How to promote a group among your classmates: practical advice for independent people. How to promote a group in Odnoklassniki: free promotion Groups in Odnoklassniki promotion

For a long time it was believed that this social network not the most serious audience, but this is not true. There are similar people in any social network; you can recruit conditional schoolchildren both in the VKontakte group and in the Facebook community. It all depends on what goals you set for yourself and how you approach promotion.

The Odnoklassniki audience overlaps greatly with the VKontakte audience, but this does not mean that you need to limit yourself to only VK. Today you need to use the capabilities of all social networks; only this approach will provide maximum audience coverage.

Create a group

Click "Groups" and then on the left click "Create a group or event." You will be offered three options to choose from:

If you are creating a company group, then select “For business”; if it is an entertainment community, then select “For interests”. “Event” - suitable for one-time promotions (exhibitions and other events). I'll select "Business". After this, you need to fill in the fields, the set of which depends on the selected topic and category.

For the cover, you can take an image of any size, but it will be compressed to 224x224 pixels, so you need to immediately select the appropriate image so that it is not cropped. Your created group will look like this:

Group settings in Odnoklassniki

After creating the group, you need to set the settings. Please note that in Odnoklassniki the address of a group can be changed only after 30 people have subscribed to it.

In the “More” “Themes” menu, you can choose one of the templates to design your group.

You can create your own themes in Odnoklassniki, but to do this, your group must have at least ten thousand people.

In the settings you can now specify keywords, write them down, each word or phrase must be entered separated by a comma.

You also need to specify the publicity settings, here you need to focus on the purpose of your group. If this is a company page, then only you should create any content; for entertainment groups, it is quite acceptable to enable users to create their own content.

At this point, you can complete the design of the group in Odnoklassniki and move on to its promotion and content.

Group promotion in Odnoklassniki

Start promoting your group by inviting all your friends to join it. You are allowed to send no more than 30 invitations per day. It is not recommended to use personal messages, much less write to unfamiliar users; in Odnoklassniki this is considered spam and your account may be banned.

An effective way is to create fake accounts that recruit friends and then invite them to groups. If you do this yourself, you can be guaranteed to get live subscribers.

The strategy for promoting a group on Odnoklassniki depends on its topic. If you are promoting a company page, then you should not make too many posts, there should be few of them and they should be informative. You can use hashtags in Odnoklassniki, don’t forget about this opportunity, this way you can attract additional users.

If you already have a visited website, install the Odnoklassniki widget on it, this will allow users to subscribe to your group. You can take the widget, in it you will need to indicate the id of your group, get the code and install it on the site.

Most quick way attracting an audience - advertising. The link to it is in the footer of the site.

Advertising on Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki has several advertising formats, some of which have restrictions on the minimum number of impressions.

In general, the settings for an advertising campaign are no different from the settings for targeted advertising on any other social network. You can pay for both impressions and transitions. For more precise targeting, you can use the Pepper service (paid), which allows you to identify active users based on a number of parameters.

The tips I’ll talk about below are suitable for groups of any subject.

Content needs to be published regularly and meets the expectations of your audience. If we are talking about promoting a company group, then post information that relates to its activities. It is advisable to make all publications with illustrations; such posts in the user feed attract much more attention.

Polls are an effective tool for increasing user activity, but they can also be provocative, which can spark active discussions. You can make up to 15 answer options, and you can also allow the user to choose not just one option, but several.

You can try to make friends with group administrators who are not your competitors. For example, your company is engaged in cargo transportation, and you can make friends with a car wash. This is especially suitable for companies that operate within a small city. In this way, you can inform a very large audience about you completely free of charge. Accordingly, you will also have to talk about other companies in your group. Information about the administrator can most often be found in the information section about the group; if it is hidden, then you can suggest a topic for publication, where to write your proposal.

In the "Video" section you have the opportunity to upload a video that can be made autoplay. To do this, you need to upload a video and create an advertising campaign by selecting the “Video in Autoplay Notes” product. The method may be more effective and profitable than targeted advertising, but it must be a really interesting video.

