Farmbot bot for the game World Of Tanks. Farmbot bot for the game World Of Tanks Bot for here

In this article we will talk about what bot breeding is and who bot breeders are. Let's start with the fact that bot breeders are not welcome in World of Tanks, and bot breeding itself is prohibited by the current Rules of the Game. Why does this phenomenon exist on our servers and in what ways is it suppressed by the administration? You will find answers to these questions below.

What is bot farming

First, let’s clarify who bots are and what bot farming is. Bot is special program, which imitates human actions, i.e. automatically, according to a given algorithm, performs certain actions similar to the actions of an ordinary user. Accordingly, bot breeding is a conscious or unconscious violation of the Rules of the Game using such a program.

Within World of Tanks there are several in various ways botanical farming. Among them there are both simple schemes for accumulating credits and experience, as well as more complex programs and algorithms.

The most common types of botanical farming:

  1. "Smart" bot programs. The behavior of such bots differs little from the behavior of ordinary users. A “smart” bot imitates the actions of players as much as possible. The vehicle he controls can move around the map, shoot at a target captured in the auto-aim, select a target and switch between several targets, and in rare cases even take cover from the enemy.
  2. "Stupid" bot programs. They can also disguise themselves as active players. Typically, such bots remain at the base and shoot when enemy tanks appear in sight. In some cases, “stupid” bots can move along a single specified route.
  3. Clicker programs are macros for controlling the keyboard and mouse. They differ from “stupid” bots in that they remain inactive throughout the battle. The macro clicker is only able to launch the client and enter or leave combat.

In addition to special programs, there are “credit and experience accumulation schemes”, which are also interpreted as bot farming. These include the actions of players who manually start battles, but do not perform any actions in them until the end of the battle, or leave the battle after it starts to start the next one. In this way, credits and experience are accumulated at the expense of teammates. Otherwise, such gaming sessions are called AFK (AFK - away from (the) keyboard), literally “moved away from the keyboard.” However, there are times when players leave combat unintentionally. IN real life Often there are basic problems with electricity, network, equipment and other personal circumstances that can cause the player to be inactive in battle.

Bot breeding is one of the most serious violations in World of Tanks, according to the Game Rules (clauses 1.16 and 2.1.7).


1.16. Unsportsmanlike behavior in any form, including informing members of the opposing team about the location of their team’s equipment. Complaints about such behavior in World of Tanks are accepted only through the in-game complaint system, which is available during battle. Unsportsmanlike behavior also includes the cases specified in paragraph 2.1 of the Rules of the Game.

2.1.7. The use of programs that simulate the actions of Users in the Game (bots), clicker programs, keyboard and mouse control macros, other similar methods of accumulating in-game achievements, as well as other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior at the discretion of the Administration.

In connection with the operation of a semi-automatic system for identifying violators using automated scripts, clicker programs, bot programs or keyboard and mouse control macros, as well as other similar schemes for accumulating in-game achievements without the participation or with passive, “pacifist” participation of the Player in battle, for Users who have committed these violations are subject to temporary or permanent blocking of access to the Game with the possibility of its cancellation at the discretion of the Administration after partial or complete restoration of the state that existed before the violation.

Why is bot farming bad?

Unfortunately, there are players who ignore this rule. The main motive for using bots is the desire to upgrade your account in a shorter period of time (get the necessary experience, credits), with a minimum of effort. As a rule, such players are not interested in learning various tactics and improving their playing skills; It is also not important for them to go through and study various stages of development and classes of technology. At the same time, with their unsportsmanlike behavior, they spoil the impression of the game for other virtual tankers who go into battle to get the pleasure of fighting together shoulder to shoulder with an ally and head-to-head with the enemy. Thus, a person who starts the mechanism instead of himself deprives not only himself of pleasure, but also other players.

In addition to unpleasant emotions, bot breeding can cause other, more serious consequences for the bot breeder himself. First of all, there is a risk that such a program could gain access to personal data and hack your game account, the recovery of which may be difficult. And, of course, sooner or later a player who violates the Game Rules will not be able to hide from our bot program search systems and will be punished in accordance with the same Rules.

