Legal aspect of using radio stations. Registration of CB radio stations has been canceled in Russia. Do you need a permit for a radio station in a car?

Articles, partners Security devices

What is required to obtain permission to use a walkie-talkie?

Today there are a huge number of mobile phones from different manufacturers from all over the world, and it is rare that a person does not use such a phone at least once a day. However, for people who often go on backpacking trips, using satellite or mobile communications often too expensive, and, in addition, in mountainous areas the signal passage is very difficult and, as a result, the connection is not stable. Therefore, more and more experienced tourists choose portable walkie-talkies, since in addition to the purchase costs, their use is free. But even here there are some restrictions, since walkie-talkies with a power of more than 5 W need permission. For example, to use the yaesu vx-6r series radio, although a license is not needed, it is desirable, even if it is category 4: its presence will not only save you from unnecessary problems with the police, but will also allow you to work with the frequency range from 1.5 MHz to 145 GHz.

Obtaining permission for a yaesu vx-7r walkie-talkie or a similar model from VERTEX-STANDARD or ICOM is not very difficult, although some humorous members of radio amateur clubs compare this procedure with obtaining permission to purchase a smooth-bore weapon, with the only difference that in the case of The walkie-talkie does not require a medical certificate. The process itself includes several key stages, each of which provides certain opportunities.

To begin with, a request for the construction of a radio station is submitted to Gossvyaznadzor, which is processed within 90 days. After this period, as a rule, a notification of permission is received. Then you report that you purchased a walkie-talkie, the model and company do not play a special role here: it could be like yaesu vx-8r or Midland GXT 950, as well as Kenwood TK-2107, Alinco DJ-195 or other radios from other manufacturers. Simultaneously with the notification of the acquisition of the radio station, you must request permission to obtain a call sign and directly use the radio. Obtaining a call sign according to all the rules includes passing a special exam, which is usually quite simple. The list of questions is limited to the minimum required amount of knowledge in the field of radio engineering, after which you are assigned your call sign. Now you can use the walkie-talkie with peace of mind and conscience. If you want to simplify your task of obtaining a category 4 amateur radio license, then you can become a member of the radio amateur club in your city. This membership will allow you not only to seek advice and receive the most complete and honest recommendations, but also to relieve yourself of some of the bureaucratic worries.

According to the already published Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 837, registration of CB radio stations is not required in Russia. The new rules come into force on November 10, 2011 throughout the Russian Federation.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 837 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2004 No. 539” specifically refers to the removal from the list of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices subject to registration. According to the document, registration is not required for the following radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices:

