What should Beeline subscribers do if they have a zero balance? How to disable the “Always Connected” service Beeline Minus on Beeline what to do

If the phone balance approaches zero, then for many people their usual life begins to freeze. As luck would have it, at this moment there is an urgent need to contact relatives, help friends, and find out how the children are doing.

What are the possibilities with zero on Beeline? There is no need to worry about this anymore, since the mobile company has taken care of comfortable ways to ensure communication in such situations.

For subscribers who prefer prepaid tariffs, the mobile operator offers a large list of services, thanks to which you can maintain contact with the necessary subscribers with a zero bill. To activate them, you will need to send certain commands.

Possibilities with an empty balance:

  • replenishment of the balance when activating the options “Auto-trust payment”, as well as “Trust payment”;
  • replenishment of account in automatic mode and no commission when setting up the “Autopayment” service;
  • receiving help from other subscribers thanks to the options “Call thanks to the interlocutor”, “Top up my balance”, “Call me”.

In addition, if your Beeline account is at zero, then you can also use the standard “Live Zero” service, which does not need to be additionally activated. In order to be in touch in this situation, you simply need to keep your phone turned on.


With the “Autopay” option enabled, it is impossible to get into a situation where the account becomes zero. If the balance status approaches the limit that was determined by the owner of the phone, then it is automatically replenished from a plastic card. The amount of the amount is also determined in advance by the subscriber himself.

Clients who use prepaid tariffs independently set the balance and the transferred amount. Subscribers who prefer to pay postpaid do not need to set up as they will be credited with the invoice at the end of the monthly period.

The service can be activated by sending the corresponding request *114*9#, and can be deactivated using: *114*0#.

"Trust payment"

Size cash, which cellular company provides the client in the form of a trust loan for communication, will be dependent on spending over the last 3-month period. This option is available both within the country and abroad. You can use the activated payment within 3 days. If the provided funds are not used during this period, the service will be automatically deactivated.

To activate the option, you must send a special request: *141#. To obtain information about the amount of funds that can be transferred to the account, please send: *141*7#.

"Auto-trust payment"

To use the Auto-Trust Payment service, you do not need to send special commands. If it is in an active state, then the account will be replenished automatically when the threshold of 50 rubles is lowered. The amount of money that will be credited is influenced by the subscriber's expenses over a period of 3 months.

For using the service, a certain fee will be charged from the client’s account: on the 1st day - 50 kopecks, in the subsequent period - 75 kopecks. The service is activated when a certain threshold is reached: 50 rubles - if the subscriber is within the country and 150 rubles - when he left its territory.

To activate the option, you should send a request *141*11#, and to deactivate: *141*10#.

"Top up my account"

In addition to the services discussed above, the mobile company also allows you to send requests to top up your balance to other persons. In order to use the “Top up my account” option, you will not need to deposit additional funds. As a result, the recipient will receive a notification. It is quite convenient that this request can be made not only to users of any operators located in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries.

The procedure for activating the option is not required, but you just need to send a request asking for a balance replenishment: *143*subscriber_phone#. The number is dialed in full, and for residents of other countries it must contain the number “+7”. Account top-up available in various ways: using the option " Mobile transfer"or a plastic card, as well as in the offices of banks or mobile operators.

How to call with a zero Beeline balance?

To contact the desired subscriber when your Beeline account status is zero, there are different options. For example, you can send a request to call back. This is made possible by using the “Call me” option. In addition, it is also quite possible to make a call at the expense of another subscriber. To do this, we offer a convenient service “Call thanks to the interlocutor”.

In order not to end up in a situation where the funds in the account have run out, its condition must be kept under control. It is possible to obtain information about your own balance by sending a request: for postpaid plans *110*45#, and for prepaid plans *102#. Besides this, this information can be obtained using the “My Beeline” application or in your Personal Account.

"Call me"

Thanks to this option, subscribers with a zero account will be able to send an SMS to their relatives or friends, which will include a request to call back. At the same time, Beeline users who are located in their region do not need to make a financial contribution for using the option.

The service provides a convenient opportunity to send messages to subscribers of any mobile companies. Additional activation of the service is not required, you just need to send a command *144*subscriber_phone#. The number must also be dialed in full along with “+7”.

