Java programming training. Java programming training java training center

Many developers, having studied one programming language, decide to develop further and are inclined to programming in Java.

A Java developer must have solid knowledge of object-oriented programming and be able to write simple, readable code using design patterns. Java has many libraries and frameworks. Developers need to know them not only at the level of use, but also understand how these libraries and frameworks work internally.

Java programmers are in demand in areas where they use projects with multi-user data processing and high security requirements. A Java programmer typically develops the application architecture, application business logic, supports and maintains the project, and writes technical documentation.

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The course will be useful to you if:

Additional benefit of the course:

You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the Oracle Certified Associate, SE8 Programmer I exam.
Free consultations exam preparation and testing discounts
Opportunity to take the exam at our test centers in 10 cities of Russia
Comfortable remote learning from any Internet access point, at a convenient time

The program of theoretical and practical classes is selected in such a way that in 3 months you will master complete basic skills for programming in the Java language.

To consolidate theoretical knowledge, the course provides:

Description of the educational program

The course is devoted to the study of the Java 8 programming language. The program introduces the fundamental concepts, constructs and syntax of Java, in particular, the principles of class design, data types, loops and branching structures, arrays, inheritance and polymorphism, exception handling, etc. d.
Issues of functional programming using lambda expressions are considered.

What will you receive during the course and as a result of the training?

Master the fundamental concepts, constructs and syntax of Java, in particular class design principles, data types, loops and branching structures, arrays, inheritance and polymorphism, exception handling, etc.;
Learn to work with the Java standard library and a number of the most commonly used classes, incl. from Java Collections Framework and Stream API;
Gain an understanding of functional programming using lambda expressions;
You will acquire basic skills in using a professional Java developer tool using NetBeans as an example, which will also be suitable for other integrated environments, in particular Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, etc.
Get all the knowledge necessary and sufficient for OCA certification in the 8th version of Java.
Certificate of advanced training at the IT Academy

Purpose of the course

Formation of knowledge and skills necessary for development
Java applications.

The target audience

Necessary preparation

Java Language Basics
  • Determining the scope of variables.
  • Class structure in Java.
  • Creating executable Java applications with the main() method; running a java program with command line, incl. output to the console.
  • Importing Java packages.
  • Comparison and contrast of such characteristics of the Java language as platform independence, object-oriented nature, encapsulation, etc.
Data types
  • Declaration and initialization of variables (including casting primitive data types).
  • Differentiation between reference and primitive variables.
  • Reading and writing object fields.
  • Object life cycle (creation, reference reassignment and garbage collection).
  • Developing code that uses wrapper classes, in particular Boolean, Double and Integer.
Branching statements and structures
  • Operator application, including precedence override.
  • Checking the identity of string and other objects using the == operator and method equals().
  • Constructions if And if-else, as well as the ternary operator
  • Operator application switch.
Creating and Using Arrays
  • Declaration, instantiation and use of one-dimensional arrays.
  • Declaration, instantiation and use of multidimensional arrays.
Working with Loops
  • Creating and Applying Loops while.
  • Creating and Applying Loops for, incl. for-each.
  • Creating and Applying Loops do-while.
  • Comparison of cyclic structures.
  • Using Operators break And continue.
Methods and Encapsulation
  • Creating methods that take arguments and return values, incl. method overloading.
  • Behavior of object references and primitive variables passed to methods.
  • Using a Keyword static to methods and fields.
  • Applying access modifiers.
  • Implementation of encapsulation principles in a class.
  • Creating and overloading constructors, including the effect on the default constructor.
  • Inheritance and its benefits.
  • Develop code that demonstrates polymorphism, including method overriding and object type versus reference type.
  • The need for type casting.
  • Using Keywords super And this to access objects and constructors.
  • Application of abstract classes and interfaces.
Exception Handling.
  • Contrasting controlled exceptions with unchecked ones, incl. mistakes.
  • Creating a block try-catch and the impact of exceptions on the standard algorithm of the program.
  • Benefits of exception handling.
  • Creating and calling a method that raises an exception.
  • Dealing with typical exception classes (in particular NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException).
Selected Java API Library Classes
  • Manipulating data using a class StringBuilder and his methods.
  • Creation and manipulation String-objects.
  • Creating and manipulating calendar dates using classes from packages java.time.LocalDateTime and etc.
  • Declaring and Using Collections ArrayList of a given type.
  • Composing a simple lambda expression that consumes Predicate.

