What should girls write in the “About Me” section? Life position on VKontakte What to write on the VK page.

In this selection you can find unique, attractive, cool phrases, which can be placed in the column "About me VKontakte".

Suitable phrase: girl, guy.

What to write about yourself on VKontakte

To fill out the column about myself VKontakte From your account under your avatar, click on the button "Edit page" and go to the "Interests" tab:

Now copy the phrase that you liked most and paste it into the column "About myself".

Adviсe: Write as much information about yourself as possible to make it clear who you are. Get people interested. Write what you do, what hobbies you enjoy in your free time, what are your life priorities, what interests you, etc.

You can add about yourself on VK some phrases from our selection:

  • I follow my own path, even if it is not like everyone else, but it is MINE.
  • I understand perfectly well that I am not the best woman in the world, but it depends on whose world it is.
  • Before you start a relationship with a person, make sure it's not me.
  • Actually, it's easy with me. You just need to be with me for this, and not somewhere out there.
  • I don’t listen to those who say that I’m wasting my life, because at least I live, and someone says.
  • I don’t know how to regret what happened and passed. I can somehow relate to the past, good or bad, but regret is stupid. Regret is not constructive; nothing useful can be created from a feeling of regret. The past should be treated with gratitude because it gave me certain experiences from which I learn lessons and draw conclusions. Even if the experience is very bitter and difficult, you still learn a lesson from it, become smarter, and for this I thank him very much.
  • Know yourself? If I knew myself, I would run away in fear.
  • For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be “correct.” The trouble is that definitions of “correctness” change all the time. The only thing that remains constant is that the right people are fundamentally different from me in some way.
  • I don’t care what they say about me behind my back as long as they tell lies about me.
  • I won't prove to anyone that I'm good. Let them try to prove to me that I'm bad.
  • I am the spitting image of Einstein... in language.
  • It seems to me that I do not appear to you as I should appear.
  • I'm very decent! I swear to my mother... anarchy!
  • I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa balanced.
  • Give me 12 hours and I will move the Earth!
  • Don't rush to talk about yourself. The conversation about you will begin as soon as you leave.
  • Fuck the circumstances. I create opportunities.
  • Everyone sees what I seem to be, few feel what I am
  • I will strive only for the best. I will achieve everything I really want!
  • I am a person for whom solitude is vital.
  • I won’t tell anyone about what’s inside me. And those to whom I tell this are not just people. They are much better.
  • Born a long time ago, in secret from my parents. According to the horoscope Goose. I don't know much about music, my favorite singer is Lenin. Hobby: squinting. In a past life he was the favorite horse of Budyonny’s favorite horse. I believe in death after life, in love after cake and in aftershave cream. My favorite pastime is playing strip snowballs. For five years he worked at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory - he laid tiles in the saxophone class. Formation: formed by the fusion of an egg cell with a permatozoon. I regularly do two things: sit with Angelina Jolie and lie. I only dress in expensive grocery stores. I pumped up my muscles from the Internet. But then I am a black sheep among dark horses. And relationships with women don’t work out in a suitcase. My favorite food is mezim. I am also interested in the works of Nikolai Gumilyov and know about 80 rhymes for the word Anton.
