Whose region on the phone. Codes of mobile operators in Russia

During unavailability cellular network Your mobile phone may receive calls from unknown callers. Do not worry about missing an important call, because there is an option of how to recognize a mobile operator by phone number. The received data will help you not to spend money on communication with another region or will allow you to ignore the next call from a stranger.

Is it possible to identify the operator by phone number

RF has few providers mobile communications and each has individual combinations of numbers. How to find out a cellular operator by phone number? Easily. If the number starts with +7, then a subscriber from Russia called you. At the beginning of the combination there is a different number, which means that this is a call from another country or region. Knowing the codes of different countries, you can easily check where they are calling from.

In addition to this code, the next 3 digits in the mobile indicate the ownership of a particular communication company. The number depends on the place of sale of SIM cards: it is allowed to buy a SIM card with a certain prefix in a particular region. The provider prefix is ​​unique for each region; it is used to search for the subject's address. The def-codes after the country code serve as an indicator of determining the user's ownership. They are unique, always stable and fixed.

How to find which carrier a cell phone number belongs to

There are many free sites where it is easy, accessible to find out which telecom operator it is by phone number. Their principle of operation is to enter data in a special column, press start. Then the system will analyze the entered combination of numbers, giving out information. Some services only ask for the first 5 digits in order to reliably determine the owner's details. A cellular operator by phone number breaks through in a matter of seconds, the service itself shows the ownership of the code.

Last year, a service was introduced to save data when switching to another provider. For example, a Beeline subscriber could become a Tele 2 user, while leaving the Beeline prefix. Therefore, the search system may not work perfectly, because it is difficult to check whether a person has made the transition from one telecom operator to another. The companies themselves may not keep track of clicks, especially since such data is not stored in search engines either. Checking through such applications may be inconclusive.

Codes and prefixes of the largest mobile operators in Russia

Our country has only 4 large companies providing mobile communication services. Find out the numbers mobile operators Russia is possible by looking at the three-digit code, which is individual when issuing a SIM card for each company. Therefore, the ability to provide information, whose subscriber it is, takes a little time. System information is checked in a fraction of a second, while the reliability of the result depends on whether the change of provider was carried out. If there was no change, then the data did not change, so they can be used as reliable.


The following series are typical for Megafon: 920-932, 933, 938. Number combinations are different for individual regions, for example, in Moscow it is 925, and in the Kirov region 922. In addition, Megafon provides a series of 929 and 997. The mobile operator shares series of phones with MTS and Beeline. The catalog of codes is laid inside the analyzing systems, which is then used during checks.

Mobile TeleSystems (MTS)

The following series are typical for MTS: 910-919, 980-983, 988. These numbers help you find out where you can buy a SIM card. For Moscow, 910 is used, and for Siberia, 913, 983. MTS has a peculiarity in the distribution of prefixes between cities, for example, after the code, numbers from 0 to 4 are characteristic of Moscow, and St. Petersburg from 0 to 2 or from 7 to 9. The rest of the numbers belong to others regions and cities.


For Beeline, after the international code, the following series are characteristic: 903, 905-906, 909, 960-965, 967. Here the codes are tied to the subjects of the country, when checking, the system will give the name of the company with the region. Series 903 are typical for Moscow, and 964 for the Far East. Beeline's gradation differs only in the Far East. All prefixes can be used within the state, and the Far Eastern District is assigned a unique combination of numbers. The district received such an advantage due to the size of the territory, the population, and the popularity of mobile communications.

Tele 2

The youngest provider, but already having its own code base. The following prefixes are typical for Tele 2: 900, 902, 904, 908, 950-953. It has its own characteristics - there is no provider in some regions of the country, so the coincidence of prefixes with the data shows that the service is provided by a local company operating in the territory of one region or region. All the same will help to find out information free services, which will clearly demonstrate where the call was made from, mark this place on the map.

How to find out the region by phone number

Any mobile system has its own combinations of numbers, which depend on the region in which the person bought the SIM card. This means that each combination of codes is unique within a particular subject of the Russian Federation. Services that determine the user's affiliation have this data, so they provide information about the region or region from which the subscriber called. It is possible to find out the operator by phone number from the official websites of mobile communication companies.

A popular service for checking the subject of the country and the mobile subscriber is GSM-inform. To define a user, you need to enter the first 5 digits of the phone. Using the Spravportal program, you can clearly see on the map where you called from. Both services are free of charge.

Video instruction: identification by operator's phone number

Mobile communication is an integral part of life - in 70% of cases, people make calls using not a stationary, but a cellular device. That is why it is important to know how to identify the operator by phone number so that the use of the device or tariff becomes as comfortable as possible for the subscriber.

In some cases, it is required to identify the operator by number mobile phone from which the call came. This is important because:

  • a person will be able to get information about the operator and compare it with their own “base” of acquaintances, friends and business contacts;
  • you can understand how profitable calls to this phone number are (some tariff plans allow you to significantly save money in the "native network");
  • the subscriber will be able not to spend his own funds (some numbers may be paid for incoming calls).

