Reboot and select boot device what to do. Reboot and Select proper Boot device: what is the computer trying to tell me? Windows bootloader corruption

Hello friends! Most recently, our article titled was published and I want to say that everything written in that article can also be attributed to another error that you may get when you boot your computer: (reboot and select correct device to download or paste bootable media). These are two errors whose causes are very similar.

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media

Once they brought me a computer with an error Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media. "The screw must have died," my partner said disappointingly. And in fact, very often such an error means a malfunction hard drive. But then the hard drive will probably not be detected in the BIOS, in our case it was the other way around, HDD the boot priority of the computer in the Boot parameter was also determined as it should be set from the hard disk. Resetting the BIOS settings did not lead to anything, and in the SATA Configuration parameters, AHCI was set as it should be. Switching to the IDE didn't help either.
Booting from the Live CD, I found that the operating system files, and indeed all user files, are also in place, but when I try to copy them to a portable hard drive USB computer hung completely, and this meant that file system on the hard disk works with errors. I had to hook up the hard drive to another system unit as the second and, after 20 minutes, the check was over,

After I installed the hard drive in place, the operating system booted up. The problem was solved, but a month later this system unit was again brought to me, and when turned on, the monitor displayed the error Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media. I again checked the screw for errors with using Chkdsk and the problem was solved again, Windows booted without errors, but this time I suggested that the computer owners completely format the hard drive and reinstall the operating system, they agreed. Before installing the operating system, I saw the unsatisfactory state of S.M.A.R.T, the most important parameter in it, Reallocated Sector Count, was yellow,

And the Read-Test test in linear reading mode showed no less than 25 bad blocks.

I had to use the Erase test in the HDDScan program - Test in linear recording mode (sector-by-sector erasing of data, followed by recording), carefully all your data will be deleted.

This test forcibly writes information to the hard disk, which leads to overwriting the checksum of all sectors on the hard disk, and if the bad blocks are not physical (defects in the magnetic coating of the hard disk surface, chips, the magnetic layer of the working plates crumbling), but logical (software), then they have to fix it. Using this test, you cannot do without deleting the data, but we did not need them. After conducting this test, I checked the hard disk again with the HDDScan program, but applied a simple Read-Test test in linear reading mode (used by most users), the result was as follows, there were no bad blocks at all,

Yes, the overall condition of the hard drive was better.

After that, I installed an operating system on this hard drive.

But the happy ending unfortunately did not work out, after six months this computer again came to me with the same error Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media. I again diagnosed the hard drive with the HDDScan program and saw that there were even more bad blocks, and the S.M.A.R.T, Reallocated Sector Count parameter was already on red.

I had to explain to the owner of the computer that it was necessary to replace the hard drive, which was done. The next time this computer came to me after a year and a half, but the problem no longer related to the hard drive, the owner caught it.

What other causes of the Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media error are there.
I want to say that all of them are written in our article Operating System not found. If you come across such an error, then first of all enter the BIOS and set the priority to boot the computer from the hard disk.
Make sure your hard drive is securely connected with a SATA data cable to motherboard, or try connecting the hard drive to a different SATA connector.
Remove all flash drives from the computer. If you have experimented with the UEFI BIOS, reset the settings to default.
Another reason for the Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media error can be related to the wrong boot sector of the hard drive. For various reasons (including due to viruses or established second operating system), the integrity of the boot files may be compromised. Windows files. If the hard disk is normally detected in the BIOS, try to restore the operating system boot using the methods described in our articles:

A common problem is, and “Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media” flaunts on it. For those who are not strong in English language, the message may seem intimidating. In fact, everything is not so bad, and with the right tactics, in most cases, the error is easily eliminated on its own.

This is what it looks like on the screen

How are "Select proper Boot device" and similar errors translated?

Seeing this message on the monitor screen for the first time, I want to find out what the computer means by this inscription. It's simple: the translation of "Reboot and device or Insert Boot Media" is: "Reboot and select the correct boot device or insert a boot drive." Despite the long wording, problems of this nature are solved quite simply. But the text may change.

No need to be scared if you see: "reboot and select boot device proper". In Russian, everything is simple: you need to restart your computer and select the correct device to boot. It may be written like this: “no bootable device hit any key”, this indicates that no bootable device was found and you need to press a key (meaning any button on the keyboard). From the same category, the “reboot and select proper boot” error urges you to restart the computer and select the correct device to boot it.