  • I love little children I love summer, warm summer rain I love to talk a lot and laugh with all my heart I love to look into eyes that glow and sparkle with happiness I love the city at night I love looking at old photographs I love my friends who will always help I love to just do something I love to travel I love argue I like to enjoy little things. I like to simply love and be loved.
  • In general, in this life I only love cherry pies. They don’t reciprocate, but they don’t behave either.
  • My loneliness has taste and aroma. The sharp taste of permanence. The sweet scent of fidelity. It is always with me.
  • An optimist is not one who has never suffered, but one who has experienced despair and overcome it.
  • Yes, I’m so strange... Long-awaited for someone. I'm smart and brave, I'm loyal without a doubt. I'm dissolved in someone. I'm touchy with others. Yula, I’m wound up, actually, very modest. A star descended from heaven. Typhoon - I'm crazy. Beautiful, curly and sunny-I-lunar. I'm quiet and sweet. Of course I'm loved. Poisonous to some, but still not forgotten. Sometimes unlucky. And every day I am new. Still fundamental. Funny and funny. I am open to friendship. Broken from meanness. Sometimes I can be difficult, boring and impossible. Like a hot red pepper. A path in a dense forest. So all strawberry, I’m also unusual. Simple and entertaining, sometimes incomprehensible. Sometimes I am shy, like the wind I am changeable. Eh, I'm very dreamy. I am diligent in my work. This is how I am, different and the most beautiful.
  • I always tell the truth, even when I'm lying.
  • I will stretch my legs into good hands and sit on my neck correctly.
  • Fairytale character! True, when casting for “Little Red Riding Hood” they always give me the role of the gray wolf.
  • I am not an artist, but I paint my dreams. I am not a writer, but I am writing my book of life.
  • I can't stand it when people expect something from me. I immediately have a desire to do the opposite.
  • Vaguely, deep down, we know who we really are. This is what causes the sorrow of our soul: we are not who we would like to be.
  • I skate to where the puck will be, not where it was.
  • My “love” is worth a lot. I say this rarely and to few people.
  • Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am...
  • I am one of those who love silently, endure for a long time and leave abruptly!
  • It doesn't matter how many people give me advice. I will do what my heart tells me to do.
  • What can I add to my unwritten beauty... Except perhaps monstrous modesty!
  • Of course I have bad days, but then I remember what a sweet smile I have.
  • I am a gentle person and react painfully to cretins. I can't imagine what to do with them if they are going to be more than one.
  • I have nothing to declare except that I am a genius.
  • And here I am - one of a kind! Those who are able to admire - admire, others can gnaw their elbows with envy and faint!
  • I have no time to mope and cry, I need to go towards my cherished goal and enjoy life at the same time!
  • Don't be too persistently interested in my life. It may turn out to be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.
  • I am an angel, just a halo on charge and wings in the wash!
  • I live as I’m supposed to, and I have everything I’m supposed to do...
  • When I am pushed away, I move away; when I am forgotten, I will not remind myself with a glance or a word.
  • My main rule is: do your job well and see what comes of it.
  • I am a strange person. I think we're all a little crazy in our own way.
  • I don't like it when people touch what's mine. And it doesn’t matter what it is, a thing or a person.
  • Of course, I’m not perfect... but I’m still a masterpiece...
  • I am the only person in the world whom I would like to get to know better.
  • First of all: I'm good! Secondly: Enough with the “first”!

