What does an extended account in black desert provide? GameNet Blood and Soul Extended Account

GameNet Extended Account

Benefits of an extended account:

  • Ability to play with two accounts (in two windows) simultaneously in , and .
  • Bonus in the amount of 5% of the top-up amount;
  • Ability to change GameNet profile background;
  • Your posts on GameNet will stand out;

Activation and use of an extended account (playing “two windows”)

To purchase an “Extended Account” using the GameNet application, you must click the “Expand Account” button.

A purchase window will open in which you need to select the period for which you purchase the account. Select the radio button opposite the required period and confirm the purchase by pressing the corresponding button.

Note: When purchasing for a longer period, there is a system of discounts.

You will then be shown a successful purchase confirmation window.

Done, “Advanced account” is activated.

Now you need to add an additional account, which will be launched in the second window. To do this, you need to go to the page of the game that supports a similar function (a list of these games can be found below), click the “Accounts” button, and then “Add an account”.

Enter the registration information for the second account and click the “Login to Account” button.

To start the game on a second account, you need to log into the game from the first account, and then click the “Accounts” and “Play” buttons.

How to gift an extended account to a friend?

You can do this in two ways:

1. Open the player’s page on the GameNet website and click on the “Give an extended account” button:

2. Open the GameNet launcher, right-click on the player’s nickname in the list of your friends and select “Gift an extended account”:

Your friend will receive a notification in the GameNet chat that this gift came from you personally.


  1. You can enable a second account only when the first one is already running by clicking on the "Start game" button under the name of the second one account.
  2. You can change your additional account to another at any time. To do this, click the “Accounts” button and the log out button. Next, you need to repeat the authorization procedure.
  3. This feature is currently only available for five games: Aika 2, Blood and Soul and Reborn.
  4. You can purchase an extended account only with GN coins, which are received by replenishing your account or for winning competitions.
  1. How to buy an early access kit?
    Go to the official website link and click "Early Access"
  2. If I bought a set for 500 or 1000 rubles, can I pay extra and buy another one instead?
    The support service can help in this case:
    1. We will deactivate the early access package that you previously purchased.
    2. You purchase the desired (more expensive) set.
    3. We will compensate you for the cost of the deactivated set in the form of GN coins to your current account.
    If you are satisfied with this offer, then create a corresponding support request: https://support.gamenet.ru
  3. When will the sale of sets end?
    The sale of the sets will last until the start of the MBT.

  4. Do I need to activate the purchased NSD somewhere or will it automatically turn on on my account?
    If you purchase a set with GN coins, access is automatically activated on your account. If you buy in another way, the key received by e-mail must be activated in the “Promo codes” section on the page gamenet.ru .
  5. What is the difference between P2P servers and F2P?
    There will be no difference between the servers in the mechanics of the game; the only difference will be in the store, paid goods and methods of obtaining them. So, for example, some items from the store (some costumes with characteristics, pets, etc.) will be available for silver from NPCs. IN this moment prices are in silver and the full range is still being approved by the developers. The main position is that paid items can be purchased for silver from a special NPC. Items with similar stats, but unique appearance, will only be available in the store. Some items can be obtained for silver from NPCs and in the store. At the start of the P2P server, a limited list of items will be presented in the game store so that it does not affect the initial development of players on the server in the first days. Items from the store will be put up for auction; this is provided for by the mechanics of the auction in the game.
  6. Does the 2500r kit give you access to P2P forever? And then you don’t have to pay a monthly fee?
    Right. Having purchased a set for 2,500 rubles, you will not need to pay a subscription fee in the future. Those who have not purchased the kit will need to pay monthly subscription fee to play on a P2P server.
  7. Does the 2500 rubles package include premium on a P2P server?
    On a P2P server, premium is enabled for all characters by default. The set includes an additional 30-day premium for the F2P server.
  8. How much will a premium account cost for F2P?
    Approximately 350-400 rub.
  9. How much will a 1 month subscription to a P2P server cost?
    Approximately 400-500 rub.
  10. Is it possible to buy a set for GN coins?
    Yes, the set can also be purchased for GN coins: https://gamenet.ru/games/blackdesert/earlyaccess/
  11. Will it be possible to buy eternal access to the P2P server after the start of OBT?
    No. If you did not buy the early access kit for 2,500 rubles and want to play on a P2P server after the start of OBT, you will need to pay a monthly subscription.
  12. Will a set of tools from the set for 2500 rubles be available on P2P?
    No, only on the F2P server. More details about the contents of the set: http://blackdesert.ru/founderspack/winterset2500/
  13. When does the server start for early access holders?
    On Monday, October 5 at 8 a.m. Moscow time, game server Black Desert will be open to Early Access pack owners. The first to enter the game will be the owners of sets for 1000 and 2500 rubles, on October 8 - the owners of sets for 500 rubles (the exact time will be announced later) and already on October 12 Black world Desert will open its doors to everyone!

