Google Chrome: This setting is enabled by your administrator. Problem with CHROME search

This error may occur when trying to change certain Internet browser settings that are simply unavailable. Initially, it should indicate that it is being used not on a home computer, but on a work computer, and then it cannot be avoided. But this doesn't always happen. Let's figure it out How to remove “This setting is enabled by the administrator”Chrome when the browser is running on a personal PC.

This error occurs due to a violation of Group Policy rules or registry entries. This can happen, for example, due to improper shutdown of the PC, virus activity, etc. But in this article we will not try to deal with the root causes, but will immediately move on to the solution.

First you need to reset the Group Policy rules to initial values. This is done using the command line. You can open it by searching in the Start menu (relevant for everyone Windows versions). Enter search query "Command line", right-click on the desired tool and select the option to run as administrator.

First command to execute:

RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers"

Copy it from the site and paste it into the text field (combination Ctrl + V may not work, so right-click on the console window and select the paste option) and then click Enter.

RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy"

These two commands are responsible for resetting General and User Group Policy

Needed to update data

Wait for the procedure to complete in the Command Prompt and restart the PC. Then check whether the problem with the settings of the Google Chrome Internet browser was resolved. If everything is in order, then you can finish. Otherwise, you should also reset the program parameters to their original values.


This procedure is performed as follows:

Google Chrome is a popular web browser with which users may occasionally encounter various problems. For example, when trying to change the search engine, users may encounter the error “This setting is enabled by your administrator.”

Error related problem "This setting is enabled by your administrator" , a fairly frequent guest of Google Chrome browser users. As a rule, it is most often associated with viral activity on your computer.

How to resolve the "This setting is enabled by your administrator" error in Google Chrome browser?

1. First of all, we launch the antivirus on the computer in deep scanning mode and wait for the virus scan procedure to complete. If problems are discovered as a result, we treat them or quarantine them.

2. Now let's go to the menu "Control Panel" , set the viewing mode "Small Icons" and open the section "Programs and Features" .

3. In the window that opens, we find programs associated with Yandex and and remove them. Any suspicious programs must also be removed from the computer.

4. Now open Google Chrome, click on the browser menu button in the upper right corner and go to the section "Settings" .

5. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on the item "Show advanced settings" .

6. Again we go down to the end of the page and in the block "Reset settings" select a button "Reset settings" .

7. We confirm our intention to delete all settings by clicking on the button "Reset" . We check the success of the actions performed by trying to change the default search engine.

8. If the above steps did not bring the desired result, let's try to slightly edit Windows registry. To do this, open the “Run” window using the key combination Win+R and in the window that appears, insert the command "regedit" (without quotes).

9. The registry will be displayed on the screen, in which you will need to go to the following branch:


10. Having opened the desired branch, we will need to edit two parameters that are responsible for the error “This parameter is enabled by the administrator”:

  • DefaultSearchProviderEnabled – change the value of this parameter to 0;
  • DefaultSearchProviderSearchUrl – remove the value, leaving the line empty.

Close the registry and restart the computer. After that, open Chrome and install the desired search engine.

Once you've resolved the "This setting is enabled by your administrator" error, try to keep your computer secure. Do not install suspicious programs, and also carefully look at what software the installed program wants to additionally download. If you have your own way to resolve the error, share it in the comments.


Recently, while installing a program from the left site, it also installed another search engine in my chrome, and it cannot be removed using standard methods.

In my case, it wrote to me " ". And it couldn't be deleted.

This can happen with any chrome browser, for example Google Chrome, Yandex chrome and others based on the chrome engine.

I went through firstsputnik and after passing through several sites I went to the search engine.

Quite annoying (especially considering that the search there is not the best).

The methods from the article and the program did not help me.

At first I put up with this matter, but after wandering through the forums I found a solution to remove firstsputnik from my browser.

Disable "This setting is enabled by your administrator"

We will need to log into the command line as an administrator.

To do this, open " Start". enter into the search bar cmd it will appear in the list of programs, right-click on it and select "run as administrator"

Then enter the following lines one by one (after entering each line, press enter).

RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers"
RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy"
gpupdate /force

If your console says access denied, then most likely you launched the console without administrator rights.

If everything went well, you will see a success message.

All you have to do is go to your browser, go to settings and click configure search engines. Then click next to the one you want "Set as default"

Error: The specified file cannot be found.