Identifying bots

Our arsenal includes the following methods and functionality for detecting bot programs (as well as combating them) and other dishonest ways to gain gaming experience:

Punishment for violations of the Rules

The use of bot programs is punished more harshly than other violations of the Game Rules, so Game Mastering department employees carefully check every detected case of botting. Each player caught using any bot programs receives an appropriate punishment in the form of restriction of access to the game. The duration of the restriction depends on the severity of the violation committed.

Although the restriction may be temporary, it should be borne in mind that even a single detection of the fact of botting can lead to a permanent block, as a result of which the player will never be able to use the account. For dedicated players who have devoted a lot of time and effort to the game, but have committed a violation, the Administration can provide a second chance by confiscating from them everything that they have earned dishonestly, but such players should always remember that they will not have a third chance and a new violation for will result in the loss of your account.

As a result, the entire scheme of illegal accumulation of achievements turns out to be not only useless, but also leading to the most catastrophic consequences. We always strive to convey important information to each player by all possible ways, including this article and regular news about the work done. However, there are always reasons why one or another player may miss this information, so we ask you to join in informing your friends and acquaintances. If you know that one of them is using or is going to use a bot, send him/her a link to this article or tell him/her yourself about the dire consequences this can have.

It's up to you to make the game better!

Bot for Games World of Tanks is characterized by the fact that he himself enters the battle, carefully analyzes the available cards, given commands, and also selects the required actions. This bot takes the required positions, and then inflicts serious damage on enemy troops, so that all available capabilities can be realized, you need to download the bot for World of Tanks so that much more opportunities can be realized. If you wish, you can run the bot all night and during this time it will mine silver and gain experience for the player.

The bot for the game World of Tanks has special skills, namely:
takes into account the damage level for each projectile;
independently chooses the direction to move;
capture and defense of the base;
he can restart the game if necessary;
The bot retreats when in serious danger.

To launch a bot in the game, you must initially download the bot for World of Tanks and install it

Before installation, be sure to close the game if it was previously open. During the installation process of the bot, you must specify the location of the game. Initially, when installing the bot, the user is provided with a test key for 20 battles, and then you can purchase an additional key for 150 or even 1500 battles. For this there are special functions and options.

Features of bots in the game World of Tanks

If the player does not have time to upgrade the tank, then there are special functions and capabilities. It is for this reason that the creators of the game World of Tanks came up with a special bot.

It is worth noting that if you install the bot, the program runs in automatic mode, immediately after turning on the computer, then selects any tank from among the available ones and sends it into battle. The bot plays the game exactly like a real player, in particular a tank, moves very well around the map, shoots accurately at the enemy and kills enemies. In addition, he communicates in a chat, so that the illusion is created that the player is controlling the tank.

If defeated, the bot takes another tank, and all actions are immediately repeated. If all the tanks have already been destroyed, then the bot independently restores them for money and plays until the player gives the command to stop all actions.

It is worth noting that there are paid and free bots. Paid options have much more advantages over free ones, since these bots have certain battle restrictions.

Farmbot bot for World Of Tanks- an excellent bot that is trusted by a huge number of players to upgrade their accounts World Of Tanks. He not only selects tanks one by one, logs into the server and stands there. No! He also shoots and hits the enemy with a probability of about 30%. Of course, the developers strive for the best and want to improve the accuracy of hits. This bot is considered the safest, because when it works, it is very difficult to guess that it is a bot playing and not a person. Much attention is paid to the behavioral factor. The bot answers questions and asks them itself from time to time. In addition to bots, you can download on the site.




- Starts the game if you specify the path, selects a tank according to your queue.
- So far he plays on 4 tanks. We choose the sequence ourselves.
- In battle, the tank drives and shoots at the enemy!
- Leaves the battle when the tank is destroyed and at the end of the battle.
- There is an answering machine, it will be needed so that players do not have the idea that you are a bot.


Step 1: Download and go through the installation.
Step 2: Copy files with replacement VehicleMarkersManager.swf And OTMData.xml to the folder with tanks World_of_Tanks\res\gui\flash Before doing this, it is advisable to backup the files to be replaced.
Step 3: Set client permissions 1024x768!
Step 4: If you have Windows 7, run the bot as administrator and disable aero effects.
Step 5: Launch the bot, set the tanks to be launched, and if there are less than 4 of them, use a special item in the menu.