The programming language “Java” can be called the Esperanto language in the IT world. Java was invented in 1995 and since then its popularity has been growing inexorably, despite the emergence of a huge number of new modern programming languages. The secret of Java's popularity is its versatility and relative simplicity. “Write once, run anywhere,” which is why many large companies choose Java more often than any other language when ordering commercial projects.

I could talk for hours about the versatility of Java. Java is the lingva franca of programming. If you “speak” Java with some developers on the forum, there is a very high probability that even those who specialize in other languages ​​will understand you without translation.
As of 2018, there are more than 150 programming languages ​​in the world, but all of them, to some extent, take their origins from Java.

This popularity directly affects the demand and salaries of Java programmers. Only the people who manage them earn more than Java Developers.

Each module studies a specific cluster of theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow you to make a name for yourself in the world information technologies in just 6 months!

The curriculum of the modules is compiled by practicing specialists who know what to pay special attention to. The course goes “from small to large” and is designed for students who are starting from scratch. Each subsequent module is a logical continuation of the previous one. The curriculum allows you to build up your knowledge gradually.

If you have firmly decided to start learning programming, but don’t know which way to approach this issue, don’t know which language to choose and which IT industry to go into, then this course is for you! The course is designed to teach you the basics of programming from the very beginning. We will teach you to look at the program through the eyes of the Creator, and not the ordinary user.

Why are our Java courses so cool?

1. Everything in one place.

If you don’t know where to start learning java, then we will answer you “You need to start learning java by calling EasyUM.” We have compiled a super program of Java courses, comparable to studying to become a programmer at a university in terms of knowledge coverage. During the course you will learn all the necessary skills to work as a Java Junior.

2. In clear words.

Learning to program in Java at “EasyUM” is easy and relaxed. Our mentors have not forgotten how they felt at the beginning of their personal journey of learning to become a programmer, how they were lost in terms and abbreviations, so they will be happy to explain to you all the difficult and scary moments in simple and understandable words.

3. Combine the program yourself.

Our java courses are designed for everyone who wants to learn, from scratch to tangible results. However, if you are familiar with the syllabus of one of the modules, you can “remove” it from your training program.
Take a confirmation test according to the java course module program that you are familiar with and continue learning as efficiently as possible.

The main advantage of the “EasyUM” java courses is the emphasis on practice. The combination of theory and practice in a ratio of 20 to 80 allows all our students to immediately integrate into their studies, and the presence of practical classes and laboratory work in each module will not allow you to miss “something” important from your studies.

If you still don’t know where to start programming, “EasyUM” is waiting for you!

The most important thing is the teacher’s personal check of your homework, which you receive after each lesson. The teacher will give you recommendations, point out what can be improved, done differently, i.e. will conduct a full Code Review.

Also, you can always write or arrange a call with the teacher if you have questions about your classes.

Who teaches the course?

Our teachers are active, practicing developers from large companies and studios for creating websites and applications. They not only know their profession, but also know how to explain the material accurately and clearly.

Will I be able to?

A very relevant question for everyone who has never encountered programming and has worked in a completely different field. Anyone can program and write applications in Java, no matter whether you have previously worked as a translator, manager, or astronaut.

Training in our school takes place from scratch and thanks to practical assignments and real projects, knowledge is acquired quite simply. All you need to do is complete all tasks, desire and active participation.

What will I receive upon completion of training?

At the end of the training, we will develop our own “Cloud”, an analogue of Yandex Disk, which will be a good addition to your portfolio, as well as knowledge of one of the most popular and in-demand programming languages. In addition, upon successful defense of the final project, you will receive a School certificate confirming completion of the course and acquired skills.

How in demand are Java programmers (Java-developers) currently?

The demand for Java developers is very high. There are significantly more tasks and vacancies than there are specialists on the market. And they get paid quite a lot.