In any social network there is always the opportunity to encourage users to join your group or take some action; Odnoklassniki is no exception. You can ask to put “Class”, leave a comment or join your group. Instead they usually offer:

  • Participation in the quiz;
  • Discounts;
  • Personal consultations, etc.

Today, many new groups recruit users this way. Of course, after the end of the promotion, many will leave the group, but if they put “Class”, then all their friends will see it in their feeds, and they can already join you quite consciously.

It would be a good idea to create one or two fake accounts that will provoke users to enter into discussions. The main thing is that they should look natural. This method can be used on any social network, so you can significantly increase the activity and engagement of subscribers.

Don't forget to look at statistics, especially publication statistics. This way you'll eliminate content that doesn't resonate as much and focus on what gets results. Odnoklassniki implements a fairly rich functionality for collecting statistics, which is not inferior to its counterparts in other social networks.

In general, the promotion of the group in Odnoklassniki complies with the canons of SMM promotion. High-quality content and successful advertising campaigns always contribute to the rapid promotion of a group. I do not recommend using gray methods, such as cheating on “Class” marks, spamming, joining a group of hacked accounts, etc. With this you can only increase numbers in Odnoklassniki, but this will not be of any use to your business.

Promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is an essential part of working on creating your personal brand on the Internet. Gather people based on interests and topics. Entertain, teach, and most importantly, make money from your popular groups on this social network! It's time to act!

Many people resort to the Odnoklassniki social network to promote their business or to gain personal popularity by offering this or that content within the created community. But in order to make your community popular and attract a large number of participants to it, you need to know the principles and methods of promotion in social networks and the specifics of each of them. Otherwise, your group will drown in a sea of ​​other unclaimed pages on the Internet and will not bring you any benefit.

Before creating a group on Odnoklassniki, you must clearly define its topic. Next, you should analyze your target audience. After this, think about possible competitors, find the groups they have in Odnoklassniki and carefully study their contents. At the stage of directly creating a community, first of all, you need to come up with an interesting, original name that will accurately reflect its content. Then it is important to make an attractive and competent description - in the information block about the group. And don't forget to set the necessary settings. In most cases, it is recommended to make the group open.

By the way! All services for increasing subscribers to a group on Odnoklassniki have already been combined into one big rating!

Basic principles of working with groups in Odnoklassniki

The basic principles of working with communities in Odnoklassniki are as follows. Group owners or administrators post certain content, which subsequently appears in news feed the users included in it. They can like the published posts (in Odnoklassniki they are called “classes”), showing that they like the information. Their friends, in turn, can see which posts are liked and take this as a recommendation. This way, publications come to the attention of a large number of people, including those who are not subscribed to this community. Such people will already be its potential members.

Manual cheating

Odnoklassniki has a whole series ways to promote communities, including both paid and free ones. You need to know that in this social network, as in others, it is possible to invite people to your groups manually, i.e. on one's own. This toolkit should not be neglected, although it can take quite a lot of time. There is a limit: 30 users per day - that’s how many people you can invite to your community. And, of course, not every one of them will agree to join it. So you will have to be patient: in order for the group to be filled with enough people, you will have to send out such invitations for many days.

If earlier this was the main way to attract new users to the community, today it can only be considered as an additional one. An attempt to abuse a manual invitation may expose you to suspicion of spam activity and result in appropriate sanctions from the Odnoklassniki administration, including blocking the community or your personal page.

Viral content

Another method of promotion is the so-called viral content. It means posts that people really like: they hook them, encourage them to think or laugh, motivate them. Users willingly share such posts with each other, and thanks to this, your publications tend to spread widely and quickly. This type of content includes not only specific informative publications dedicated to your activities. Social media promotion specialists recommend adding variety to the content of the group so as not to bore its participants, allow them to switch their attention for a while, and lift their spirits.

