How to attract real followers on Instagram? How to gain live followers on Instagram without cheating? My personal experience and first experiment How to interest other users to subscribe to Instagram.

There are many different ways to work, both personal accounts, and with workers. Some of these methods are not exactly “clean”, but many people use them. We, in turn, are inclined to believe that It's not the number of followers on Instagram that matters, but their quality. Are they your target audience, do they read your posts, like photos, and most importantly, do they use your services.

However, we decided to make a post that will be dedicated to in various ways attracting subscribers to your Instagram, which will be useful for both beginners and experienced SMM specialists.

Interesting content and the right hashtags

Of course, no one will be interested in your account if it does not contain bright and juicy photos. After all, Instagram is a social network for visual people. Therefore, the most important thing is high-quality photographs. But it is not necessary to use a professional camera; the functions of modern smartphones allow you to take good pictures.

Add stories or your thoughts to the photo if this is a personal blog. If the account is commercial, then write a description of the product, as well as indicate the cost and method of communication. And also be sure to configure Instagram business profile.

You can use a maximum of 30 hashtags for each post and this opportunity should be used to the maximum. Select thematic keywords from, as well as from the recommendations of Instagram itself. Make a list, there may be more than 1000 hashtags, all these hashtags need to be divided and gradually added to the description of new posts.

Buying subscribers

If I may, as far as subscribers are concerned, let’s start with “chernukha” or buying subscribers. When buying followers for your Instagram, you must clearly understand that this acquisition does not give you anything other than the number in the followers column. And no one will immediately start subscribing to you, and all the work is ahead.

Buying subscribers, that's what it is quick start, people are more willing to follow popular accounts that have a lot of followers.

When choosing a service, pay attention to the guarantees and reliability of the seller so that your purchase does not become a waste of your advertising budget.

Subscribers free

If your budget is limited, but you immediately want to get followers for Instagram, then you can use like exchange services such as or

On these sites you must complete tasks: like, repost, leave comments on all social networks, including on Facebbok and even YouTube. For completed tasks, you are awarded points, against which you can create tasks yourself and receive subscribers completely free of charge.

The effect is comparable to buying subscribers, only more labor-intensive.


One of the ways to attract targeted subscribers and future buyers is mass following on Instagram using various services. For example, Such services are paid, but in principle they are worth the money they require for their services.

Their essence is that you can add your Instagram account to the service and
assign him tasks to do daily automatic subscriptions according to the audience that you define yourself. You can follow hashtags, geolocation, and subscribers of another account. Those. You can choose your competitor with a well-promoted Instagram and task the program to subscribe to all his subscribers.

The disadvantage of this method is that those who will be subscribed to by the program will include robots and spam accounts.

Targeted advertising

Very in an efficient way attracting exactly target audience, is just targeted advertising on Instagram, which is customizable via Facebook.

Do you want to get 1000 followers on Instagram? It's not a problem. Getting a lot of subscribers is relatively easy if you follow some rules.

Basic rules

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? The first thing you need to do is create a really interesting account with a specific theme or purpose.

Secondly, you need to start taking beautiful, interesting and funny photos and learn how to label them properly. Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to learn some clever marketing techniques that will allow you to skyrocket your subscriber count.

Where is the best place to start?

Getting followers on Instagram starts with rating other people's photos. One of the best ways to gain followers is to start liking pictures related to your posts as much as you can. Scroll down your home feed and like tons of your friends' photos. It is likely that many of them will start following you.

Go to the Explore page and take a look at the most popular photos. Like them as these accounts tend to have a lot of followers and some of them may follow you.

Then find photos of people, things or places that interest you using hashtags. For example, if you want to see photos of the Eiffel Tower, type #paris, #loveparis, or simply #eiffeltower. Pick a hashtag that has a lot of messages and start liking the pictures you like. This may help you get followers.

How to quickly gain a lot of followers on Instagram?

This option is best suited for users who want to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time. It involves searching for some of the most popular tags, such as #followme #like4like or #instadaily. Simply scroll through all the photos in this channel, double-tapping each one to tag it.

Repeat this with multiple tags until you have liked a thousand photos. This may seem like a lot of work, but if you do it every day, it is guaranteed that your follower count will grow quickly.

Communication as a way

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram without artificial boosts? Start commenting on people's photos. Not only should you like other users' pictures, but you should also start commenting on them. It provides more personal contact, and if people like your posts, they will be more inclined to follow your account.

You won't be able to comment on every photo you like, but try to comment on as many as possible. It doesn't have to be an essay, just a simple phrase like " good place" Even “love it” can work just fine.

However, a more personal comment is more effective, something like “I really like the lighting in this picture - good job! Or “I love your hair—I wish I could make mine look like that!” Remember that compliments bring people closer together.