A slightly different meaning lies in the inscription "start booting from usb device”, which tells you to start booting from a USB device.

Common Issues Causing Errors

There are a number of reasons why an error occurred when starting the computer. If it gives something like "no bootable", or "no bootable ..." Then here are the most likely reasons for this:

  1. The hard drive is not working. Going into the BIOS, this is easy to determine. Then the hard disk (aka HDD) will not be detected in the “StandartCMOS Features” menu.
  2. Due to some kind of failure, the DVD drive or flash card has become the primary boot device and is now in the computer.
  3. The boot loader of the operating system is damaged. This is usually due to a virus infection, or a sudden power outage while the computer is running, if the computer was turned off incorrectly, as well as due to the installation of a new OS or inexperienced user's inept actions related to the hard drive.

These problems are easily solved on your own. There are more serious problems, among them - mechanical damage to the HDD. A symptom that indicates this problem may be a strange sound that comes from

Question from user


Help with the laptop: when turned on, an error began to appear on a black background: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" (written verbatim!).

No one had worked on a laptop before and nothing happened to it (seemingly), because of what could it appear? I can't even log in safe mode, immediately it (button F8 - does not help in any way). Sorry for the mistakes, I'm writing from the phone (note: errors have been corrected).

Good day!

This error is not uncommon (by the way, it is less and less common on modern PCs, and yet ...). If you translate it into Russian, it means something like this: "Reboot and select the correct boot disk, press any key on the keyboard." The error appears immediately after turning on the PC (before Windows boot) - so you will not enter safe mode, you can not torment the F8 button.

Below I will consider the main reasons due to which this error appears, I will try to give comprehensive recommendations for their elimination ☺. Let's get started...

Reasons for the error

In general, most often, this error appears due to the fact that you forgot to remove the USB flash drive / floppy disk / CD disk from the USB port or drive, connected a second hard drive (for example), changed BIOS settings(this happens when Windows installation), during an emergency power outage (for many, the computer works without an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)) and in some other cases. The appearance of this error does not always indicate serious problems with the PC.

The disk / flash drive is not removed from the drive or USB port

As I said above, the first and main thing to do is to see if all flash drives are external hard drives, CD/DVD discs, etc. disconnected from the computer (laptop). If not, turn off and restart your computer.

On older PCs, check again that there are no floppy disks connected.

The fact is that the computer, with certain BIOS settings, may first of all try to boot from your forgotten connected media - without finding it on it boot records, throw a similar error. This is the most common option!

Note: by the way, if you recently installed a second hard drive - this may be the reason! Usually, you need to change the BIOS settings (or reinstall the Windows system).

Changed boot settings (BOOT) in BIOS // a few words about Legacy Support (UEFI)

If your CDs and flash drives are disabled, then the second thing I recommend checking is the BIOS settings. First of all, we are interested in the BOOT section - where the boot priority is set from various devices(i.e. on which disks and where to look for the bootloader).

To enter the BIOS - immediately after turning on the computer, you need to press the F2 or F10 button (or Esc, depending on the model of your PC). In general, I have a separate article on my blog devoted to buttons and how to enter the BIOS.

How to enter BIOS -

Hotkeys for entering the BIOS menu, Boot Menu, recovery from hidden partition -

You need to open the BOOT partition. If you have a laptop, then in them, usually, it is immediately visible in top menu(on computers, this section sometimes needs to be looked for in Advanced CMOS Features (for example, Award BIOS) ). Next, in the BOOT section, set the boot priority so that your hard drive is the first to boot!

One example BIOS setup is shown below. The bottom line is that "Hard Drive" (translated from English - a hard disk) should be the first - that is, in the column First boot device (first boot device. Note: also sometimes another translation is found in the BIOS - 1st Boot Priority) . In general, the BIOS menu may differ slightly, depending on its version.

Put Hard Disk in the column First Boot Device // Award BIOS

After setting the basic parameters, do not forget to save the settings - click Save and Exit(save and exit). Otherwise, all the settings made will simply not be saved!

For more information about BIOS setup, see these articles:

Laptop BIOS settings (in pictures) -

How to configure BIOS to boot from a flash drive or disk (CD/DVD/USB) -

By the way, one more thing about UEFI...