  1. Often, publications of a humorous nature may be quite appropriate. Especially if this humor is combined with the theme of your community.
  2. It is also good to use surveys - practice shows that people really like them. In addition, if you compile surveys correctly, their results can be a great help in promoting the community, because you will know the opinions of your subscribers on certain issues. But get ready for the fact that this method also will not bear fruit immediately: it will take time and patience.

And, most importantly, you need to make an effort to create content that will be truly interesting. But without this you should not expect success in promoting your group.

Collaboration with other communities

Regardless of what business you are involved in and what topic your community is dedicated to, you will probably have many competitors on Odnoklassniki. We have already said that their pages are worth studying, drawing conclusions and learning from experience. But you can and even need to be friends with your competitors! Promotion through other communities can be very in an efficient way promotion, sometimes allowing you to significantly increase the number of subscribers. It's done like this. You find groups related to your topic, which include a large number of people, become their members and then contact their administration. You correctly ask her to post information about your group or any of your posts on the pages of your community.

The more users there are in communities who will meet you halfway, the more effective such advertising will be. As a rule, in groups with millions of participants, PR for your community can only be done on a paid basis. With groups that don’t have many subscribers, you can agree on a partnership: you post their publications, they post yours. Some try to advertise their communities in the comments under posts in popular groups. If this is done without the knowledge of their owners, sooner or later you may be banned from these groups and complained to the Odnoklassniki administrators.


This method looks nothing more than bribery, but it also works. You can ask members of your group to invite friends to it for gifts. For example, for virtual bouquets of flowers. But keep in mind that it is difficult to attract serious people using this method and, on the contrary, you can even push them away. Also, this method is not very popular with the Odnoklassniki administration. It is considered fraudulent in some way. Therefore, its use may risk blocking the community.

Contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is an effective way to attract new participants, because such advertising is aimed precisely at those people who may really be interested in it. However, the Odnoklassniki website, unlike other popular social networks, is not equipped with a system for submitting contextual advertising. But you can use the targeting mechanism on the resource linked to Odnoklassniki.

To seriously expand the audience of your community using this tool, you need to make an effort. The headlines, texts and photographs you choose for such advertising should be bright, catchy and motivating. Before you start using targeted advertising, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the principles of its operation. In addition, you should study your target audience: regions of residence, age, gender, interests of potential subscribers.

To achieve the best results in promoting your group at the initial stage, it is best to use the above methods in an integrated manner. Over time, you will understand which one works best in your particular case. Remember also that you should not go to extremes. If the newly created community is replenished with a very large number of participants in the shortest possible time, this may arouse suspicion on the part of the Odnoklassniki administration and lead to unpleasant consequences.

And they said that the technical opening of the community is just the beginning. Next, the administration is faced with the most difficult task - promotion to attract as many participants as possible. Why is this important? Because it is the audience and its activity that determine the success of your “event”. In this article we will tell you how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki, and you can familiarize yourself with the basic methods of developing public groups.

Ways to promote communities in OK

Actually, there are two options for expanding the audience of your community:

  • on one's own;
  • with the help of an SMM agency or SMM specialist.

From the point of view of financial investments, methods are divided into two categories:

  • free;
  • paid.

It is worth noting right away that independently and for free are not equivalent stories in the case of promotion. Even if you decide to do everything without involving specialists, in most cases you will have to spend some money. This is due to the fact that Odnoklassniki already has too many public pages of all kinds, incl. promoted, and it becomes painfully difficult to attract the attention of the audience specifically to your group. Hence the need to use advertising or a paid set of subscribers.

It is worth understanding that the interest of the community in the eyes of visitors consists of several the most important moments:

  • usefulness/interest of published content;
  • subscriber activity.

At the same time, it is not so much the publications that are “taken out” as the audience’s involvement in the work of the public. As you may have noticed, the most “likes” are not the most useful and informative communities. But the top publics have a lot of subscribers and reposts. Hence the main conclusion - effective promotion of a group on Odnoklassniki is ensured by advertising. Well, advertising, as you yourself understand, one way or another requires financial investments.

