Open systems database magazine. Database Management Systems


Open systems. DBMS No. 7 (September)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Computer magazine
Publisher: Open Systems
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 68
Official website:

Description: Domestic magazine (published since 1993), dedicated to the discussion of issues related to high technologies: the construction of heterogeneous information systems, IT architectures, microprocessors, operating systems, data warehouses, Web technologies, IT service management, information security, industry solutions, software engineering, supercomputers. The journal is recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) for publishing the results of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.


Open systems. DBMS No. 8 (October)

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Computer magazine
Publisher: Open Systems
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 68
Official website:
Description: Domestic magazine (published since 1993), dedicated to the discussion of issues related to high technologies: the construction of heterogeneous information systems, IT architectures, microprocessors, operating systems, data storage, Web technologies, IT service management, information security, industry solutions, software engineering, supercomputers. The magazine is recommended by the Highest Attestation...


Pizzas and open pies. Cooking in a frying pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker (Zoryana Ivchenko)

ISBN: 978-5-9910-3534-7, 978-617-12-0440-9
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Zoryana Ivchenko
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Cooking
Publisher: Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Kharkov; Belgorod
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 96
Description: Few people will refuse a slice of pizza, especially if the baked goods are prepared at home, with loving hands and from fresh ingredients. After all, you can be 100% sure of the quality of such home-baked goods! Baking pies and pizzas at home is not a difficult task at all, but rather an enjoyable one, in which children can and should be involved. In this book I have collected my favorite recipes...


Security systems (Groteck)

Year of manufacture: 2008-2010

Publisher: Groteck
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 140...230
Description: Interindustry specialized publication. The magazine focuses on fire alarm systems, CCTV, access control, engineering and technical protection, operational communications, anti-terrorism, information security, special equipment for law enforcement agencies, security services and many other aspects of security. The publication occupies a leading position in the security industry and is a leader in the field of information...


Modern operating systems (Andrew Tanenbaum, H. Bos)

ISBN: 978-5-496-01395-6

Authors: Andrew Tanenbaum, H. Bos
Translators: A. Leontyeva, M. Malysheva, N. Vilchinsky
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Computer literature, programming
Publisher: Peter
Series: Classics Computer Science
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 1120
Description: Andrew Tanenbaum presents a new edition of his worldwide bestseller, essential for understanding the functioning of modern operating systems. It differs significantly from the previous one and includes information about the latest achievements in the field of information technology...


Modern heating systems (Nazarova V.I.)

ISBN: 978-5-386-02873-2
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Author: Nazarova V.I.
Year of manufacture: 2011

Publisher: RIPOL classic
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 320
Description: The book is addressed to developers of country houses and apartment owners. Considerable attention in the book is paid to the description and design of water heating systems using factory-made heating and heating-cooking boilers operating on solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, the installation of which eliminates labor-intensive handicraft work. Range of heating devices...


Electromechanical systems of control complexes (Bortsov Yu.A., Polyakhov N.D., Putov V.V.)

Format: PDF

Author: Bortsov Yu.A., Polyakhov N.D., Putov V.V.
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Electromechanics, electromechanical systems
Publisher: LETI
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 81
Description: Construction methods have been systematized mathematical models complex electromechanical systems with many degrees of mobility in the form of vector-matrix Lagrange-Maxwell equations. Elements of the theory of stability of mechanical systems are reported. The mechanical characteristics of electrical machines are considered various types like electrome class...


DIY acoustic systems (S. Gaponenko)

ISBN: 978-5-94387-829-9
Format: DjVu, OCR without errors
Author: S. Gaponenko
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Radio electronics, radio engineering, communications
Publisher: Science and Technology
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 240
Description: The book contains simple recommendations for building good-sounding speaker systems. The fundamental feature of the author’s approach is the rejection of bass reflexes in acoustic design in favor of closed boxes and transmission line, the use of one emitter in frequency range, which determines the stereo effect (200-3000 Hz), as well as the use of the simplest sequential sections...