On new computers / laptops, as a rule, Windows 8/10 is always preinstalled. But not all users like it, many prefer to demolish it and install Windows 7 instead. There is only one dilemma: usually, support for older operating systems is not enabled in the BIOS settings of such devices (we are talking about such a setting as Legacy Support).

Instead, by default, UEFI and Windows Boot Manager are most often installed. If you are reinstalling the system, I recommend that you read this article: (it discusses this issue in detail, and shows how to new laptop install Windows 7).

Dead battery on motherboard

A similar error can also occur due to a dead battery on the motherboard. It is a small "pill" (it resembles it in its form). Thanks to its work, the parameters that you set in the BIOS are stored in the computer's memory (CMOS). Also, the time and date are also stored somewhere and counted due to something when you turn off the computer (this is also thanks to this battery). An approximate view of it is shown in the photo below.

When it sits down, the settings that you set in the BIOS, after turning off the computer, are reset. And if by default you choose a boot device other than the hard disk, then this error will appear again ...

On average, such a battery lasts about 7-10 years (on some PCs, even more than 15 years!). Pay attention to the time, if it began to stray often, perhaps the reason is just in this battery ...

Windows bootloader corruption

The fourth reason was the problem with the Windows bootloader. If it was damaged (for example, after a virus infection, a sudden power outage, installing a second Windows OS, incorrect formatting / partitioning of the disk, etc.), then the computer did not find boot records and will give a similar error. Obviously it needs to be restored.


  1. the easiest and fastest is to use the system restore function (you may need bootable flash drive). You can learn more about restoring Windows OS from this article:
  2. If the recovery fails, you can simply reinstall the system again. How to install Windows 10 from a flash drive is described here:

Does the hard BIOS disk?

In some cases, the "reboot and select..." error may indicate problems with the hard drive. To begin with, what I recommend is to check if the BIOS sees the hard disk (I give a link to an article on how to enter it below).

In the BIOS, look: is the hard drive model shown, is it detected. Check the BOOT, MAIN, INFORMATION tabs (depending on the PC model and BIOS version, some points may be different). If the BIOS sees the hard disk, then you will notice that opposite the HARD DISK / HDD item, a disk modification will be written (two examples in the photo below).

BOOT partition - hard drive detected // SATA: 5M-WDC WD5000

Is the hard drive detected in the BIOS? Decided! WDC WD10JPCX-24UE4T0

Also, on some PCs, you can see the model of the processor, disk, etc. parameters, if you have time to look at the first inscriptions? which appear immediately after turning on the device (usually they disappear very quickly, and you don’t have time to read them). An example is shown below.

If the hard drive is not detected in the BIOS...

Second - if it's not about cables, try connecting this drive to another computer / laptop. Now, besides, on sale you can easily and quickly find special "pockets" that allow you to connect disks to USB ports (even a novice user can handle it). I give a link to a more detailed article on connecting a disk to another PC below.

How to connect a hard drive from a laptop to a computer -

Thirdly, pay attention to whether your disk began to crack and make noise, whether there are any extraneous noises (especially, this applies to laptops that are often carried and can accidentally knock or drop). If extraneous sounds appear, it is possible that there are hardware problems with the disk.

Noisy and cracking hard drive -

How to check your hard drive for errors and bad sectors (bad blocks). How to work with Victoria program in DOS and Windows -

Fourth - if you have another drive, you can try to connect it and see if the BIOS sees another drive.

In general, summing up a certain result - the first task in this case is for the BIOS to determine the connected disk. It is hardly possible to give in one article all the reasons due to which the BIOS may "not see" the disk (if the issue could not be resolved, perhaps it is worth contacting the service? ..).

That's all, I wish you a speedy recovery!

I hope it helps...


Today's article is about one "old" error: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key" device and press any key”, see Fig. 1).

This error appears after turning on the computer, before loading Windows. It occurs quite often after: installing a second hard drive into the system, changing BIOS settings, during an emergency shutdown of the PC (for example, if the power is turned off), etc. In this article, we will consider the main causes of its occurrence and how to get rid of it. So…

Reason # 1 (most popular) - the media is not removed from the boot device

Rice. 1. A typical type of “reboot and select…” error.

The most common reason for this error to appear is user forgetfulness… All computers without exception are equipped with CD / DVD drives, there are USB ports, older PCs are equipped with floppy disk drives, etc.

