How to extend protection on aliexpress on mobile. What does buyer protection mean on Aliexpress, what is the maximum protection time? Buyer protection on Aliexpress is ending: how to extend the protection period through a computer and mobile application? How to extend protection

When shopping online, trust in the online store is, of course, important. Many users are concerned about questions such as security Aliexpress And buyer protection. We can immediately make a reservation - the mentioned store has worked out these aspects at the highest level. But first things first.

Despite all the authority of Aliexpress, the safety of purchases on this site still depends on the “human factor”. What do you mean? And the fact is that there are thousands of sellers on this Internet site, and some of them may not be as honest and responsible as we would like. Therefore, in order to increase Aliexpress security in terms of purchases made, a system was introduced seller ratings.

Seller rating on Aliexpress

You can find out about the seller directly in the product card:

To learn more about the Seller’s rating, you can click on the number next to the “medals” or on the number about the percentage of reviews: A page will open - the Seller’s card, on which you can find out how other users rated it (read comments), how many buyers added it to “Favorites” when the seller started working on Aliexpress.

It is clear that sometimes a low-rated seller can have much more favorable prices(for example, if he has just started working on the Aliexpress site and works “for reputation” and attracting customers), but, nevertheless, you should think about whether the risk of non-delivery or receiving a low-quality product is worth it.

It makes sense to check the “responsiveness” of the seller before purchasing the product you like. To do this, you can use the “Send message” link directly in the product card, for example, to clarify some details about a potential order. The speed (and availability) of receiving a response will be a good indicator that the seller will be available when situations arise related to buyer protection on Aliexpress.

Security Aliexpress: basic guarantees

You should know that the security of Aliexpress is ensured by the basic guarantees of the online store: timely delivery And return guarantee.

The maximum possible delivery time to a buyer in Russia from the moment of dispatch to receipt in hand is 90 days. Violation of this deadline guarantees a refund of 100% of the order price. But there are a number of nuances in which the delivery guarantee is canceled - you need to know and keep them in mind:

  1. Non-delivery of goods due to the incorrectness of the address specified by the Buyer removes responsibility from the Seller;
  2. Force majeure has arisen: a delay by customs (the goods did not pass control), a disaster has occurred - a refund of the full cost is cancelled.
  3. If somehow the Buyer manages to pay the Seller directly (bypassing the Aliexpress payment system). In this case, there is simply no “arbiter” capable of intervening in the situation.

The Seller will receive money sent by the Buyer only if there is confirmation of delivery by the Buyer, or after the delivery period specified in the order has expired (without confirmation by the Buyer), so in most cases he himself is interested in ensuring that the goods are delivered.

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Returns, extension of buyer protection on Aliexpress and opening a dispute

You can, for example, agree to extend the delivery period, discuss what the return conditions will be. Often, sellers, trying to maintain customer loyalty, take into account the buyer’s requests. In return, they may ask, for example, to give a good rating and write a review :)

Buyer Protection Period on Aliexpress can be increased: this is done using an extension request. You just need to click on the link of the same name in the order tracking menu. This works, of course, provided that the current “Protection” has not yet come to an end.

If the correspondence does not lead to the desired results, the extension of “Buyer Protection” is inappropriate in the situation that has arisen, or the buyer simply does not want to “bother” with communicating with the seller, he can use the Aliexpress tool called “dispute”. Those. To request a refund, the buyer opens a dispute in which he conducts a discussion with the seller. This is a more formal procedure that the Seller simply cannot ignore (unlike messages), and to which the Aliexpress dispute resolution team can be involved at a certain stage.

Let us once again voice the “reasons” for opening a dispute on Aliexpress:

  1. The delivery did not arrive within the specified period (the maximum time interval from the moment of confirmation of dispatch is 120 days);
  2. The received product is inappropriate/unsatisfactory;

In the website interface, this Aliexpress buyer protection tool is located in the “My Orders” menu. To the right of each order item there will be an “Open dispute” option.

In the form that opens, you will need to indicate the reasons for opening a dispute, options for resolving it acceptable to the Buyer (full/partial refund of payment, whether the goods will be returned or remain with the recipient), and write a more or less detailed comment on the situation that has arisen.

There are specific time frames for opening a dispute in Aliexpress: it can be opened no earlier than 5 days from the moment the Seller confirms the shipment and no later than 15 days from the date the order is closed (expiration of the delivery period). The last rule is especially important to consider. Those. You can’t just pay for the order and “fill in”: anyway, from time to time the process and delivery time need to be monitored so that in case of an undesirable scenario, you are not left with nothing.