  1. Subscriber stations (subscriber devices), the power of which does not exceed 100 mW
  2. Land mobile communication stations for personal use in the 27 MHz range (CB range) with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 W
  3. Fixed wireless access subscriber stations of CDMA technology (IS-95 protocol) in the radio frequency bands 828-837 MHz and 873-882 MHz
  4. Household microwave ovens and other high-frequency devices of any application with a power on the load device of less than 5 W inclusive without open radiation
  5. Radio-electronic means for processing barcode labels and transmitting information received from these labels
  6. Hearing radio trainers for people with hearing impairments
  7. Security radio alarm devices at radio frequencies 26.945 MHz (vehicles) and 26.960 MHz (premises) with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 2 W. Security radio alarm devices for vehicles in the radio frequency band 433.05 - 434.79 (433.92 +/- 0.2%) MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 5 mW. Devices remote control, security alarms and warnings in the radio frequency band 433.05 - 434.79 (433.92 +/- 0.2%) MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW. Remote control, security alarm and warning devices in the radio frequency band 868 - 868.2 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW. Security alarm equipment for remote objects in the radio frequency band 149.95 - 150.0625 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 25 mW
  8. Subscriber cordless telephone sets in the radio frequency band 30-41 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW. Subscriber (using no more than 1 subscriber number) cordless telephones in the radio frequency bands 814-815 MHz and 904 - 905 MHz, cordless telephones of DECT technology in the radio frequency band 1880-1900 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW.
  9. Control equipment for models of aircraft, boats, etc. (toys) in the radio frequency bands 28.0 - 28.2 MHz and 40.66 - 40.70 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 1 W, in the radio frequency band 26.957 - 27.283 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW.
  10. Concert radio microphones in the radio frequency bands 165.70, 166.10, 166.50 and 167.15 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 20 mW
  11. Radioelectronic means of Bluetooth technology in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 2.5 mW.
  12. Low-power radio stations in the radio frequency band 433.075 - 434.750 MHz with the radiation power of transmitting devices no more than 10 mW.
  13. User (terminal) transmitting equipment, including receiver, short-range standards IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.11.b, IEEE 802.11.g, IEEE 802.11.n (Wi-Fi), operating in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz, with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 100 mW, in including built-in or included in other devices. User (terminal) transmitting equipment, including a receiving device, short-range standards IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11.n (Wi-Fi), operating in the radio frequency bands 5150-5350 MHz and 5650-6425 MHz, with permissible transmitter radiation power no more than 100 mW, including built-in or included in other devices. User (terminal) transmitting equipment, including a receiving device operating in the radio frequency bands 2300-2400 MHz, 2500-2690 MHz, 3400-3450 MHz and 3500- 3550 MHz, with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 1 W, including built-in or included in other devices.
  14. Radio-electronic equipment intended only for receiving radio waves and not requiring protection from interference from other radio-electronic equipment, including radio-electronic equipment used for individual reception of television and radio broadcasting programs, personal radio call signals (radio pagers), personal radio navigation, including user radio navigation devices satellite systems, which do not contain radio-emitting devices.
  15. Subscriber transceivers of radio search systems with a radiation power of transmitting devices up to 2 W, permitted in accordance with the established procedure for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  16. Subscriber transceivers for search radio communications and determination of the location of mobile objects "NEX NET" in the radio frequency band 847-849 MHz with the radiation power of transmitting devices up to 0.125 W.
  17. Portable radio stations in the radio frequency band 446 - 446.1 MHz with the radiation power of transmitting devices no more than 0.5 W.
  18. Children's radio signaling and radio intercom devices, as well as radio monitoring devices for children in the radio frequency bands 38.7 - 39.23 MHz and 40.66 - 40.7 MHz with the radiation power of transmitting devices up to 10 mW, as well as in the radio frequency band 863.933 - 864.045 MHz with radiation power of transmitting devices up to 2 mW.
  19. Amateur service stations temporarily imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.
  20. High frequency devices when using frequencies of 10 kHz and below.
  21. Radio-electronic equipment for detecting and rescuing victims of natural disasters, operating at a radio frequency of 457 kHz.
  22. Non-specialized (for any purpose) devices in the radio frequency bands: 26.957 - 27.283 MHz, 40.660 - 40.700 MHz and 433.075 - 434.790 MHz with permissible transmitter radiation power not exceeding 10 mW; 864-865 MHz, 868.7 - 869.2 MHz and 5725-5875 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 25 mW.
  23. Short range devices: used in networks wireless transmission data on board aircraft, in the radio frequency bands 5150-5250 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5825 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of not more than 100 mW; used indoors, in the radio frequency band 5150-5250 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 200 mW.
  24. Short-range devices in wireless data transmission networks in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 2.5 mW when using pseudo-random tuning of the operating frequency. Short-range devices in wireless data transmission networks indoors in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 100 mW when using pseudo-random tuning of the operating frequency. Short-range devices in wireless data transmission networks outside enclosed spaces in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz only when the installation height of radio-electronic equipment is no more than 10 m from the ground surface. Short-range devices in wireless data networks outside enclosed spaces for collecting telemetry information as part of automated systems control and accounting of resources or security systems in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz. Short-range devices used in wireless data transmission networks in the radio frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz, with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 100 mW when using direct spread spectrum and other modulation types other than pseudo-random tuning of the operating frequency: at maximum spectral density of equivalent isotropically radiated power 2 mW/MHz; at a maximum spectral density of equivalent isotropically radiated power of 10 mW/MHz - indoors; at a maximum spectral density of equivalent isotropically radiated power of 20 mW/MHz outside enclosed spaces only for collecting telemetry information as part of automated control and resource accounting systems or security systems.
  25. Induction devices in the radio frequency band: 9 - 59.75 kHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 72 dB (μA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 59.75 - 60.25 kHz, 70-119 kHz, 6765-6795 kHz, 13.553 - 13.567 MHz and 26.958 - 27.283 MHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 42 dB (µA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 60.25 - 70 kHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 69 dB (μA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 119-135 kHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 66 dB (μA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 7400-8800 kHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 9 dB (μA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 10.2 - 11 MHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 4 dB (µA/m) at a distance of 10 m.
  26. Devices for motion detection and radio signaling devices in the radio frequency band 24.05 - 24.25 GHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than 100 mW.
  27. RFID devices in the radio frequency band: 13.553 - 13.567 MHz with a maximum magnetic field strength of 60 dB (μA/m) at a distance of 10 m; 866.6 - 867.4 MHz with a maximum effectively radiated transmitter power of no more than 100 mW.
  28. Telematics devices in transport in the radio frequency band 5795-5815 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 200 mW.
  29. Wireless audio equipment in the radio frequency band 863-865 MHz with a permissible transmitter radiation power of no more than 10 mW.
  30. Short-range automotive radars in the radio frequency band 22 - 26.65 GHz with a spectral density of equivalent isotropically radiated power of no more than minus 41.3 dBm/MHz, as well as automotive radars and automotive ultra-wideband radars in the radio frequency band 76-77 GHz and 77-81 GHz .
  31. Wireless audio applications for use inside cars, other vehicles, as well as indoors in the radio frequency band 87.5 - 108 MHz with a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated transmitter power of no more than minus 43 dBm.
  32. Radioelectronic means of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the radio frequency range 63-64 GHz.
  33. Base stations of mobile radio communication networks of the GSM standard in the radio frequency bands 1710-1785 MHz and 1805-1880 MHz, installed on board ships and aircraft.
  34. Non-specialized (for any purpose) short-range ultra-wideband devices operating in the radio frequency band 2.85 - 10.6 GHz (radio frequency emission bandwidth of at least 500 MHz).