If, before turning off the PC, you did not remove, for example, a floppy disk from the drive, and then turn on the computer after some time, you will most likely see this error. Therefore, when this error appears, the very first recommendation is to remove all disks, floppy disks, flash drives, external hard drives, etc. and restart your computer.

In the vast majority of cases, the problem will be solved and after the reboot, the OS will start loading.

Reason #2 - Changing BIOS Settings

Most often, users change BIOS settings on their own: either out of ignorance or by accident. In addition, you need to look into the BIOS settings after installing various equipment: for example, another hard drive or CD / DVD drive.

I have a dozen articles on my blog devoted to BIOS settings, so here (in order not to repeat myself) I will provide links to the necessary entries:

- how to enter BIOS(keys for from different manufacturers of laptops and PCs):

Description of all BIOS settings (the article is old, but many of the points from it are relevant to this day):

After you enter the BIOS, you need to find the partition BOOT(loading). It is in this section that boot order and boot priorities for different devices (it is according to this list that the computer checks the devices for the presence of boot entries in them and tries to boot from them in this sequence. If this list is "incorrect" - then the error "reboot and select ..." may appear.).

On fig. 1. section shown BOOT laptop and DELL (in principle, sections on other laptops will be similar). The bottom line is that "Hard Drive" (hard drive) is second on this list (see the yellow arrow opposite "2nd Boot Priority"), but you need to boot from the hard drive in the first line - "1st Boot Priority"!

Rice. 1. BIOS setup / BOOT partition ( Dell laptop Inspiron)

After the changes have been made and the settings have been saved (by the way, you can exit the BIOS without saving the settings!) - the computer often boots in normal mode (without the appearance of various kinds of errors on a black screen ...).

Reason number 3 - the battery is dead

Have you ever wondered why after turning off and on the PC - the time on it does not go astray? The fact is that the motherboard has a small battery (such as a "tablet"). It sits down, in fact, quite rarely, but if the computer is no longer new, plus you noticed that the time on the PC began to go astray (and after that this error appeared) - it is likely that this battery may appear due to this mistake.

The fact is that the parameters that you set in the BIOS are stored in CMOS memory (the name of the technology by which the chip is made). CMOS consumes very little power and one battery sometimes lasts for decades (5 to 15 years on average*)! If this battery is dead - then the settings you entered (in reason 2 of this article) in the BOOT section - may not be saved after restarting the PC, as a result you see this error again ...

Rice. 2. Typical view of a battery on a computer motherboard

Reason #4 - Hard Drive Problem

The “reboot and select proper…” error can also signal a more serious problem - a problem with the hard drive (it may be time to change it to a new one).

To get started, go to the BIOS (see paragraph 2 of this article, it shows how to do this) and see if your disk model has been determined in it (and in general, is it visible). You can see the hard drive in the BIOS on the first screen or in the BOOT section.

Rice. 3. Was the hard drive detected in the BIOS? On this screen - everything is in order (hard drive: WDC WD 5000BEVT-22A0RT0)

It is also possible whether the PC recognized the disk or not, sometimes if you look at the first inscriptions on the black screen when you turn on the computer (important: this can not be done on all PC models).

If the hard drive is not detected- before making final conclusions, it is advisable to test it on another computer (laptop). By the way, a sudden problem with a hard drive is usually associated with a PC crash (or any other mechanical impact). Less commonly, a disk problem is associated with a sudden power outage.

An important point. The hard drive may not be detected not only because of its physical damage. It is possible that the interface cable just came off (for example).

The computer turns on in semi-automatic mode. First, a black screen appears with brief information, then the system starts to boot. The first action of a user is usually to enter a username and password in Windows interface, up to this point its role is limited to monitoring the monitor. Everything changes when, instead of a system greeting, an alarm message lights up: “Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device”. In this case, you will have to help the computer deal with the problem.

What does the message “Reboot and Select proper Boot device…” mean?

Translated into Russian, the inscription can mean something like this: "Reboot and select a working boot device, or insert bootable media into the selected boot device."

In some BIOS versions, a similar situation causes other text messages: "No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key" or "No boot device available". Their meaning is the same.

In simple terms, the computer was unable to fully boot on its own and is asking the user to change the getting started instructions in one of the following ways:

  1. Select a different (healthy) boot device.
  2. Insert a boot disk or other external drive (such as a flash drive) into the selected boot device.

Unfortunately, this message cannot be ignored, the computer will refuse to work until the cause of the problem is eliminated.