“Call at the expense of the interlocutor”

In order to make an important call with a zero account balance, you will not need to deposit additional funds or activate services. For these purposes, you must enter the code 05050, and then dial the phone number of the called subscriber, which will not contain “8”. If the recipient of this message agrees, then after connecting with him you can have a normal conversation. It will be impossible to take advantage of this opportunity in a situation where the subscriber does not want to pay for communication.

When choosing the most suitable communication option with a zero account status, it is necessary to take into account existing restrictions. To do this, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the details of the conditions under which some of the services are provided.

Good afternoon. I came across the following situation: With the prepaid tariff system “All for 500”, I was repeatedly charged a monthly fee in the negative. My phone is blocked and I owe Beeline 1,541 rubles. 87 kop. Now the balance is minus - 1541 rubles 87 kopecks. How are funds debited on a blocked number for services that I do not use, because... Number blocked for not paying for services?!? Blocked 03/30/2017.

Here are the details of the account, while there is minus 1541 rubles in my account!!! How so? Not only do you constantly write off some auto-trust payments that I didn’t take, but even if the balance is minus, you write off the subscription fee?!

Date and time

All numbers
Scope of services
Balance change
Final balance

02 Mar 2017, 01:17:27
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-491.37 rub.
-491.37 rub.

05 Mar 2017, 01:17:03
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-531.37 rub.

08 Mar 2017, 01:21:30
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-521.37 rub.

11 Mar 2017, 01:13:32
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-537.37 rub.

14 Mar 2017, 01:16:58
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-486.37 rub.

17 Mar 2017, 01:16:35
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-539.87 rub.

20 Mar 2017, 01:17:20
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-540.37 rub.

23 Mar 2017, 01:15:01
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-539.87 rub.

26 Mar 2017, 01:17:16
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-540.37 rub.

29 Mar 2017, 01:23:03
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-540.87 rub.

Update data
Upload to Excel

Date and time
All operations
All numbers
Scope of services
Balance change
Final balance

01 Apr 2017, 01:20:28
Dover connection fee. payment

Main balance
-40 rub.
-539.87 rub.

01 Apr 2017, 01:20:28
Write-off of the Trust/Auto-Trust payment

Main balance
-501 rub.
-1040.87 rub.

Several times, I communicated with those. support in chat and by mail, I saved all the dialogues, you will laugh, the first operator in the chat assured me to the last that my balance is not the same, but completely different, that I owe 1041 rubles. A couple of hours later I contacted another operator, who assured me that all the charges were correct. This was followed by correspondence by mail, the result of which was this letter:

RE: Re: By debit from the number
You have not paid for communication services since March 29, 2017. was provided to you" Trust payment"so that you can use a SIM card and home Internet. The "Trust payment" service is provided for only 3 days. On 04/01/2017, the service was written off in full, the services were provided to you until you incurred a debt.

On at the moment All charges are correct, they occurred for the subscription fee according to the tariff and for the home Internet service.

Since March 29, 2017, there has not been a single top-up, so your communication services have been suspended. Now, in order to resume communication services, you need to top up your account and pay off all debts. Let me remind you that under the terms of the “All for 500” tariff, charging a subscription fee is a mandatory condition that you agreed to when connecting. If you do not refill or do not use, subscription fee will be charged in any case. If you have any additional questions, please write us a response to this letter.
Thank you for using Beeline services.
Best wishes,
Nadezhda Zl-na,
Beeline Customer Support Service.

Don’t you think this recommendation is strange when the subscriber is shown a minus balance of 1,541 rubles more than he owes? I don't want to be on this tariff anymore. Why was the subscription fee charged if there were insufficient funds?! And it turns out like this: I didn’t use the services of the tariff plan after 1,541 rubles were charged for the subscription fee? Because the trust payment was written off from me and I had a minus on my balance. Those. I haven’t used the service, but still pay?

Based on all the statements, it turns out that I owe you 541 rubles in total, trust payment + 40 rubles. for the service, but not 1041 rubles. and especially not 1,541 rubles, which is persistently displayed in my personal account. What you can see below!!!

I have all the dialogues, account details and screenshots!!! In addition, I asked to suspend the tariff for 500, and even change the tariff to a tariff without a subscription fee, but the operators in the chat only transferred to each other and nothing happened during the two hours of wasted time. I asked, demanded, but it was like hitting the wall.

