Distance from the TV screen to the eyes. Tips for the user

To ensure a safe stay at the computer, it is worth finding out what the minimum distance from the eyes to the monitor should be. If the monitor screen is positioned correctly in relation to the user, it will be possible to maintain the quality of vision longer, avoid osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, and improve visual perception of information.

Minimum and optimal distances to the monitor

The distance from the monitor to the eyes depends, first of all, on its size parameters. These days, the most popular models are with diagonals ranging from 14 (laptops) to 27 inches, and the largest are equipped with screens with a diagonal of over 30″. Depends on dimensions in inches technical capabilities and scope of application of monitors.


The most common models are those with the following characteristics:

  • 14–16″. These are mass-produced laptops, the dimensions of which allow them to integrate processors with optimal performance. Portable devices with a smaller diagonal have a narrower application.
  • 17″. A laptop with a voluminous body is one of the options for the office. Not very convenient to carry, but it saves space in the work area.
  • 18.5–20.1″. Small stationary models, mainly used for working in a text editor.
  • 21.5–24″. Video monitors with a medium diagonal are a universal option that allows you to comfortably type text, edit videos, and watch movies. To support 3D gaming, a minimum diagonal of 23 inches is preferred.
  • 27″ and above. They are most often used for watching movies, editing photos, videos and audio materials. These monitors are indispensable in studio work, namely when recording sound and filming. Screens of 32 inches or more are usually chosen for video surveillance. If you plan to use a wall-mounted monitor as a TV, the optimal diagonal is from 31 to 34″.

At the computer desk

So, what is the minimum distance to a computer display based on its size? Based on scientific research, the human eye is able to clearly see an image within a radius of 17°. From here we get the answer mathematically: the smallest permissible distance between the user’s face and the screen is the length of its diagonal.

The top edge of the display should be 10° below your line of sight.

When figuring out how many centimeters should be between the eyes and the video monitor, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also its design features. It is safer to stay behind the LCD display with TFT panel.

Standard distances

Compared to traditional devices, which are based on a cathode ray tube (CRT), LCD models have the following advantages:

  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • larger size of the visible area (for a 15-inch LCD monitor it is the same as for a 17-inch CRT analogue);
  • no image distortion;
  • saving space on the table.

Read also TV diagonal in cm and inches

If you have a CRT, the computer monitor should be 60–70 cm away, and an LCD display, all other things being equal, allows you to reduce the distance to 30–50 cm. To reduce eye strain, it is important to correctly set up the image, and first, test the monitor using special program(for example, PassMark MonitorTest).


According to medical standards, the optimal distance to a computer monitor should be greater than the minimum - from one and a half to two diagonals. The following formula is used for calculation: S = L * 2.54 * 1.75, where:

  • L – diagonal length in inches;
  • 2.54 – conversion factor from inches to centimeters;
  • 1.75 is the arithmetic mean between 1.5 and two diagonals.

Let us calculate, according to the formula, the optimal distance from an office laptop with a diagonal size of 17″:

S = 17 * 2.54 * 1.75 = 75 cm.

Calculation results for different models computers are listed in Table 1.

Table 1.

Display diagonal size, inches Optimal distance from eyes to screen, cm
14 62
15 67
16 71
17 75
18 80
19 85
20 89
21 94
22 98
23 102
24 107
25 111
26 116
27 120
28 125
29 129
30 134
31 138
32 142
33 147

How to organize your workspace at your computer

In order to protect the labor of pupils and students, employees, operators, they should be equipped workplace behind the monitor in compliance with sanitary standards and regulations - SanPiN and SanPiN A competent approach to this issue will help prevent visual fatigue and other occupational diseases.

Diagram and useful tips

General requirements

It is preferable to place the video monitor in a corner or turn its back to the wall. If there are several computers in a studio or office, you should maintain at least 2 meters between them and do not place their displays facing each other. There are other recommendations that apply to each user:

  1. During operation, the minimum distance to the monitor screen is about 70 cm. This will avoid computer vision syndrome. If you need to look at the display and immediately move your gaze to a document lying on the table, the sheets are placed closer to the screen so as not to constantly move your head or eyes (or better yet, purchase a document stand).
  2. Lighting is arranged so that glare does not fall on the screen. They interfere with the perception of information, force you to strain your eyesight, change the position of your body - all this requires excessive effort and leads to fatigue. If there is a window behind the office worker, it is shaded with curtains or blinds. LB type lamps with 300–500 lux are used as artificial lighting.
  3. Table. Its dimensions ensure comfortable use of the computer. The height is chosen so that the top of the monitor is at eye level; the depth should ensure the standard distance from the screen; width depends on the set peripheral devices. The more massive the table, the better it dampens vibration.
  4. Chair. Ideally, a rotating model with adjustable height, armrests, and a semi-soft seat.
  5. Keyboard. It, like the mouse, is placed on a table or a special retractable surface, approximately at elbow level. In this case, the forearms should be relaxed and hang freely at the sides. To avoid sudden head tilts forward, the keyboard is installed at an angle of 0 to 15°.

World standards

Installation of monitors for a surveillance system

Security and management of the activities of an enterprise, institution or store these days is often carried out using video surveillance.

For this purpose, it would be optimal to use special monitors with professional BNC or RCA connectors.

Another important feature is the operation of one display on several cameras, each of which is located in a certain area and then broadcasts its image (video field). It is believed that for effective observation the display should have a maximum of 20–24 fields.

At the table

Based on the required number, the diagonal of the video device is calculated, and depending on it, the distance from the screen to the guard’s eyes is determined. The correct ratios of all three parameters are shown in Table 2.

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Due to the fact that progress does not like to mark time, TV, like any other technology, becoming more advanced and safe for human health.

But that doesn't mean it's possible fully trust smart technology and forget about compliance simple rules its use.

In what cases can TV harm your eyesight?

CRT and projection TVs are different from plasma and liquid crystal counterparts flickering picture.

Worth noting! Flickering is not noticeable to the human eye, but leads to rapid fatigue and headaches.