  14. How many servers will there be at the start of OBT?
    On the 5th one F2P server will be launched. The opening of additional servers and their number will depend on the number of willing players. At launch, one server will be available, but with a large number of channels.
    In the future, we are considering the possibility of opening new servers if necessary.

  15. What will the crafting system be like?
    After discussing all the pros and cons, we decided to still keep the handicraft system in Black Desert, but remove HE cans from the premium store, guided by the fact that this will help balance the economic component of the game.

    To substantiate our position and prevent possible questions, we present the clear advantages of this system:
    -players will begin to distribute craft roles among themselves;
    -players will interact with each other to obtain the necessary consumables or resources;
    - the collapse of prices at the auction is excluded;
    -crafting will be an excellent way to earn money in games;
    -players who are among the top artisans will acquire significant social status;
    -prices at the auction will be determined by demand, and not by the number of items.

  16. How to deal with First and Last Name on a P2P server?
    Since the database of names, surnames and guild names is the same for several servers, anyone who wants to reserve a nickname for playing on servers that will be opened later should go to Black Desert at the start of the first server, that is, October 5, and take the necessary names, by following these steps:
    -by entering a surname for your characters;
    -by creating a character with the desired name;
    -and if you are the leader of a guild, creating a clan, which can later be transformed into a guild. Guild name length is limited to 16 characters.

    In addition, before the start of the premium server, information will be published on how exactly it will be possible to clear the character’s name.

  17. Will there be compensation for those who purchased the maximum early access set?
  18. It may be possible, everything will depend on the delay time for starting the P2P server.

  19. Is it possible to run a P2P server without a game store, but at the same time with F2P?
    Now it is not possible to separate the settings inside the client and server into P2P and F2P. This is the main difficulty in launching a P2P server. Now we, together with the developers, are trying to solve the problem and are waiting for new information.

  20. Game store on P2P?
    Prices will be approximately the same as on the F2P server, but the range will be limited. More detailed information will be available after agreement with the developer.

  21. Will there be restrictions on in-store purchases?
    Yes, they will for some items. Some items can be purchased only for yourself, some for a limited number of times.

  22. Will Elian's Tears be in the store?
    There will be an analogue in the store, with recovery after death of 20% of the max. HP. There are no plans to introduce a Korean version (they give 100% HP upon resurrection). A decision has not yet been made regarding the presence of tears on the P2P server.

  23. Are there any plans to attract players to the P2P server?
    Of course, we will definitely organize various promotions and events.

  24. How far behind the Korean version of the client is planned?
    We will aim for a lag equal to one update.

  25. Will there be a fix for the possibility of catching a 3-4 grade horse?
    No, the value of higher grade horses will be increased.

  26. When will there be sieges?
    Sieges and territory capture are temporarily blocked. They will become available only after all players, both those who purchased Early Access packs and those who started on October 12, have been able to get comfortable with the game.
    We will separately announce the launch of the territory war system after October 12th.

  27. When will the countdown begin for the extended GameNet account included in NSD?
    The countdown will begin on the 5th, but owners of the RUB 2,500 kit will have additional days by which the start of the P2P server will be delayed.

  28. Clans and guilds

    Clans and guilds can be created from the first level.
    -The cost of converting a clan into a guild is 100,000 silver.
    -The cost of declaring war is 150,000 silver.
    -Up to six wars can be declared at the same time.

  29. PvP
    At the start of PVP, the system will remain unchanged and will be identical to what players could evaluate during the final CBT. Please note that the developers and I have not yet come to a consensus on how this mechanic works, and therefore we continue to collect feedback from our gaming community.

  30. Balance
    The balance of game classes, character skills, including the skills of the “Mystic” character have been improved and correspond to the current original mechanics of the game.

