“Happy Time” Beeline is the provider’s bonus program. Bonus program “Happy Time” from Beeline Getting points: description

For many mobile operators there is its own system of bonus accumulations. Typically, bonuses are awarded when you top up your phone account or when you spend money on connecting additional services. VimpelCom also has its own loyalty program, Happy Beeline Time. When the client activates this service and will top up your phone balance with any possible way, then bonus points will be credited depending on the amount of replenishment.

By collecting Beeline bonuses, the subscriber will gradually be able to use them to pay for cellular services or individual services that are provided to Beeline subscribers. In other words, you can use them to pay for various additional services and use them to buy special equipment or mobile gadgets in Beeline showrooms and offices. In this review, we will take a closer look at how you can collect and spend Beeline bonuses.

It is quite easy to receive bonuses under the Happy Time program. To do this, you need to top up your phone account in a timely manner. Bonuses will be accumulated in the auxiliary account monthly, on the date of activation of the program. The highest percentage of deductions is 15 %.

What does the percentage of bonuses depend on?

The amount of this rate depends mainly on the period of registration of the subscriber with the Beeline operator, and is in the range from 5 to 15% , proportional to the subscriber's service life in the Beeline network:

  1. Service period up to 6 months – 5 %.
  2. Deadline until 1 years - 8% .
  3. Service time up to two years – 10% .
  4. Beeline registration time is up to three years – 12% .
  5. Service period more than three years – 15% .

As a result, when the client uses the services cellular communications from the Beeline operator for a long time, then the number of bonus points will accumulate a lot. Those who have recently connected to Beeline will receive few bonuses.

According to the terms of the loyalty program, all bonus points are credited to a special account of the Beeline client. From this account, the subscriber can use bonuses for payment at any time subscription fee, connecting various services or to extend their operation.

For prepaid payments, bonuses are awarded for all transactions made from the account according to the percentages described above. If money is constantly credited to the account, but paid procedures are not performed, then bonuses are not awarded.

For postpaid payments, bonus points are also accumulated for all transactions performed by the subscriber on a monthly basis. They are calculated at the beginning of the monthly period for the previous month, when an invoice is issued.

Subscriber registration and bonus check

To participate in this loyalty program from Beeline, the client needs to make a call from his phone using toll free number 07-67 . Alternatively, you can do things differently and use a special character request that the operator has created for this purpose. On the telephone keypad you should type * 767 # , then click on “call”. This command allows you to activate the Happy Time program. It is valid for all Beeline clients, and does not depend on the type of tariff plan or payment system.

Before using bonuses, you need to check their number in your account. This is done in simple ways:

  1. Use your Personal Account on the operator’s website or in the “My Beeline” mobile application, where the status of the balance and auxiliary account with bonuses will be displayed on the client’s individual page.
  2. Using the query command. In this case, on your phone you need to dial a combination of characters in the form * 767 # , and then you need to send a call.

Features of the service

The loyalty program has several features that distinguish it from other functions in Beeline. The uniqueness of this program from VimpelCom is as follows:

  1. The accumulation of bonus points is carried out taking into account the time of use of Beeline services.
  2. The moment of registration in this program does not affect the amount of monthly charges to the account, the main thing is the duration of work in this network.
  3. Subscribers with different payment systems can participate in this offer.

Where can you spend bonuses?

When accumulating bonus points, the user of cellular services must decide on what needs they will be spent. In this case, an individual solution is necessary. For example, if you do not use any services or options from Beeline, but only send messages or make voice calls to home network, and sometimes use access to the mobile Internet network, then the accumulated points in automatic mode will be used instead of money and debited from the account to pay for options.

If necessary, you can connect bonuses to pay for SMS sending services to international roaming, or “My Country” services and other options. Their payment amount is:

  1. An option called “100 SMS in international roaming” - the cost of a monthly payment is 295 bonuses. To activate such payment, the subscriber must make a phone call 0674-0459 . There is no charge for this call.
  2. “My Planet” option – payment will be required for a month of its use 25 bonuses. To enable this option, you can make a call to your phone 0674-0458 .
  3. “My Intercity” service - monthly cost is 55 bonuses, activation is performed by calling the phone 0674-0455 .
  4. The “My Country” service will be debited from the account for a month of operation 25 bonuses. To activate the service you need to make a phone call 0674-0457 .

