Alice is a voice assistant to talk in Russian. How to download voice assistant Alice on PC

It becomes easier to get answers to many questions when you have the Alice voice assistant from Yandex at hand. Alice is a personal assistant with artificial intelligence, developed by Yandex, an alternative to its competitor Okay Google. Alice easily helps you cope with everyday tasks and conducts meaningful dialogue.

The program is created on the basis of neural networks that recognize speech, accents in the voice, create responses and synthesize the assistant’s voice. Thanks to such skills, Alice is able to improvise and communicate in a spoken language accessible to everyone. With each subsequent update of the voice assistant, Alice gains new capabilities, now in addition to performing search queries.

If you are bored or sad, she will joke, tell an anecdote or play with you. Would you like to watch a movie? Easy - movie posters, tickets and prices in a jiffy. Alice can play a fairy tale for children. Her answers will always be varied; the creators of the application worked for a long time and were able to put modern live speech into the voice assistant, which will be understandable to many.

Alice is voiced by Russian actress Tatyana Shitova, thanks to her voice acting Alice turned out to be very alive. Her intonations reveal sadness, joy and even insolence.

This is not the entire list of her capabilities; she is constantly learning new skills and improving herself.

You can learn about all the Assistant's skills by saying: Alice, what can you do, the application will display a list of its capabilities.

How to launch voice assistant Alice

You can talk to Alice by clicking on the purple icon or saying one of the phrases:

  • Hello Alice
  • Hello Alice
  • Alice let's chat/let's talk
  • Listen Alice

After waiting for the activation sound, you can ask a question or command.

Most often, users ask for Alice

  • Let's play
  • Sing a song
  • Make a riddle
  • Weather for tomorrow
  • Enable YouTube
  • Tell a story
  • Turn on cartoons
  • Tell a joke
  • Find a song

If you just want to chat, you can say: Hi Alice, let's chat or ask what's new with her or find out how she's doing. She will support the dialogue, joke or tell an anecdote. With simple communication, she will not always be able to perform the search mode. Therefore, you can exit and start the search function again or give the command with the word Enough.

You can also try with its own functionality and capabilities.

Screenshots of Yandex with Alice

Video review of Yandex Alice

Conclusion about Alice

The Yandex company was able to create a convenient application for Android smartphones, with which you can have fun and get quick access to information thanks to voice communication.

How to install Alice

1. Download the Alice application from the link below.
2. Install the application.
2. Allow the application to determine geolocation.
3. For full operation, allow to record sound.
4. For ease of use, you can set it to home screen widget or shortcut.

is a unique and completely new voice assistant named Alice from the popular company Yandex. She knows how to carry out many different commands and is quite a pleasant conversationalist; you can even hear some funny jokes from her. The application is suitable for all models Android devices and is already freely available.

We have long dreamed of creating a robot that would be as similar to a human as possible or would be much more perfect than a human. And the main task of the developers is to teach the droid to talk and think. And it is also desirable that each of us be able to afford this robot. In general, there are quite a lot of requirements. However, with widespread mobile phones and tablets, all of them, without exception, can be easily implemented. And now we already have Google Assistant, Siri, and other voice assistants. Yes, they are very good and smart, but they lack one thing - sensible Russian. Therefore, the task of the Yandex developers was a very specific question: to teach the robot to understand Russian-language commands. And finally download talking Alice possible in full working mode, with all her unique intellectual skills. We really hope that the developers took into account all the requirements and wishes of users and, ultimately, are satisfied with the result. Already today Alice can perform many different miracles:

Here's how Yandex works with Alice on Android:

First you need to install the program, run it and say Hello, Alice
You can ask your assistant any question; if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find it on the Internet
Alice will easily tell you the weather forecast, find the desired address and even build a route
The application will share information about establishments - cafes, restaurants, hotels, hostels, business centers
The assistant is well versed in politics, culture, art and other areas, she will be happy to find current news from around the world
If Alice is in a good mood, she will even sing you a song or tell you a joke!

In general, this virtual girl has a lot of advantages. She is so loved by Russian-speaking users that she is simply adored on the Internet. The program has won the hearts of millions and will gain even more new fans every day. Therefore, we are already offering download Yandex Alice as an excellent alternative to foreign voice assistants who cannot speak Russian. It is impossible not to note the great work of the authors of the program; their project has indeed become very significant. Alice turned out to be a smart and, importantly, humorous interlocutor. Therefore, it is now quite difficult to imagine. that once it was possible to do without Alice and her tips.

What's new: the smart search bar can now automatically hide so as not to take up extra space. And using the assistant has become so convenient that the developers suggested making the application the main browser of your device. In addition, in the latest version, the personal assistant can recognize and find objects in the photo. And smart, talking Alice is “Shazaming” the music with all her might - just ask her what song is playing, and she will instantly give you the title and even the name of the artist.

And some more updates! Those who have already download Yandex with Alice Check out the unique page called Collections. This new service, which collected a huge number of ideas from around the world. It will not be difficult for any user to find something new and interesting here. Enjoy the updated application, now supported by Android 9.