Regulatory systems of the human body (Dubynin V. A.)

ISBN: 5-7107-6073-0
Format: DjVu, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Dubynin V. A.
Year of manufacture: 2003
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: Bustard
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 368
Description: The manual, at a modern level, but in a form accessible to the reader, sets out the basic knowledge of the anatomy of the nervous system, neurophysiology and neurochemistry (with elements of psychopharmacology), physiology of the central nervous system and neuroendocrinology. For university students studying in the direction 510600 Biology, biological, as well as medical, psychological and other specialties.
Add. information: A good book on an...


Security Systems - Special Issues and Applications

Format: Issues in iMag format
Year of manufacture: 2008-2010
Genre: Electronic systems security
Publisher: Groteck
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 140...230
Description: 1. CCTV security systems 2008-2009 2. DVR digital video recording systems 2008-2009 3. Catalog Armored vehicles 2008-2009 4. Catalog Security Systems 2008-2010 5. Catalog OPS Perimeter systems 2008-2009 6. Catalog Fire Safety 2009- 2010 7. Catalog ACS Anti-terrorism 2009-2010
Add. information: Issues in iMag format A regular browser is used as a viewer - Intrenet Explorer or Mozilla with the available...


Encyclopedia of the Solar System 1.0

Year of manufacture: 2002
Genre: Electronic encyclopedia
Developer: studio KorAx™
Developer website:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Description: This disc may be of interest to those who are not only constantly interested in studying space, but also to those who simply want to learn a lot of new things about the Solar System and the Universe as a whole. This disk will be interesting, as it contains many articles on the planets of our solar system, on their satellites, on the Sun itself, as well as many other articles on astronomy. The disc also includes sections on the meteorite...


Two systems for fighting old age (Mikulin Alexander, Sage George)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Mikulin Alexander, Sage George
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Alternative medicine
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Derkach Leonid
Duration: 07:10:16
Description: Russian aircraft engine designer, academician A.A. Mikulin and South African farmer J.A.S. Sage, in the prime of his life, was struck down and brought to the brink of life and death by serious illnesses. They challenged fate, developed their own systems of struggle for a long, full-blooded life - and won. When both were over 70 years old, they wrote books about a successful experiment on themselves. ...


Grading: technology for building a personnel management system

ISBN: 978-5-9626-0365-0, -
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2007
Author: Valery Chemekov
Genre: various
Publisher: VERSHINA
Number of pages: 208
Description: In the book offered to the attention of readers, the author examines a systematic approach to personnel technologies (grading, performance assessment, certification), which is based on the measurement and description of positions. The data obtained allows us to formulate requirements for searching for a candidate, conducting certification, training, and building a tariff system. Ultimately, this allows you to create a corporate incentive management system...


Design of robot executive systems. Linearized systems (Ilyukhin Yu.V., Poduraev Yu.V.)

Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Author: Ilyukhin Yu.V., Poduraev Yu.V.
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Robotics, robotic systems
Publisher: MPI
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 77
Description: The textbook is intended for students of the specialty 21.06 “Robotic systems and complexes” and students of the special faculty studying courses “ Executive systems robots" and "Mathematical modeling of robotic systems". The problem statement and design methodology for robot drive controllers, features of the dynamics of executive systems are given...


How to avoid theft. Car security systems (Natalia Jeremic)

ISBN: 978-5-459-00399-4
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Natalya Eremic
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Peter
Series: Auto Crib
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 192
Description: After reading the book, you will be surprised that the car door is opened with an ordinary wire, the siren and immobilizer are “killed” with almost bare hands, the ignition is turned on without a key, and you will understand how to deal with this. You will find out why cars are stolen, what their fate is, how they are searched for and why they are not found. Read what to do if something terrible does happen, how...


Social macroevolution. Genesis and transformation of the World System (Grinin L.E., Korotaev A.V.)