Why did the error message appear

The BIOS stores instructions for booting the operating system, which indicate which media the boot files are located on, as well as the priority of disk devices. Therefore, the error may be due to a problem with any of the elements of this chain.

BIOS error

  1. A BIOS crash due to a dead battery is a common problem with older computers. Typically, the battery outlives the PC, as it lasts more than five years, and devices are updated more often. But if the system unit continues to serve the owner properly for longer than this period, the battery is discharged, BIOS failures begin.
  2. Third party intervention. When trying to customize the BIOS for their needs, the user could enter incorrect instructions, the execution of which led to a failure.
  3. Poor power quality. Power surges can cause both BIOS errors and more serious consequences.

Drive issues

The main hard drive can also be a source of failure. Problems can be found with the drive itself, for example, its physical wear or breakage as a result of a fall, and with the key information stored on it - accidental deletion system files, Job malware. Do not forget about intermediate links: cables, adapters, cables, plugs and other little things that provide power to the disk and read information from it.

Problems with the power supply

Faulty or insufficient powerful block power supply can lead to a blackout of individual elements of the computer, including the disk with bootable system files.

How malware works

Computer viruses try to get as deep as possible into the system, so their activity or the work of anti-virus applications fighting them can lead to various problems, including the error “Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in select boot device”.

How to solve a problem

Insofar as possible causes There are many occurrences of an alarm message, you should exclude them one at a time until the true one is found. Let's start with simple steps, trying not to harm the computer.

Step 1Check DVD Drive and USB Ports

Most computers prioritize the drive and external device ports when determining the boot order.

This is done to be able to use emergency disks or flash drives in case of problems with the hard drive. The downside of this technology is a boot failure when the BIOS treats a drive in the tray or a connected USB drive as a system drive.

Therefore, we turn off all external devices and remove the disk from the DVD drive if it remained there, after which we try to reboot again.

Step 2Checking BIOS Power

A typical sign of a low BIOS battery is a regular reset of settings, including the current date and time. In addition, the settings are guaranteed to fail if you turn off the computer from the network for several minutes.

If such symptoms occur, you should replace the battery, which is located on the system board. This is a simple operation that requires only accuracy and precautions, including turning off the computer.

Step 3Checking Hardware Components

To check the sufficiency of the output power of the power supply, turn off all additional devices connected to the computer:

  • external monitor;
  • flash drives;
  • a printer;
  • network cable and other energy consumers.

In addition, you need to use stable power networks that provide sufficient power incoming current. If, after all the measures taken, the computer has successfully booted, you should either replace the power supply with a more powerful one, or reduce consumption by eliminating some of the external devices.

During the check, you should also pay attention to the hard drive activity indicator and the sounds made. If the indicator does not light up, most likely, the problem is hardware, that is, the power supply has failed or the cable has come off the drive. Also a characteristic sign of problems with the power supply is the regular loading of the computer only from the second or third time. If the indicator lights up, but the hard drive makes unusual sharp sounds, then it may be a drive failure. In both cases, it is better to take the computer to the workshop to check the operation of the components on the stand.

Step 4Setting up the BIOS

Incorrect BIOS settings can cause the system to attempt to boot from the wrong media. This problem is typical for computers that have more than one physical disk. Therefore, let's start the BIOS and set the right priorities.

  1. We go into the BIOS. When you turn on the computer, repeatedly press the "DEL" key. In some modifications, other buttons are used for the same purpose. Therefore, you should carefully read the messages that appear on the black screen.
  2. Go to "Advanced BIOS Features". The BIOS interface has remained unchanged for decades. On the first screen, select the desired item with the keyboard arrows and go into it by pressing Enter.
  3. Go to "Boot seq & Floppy Setup". The name of this item may be slightly different, as determined by the specific manufacturer. In such a situation, it is necessary to find the closest in meaning containing "Boot".

    In extreme cases, you can simply go through the possible options until you find the right menu with options for disk devices.

  4. Open "First Boot Device". This item determines the boot order, and also shows the first drive or disk from which the BIOS tries to load the operating system in a minimized form.
  5. Determine the loading order. We mark “Hard Disk” as the first boot device if only one physical hard disk is installed, otherwise we select a specific drive.
  6. We save the changes. Click hot key and confirm the intention in the next dialog box by choosing "Y". The computer will restart immediately.