The importance of descriptions

Add comments, questions, or geotags to your photos. Even though Instagram is 90% photography, it's important to remember the power of words. Accompanying your photos with funny, smart, or unique comments or questions can be a great way to interact with your followers, as well as an opportunity to gain new ones.

For example, give a little explanation of what your photo is or what inspired it. Or you can simply indicate where the photo was taken. Try to keep it to a couple of sentences because people are lazy and will probably skip the description if it's too long. The correct descriptions are good way how to increase followers on Instagram.

Ask questions as they will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which is good for potential followers. It could be something as simple as a photo of a new coffee shop in town with the question, “Has anyone been here?” Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask which one would be better to wear today. This is also a good method for gaining many followers on Instagram.

Include calls to action in your messages. For example, if you posted a picture of your cat in a funny pose, you could caption something like, “I want to see all your crazy cats, use #awkwardcats.” This will encourage your followers to take their own photos and use the hashtag.

What else needs to be done?

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram, attracting attention? Post photos regularly, but not too often. It's no use expecting users to follow you if you never post any photos, so it's important to be really active on Instagram and stay updated with current trends. Upload 1 to 3 photos per day, this should keep your audience interested, and make sure there is always something unique on your channel. This will allow you to constantly increase the number of followers on Instagram.

However, you should not post pictures just for the sake of a new post, they should all be beautiful and unique. Don't upload too many photos per day and avoid posting more than one photo at a time. This can clutter your followers' news feeds, which many people don't like. If they get tired of your constant posting, they may decide to unfollow you. Remember that deleted Instagram followers will not bring you any benefit.

What is the best way to publish?

Post pictures at the right time of day. You can take the most interesting, funny or beautiful photo, but if you post it at a time when no one is online, you are limiting the number of people who will see it, and this significantly reduces your chances of gaining new followers. Most users check their Instagram in the morning and evening, on the way to work or school and home. So if you're posting during this time (in the appropriate time zone), you're more likely to get some attention from your photos.

Getting followers on Instagram can also be done using some services. You can also use apps (like Statigram) to find out what time your followers are using Instagram the most, and from there determine when is the best time to post content. Remember that any post has a window of about four hours to accumulate likes, comments and followers before it moves down the news feed.

Mentions and challenges

Another technique for gaining followers is to get mentions and best way- start making them yourself. However, this will also cause some users to ignore you. This mainly draws attention to account another person if you mention them in a post and ask your followers to follow them. This exposes the user to a whole new group of potential followers that they would never have found otherwise.

This way to increase followers on Instagram is that after you do it to someone, they will do it to you. The ideal situation would be for a celebrity, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers to do this. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, but with websites like QuickShouts and Klout, you can pay to promote your page.

If anyone doesn’t remember English, then follower is translated as “follows”, follows you, that is, your friend.

We all secretly dream of fame and popularity. Instagram, a service for posting mobile (and not only) photos, is the most popular platform, and, of course, we cannot miss this chance. Why don't we become a megastar on Instagram? Surely, a lot of advertising offers will pour in and money will flow like a river. Why, the sheer number of likes will allow us to look down on the surroundings of our unprepossessing village. This is happiness!

However, after posting a couple of photos, we are surprised to discover that no one really needs our Instagram photos. People don’t rush, don’t vote, don’t like, don’t follow! What the hell is this?! After playing for a week, we understand that not everything is so simple. And here our glory will not come into our pocket personally. Because the pocket is small, but fame is like a crane: big. She needs to be shoved.

Let's think about how to cram as much fame as possible into a small pocket, how much it will cost and whether we need it at all.

Method 1. You are a genius

This method is cool. The only thing worth considering is that geniuses are often recognized only after you know what. And we are not happy about this. Practice shows that no matter how brilliant the photographs are, they will in any case get lost in the general flow. But! If you are a genius, or at least take photographs at a level slightly higher than “me in front of the carpet,” then this will be a definite plus and addition to the methods described below. Because if the photos suck, then even after getting thousands of likes on them, you will understand that the photos suck and all this is a cheat and a scam. Advertisers will understand this even better.

It will count and will gradually attract followers

- slowly without other methods

Method 2. Like for like and many many likes

A confident set of followers, not very many, but constant and effective.

- a lot of time spent

Method 3. Commenting

As you can imagine, commenting means that you have wasted your precious time and are expecting something in return. For example, a new follower. As a rule, this is what happens. You just need to comment on and write more than one word. Not just: “Like”, “Splendid”, “Nice”, but something like “That’s amazing!!! Love when you post shots like this!!!”, “Your pics are so good you inspired me to make my own photography account and take my own pictures!”, “So many truly awesome images in your feed” and so on. You can make blanks. Gradually learn English and writing a comment on the topic will not be very difficult.

