Multiplication formula in excel. Multiplication in Microsoft Excel

Excel is application program, designed for creating spreadsheets (matrices) and automated processing of entered data. Using this spreadsheet processor, you can build charts, quickly perform various calculations (using functions and formulas built into the editor), solve optimization problems, carry out statistical data processing, as well as carry out analysis and forecasting.

Excel is a powerful program for working with electronic matrices, knowledge of the basic formulas of which allows you to simplify the process of managing tabular data. One of the most useful and frequently used functions is the multiplication operation.

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Multiplying two numbers

One of the simplest operations performed in Excel is multiplying two numbers. In order to multiply prime numbers in Excel, you must:

  • Using the navigation arrow keys or computer mouse go to an empty Excel cell;
  • Press “=” to start entering the formula;
  • Type the required mathematical operation in the cell, using an asterisk “*” as a multiplication sign (for example, “=2*3”, “=2*3*4*5*6”);
  • When you have finished entering, press the “Enter” key.

The Excel program will calculate the result and display it in the same cell.

Building a form for a calculator

If necessary, the Excel spreadsheet allows the user to create a permanent form from several cells, in one of which the value of the multiplicand will be entered, in the other - the value of the multiplier, and in the third the result of the multiplication will be displayed. To create a form you need:

  • Type the number (multiplicand) in the first cell and press the “Enter” key;
  • In the second cell, type the second number (multiplier) and also press “Enter”;
  • In the third cell, press the “=” key and use the navigation keys to move to the first cell;
  • Press the asterisk “*”;
  • Using the navigation keys or the mouse cursor, move to the second cell (for example, “=A1*A2”);
  • To complete entering the formula, press the “Enter” key.

The spreadsheet processor will display the result of the multiplication in the third cell. Using this calculator, you can change the values ​​of the multiplier and the multiplicand, and the Excel program will show their product in the third cell.

The MS Excel program is designed to store data and perform calculations on it. One frequently used action is multiplying numbers. It is used to calculate statistics, find results, and in many other cases. In this article we will learn how to multiply in Excel.

The most simple option is to find the product of predetermined numbers. To perform this operation, use the multiplication command, which has the form of an asterisk - “*”. In order for Excel to perform an arithmetic operation, and not just write information into a cell as text, an equal sign - “=” is written before the product of numbers.

The snapshot shows two random numbers 12 and 28. Please note that cell C5 simply contains the text 12*28, which is displayed as such. In cell C4, we placed the “=” sign in front of the operation, and the program calculated the product. In this way, two or more numbers, both integers and fractions, are multiplied.

It is not possible to multiply numbers in the program very often. Much more common are tasks where it is necessary to calculate the product of the contents of cells or multiply the data in a cell by a number. Let's see how to multiply a number by a field value in Excel.

Young man paying for courses English language. The monthly cost of training is 6800 rubles. We want to know how much it will cost him to study for six months. We write down the cost of classes per month in the first cell, and in the adjacent field we get the result of multiplying it by the number 6.

To use a value from a cell in a formula, provide a link to it. In the example, the number is in field A2, so we write it in the operation.

Let us now assume that if you pay for courses in advance for a certain period, the amount is less than if you pay monthly. Let's calculate how much tuition will cost per year if in different ways payment. The cost of the courses per month is 8200 rubles. If you pay for 3 months at once, the cost will be 23,100 rubles, which you will have to pay 4 times a year. Accordingly, if you transfer money for training twice a year, each time the amount will be equal to 42,300 rubles, and the one-time fee for the year in advance is 73,800 rubles.

Let's record this information in a table and calculate the amounts for each type of payment. Now the formula will contain references to two cells, one of which indicates the payment amount for the period, and the other - the number of such periods in the year. In order not to write a formula for each of the lines, format the information as a table, then in the calculation column, when you enter only the first formula, the program will enter the rest automatically.