Under normal conditions, a person constantly moves his gaze from one object to another, from close objects to distant ones.

This causes a change in the curvature of the lens. When viewing a blue screen, the eye is deprived of this opportunity.

Muscles, changing the curvature of the lens, I have to focus on the screen for a long time.

Because of this, they become overextended. Such loads can lead to decreased visual acuity.

Is it possible to watch TV lying down in the dark?

Many of us prefer to watch movies and TV shows in the dark: in such conditions The image on the screen appears brighter.

In fact The contrast between a brightly lit screen and a dark room causes pupillary muscles to tense up., and instead of the pleasure of watching your favorite movie can be obtained pain in the eyes.

For those who like to watch a series before bed under the covers Care should be taken to ensure that your gaze falls directly on the screen.

You also need to remember that staying in one position for a long time, even if it is very comfortable for the eyes, can put a noticeable load on the spine.

Does your eyesight get worse if you watch TV close?

Probably every TV viewer, even the smallest one, knows a simple truth: You can’t watch TV close, as your eyesight will deteriorate.. But does everyone know why?

In fact, it's simple: short distance the object of observation very quickly tires the organ of vision.

And this, as already said, will not be beneficial.

Viewers of CRT televisions, approaching the screen, see its flickering more clearly.

This also causes pupil fatigue, headaches and over time can affect eye health.

You shouldn’t sit too far from the monitor either: you’ll have to strain your eyesight to see what's happening on the screen.

Distance to TV depending on screen diagonal

How to determine at what distance it is best to enjoy the programs of your favorite channel from the sofa? There are certain norms or a rule of three to five diagonals.

Important! The blue screen and the viewer's eyes should be separated by a distance equal to at least three screen diagonals. And ideally, this distance should be five diagonals.

The room should be illuminated by a darkened lamp with a power of 40 watts, which is located away from spectators.

A screen with a diagonal of 10 inches should be two meters from the audience, with a diagonal of 16 inches - four meters, with a diagonal of 24 inches - no closer than six meters.

In the table below you can see the distance to the eyes based on the diagonal:

What to do if TV hurts your eyes?

If still during a home movie show Your eyes start to hurt, you should take action.

Pain is a signal from our body that some problems have arisen that require intervention.

For your information! You need to hear this signal in time and make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. And you can provide first aid to your eyes yourself.

Self-massage of the neck stimulates the optic nerve and helps relieve fatigue. This technique will also be effective while working at the computer, when your eyes, head or neck begin to hurt.

To prevent eye strain during the day, The following exercises can be used:

General viewing rules and precautions

Remember! There are several general rules for viewing the screen that will help the viewer maintain good health and protect eye health:

Does TV affect a child's vision?

For the proper development of a child’s vision, visual stress is necessary.. This includes reading, drawing, and watching TV.

In the first months of life, a child’s vision is not fully formed, and in order to look at a toy, pictures in a book, or an image on a TV screen, he has to strain his eyes.

This happens reflexively, regardless of the baby’s consciousness.

Therefore, no matter at what age the baby becomes acquainted with the blue screen, it is necessary to limit television sessions in time so as not to have a negative impact.

Until the age of two months, the sound of the TV acts on the baby like a lullaby.

A three to four months the baby may begin to be interested in what is happening on the screen.

At this age You can spend no more than 15 minutes a day in front of a screen.
For children from one to five years It is recommended to watch TV no longer than 25 minutes.
For children from five to eight years – no more than an hour.

After watching TV eyes need rest - sleep or walk outdoors.

After watching a cartoon, it is unacceptable to sit down to play board games, read or draw: the eyes should be able to look into the distance after focusing on the screen for a long time.

Vision in children decreases gradually and imperceptibly.

Therefore, even when the baby has no complaints, It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist annually to be able to identify any problem at an early stage and begin treatment immediately.

Moms and dads should remember that TV can cause a number of problems:

  • Overwork.
  • Difficulties in perceiving information, especially by ear.
  • Slow speech development.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Decreased creative potential.
  • Development of cruelty and aggressiveness.
  • The emergence of television addiction.

Rules for watching TV for children

Need to know! The rules for using TV for children are slightly different from the rules for adults:

In addition, the child must learn to select from a huge flow of information those programs that will be interesting to him, analyze and discuss what he sees, and absorb useful information.

His parents should help him with this.

Television can become an inexhaustible source of useful and interesting information for a child, it can help him in his studies and give him new ideas for creativity.

But in order for the TV to become a friend for the baby, parents must teach him to use this benefit of civilization without harm to his health.

Useful video

From this video you will find out whether computer games and watching TV affect your eyesight:

Many are sure that reading, watching TV and sitting in front of a computer monitor spoils vision, especially in children.

However, if you follow the rules for watching TV, vision problems can be avoided. At the same time, it is worth undergoing regular examinations with an ophthalmologist in order to prevent possible deterioration of the eye condition.

The statement: the larger the diagonal of the TV receiver, the greater the comfort and the higher the quality of viewing, is wrong. The quality of viewing is influenced by factors that are unfamiliar to the untrained buyer. Firstly, there is a huge selection of devices with panels, resolutions, diagonal and screen shape, and design. Secondly, the buyer is guided by the size of the room where the TV receiver is installed and financial payments. How to choose a TV diagonal in 2017 for home use is a solvable task. Our article will help you with this issue.