Additional payments

You can pay with accumulated bonuses to access mobile internet, if there are a sufficient number of bonuses, as well as an additional service with which you can add mobile traffic:

  1. “Extend the speed of 1 GB” - the price is equal to 100 points, to connect it you need to call toll free phone 0674-0465 .
  2. “Extend speed 3 GB” - activation cost is equal to 200 points, and connection is made by calling 0674-0466 .

If you need to activate additional services with subsequent payment using bonuses, you should make a phone call 0641-686 . According to this loyalty program, you can pay for purchases in Beeline communication stores, but no more 10% from the purchase price.

Attention: for customers with postpaid payments, bonuses are used as a discount on the payment time; services are paid for, except for payment for a landline number, entertainment, roaming and services on short numbers.

Transfer of bonuses to another client

Bonus points for the program in question from Beeline can be transferred to other network subscribers. To do this, type the request on your phone keypad * 767 # “recipient number without eight” “number of bonuses” and press call. Then you will receive a notification in the form of SMS, which you need to confirm in a response message.

This operation has its limitations:

  • the smallest transfer amount is 10 points;
  • the largest total amount of all transfers – no more 3 thousand points during the day;
  • The validity period of transferred bonuses is one month.

The “Happy Time” loyalty program is a convenient and useful service from Beeline, with which you can accumulate and spend bonuses on various communication services, which is beneficial for the subscriber.

Why bonuses are not awarded

The “Happy Time” program has a feature that is associated with the accumulation of bonuses. Not all operations performed by the subscriber and related to withdrawal cash from the account, lead to the accumulation of bonuses on the account. There are several types of actions for which points are not awarded:

  1. Payment to third party companies, for example, for utilities, transfer of money to content providers.
  2. Application of standard communication options in other regions abroad and within the country: voice calls, sending SMS, using mobile traffic.
  3. Pay for a landline number monthly.
  4. Sending text SMS, making calls to other regions of the country and abroad.
  5. Payment for telephony services, home access to the World Wide Web, television.
  6. Ordering entertainment content from VimpelCom.

The list of services includes the usual default operations performed from your number: Internet, SMS and calls. For clients whose accounts are connected to tariff plans with subscription fee, it will be a positive thing that regular payments are also included in the list of services for which bonuses are accumulated. Therefore, to accumulate bonus points, it is enough to use cellular services as usual and accumulate points in your account, which can be used profitably in the future.

Many mobile operators come up with interesting bonus programs for their users. Bonuses are accumulated by replenishing your mobile balance, as well as by spending money. The Beeline company also came up with its “Happy Time” program, which allows you to save and spend accumulated bonuses.

How to get accumulated points

This program provides for the accumulation of points as a percentage of the amount topped up. Upon receipt, the user has the right to spend them on communication services, payment additional functions, as well as purchasing a device from this company.

It is very easy to receive points; you just need to systematically replenish your balance. The bonuses themselves come to your additional account every month on the day you join the program. The highest percentage is 15%. On average, it varies from 5 to 15% and depends on the duration of Beeline use:

  1. If less than six months, then 5%.
  2. From six months to a year – 8%.
  3. From 1 to 2 years – 10%.
  4. From 2 to 3 years – 12%.
  5. More than 3 years – 15%.

If you have been using it for a long time, you are entitled to the highest percentage. Beginners are entitled to the smallest percentage.

How to check and spend bonuses

Before spending bonuses, you need to find out how many have accumulated. This can be done in two ways:

  • through your Personal Account on the Beeline website;
  • by dialing *767# and the call key on your phone.

If you do not use any options, but just talk with friends and go online, then the points are spent automatically. If possible, you can activate them as payment for options. Activation is also carried out through your Personal Account.

Many people are interested in: is it possible to pay for mobile Internet with bonuses? Of course you can. Points will simply be withdrawn from the bonus balance. The main thing is that there are enough of them.

Note that you can send points to your friends who are also Beeline users. You need to know that you cannot send more than 3000 points. The minimum amount is 10 points. In general, “Happy Time” allows users to profitably use points that accumulate during conversations, sending SMS and using the mobile Internet. It is advisable to study this information in detail in order to profitably use the accumulated information in the future.