Using Functions

Another option is how to multiply by Excel numbers or values ​​in cells, - use the PRODUCT function. If you need to multiply a large amount of data or entire ranges of cells, this function is more efficient than the arithmetic operation. Her call is written like this:


where multipliers can be either values ​​or ranges of fields.

The PRODUCT(A1:A6) function will multiply all the values ​​in cells A1 - A6, and the result will be the same as if we wrote the formula A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6.

It should be remembered that the function only performs actions on numbers. If there are text values ​​or empty cells in the specified range, the formula will ignore them.

Another way, like 2007 and later, is to paste specially the copied cells. The travel company has a 9% markup on hotel prices. To calculate the cost of selling rooms, we will use the specified method.

Let's copy the purchase prices into the adjacent column, where we will calculate the cost with a markup. We will enter the markup percentage itself - 1.09 - into an arbitrary cell. Now copy the cell with the markup percentage, select the range in which you want to get the works, and select the “Paste Special” menu item. It's in the list of Paste commands on the Clipboard toolbar on the Home tab.

In the settings window, select “multiply” and click “OK”.

We hope this article will help you in the future to easily multiply data in MS Excel and thereby make your work more efficient.

How to multiply a cell by a number in Excel? Many users use the company's office software product Microsoft Office Excel (Excel). Today we will talk about how to correctly multiply numbers in the Excel spreadsheet editor.

We launch the program and enter the numbers we need into the appropriate cells. In order to get the result of our operation (in this case, multiplication) by we need to select the cell where we want our result to be placed.

Next, we need to enter the formula itself in the selected cell, which will perform the action of multiplying the cells (digits) we need. In our case, in cell D5 we write an equal sign (this means that it will be followed by a formula that will perform the action itself) and followed by A5 multiplied by B5 (= A5 * B5), after which we press Enter.

The same procedure is used vertically in cell A8 to write the following formula (= A5 * A6).

We can multiply any number of cells and in any sequence. It should be remembered that if you change a number in a cell that is written in a formula to another, this will lead to a change in the final result (but thanks to this, you can create your own forms of calculators with arbitrary operations and for every taste).

Another way to multiply just digital data is to select a cell and at the top in command line write the formula with your data. In this case, replacing the data in the Excel cell will delete the result.

To begin with, remember that every calculation in Excel is called a formula, and they all always begin with the equals symbol. In other words, you need to select any empty cell and enter the equals symbol. Only then is it possible to introduce some of these.

For example, it is possible to write this: =5*5 (the asterisk sign is a multiplication symbol). The program immediately understands what is required of it and gives a total of 25.

If you select the field where the total is displayed, you can notice the formula itself, which is located in the formula field (it is located a little higher, above the working Excel page). You can also edit it here. For example, it is possible to add this: =5*5*10 (then the result will immediately change).

But this method of multiplying numbers is very simple, and it is also irrational. Let's say that the user has a table with 2 columns and is faced with the task of multiplying them. It probably goes without saying that you should write everything manually, but this will take too much time. And in addition, the values ​​can sometimes change, and you will always have to edit the formulas.

In general, it is possible not to do all this, because Excel can perform operations with a different method and numbers. For example, multiplying values ​​in cells.

Video on multiplication operations in Excel How to multiply cells in Excel?

First you need to fill in any 2 fields

data. For example, in field A1 it is possible to enter the number 10, and in field B1 - 5. Then you need to perform the following steps:

select field C1 and enter the equal symbol;
left-click on cell A1 and write an asterisk;
Click on cell B1 and press Enter.
Two examples of formulas that can be used to multiply the values ​​of two Excel cells

Then the number 50 will be displayed in cell C1. If you click on cell C1 and look at the formula bar, you may notice the following: =A1*B1. This indicates that Excel is not currently multiplying specific numbers, but rather the values ​​in these fields. If you change them, the result will also change. For example, in field A1 it is possible to write the number 3, and in field C1 the total will immediately be displayed - 15.