What to consider when choosing a TV diagonal

  1. Permission. A comparison of HD, Full HD and Ultra HD 4K formats is illustrated using the speeds of a turtle, a cyclist and an airplane. The number of pixels for HD is 1 million, Full HD is an inexpensive but good choice of TV - 2 million, and UHD 4K has 8 million. The increased pixel density per unit area guarantees an image with the smallest contours and texture of the material.
  2. Panel type. First of all, let's decide on the type of panel that affects the image parameters. Manufacturers offer 2 brands of panels with a high-quality matrix. The LED panel of an inexpensive LCD TV without unnecessary bells and whistles is a liquid crystal matrix in which mini-LEDs are used for backlighting, creating deep color. This technology performs two functions: extended color reproduction and increased viewing angle. The viewer watches the viewing from a point in the room within 180° of the screen. The OLED panel illuminates a single pixel independently. This quality creates the preconditions for a contrast image of improved quality and color reproduction of 2-5 nanometers. The picture refresh rate improves LED technology by 200 times. This translates into clear moving images without blurred edges. LCD and OLED panels operate without harmful radiation, allowing viewers to sit at a distance that is comfortable for a person. Smart TV and Android TV good elections TVs, have good sound, have voice control and gesture control. A convenient device menu in a thin frame with a sufficient number of ports offers normal internet– browser.
  3. Screen shape. The television receiver embraces the viewer at a distance, increasing the effect of entering into the action. If the viewer is oriented against the center of the screen, then the edges of the image are not distorted. A larger screen provides a larger viewing area in comfort mode.
  4. HDR technology. This technology has developed video signal for Ultra HD. Such a signal carries information about the color and brightness of a single pixel, creating ultra-high resolution and good viewing angles, without slowing down. The increased range of brightness and colors offers a realistic picture and uniform illumination for inspection.
  5. PMI. LG has implemented this index, demonstrating ways to improve image processing. The processor is involved in creating new frames of the signal to increase clarity. At the same time, increased contrast for dark scenes is provided by backlighting and partial shutdown. The higher the index, the better the image quality. This parameter is important for gamers and sports fans.
  6. 3D. Using Cinema 3D technology, they watch movies in three dimensions. The viewer of the popular 3D TV model does not need battery-powered glasses or rechargeable batteries, and according to customer reviews, the image is viewed without distortion from the selected position.

Optimal distance to TV

Two limiting factors - the size of the room where the television receiver is installed and financial payments for the purchase - determine the search distance. The size of the room determines the distance between the screen and the viewers' eyes. The distance is affected by the diagonal size and image resolution. The higher the resolution, the shorter the distance. But this is not enough. Buyers love specifics. Scientists today, taking into account the characteristics of the human eye, have calculated coefficients for the standards of television receivers and matrices at a given room distance in order to determine the diagonal of the device:

  • HD - 2.3;
  • Full HD - 1.56;
  • Ultra HD 4K - 0.7.

Examples of calculating the diagonal of a TV

  • Example 1. The buyer makes a choice in favor of the Full HD standard (financial indicator), indicates viewing at a distance of 2 meters. Let's do the calculation: 200 (size in cm) : 1.56: 2.54 (inch/cm) = 50.4”. For the distance specified by the buyer, the Full HD diagonal size is 50”.
  • example 2. The buyer chooses a 4K Ultra HD reliable TOP level TV with curved screen And stylish design, the distance indicates 1.5 meters. Let's do the calculation: 100 (cm) : 0.7: 2.54 (inch/cm) = 56.2”. For the distance specified by the buyer, the Full HD diagonal size is in the range of 55-60”. Enter this formula into the calculator on your mobile phone. Then, by inserting the distance and coefficient values, you determine the size of the diagonal. The buyer became a TV guru.

Cost issues

This limiting factor plays a major role when answering the question of how to choose a TV diagonal for the bedroom. Let's try to solve the inverse problem: using a specific distance and diagonal, determine the coefficient of the TV receiver standard. Which TV is better to choose and buy? The buyer specifies a distance of 1.5 meters, the diagonal is 30”. We make the calculation: 100 (cm) : = 1.97 (value between 1.56 and 2.3). The HD or Full HD model is available to the buyer based on financial indicators. We bring to your attention a video review below:

Selecting a diagonal based on TV resolution

This characteristic determines the maximum dots displayed on the screen. The dependence is simple: with a smaller number of pixels, you need to sit further so as not to see the imperfections in the image. More pixels bring the viewer closer to the source of the image. In both cases, comfort and the desire to preserve the eyes are achieved. Let's consider 3 television receivers with a diagonal of 50".

  • for a new, cheap and beautiful HD TV for home, the comfortable viewing distance will be: 50 x 2.3 x 2.54 = 2.92 meters;
  • for a Full HD TV in the middle price category in terms of image quality for movies: 50 x 1.56 x 2.54 = 1.98 meters;
  • for Ultra HD 4K: 50 x 0.7 x 2.54 = 0.89 meters.

Plasma, the best choice of premium TV for the living room, is located at a greater distance, since the pixels are larger. The buyer forum identified companies producing various sizes of devices. A TV diagonal with a price-quality ratio of up to 76 cm will fit into the kitchen and bedroom with wall mounting; TV diagonals with 102-124 cm will be suitable for the bedroom and living room for football and games; a diagonal with 140 cm will be conveniently located in the living room. You can also watch simple tips when choosing a TV diagonal in the video review below:


It is unjustified to chase a large diagonal size. One buyer is interested in watching sports or games, another is interested in watching movies, a third is interested in watching the news, each with room and financial restrictions. But when answering the question of how to choose a TV diagonal in 2017, the expert’s opinion takes into account the distance from the viewer to the TV, the panel resolution and financial payments.

A TV in the house is no longer just a “blue screen” that introduces the latest events in the country and the world. Modern models have impeccable images and high-quality stereo sound and are quite capable of turning the living room into a real cinema. There are many TV models on the market, created on the basis of completely different technologies. In this situation, consumers often get lost and make the mistake of trying to keep up with newfangled options and advanced technological innovations without understanding the fundamental principles of how TV equipment works.

TV is complicated technical device, which cannot be chosen according to the everyday principle of “like/dislike”. In this article, we will look at the key parameters that you should focus on when purchasing, and also determine how to choose the right TV for your home and what it should be like.