ISBN: 978-5-397-03403-6
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + recognized text layer
Author: Grinin L.E., Korotaev A.V.
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: monograph, theory of history
Publisher: Librocom
Language: Russian
Number of pages: 568
Description: This monograph analyzes various aspects of the history and evolution of the World System (that is, the main part of humanity) over the past ten thousand years. The title of this book combines two important concepts, “macroevolution” and “World-System,” which, although they belong to different fields of study, have a significant relationship. In particular, os...

, software architecture, microprocessors, operating systems, data storage, web technologies, IT service management, cloud computing, information security, software engineering. The journal has been included in the List of scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science since 2010.

Open systems. DBMS
Specialization information Technology
Periodicity 10 issues per year
Language Russian
Editor-in-Chief Volkov Dmitry
Country Russia Russia
Publisher Open systems
Date of foundation
Volume 96 stripes
Circulation 10 000
ISSN printed version 1028-7493
Website Open systems. DBMS

The magazine's Internet portal contains the magazine's archive in full access, IT market news, and conditions for publication in the magazine.

Editorial Policy

Articles accepted for consideration by the Editorial Board must undergo review by specialists in the field of the material. Articles are published free of charge, the authors receive a fee. The usual period for reviewing and clarification of articles accepted for a thematic issue is up to seven days, articles for regular columns - up to two weeks.

Leading experts from among its authors, as well as leading experts in various fields, in particular:

  • Valery Vasenin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sc., Director of the Center for Telecommunications and Internet Technologies, Moscow State University
  • Kamil Valiev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Voevodin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. N., Corresponding Member RAS, deputy Directors of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University
  • Mikhail Gorbunov-Posadov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sc., Head of the Department of Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University
  • David Ioseliani, professor, corresponding member. RAMS
  • Alexander Kim, Ph.D. Sc., Gen. Director of JSC INEUM im. I. S. Bruk"
  • Viktor Korneev, D.T. Sc., professor of the FSB Academy, deputy. Director of Research Institute Quantum
  • Vladimir Korenkov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. N., deputy Directors of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR
  • Viktor Kovalenko, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher IPM RAS
  • Alexander Legalov, D.T. Sc., professor, head. department Neurocomputer of Siberian Federal University
  • Vladimir Lipaev, professor, chief researcher at the Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Larisa Malysheva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Retraining of Specialists of the Institute of Personnel Retraining of USTU
  • Alexander Petrenko, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head. Department of ISP RAS
  • Vladimir Sukhomlin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Moscow State University
  • Alexander Tormasov, associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, MIPT
  • Pavel Khramtsov, Ph.D. N., deputy Director of Information Policy at RU-CENTER
  • Pavel Hristov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. n.
  • Leonid Eisymont, PhD in Physics and Mathematics. n.
  • Boris Steinberg, D.T. Sc., professor of Southern Federal University
  • Victor Shnitman, D.T. Sc., professor at MIPT
  • Yuliy Sakhin, D.T. Sc., professor, head. branches of JSC INEUM named after. I. S. Bruk"
  • Victor Gergel, D.T. Sc., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Nizhny Novgorod state university(NNSU)

Along with prominent Russian practitioners and experts working in leading sectors of the economy: mechanical engineering, manufacturing, food and pharmaceutical industries, telecommunications and government affairs: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, FSB, FSNP, Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, medicine, Ministry of Railways, etc. etc., well-known domestic and foreign IT professionals spoke on the pages of the Open Systems magazine, in particular: Niklaus Wirth, Ted Lewis, Andrew van Dam, John Woodwark, Steve Kanigham, Edsger Dijkstra, J. Osterout, Ian Foster, Karl Kesselman, Bill Inmon, Ralph Kimball, Eric Raymond, Michael Cusumano, Mendel Rosenblum - co-founder of VMware. Articles by regular and guest authors, involved under a licensing agreement with the IEEE Computer Society, discuss modern and promising concepts for building information systems - from local to national systems. Analysts from leading research companies, in particular Gartner, express their opinions on various aspects of IT development and the specifics of the use of high technologies in various sectors of the economy on the pages of the magazine.