I don’t have the money to pay a truly deserved debt of 541 rubles, but not 1541 rubles, and in my personal account they write that in May I will owe 2000 rubles. Nobody comes to me


The telephone is a constant and faithful companion of modern man, allowing him to maintain instant communication with the outside world via the Internet or ordinary cellular communications. However, a mobile phone can fail at any time. And it’s not just a matter of a weak battery – the main problem for mobile users can be considered the sudden depletion of funds on their balance. Many operators allow you to quickly correct an unpleasant surprise, for example, by borrowing money to avoid a negative balance – including the popular Beeline, which provides this option. Find out about ways to temporarily borrow a certain amount of money, perhaps by reading the article below.

Beeline is one of the operators that provides such a service as borrowing money on your phone, most easily and quickly in the amount of 30 to 500 rubles. To activate the service, officially called Trust or Promised Payment, using a mobile device directly, you need to dial a simple combination of characters on the phone keyboard: *141# (asterisk-one-hundred-forty-one-hash) and press the Call button. After this, an inscription will appear on the gadget’s screen indicating that the application has been accepted. Later, a short message will be sent to the user’s number about enabling the function or about rejecting the application.

For example, that the user borrowed 100 or 300 rubles for a phone. Then the mobile client should expect another notification - specifying the amount of funds provided - for example, from 30 to 500 rubles - and the period for which the service is provided. After the stated time has passed, exactly the amount of money that was spent will be automatically debited from the subscriber’s account. Borrowing money on Beeline for 100, 300, 500, 50 rubles using the gadget itself is quite easy and quick.

In this case, the smartphone does not require an Internet connection or other additional options. Each operator cares about the convenience of its own customers and provides them with several possible ways to borrow money on Beeline, not only on the phone.

How to borrow money in your Personal Account

Personal Account - a convenient Internet service for users of the Beeline mobile operator - allows you to perform many different actions with funds in your account, connect, disconnect services and monitor their operation, select and change a tariff plan, and many others. The wide range of possibilities is complemented by the Trust payment option or, more simply, how to borrow money temporarily for a number so as not to end up in the red and take out a loan a certain amount funds, for example, 100.

To carry out such a procedure, you need to log into the Personal Account resource by visiting the address: https://volgograd.beeline.ru/login/ and entering individual login information in the required fields. Next, find the section dedicated to the offer and fill out the appropriate boxes to receive 30, 300, 500 or another amount, for example, 100 rubles for a smartphone. So, it is possible to borrow money on Beeline not only on a smartphone, but also using the Internet service.

Is it possible to borrow on Beeline for a modem?

The Beeline operator allows customers not only to borrow money for a phone, but also to be constantly and uninterruptedly online at any time via a modem, without being in the red. Temporary replenishment of your mobile Internet loan account by 100, 200 or more is carried out by dialing the number: *141*7#. In this case, the amount is 300. Such debt must be repaid within three days.

How to automatically borrow money when you have a minus on your phone

In order to prevent being in the red, a Beeline user can use the automatic connection of Trust Payment. At the same time, when the client’s balance tends to minus, the operator will automatically top up the account, for example, by depositing 100 or 50 rubles into his own account. It is possible to automatically borrow money for a phone or modem if you build the following combination of numbers and symbols: *141*11# and make a call at the end with the Call key. In the absence of the need to automatically and temporarily replenish the account, automation can be easily disabled by using the key combination: *141*10# and the Call button, respectively.

How to choose a loan amount yourself

The mobile network operator provides its own users with all the necessary services, but the client using the Promised Payment offer does not have the opportunity to independently choose the amount to top up by 30, 500, 50 rubles. Even if the client right now needs to borrow 100 rubles on Beeline for his phone, the operator himself will calculate the individual parameters for the client. In order to borrow 50 rubles for a phone, the user’s average monthly income should not exceed 100 rubles.

A smaller loan amount - 30 rubles - is issued when spending in the amount of fifty to seventy. It’s not hard to guess how to borrow 500 rubles from Beeline - you need to spend on average about a thousand a month on mobile communications. It is worth remembering that those who have been using a SIM card for at least six months can borrow money and not be left in the red. Each Trust payment will involve the payment of an additional amount, calculated automatically from the size of the loan provided.

How much does it cost to borrow money on Beeline?

Like many services offered to mobile customers, Trusted or Promised Payment is not free. In addition to the amount temporarily provided to the client, it is necessary to pay a connection fee. Sometimes it represents quite a large amount of money, as it is calculated based on their average monthly mobile communications costs.