Works very well

- time investment, knowledge of English

Method 4. Participation in competitions

Generally speaking, there are a lot of competitions on Instagram. Later I will write a separate article about them, since the prizes up for grabs are very significant! But now I want to talk about the daily competition organized by the community (from the initials of the founder)

Here he is, handsome and the soul of Instagram. 220 thousand followers, and not just followers, but connoisseurs and lovers of photography! Josh gives advice every day, opens up some new opportunities, in short, he is simply interesting to read. Cool dude.

So here it is. Every day Josh announces the task for the day. For example, today (11/9/2012) it was “Square”. Take a photo of everything you think is a square and send it. Moreover, old photographs can also participate in the competition. In order for your photo to be included in the competition, you need to add the tag below in the comments below it -

Every day this tag is new (one is added). From everything that is sent, Josh and his editors select the best and reprint it in their feed. That is, all 220 thousand of Josh's followers could potentially become yours.

Very good photography school, influx of quality followers

- no cons.

Method 5: Use tags

People often ask me, William, why do you need so many tags? Are you going to salt them?! They only interfere with seeing your masterpieces and, in general, are terribly annoying. To which I answer: guys, my dear Instagrammers! Tags were given to us from above for a reason! There is a rational explanation and a grain of truth for everything!

Oh how! In fact, tags are very important. I have already cited one of these - . If you are in Minsk and put this tag in a comment under a photo, then I, as a person who looks at photos under this tag every day, will definitely see your photo. And I'll like it if you like it. And if I like a lot of your photos, I will follow you and become your friend. Cool, right? And there are many such tags. Here, for example, are the tags I used on mine:

Attracts new followers “on topic”. These are quality followers

— many tags are blurred and their relevance is questionable

Method 6. Buying followers

The stump is clear, this method is the fastest. And it is also clear that the followers gained in this way are short-lived. Or rather, their value is almost zero. It's like a car without gasoline. Just to warm up. And even then, if it’s not cold outside.

You see, for example, publishing your photo and a link to you in an account for 173 thousand people will cost $9.99 - and so on. with 10 thousand followers you can buy it for $8. But it will cost more:

The choice is not so rich - only 49 offers on all of Ebay. But in general, if you feel like it, you can go this way.

- low-quality, non-target audience. Spam followers


I have shown you in brief how to build muscle mass of followers on Instagram. So, what are our conclusions? And the conclusions are simple - group the first five methods, and avoid the sixth, unless it is needed for some marketing reasons. Link to your social media account, improve the quality of your photos, strive to imitate the best - there is nothing wrong with that. Please comment more. If possible, form the core of your audience, then it will grow on its own.

I wish you great instas! To be continued!

Commercial consultations Instagram

❗️ Attention! Commercial consultations (for work and business accounts) on all Instagram issues, as well as on issues of non-working hashtags PAID(500 rub.). First payment, then consultation.If this suits you, .

We present to your attention a translation of an article by famous marketer Neil Patel on effective promotion on Instagram. Original taken from The Science of Instagram: How to Get More Followers and Likes

It so happens that I had not used Instagram before, but once I found out that it has over 100 million users, I had no choice but to pay attention to it.

"Why?",you ask.

And all because you can use this platform not only to promote your own brand, but to promote your entire business.

When I first started using this resource, in the first few days I got up to a hundred followers, but then this figure gradually stopped growing. Although I added new subscribers every day, their number was insignificant. My hundred followers only gave a dozen likes to any of my posts.

In the end, I decided to learn more about promotion on Instagram: what makes users like images, what makes them become followers and follow other users, and most importantly, what can you do to get more followers who would like your photos more often.

I tried to put my new knowledge into practice in my account. Now my number of subscribers is steadily growing - more than 200 per day! Now my photos easily get over a hundred likes. The best part is that I was able to achieve this result by following just 5 people (I know I should follow more people J).

If you want to get more subscribers and therefore more likes for your Instagram photos, here's what you need to do:

Link your Instagram and Facebook accounts

This is perhaps the easiest and most obvious way to increase the number of your followers on Instagram - 20% of all users of the service are also on Facebook.

By linking two accounts to each other, your Facebook friends will notice your Instagram account and start following you on Instagram. For example, 3% of my Facebook friends have also subscribed to my Instagram account. If you post a status update on Facebook and ask people to follow you on Instagram, that number could increase by about 5%.

Use popular tags

  1. #love
  2. #instagood
  3. #cute
  4. #photooftheday
  5. #instamood
  6. #iphonesia
  7. #picoftheday
  8. #igers
  9. #girl
  10. #tweegram
  11. #beautiful
  12. #instadaily
  13. #summer
  14. #instagramhub
  15. #follow
  16. #iphoneonly
  17. #igdaily
  18. #bestoftheday

Use popular filters

Just like with popular tags, users prefer photos with certain filters. Here are the 10 most popular filters you can use:

  1. Normal
  2. Earlybird
  3. X-Proll
  4. Valencia
  5. Amaro
  6. Brannan
  7. Lomo-fi
  8. Hudson

Instagram users prefer to like rather than comment!