If you see "The specified file cannot be found" in your work, follow these steps.

  • Enable display of hidden and system files.
  • Open the folder: C:\Windows\System32\(or on the drive where you have windows installed) (if you have a 64-bit system, there may be a folder C:\Windows\SysWOW64\.)
  • Delete folders GroupPolicy And GroupPolicyUsers. (There may only be one folder).
  • IN command line running as administrator, enter: gpupdate /force

That's basically all, options for removing this option from Chrome browsers have been considered. This option is enabled by the administrator.

And the reason for this parameter is that malware change the policy in Windows, enter the parameter into the settings and block it. Therefore, antivirus and similar programs are useless here.

Until we meet again, have a clean internet to you. And take care of your computers

As you know, promoting any information resources, especially if they are purely advertising in nature, is a rather difficult task. Therefore, some developers go to all sorts of tricks, creating new search engines, which, from a computer security point of view, are real malware. In this case, we are talking about the fact that some of these elements are built into browsers spontaneously.

At the same time, in Chrome, when you try to change the default search tool, the message “This option is enabled by your administrator” may appear.

The search engines that were originally installed are changed. But the saddest thing is that it is almost impossible to disable the installed search using standard actions in the browser settings. So you don’t even have to try, it won’t give any effect anyway. But what to do then? First, let’s figure out what this problem is all about.

What is the "This setting is enabled by your administrator" error in Google's Chrome browser?

Not to mention the huge variety of such malicious software, among all the “innovations”, it is worth mentioning a certain search engine called

It precisely has as its main goal complete integration into Chrome browser. And when you try to change the settings, a notification appears stating that this option is enabled by the administrator in Chrome settings. How can I stop this message from appearing? We will have to use the most drastic methods. Antiviruses or adware detectors are powerless in such a situation. But on Windows systems you can use built-in tools. We are talking about the command console and editor system registry.

Why do I see the message: “This setting is enabled by your administrator” (Chrome Browser)?

In theory, if a user sees such a notification on his computer, it only means that a fundamental change in settings has been made in the system for the browser at the administrator level. Don't confuse your own account administrator, with super administrator having higher change priority by default system settings in Windows 7 and higher.

Many people probably know that to perform certain actions in such systems, it is sometimes necessary to use the RMB menu and select the application start line on behalf of the administrator. This is the same super administrator. But malware can act through such a record.

Antiviruses in this case do not work because a higher priority of actions is used, and in most cases such programs have trusted status when penetrating the system (this is absolutely enough for antivirus software to miss the threat).

Error resolution options

But we are somewhat distracted from the topic. When considering how to remove “this setting is enabled by your administrator” in Chrome Browser, you could, of course, suggest using the Group Policy Editor, but standard procedures do not always work. In addition, actions with the command line and the system registry are both faster and more efficient.

Thus, if the error “This setting is enabled by the administrator” is displayed (Chrome suffers from this primarily), you will first have to write several commands in the console, and then check the settings in the system registry.

Using the Command Line

Now directly about actions with the command console. We have a situation where the error “this setting is enabled by the administrator” appears (Chrome is used or another browser is used, in this case it does not matter):

  • The command line must be called exclusively as an administrator, for example, through the main menu, from Explorer (cmd.exe file in the System32 folder) or from the Run menu (Win + R) by entering the abbreviation cmd.

  • The first command to delete group policy settings for all users is written: RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers". After entering it, press the Enter key.
  • Second command that removes similar parameters for the selected local user looks like this: RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy". After it presses again Enter.
  • Finally, the command to completely update group policy settings is used: gpupdate /force.

After executing all three commands, you need to open the browser and see if the “this option is enabled by the administrator” error has disappeared (we are just using Chrome as an example).

Actions with the system registry

If the problem has not been resolved, you will have to use the system registry editor, which is called through the Run console by entering the line regedit. By the way, this is where you can make maximum settings that are inaccessible for ordinary Windows-system tools.

Now the solution itself:

  • In the editor, you need to pay attention to the HKLM branch and, going down the directory tree through SOFTWARE and Policies, find the Google folder in which the Chrome directory is located.