So, if a user receives a loan of up to 100 rubles, he will have to pay another 15 for using the service. If you owe a debt of 300 or 400 - according to the same scheme - the fee is already 25. If you borrow from Beeline from 400 to 600 at a time, you need to pay another 40.

For a larger amount of borrowed funds, the fee increases accordingly. Despite the convenience of the function that allows you to borrow from Beeline and not remain in the red, obvious inconveniences arise. On the one hand, according to customer reviews, this is uneconomical - the fee for using the offer seems too high. On the other hand, Beeline cannot accurately calculate how much money the user needs at the moment and proceeds only from automated calculations, completely depriving the client of the right to choose, but deducting a good fee for the service.


Thus, a service that allows you to perform a similar operation, like taking out a loan on Beeline - Trust payment - is available to verified users - who have been using the operator’s communications for more than six months. Activating the option to avoid a minus balance and receive 50, 100, 200, 300 or 500 rubles into your account is possible in three ways: from a gadget, using an Internet service, or setting up an automated account replenishment. The offer is valid for three days and involves an additional payment for connection, calculated individually depending on the amount lent by Beeline.

For several months now I have been using the Beeline number only for incoming calls. For the last few weeks, the balance on the number was minus five rubles. Yesterday I decided to put 5 rubles on the number so as not to owe anything to Beeline and make the balance equal to zero. Yeah, it's not like that. The balance immediately became -15 rubles.

As soon as the balance became positive (Beeline considers 0 a positive number), the subscription fee for the day was debited - 15 rubles. Having paid 5 rubles, I owed Beeline 10 rubles more, while outgoing calls and mobile Internet were both disconnected and remained disconnected: the balance was negative.

Second story. Before traveling to Norway (http://ammo1.livejournal.com/752063.html) I flew to Stockholm to meet other participants there and receive a Goodline SIM card from them (http://ammo1.livejournal.com/741148.html ). I needed mobile internet in Stockholm for one day. I put 100 rubles on my Simka Tele2 balance and connected the Internet option abroad for 100 rubles a day, hoping that there would be exactly 100 rubles of money there and the option would work for one day.

Not so! Upon my return, I discovered that the balance of the Tele2 SIM card was minus 100 rubles. For the second day, 100 rubles were also written off, but negatively. Thank you, at least they didn’t write off the rest. These 100 rubles were returned after a long correspondence with technical support.

In both cases, the operators pushed my balance into the minus, although I didn’t ask for it and didn’t want it.

When we go to the store, they sell us goods only with the money that we have with us, so why did mobile operators come up with the idea of ​​charging us more money than we have?

Of course, there are credit cards, but this is a completely different story - a person deliberately gets himself such a card, and no one asked mobile operators to provide services on credit.

It seems to me that a legislative ban on allowing the balance of any personal account to become less than zero is long overdue.

© 2016, Alexey Nadezhin

The main topic of my blog is technology in human life. I write reviews, share my experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. I also report from interesting places and talk about interesting events.
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Operator cellular communications Beeline launched the newest service “Always Connected”. It allows you to stay in touch even if your balance is reset. The service is available to all subscribers of the prepaid payment system.

The new “Always Connected” service will allow you to “go into the red” by actually staying in touch if you are unable to top up your account. The limit is valid for 30 days, during this period you need to make the balance positive (replenish your account in any convenient way). Otherwise, restrictions will be imposed on communication services. The service is provided exclusively for individuals served on the advance payment system - this is the vast majority of subscribers.

Financial conditions and restrictions

The “Always Connected” service is activated exclusively on a voluntary basis - no imposition. There is no subscription fee, and you don’t have to pay extra money to “go into the red.” The only negative is that upon connection, the guarantee fee is debited from the account. Its size is equal to the amount of the limit chosen by the subscriber. After 30 days, this contribution is returned to the balance in full. It serves as a kind of confirmation of the subscriber’s reliability.

The initial limit value is set by the subscriber who selects the service version. It is 200, 300, 450 or 750 rubles. To change the limit during the first three months, the service must be reconnected. After three months, a limit reduction is available through your personal account. But an increase is possible only after reconnection. The availability of the selected limit is determined by the network based on an analysis of the subscriber's expenses and incoming payments.

The current value is indicated in your personal account. You can also clarify the available “minus” using the USSD command *110*002#.