Beginning Java developers without much experience can count on a salary of 50-60 thousand, but in a year it can rise to 100-130. Specialists with 1-3 years of experience can apply for positions with a salary of 150 and above.

By the way, working as a programmer gives you the opportunity to work remotely from anywhere in the world! :)

If I want to stop studying, can I get my money back?

Yes, you can get your money back. We operate under an educational license and refund fees for uncompleted hours of training.

Hello. If you are reading these lines, then I confirm that these are Java lessons. The course is simply crammed with practice (1200+ practical problems) and is designed for an adult audience. I hate boring lectures, so JavaRush is made in the form of an online game (quest).

Did you have to play and level up your characters? Sometimes you don’t even notice how you get involved, right? Can you guess where I'm going with this? In JavaRush you will also have to level up your character. From level 1 to 40. If you complete the entire course, you will become a cool Java programmer.

If you complete 40 levels, you can get a job as a Java Junior. Although there are individuals who have already found a job at level 20. Because there are a lot of practical tasks in JavaRush. So many.

The events of the game take place in the distant, distant future, in the year 3017, where people live on Earth along with robots, and anyone can travel through space.

One day a spaceship crashed on an unknown planet...


Team Galactic Rush crashed on an unknown planet. As the ship fell, it crashed into a mountain and was almost completely covered with rock debris. Several days were spent in vain attempts to free the ship. The crew lost all hope of returning home and began to settle in a new place...

A week later, Ellie, the ship's navigator, accidentally discovered that the planet was inhabited... by thousands of wild robots! They could help dismantle the stones and free the ship. But they are very primitive and stupid - they have no skills. They don't even know how to carry stones. Which would be very helpful.

The scientific head of the expedition, Professor Noodles, later recalled:
- A few days later I found a way out. I came up with the idea to take the firmware of the robot Diego, a member of our crew, convert it to the firmware of a bricklayer and upload it to wild robots.

But failure seemed to follow us. After a little research, it turned out that the robots do not have a connector for downloading firmware. They didn't have any connector for flashing at all!

Bilaabo, the only alien in the crew, remembered that he had once seen a robot on his home planet that knew programming. And not only did he know, but he fixed the bugs in his own firmware.

It was at this moment that a brilliant idea came to me. After all, once upon a time I taught one capable robot programming in Pascal.

I ordered the most talented young robot to be captured and taught him to program in Java. Knowing how to program, he could write any firmware for himself and help us!

In general, we caught one smart specimen. Diego suggested calling him Amigo, in honor of the brother he never had.

I offered Amigo metal beads for each month of training, and ten dollars a year for subsequent work on removing the blockage. The savages have plenty of this too, because we educate them for free.

Diego would later write in his memoirs:

I was outraged by such a blatant robbery of my brother, but the whole team took the side of the professor and Rishi. Of course, I agreed (for appearances) and offered to help teach Amigo. Hehe! Moreover, no one can train a robot better than another robot.

Everyone was so happy with my compliance that they also decided to take an active part in training the Amigo robot in Java.

You start from the first level. Your task is to upgrade Amigo to level 40. But let's start small. First, get to the second level. Maybe you will like it so much that you won’t even notice how you complete the course and go to work;)

Now let's move on to learning from scratch - press the button “Open next lecture...”.

Moscow is a huge metropolis. This means that almost everything is here. Programming courses in Moscow can be found to suit every taste, but such variety does not make it any easier for a beginner. A reasonable question arises: what principle should we use to search for? Who can you trust with your education? In this article, we will not consider universities as a source of knowledge and skills for a future programmer, but will talk about private courses. About what they are, what their features are and what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Courses can be divided into face-to-face (offline) and online.

Full-time form of education

Paid programming courses

First, let's look at paid Java courses in Moscow. They involve working in a computer class with a teacher plus doing homework. Typically, a student must write 1 to 3 programming problems per week. Everything is approximately the same as in a university, only the audience is usually smaller and, theoretically, there is more attention to each student.