  • News. Facts. Trends.- a selection of news and descriptions of events in the field of information technology
  • Platforms- description of various aspects of the organization of hardware and software platforms and architectures of modern operating systems
  • Safety- discussion of issues of ensuring the safe functioning of IT infrastructures.
  • Applications- description of the features of the architecture and implementation of programs that solve certain classes of problems (ERP, CRM, CAD/CAM/CAE)
  • Integration- technologies for connecting various solutions and applications (Web services, PLM, etc.)
  • Experience- description of the features of the development, implementation and operation of solutions for automating the work of enterprises and organizations
  • IT management- organization and implementation of IT projects
  • Software Engineering- technologies for development, installation and operation of various IT solutions
  • Extreme Technologies- analysis of the most interesting trends, events and facts from the life of the IT community
  • Opinion- a platform for expressing opinions on various IT issues
  • Living room OS- analysis of various aspects of computer technology in the form of round tables and interviews with authoritative domestic and foreign IT specialists
  • OS Museum- historical excursions on various periods of development of computer technology
  • OS Academy- coverage of the work of domestic training centers for training IT specialists

OS ACADEMY. IT universities. Lighting interesting experience organization of IT education in universities. Posting materials about innovative methods, relevant educational programs and standards, promising approaches to training IT specialists in the system of Russian and foreign higher education.

OS ACADEMY. Training center. Outline of best practices in advanced training and retraining of IT specialists in commercial training centers. Materials are published about new programs of leading companies in the IT market, original developments of training centers, and experience of cooperation between commercial educational organizations and universities.

In the issue: GPU for HPC – the time has come Modern GPUs have achieved high performance on a number of tasks, but until now their use has been hampered by programming difficulties and lower performance when working with double precision numbers. The saga of personal data The West has long realized the danger of collecting and using personal data databases, so they are scrupulously developing laws that limit the ability of commercial and government agencies to interfere with private life. In Russia, sagas can be written about the lawmaking process in this area. Mobile security: how vulnerable are our smartphones? Rise in popularity wireless technologies has led to serious security threats in mobile devices have become a reality. Electronic public services: problems and solutions Despite the entry into force of a number of regulations, there is still no solution to give information resources the appropriate legal status and division of responsibility for the content of information. One solution is to streamline work with electronic signature. Program certification: myths and reality Testing the code of information systems according to information security requirements is practiced all over the world today. For example, abroad mandatory verification government and payment software systems, and in Russia, prescriptive certification methods for information security requirements predominate. However, despite the expansion of certification practice, a number of myths and misconceptions have developed around it. Protection of personal data in e-commerce Does the owner of an online store violate the requirements of the regulator if the personal data of customers is stored on a server outside of Russia, and many people have physical access to it? What difficulties are there in Federal Law 152 and what needs to be done to minimize the risks associated with sanctions from regulators and clients regarding non-compliance with legal requirements? Standards for clouds: why and what? Standards are often presented as a panacea for cloud-related problems, but this service model is similar to previous ones - it does not require new application standards. However, some new standards may be needed to address the operational challenges of cloud management and evaluation standards to determine the security and reliability of providers. Features of development in the clouds For several years now, the domestic IT industry has been living with an eye on the clouds. Evangelists of the alternative service consumption model talk about new opportunities for users, but the cloud brings with it a number of problems that the IT manager will have to solve. Of course, this also applies to creating applications within the cloud paradigm. “Rolf”: preparing for migration to the cloud Discussions on the topic of clouds have reached their apogee today, but so far the Russian “cloud movement” is predominantly theoretical in nature, and enterprises are in no hurry to move to the clouds. The project of the Rolf group of companies showed that external cloud services can take business IT to a whole new level. A Course in the Mysteries of the Brain The Spinnaker, by far the most beautiful yacht sail, gives its name to the equally beautiful SpiNNaker bionic project at the University of Manchester, the goal of which is to study brain processes and transfer the acquired knowledge to computer systems.