In order to be completely sure that the call is made from the number of "your" operator, you need to visit the official website (Beeline, Megafon, Iota, MTS, Tele 2) - all information relevant for a given period of time is located there. You can also get answers by calling the operator.

In order to completely protect yourself from a possible mistake, you also need to know that each mobile operator has its own codes. Belonging to a particular operator is determined by a combination of three digits that come after 8 (or the country code in which the subscriber is registered, for Russia it is +7).

This approach is not a 100% guarantee of an accurate operator identification, since many users prefer to keep their phone number when switching to another operator.

It is also very important, when checking the number, to use official services so that the number does not get into the database of scammers. Safe functionality is only on official sites - this should not be forgotten either.

Consider the main codes related to the main operators providing mobile communications and Internet services in Russia:

  • MTS - 910-919 and 980-982, as well as 985, 987, 988;
  • Megafon - 920-937;
  • Beeline - 903, 905, 906, 909, as well as 960-968, 976;
  • TELE2 - 902, 904, 905, 950-953, 916.

It is recommended to additionally clarify whether the number belongs to a specific operator; online services are used for this purpose.

Example: a call may come from a Beeline subscriber, but the first digits after 8 may be 926. Such nuances can only be found on official services.

Beeline codes by region

The country is large, there are many cities and regions in it, so it is important to know additionally the codes that belong to them. This is necessary in order to take advantage of special offers and opportunities included in local rates.

Beeline has the following codes:

  • 903, 963 and 909, 964-968 - all regions;
  • 905 and 906 - all regions (exception: Far East);
  • 951 and 953 - Primorye;
  • 960 - all regions (exception: the Far East and the Urals).

Beeline also serves customers with codes 961-962 - for all regions except the North-West.

MTS customers use the following codes:

  • 910, 915 - central regions;
  • 911, 981 - Northwest region;
  • 912, 982 - Ural;
  • 913, 983 - Siberian district;
  • 914, 984 - Far East;
  • 916, 985 - the city of Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • 917 - Moscow, Moscow Region and the Volga region;
  • 987 - Volga region;
  • 918, 988 - South, North Caucasus.

There are also codes covering several regions at once: 919 - the Volga region, the Urals, the Center, the South and the North Caucasus; 989 - the code is valid for all regions.

Megafon codes by region

Approximately find out the operator by number cell phone, you can, given the codes relevant for Megafon:

  • 920 - Center, Volga region;
  • 921 - Northwest;
  • 922 - Ural;
  • 923 - Siberian district;
  • 924 - Far East;
  • 925-926 - Moscow and Moscow Region;
  • 927 - Volga region (exception: Nizhny Novgorod region);
  • 928 - North Caucasus and the South of the country.

Code 929 is valid in all regions of the country.

Tele2 codes by region

Recently, Tele 2 was included among the main operators. The following codes are characteristic of this operator:

  • 900-902, 908, 953, 958 - for all regions;
  • 904 - North, Lipetsk, Rostov, Kursk regions;
  • 950 - 952 - a number of regions (you can check on the official website);
  • 977 - the capital and MO;
  • 991 - St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Novgorod region;
  • 992 - Chelyabinsk, Kursk regions, KhMAO, YNAO;
  • 993 - Tambov, Orel, Magadan regions, Khakassia, Tyva;
  • 994 - Magadan, Amur, Sakhalin regions, Kamchatka;
  • 995 - Adygea, Kalmykia and Krasnodar Territory;

Code 999 is distributed in Moscow, Moscow Region, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions.

Not only knowledge of the codes, but also special Internet resources will help determine the region. The information received will be useful for those who do not want to take risks and lose funds from their account by making calls to dubious numbers.

Several programs have also been developed that allow you to search for a phone number in the database of the main telecom operators - DEF or Pnone Wizard. It is impossible to say for sure how safe they are, so it is best to visit the official websites of operators or call their phones (short numbers).


Before answering a call, many users want to know the operator by phone number. If this cannot be done immediately (the person does not know the codes or doubts), it is better not to answer.

An unknown number may belong to scammers, so it is important to follow safety precautions. Verification is carried out by entering the number into the program or online service. You can also get help by calling the operator directly. All these actions are completely free and make it easy to identify the operator by phone number.

The three main mobile communication companies in the Russian Federation are MTS, Megafon and Beeline. Other mobile operators in Russia are not so popular, and even such giants as TELE2, Rostelecom and Iota fall short of the leaders. The coverage of large mobile communication companies covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation. To identify subscribers, are used phone numbers, and to determine the provider - prefixes of cellular operators. One company, especially if it is large, may own several indices. For example, the list for MTS covers a wide range of numbers.

What is a cell phone number

The ten-digit identifier, consisting of the provider code and a unique set of numbers, is the mobile phone number. In the international format, there is also a country index (for Russia +7). Def codes (operator identifiers) consist of three digits; numbering starts at nine. These are non-geographic telephone indexes, thanks to which it is possible to determine the subscriber's communication service provider, but firms no longer have a monopoly on them. You can switch, for example, from MTS to Megafon while maintaining the same set of numbers.