How to activate the service

Beeline has provided four USSD commands for different limits:

  • 200 rubles – dial *110*0121#;
  • 300 rubles – dial USSD command *110*0122#;
  • 450 rubles – use the command *110*0123#;
  • 750 rubles – send the command *110*0124#.

To disable the service, use the command *110*0120#.

Other news

Quite unexpected news affected the archive options “Internet for a day 100 MB” and “Internet for a day 500 MB”. Beeline announced that from October 25, 2017, a connection fee will be introduced. Quite an interesting approach, considering that both options are in the archive and it is impossible to enable them - they are valid only for those who managed to enable them in advance. It is also interesting that the operator signed the news about the introduction of additional payments with the phrase “With care, your Beeline.” After all, additional payments are always a concern for subscribers!

Seriously and for a long time

MegaFon subscribers can constantly use the Credit of Trust service by connecting once. When the account goes into the negative, this credit pushes the shutdown threshold, and the subscriber continues to use communications and SMS throughout Russia. “The service is very convenient when traveling around the country, it allows you to use communications on credit for a large amount,” explains the director of public relations of the Volga region branch of MegaFon OJSC. Elena Kharitonova. - Therefore, the “Credit of Trust” is available to subscribers who have been served by MegaFon for more than four months and use services in the amount of 650 rubles monthly. The loan amount can reach 2500 rubles. Connection is free - *138*1#".

An MTS subscriber can also activate the free “On Full Trust” service and continue to communicate without restrictions until his balance reaches the limit of minus 300 rubles. As the press secretary of MTS in the Volga region explains Evgenia Safonova, for six months the limit is calculated in the amount of the subscriber's average communication costs for the last three months, increased by 20%. After six months of using the service, the subscriber's limit can be increased by 50% of the total costs for communication services. The initial limit when connecting to the service is 300 rubles, it increases once a month, although several conditions must be met for this: timely and full payment of bills; increased costs for communication services; the difference between the current and newly calculated limit is more than 50 rubles. In case of failure to pay the next invoice for communication services within the established period, the limit is reduced.

“To connect or disconnect the service, you need to dial *111*32# on your mobile phone or use your Personal Account,” says Evgenia Safonova. “In this case, the subscriber can receive 120 bonus points and the opportunity to be included in the MTS Bonus program.”

Temporary measure

The "Promised Payment" service provides MegaFon subscribers with up to 150 rubles for three days - depending on the period of service in the network and monthly charges. For example, if you connected to MegaFon more than 90 days ago and spend an amount less than or equal to 400 rubles, the “promised payment” will be 50 rubles. Afterwards, the subscriber pays off the debt by simply topping up the account with this amount. Connection is simple and free - USSD request *106#.

If a subscriber uses the Internet and at the time of charging the monthly subscription fee he does not have enough funds, a pop-up window will offer the free service “Promised payment - Internet”. It will cover the missing amount for five days. This option is convenient for those who, for example, left the city for the weekend and really need Internet access.

When traveling abroad, the “Promised payment for international roaming” will help out. If a person is left without funds abroad, when he activates the service, he will receive up to 1,000 rubles in his account for a week. You can repay the debt within seven days.

Beeline subscribers can also use the “Trust payment” service, which allows you to temporarily top up your account. “Moreover, the higher the subscriber’s communication costs, the larger the size of the possible “Trust payment,” says the director of the Samara branch of VimpelCom OJSC. Konstantin Chudakov. - To find out how much “Trust Payment” is available, the client needs to dial the command *141*7# and the call button. The cost of connecting to the service is 15 rubles, the subscription fee for a prepaid payment system is 0 rubles per day."

Let us also add that the Samara branch of OJSC VimpelCom has an archived tariff “First for children”. It allows you to make calls and send SMS when your balance drops below zero by up to minus 30 rubles. On current tariffs, which are now available for connection at Beeline sales and service offices, the use of communication services is possible for up to 0 rubles. “Only subscribers who are charged a subscription fee for using communication services can experience a slight loss,” emphasizes Konstantin Chudakov.

Additional features

Operators are also paying attention to other ways to stay in touch with a zero balance. For MTS this is “Promised payment” (instant replenishment of the balance at the expense of the operator in the amount of up to 800 rubles for a period of seven days), “Help out” (the service allows you to make calls and send SMS to the mobile numbers of MTS subscribers at their expense), “Call me back” (the ability to send a request to another subscriber with a zero or negative balance with a request to call back), “Top up my account” (the ability to send another subscriber a request to top up your account if there is a zero or negative balance), “Direct transfer” (the ability to top up the balance of another MTS subscriber).