In pursuit of customers, mobile operators have to offer more and more new options, bonuses and services. This helps attract new subscribers, but sometimes retaining old, long-time users is much more important than attracting new ones. To avoid customer churn and continue cooperation with long-connected subscribers, Beeline has developed a special bonus program for them. Each user only needs to activate the Beeline Happy Time service to receive bonuses for replenishing their account. At the same time, the number of points received increases simultaneously with the time of service of the number owner.

Today, there are 3 main answers to the question of how to activate the Happy Time option. This is done:

  • sending a short request;
  • call;
  • in your personal account on the official website.

To call, use the number 0767. Once you call, you simply follow the system prompts and choose the appropriate options. If the call seems inconvenient, you can send a simple command *767#. After dialing this combination, all you have to do is press the call key.

Connecting the program to your personal account is also not difficult. You should go to the official Beeline website and log in to the system. Next, you need to go to the service connection section and activate the option you like.

How to get bonus points?

To earn bonus points, you do not need to perform any special actions. Subscribers simply need to top up their mobile balance to receive bonuses. In this case, the amount of charges ranges from 5 to 15 percent and depends on the time the client connects to the Beeline network. The company has established the following framework:

  • those who connected less than 6 months ago receive 5% of the top-up amount;
  • those who bought a SIM card less than a year ago – 8%;
  • if the period of use of the number is from 1 to two years – 10%;
  • from 2 to 3 years – 12%;
  • more than three years of Beeline service - the maximum possible 15% of the amount of each account replenishment.

How can I check my scores?

If the accumulation of bonuses does not require any special actions and occurs practically without the participation of the subscriber, then everything else requires his obligatory attention. Even to check the number of accumulated points, you should visit the Internet or send a short command.

In the first case, you will have to go to the already mentioned official portal of the mobile operator and look at the changes in your personal account. And the second option coincides with connecting to the service.

The owner of the phone is obliged to write a simple request *767# and make a call.

The response message will contain all the necessary information.

How to spend Beeline “Happy Time” bonuses?

Having figured out how to connect the service, you should figure out how to use the accumulated points. Beeline offers its subscribers to use them as an alternative to money, paying for the connection of additional services or replacing current communication costs with them.

Typically, payment for standard communications with bonuses occurs automatically. And connecting additional options is possible only at the request of the client. They are activated after sending a special command. There is a separate combination for each function, so in order to use it, you should check the correct code in advance on the website or by calling the mobile company’s support service.


Another excellent option for using the Beeline Happy Time program is to receive discounts at the company’s offices. To do this, just select the product you like and tell the employee about your desire to use the accumulated bonus points.

When making a purchase, it is worth remembering that this type of payment implies a discount, and not full coverage of the cost of the purchased product. The maximum allowable price reduction is 10%. You will have to pay the rest of the cost yourself.

How to transfer bonus points to another subscriber?

An interesting option for using the accumulated funds is to send bonuses to another user. To do this, it is enough to know how to write off points in favor of loved ones and remember their phone numbers.

To send a gift:

  1. dial the familiar combination *767# and press the call button;
  2. Next, you need to enter the phone number in ten-digit format (+7 is not indicated at the beginning of the number);
  3. Next you need to indicate the amount to be written off;
  4. after which all you have to do is confirm the action by sending an additional SMS in response to the message received from Beeline.

It is important to remember that such translations have limitations. You can send no more than 3,000 points per day. The minimum transfer size is 10. In this case, the user who received the gift is obliged to use it within the next 30 days. After the end of this period, all bonuses received will expire.

Mobile operator Beeline, taking care of its many subscribers, has created a special bonus program, thanks to which users mobile communications can accumulate bonuses and exchange them for various goods and additional services. Any subscriber can take part in this profitable program. What does this promise and how to get bonuses?

Description of the Beeline bonus program

After connecting to your number the bonus program from the Beeline operator “Happy Time”, you receive a certain number of bonus points for the money spent on communication services and the purchase of Beeline services. The number of bonuses credited to your account directly depends on the time during which you use the services of the Beeline operator.