Types of TVs and their differences: yesterday - today

With the development of technological progress, new types of televisions appear on the market. Some technologies prove their own ineffectiveness and quickly lose popularity. Others find support from consumers, develop and improve. The pioneers of mass production were cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions. These devices were cubic in shape with a diagonal of no more than 90 inches, with impressive dimensions and weight. The televisions were distinguished by their long service life and good color rendition. At the same time, the image resolution turned out to be, to put it mildly, average, and the technology did not provide for the creation of higher-definition picture tubes. Therefore, CRT televisions, having failed to receive further development, are actually a thing of the past.

CRT models have been replaced by liquid crystal technology (LCD). The operating principle of LCD panels is based on adjusting the light intensity. Between two plates of polarized glass there is a thin layer of cyanophenyl - liquid crystals that, depending on the voltage of the electric discharge, are capable of changing the geometry of their molecular lattice, and therefore the transmittance of light, the source of which was originally a fluorescent lamp. On the glass plates, between which cyanophenyl is “sandwiched,” there are numerous parallel grooves of transparent polymer that “orient” the crystals. But the plates compress the liquid crystalline substance in such a way that the grooves are perpendicular to each other, forming a grid with cells, which in their area and shape for us are pixels - or logical (not physical!), minimally visible elements of the image.

Since the liquid crystal lattice itself is just a regulator of the intensity of white light, which two decades ago came from fluorescent lamps, and today comes from LEDs (LED - Light Emitting Diode), there was a need to color the light. For this purpose, color filters located on the outer glass plate were used (and are still used). These tiny filters of the red, green and blue spectrum, fitting within a single pixel, cut off unnecessary wavelengths of light and form a given color. But if the diodes initially emit red, green and blue colors rather than white, then the light filters located behind the LCD matrix become unnecessary. That is why, with the invention of color LEDs, the need for light filters gradually disappeared, and at the moment an irreversible process has begun to abandon the LCD lattice. Modern microscopic diodes themselves form pixels, being both a source of light and color and a regulator of their intensity. Each pixel can reproduce from 16.7 million shades - with a color depth (Color Depth) of 24 bits, and more - with 30, 32, 36, 48-bit color. The number of colors in an image is determined by the number of bits per pixel, or bpp, allocated to encode color in each pixel.

LCD TVs are distinguished by impeccable image geometry, high-definition images, and reduced energy consumption. They do not produce high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, do not flicker, and do not cause eye fatigue. The viewing angle of modern LCD panels is 160–178°, and you can view them from anywhere in the room. The technology makes it possible to produce televisions with large diagonals - up to 100 inches.

A temporary alternative to LCD TVs, until the latter could boast decent brightness and color depth, was plasma panels (PDP). Their production technology includes the ability of gas to glow when passed through electric current- go into a plasma state. Microcellular panels with a mixture of inert gases and phosphor pumped inside could recreate images of impressive brightness and contrast, with incredibly rich colors.

The technology made it possible to produce thin TVs with a large screen diagonal. However, such devices turned out to be expensive - not only in terms of production costs, but also in terms of energy consumption. Later it turned out that their impeccable service life did not exceed 10 thousand hours: when viewed 4 hours a day, this is only 7 years. High temperatures inside the PDP panel quickly rendered the tube unusable, the effect of “burning out” pixels appeared, and black dots appeared. All this led to the fact that leading manufacturers stopped producing plasma panels. Panasonic was the first to leave this niche, followed by Samsung and then LG. The era of plasma TVs is virtually over. Since 2014, their market share has not exceeded 1%.

All the parameters that we will consider in the future relate exclusively to the latest generation LCD TVs and ultra-modern OLED LED panels as the only promising technology of our time and the near future.

Backlight and image quality: in pursuit of perfection

The backlighting of the LCD matrix in a modern LCD TV is carried out using LEDs, which affect the quality of color rendering and the brightness of the picture. Diodes emit uniform and rich light, have a long service life and are very environmentally friendly. LCD TVs use different technological backlight solutions. The type of backlight varies depending on how the diodes are placed:

  • Edge LED: diodes are located around the perimeter of the matrix, at the end, and emit white light. Light distribution occurs using reflectors and diffusers. This makes it possible to create screens with a body thickness of less than 1 cm. However, “lights” may come from the edges of the matrix in poorly designed LCD TVs; in addition, such illumination without a well-thought-out software does not provide high contrast and is more suitable for models with a small diagonal. Edge LED TVs from well-known brands are more expensive, but they do not have the disadvantages listed above. Popular TV models with Edge LED are Philips 7502 LCD 4K HDR TV, Samsung QE65Q7FAM and LG 65UH755V.
  • Direct LED . The diodes are located behind the screen, the backlight is uniform and uniform, and high contrast is achieved. Diodes of different colors can be used, as well as composite LEDs. However, TVs with Direct LED are not as thin as TVs with Edge LED, for this reason they may cost the consumer less.

There are no clear recommendations as to which of the two types of LED backlighting is better. A potential buyer needs to pay attention to the features of the image in both cases and make a choice taking into account appearance TV and its cost. To improve product characteristics, LED TV manufacturers add their own developments. One of these is local dimming technology: in dark areas of the screen, the LEDs dim at the right moment, in light areas they increase the intensity of the glow. This method, in particular, is used in LG TVs labeled LED plus. The Japanese giant Sony went even further by using Sony series BRAVIA XE93 technology Slim Backlight Drive Slim Backlight Drive and equipping the light panel with a double block of LEDs. This provided unrivaled brightness and contrast while maintaining a slim design.

This is interesting
At CES 2016, Sony debuted the BRAVIA ZD9 series TVs with Backlight Master Drive Backlight Master Drive . This is a precision enhanced backlight technology that further enhances brightness and contrast to bring out your full potential. 4K HDR 4K HDR . The Backlight Master Drive combines a dense LED structure with a super-precise lighting algorithm and a unique optical design.

OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode . This is a new generation of television screens created using emitting technologies, when each pixel contains an independent light source and the display no longer requires both external lighting and an LCD matrix. OLED panels are matrices consisting entirely of organic light-emitting diodes. Electrical pulses passing through organic elements create a bright glow, and if phosphors are used in composite diodes, an expanded color palette can be obtained. TVs created using OLED technology are distinguished by deep and even black color, wide gray gradation, increased image realism, high dynamic contrast and clarity close to the ideal level.