This method of multiplying numbers is good. In most cases, no one writes numbers manually; cells are constantly multiplied

There is one more little trick - copying formulas. As an example, it is possible to take a small table (5 columns and 2 rows). The goal is to multiply the values ​​in each row (i.e.

A1 multiplied by B1, A2 by B2, ..., A5 by B5). In order not to write the same formula every time, it is enough to write it only for the first line, and then select the cell with the result (C1) and pull down the small dark square that is in the lower right corner. The formula will “stretch” down, and the total will be calculated for all lines.

With this simple method you can multiply both numbers and cells in Excel. In addition, the same principle applies to other mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, division). In such situations, you just need to specify the second arithmetic symbol, and all operations with numbers (or fields) are carried out exactly the same way.

Those people who often work at a computer will sooner or later come across a program such as Excel. But the conversation in the article will not be about all the pros and cons of the program, but about its separate component “Formula”. Of course, in schools and universities, during computer science classes, pupils and students take a course on this topic, but for those who have forgotten, here is our article.

The conversation will be about how column to column. Will be outlined detailed instructions how to do it with step by step analysis each point, so that everyone, even a novice student, can understand this issue.

Multiply column by column

We will look at how to multiply column by column in Excel using an example. Let's imagine that in an Excel workbook you have created a table with the cost and quantity of goods. You also have a cell at the bottom with the total amount. As you might guess, you need to quickly multiply the first two columns and find out their sum.

So, here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Select the desired cell and click on the function icon, which is located at the top of the main toolbar.
  2. A window will appear in front of you in which you will need to select “Other functions”.
  3. Next, you need to select mathematical functions from the group.
  4. Select "SUMPRODUCT".

After this, a window will appear in which you will be asked to select a range with the required data; here you can go in two ways. The first implies that you will select the first column (cost) using the cursor and its range will be indicated in “Array 1”, and the second (price) will be indicated in “Array 2”. As you can see, the range was specified in characters (C2:C6). The second method implies that you enter these values ​​manually, it makes no difference.

Now you know one way to multiply column by column in Excel, but it is not the only one, and we will talk about the second later in the text.

Second way of multiplication

To multiply columns in the second way, you will also need to select the "math" function group, but now you need to use "PRODUCT". Now you have two fields in front of you: “Number 1” and “Number 2”. Click on “Number 1” and select the first value from the first column, repeat the same steps with “Number 2”, only select the first value of the second column.

After clicking “OK”, the product of the selected values ​​will appear in the cell with the formula; all that remains is to autofill the cells; to do this, move the cursor to the lower right edge of the cell and drag it down the required number of points.

Now you have learned the second way to multiply column by column in Excel. Now let's talk about how to multiply a number by a column.

Multiply a column by a number

So how do you multiply a column in Excel by a number? In fact, it's even simpler. To do this:

  1. Select the cell where the result will be located.
  2. Enter the equal sign into it.
  3. Use the cursor to select the first value from the column, and then select the number by which this value will be multiplied.
  4. After that, move the cursor over this number and press the F4 key.
  5. Now all that remains is to hover the cursor over the lower right corner of the cell with the answer and drag it to the required number of points.
In Russia, a similar question usually arises periodically, along with rising inflation or changes in the ruble exchange rate :)
For example, you have a price list and you need to increase prices by a few percent. You can do this through intermediate calculations using formulas in a free column, then copy the result, paste it instead of the original prices using paste special as a value and delete the formulas, but it’s easier and faster to do it in place. So here's how it's done:

1. In any free cell, write the amount by which we will change prices. In the example, I took a price increase of 5%, that is, multiplying existing prices by 1.05

2. Copy the cell with the entered value and select the price list cells with prices

3. Right-click and select “Paste Special” from the context menu that appears.

5. Done! Don't forget to delete the originally entered price adjustment amount, otherwise your customers will be unhappy;)

You can also perform other mathematical operations with a range: divide, sum, subtract.