MegaFon also has several services that allow subscribers to inform their interlocutors about the lack of funds in their account, ask them to call back or pay for a telephone conversation: “Call at a friend’s expense”, “Call me”, “They will call you back”, “Pay for me” ". In addition, all MegaFon subscribers with a negative balance can receive any incoming calls and SMS in their region, call the company's help desk and emergency numbers.

Konstantin Chudakov reminds: in order to be always in touch, Beeline clients can use the services “Autopayment” and “Autopayment”. If the subscriber has run out of money and he cannot top up the balance himself, then you can use the services “Call me” (the subscriber can independently, with just one command, inform the subscriber of any Russian operator that he is waiting for his call), “Top up my account” ( subscribers can contact family and friends with a request to top up their account), “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” (allows a client with a zero balance to call another Beeline subscriber and talk on the phone at the expense of the called subscriber).

There is probably no person who has not encountered such a problem as a zero balance on a mobile account. It is not always possible to top up your account right away. This may cause some discomfort for the network user. If you are unable to contact friends or family at the moment, this may result in an inability to resolve urgent issues.

If your account runs out of funds, do not despair. Beeline provides its subscribers with a wide range of opportunities even with a zero balance. From this list you can choose the best option that will help resolve urgent issues right now.

List of opportunities from Beeline with a zero balance

For its subscribers, the mobile operator Beeline has developed a whole list of new features that help them stay in touch even with a zero balance. It will be easy to connect the required option. If there are insufficient funds in your account, you can use one of the following services:

  • Top up your account online without commission using the “Autopay” option.
  • Top up your account on credit using the “Trust payment” or “Auto-trust payment” option.
  • Seek help from friends and family. This category includes the services “Call me back”, “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”, “Top up my account”.

It should be noted that even with a zero account balance, the subscriber can receive calls and messages as usual. The main thing is not to turn off the phone. Relatives, acquaintances, and business partners will be able to reach the subscriber without any problems. Communication in this case is provided in normal mode.

"Autopayment" service

The presented service does not allow the appearance of a zero balance on the subscriber's account. The subscriber sets a certain minimum level of funds, upon reaching which the system will automatically replenish the account in the Beeline system for a given amount. Funds are debited from the subscriber's bank card.
Each user can configure the option independently. You can also set the postpay function. In this case, the subscriber uses Beeline communication services for a whole month. After this time, the system will debit the appropriate amount from the card.

To activate the AutoPay service, you need to dial the code *114*9# . Disabling the option is also easy. To do this you need to enter the code *114*0# .

Option “Trust payment”

If the account suddenly runs out of money and there is no way to urgently top up the account, the subscriber can borrow money from the operator. This service is called “Trust payment”. The amount of funds by which the subscriber’s account is replenished depends on the user’s communication costs over the last 3 months.
This option is very convenient. Moreover, it works both in roaming and in our country.
Having activated the payment, the user is given 3 days to replenish the account with the provided amount. After this period, if the funds are not deposited into the personal account in the Beeline system, the operator disables this service.
You can activate the option by dialing the number *141# . To find out how much the operator can provide to the subscriber as a trust payment, you need to dial the combination *141*7# .

“Auto-trust payment” function

If the subscriber activates the presented option, he will not need to send an additional request to top up his balance with the operator. When the amount of funds on the personal account balance in the Beeline system reaches the level of 50 rubles, the system will automatically transfer the money to the subscriber.

The amount that will be credited to the user for online communication depends on the average amount of communication expenses over the last 3 months.

If the subscriber is currently roaming, his mobile account is replenished automatically when he reaches the level of 150 rubles.
To top up your balance using the “Auto-trust payment” option you will need to pay 50 kopecks. for the first day of using the provided funds, and for each subsequent day - 75 kopecks.
To activate this service, you need to dial the code *141*11# . You can disable the option by dialing the combination on your phone *141*10# .

“Top up my account” service

You can top up your personal account balance in the Beeline network in other ways. The subscriber can send a request to his family or friends with a request to transfer money to be able to make further calls. In this case, the person to whom the message is addressed receives an SMS with standard text. It contains a request to top up your account.
The request can be sent using a special combination. To do this, you need to dial the code on your phone *143*subscriber number#. Moreover telephone number You will need to type in international format.
The person to whom the message is addressed can top up their account at the nearest Beeline office, bank branch, write off funds from a bank card, or transfer money from their mobile account.