On our website you can download the book "Open Systems. DBMS No. 06/2011" Editorial Board of the Open Systems magazine. DBMS for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Open systems. DBMS

Open systems. DBMS

information Technology


10 issues per year


Volkov Dmitry




Open systems. DBMS- the first magazine of the publishing house Open Systems. The main topic of the journal is information technology, in particular, the following topics are highlighted: construction of heterogeneous information systems, software architecture, microprocessors, operating systems, data storage, web technologies, IT service management, cloud computing, information security, software engineering. The journal has been included in the List of scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia since 2010.

The magazine's Internet portal contains the magazine's archive in full access, IT market news, and conditions for publication in the magazine.

Editorial Policy

Articles accepted for consideration by the Editorial Board must undergo review by specialists in the field of the material. Articles are published free of charge, the authors receive a fee. The usual period for reviewing and clarification of articles accepted for a thematic issue is up to seven days, articles for regular columns - up to two weeks.

  • Valery Adzhiev, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Cybernetics at MEPhI; Professor, University of Aizu (Japan); researcher National Center Computer Animation, Bournemouth University (UK)
  • Sergey Kuznetsov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sc., professor, Moscow State University
  • Mikhail Kuzminsky, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Senior Researcher, Deputy. head lab. IOC RAS

Leading experts from among its authors, as well as leading experts in various fields, in particular:

  • Valery Vasenin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sc., Director of the Center for Telecommunications and Internet Technologies, Moscow State University
  • Kamil Valiev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vladimir Voevodin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. N., Corresponding Member RAS, deputy Directors of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University
  • Mikhail Gorbunov-Posadov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sc., Head of the Department of Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University
  • David Ioseliani, professor, corresponding member. RAMS
  • Alexander Kim, Ph.D. Sc., Gen. Director of JSC INEUM im. I. S. Bruk"
  • Viktor Korneev, D.T. Sc., professor of the FSB Academy, deputy. Director of Research Institute Quantum
  • Vladimir Korenkov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. N., deputy Directors of the Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR
  • Viktor Kovalenko, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher IPM RAS
  • Alexander Legalov, D.T. Sc., professor, head. department Neurocomputer of Siberian Federal University
  • Vladimir Lipaev, professor, chief researcher at the Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Larisa Malysheva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Retraining of Specialists of the Institute of Personnel Retraining of USTU
  • Alexander Petrenko, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head. Department of ISP RAS
  • Vladimir Sukhomlin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Moscow State University
  • Alexander Tormasov, associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, MIPT
  • Pavel Khramtsov, Ph.D. N., deputy Director of Information Policy at RU-CENTER
  • Pavel Hristov, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics. n.
  • Leonid Eisymont, PhD in Physics and Mathematics. n.
  • Boris Steinberg, D.T. Sc., professor of Southern Federal University
  • Victor Shnitman, D.T. Sc., professor at MIPT
  • Yuliy Sakhin, D.T. Sc., professor, head. branches of JSC INEUM named after. I. S. Bruk"
  • Victor Gergel, D.T. Sc., Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU)

Along with prominent Russian practitioners and experts working in leading sectors of the economy: mechanical engineering, manufacturing, food and pharmaceutical industries, telecommunications and government affairs: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, FSB, FSNP, Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, medicine, Ministry of Railways, etc. etc., well-known domestic and foreign IT professionals spoke on the pages of the Open Systems magazine, in particular: Niklaus Wirth, Ted Lewis, Andrew van Dam, John Woodwark, Steve Kanigham, Edsger Dijkstra, J. Osterout, Ian Foster, Karl Kesselman, Bill Inmon, Ralph Kimball, Eric Raymond, Michael Cusumano, Mendel Rosenblum - co-founder of VMware. Articles by regular and guest authors, involved under a licensing agreement with the IEEE Computer Society, discuss modern and promising concepts for building information systems - from local to national systems. Analysts from leading research companies, in particular Gartner, express their opinions on various aspects of IT development and the specifics of the use of high technologies in various sectors of the economy on the pages of the magazine.