So, using the services for less than six months, you receive bonus points in the amount of 5% of the amount of the replenished balance. The dependency looks like this:

  • Up to six months – 5%;
  • From six months to one year – 8%;
  • From one year to two years – 10%;
  • From two to three years – 12%;
  • From three years and more – 15%.

Thus, the longer you are connected to the Beeline operator, the more bonus points you receive for your expenses on calls, SMS, mobile Internet, payment of subscription fees, etc. You can find out how long you have been using the operator’s services at the customer service office or with help. In the application, you will not only be able to find out the deadline, but also see the size of the discount under the “Bee Happy” program and the number of days remaining until its size increases.

How to activate “Happy Time” on Beeline?

You can connect to the Happy Time program in one of several available ways - it won’t take more than a few minutes. You will need to send the command *767# call from your phone, or make a call to 0767. You can also connect the program using the “Personal Account” on the company’s official website and the “My Beeline” application.

After connecting, a personal bonus account will be opened for you, on which points will be accumulated in the future. You can find out the number of points available to you using the command *767# call, on the “Personal Account” page or mobile application.

How to use Beeline “Happy Time” bonuses?

You will be able to use the points accumulated on your bonus account to pay for goods and services of the mobile operator. Thus, thanks to bonuses, you can save money on your balance by spending points on your account on mobile communications within Russia for calls to Beeline subscribers, as well as for Internet traffic packages. To get this opportunity, you need to call 0641868 from your mobile phone.

For all users tariff plans the popular operator has launched a new premium promotion, which not only helps you save money, but at the same time get even more opportunities for communication while significantly reducing costs!

Current way to save

For the convenience of using mobile communications, the bonus program “Beeline Happy Time” was created. Its main essence is the return of money that was spent to pay for communications, as points for the purchase of packages provided by the provider. The number of cumulative points that will be awarded directly depends on the time of use of mobile communications from Beeline.

Receiving bonus accruals

The main and only condition for participation in the promotion is to be a user of the Beeline provider. The longer and the more you use the offered products of the mobile network operator, the more income you receive. Let's consider the amount of points awarded for “Beeline Happy Time”:

  • use up to 6 months – 5%;
  • from six months to a year – 8%;
  • from one to two years – 10%;
  • from two to three years – 12%;
  • more than three years – 15%.

  • connect option;
  • disable the option;
  • transfer accumulated points to another person using a Beeline SIM card and also participating in the loyalty program;
  • view the balance status of the virtual bonus account

Rewards for using communication services

Another pressing question regarding bonus points is: “How to spend?” "Happy Time" (Beeline) offers several directions for implementing savings:

  1. Purchase of equipment in operator showrooms (1 bonus - 1 ruble). At the same time, existing savings can be used to pay only ten percent of the cost of the selected device. All the buyer needs to do is come to the salon and inform the seller of his intention to use the points towards partial payment.
  2. Activation of packages for profitable communication in roaming, receiving discounts for calls to long-distance destinations (for example, for 295 points you can activate the “100 SMS in international roaming” package, which will be valid for thirty days).
  3. Activation of packages to extend traffic (this is relevant for subscribers using Highway options or tariff plans with prepaid traffic). A one-gigabyte package can be activated for 100 bonuses, while a 3-gigabyte package can be activated for 200.
  4. Redirection of bonuses accumulated within the framework of the loyalty program under consideration to another virtual account (to another number) of any Beeline subscriber (provided that he also uses the service discussed in the current article).

If the subscriber does not activate the accumulated points for some time, they automatically begin to be deducted as payment for communication services - for calls, messages and the Internet.

You can find out information about all packages available for activation using your bonus balance by calling the single number 0641686. Activation of the selected reward is also available here. A call to this number is free of charge, provided that it is made from a black and yellow operator number. You can also find out more information about activating points in the contact center - 611.

Checking your bonus balance

How to find out the balance of “Happy Time” (Beeline)? Displaying the status of the bonus account is available through the web interface of your personal account, application for mobile devices, as well as through the short service command *767#. Through this menu, which is entered via a USSD request, operations can also be performed to activate rewards and transfer savings to other subscribers of the black and yellow operator who have this service activated.