How to make a call if there is insufficient funds?

There are several ways to contact the desired subscriber even with a zero balance. To do this, you need to use the “Call me” or “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service.

"Call me" service

This option allows you to send a message to the person you currently need to contact. This is a free service. The subscriber just needs to be within the coverage area mobile network.
You can send a request to your friends and family, regardless of which client mobile operator they are. To send a message asking to call back, you need to dial the code *144*subscriber number in international format#.

Service “Call at the expense of the interlocutor”

You can call your relatives and friends even with a zero balance. In this case, you do not need to send SMS or pay additionally for connection to the service. It is enough to dial 0505 from your phone before the number of the subscriber you plan to call. The number should be dialed without the number eight.
Next, Beeline establishes a connection. If the subscriber agrees to accept the call at his own expense, you can communicate as usual. The interlocutor may not agree to pay telephone conversation. In this case, the connection is disconnected.

Network subscribers must control the account balance. To find out how much money is currently on your balance, you need to dial the combination for the prepaid tariff *102# , and for postpaid - *110*45# . You can also view the amount of funds in your account using the My Beeline smartphone application.

If it so happens that your phone account suddenly becomes zero, and there is no way to top it up right away, then you get the feeling that the whole world has collapsed. It is at this moment that the need arises to inquire about the health of the parents, to discuss the purchase with a friend.

There is no need to worry about these trifles, because at the moment Beeline offers a wide range of services, even with a zero account. To do this, you need to select one of the offered services.

Opportunities with a zero account on Beeline

For subscribers who use non-contract numbers, the Beeline company pleases its users with many services, giving them the full opportunity not to lose contact when opportunities with zero balance on Beeline are not limited by boundaries. The services are easy to connect with simple steps.

  • What can you do when you have a minus:
  • the “Autopayment” function will help you top up your account for free and on “autopilot”;
  • the “Auto-trust payment” and “Trust payment” options also add cash to the balance;
  • Such services, which will be described in detail below, make it possible to always be in touch with the help of loved ones and relatives, since they are activated immediately.

If there is no money in your account, do not worry, there is also automatic connection“Live zero”, which will always keep you in touch when your phone is always on.


With this option, your account will never drop to zero on Beeline, because when the money runs out, your balance will automatically increase by the set level.

“Prepayment” clients are free to decide what minimum threshold to enter for auto payment and the amount that will be credited to the account. Those subscribers who pay monthly do not worry about constantly topping up their account. At the end of the month they receive an invoice for the loan provided.

To activate the option, you need to dial the simple combination *114*9# “call” button, and to deactivate it, you need to type *114*0# “call” button on your keyboard.

"Trust payment"

The total amount that Beeline can provide as a loan is different for everyone, it is calculated from the average bill payment amount for the last three months.

You can use this service both within Russia and abroad. You can use the provided service no later than three days, after which it will be automatically disabled if the client does not have time to use it. Just top up your account.

Activation of the service - *141# “call”. By dialing *141*7# “call”, it will immediately show how much money needs to be deposited into the account. Read more about this service.

"Auto-trust payment"

This function does not need to be activated. If there are no fifty rubles in the account, then money will be automatically transferred to it. The amount of the total credit is based on spending on the phone for a full ninety days.

If a Beeline subscriber is in Russia, then the service is triggered with a bill of no more than 50 rubles, if he has traveled abroad, then 150 rubles.

For this service you will have to pay: activation day - 50 kopecks, subsequent ones - 75 kopecks each.

To enable the service, the phone needs to press *141*11# “call” button, to turn it off – *141*10# “call” button.

“Top up my account” service

You can send an SMS to friends or family with a request; it is sent as part of the “ ” function.

This notification applies, in addition to Russia, to Ukraine and other neighboring countries, and other operators support this function.

To send a message with a request, you need to dial a short combination - *143*(phone number to whom you want to send the SMS)# “call”. This number is dialed in full, not forgetting “+7”.

Translation services vary, it all depends on what country the recipient is in: through bank card, go to the payment systems salon, transfer cash through your account to your SIM card. This feature is called Mobile Transfer.

Beeline account has zero, how to call?

Many ways have been thought out so that you can dial a number for a call without having real money in your account. You can easily notify the right person by using the “Call me” or “Call at the interlocutor’s expense” functions.