    The bottom line of the BIOS window contains hints for basic operations. One of them is about saving changes and contains the name of the command: "Save" next to the name of the function key. Most often it is F10, but there are other options.

Step 5Alternative Boot Device Selection

Some manufacturers embed the ability to call the boot device selection window using the function keys. The most common options: F10, F12, less often - F8 or F9. This method is also suitable if for some reason it was not possible to configure the BIOS according to the previously described algorithm.

Step 6. Boot from a rescue disk or USB flash drive

In order to check whether the system hard disk with the installed operating system and the information on it are not damaged, you need to boot from external media: a rescue disk or a flash drive with an installed OS.

Of course, a necessary condition for this method is the presence of such a carrier. If there is no rescue disk or flash drive, you can create them (using another, working computer) by downloading the necessary files from the site of antivirus manufacturers, for example, Dr Web.

By connecting a USB flash drive or placing a disk in the drive tray, we go into the BIOS again and set the boot sequence with the priority of the selected device. This procedure can be carried out using hot keys immediately from the boot window or manually by changing the parameters in the menu. Do not forget to return the boot priority from the hard disk after the system restore is completed.

Step 7. Check your computer with antivirus

A successful boot from the rescue drive indicates that the problem lies with the Windows hard drive. This can be a physical problem (malfunction or power failure) or a software problem, such as the result of malware.

We check the availability of the hard disk (using Explorer or another file manager find out if the system disk icon is reflected):

  1. If Windows does not see the hard drive, you can remove the cover system block and find out if the connectors have moved away from the drive. If everything is in place, then it's time to carry the computer in service center, because it is necessary to check the power supply and the absence of physical damage to the disk, and this requires the appropriate instruments.
  2. If the disk is available, then the reason is not a physical failure, but a software one, so you need to run an anti-virus program, usually added to the rescue disk. It is possible that this will be enough to solve the problem.

Fixing mistakereboot and select proper boot device - video

How to restore the Windows bootloader

Restoring the BIOS and accessing the hard drive will ensure the computer is relatively operational by booting from external media. However, if the Windows bootloader is damaged, instead of normal BIOS operation, we will be greeted with another message “No boot device available - No bootable devices-strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility”. In a rough translation into Russian, it means "No boot device available - No boot devices - press F1 to restart the boot, F2 to call the configuration utility."

Before making a serious decision about reinstalling windows Let's try to restore the bootloader. To do this, we will have to use the system restore utility. It is possible that this will be enough to solve the problem.

  1. We boot from the emergency media (disk or flash drive) according to the algorithm already familiar to us. You can also use the Windows installation disc.
  2. We are waiting for the screen with the installation of Windows.
  3. Select in the lower left corner active option"System Restore" and go through it.
  4. Click on "System Recovery Options".

    In total, there are two options in this window, the second involves using the previously created system rollback points. If they are saved on a disk or external media, then you can use them if our procedure fails. In the meantime, let's try to get by with restoring only the bootloader, for which Windows has a separate option.

  5. Choose from the list operating systems Windows and click Next.
  6. In the next window, select a recovery tool. We start the command line.
  7. Fix launch errors. We sequentially enter the commands, ending them by pressing Enter:
  8. Close the console window with the “exit” command and reboot.

If the problem persists, it remains possible to choose the option of restoring the system using backup points. This method will help even if Windows is damaged by malware.

Windows Boot Recovery - video

How to avoid an error

In order not to see such a message again on the screen of your computer, you need to follow some precautions:

  1. Computer care. It is necessary to monitor the hardware of the computer, change the BIOS battery in time (especially at the first date and time failures), prevent falls and other physical impacts on the components. An additional warning sign of problems with a hard drive can be a characteristic high-pitched sound.
  2. qualified intervention. Any tampering with the BIOS or computer hardware should be under the supervision of a qualified technician. Connecting additional components (video cards, hard drives, drives, etc.) must necessarily be matched to the output power of the power supply.
  3. Antivirus protection. Protect your computer from malware with antivirus program trusted manufacturer.
  4. Reservation. Must be maintained regularly important information to external media, as well as create backup system restore points.
  5. Tools. The "emergency kit" must certainly contain bootable media (disk or flash drive).

A black screen when you turn on the computer instead of a friendly Windows splash screen does not always mean a fatal error. For starters, you can try to fix the problem yourself. If the problem cannot be corrected, contact the service center. Qualified specialists will definitely help you.