  2. Allows you to plan work time, store information about contact persons and organize, track the completion of various tasks, receive and send email messages.
  3. Allows you to work with video files.

CAT test by V.N.Buzin, E.F.Vanderlik.

The test contains 50 questions. You have 15 minutes to complete the test.

  1. The eleventh month of the year is:
    1 – October, 2 – May, 3 – November, 4 – February.
  2. "Severe" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – sharp, 2 – strict, 3 – soft, 4 – hard, 5 – unyielding.
  3. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – definite, 2 – doubtful, 3 – confident, 4 – trust, 5 – faithful.
  4. Answer Yes or No.
    Abbreviation "A.D." means: "AD" (new era)?
  5. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – sing, 2 – call, 3 – chat, 4 – listen, 5 – talk.
  6. Word "immaculate"is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – pure, 2 – obscene, 3 – incorruptible, 4 – innocent, 5 – classic.
  7. Which of the following words refers to the word"chew" as sense of smell and nose:
    1 – sweet, 2 – tongue, 3 – smell, 4 – teeth, 5 – clean
  8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?

Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C.
Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N.
Connor M. G. Conner M.G.
Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.
Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

  1. "Clear" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – obvious, 2 – obvious, 3 – unambiguous, 4 – distinct, 5 – dim.
  2. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car.. How many cars did he sell?
  3. The words "knock" and "drain" have:
  4. Three lemons cost 45 cents. How much does 1.5 dozen cost?
  5. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?

5296 5296
66986 69686
834426 834426
7354256 7354256
61197172 61197172
83238224 83238234

  1. "Close" is the opposite of:
    1 – friendly, 2 – friendly, 3 – stranger, 4 – native, 5 – different.
  2. Which number is the smallest:
    6 0,7 9 36 0,31
  3. Place the words below in order to make the correct sentence. Write down the last two letters of the last word as your answer.

eat the salt love of life

  1. Which of the five pictures below is most different from the others?
  1. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?
  2. "Arise" and "revive" have:
    1 – similar meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  3. Put the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be P, if incorrect - N.

The stone is overgrown with moss and gathers momentum.

  1. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:
    1. Keep your nose to the wind.
    2. An empty bag is not worth it.
    3. Three doctors are no better than one.
    5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
  2. What number should replace the “?” sign:
    73 66 59 52 45 38 ?
  3. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:
    1 – June, 2 – March, 3 – May, 4 – November.
  4. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be:

All progressive people are party members.
All leading people occupy major positions.
Some party members hold major positions.

  1. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he drives at the same speed, how far will he travel in 5 s?
  2. Assuming that the first two statements are true, then the last one:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.

Bora is the same age as Masha.
Masha is younger than Zhenya.
Borya is younger than Zhenya.

  1. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost $2. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents?
  2. Spread and stretch. These words:
    1 – similar in meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  3. Share this geometric figure straight line into two parts so that, adding them together, you can get a square:
  1. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the last one will be:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.

Sasha greeted Masha.
Masha greeted Dasha.
Sasha did not greet Dasha.

  1. The $2,400 car was marked down 33 1/3% during the seasonal sale.How much did the car cost during the sale?
  2. Three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid:
  1. The dress requires 2 1/3m. fabrics.How many dresses can you make from 42 m?
  2. The meanings of the following two sentences:

Three doctors are no better than one.
The more doctors, the more diseases.

  1. Enlarge and expand. These words:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  2. The meaning of two English proverbs:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 2 – neither similar nor opposite.

It is better to moor with two anchors.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  1. The grocer bought a box of oranges for $3.60. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges.. At what price does he need to sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?
  2. Pretentious and pretentious. These words according to their meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
  3. If a pound of potatoes cost $0.0125,then how many kilograms could you buy for 50 cents?
  4. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with?:
    1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.
  5. Reflected and imagined. These words are:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar. nor the opposite.
  6. How many acres is a plot 70 m long and 20 m wide?
  7. The following two phrases by meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

Good things are cheap, bad roads.
Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality comes from complexity.

  1. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must a soldier fire to hit her a hundred times?
  2. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place:
    1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14?
  3. Three partners in a joint stock company (JSC) decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. – $3,500, P. – $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less profit will T receive than if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?
  4. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning:
    1. Strike while the iron is hot.
    2. Alone in the field is not a warrior.
    3. The forest is being cut down, the chains are flying.
    4. All that glitters is not gold.
    5. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds?
  5. The meaning of the following phrases:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.
There is no big deal without losses.

  1. Which of these figures is most different from the others?
  1. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a font large size 900 words fit on a page, less - 1200. The article should take 21 fullpage in a magazine. How many pages should be printed in smaller font?

Monitoring results:

28 teachers took part in the monitoring. The “Fundamentals of Computer Literacy” test revealed the following results:

Test CAT V.N. Elderberry, E.F., Vanderlika.

Determination of the integral indicator of general abilities. Using the CAT methodology, a person’s learning ability and business qualities are quite reliably predicted; the test results influence the formation of groups of students.

As a result of testing, 2 groups were formed. Group 1 consists of teachers with basic computer knowledge and group 2 with zero level of knowledge.

An approximate program for the basics of computer literacy “Teach - KA”.


Improving the professional competence of a teacher in modern conditions, as well as developing the skills to use information technology to ensure the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

The program contains the minimum of theoretical and practical material that will allow any novice user personal computer successfully use it in professional activities. Be able to prepare documents of any complexity. Exercises for each section are organized in such a way that students consistently implement the knowledge that

were received previously.





“Basic requirements for safety and workplace organization.”

Basic Concepts

External and internal devices of the computer.

The concept of an operating system

"Turning on, saving, and shutting down your computer"


Groups 1 and 2.

Getting to know the keyboard

Finger exerciser

For group No. 2 at the end of each topic.

Service and function keys


Working with basic desktop elements.


Groups 1 and 2.

Common filename extensions

Exercise No. 1. “Desktop, actions on windows.”

Exercise No. 2

"Creating a folder on the desktop"

Exercise No. 3

"Creation text file on the desktop."

Exercise No. 4

"Working with files"

Exercise No. 5 “Searching for files”

Working with the clipboard

Exercise No. 1

“Selecting and copying text, inserting text into a document”


Groups 1 and 2.

Exercise No. 2. “Editing a picture.”

Introducing the Word Processor MICROSOFT WORD.

Basic features and interface of Microsoft Word

The simplest techniques for editing, formatting and marking up text

Explanation of the buttons on the “Standard” panel

Exercises to create a document using MS Word

Understanding the Formatting panel

Exercises: editing a document using MS Word

Inserting a picture or table into text

Exercises on creating a document using MS Word.


Groups 1 and 2.

Introduction to Spreadsheets MICROSOFT EXCEL

Table design

Error messages in MICROSOFT EXCEL

Creating Charts

Creating a table according to the specified sample


Groups 1 and 2.

Creating presentations

in Power Point

Adding graphics, tables.

Changing parameters, animations.

Adding sound and transition effect.

Introduction to antivirus programs.

"Execution practical task using the acquired knowledge."