Satellite images of the earth. Satellite map of Russia online

All people know about the beauty of planet Earth, but previously only astronauts had a chance to verify this. Now every computer user with Internet access has this opportunity. The satellite view is broadcast in real time on many sites that are easy to find via Google, viewing is absolutely free.

Where to watch the satellite view in real time

For those looking for options on how to view the Earth from a satellite in real time, there are several options. The first of them offers video broadcast from the ISS (international space station), on which one of the teams mounted a camera aimed towards the planet. You won’t be able to see the entire globe from the station online (the image only captures a part), but you are guaranteed fantastic sunsets and sunrises. In the second option, you can study a specific area using images from space in several formats (cartographic, satellite).

Earth from space online in real time

Planet Earth from the satellite is transmitted live with a delay of one or two minutes around the clock. If you don’t see anything when you go to the site, it means that the surveillance footage is being taken from the dark side of the planet (where on at the moment night has fallen). Those looking for a way to watch Earth from a satellite in real time should visit This is an official NASA live stream that can be found on many other sites, but this service is the original source.

There you can also find the station’s flight schedule and find out at what moment it flies over Russia. Sometimes, together with the ISS employees, a program is drawn up, according to which they go on video communication. They communicate, show and tell about interesting facts in space. Satellite Earth in real time and communication with staff occurs online every day.

Real-time satellite maps

A view of the Earth from space does not have to be in video format. Satellites flying in orbit every day are capable of taking a huge number of photos, which are then used to compile maps of the area. The pictures are so detailed that each person can find not only their city, but also their specific home. Several companies collect satellite data about the Earth and then offer their data.

An example is the website This project publishes photos from low-orbit metrological geostationary stations on the planet. The service accepts images taken in real time. They are posted immediately after the end of data transfer. The site offers two formats of Earth photos for viewing: HRPT and ART. They differ in resolution and range of images received.

Google planet earth online

One of the most popular plugins for viewing images of the Earth has become the Google Earth plugin. It is installed on a computer and provides the opportunity to view and even “visit” the most remote corners of the planet. The service offers, if desired, to go on a virtual “flight” around the globe. You can use standard GPS coordinates, in addition to the plugin, images of other planets that were taken at the stations are provided.

Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals details: small streets and alleys near the house, cities, countries and continents. This became possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space filming was used with a television camera with a signal transmitted to the station or filming with a special photographic camera, the images of which were displayed on film. Today, modern space technologies make it possible to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism built into satellites.

Satellite Map: Applications and Purposes

Currently, real-time satellite world map is used in many fields: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, oceans and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. Google satellite map is used for these resources.
The main purpose of using satellite images of the world from Google remains navigation. The website features a world diagram showing continents, states, cities, streets and highways. This helps you navigate the area, appreciate its landscape, and simply travel around the Earth without leaving your home.

Quality of online world map images from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of more than a million people. For settlements with fewer inhabitants, images are available in limited quantities and of poorer quality.
Despite this, everyone can take a detailed look at the territory of their home, nearby streets, and look at photos of the planet from almost any point. The pictures reveal the placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, alleys
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zones, deserts, etc.

Good quality cartographic images allow you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Google map capabilities from satellite:

Google satellite maps help you see in detail objects that are difficult to assess on regular charts. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of an object, its size and colors. Before printing and circulation, ordinary, classic maps undergo editorial elaboration to match the scale, as a result of which the natural colors of the area and the shapes of objects are lost. The cartographic images retain their naturalness.
In addition, you can quickly find the city of interest in any country on the map. The diagram has a column in which you can indicate the country, city, and even house number in Russian. In a second, the diagram will zoom in and display the location of the given object and those located next to it.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, get as close as possible to the selected object, and consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan your trip route, move around the city, find attractions, etc.
By specifying the house number, the diagram will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to plot a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Map of the earth from satellite to website

the site allows users to use a satellite map in real time completely free of charge. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and begin your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to post high-resolution satellite images of small settlements.
Good quality online satellite cartographic images posted on our website help you quickly find the desired object, examine the landscape, estimate the distances between cities, and find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. With Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

Satellite map Moscow allows you to examine any object in Moscow in great detail using high-resolution satellite images. By changing the scale of the map of Moscow from a satellite, you can zoom in and out of streets, houses and see what the most interesting places in the capital.