OLED TVs are even thinner than LED models, can have a curved shape, and be translucent, which manufacturers actively use. Thus, Samsung and LG independently developed OLED TVs with concave screens (Curved OLED) in order to achieve high detail and eliminate distortion at the edges. Although many consider this a banal marketing ploy designed to draw attention to the unusual design of the screen.

But no matter how good OLED technology is, the percentage of TVs based on it is not yet very high. Main reason- the cost, which makes such television panels the privilege of the elite. The production of equipment is very complex and expensive; almost manual assembly and configuration is required.

Figures and facts
For the first time, a TV based on light-emitting diodes was presented by Sony. The SonyDrive XEL-1 went on sale in Japan back in 2007. The TV had an 11-inch screen, had an incredible contrast ratio: 1,000,000:1, was equipped with a stereo system and a tuner for receiving digital signal. The cost of the TV was $1.7 thousand.

At the same time, manufacturers, justifying the price, are actively looking for ways to completely reduce the risk of any defect to zero. For example, it is known that blue LEDs still last less than green and red ones. LG has found a solution in the use of white LEDs and color filters above their surface, borrowing a principle from LED. LG also launched OLED TVs 65EC9700 and 77EG9700 with UltraHD UltraHD -resolution and its own patented WRGB technology. Here the situation is slightly different - to the traditional red, green and blue LEDs, a fourth LED has been added - white. This enhances the contrast of the created image, especially in those pictures where there is a lot of white. To achieve the most realistic color reproduction, including deep blacks, Sony uses an OLED display containing more than 8 million self-luminous pixels.

Of course, OLED display is the best solution when choosing a TV, however, promising models created using this technology still retain a high cost. They can be recommended to those who plan to purchase a TV with a large screen diagonal - in this case, the difference in image quality will be significant. In other cases, LED backlighting can be called ideal. Thanks to modern technical solutions, LED displays are able to compete with the outdated plasma panels (PDP).

Resolution: small to large

Screen resolution is the number of pixels that make up an image. In other words, this is the ratio of points in width and height: the more there are, the better. Typically, resolution is related to the type and size of the screen. Next to the resolution you can see numbers and the letters “i” or “p”. For example, 1080i or 1080p. In this case, the number will indicate the number of horizontal stripes, and the letter will indicate the scan type: interlaced or progressive. In the first case, the image will be updated in stages, for example, along even and odd lines, which is fraught with an indistinguishable, but flickering effect. With progressive scan, all rows are updated simultaneously.

CRT TVs had a standard resolution of 768x576 - SD format. Currently only very old TV models support it. Most over-the-air programs are still broadcast in SD format, but the plan is to phase out this standard by 2018.

Flat-panel TV models have higher screen resolutions. This:

  • HD Ready High Definition Ready : 1280x720p and 1920x1080i. Resolution - at least 720 lines, necessarily widescreen, that is, an aspect ratio of 16:9. Such a TV must accept a high-definition signal in 720p and 1080i interlaced formats. Although the updated standard "HD Ready 1080p" has been released - this logo means that the standard is included Full HD Full HD .
  • Full HD: 1920×1080p. Introduced in 2007 by Sony Corporation, in relation to television, the resolution complies with the HDTV standard H&DTV. Resolution - at least 1080 lines with progressive scan, widescreen image with an aspect ratio of 16:9, display of supported video modes with a given or higher frame refresh rate (24, 50 and 60 Hz) without distortion of the frame format. This is the highest resolution available for most home TVs.

The most modern premium models are equipped with screens that support Ultra HD resolution. “Ultra-clear” screens are divided into two subgroups:

  • 4K (UHDTV-1). These are TVs with a resolution of 3840x2160p, refresh rate - 100 Hz; color depth - 10 bits.

    4K images are crisp and clear up close, even on large screens. For example, a 65-inch 4K TV can be viewed from a distance of 2 meters.

    This panel contains 8 million pixels - this is 4 times more than a standard HD screen and provides high clarity and contrast. The average device size is 65 inches; flagship TV models have a diagonal of 75–85 inches. Making the screen smaller does not make sense due to technical features. Many 4K TVs still support 3D mode, but large manufacturers are planning to abandon this feature, which discredits the quality of luxury equipment. The most modern 4K TVs offer viewers new format 4K HDR High Dynamic Range - high-definition video with extended dynamic range.

  • 8K (UHDTV-2, Super Hi-Vision): 7680×4320px. The implementation of the standard according to the recommendations of the European Broadcasting Union and ITU-R BT.2020 is planned for 2020. Leading companies presented flagship samples of the UHDTV-2 standard with a diagonal of 98 inches. It is hardly worth expecting mass production of such TVs in the near future, but the technology has been developed, and it is the future.

When choosing a TV based on image quality, you should consider one nuance. In addition to the TV resolution, the reproduced TV signal also has its own resolution. The standard format is DVD (720x576 in PAL or 720x480 in NTSC), also known as SD. There is a higher resolution of 1280x720 known as 720p and 720i. And the highest is 1920x1080 (1080p or 1080i depending on the scan). Thus, the “useful” image resolution consists of two components: the resolution of the television screen and the signal, and is always equal to the smaller of them. This means that if you watch a movie in DVD format DiViDI on a Full HD TV, the final picture quality will be DVD, and vice versa. It must be remembered that there is a shortage of programs on television that are broadcast on UHD TV. Basically, such content is provided by cable and satellite operators. As for 4K, to demonstrate all the capabilities of the technology, TV owners will have to use content exclusively from licensed Blu-ray discs for a long time. However, everything noted above is nuances. General rule This is: the higher the resolution, the better the picture quality.