More details about the innovations can be found in the original resolution.

Everyone is faced with the fact that using a radio station is so simple and that you can talk to anyone and not even think about the fact that the use of radio frequencies is regulated by certain documents. For different types communication and for different types communications use their own frequencies. Apparently people have already forgotten those times when buying mobile phone it was necessary to fill out an agreement for the purchase of a radio transmitting device and the rules for using the transmitting device. What's difficult about working with cell phone? Most novice walkie-talkie users think the same thing. After all, walkie-talkies are sold in any online store, in any store, and even in computer stores.

And so, I want to start the conversation with the fact that not all frequencies are civilian. The point is that in addition to civil frequencies There is a group of dedicated service and military frequencies. For example, in aviation, several frequencies are used for communication in the air between aircraft, air traffic controllers with aircraft and service personnel. In fact, there are almost a dozen of them for various official needs, there are even separate ones for transmitting the weather. There are also separate frequencies for the police, for state security services and for ambulances. There are also special frequencies for the military. The military has short-range and long-range communications systems. The military has equipment for conducting tropospheric communications. Radars and satellite communications also operate at certain frequencies. Several frequencies have been allocated for the civil band. In fact, there are many of them, but for radio amateurs they are either complex or cumbersome, because you yourself understand that communication on 160 meter waves requires enormous antennas. But it's not all bad. If a person wants communication using walkie-talkies, then there is an option for him, so to speak, cheap and cheerful. The main thing to understand is that you can only use a limited number of frequencies.

And so, for short-range communication you can use frequencies of 144-146 MHz and 430-440 MHz. By the way, a lot of key fobs for car alarms operate in the 433 MHz range.

But if at frequencies in the range of 430-440 MHz there are practically no restrictions other than creating interference, then at other frequencies you can communicate only if this radio station is registered. To register a radio station, you need to have an amateur radio category and call sign. Radio station with specific number(used serial number) is registered with the call sign of the person registering the radio station. The use of walkie-talkies and radio stations not registered with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “RFC Volga Federal District” is prohibited by law. If you are caught with such a radio, it will be confiscated and you will be issued an administrative fine. All issues in this case are regulated by Federal Law No. 126-FZ dated 07/07/2003 (as amended on 05/07/2013) “On Communications”.

Article 22. Regulation of the use of the radio frequency spectrum, paragraph number 5.
Communication means, other radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices that are sources of electromagnetic radiation are subject to registration. The list of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices subject to registration and the procedure for their registration are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

As amended by Federal Law No. 221-FZ dated July 27, 2010, there is the following paragraph:

Radio-electronic equipment used for individual reception of signals from TV channels and (or) radio channels, personal radio call signals (radio pagers), electronic products for household use and personal radio navigation equipment that do not contain radio-emitting devices are used on the territory of the Russian Federation, subject to the restrictions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and are not subject to registration.