Moscow, for the first time it is mentioned in a chronicle dated 1147. The capital is located on the banks of the Moscow River between the great navigable rivers of Russia Oka and Volga. The capital is located economically at the crossroads of very ancient trade routes, which contributed to its development and prosperity.

Modern Moscow is a large transport hub, which has: four international airports, 160 metro stations (their total length reaches 264 km), 9 operating railway stations carrying an average of up to 9 million people per day.

For example, you can make an exciting journey because each station will surprise you with its beauty: Kyiv - with magnificent mosaics, Komsomolskaya - with crystal chandeliers, Revolution Square - with the superiority of bronze sculptures, etc. The first metro line opened in 1935. Since then, some stations have been renamed, however, two of them: Kropotkinskaya and Mayakovskaya are marked by UNESCO as unique architectural monuments.

In Moscow there are over 60 theaters and 75 universities. There are more than four thousand libraries in the capital, the largest of which is library named after Vladimir Lenin, where not only ancient books are stored, but also ancient manuscripts.

Any city in the world can envy the buildings located in Moscow Kremlin collections of famous paintings by Russian artists of various eras Tretyakov Gallery. The Armory contains regalia that were used for coronation, clothing, precious items, weapons and other valuables. The Diamond Fund, located in the Kremlin, is famous for its collection of rare precious stones and gold items; it was significantly expanded during the reign of Catherine II.

The historical district of Moscow adjoins the Kremlin on the eastern side China Town. It has preserved architectural monuments of the 17th-20th centuries. The most beautiful of all Moscow squares and famous for its ancient lanterns, fountains, and flower beds is Pushkinskaya Square. In 1950, the monument to A.S. Pushkin was moved here from Tverskoy Boulevard, where it remains today.

The building of the great building is decorated with white columns and a chariot of four horses driven by Apollo. Bolshoi Theater, located on Theater Square. In 1786, according to the design of the famous architect V. Bazhenov, the most beautiful of buildings, the Pashkov House, was built.

The pedestrian street of Moscow is always lively and friendly Old Arbat. There you will see musicians and poets, artists, mime actors, you can buy souvenirs for yourself, of which there are a large number, or sit in one of the cafes and restaurants. In the neighborhood of Arbat there are streets where famous writers, poets, and politicians lived.

New Arbat- this is already a modern cultural center, which houses high-rise 26-story buildings, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, hotels and much more. Located near the Kremlin with a view of the Moscow River Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the construction of which, for various reasons, dragged on for about half a century, it was later destroyed in 1931. Today, work is underway to restore this historical monument.

The centers of musical and cultural life in Moscow are the Concert Hall (1940) and the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, its building was built according to the design of the architect V. Bazhenov at the end of the 18th century.

In 1939 it was opened All-Russian Exhibition Center, where the USSR agricultural exhibition was held, its emblem was a sculpture of a collective farmer and a tractor driver. The exhibition, which occupied an area of ​​136 hectares, lasted a whole year and was seen by about three and a half million people. A huge success The exhibition was confirmed by the fact that in 1940, and after the war in 1954, and 1958 (merging with the construction and industrial) the exhibition worked again, the territory was expanded to 207 hectares. Today it is a State Joint Stock Company called the All-Russian Exhibition Center, famous not only for exhibitions, but also for holidays, shows, fairs and various art festivals.

On Poklonnaya Hill a park with the same name was founded near the granite monument to Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Initially, in 1958, a granite sign was installed, and later, for the construction of this memorial, 194 million rubles were collected from the cleanup days held in the 70-80s. The government has repeatedly allocated money for the construction of these historical monuments.

Map of Russia from satellite there's so much in this sentence!
And if you are interested Real-time satellite view?
A long time ago, we got used to the process of globalization and the Internet.
We can communicate with anyone through the World Wide Web.
But not so long ago, progress in this direction has stepped forward.
In this article you will find map of Russia from satellite in real time online
(you can also find any cities on the map, for example) and a map of Russian webcams.