Everyone who lives in the capital knows that the first question that needs to be clarified is where the programming courses are located geographically; Moscow is big. If you are lucky enough to find a school close to your place of work or residence, then you can take a closer look at the following factors. If not... Even serious people sometimes drop out of school after missing classes several times in a row due to two-hour traffic jams.

Visiting schedule

Typically, two weekday evenings after work are set aside for classes. Classes last 2-3 hours. Some programming courses in Moscow offer weekend groups. Perhaps this is convenient: your head is clearer, there are fewer traffic jams. However, this option is most often not suitable for family people.

Computer classes

Before starting classes, you need to clarify whether the courses offer computers or whether you need to bring your own laptop. The second option is becoming more common. This has its pros and cons. If you already carry your computer with you to work, then you won’t experience much discomfort, but if you don’t really want to take your iron friend with you on the subway, you may need to look for other options.


A very important factor! Before you pay for the course, you need to know:
  1. Teacher qualifications. Is he a professional programmer or a technical university teacher who decided to earn a little extra money in the evenings? If he is a programmer, what company does he work for, what is his job title (Junior, Middle or Senior Java Developer)? It is advisable that you meet a person who knows the programming industry from the inside, and not from the stories of others.
  2. How busy is the teacher? Will the teacher have assistants or does he work alone? How many groups will this teacher lead at the same time? This is also important. Imagine: there are usually 10-15 people in a group, everyone needs to be checked homework. What if the teacher has many such groups? He physically will not be able to carefully study the code of each student.
  3. How long has he been working on these courses? If yes, try to find forums and reviews that they write about him: the combination “a good teacher (that is, someone who knows how to explain complex material well) + a good programmer” is very rare. If you suddenly find one like this, consider yourself very lucky.


The number of treasury notes that you will have to pay for programming courses in Moscow depends primarily on the previous point. That is, on the qualifications and requests of the teacher. A good Middle level programmer earns at least $2,000 a month, feel free to multiply by two if he is Senior. As you understand, it is not easy to interest such a person in a part-time job. If your teacher is a recent student himself, then the courses will be cheaper, but the quality... However, we won’t judge. There are natural teachers who simply really enjoy teaching. Such people can earn a lot from their main job, and consider teaching as their hobby.

Training program

Typically, one programming course, for example “Java from scratch,” lasts 2-3 months, and 1-2-3 such courses are offered. Two classes per week, 2-3 assignments the same week. This is approximately 36 tasks per course - for a beginning programmer this is catastrophically small. Almost any educational company offers programming courses from scratch; in Moscow there are a lot of such courses for beginners. But if you already have some experience, the choice narrows sharply. The reason is still the same: there are too few programmers ready to teach. And while courses for beginners can still be taught by a green teacher or computer science professor, this won’t work with “continuing” students. Total advantages:
  • Personal communication with a teacher-programmer (if you’re lucky);
  • Equally personal interaction with other students;
  • There is a training program that you can “follow”.
  • You need to spend time traveling to the courses;
  • A strict schedule that is easy for a working person to fall behind;
  • Few practical tasks;
  • Often - high price or low quality of courses;
  • Usually there is a high workload of teachers.
Of course, we provide only generalized advantages and disadvantages of full-time courses. If you are lucky enough to find courses with a good teacher and a convenient location, the disadvantages will immediately be leveled out.

Courses/internships at companies

Courses offered by IT companies are very different from the face-to-face courses we discussed above. Typically, these courses are unpaid (and sometimes paid) internships. Typically, large IT companies recruit for such courses several times a year. This is very useful, and Moscow residents should monitor such events. Only you need to apply for them, and this is not easy, since there are a lot of candidates for each place. And one more important point: such courses are designed for so-called “experienced beginners”, in fact, almost ready-made Junior Developers without real work experience. Accordingly, such courses usually last six months. They are very complex and require a lot of dedication. By the end, ⅔ of the original group is eliminated. As a result, the best ones can be hired for a full-time job, on a “junior” salary. Advantages of courses provided by companies:
  • Free;
  • Teachers are active programmers;
  • A lot of relevant practice (that which is needed in modern IT);
  • Almost real experience of working in an IT company;
  • A chance to get a job in a company.
Disadvantages (from the position of beginners):
  • To enroll in courses, you need to be an almost ready programmer and go through a difficult selection process;
  • Huge workload (often incompatible with the main job);