As for attracting specialists, this is the easiest way. You simply order the services of professionals and watch the growing number of participants, “Classes” and comments. But, as you understand, high-quality promotion costs a lot of money, so this method is hardly suitable for a start-up business.

We promote the group in OK ourselves

So, you decided to promote a group on Odnoklassniki yourself from scratch in order to save money. The goal is to gather the target audience in the group as much as possible. The strategy includes work in several directions:

  • community design + content selection;
  • invitation of participants;
  • achieving a high level of user activity;
  • interactive communication with participants and guests of the page.

Naturally, only a page filled with interesting information can become popular. Also, the page should not be closed, otherwise the whole meaning is lost. Decide on the topic, choose a design theme, always write down a content plan for the published material and do not forget about the visual component. It is very important to “read” your target audience, providing them with information in such a volume and in such a form that participants find it interesting and useful. If the publications are useful, then the likelihood that they will be shared increases significantly. You remember that in the “Class” mark is equivalent to a repost? Here - use it!

In fact, the activity of the participants will actually depend on the content. A person needs to be interested and retained, as well as receive feedback from him, that is, a certain response. “Dead Souls” will no longer work. If in your community, relatively speaking, there are a thousand participants, but at the same time the publications can gain 5-10 “Classes”, then everything immediately becomes clear - the subscribers have been stupidly bought. Of course, all promoted public sites resort to this method of adding subscribers to a group, or have at one time resorted to it. But this should still be done delicately so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Attracting new audiences is done in several ways:

  • invitations to public;
  • widgets on websites;
  • use of special services for cheating;
  • advertising.

To effectively and quickly invite participants, one account is definitely not enough. Create several pages, or better yet, buy ready-made ones, filled with information and contacts. Remember: too active involvement of the audience can be considered spam by the system, so you should add no more than 50 users per day from one account.

You can also use special services that allow you to recruit people into a group for a reasonable fee and receive additional “Classes” and comments. There are many such resources on the Internet today, so finding one suitable for yourself will not be difficult. Work on these sites real people, but most often from several fake accounts. They perform their tasks for a small reward, and you should not expect real activity from such users. It makes sense to resort to increasing subscribers and likes in this way at the very beginning of public promotion to create a certain user base.

Another way is to make a link to the group in Odnoklassniki on the official website or other social networks. Interestingly, users rarely navigate to external sites. They prefer to receive information from the OK page and, if possible, place orders there if we are talking about online stores. This often happens because the social network blocks these transitions with a warning about possible malicious sites. Consider this point if you decide to make a group on Odnoklassniki the official page of your brand.

  • targeted;
  • in public;
  • from popular users.

The Group company offers a separate service entirely dedicated to the creation of targeted advertising campaigns on its resources. It's called "myTarget". This is the most effective way to advertise your community in terms of performance. However, you will first have to determine the target audience and plan the budget.

It is also very convenient to place advertising posts in adjacent public pages on Of course, the more popular the advertising platform, the more expensive the publication will be. But it is quite possible that you will be able to post an advertisement for free if you can agree on mutual promotion with the administrators of other communities. Again, we must not forget about the target audience, so the selection of a public place for advertising should be based on who you want to invite to your community.

Finally, you can try to buy space for an advertising post from some popular Odnoklassniki user. However, the costs in this case are likely to be very significant.

So, your group has already gained a decent number of subscribers, but their activity leaves much to be desired. What to do? Try to involve participants in the communication process. And here interaction is important. Set up feedback with your audience - create polls, hold photo contests, try to get as much interest as possible with your posts.

Of course, looking for ways to promote a group on your own is very difficult, and it will take a lot of time and, most likely, money. But if you competently prepare a community development program, then the result will definitely come in the end. The main thing is to take your time and believe in your strengths and the strength of the Internet!