Transferring part of the balance to another subscriber

As mentioned earlier, Happy Time points can be transferred from a Beeline number to another number. The minimum amount you can transfer is 10 points. A daily limit is set at 3,000 bonuses (that’s how many points can be transferred within one day). The lifespan of points received from another subscriber is thirty days. Therefore, you should think about how to spend it in advance. "Happy Time" (Beeline) provides bonuses for a limited period of time.


The “Happy Time” option is an archived service, which is, in essence, a loyalty program that allows you to profitably use communication services. Since on at the moment it is not included in the list of active ones, then subscribers cannot join it. Existing customers should also know that if the tariff on the Beeline number is changed, Happy Time (service) will be disabled. Thus, in order not to be left without such a service on your number, you should refuse to change the terms of service. Current members can use and accumulate bonuses under previously approved conditions.

Bonuses and promotions from mobile operators are always a pleasant surprise for subscribers. But not all services are connected automatically. And sometimes you have to understand this or that affiliate program. Today we will find out what the “Happy Time” promotion from the Beeline company is. This offer can bring a lot of pleasure to subscribers who have been working with our current telecom operator for a long time. Let's start studying the task at hand as soon as possible.


What kind of promotion is this from the Beeline company - “Happy Time”? This is an offer that allows you to return up to 15% of all communication costs as special points. To be honest, it's a very tempting offer. Please note: you can spend bonuses on your own needs at any time.

True, the percentage of refunds as points depends directly on how long you have been with the Beeline operator. "Happy Time" accumulates in total, starting from 5% of expenses. In principle, if you have been a subscriber for a long time, you can join the promotion and take advantage of its capabilities. How exactly to do this?

Incredible possibilities

We already know the description of the Beeline "Happy Time" promotion. We'll talk about how to connect it a little later. To begin with, it is worth emphasizing all the features of this program. For example, you can always transfer accumulated bonuses to a friend. True, only if he is also involved in the proposal.

How exactly can you bring your idea to life? To do this you need to dial a special combination. Write *767# recipient number payment amount*. Now you should press the call button. And that's it, it's done.

True, the Beeline promotion has some limitations here. “Happy Time” allows you to transfer a minimum of 10 points to your friends, and a maximum of 3,000 points per day. They are stored on balance for 30 days. If you do not spend bonus points during this time, they disappear. This is worth considering. In addition, in the request to send funds, you must write the subscriber number, as well as the payment amount, separated by a space. No commas or other symbols. Otherwise, it will not be possible to realize the idea.

Balance check

Another point that you should immediately find out before joining the program is the balance request. He has to be constantly monitored. After all, Beeline's "Happy Time" has an expiration date. The points you receive must be redeemed within 6 months. Otherwise they will burn out.

How is the balance checked in this program? Dial *767*2# on your mobile device and then wait for a message with your remaining balance. Please note that there may be some delays. If after 5 minutes no messages have been received, repeat the request. In principle, this is all the important information that should concern the subscriber. You can join the Beeline company's "Happy Time" campaign. How to connect it to yourself? Let's figure it out now.


Well, we decided to participate in a tempting offer from our current operator. Now you can think about how to bring your idea to life. There are several approaches here. All of them are easy to learn even for a novice user.

Firstly, at the Beeline corporation, “Happy Time” is connected through the operator’s official page. Here you will have to go through authorization, look at the “Promotions” section and find the corresponding item there. Next, click on the desired line and select the “Connect” command. Enter the activation code in the window that appears (it will be sent to your mobile phone in a message) - and the job is done.

Secondly, the bonus program is also activated using a USSD request. To implement the method, dial *767# and wait for a response. That's it, nothing more is needed. This option is used most often. We have become participants in the action. There are several solution options. Everyone is able to independently choose how to manage their savings.

We spend on communication

For example, anyone has the right to spend their “Happy Time” bonuses on payment for communication services. Basically, it's quite . But it is not used very often. The service is valid for 30 days. After this, you will have to re-activate payment of bills with bonuses. If you do not have enough funds on your balance, the balance will be written off in rubles.

How exactly to activate this feature? A special request will help. Type the combination *789# on your phone and press the call button. That's it. In response, you will receive a notification that within 30 days you will pay with the points accumulated under the program. But how can you use Beeline’s “Happy Time” in another way? Is there such a possibility at all?