  31. Character development speed
    The speed of character development and the strength of monsters at the start will be approximately the same as in the last days of the final closed testing. Development at the initial levels is more balanced.

  32. Can premium be transferred/sold at auction?
    Not yet, but it is in the plans.

  33. Will there be summonable bosses?
    The bosses were not removed, the principle of receiving rewards was changed.
    Only the one who called the boss receives a reward.

  34. How to get miles?
    Miles are awarded for logging into the game every day and for many in-game achievements. They can also be obtained as a bonus after opening chests with pearls.
    Not all chests contain bonus miles. The description of each chest will indicate whether the chest includes miles.

  35. Will there be miles separately for each server? or general per account?

  36. Will there be an official database of items and locations/quests?
    We would like to and it is, in fact, almost ready. It’s just that we don’t have time to finish the work right now. We expect to finish it soon after the launch of the MBT.

  37. Are items obtained through cooking and alchemy transferable?
    Ingredients - not yet.
    Many items obtained through cooking and alchemy can be transferred.

  38. Will the list of transferred items be expanded, since so far only cooking and alchemy crafting consumables are transferred, but what about the crafting profession? Almost nothing is transmitted there.
    Now not everything is perfect and some things need to be improved. Your feedback on the forums helps us a lot in these matters. If necessary, we will revise the list of items for exchange.
  39. Is there an investment limit of 20k rubles per week?

  40. How many GN coins costs maximum chest with pearls (and miles accordingly)?
    10,000 pearls + 900 bonus pearls + 5,000 miles = 10k GN coins

  41. What will be the mechanics for deleting a character?
    Under normal conditions, any character is deleted for 3 days. But for future players of the P2P server, this mechanic will be slightly changed. Most likely, with special items or a direct request to the database (for example, for all owners of sets for 2500 rubles).

  42. How will a premium account included in NSD work on different servers?
    On F2P you will have an item, activating which will enable premium for 30 days.
    On P2P, by default, full premium will be enabled and built into the game (analogous to the Premium + Comfort sets).
    More details about the maximum set bonuses can be found here.

  43. What will happen to the bonuses of the set for 2500 rubles if I start playing on F2P, and then transfer to P2P, namely, what will happen to the horse?
    The horse is issued only on the F2P server.
    If you start playing on F2P and then switch to P2P, all bonuses in the set will correspond to the description, they will not be lost:

  44. Will early access to the P2P server remain?
    Early access will remain on P2P, since the same players who purchased the maximum sets will start, while others will have to wait and purchase a subscription. Thus, early access will not change, since it is provided to the P2P server, and not specifically to OBT.

  45. Until when will Early Access Packs be sold?
    Before the general launch on October 12, it is possible that the sale will be delayed for 1-2 days.

  46. Will there be common knowledge, influence points, etc. parameters for the Last Name? on different servers (F2P and P2P)?
    These settings are not shared across servers.

  47. When purchasing pearls for GN coins, will the account wallet be shared between F2P and P2P or separate?
    No, pearls are used within one account and do not apply to different types servers.
    What happens on the F2P server stays on the F2P server.

  48. Will it be possible to transfer characters from F2P to a P2P server?
    There are no plans to transfer characters.

  49. How many characters are in the guild name, last name and nickname?
    16 characters each.

  50. Can I use the early access cap bonus on a F2P server? Will I then receive a bonus on the p2p server?
    Early access Maximum set bonuses are different for p2p and f2p servers. If you use the kit on an f2p server, you will be sent a separate box with a bonus on P2P.

GameNet Extended Account

Hello, friends!

The GameNet team never tires of working to provide you with the highest quality services and allow you to play as comfortably as possible. A week ago, we updated the launcher security system, which significantly increased the protection of games from people using third-party software. A short respite in the fight against them allowed us to direct our efforts to development new feature called "Advanced Account". It will be introduced tomorrow, December 26, during the day. After 16:00 you will definitely be able to take advantage of new opportunities.

This innovation is available for the games Blood and Soul, Aika 2, Reborn, Titan Siege and Black Desert. It allows you to access additional launcher options. At the moment, by activating the “Advanced Account”, you get the opportunity to play “in two windows”, in the future the functionality will increase.

To start using the “Advanced Account”, click on the icon on the right side of the launcher.