  • On the right side of the editor we are interested in two keys: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled And DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL.
  • Double clicking on each of them opens the editing window.
  • The first parameter in the value column must be assigned zero; for the second, simply delete the entire contents of this field, in each case saving the changes by clicking the “OK” button.
  • For the changes to take effect, the entire system must be rebooted.

In theory, after this the error message will no longer appear.

Yes, just in case, through the properties of the browser shortcut in the path bar executable file check if there is anything else added there. After expanding the EXE, there shouldn't be anything else there. If there is something, just delete everything unnecessary and save the changes.

Brief summary

As you can see, correcting such an unpleasant situation is not particularly difficult. Please only note that both the command console and the registry editor must be launched exclusively as an administrator. Otherwise, either the settings will not be applied due to the lack of necessary rights, or you will receive the most common access denial.

Returning to group policies(the settings of which were actually changed), it remains to note that it is impossible to perform actions on the command line by analogy in the editor itself. But the registry, compared to the policy editor, has a higher priority for changes system parameters. So using the policy editor settings in this case seems completely inappropriate.

This setting is enabled by the administrator (Google Chrome) - how to disable it?

    First, look at the installed extensions of your browser and remove unknown ones.

    But the most common case of substitution home page This is a replacement for browser shortcuts. Remove the shortcut Google chrome from the desktop and Quick Launch and create a new one. This procedure must be carried out for all browsers. To create a new shortcut, you need to right-click on the Chrome application icon in the Chrome system folder, which is located in the Google folder on system disk in program files.

    Paths for the most common browsers are here.

    Don’t forget to scan your PC with free antivirus utilities and change your passwords. social networks, because it could be a virus or active site content.

    It happens that all the above methods are not effective. So, it happens that it is rubbish, neither a file nor anything else, but a program. And so, I personally came across all this purely by accident. We go to uninstall programs, found Chrome search, clicked on uninstall, update the client, voila! Google it, everything is fine. All advertising has disappeared, the search is normal, and in general Happy Happy Joy Joy!

    Guys, we succeeded!

    SpyHunter, apparently, is a good thing, it found and deleted a lot of crap (even though I had removed a lot of it by hand before), but it still couldn’t cope with my question - to remove the left search engine from Chrome settings.

    Well, okay, I did this myself.

    Found in hidden folder%WinDir%System32GroupPolicyMachine and deleted the Registry.pol file (this unfortunate yamdex was registered in nm)

    Then I started updating the policies with the command gpupdate /force

    When it was successfully completed, I launched Chrome and... and Yamdex was in place! But already - unprotected! I clicked on the cross, which was not there before - hop, and there is no more scoundrel.

    To everyone who tried to help me - thank you!

    Those who still catch this rubbish - use it. can hide in system folders under the guise of files with the pol extension. Maybe like Registry.pol. System file, which must be found by searching and opening System Policy Editor. However, there is no need to open it. Delete everything. It may not be deleted. Then update the system group policy using available means. In a second Registry.pol. will become available for execution.

    To be honest, I’m afraid to disable viruses or try to disable them myself and I use the help of professionals, especially since I once met such a professional and since 2003 I’ve been calling him just a little, following his advice, and most often he himself comes and solves the problem. is present in downloads various programs and music. I haven’t really figured out what this virus does, because when updating one of the SpyHunter programs, I picked up about 15 similar viruses via the Internet. I tried to clean the computer with different antivirus programs and did not get any effect, the programs were registered in all browsers, also searching for the tails of these viruses in the registry did not give any results, and system restorers also did not help, I just wasted my time...

    I had to reinstall SpyHunter along with the viruses, and only after 3 cleanings did all the viruses disappear. This is probably the only program that successfully fights viruses in browsers... is such a harmful virus - it is most often registered in the browser shortcut or in its extensions and then starts automatically when the browser starts. Finding and removing it is most often very difficult, use a program called SpyHunter - and also remove this virus from all extensions.

    An ordinary virus that redirects you to other pages can be cleaned by Kaspersky, but not with the main version, but with a specially tailored one for cleaning browsers. If you have a paid version, you can download add-ons using your password. By the way, the original Kaspersky let it onto the computer, I just downloaded a magazine about cross stitch.

    SpyHunter is a program that helps you find and remove viruses. You need to remove the virus from all extensions. This is the most best program to clean your computer. It has many functions, installing it without interfering with the main antivirus program. My computer was infected with various viruses and worked poorly, after cleaning this program, it works much better.