Where to find 4K content?
Firstly, Google has “turned on” support for pseudo-4K (with streaming compression and 2160p resolution) in its YouTube, along with 360° and VR videos. Secondly, UHD TV can be obtained from another famous service - Netflix Netflix , where a monthly subscription costs $11. Thirdly, among domestic online cinemas we can note Megogo, IVI and Okko Megogo, Evie and Okko , in some of them you can watch a couple of films for free. Fourthly, Tricolor has several 4K channels in its package. And finally, the Sony Playstation 4 Pro console supports Ultra HD resolution in games and video services.

Viewing angle: arming ourselves with a protractor

This is another important parameter when choosing an LCD TV. The picture can change greatly depending on where the viewer is located relative to the screen. The angle at which TV can be viewed without losing image quality is called viewing angle. Different types matrices and their modifications produce different image changes depending on the viewer’s movements. The larger the angle, the grayer and blurrier the image becomes. If your plans are to install a TV in a spacious living room, you need to figure out before purchasing what the picture will look like from different points in the room.

The standard value for most TVs with a diagonal larger than 23 inches is 170° horizontally and the same amount vertically. For small models, the value can be 140/115° or 160/120°. The vertical angle shouldn't be a concern unless you plan to place the TV high on the wall. In other cases, it is enough to pay attention to the horizontal viewing angle. You shouldn’t rely on the dry numbers indicated in the passport - it’s easy to set the angle yourself when visually inspecting the TV in a store. Note what the image looks like when viewed directly, and then move to the side. When crossing the zone of comfortable visibility, the shades will begin to change. Compare several models. It is possible that TVs with the same declared viewing angle indicators will have different widths of the comfortable viewing zone.

Diagonal and distance to the screen: large room - large TV

When talking about how to choose the right TV diagonal for a room, you need to consider two parameters:

  • distance from the viewer to the TV;
  • screen resolution.

But what should be the distance to the TV depending on the diagonal and resolution? American company Tomlinson Holman’s crossover (THX) for Lucasfilm Lucasfilm In connection with the release of the sixth part of the Star Wars saga in 1982, she conducted a thorough study and created a mathematical algorithm for calculating the comfortable distance from the viewing position to the screen. It is worth emphasizing that the calculation was based on the viewing condition in which a person does not “run his eyes across the screen.” Using the THX algorithm, we calculated the data and compiled it into a table (see table).

Table. Distance for watching video at different diagonals and screen resolutions

Screen diagonal (inches/meters) Minimum distance at 100% vision (m) Recommended distance (m) Allowable distance (m)
(Visual Acuity Viewing Distance - 20/20 vision) (THX Max Recommended Viewing Distance) (THX Max Allowable Viewing Distance)
HD 1080 4K UHD 2160 HD 1080 4K UHD 2160 HD 1080 4K UHD 2160
45 ʺ / 1.09 1,69 0,85 1,46 2,05
50ʺ / 1.20 1,88 0,94 1,62 2,27
55ʺ / 1.33 2,07 1,03 1,78 2,50
60ʺ / 1.45 2,26 1,12 1,94 2,73
65ʺ / 1.57 2,45 1,22 2,10 2,96
70ʺ / 1.69 2,63 1,32 2,26 3,18
75ʺ / 1.80 2,82 1,41 2,42 3,41
80ʺ / 1.93 3,00 1,50 2,59 3,64

As can be understood from the table above, recommended the distance from the screen to the viewing position is affected only by the screen diagonal, but minimum possible The distance at which all the details of the image are visible is directly influenced by the resolution of the matrix. Therefore, it should be remembered that the common rule for choosing a TV “the larger the screen diagonal, the greater the distance for comfortable viewing should be” does not take into account the screen resolution, but the higher it is, the closer you can watch the video without losing picture quality.

So, when planning to buy a TV, you need to determine exactly where it will be placed and evaluate the actual space in the room. To determine the distance to the TV depending on the diagonal, you can use the data given in the table. For example, if the diagonal of the TV screen is 50 inches (120 cm), then regardless of the resolution of the matrix, the optimal distance to the TV will be 162 centimeters. Let us also recall that the diagonal is measured in inches, and one inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

And one more thing: for installation you need to choose a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight - even modern TVs with a special coating and high screen brightness will not save you from glare.

Fastening mechanism and sound: two “boots” - a pair

A working TV is a source of vibration. It must be taken into account that vibration is transmitted to the wall through the iron chassis and bracket. If you place a TV on a brick wall, the sound will spread not only to the adjacent room, but also to your neighbors. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, vibration insulation of partitions is performed during the construction of new houses. If it is not provided, it is necessary to vibration-proof the bracket for mounting the TV on the wall. For maximum sound quality, it is better to place the TV as close to the wall as possible. The speaker is usually located on the rear panel, the sound is directed towards the rear. When reflected from a wall or other obstacle, the sound quality increases.

However, some manufacturers find their own proprietary solutions. For example, Sony has developed technology Acoustic Surface Sound Acoustic Surface Sound , which means that the surface of the TV screen is a conductor of sound waves, and the sound source is located strictly behind the screen and directed towards the viewer. Thanks to this, the TV can be placed in the center of the room without losing sound quality.

Useful options: not 3D alone

All of the characteristics listed above describe the capabilities of televisions as devices for receiving television broadcasts. However, the capabilities of modern devices have gone far beyond this. Progressive models are equipped with “smart” modules that turn the TV into a multifunctional device. Here are examples of some options:

  • Possibility of working as a PC monitor. This opportunity may appeal to both fans of watching movies from their own video library and gamers. TVs have a larger diagonal than monitors, at a lower price. You can connect the TV to your computer via a VGA, HDMI, DVI connector or via Wi-Fi Wi-Fi. But you should remember that TVs are not adapted for PC games and applications, so your eyes can get tired quickly.
  • Availability of a built-in digital television tuner (decoder). Digital tuner(decoder) is a device that allows the TV to receive and decode signals of different broadcast formats. Depending on the model, the tuner can process a signal of a specific format - this is indicated in the instructions for the TV. You need to pay attention to this when purchasing. The most popular tuner in Russia is the DVB-T2 standard; it allows you to connect digital terrestrial television.
  • Capable of receiving HDTV signal- High definition television standard. Supported HDTV resolutions are 1920x1080 (1080i) and 1280x720 (720p). Video transmission is carried out in 16:9 format. In order to connect digital television, you will need to install a CAM module with an access card. Modern TVs have a special slot for this.
  • Smart TV. The function allows you to access the Internet from the TV and use all the features global network. The connection occurs via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable, and the remote control is used for control. User can watch videos on YouTube YouTube, communicate via Skype Skype, play online games, visit an online cinema, etc. The smart TV is equipped operating system. It could be Tizen (Linux) Tizen, (Linux) , Open webOS Open Web OS , FirefoxOS Firefox OS or Android Android for home TVs. Experts believe that Android will soon supplant its competitors, as happened with mobile gadgets due to its simplicity. Already today, owners of Android TVs have access to all the benefits and bonuses Google Play.
  • Mobile OS compatibility. Integration of a TV and smartphone allows you to exchange data between devices, watch photos and videos from a smartphone on the TV screen, play videos, use the gadget instead of a remote control, etc. Innovative technology has been developed for Android TVs wireless communication Google Cast, the possibilities of which are almost limitless. Through the Chromecast app, you can display everything that happens on the screen of your Android or iOS device on your TV screen, be it music, videos, photos or games. Chrome browser With the Google Cast extension, you can broadcast tabs open in the browser to your TV and manage them.
  • 3D (Passive 3D, Active 3D). 3D technology can be active or passive. Active involves the use of shutter glasses. A special control system alternately opens and closes the lenses for the left and right eyes. That is, at the same time one eye cannot see the picture that the other sees. Switching occurs synchronously with the image on the TV. Passive 3D glasses have polarizing lenses, and the TV has a special polarizing filter for each line. Thus, the viewer sees different lines with the right and left eyes. This technology is cheaper, but reduces image quality and requires the viewer to be positioned strictly in the center of the screen. In general, the 3D option on home TVs is rapidly losing popularity, as it does not provide high image quality and works with limited content. Leading TV manufacturers have already abandoned its use.

Obviously, modern LCD and OLED panels are filled with smart options. They can act as a camera, microphone, media player, work on two channels at once, allowing, for example, fans to follow two matches at once, pause the broadcast and play it back - the list of possibilities is long. There is no need to chase fashion and overpay for technical innovations when thinking about how to choose an LCD TV for your home. You need to choose a model with those functions that will be used to the maximum in the long term, giving preference to trusted manufacturers.

Should you focus on the brand when choosing a TV?

The presence of a well-known logo on the TV body in most cases means a high quality device, especially when it comes to global electronics manufacturers who are engaged in technological developments, moving the entire industry forward. A striking example of this is Sony, which released new line Sony BRAVIA TVs in the 4K HDR category on Android platform TV, which combines almost all the innovative developments that exist today. A company representative spoke in more detail about the capabilities of Sony BRAVIA:

“Sony BRAVIA A1 OLED TVs XE94, XE93 and XE90 series literally immerse the viewer in images of the future. They implement the latest concept of 4K HDR image transmission, which will be widely implemented in television and electronics only in a few years. But some channels like HBO are already producing their own series in 4K HDR, and services like Amazon are launching subscription services to stream movies in the format.

BRAVIA A1's High Dynamic Range delivers perfect color reproduction and deep true blacks that are especially impressive when viewing high-contrast scenes of cold space and rising stars. The richness of the image details enhances the realism of the image. A unique technology helps to reproduce 4K HDR format - this Triluminos Triluminos , increasing the naturalness of color reproduction in the Sony BRAVIA A1. Colors on the TV screen look very realistic, especially white and shades of blue. The color gamut is so wide that the XE94, XE93 and XE90 series TVs have achieved accurate skin tone reproduction that was previously nearly impossible.

Thanks to the most powerful processor 4K HDR Processor X1™ Extreme 4K HDR Processor X 1 Extreme Almost any video can be raised to this standard. The TVs run on the Android TV™ platform, which gives the user quick and free access to a huge number of applications, games and movies from Google Play, which are installed “directly” on the TV.

Noise reduction technology X-Reality PRO X Realty PRO removes any interference from analogue and digital TV signals, as well as those generated during playback DVDs and Blu-ray Blu-ray. And, of course, the model features a sophisticated, almost flawless design and a super-thin body, which will allow the TV to become a real decoration of the interior.”

P.S.- leading manufacturer electronic devices and information products in audio, video, gaming and communications for the consumer and professional markets. In 2016, Sony took 192nd place in the list of the world's largest companies according to Forbes Global 2000. At the international exhibition CES 2016, the company introduced eight new lines of TVs supporting 4K and Ultra HD. Key technologies include simultaneous support for HDR and 4K.

Today, retail chains are overflowing with all kinds of television receivers, differing in manufacturer, design, size, technology used, technical characteristics and price. Although each of the above parameters is considered very important, it is better to start searching for a suitable option by answering a simple question: how to choose the diagonal of the TV so that watching TV programs is safe for the eyes and as comfortable as possible for the person.

The concept of TV size and diagonal

Often, in pursuit of the largest newfangled equipment, the buyer forgets how important it is to choose the right TV according to the size of the room. Agree, a huge device looks ridiculous in a small kitchen, and watching a movie on a small device in a huge living room will not be fun. Thus, when choosing the size of the equipment, it is important to consider in which room it will be installed.

The first two digits of any TV marking indicate the diagonal size. This indicator is equal to the distance between opposite corners of the display. The generally accepted unit of measurement for this parameter is the inch. This value is 2.54 centimeters. For example, the 2019 model UE-32K5500 from Samsung has a diagonal of 81.3 centimeters (32x2.54).

It is common knowledge that large displays provide the most comfortable viewing experience. Size is one of the criteria that directly affects the cost of a TV: the larger the diagonal, the more expensive the purchase will be. Thus, if the budget and room area allow, give preference to devices with a large screen.