If you want to view Planet Earth in REAL TIME as if from a satellite, use Google Earth provided below.
To zoom in and out, use the mouse wheel. If you don't have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do this. If you logged in through Opera browser– viewing is not possible. It's best to do this in Firefox browsers and Google Chrome.

Enter any object you are interested in in the window and click “Forward!”:

The dream of many science fiction writers about a “videophone”, such as the Strugatsky brothers, for example, has come true. Now Russia is accessible in real time to anyone who has access to the Internet. We can communicate with each other not just by sending messages to a faceless person on the other side of the monitor, but also see and hear him.

Live communication is difficult to overestimate. And that's great. Now, having bought a web camera, anyone can show themselves to the whole world and their compatriots in particular. Still, it is much more pleasant to communicate in your native language than to try to translate a foreign language online. This is no longer given to everyone. Russia in real time- a miracle of science and technology.

By opening a site like the one below, for example, anyone can see another city, see what is happening now several thousand kilometers away.
Now distance is not an obstacle to communication. We can find everything Russian webcams, connect to this broadcast and observe, listen, talk and convey your emotions to your interlocutor. I think everyone agrees that webcams are great!

And another way to see the view from a satellite live is a wonderful program for displaying a complete three-dimensional model of our planet, even the terrain is visible, the mountains are high, the water in the seas is swaying, and special cultural monuments are presented in Google Planet mode. If you don't have Google Earth, you will be prompted to do this. If you are logged in through the Opera browser, viewing is impossible. This is best done in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

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Navigation charts can be needed in a variety of situations. Either you are lost in the forest, or you are looking for the necessary street in the city. A service that can help you deal with this is Google Maps. It consists of a couple of applications. Namely: from the site Google Maps and Google Transit (routing software). Thanks to the fact that Google transmits data directly from the satellite, with the help of these maps you can find out a detailed route map, house numbers, street names, as well as how you can walk or drive (by car, bus, bicycle) to your destination.
This service is a large reference book covering many areas of life: from traveling to planning a walk or going on vacation.


The map can be displayed for users in two versions:
  • traditionally (topographic map, analogue of Mercator);
  • satellite images (not in online mode, but made some time ago).
Based on the Mercator projection, a map scale was created that is constant: towards the equator from the poles it decreases and vice versa.
A sister project to Google Maps, Google Planet (corresponds to a globe), complements the service of images of the Earth's poles.


Not all countries disclose information about the location of their facilities. Therefore, places on the map where there are classified areas shaded. These include, for example, the White House, the Capitol.

Different areas of land have different resolutions on the map. The lower the population density of an area, the less details are known about it. Some places on the map are hidden under clouds. Although not all objects were taken from the satellite. The images of some of them were obtained thanks to aerial photography from a height of 300 meters or more. In such places, the detail of the terrain reaches high values.

Service interface

Google Maps is very easy to use. This app was made for people and that's how it works. On the left side there is a button for switching the appearance of cards ( topographical or satellite view). And on the right side of the screen the user can find zoom buttons ( increase and decrease).
The system allows its users to enter the address or name of an object and obtain information about its location, address, coordinates, appearance. For some areas, a “what’s there” recognition service is available, and Google Maps will show which object (gas station, museum, store, theater) is located there.

Google online maps javascript service is widely used. New areas of the map appear on the page as the user moves it around the screen. If the address of a specific object has been entered, the page is reloaded and the location of the desired place is displayed on the map with a dynamic red marker icon.

So that the map can be hosted by owners of other sites, Google announced free service: API Maps(Application Programming Interface) in 2005. This map can be added to any area of ​​the site. There are currently more than 350 thousand of them around the world.

About Google Maps

As of 2011, Google announced that it provides its mapping service to more than 150 million customers. This makes the service one of the largest and most ambitious Internet navigation services.
Interactive Google Maps is free service, kindly provided by Google Corporation, which does not contain advertising, but only provides high-quality and verified information about the location and purpose of objects around the world.