If you want your images to get more likes or comments, you need to start interacting with other users. Before you do this, it is important to understand that people are more likely to like rather than comment. The average user leaves only 81 comments for every 575 new likes.

So, if you take the time to comment on someone else's profile, that person will most likely visit your page. Not only will people comment on your photos, if you comment on them, the likelihood of them following you will increase by 401% if you do so.

By liking other people's photos, you will get more followers and likes yourself.

For every hundred likes I gave on random photos of other users (I didn't follow them), I received 21.7 likes on my photos and 6.1 new followers. And the main thing is that I myself did not subscribe to people in order to achieve such a result.

By analyzing my data on, I learned that by liking hundreds of photos of other people who were not my followers, I not only increased the audience of my followers, but also got people outside my circle of friends to like my photos.

Because I liked hundreds of photos a day on random pages I didn't follow, 43.26% of my likes and 31% of all comments on my photos came from people who weren't following me.

Timeliness is everything

After analyzing 46 users and over 1,000 photos on, I determined that Monday at 5 pm is the best time to post photos. This is the time when you are most likely to get the most comments and likes on your photos.

The second most popular time for posting photos is Wednesday or Thursday at 3 pm.

Additionally, photography is most active during the first three hours. 46.15% of all comments were received within the first hour, and 69.23% of all comments were received within the first three hours. So if you can't get feedback within the first three hours of posting a photo, it probably won't get any traction at all.

Do you brag and share personal things?

After analyzing likes on over 1,000 photos, I found that images that show lifestyle (fashion cars, houses, luxury living, etc.) or that are personal tend to receive more likes. Photos that lack either of these two elements tend to receive 11.4% fewer likes.

Combine images

Drawing. Make collages from your photos

The photo shown above is a composition of several similar images. You can create this with free applications, for example Diptic. My business partner Hiten Shah posted the image shown here and quickly received 75 likes and 5 comments. These types of images typically receive 19.41% more likes and 22.4% more comments than simple photos.

If you want to get the most out of your photos, take a little more time and create these collages from multiple photos.


If you want to increase the number of followers on your account, the best way to do this is to like thousands of random photos of other users yourself. It's tedious, but believe me, it will give good results, as in my case. This tactic works very well. The biggest disadvantage of this model is that 16.6% of your followers will be fake: they will either not be active or will be bots.

Based on the information above, you should ideally:

  • create a multifaceted image and post personal photos;
  • combine multiple images into one using Diptic;
  • do not use filters (any) on images;
  • use tags like #love;
  • Post at 5pm on Monday or Wednesday and Thursday at 3pm.

If you follow my advice, you will be able to increase the audience of your followers on Instagram, get more likes and comments faster than just posting your photos haphazardly. In addition, you can engage and redirect visitors to your social network.

Hello! In this article we will talk to you about how to get many subscribers on Instagram. Should I use cheating for this through various services or do without cheating and do everything legally.

I will tell you about the mistakes I made while developing my account. By the way, subscribe to it. I think you will find something useful for yourself there.

A large number of subscribers adds credibility to the account author

So let's promote our accounts correctly and look at the mistakes:

Cheating subscribers through services

Of course, this method worked before, because... entries in the feed were shown as they were received. The number of subscribers showed the importance of the blogger. And people were more willing to subscribe to such accounts.

But when the display algorithm changed, fake bots on Instagram simply became meaningless, because... Nobody will see your posts anyway. And they greatly spoiled the statistics for those who cheated them.

Why do you need to delete and block bots on Instagram? Don't skip this article because... it is very important in promotion.

Put a lot of hashtags on Instagram

I used as many hashtags as possible so that my post would be seen by many more people. But here’s the problem: not too many people watch posts using hashtags.

And as a result, a lot of stores and other mass followers subscribed to my account. As a result, the same situation turned out as with the previous way cheating.

After all, stores don’t look at your posts, spoil the statistics, and fewer and fewer people see you.

So what happens? Is there no way to attract people to your account anymore?

Of course you can! All is not lost yet. And mass following and mass liking come to the rescue, which still works!

We love Instagram and Instagram loves us!

Massfollowing - this is a mass subscription to thousands of Instagram accounts.

Mass liking - this is the mass placing of thousands of likes on user posts on Instagram.

Before mass following and mass liking, you must transfer your account so that your account is less suspicious on Instagram and you are not blocked.

And of course, we can do all this manually, but then our account will be blocked very quickly, because... You simply won't be able to comply with all the restrictions.

Of course, it’s not free, but this way you can attract real people to your profile!

And you will be able to promote your posts and show them to more and more people.

But don’t forget about quality content, which is the main factor in promoting and gaining followers on Instagram!