TV size and screen size are two completely different concepts. The first value is usually larger than the second by the width of the frame. Currently, this difference is not so big, since the frames of modern TVs are becoming narrower every year. The aspect ratio or aspect ratio of the screen is 16:9. This indicator is unchanged for the main part of TVs.

Features of choice

IN lately TVs with large screens are extremely popular, and their demand is growing every year. Peculiarity modern models– the narrowest frame possible, allowing you to increase the usable screen area. Any viewer looking at such a display will certainly experience an incredible sensation of complete immersion in the events taking place on the screen. However, the closer a person is to the big screen, the more difficult it is for the eyes to capture the picture.

The choice of TV depends entirely on the preferences of the buyer. Which device should you prefer: LCD, OLED or plasma? There is no point in remembering the old CRT television receivers, because every year they are becoming less and less common.

LCD screens are considered the most common. The peculiarity of such devices is that they are produced even with a low screen resolution. Plasma fans should not forget that devices with a diagonal size of less than 50 inches do not reproduce images in FullHD resolution.

So which TV should you buy? Some will like the option with a small screen diagonal. Such devices are completely unobtrusive and fit perfectly into the design of any room. Many people prefer to see huge devices in their apartment, sometimes occupying most of the wall. However, if you do not position even the most expensive, sophisticated 55-inch model correctly, you are unlikely to get the expected effect.

Buying a television receiver requires an individual approach; hasty and rash decisions in choosing this type of equipment are simply unacceptable. To ensure your money is well spent, it is important to strike a balance between screen size and distance from the TV to the viewing location. Only a properly selected device will minimize eye strain, give the owner a feeling of overall comfort and the clearest picture with all the supposed special effects.

To avoid feelings of fatigue and discomfort, it is important to know how to choose the right TV diagonal depending on the distance. Previously, in order to choose a place for comfortable viewing of tube TVs, the following simple calculations were carried out: the screen size was multiplied by five. For example, the distance from a 40-inch TV to a sofa should be at least 2 meters.

The advent of liquid crystal, plasma, and other ultra-modern displays has made some adjustments to the calculation of this parameter. Today, when choosing a TV for the home, they use a different formula, according to which the screen should be three times less than the optimal distance between the viewer and the device itself.

Calculation example: 40 inches x 2.54 cm x 3/100 = 3 m 05 cm.

Distance and diagonal correspondence table

Thus, if the buyer needs to select a TV according to the size of the room, the table will eliminate the need for making the necessary calculations. For example, a device with a diagonal of 40 inches should stand at a distance of 3 meters from the viewer, a 50-inch device should be 4 meters away. All these figures are focused only on television receivers with a minimum resolution of 720 x 576 pixels.

So, the choice of diagonal depends on:

  • the distance from which you plan to watch television programs;
  • image resolution.

Before we begin calculating the distance for watching high-resolution TV, let’s focus on such an equally important indicator as the viewing angle. Experts say that for complete immersion in the image on the screen, the optimal viewing angle should be 100 degrees (50 in both directions). In addition, when the angle increases, for example, to 60 degrees, a person’s peripheral vision is included in the formation of the image. This is the indicator that will provide maximum pleasure from watching television programs.

Finally, the time has come when more progressive HD and Full-HD resolutions are considered the most common. This means that a larger number of points are involved in the formation of the image, and accordingly, the image becomes of higher quality. Interestingly, increasing the resolution allows viewers to sit slightly closer to the display without fear of harmful radiation. New TVs, unlike old CRT models, are considered completely harmless.

To more accurately select the diagonal of a high-resolution TV, experts recommend using special coefficients:

  • 1280x720 pixels - 2.3;
  • 1920x1080 pixels – 1.56;
  • Ultra HD - 0.7.

It is more convenient to consider the use of these coefficients using specific examples. In the first case, the viewer should be at a distance of 2 meters 33 centimeters (40 x 2.54 x 2.3/100) from the 40-inch TV screen. In the second case, this figure will be 1 meter 58 centimeters (40 x 2.54 x 1.56/100). A comparison of the results obtained shows the dependence of the diagonal size on the resolution of the TV.

Currently, the purchase of more modern equipment for viewing programs in high definition requires a shorter distance between the TV screen and the viewer. By the way, it is not at all necessary to carry out such calculations yourself, because on the Internet there are a lot of ready-made graphs that recreate the relationship between the diagonal size, resolution and distance between the TV and the viewer.

The size of the diagonals is conventionally divided into three categories:

  • devices with screens up to 20 inches are a good solution for small spaces (for example, a kitchen);
  • TV receivers with a diagonal of up to 37 inches will fit well into rooms up to 18 square meters;
  • 40-inch displays - for rooms with an area of ​​more than 20 sq.m.

If financial status allows, experts advise giving preference to large screens. Experience shows that a person quickly adapts to these sizes. After getting used to it, he even has a desire to change his old TV receiver to an option with an even larger diagonal.

TV will remain an important part of our lives for a long time. It doesn’t matter whether this device is in the kitchen, dining room, living room, office or bedroom, it should fit perfectly into the interior. To make watching the evening news, music, sports, educational, and favorite entertainment TV shows enjoyable, it is important to choose the right TV for the size of the room. We hope that the above tips will help you find that “golden mean” between a comfortable and ideal choice of place in front of the screen.

NameSamsung UE55MU6100U
diagonal32" (81 cm)40" (102 cm)43" (109 cm)55" (140 cm)65" (165 cm)
backlight typeDirect LEDEdge LEDDirect LEDEdge LEDEdge LED
InputsAV, Component, HDMI x2, USBAV, component, HDMI x2, MHL, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Wi-Fi 802.11nAV, component, HDMI x3, USB x2, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11n, MiracastAV, component, HDMI x4, USB x3, RS-232, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, WiDi, Miracast
pricefrom 16500 rub.from 40,000 rub.from 26,300 rub.from 62600 rub.from 240,700 rub.
where to buy