  • News. Facts. Trends.- a selection of news and descriptions of events in the field of information technology
  • Platforms- description of various aspects of the organization of hardware and software platforms and architectures of modern operating systems
  • Safety- discussion of issues of ensuring the safe functioning of IT infrastructures.
  • Applications- description of the features of the architecture and implementation of programs that solve certain classes of problems (ERP, CRM, CAD/CAM/CAE)
  • Integration- technologies for connecting various solutions and applications (Web services, PLM, etc.)
  • Experience- description of the features of the development, implementation and operation of solutions for automating the work of enterprises and organizations
  • IT management- organization and implementation of IT projects
  • Software Engineering- technologies for development, installation and operation of various IT solutions
  • Extreme Technologies- analysis of the most interesting trends, events and facts from the life of the IT community
  • Opinion- a platform for expressing opinions on various IT issues
  • Living room OS- analysis of various aspects of computer technology in the form of round tables and interviews with authoritative domestic and foreign IT specialists
  • OS Museum- historical excursions on various periods of development of computer technology
  • OS Academy- coverage of the work of domestic training centers for the training of IT specialists

OS ACADEMY. IT universities. Coverage of interesting experiences in organizing IT education in universities. Posting materials about innovative methods, current curricula and standards, promising approaches to training IT specialists in the system of Russian and foreign higher education.

OS ACADEMY. Training center. Outline of best practices in advanced training and retraining of IT specialists in commercial training centers. Materials are published about new programs of leading companies in the IT market, original developments of training centers, and experience of cooperation between commercial educational organizations and universities.


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See what "Open systems. DBMS" is in other dictionaries:

    Open Systems Publishing House ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Oracle. Oracle Database Type Object relational ... Wikipedia

    - (eng. Big Data) in information technology a series of approaches, tools and methods for processing structured and unstructured data of huge volumes and significant diversity to obtain human-readable results,... ... Wikipedia

    - (PC over IP, English personal computer over internet protocol personal computer over IP) is a proprietary data transfer protocol used in solutions for delivering remote desktop devices to endpoints.... ... Wikipedia

    - (English enterprise service bus, ESB) binder software, providing centralized and unified event-driven messaging between different information systems based on the principles of service... ... Wikipedia

A new open database management system - VoltDB, focused on real-time transaction processing (OLTP). The design and development of VoltDB was led by Michael Stonebraker, one of the founders of the Ingres and PostgreSQL projects.

VoltDB is 45 times faster than traditional OLTP DBMS in a single-server configuration, supports SQL queries and guarantees transactional data integrity (ACID, atomicity and transaction isolation).

The essence of the VoltDB architecture is the combination of storing all data in memory with the concept of distributed organization and partitioning of the database into sections (partitioning). To save data to disk, the concept of snapshots is used, reflecting a slice of data that was relevant at the time the snapshot was created. Data is processed through stored procedures in Java, copies of which are attached to each section (ODBC/JDBC and direct execution of SQL statements for the entire database are not supported). When you run a query that spans multiple partitions, a stored procedure is called on each of the relevant partitions, and then the results are aggregated.

The DBMS is distributed in two versions: commercial, with full support, and the free “Community Edition”. The source code is available under the GPL license.

Basic elements of architecture

  • All data is constantly kept in RAM, which provides maximum throughput and eliminates the need for buffering.
  • VoltDB distributes data and its SQL processors across nodes, each of which is tied to its own processor core.
  • Each single-threaded partition runs autonomously, eliminating the need for locking and committing operations.
  • Data is automatically replicated within the cluster, allowing for high availability and eliminating the need for logging.
  • VoltDB performance increases almost linearly as more servers are added to the cluster.

Performance results

  • VoltDB processed 53 thousand transactions per second on one server, while other DBMSs on the same hardware could only perform 1155 transactions. By increasing the number of servers to 12, the cluster made it possible to perform 560 thousand transactions per second.
  • Testing the online game on a 12-node cluster demonstrated performance of 1.3 million transactions per second.