Today I made a selection of various poems that girls usually post in the “About Me” section. I have already written a similar article and told ““, I advise anyone who is also interested to read it. Let's return to the selection that is usually searched for by the phrase “About myself VKontakte for girls”. So, meet:

Fill out the “About yourself” section

I'm a girl, and that means I'm an actress,
I have a hundred faces and thousands of roles.
I am a girl, and that means I am a queen,
Beloved of all earthly kings.
I am a girl, and that means I am a slave,
Known the salty taste of insults.
I am a girl, and that means I am a desert,
Which will incinerate you.
I am a girl, I am strong against my will,
But you know, even if life is a struggle...
I'm a girl and I'm painfully weak.
I am a girl, and that means I am destiny.
I'm a girl. I'm just a flash of passion.
My ideal is patience and work.
I am a girl, I am great happiness
Which is not taken care of at all.
I am a girl... And that makes me dangerous.
Fire and ice are forever in me alone.
I'm a girl and that means I'm beautiful
Gray-haired from infancy to old age.
I am a girl, and all the roads in the world
They lead to me, and not to some Rome.
I am a girl, I am chosen by God,
Although already punished by him...

I am who I am, I will not be different,
I am who I am, I will remain so.
I can be naive, I can be harmful,
But such as I am, I am alone in the world.
I am who I am, I know how to love.
Whoever sees me will not be able to forget.
I can caress, but I can also hit.
I know how to save and I know how to destroy.
I am what I am, I am like passion.
While building my life, I manage to break myself.
I'm a little sad, I laugh a little.
I can be fearless, but I am also afraid.
I am who I am, I love to help.
But there are times when I can’t help but scream.
I am free, I am alone.
I can be ardent, but then I can be cold.
I am who I am, I will not become different.
I'll cry a little behind your back
I will wipe my tears and smile sweetly in response.
And just as I am, I will turn to you again!

What am I? Yes different:
When I love you are beautiful
If you are not loved - gloomy,
For those who are too smart, I'm a fool,
Among the cunning, I am a simpleton,
And the careless have wisdom,
With the offended - kind,
For those who are angry, I’m just a cobra,
The righteous have a sinful one,
The unlucky ones have a successful one,
Darling - beautiful
And sometimes happy
Among the brave, I am shy,
How changeable my life is...
What am I? Yes, different, but the main thing:
I am wonderful for myself!

I am different:
Modest and cheerful
I can be very angry
I am cold.

I'm different
I can be naughty
I can be very cunning
And very funny.

I'm different
There's no limit to me
So beautiful
The likes of which the world has never seen.

I'm different
But still I remain
I wish the same for you
I whistle farewell blues

Airy and lively, a wanderer, in whose eyes sparkles of the dying sun sparkle... A light smile and thoughtfulness... I know not only that beauty is sometimes difficult to look at, but also that it is often simply not noticed. Only after losing something can you understand how much you valued it. I don't believe in fairy tales, but I love listening to them. My time is a moment. The sun flowing with light, having slipped behind the sky, falls somewhere beyond the limits of visibility. I love to be in the crowd, I love to feel part of this world, but it is unlikely that anyone from this crowd will see me. A moment is imperceptible in the eternity of changes of day and night, black and white. The edge is often left behind before I realize it. Standing facing the sunset and breathing in its last rays, I decide where I will go next, who I will be tomorrow and who will die in me today...

A woman should be a mystery: Small, cute, sweet. Flirtat, make eyes, believe in all sorts of fairy tales. Remain holy and sinful, Be a beautiful soul and appearance. A charming, cunning imp, a gentle, soft fluffy kitten, a cheerful, playful minx, to love and always be loved. In love madly and passionately, Affectionate, timid and domineering, able to laugh through tears and never give up......

It's very difficult to be a BLONDE,
A cute picture girl.
Drink Martini instead of vodka,
Talk about clothes
Spending money on glitter
And always carry it in your pocket
Mint Orbit for breathing.
To deserve attention
Dress very fashionably
And behave freely;
Don't read good books
So as not to scare the boys;
To be a fan of the group "Korni"
Get into STROYFAK with a bribe,
Plaster the nose in layers
And dream of living in Miami...

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Despite the fact that the world is now promoting the idea of ​​a “magic pill” (pump up your abs in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you yourself will become cool), there are things that really work.

They work not because they are super cool, but because they were obtained through experience and some labor.

Apply this new knowledge in practice, and you will solve your questions about what to write to a girl when meeting her on VKontakte and any other social networks.

You understand that if you don’t lift a finger, things don’t happen around you by themselves.

And if you just read this article and do nothing, or act half-heartedly, then nothing will come of it, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer her the main 3 questions in the first messages

Any girl to whom an unfamiliar guy writes asks the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you need, what do you want from her?
  3. Why her?

Any person when communication with a stranger begins, always these 3 questions in my head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you should write after the word “Hello” to the girl.

1. “Who are you?”

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The girl doesn't know you and she's interested in knowing who you are.

Maybe someone she knew sent you, or you're from some real estate agency.

A lot of options are running through her head. Clarify the situation to her.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?”, and write to her about it.

Know the answer to this question for yourself, and then you will know your the value that you will convey through messages when meeting her.

The following visual example will give you a clearer idea of ​​what to write to a girl to get to know her.

2. “What do you want from her?”