One of the most popular bots for World of Tanks is Cyber ​​Tank.

What is the use of bots?

The most main reason The use of various bots by players means a lack of desire to farm silver and experience on their own. For example, to level up to the tenth level you need to fight hundreds of battles, and there may simply not be time for this. In addition, playing on a tank that is in stock condition is not very pleasant, and purchasing a top-end weapon requires a significant amount of experience. The bot will do everything for the player; he will independently send a tank into battle, drive around the map, shoot, leave the battle and send the next tank into battle. But still, the bot is a program, so its effectiveness on the battlefield is much lower than if the machine were controlled by a person. And although Cyber ​​Tank developers regularly update behavior algorithms, some of the tank’s actions in battle are difficult to understand. However, a bot is an excellent solution if you are tired of farming yourself.

Another nuance is that this bot is paid, unlike its free counterpart called .

Let's take a look at latest updates Cyber ​​Tank:

  • Now the tank behaves more cautiously in battle and prefers to fire from long distances;
  • while aiming, the bot tries to inflict damage on the weakest part of the enemy vehicle;
  • A system has been introduced to recognize wet spots on maps.

Installation and use

  • Download and install the bot.
  • Register at the office. cheat site and get a free key for 20 battles.
  • We activate the received key in the program and launch the game by entering the hangar.
  • We configure the necessary tanks in the bot and press the “Battle” button.

Let's talk about the news that recently blew up the tank world - bot farming.

What's the point?

Who are bots? What is a bot? Let us explain: A bot (short for “robot”) is a special program for performing routine operations. Hence, botder- this is the one who uses these very bots.

The main task of such bots is to go into battle. That's all. The program simply enters the battle using free vehicles and stands there. There are also slightly more advanced programs containing primitive artificial intelligence, which also roll equipment along a given route and shoot at auto-aim.

I'll ban you right now!

WG promptly responded to the recent outburst of bile from Jov and Murazor and said that there was a mechanism created for semi-automatic detection of bots. But there is huge“but” - this program is resource-intensive and does not always work, it only works if the potential bot operator’s account receives a large number of complaints about inaction, only in this case the Potato mechanism will dig into the account data, compare it with the average statistical data and decide to ban or don't ban.

Don't be lazy!

In order for a sufficient number of complaints to accumulate and the Potato to begin to act, you need to start complaining. If you see that by the end of the battle the tank has done absolutely nothing or is in respawn mode, click the “Inaction / Bot” complaint. But remember, no one has canceled the banal shutdown of the Internet. Take a look at the player's stats, and if they are terrible, file a complaint. You can complain to technical support games, attaching screenshots and replays.

Wow! Where to download?

Just type “Bot for WOT” in a search, download and... say goodbye to your account! Because:

  1. 99% of such programs simply steal your login and password;
  2. You'll be banned sooner or later, damn Botovod!

Show everything that is hidden!

On February 8, at 20:00 Moscow time, Jov, Murazor and a WG representative will go live to catch Botovodov. Live stream below:

More information about the problem of botanical farming from water producers - .

Updatedvlen. Transcript of answers Evilly:

On the Russian forum, topics about bots are deleted because the player cannot be 100% sure whether it is a bot or an AFK share.

Also, one of the reasons for deletion is to prevent the spread of hysteria throughout the community

Players can act on developers: one example is the “Global Map Petition” (200k people)

Official position: "We recognize the problems with Bots, Warpack, etc., but the number of buyers of 100k is unreasonable and greatly inflated"

On average, work on the system takes 6 months (as an example: artillery rebalance)

In 9.1 there will be AFK players (who move very little (for slow cars, easing), deal 0 damage, as well as many other variables): they will not be awarded experience and credits

8.11 will be released on the night from Monday to Tuesday

New anti-teamkill system: will calculate damage to modules, knocking down tracks, etc., and the teamkiller will return the entire cost of repairs from his wallet + on top of 10%/20%/30% of the repair amount, depending on how the system is tested