Not long ago, such a well-known search engine as Yandex released its own voice assistant and it is called very simply - Alice.

I think you are very interested in such things and therefore, I decided to go through the issues that people are interested in most often.

Voice assistant Alice from Yandex - what is it?

Like other similar assistants, she can talk to you and, using voice or text dialogue, give you answers to the questions you need.

Features of the Alice voice assistant from Yandex

Alice is nothing special and has all the similar features that you can find in similar options from Google or Apple.

Basically, it works with all services from Yandex. If you try to interact with other applications, problems may arise.

All functions can be described by the following points:

  • conduct a simple dialogue;
  • give answers to various questions;
  • everything related to the weather forecast (in different cities, weather for tomorrow, etc.);
  • clarification of the date and day (which is very important);
  • any information related to maps (plot a route, find out the distance, tips on where to eat, etc.);
  • transactions with money (find out exchange rates, transfer from one currency to another, etc.);
  • other.

Although we already have a full-fledged version, the assistant still has room to grow and despite its limited capabilities, the reviews are only positive.

The question is: “How will it compete with existing options?”

How to enable the voice assistant Alice from Yandex?

On at the moment There are versions for iOS, Android, Windows (beta) and in the future it is planned to be built into Yandex Browser.

If you are looking for a version for mobile device, then you can find it in the Yandex application. The developers decided to simply integrate the assistant into a ready-made program.

To talk to Alice, you need to do one of these actions (if running application Yandex):

  • click on the purple round button with a microphone;
  • We say “Hello Alice.”

In both cases, the result is exactly the same and then we start asking questions and Alice starts answering you.

If the assistant does not know how to implement your request, then the Yandex search engine opens with your question and a list of results.

Everything looks like the most ordinary chat. I think there will be some changes in the future, but for now everything looks quite simple and tasteful.

Who voiced the voice assistant Alice from Yandex?

Alice is voiced by the very famous actress Tatyana Shitova, and if you don’t know who she is, then I can say that she is the voice of Scarlett Johansson in the Russian dubbing.

So when watching films like Ghost in the Shell or Lucy, you can remember Alice and compare the voices. But this is optional.

How to download the voice assistant Alice from Yandex on iOS or Android?

If you try to find an assistant by simply entering Alice in the search App Store or Google Play, then the answers will contain the application called Yandex.

Don't be alarmed, because this is what it is. Previously, this program was dedicated only to the search engine, but now there is a built-in assistant.

It weighs for different devices differently (for example, on the iPhone 5S - a little more than 60 MB), so it won’t take up much space. Here are the links so you don't get confused:

Since October 10, Android owners have a choice - a free voice assistant. Now, instead of “Okay Google,” you can say “OK, Alice” and hear a greeting in response from the new Yandex voice assistant. This is the company's most impressive event over the past year. In fact, the Alice application from Yandex, unlike Siri, works not only on Android, the version of which is not lower than 4.3, but also on other OSes. The fact is that it is for devices operating on the Android OS that, by default, for Internet users, Google is installed. Accordingly, all users are forced to communicate using voice commands with him. Yandex developers have offered an excellent alternative; you can download the voice assistant from Yandex.

The main differences between Yandex and Google voice assistants

The program from Yandex has enormous potential for development, due to its basis - neural network. Google's voice assistant is also connected to the neural network. But Alice was created for Russia and Russian users, and Google Assistant has only been adapted. The Alice Yandex Android assistant can joke in Russian, but the voice assistant from Google is serious and recognizes all questions only as a request to the search engine. To evaluate the assistant, you can download it via Google Play. There is another application on the Russian market - “Dusya”, which also uses the Russian language, but is installed only for a fee. Making a comparison between Alice and other analogues, even at the start, makes the application more interesting.

Main functions of the Yandex voice assistant

The phone program for Android and iOS, alice, has one distinctive feature: it does not “think” or “speak” in patterns, you can simply talk to it in Russian, which distinguishes it from its analogue - Eva free. Launching the application is simple, you need to click on the microphone icon in the Yandex application and say a greeting, one of which is “OK, Yandex” or “hello, Alice”. After activating the application, a good female voice will answer, which belongs to Tatyana Shitova. It is convenient to use Alice Yandex Assistant android for those who a priori use Yandex on their phone or tablet for search and its many functions. It is Alice who is completely synchronized with all services of this search engine and easily find the desired address and telephone number, as well as other information. It is enough to ask about the weather and Tatyana Shitova’s voice will notify you about the temperature and possible precipitation outside the window. If you want coffee, pizza or go to the movies, the assistant will tell you where the nearest pizzeria or cinema is. Synchronization with maps will allow you to plot the shortest possible route, both on foot and by transport. If you are in the mood to watch a video or listen to music, you can notify Alice about this, she will choose tracks to her taste in the Yandex application. Most often it’s Queen or Status QUO, these are her preferences. You can also set a specific style. According to the developers, Alice can analyze preferences based on previously selected ones and turn them on depending on the time of day.