Form of study: online courses

Group online programming courses

This type of course is not much different from full-time courses. We have the same 2 classes per week in strict certain time during three months. Only a group of students and a teacher gather not in a classroom, but each at his own computer. Everything else is the same. Probably, such courses are preferable for busy Muscovites: at a minimum, the problem of wasting time and nerves on the road to a programming school disappears. In addition, these courses can be somewhat cheaper than full-time courses, since their organizers do not need to spend money on renting classrooms and purchasing equipment. There is another option for online group courses. Students watch not live lectures, but recordings of webinars, and at a certain time the teacher conducts a series of consultations on theory and homework. Advantages:
  • No need to waste time and money on the road
  • Communication with the teacher and other students
  • Same as full-time courses (except travel time)

Individual online Java courses in Moscow

These courses are somewhat similar to mentoring, so they are usually expensive. As a rule, you follow the program compiled by the teacher, listen to recordings of his lectures, do homework, get them checked and short personal consultations. A good and flexible option: there is no longer a strict connection to class time, you watch lectures when it is convenient for you and agree with the teacher about a consultation at a time convenient for you. Advantages:
  • Personal lesson schedule
  • “Live” mentor
  • High price
Can you imagine more a budget option, in which one teacher is “shared” among a large number of students. Accordingly, not too much attention is paid to everyone (here it all depends on the responsibility of the course author). Tasks with this approach are very often checked with a simple autovalidator, in worse cases - by comparison with other people's code on GitHub.

“Platform” online courses

Platforms Coursera, Udemy, edX and others contain a huge number of programming courses. Among them are many free ones, recorded by masters of their craft (the same “Harvard CS50. Fundamentals of Programming” in English is on edX, and the JavaRush website has a Russian version of this most popular course for beginners). Some platforms have an approximate schedule for completing courses (most often, tasks are divided into weeks) and it is better not to deviate from this schedule. Typically, such courses consist of videos, additional materials, tests and homework. Sometimes tasks can be verified using simple built-in validators, but most often the correctness of the code cannot be reliably verified. Advantages:
  • Flexible schedule
  • Often free or not very expensive
  • Lack of feedback, which is why students most often drop out of such courses;
  • Few practical tasks.

Special Java courses: JavaRush

JavaRush is up to the Java Junior Developer level.

The course is divided into 4 blocks (quests), each of which has 10 levels. By completing the course, you, like in a computer game, move from level to level, thereby improving your knowledge and programming skills. Each level contains several short text lectures written in the form of dialogue from highly original characters, as well as many tasks. Only by solving most of the problems in the level will you gain enough points (here they are called “dark matter”) to move on. Each task has a list of requirements, making it easier for beginners to understand. The course also includes an automatic solution check and a recommendation system - a kind of “virtual mentor”. You simply click on a button and the solution is sent to the “mentor”. A moment later, a response comes in which you receive information about the correctness of the decision and a list of recommendations on how to correct errors, if any. So, attention: there are more than 1200 such tasks in JavaRush! Their elaboration is that very valuable first programming experience that beginners so lack. Because of this feature, teachers of face-to-face or online courses often recommend JavaRush as a source of additional tasks. Most of the problems are quite simple, but starting halfway through the course, JavaRush offers mini-projects - these are large tasks with step by step instructions, which help students create their first complex programs. For example, the game 2048 or a restaurant emulator. Depending on the student’s workload and his skills before the start of the course, JavaRush can be completed in a period of 3 months to a year. After completing the course, you can sign up for an online internship, learn the Java EE technology stack, and create your own project. Those who are looking for courses very often fear that there is no meaningful feedback in the online environment, which makes serious problems almost unsolvable. JavaRush successfully copes with this problem with the help of the JavaRush community and the “Help” section, where you can ask questions about tasks and theory. Students' questions are usually answered fairly quickly. This is done either by other students or someone from the JavaRush team.


It's up to you to draw your own conclusions! Regardless of anything, we wish you to find the best programming courses in Moscow or online!
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