As we understand, the use of civil frequency radio reception devices is not prohibited, but this receiver must have no radio transmitting component. The problem is that now there are no walkie-talkies that work only in receive mode. And to obtain information about emergency incidents, you can use a household radio.

Just in case, I will provide a table of the distribution of frequencies allocated to radio amateurs. But to use these radio frequencies, a category higher than third may be required.

Frequency Description
135.7 - 137.8 kHz FIXED, MARINE MOBILE, amateur
1810 - 1850 kHz AMATEUR
3500 - 3800 kHz AMATEUR, MOBILE, except aeronautical mobile, FIXED
7000 - 7100 kHz
7100 - 7200 kHz AMATEUR
10100 - 10150 kHz FIXED, except aeronautical mobile, amateur
14250 - 14350 kHz AMATEUR, FIXED
430 - 432 MHz
432 - 438 MHz AMATEUR, MOBILE except aeronautical mobile, FIXED, RADIOLOCATION, Earth exploration-satellite service (active)
438 - 440 MHz AMATEUR, MOBILE except aeronautical mobile, FIXED, RADAR
1260 - 1300 MHz RADIOLOCATION, RADIONAVIGATION SATELLITE (space-to-Earth, space-to-space), SPACE RESEARCH (active), EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (active), amateur
2300 - 2450 MHz MOBILE, FIXED, radar
5650 - 5670 MHz RADAR, amateur, mobile, except aeronautical mobile
5725 - 5830 MHz RADAR, FIXED SATELLITE (Earth to Space), amateur
5830 - 5850 MHz RADIOLOCATION, FIXED SATELLITE (“Earth-to-space”), amateur, amateur-satellite (“space-to-Earth”)
10 - 10.45 GHz MOBILE, RADAR, FIXED, Amateur
10.45 - 10.5 GHz RADAR, amateur, amateur satellite
24.05 - 24.25 GHz RADAR, amateur, Earth exploration-satellite service (active)
76 - 77.5 GHz RADIO ASTRONOMY, RADIOLOCATION, amateur, amateur satellite, space research service (space-to-Earth)
77.5 - 78 GHz AMATEUR, AMATEUR SATELLITE, radio astronomy, space research service (space-to-Earth)
78 - 79 GHz RADAR, amateur, amateur satellite, radio astronomy, space research service (space-to-Earth)
79 - 81 GHz RADIO ASTRONOMY, RADIOLOCATION, amateur satellite, space research service ("space - Earth")
122.25 - 123 GHz INTER-SATELLITE, MOBILE, FIXED, Amateur
134 - 136 GHz
136 - 141 GHz
241 - 248 GHz RADIO ASTRONOMY, RADAR, Amateur, Amateur Satellite
248 - 250 GHz AMATEUR, AMATEUR SATELLITE, radio astronomy

Frequency ranges are reviewed every four years. There seem to be a lot of frequencies, but due to their properties, using them is somewhat inconvenient. I'd say most of them are unusable.

How to register a radio station or walkie-talkie

The easiest way to get permission is on CB radio stations; they operate on 27 MHz. To do this you should:

  • Pay the state duty at Sberbank of the Russian Federation,
  • fill out applications and visit the local branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "RFC Volga Federal District", you must have with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, Taxpayer Identification Number, radio station or documents for it (I bring the copied serial number) and a receipt for payment of the state duty,
  • in a week, pick up the “Certificate of formation of an identification call sign” and the agreement between you and the RFC,
  • go with the documents from the RFC to the local branch of the Roskomnadzor Office and register the radio station,
  • a week later we pick up the “Certificate of registration of radio-electronic equipment.”

And then you can be proud that you have a legal radio station.

Which walkie-talkies are legal to use without permission?

There are a lot of radio stations operating in the frequency range 430-440 MHz and they can be legally used without having permission. Actually, these walkie-talkies are sold in all stores in any city. Most often, they contain frequencies in the form of several channels and they are switched using arrows.

The 430-440 MHz range allows line-of-sight communication in small areas. But such a radio station will not allow communication within the city. In this regard, it is better to obtain permission and use radio stations designed for a two-meter wave or take CB. CB, with its eleven-meter wavelength, has practically no problems with communication within the city. This is why truckers love it so much.