Examples of queries and commands

  • Find the right establishment - where to watch a movie in Novosibirsk?
  • Find out the answer to the question - Population in Tokyo?
  • Get directions and determine geolocation – Get to Adler?
  • Find out traffic congestion - Are there any traffic jams in Moscow?

Unlike Apple Siri, “Alice” has its own character and maneuvers with its voice. Maybe, like any girl, she will be offended and not respond when a user calls her for some time. Voice guidance can be turned off or on by calling the program menu and checking the box to the desired position.

What else can Alice do on Android?

To make the most of the assistant's functionality, you need to know what the Alice voice assistant for Android can do.

List of functions:

  • Answering a question without using a browser;
  • Activation of some programs on Android;
  • Answer to the date and time question;
  • Weather;
  • Exchange rates;
  • Launching a page upon request/opening a query in search;
  • Determining location on the map;
  • Computing operations without using third-party applications;
  • Conversation support.

Alice is only at the start of her career, so to speak, which means she is just beginning to “explore the world.” In the rating of applications alice is in the top lines of the TOP. Over time, the application will be supplemented with functions and will work with more operating systems and devices. The more users want to download and start communicating with Alice, the sooner she will replenish her vocabulary, and the conversations will be not only useful, but also interesting.

Yandex Alice is a virtual voice assistant created by Russian developers. Applications of this type are designed to analyze user commands in order to further perform the required task. For example, with the phrase “turn on the music” you can activate Yandex melodies without performing any actions with your smartphone. You can download Alice Yandex to your computer on our website.


Technologies that allow remote user commands to be executed are far from perfect. An example would be the famous voice Siri assistant, which is also adapted to the conditions of operation with Russian-speaking users.

Alice is the result of the activities of the Russian Yandex team. The resource is positioned in Russia, which makes it possible to support the Russian language in the application, taking into account the needs of users. The assistant's voice has a distinct flavor of artificial intelligence. Alice's speech is dubbed by Tatyana Shitova, who previously “spoke” with the voice of a computer in the famous film “She.”


The key difference between the assistant and Yandex is that Alice not only recognizes speech, constructs logical phrases, expressions and sentences, but also tries to interpret them. In this sense, virtual intelligence has no analogues. If a person made a request and then began to develop the topic in the appropriate context (clarifying details), then with an 80% probability Alice will understand what the user is talking about and offer an adequate solution to the problem. You can download Alice Yandex on PC from our portal.

In terms of speech recognition, Alice is an order of magnitude more advanced than its analogues. Errors do occur, but they are due to imprecise language or pronounced dialect. The creators of the personal Alice focused on the adaptability of their development. First of all, Alice will open the Yandex Music menu at the request “play song”. If you need to translate any phrase, then the first open link is “Yandex. Translator". Alice can also be installed on iOS and Android platforms. However, in this case, stability is not guaranteed. Problems can be caused by issuing the command “open alarm clock” or “save note”. In such cases, there may be no reaction.

The developers claim that the virtual assistant can easily open applications that users already have installed. There are no problems with the “open VKontakte” command. You can download the Yandex Alice voice assistant from our website. However, when activating the “open Viber” function, Alice directs the user to the site, rather than launching it.

Pros and cons:

Main advantages:

  • Integration with Yandex services. You can always play music, video or translate text in a matter of seconds using the appropriate commands.
  • Adaptation to the Russian language. The assistant understands speech perfectly. Teams open quickly. Like any other artificial intelligence, there are errors, but they are not critical.


As for the disadvantages, they are presented:

  • Difficulty in starting a series standard programs. For example, you cannot be sure that a program will open a “calculator” or “set an alarm” for the time specified by a person.
  • Low level of interaction with other platforms (Android, iOS).

How to install Yandex Alice on a PC or laptop?

To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Download software. Bluestacks allows you to work with programs that are available on the Andoriod operating system by installing them on your PC.
  2. The user is asked to log in or register in the system.
  3. After launching, enter the request in the search bar of the emulator: “download Alice Yandex for Windows.”
  4. You can test the capabilities of virtual intelligence by activating the shortcut on your desktop.

  • Siri. This voice assistant is integrated into devices operating in the operating room iOS system. The peculiarity is that in this case there is deep integration with the OS functionality. You can activate artificial intelligence even if your smartphone is locked. Work with user commands is carried out instantly.
  • Dusya. A mobile assistant that allows you to execute many user commands. The key difference between this system and Siri or Alice is that the program runs in background. It does not take up space on the screen, but is activated by shaking, voice, and a number of other methods. This is not a chatbot that will communicate with the user. The developers are positioning their project from the point of view of an effective assistant who can dial a number from notebook, send text message, search for music from social networks.

Results and comments:

Yandex Alice is a virtual assistant that allows you to simplify the procedure for working with operating system. Alice will execute many user commands instantly. Sometimes it is necessary to wait or clarify the request. The program perfectly understands Russian speech, allows you to launch installed users applications and games. You can download Alice Yandex to your computer from our portal.