Payment for purchases

Of course yes. You can spend bonuses to pay for some purchases in Beeline salons and stores. However, not the entire amount can be paid with points. But only 10%. It is worth considering that 1 ruble = 1 bonus. By the way, this offer most often applies to the purchase of gadgets from Beeline, as well as equipment for connecting to the Internet.

At the time of purchase, you must inform the employee of your intentions to use the accumulated bonuses. Give your phone number, then state the number of points you want to write off. The store employee will take all necessary actions to reduce the final cost of the equipment. Perhaps, at the Beeline Corporation, “Happy Time” is most often spent on shopping in salons.

Promotions with partners

But there is no need to stop there either. After all, the methods listed are not the only ones that allow you to spend “Happy Time” points (Beeline). How can I use bonuses differently?

Special partner promotions will help with this, which should be viewed on the official page of the telecom operator. You have every right to cover approximately 20% of the purchase price at a partner store. But this is not a permanent possibility. More like periodic. And it really needs to be tracked. For example, quite recently subscribers had the right to cover 20% of their purchase with bonuses in Know-How stores. Perhaps this is a very profitable, but rare occurrence.

Mobile operators allow subscribers to take part in bonus programs. The Beeline company was no exception, as a result of which the “Happy Time” service appeared. This option allows you to reduce your mobile phone costs.

The service is available for postpaid and prepaid subscribers. Since 2016, the program has been transferred to the “archive” section, so new clients cannot take part in the promotion. It is recommended to check with the operator “0611” for detailed information.

The program is designed to reduce the cost of tariff plans. Thanks to the service, subscribers can spend happy time points on:

  • Payment of TP subscription fee;
  • Purchasing equipment from Beeline offices at discounted prices;
  • Connecting additional options.

The amount of interest provided by the program on postpaid tariffs depends on the period of use of the number:

  • Less than 6 months - 5%;
  • 6 to 12 months - 8%;
  • From 1 to 2 years - 10%;
  • From 2 to 3 years - 12%;
  • More than 3 years - 15%.

In order to take advantage of the discount, just dial the command “*805#”. Once the service is activated, the invoiced amount will be reduced by the percentage provided to the subscriber.

Customers using prepaid tariffs receive points that are spent on the Internet, calls and SMS. If you wish, you can spend bonus units for additional minutes or traffic. The mobile operator allows you to gift accumulated points to another subscriber. To transfer bonus units, dial the command “*0767#”, after which enter telephone number Beeline client. Only 3,000 units are transferred per day.

You cannot use “Happy Time” on:

  • Content services (horoscope, weather, etc.);
  • Payment of subscription fee for a city number;
  • Communication services in roaming.

To find out the size of the discount provided or the accumulated points, you need to log in to your personal account on the website beeline.ru. It is possible to clarify the number of accumulated units through the operator.

How to connect

Since the end of 2016, the service has been moved to archives. New subscribers cannot use this option. Those who previously managed to activate the program continue to enjoy the discount. The bonus is provided every month.

To check the number of available points you need to dial the USSD command “*0767#”. The verification result will be sent as an SMS message. The same can be done using mobile application or the website beeline.ru.

How to disable

Subscribers who do not need free bonuses or a discount, may refuse to participate in the program. To do this you need:

  • Login personal account on the Beeline website. In the “Services” section, find the current promotion. After this, it can be deactivated;
  • Call tech. support. by calling "0611". The operator deactivates the option;
  • Contact the nearest company office. The consultant will help you turn off the program, provided that the subscriber provides the passport of the owner of the number.

The option is deactivated within 10 minutes. The subscriber will receive an SMS message notifying about the termination of the program. The operator does not charge a commission for disabling the option.

It is important to remember that the service has been moved to the archive. This means that reactivation is not possible. Therefore, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth deactivating it.

Video review

Who is it suitable for?

The program will be of interest to all subscribers who want to reduce communication costs. You need to remember that the service works differently for prepaid and postpaid tariffs. Subscribers can give bonus points. Customers who want to transfer money are advised to use the option. To obtain more detailed information, you need to contact the operator.