Hello, Nikolay.
According to current legislation, when selling and purchasing walkie-talkies and radio stations in the civil frequency ranges of 27 MHz, 433 MHz and 446 MHz, permission to use is not required. But according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 539 of October 12, 2004, purchased radios must be registered.
From August 25, 2007, radio stations with a power of up to 0.01 W in the 433 MHz frequency range and with a power of up to 0.5 W in the 446 MHz frequency range are not subject to registration (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 476 "Changes that are being introduced into the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation" Federation of October 12, 2004 No. 539 “On the procedure for registering radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices”).
But since most modern radio stations have a power much greater than 0.01 W and 0.5 W, the registration procedure for civil frequency radio stations must be completed by the local authorities of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications. Registration of such radios is free of charge for 10 years after submitting an application of the established form and drawing up a protocol for measuring the technical parameters of radiation. This protocol can be issued at regional Radio Frequency Centers. Individuals do not require additional documents, and legal entities must attach a copy of the Certificate of state registration. Rossvyaznadzor sometimes requires you to assign a call sign, the registration procedure for which can also be completed at regional Radio Frequency Centers.
You only need to obtain permission to use the frequency and pay for the frequency if the radio station operates on frequencies not included in the 27 MHz, 433 MHz and 446 MHz bands.
An application to register a walkie-talkie must be reviewed within 10 days. During this time, the regional Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications must review the submitted documents and make a decision on registration or refusal. Information about registered means of communication is entered into a unified database, and the owner is issued a certificate of registration or a notice of refusal to register the radio station.
What can serve as a basis for refusing to register a radio station?
- non-compliance of documents with requirements, distortion of information or provision of an incomplete package of documents
- non-compliance of the radio with the requirements for technical parameters emissions or frequency channels.
According to the Rules for registration of radio-electronic equipment and high-frequency devices dated 12.10. 2004 registration is carried out to take into account sources of electromagnetic radiation that affect the proper use of radio frequencies.
After the radio registration expires, it can be renewed in the same manner. The law establishes that documents to renew the registration of a radio station must be submitted no later than a month from the date of its expiration.
For violation of the procedure for registering walkie-talkies established by the Rules for Registration of Radio-Electronic Equipment and High-Frequency Devices, the perpetrators are liable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
According to amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 2004. No. 539, which were approved on October 13, 2011 No. 837 registration of 27 MHz radio stations CANCELED.
All the best.

At the Garden Ring, the driver is stopped by a traffic police inspector and demands permission to use a radio station.

As usual, it all came down to “Show your license, - why, - do you refuse to show your license? - No.”

Radio amateurs, we remind you that stopping a vehicle to DETECT a violation is prohibited. The inspector must stop the vehicle only when he knows for sure the violation and has proof. Plus, a simple inspector cannot check permission for a radio station.

P.S. it never came to the attention of the riot police. a couple of minutes later the traffic cop returned with the words: “comrade driver, are you going straight? There will be a post ahead, stop at it.” I still dream of finding a stationary traffic police post on the Garden Ring in Moscow...

Who has the right to check the availability of a certificate?
Here are quotes from the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”:

Article 27. State supervision of activities in the field of communications is carried out:

1. The Government of the Russian Federation determines the procedure for implementing state supervision over activities in the field of communications. State supervision of activities in the field of communications is carried out by federal body executive power for supervision in the field of communications. (Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
2. Providing state supervision of activities in the field of communications is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation. (Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)
3. Officials of the federal executive body for supervision in the field of communications, authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses in the field of communications and information, are state inspectors for supervision of communications. (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated August 22, 2004)
The state inspector for supervision of communications carries out the functions assigned to him in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In the manner and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the state inspector for supervision of communications applies measures of influence against violators or makes a corresponding submission to the body empowered with the right to bring to justice. The paragraph is no longer valid. - Federal Law of 05/09/2005 N 45-FZ.
4. If a violation of the mandatory requirements in the field of communications established by federal laws or other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them is detected, the federal executive authority for supervision in the field of communications, upon the recommendation of the state inspector for supervision of communications, issues an order to eliminate this violation . The specified order is subject to mandatory execution within the period established therein. (as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)
5. Decisions of the state inspector for communications supervision may be appealed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.