The current anti-bot system works constantly

Antibot 2.0 has been in development for six months now. Approximate input - 9.2

- “Hello guys from snuff, I love you very much, I know that you are keeping a transcript of this stream, please write down the answers carefully, because when I read the transcript from Inaki’s stream, where on every computer we have a program that scans something is not true, this is a violation of the law, so this is serious" (well, my, as Inaki said, so he wrote, what are the complaints? :D - stenographer’s note)

A new unified launcher is planned that will check the integrity of the working exe file

- “We can still detect warpacks, we are gradually banning warpacks, tracers, and smartbots, it’s just more difficult to catch them and it takes more time.”

VG are now glad that they did not introduce a system of transferring silver to a friend, because... it “deprives the main pleasure - development and growth in the game”

The main problem with the current “Hall of Fame” is that players are removed through certain time, and not immediately. It will be fixed soon and immediately after a ban the player will be automatically removed from there

VG has a loyalty policy: by default they are loyal to all users, they give players second chances, and third chances, they reset the accounts of bots, but some are permanently banned if they have to get to VG several times

VG has instructions on the topic of forgiveness: “for what coefficient, how much does a person get banned, under what conditions is it reset to zero immediately or banned permanently, under what conditions do we treat it loyally”

Evilly directly stated that VG does not matter, that many bots require a pre-account, although this is supposedly beneficial, it is a matter of principle - to fight and fight again

The scope of the problem has not reached the scale that Jov and Murazor are shouting about. Bot farming is the scourge of any project, VG is no exception and therefore they are fighting with all their might

On average, only 10% of players repeat their past sins after being unbanned, but this percentage, according to Evilly, is still very high

Antibot 2.0, just like Antibot 1.0, will contain a script that bots use

You shouldn’t pay too much attention to the frequency of the “hit list” on the forum - this does not mean that VG works periodically, they constantly ban players for bot breeding and other offenses

VG did not specifically close Python scripts in order to give people the opportunity to customize the game for themselves, mods allow you to do what VG does not have time to do itself or considers the feature a non-priority, although it could and can

VG does not publish hit lists for bots and does not plan to post them in the future due to its position of loyalty to players

02/07/2013 67 people were banned for bot breeding

Checking md5 resources is a rather controversial thing, because... this additionally loads the system (as an example, Evilly gave Fight Club and LA - this is implemented there, but it still costs)

It was stated that additional training modes will be added, goal setting for players, which will consist of small quests that will take place from the tractor to level 10, which will force the player to think, i.e. so-called individual quests, i.e. seriously thinking about PvE mode

Once again: “Dear gentlemen from Livejournal, take a breath, we are thinking seriously about PvE, but not right away, in a month, etc.”

- “Never measure players by yourself!” (With)

It is planned to improve the complaints system: “Don’t be afraid to complain!”

VG also has its own internal matfilter: if a player swears in a chat and (for example!) complains to 10 people, then the system will automatically check his entire chat for the presence of swear words with the VG database; cognates, expressions, etc. are also checked, after which if several obscenities are found, he is sent to a ban

Evilly: “Judging by the number of complaints you have, the chat should be banned, and also your press accounts should be taken away.”

Soon there will be a premium ST of Japan

Serverogorsk will be redesigned in 9.0

In 2014, 2 branches of upgradeable tanks will be released, about 5-6 premium vehicles.

Historical battles will be released in 9.0

Equalizing the HP of TT and ST is the work of Zlobny, he strongly defended this position

The map is created in 3-4 months without testing and modifications

In historical battles there will be historical maps, historical vehicle setups and historical awards, as well as chants

Leaver system: if a player leaves before the tank is destroyed, he will not be able to enter the battle with another tank until the previous battle is over. The system will be introduced in 9.1

In 9.2, captcha may appear. While under consideration

It is possible to introduce two-level authentication (a system a la Blizzard's sms), most likely based on WoT Assistant

The new launcher will most likely also have account authentication, i.e. the password will need to be entered both in the launcher and in the game, it will also be possible to use a secret question during authentication

On at the moment In final testing there is a feature with account rollback, which will also apply to bots