In one of the previous posts, we already told you, now we move on to the next question, how to promote a group in Odnoklassniki. The peculiarity of this network is that quite solvent clients and serious people can hide behind a dog avatar or under various pseudonyms.

By performing simple actions you can promote a group on Odnoklassniki, the most important thing here is to work and not be lazy, and also use a creative approach. After all, it involves the most creativity.

How to promote a group on Odnoklassniki from scratch?

You made a group. They designed it beautifully, loaded information and posts.

It's time to start inviting people to the group.

There are several ways:

  1. To begin, we invite friends from our page. Clicking "Invite to Group".

A window will appear with a list of friends, select “Invite”.

  1. Inviting participants from other communities.

It is advisable to search among those groups that have similar topics to yours.

We type a similar name into a search engine. We are given a list of communities, we enter and select a participant. And in the window that appears, click “Invite to group.”

The template from “Themes” will help you make your group more colorful. There you can find something to suit your taste.

And in order to insert your own topic into the group, the number of people joining the group must be 10,000. For your topic you need three photos (pictures): the main photo, background picture, catalog cover.

So that your group does not get lost, and it can be found faster, you need to use keywords. Keys will help you find your group among other similar communities or competitors. In the “More” - “Settings” menu, enter what phrases or words to find you by.

To get people interested in joining your group, apply publicity settings. We advise you to choose:

  1. Group members are allowed to add their videos, photos, topics;
  2. Only members can leave comments.

The most important thing is to develop the group, make it interesting, every day. Write new facts, photos.

If you create a topic manually, add a photo. Insert hashtags so that your post can be found by keywords.

Surveys can also attract and make your group more popular. They can be humorous, funny, entertaining. Or if you are promoting a product, you can arrange a survey about it. There are many options.

This will encourage people to discuss, comment, and participate in the development of the group. There is no need to specifically add a discussion. When you upload and post a post, everything is automatically created on its own. You just need to open “Comment”.

All discussions will be there. If not, then no one has commented on this post.

Promotion of the group for a fee

Interact with admins of other groups. It is especially beneficial to communicate with those whose topics are similar to yours. For those who sell products, you need to consider what geographical point the site represents. If you do not trade with Belarus, then you will not need the “Vitebsk, hello” group, etc. Use targeted advertising.

Discuss publishing information about your group to others. You may have to pay to publish first. But, if you have more participants, you can exchange links.

If you have seriously decided to start promoting on Odnoklassniki, it will be useful for you to know.

More than 100 million users are registered on the site. This is a large audience of potential consumers of services or buyers of products. Therefore, many are interested in how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki for free and for money. On at the moment There are about 10-15 effective, proven methods for promoting a thematic community through a social network.

The main free ways to promote a group on Odnoklassniki

Every day, the social network is visited by 40 million users who view more than a billion pages. Thematic for doing business or for interests. At the same time, you can place advertisements on their pages and earn additional money. Before you promote a group on Odnoklassniki yourself for free, you need to choose its topic. This could be a community dedicated to recreation and tourism, trade, art or humor, design, animals:

Paid promotion of a page on Odnoklassniki: what is the money spent on?

To develop a thematic resource, we need living people, not dead accounts.
You can order advertising in other communities: select those groups where the number of users exceeds 100 thousand. The cost of commercial ads directly depends on the number of subscribers and their activity. The price must be obtained from the administration.

Before you promote your site on Odnoklassniki for money, you need to choose the right company that will promote it. After all, there are hundreds of organizations and companies on the World Wide Web that offer to promote a group, but only a few carry out high-quality and thoughtful development of the community.

The cost of promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is calculated individually. After all, promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is not a quick task. It can take up to 8-12 months. Paid promotion is usually ordered when a large audience is urgently needed. For example, a lot of people will be needed when a company launches a new product on the market. This particular product will be advertised through a thematic platform. As you can see, there are many ways to promote a community on a popular social network. It is enough to show patience and imagination to turn an unremarkable page into a visited site in 6-8 months.