You will see a window in front of you in which you can pay for the use of this option for the period that is convenient for you.

After the purchase, a message will appear confirming that the transaction was successful.

Done, “Advanced account” is activated. In the launcher, instead of the “extended account” button, a counter for the remaining days of the extended account will appear.

Now indicate which account to use as an additional one by clicking on the arrow next to the “Play” button.

Click on “Add Account” to provide your second account details - email and password.


    You can enable a second account only when the first one is already running by clicking on the button with the name of the second account.

    You can change your additional account. To do this, exit it by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the launcher. Then repeat the procedure of adding a second account again.

    This feature is only available for the following games: Blood and Soul, Aika 2, Reborn, Titan Siege and Black Desert.

  1. You can purchase an “Advanced Account” only with GN coins received when replenishing your account or for winning GameNet competitions.

Black Desert is one of the most hardcore MMO projects, so purchasing accounts is very profitable. The game does not tolerate disregard and takes up a lot of free time from gamers. About 90% of the hours spent are spent farming. If you want and have a lot of free time, you can pump your Black Desert Online accounts to level 50 in a couple of days, but after this mark life turns into a nightmare. Daily farming becomes tiresome, the percentage of level gain creeps forward by thousandths of a percent. Isn't purchasing an account the best solution in this case? It is, and here's why:

  • you enjoy the game by getting a powerful character
  • you save personal time
  • you get the opportunity to fight with another upgraded class

To advance to the top of Black Desert Online, you will have to buy an account. Players who started developing before you have a significant advantage. Another problem with self-leveling is penalties for death. Yes, yes, the characters in Black Desert suffer from this disease. Having died at the hands of a ganker, the painfully gained experience points will evaporate along with the desire to swing in this territory or even play further that day.

Benefits of FunPay

The FunPay exchange allows some players to sell their Black Desert account without extortionate markups, while others can buy it at a reasonable price. Here, trading operations are carried out directly between gamers - the participation of the exchange comes down to control over the technical side. On FunPay, you can join an endless cycle of transactions, and the system will allow you not only to buy, but also to sell your goods.

FunPay is unique trading platform. Here the price is regulated by the seller himself. A free market favors lower prices and an increase in the quality of the goods offered. Leading sellers instantly understand the market situation and set adequate price tags.

How the system works

Our platform puts transaction security at the top of the list of priorities. Therefore, you will only be able to buy or sell a BDO account with the participation of a guarantor. When a transaction is concluded, the buyer’s money is reserved, and this is reliable insurance against fraud. If the account owner does not provide the client with the required information, the buyer has the right to complain to the arbitration system and cancel the transaction - return the funds. Any complaint will be reviewed by experts as soon as possible.

Important: “frozen” money is transferred to the seller only if the buyer confirms the completion of the transaction. As you can see, purchasing Black Desert accounts through FunPay is absolutely safe.

GameNet Extended Account

Hello, friends!

The GameNet team never tires of working to provide you with the highest quality services and allow you to play as comfortably as possible. A week ago, we updated the launcher security system, which significantly improved the protection of games from people using third-party software. A short break in the fight against them allowed us to focus our energy on developing a new feature called “Advanced Account”. It will be introduced tomorrow, December 26, during the day. After 16:00 you will definitely be able to take advantage of new opportunities.

This innovation is available for Blood and Soul, Aika 2, Reborn and Titan Siege. It allows you to access additional launcher options. At the moment, by activating the “Advanced Account”, you get the opportunity to play “in two windows”, in the future the functionality will increase.

To start using the “Advanced Account”, click on the icon on the right side of the launcher.

You will see a window in front of you in which you can pay for the use of this option for the period that is convenient for you.

After the purchase, a message will appear confirming that the transaction was successful.

Done, “Advanced account” is activated. In the launcher, instead of the “extended account” button, a counter for the remaining days of the extended account will appear.

Now, indicate which account to use as an additional one by clicking on the arrow next to the “Play” button.

Click on “Add Account” to provide your second account details - email and password.


    You can enable a second account only when the first one is already running by clicking on the button with the name of the second account.

    You can change your additional account. To do this, exit it by clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the launcher. Then repeat the procedure of adding a second account again.

    This feature is currently only available for four games: Blood and Soul, Aika 2, Reborn and Titan Siege.