Time tracking is carried out in the “Order Data”, stage “Delivery”:

Because "Dispute" is an official security mechanism on Aliexpress, there are strict conditions for it:

  • The seller must “respond” to an open dispute within five days;
  • the absence of a “reaction” from the Seller is clearly regarded in favor of the Buyer, and the latter is returned the requested amount;
  • If the measures proposed by the Seller do not suit the Buyer, then the dispute may be transferred to the level of resolution by its Aliexpress team.
  • automatic escalation of the dispute to the level of attracting “arbitrators” from Aliexpress occurs if the correspondence with the Seller lasted for 15 days and the parties did not come to an agreement that suits both, and also if it was indicated that the delivery period has expired, and the order is still “in hand” and didn't turn out to be.

When raising a dispute, the buyer needs to be “in touch”: check his mail, his Aliexpress account: he may receive requests for additional information (for example, he will be asked to attach a photo of a low-quality product), as well as notifications about the results of the dispute.

Thus, Aliexpress security is built on a combination of two components:

  • a well-thought-out system for providing basic guarantees: Aliexpress buyer protection, a tool called “dispute”, engaging a dispute resolution team;
  • competent and attentive actions of the buyer: analysis of the Seller’s rating, guarantees provided by him, order tracking, readiness to communicate with the seller (both simply in “Messages” and in the process of opening a dispute on Aliexpress), willingness to present evidence of his innocence (in cases of receiving improper product) and defend it.
  1. — an overview of the most pressing issues that a buyer may encounter when paying for an order;
  2. - really useful article about alternative bank card payment methods that you may not have known about.

If the article was useful to you, or, on the contrary, you found it not comprehensive enough, or maybe you just have “something to say,” or you need answers to other questions related to Aliexpress, do not hesitate to voice them in the comments! We will know what interests you, and you, accordingly, will receive the necessary information.

Dear readers, have a nice and trouble-free online shopping! 🙂

Article Buyer protection on Aliexpress: how to prevent cunning Chinese from deceiving yourself was modified: July 4th, 2018 by Netobserver

From the moment an order is placed on Aliexpress and money is paid for it, the buyer protection function is activated. Later certain time The delivery period is starting to end. And if the protection ends before the parcel is received, it’s bad for you. Therefore, you need to monitor and, if necessary, extend the protection.

What to do if order protection ends

If you have monitored your parcel and saw that it was indeed sent and left China, but do not want to start a dispute yet, you can contact the seller to ask him extend the period increase buyer protection for the desired number of days.

If you don’t know where to look when the protection period expires, then this is not a problem - go to “My Orders” and in each of your orders, you can see how much time is left until it expires.

I would also like to note that responsible sellers themselves monitor the protection time and extend it themselves.

How to extend order protection time

To do this, you need to contact the seller from whom the purchase was made. This can be done in “My Orders”, here you need to click “Details”.

In a new window you will see point 2 : To extend Buyer Protection for this order, please click here.

Press. A small window will open in which you can request a certain amount days for which you want to extend the period and click send.

Pay attention! Delivery time will increase only after approval by the store. So if the time is running out, and the seller has not extended anything to you, then a day or two before the end, open a dispute. Don't be afraid, the administration is on your side.

Why do buyers and stores need it?

Buyers are protected during the period of its validity and can get their money back. Read more about this

Stores, on the other hand, guarantee that within a certain period (usually 45-60 days), you will receive the parcel. And if they don’t receive it, they undertake to return the money. Therefore, they are interested in ensuring that the protection is still in effect and that “until the last minute” there is an opportunity: you receive the parcel, and they receive money for it.

Personally I do this

I see buyer protection is coming to an end. I am asking for another 2 weeks, despite the fact that the guaranteed period is coming to an end. After 2 weeks, if the parcel is not visible “on the horizon”, I start a dispute and return the money.

And one more thing.

Do not pay attention to the fact that the seller can add a period of a month or more, if you have waited a reasonable number of days beyond the norm - there is no parcel, open a dispute with a clear conscience.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.


If you are interested in the question, then you probably already know that from the moment of shipment until the moment you receive the parcel from the Chinese Aliexpress site, the seller allocates a certain number of days - 27, 39, 60 or 90. This important point, which should not be overlooked, because the delivery time is your guarantee, a guarantee that you can always get your money back if something happens. Therefore, do not allow the timer to rewind the last days and the order has not yet reached you.