This is the second question the girl wants to know the answer to from you.

Maybe you want to sell her a plasma TV over the Internet or invite her to some kind of network marketing or financial pyramid.

The Internet is full of all kinds of people.

You can respond to three messages at once with one first message question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to a girl when meeting her in contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions immediately.

Sometimes it is enough to answer only one question out of three, and she is already ready to meet you. Look at the screenshot.

3. “Why did you choose her?”

Here you need to write about what attracted you to her and why you chose her over other girls.

That is, you write to her about why did you like her, and why did you decide to write to her?: “because you’re pretty”, “I’m attracted to you”, “I like you” and others.

These are all pretty good examples for you of what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte or Facebook.

You may have your own unique reasons for why you chose her.

At this point, girls very often check guys.

Here they want make sure you are the guy you say you are, or you're lying to her.

It depends on whether you can pass her tests or not, depends on whether you manage to meet her or not.

Pass the tests, don’t be afraid of them, accept them, and meeting her won’t take long.

With practice and over time, you will learn to shuffle these techniques, swap the answers to these questions.

You will have a certain sense of when you can immediately ask for a number and ask for a date, and when it’s too early and it’s worth getting to know each other better.

Be absolutely sincere and congruent with her.

Very detailed and detailed article.

Some guys have big problems with what they don't know what to say and what topic to choose for conversation when meeting a girl.

Why doesn't she answer you

  1. Most men write platitudes to girls like:“Hi, how are you?”, “What are you doing?”
    But this doesn't work at all.
  2. Some guys just offer to “buy” a girl’s attention through entertainment or even openly- money. This is a mistake.
    This will push the girl away from you even more. She will turn on the “I’m not like that” defense mechanism.

We also have a detailed article on our website for men about college, at work and in other places, without making any effort or trying to please her.

What should I do with your profile?

1. Upload good photos

I recommend first delete ABSOLUTELY ALL photos where you look tired, irritated, drunk to the point of squealing, in the company of stoned friends. Well, you understand.

If thoughts occur to you that this will seem incorrect towards your friends or even towards yourself (it may seem so), throw these lousy thoughts out of your head and start acting.

You are heading towards a life filled with beautiful girls and your own personal happiness in the end!

So don't hesitate to delete it.

When you take 6 – 10 photos with a professional, you will find out why it was necessary to delete the previous ones.

2. Fill in information about yourself in your profile

It will also be useful to fill out information about yourself in your profile.

This will create more trust to you.

Fill out the items in the “interests” section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, your favorite movies and music.

The time when she was attracted by the photos

You shouldn't text a lot. If you feel like you can already ask for a date, do it.

There you can already flirt face to face.

We have a detailed article about when meeting and dating.

When you have good photos and a trusted account on social networks, then you don’t really worry about what to write to a girl in the first message on a dating site.

The next screenshot confirms this.

The first thing girls look at is your photos and what kind of life you live.

When you land on a pretty girl's page on social media, what is the first thing you look at?

Of course photographs.

Do you think girls do things differently?

Of course, appearance is not the determining factor, but people use it to determine do they want continue acquaintance with this person.

If the first photos discourage any desire, then communication will not work out - you can be sure of that.

Therefore, initially have an album with attractive and pleasant photographs. And only then you can correspond and think about what to write to the girl you like on VK.

Girls will look at it more, what kind of photos you have and what kind of life you live, rather than on the information in your profile!

After all, they are skilled craftswomen in the business of creating images. who attract the opposite sex, and know for a fact that most are trying to seem cool and cool to others.

And this is common.

After all, from childhood, society dictates to men and women what they need to do to please other people if they want to be successful.

However, truly successful people do not try to be liked, they simply are themselves - without the desire to impress or impress.

Think about it.

Video with my live acquaintance with a girl who was walking with her mother

“Why is real live dating so much better than virtual dating, and why do I love it so much?” – you ask.

The answer to this question is in the video below.

The beauty was walking down the street with her mother, but this did not stop me.