The transfer service is still available to a small number of people, and it is still possible to find out where the unknown is calling from. For the same reason, number codes mobile operators Russia remains in demand data. Def are not considered secret information and are in open bases. They encode not only information about the provider, but also about the region in which the number is registered (within the range of regions, and not a specific city or district).

Cellular operator codes

The Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz) distributes the codes of mobile operators in Russia. A table with a list of def identifiers is posted on the official website of the institution and is regularly updated. It is available for download to any Internet user. For the convenience of the search, you can drive the code into a special form on the site and quickly find information about the corresponding network provider and region.

Russian cellular communication companies

The leaders of the list are Megafon, MTS and Beeline. In addition to them, there are other companies in the TOP. The most popular mobile operators in Russia:

  • Megaphone. The leading company covering all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Tajikistan. The subscriber base of MegaFon has more than 75 million active numbers. It is a leader in providing mobile internet.
  • MTS. Belongs to the list of leading providers. Provides high quality voice communication services, cable television, Internet access. It has its own retail network.
  • Beeline. A brand owned by Vimpelcom, which is part of a concern serving more than 235 million subscribers. The company provides a wide range of tariffs and high-quality coverage.
  • TELE 2. The work of this group of companies is highly appreciated by users. It serves more than 38.9 million subscribers.
  • Iota. Gained popularity as an innovative company providing mobile voice services and 4G high-speed Internet.
  • Rostelecom. Leader in the provision of cable television and broadband Internet access. Feedback on the quality of the services provided is positive, but many customers criticize the work of technical support.
  • MTT. Major cellular provider. Serves 2 million subscribers.

Russian mobile operator codes

A total of 57 identifiers are currently involved. The structure of the def code is as follows: 9, then one of the digits in the range from 0 to 9. This is how 9 two-digit indices are formed, each of them has a third number, also from 0 to 9. A summary table of all occupied digits (distribution of cell phone numbers Russian operators by regions below):

  • 90: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9;
  • 91: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 92: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 93: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 94: 1;
  • 95: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8;
  • 96: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 97: 0, 1, 7, 8;
  • 98: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • 99: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9;

As can be seen from the list, Russian mobile operators have not distributed all the def codes among themselves. Remaining free identifiers:

MTS numbers

The codes 91x and 98x are reserved for the MTS mobile provider (where x is a number from the range from 0 to 9, see the table above). The regional distribution is as follows:

MTT codes

This provider uses the following codes: 90x, 93x, 95x, 98x, 99x. In the vast majority of regions, 958 indices are registered. 930, 933, 958, 980 are also often found. Most of the subscribers belong to the Central Federal District:

  • 930, 931, 933, 934, 939;
  • 966, 969;
  • 980, 984, 985, 986;
  • 992, 993, 994, 995.

Beeline codes

This company, which provides calling and network access services, uses two main codes: 90x, 96x. Full distribution table for the Russian Federation:

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 967


909, 961, 962, 963, 965, 968, 969

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 969


903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962


909, 961, 962, 963

Moscow and region

903, 905, 906, 909, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 980, 983, 986

903, 905, 906, 909, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 966, 967


902, 904, 908, 951, 953, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968

All but the Far East

All but the Northwest


Subscribers who use Megafon can be recognized by def 92x. The regional distribution is as follows:

Tele 2

90x, 95x, 99x are TELE2 identification codes. In addition, Moscow subscribers can be encrypted under the numbers +7 977 хххххх. The rest of the code distribution.

(8723 people)

Codes of mobile operators in Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communications have become so firmly and organically integrated into our lives that it is already difficult to imagine your day without a cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is wonderful. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are the most suitable. It’s just that it’s sometimes very difficult to figure out who owns a particular phone number. But this important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least approximately determine how much the conversation will cost. A simple example: if you call your mobile operator, the cost will be X, and if another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. About the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign operator cellular communication and it's not worth talking about. Obviously it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes of Russian mobile operators in order not to get into a mess.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you see. The second is to look for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, the language? Therefore, we suggest that you use the third method - the base of operator codes. Especially for you, we have created the section "Codes of mobile operators of the world". It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for deciphering a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, after which comes the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to determine the mobile operator. When examining a phone number, do not forget that the country code may appear before the prefix. Thus, the telephone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country code + Operator code + Phone number


In our country, the most popular phone numbers are the so-called "Big Three": "MegaFon", MTS and "Beeline". Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people remember without serious problems which codes belong to which operator. If there are difficulties, use our hint. So, how to identify the code of a mobile operator in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for the MTS telephone code, which is in the range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The Beeline mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline phone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


The MegaFon mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to long-registered subscribers. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia, as well as other countries. Using the reference book "Codes of mobile operators", you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we invite you to take advantage of a special offer and buy easy-to-remember numbers for a very attractive price. For example, "MTS Golden Numbers" or "Beautiful MegaFon Numbers".
920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929
929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937
If you have any questions or you decide to make a purchase, then call us by phone: +7 495 997 07 02, we will definitely help. And may you always have a choice!