There are times when a parcel simply does not have time to travel thousands of kilometers in the allotted time. Let's say you, where is your order now, are convinced that it is on its way, but it becomes clear that the package will not reach its destination within the allotted time. This is exactly the case when you should extend your order on Aliexpress. Just don’t let the timer run until the last day; extend it 3-4 days before the end of the delivery period so that the seller has time to process your request.

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How to extend an order on Aliexpress.

To begin with, let's do the following:

My AliExpress / My Aliexpress – My Orders / My Orders

Select the desired product and click View Detail / View orders

Next we find the link Request to extend Purchase Protection/Request to extend purchases. Just keep in mind that the page must be in English, otherwise this tab simply won’t work.

In the window that opens, enter the number of days for which we ask to extend the order. Assess the situation, estimate with reserve how long it will take for the order to reach its destination.

This completes your mission to renew your order on Aliexpress. It remains to wait for a reaction from the seller.

If the seller does not respond to your request to extend the order, you can open a dispute. I hope it doesn’t come to this, but remember - your interests must be protected, and Aliexpress Buyer Protection works at the proper level.

Happy shopping on Ali!

As a regular shopper on AliExpress, you've probably been in a situation where you received a message that the seller has extended the buyer protection period for one of your orders.

Buyer Protection
– this is a period of time when the buyer is completely protected from financial losses associated with late delivery and poor quality of the goods. Each seller can specify a different buyer protection period (most often 45-60 days), but if the package was not delivered within this period, the buyer can open a dispute, demanding a full refund of the order.

When purchasing on AliExpress, you should know that the seller will not receive money for the order until the buyer confirms receipt of the goods and the absence of any complaints about the delivery and quality of the order.

Knowing this, sellers very often use the function of extending the buyer protection period in order to protect themselves as much as possible from financial losses associated with the shipped order. Such actions do not violate AliExpress rules in any way, and the buyer can also extend the protection period on the order details page if such a need arises.

What to do if the seller has extended the buyer protection period

If the seller extended the buyer protection period, he broke the rules trading platform Aliexpress, since it does not have the right to extend the protection period without the buyer’s consent. Unfortunately, sellers very often ignore the opinions of their customers.

In such a situation, we recommend opening a dispute and describing your disagreement with the seller’s actions in the text of the complaint. Insist that the store representative exceeded his authority. But be prepared for the fact that the seller refuses to return the money for the order and then you will need to resort to escalating the dispute so that the Aliexpress support service can help resolve the disagreements that have arisen.

The chances of getting the buyer's protection extension canceled and the money returned will be highest in a situation where there are several days left until the end of the protection period, and at this moment the seller, without the buyer's consent, extends the buyer's protection period.

However, you should not try to deceive the seller and AliExpress by receiving the goods, but claiming that they did not arrive. The seller can always contact the carrier company and find out details about the parcel.

How to extend order protection on Aliexpress

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There are often situations when the buyer has not yet received the parcel, and the order protection has already expired. In this case, it is not necessary to immediately open a dispute, because various delays in the delivery of parcels from Aliexpress are a common phenomenon. You can simply extend buyer protection for any number of days. Extended protection can also be a plus if you want to test your purchase for a couple of weeks so that it does not suddenly turn out to be defective or break immediately after the order is closed. You will learn further how to extend buyer protection on Aliexpress.

What is order protection?

What does it mean to extend buyer protection? Do not confuse processing time with the order protection period. Protection is given to the buyer after the package has been sent, so that he has certain guarantees and the opportunity to return the money during the delivery period if the goods do not arrive or turn out to be faulty. And the processing time is given to the seller so that he has time to send the goods. Also, during the order processing period, the buyer can cancel his order or extend the time if the seller informed him that he will not have time to send the parcel on time.

How to extend buyer protection if it expires?

How to extend the client’s protection period quickly and without problems? You need to do the following:

  • Go to AliExpress and then open the "My Orders" section.
  • Find in the order list a product whose protection timer is about to reset. Then click on the “More details” or “Check tracking” button.
  • On the order page, click on the “Request an extension of Buyer Protection” button. It's at the bottom of the list below the timer.
  • A dialog box will open and in it you will need to enter the number of days that you want to add to the current order protection period. After that, click on the “Submit” button.