Don't make the following common mistakes

Don't make things difficult for yourself. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about what to write to a girl when meeting her online.

Don’t be shy to write to girls on Odnoklassniki, Contact, Facebook and any other social networks.

You have a pretty pumped up profile in social network, as well as positive development!

We continue to move towards success!

You can also get even more unique content and advanced knowledge in my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and dating girls.

Your life position, as one of the settings for your VKontakte profile, can tell a lot about you. In the same way, you can, based on the completed data of another person, create a psychological portrait for yourself.

Quick navigation:

In order to go to the settings for editing your VK life position, go to, in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your avatar, as shown in the image below.

Click "Edit" in the drop-down menu.

In the next menu, there will be exactly the same setting that we need.

Setting up the “life position” menu item on VKontakte.

Everything here is simple in terms of control, you move the cursor to the desired line and select from the list...

The process of choosing the right options is not so simple, for example in the “Polit. preferences” you can choose those that you adhere to in life, but if you are not particularly interested in politics, it would be correct to select “moderate” or leave the “not selected” line blank.

Likewise, if you have doubts about the correctness of your choice, it is better to leave the field empty.

After filling out the settings page, click the “Save” button.

How to edit your life position on VKontakte from your phone.

To change information in a custom section, you need to open in mobile browser full version of VKontakte, to do this, in the upper corner, on the left, click on the three horizontal stripes, scroll down the settings and click on the link “ full version"(link at the very bottom).

What to write?

Everyone has the right to write whatever they want, there is no mandatory rule here; out of everything proposed, you can fill out only 1 - 2 points. If you leave “Not selected” in all columns, then your life position will not be displayed.

Position of famous people on VKontakte.

Ramzan Kadyrov— The head of the Chechen Republic chose to limit himself to information only about his worldview, here he indicated “Islam”

Vladimir Zhirinovsky— Head of the LDPR faction, state deputy. Duma He also preferred to limit himself to filling in only his political preferences; here he indicated “Liberal”.

Filled out information about yourself as completely as possible Pavel Durov— Founder of social. networks VKontakte and gene. director until 2014, now heads the new Telegram project.

Well, we won’t list all the famous people and their positions in life, you can see it all yourself, especially since all the most famous people are collected in one place,

Odnoklassniki, Twitter) exist “about me” sections. In order for you to effectively meet girls, you need to approach the design of your VK page or dating site in a comprehensive manner.

That is, pay attention not only to quality, but also to what is written in the “about yourself”, “interests”, “inspire”, etc. sections.

Of course, the girl first pays attention to your photos. But after viewing them, at least he runs his eyes over the entire page. And from what she sees there, she gets a certain impression of you.

The most interesting thing is that most guys have nothing in their profiles at all due to their laziness or lack of imagination. And here you can take advantage of an advantage that will make you stand out from the crowd.

It is important to make the right message in such information.

The most common mistakes in filling out the “about yourself” section

  • The guy shows how good, sweet and diligent he is. However, girls prefer a completely different type of guy, the opposite of the described type.
  • The guy tries to please the girls: he writes that he is “smart”, “good”, “can do this” and the like.

What is important to show in the about yourself section on your page

  1. You .
  2. You are passionate about certain things and don’t like wasting your free time.
  3. You are popular with girls.
  4. You are self-sufficient.
  5. You are open to new acquaintances and adventures.

What can you write in the about yourself section? Examples

  • I don't take drugs, I am the drug.
  • Happy.
  • Not a gift :)
  • I strive for things that most people don't even think about!

Also in the “interests” section you can indicate the following:

Personal growth, leadership, achieving goals, psychology, finance, internet marketing, business, training, fashion and style, sambo, boxing, interesting adventures, travel...

Unusual things can inspire :-) :

Inspired by: Smuggling from a parallel universe, achieved goals, new things...

If you're like that fill out the sections about yourself, then your conversion rate with girls will increase significantly. And it will become easier for you to get to know each other. Good luck!