System requirements APB: Reloaded on PC. System requirements for APB Reloaded System requirements for APB reloaded

APB Reloaded (All Points Bulletin)- the second coming of the main network action movie of 2010. Main feature Reloaded, model F2P- now in All Points Bulletin you can play for free.

The basis APB the eternal theme of confrontation between bandits and policemen is based, and the action takes place in our days in the open game world fictional city San Paro, which is ruled by gangster groups. But this is a city living its own life, full of cars and thousands of passers-by going about their daily business. Some players will achieve fame and fortune by taking advantage of the city and its inhabitants. They will be called "Bandits". “The security forces” will comply with the law and make money by capturing criminals. The concept of players becoming prime targets for other players has become one of the many unique features of the project APB. A powerful software core will make the world of the game's heroes absolutely unique. Appearance, clothing, transport and even music - all this can change at the request of the player.

What is APB and why should we be interested in it?

Imagine a city, a megalopolis, in which 100 people are playing at the same time. The task of each of them is to become rich, gain respect, establish their influence in the area and then throughout the city. Some will choose the path of a villain, a bandit who will sow evil and chaos, rob, kill and profit from it. Other side of the law, power and influence in powerful Dodges, cutting through the streets in pursuit of troublemakers. Everything is interconnected, not a single person will have to go unnoticed, everything is under the gun. The main goal of achieving success is to bait a nearby enemy, make fun of his vulnerability and finish him off by moving on to another victim. But the matter does not end with the murders. Lots of tasks and parallel missions where you can earn respect and money.

In the game it will be possible to form alliances and clans, officially and recording this through the gameplay capabilities, and not on a piece of paper on the computer. Absolutely everything can be customized, you can be individual appearance, from facial features to clothing and jewelry. You can restyle your car, the rims, bumpers, spoilers, stickers and colors can be customized so flexibly that you will truly have a unique car design. I bet the tasteful styling of the car will not go unnoticed when driving it around the city. Well, the music, it can also be yours, your own music in the game, sounds coming from the cabin of your car to other players - this is a good opportunity to arrange a great party on the beach or a rock fest somewhere in the city square.

Game Features

  • Take part in exciting battles thanks to the smart matchmaking system: you play against alive people, and the higher your skills, the stronger the enemy will be;
  • Get money, improve equipment, weapons and cars as you get involved in the game;
  • Work for the Connected - complete tasks or have fun, choosing your own goals;
  • Become a celebrity - your character, equipment, cars, music - everything is unique. Take advantage of this to achieve success;
  • Become the best player or lead your clan to the top. Distinguish yourself in categories: number of victories, arrests, completed tasks and many others.

System Requirements

Answers to some questions

A: Is APB Reloaded already available for download?

Q: Yes, the client can already be downloaded.

A: Where can I download the beta client to play in the beta test?
Q: You can download the client on any Russian-language website APB: Reloaded, any torrent tracker or from an off-site, just type it into a search engine.

A: Will APB Reloaded be in Russian?
Q: Yes, but only text.

A: Will APB:R work on XP?
Q: Yes, just like on the seven!

A: How are CBT and OBT translated?
Q: Translated as: Closed Beta Test and Open Beta Test

A: Will the game be based on the F2P model?
Q: Yes, anyone can play it for free.

A: Will I need to pay a monthly subscription fee again?

Q: No, you can play for free, but if you want to update your character with fashionable features that others don’t have, you can do this for real money.

A: When will the open beta test be?
Q: The open beta test for APB Reloaded starts on May 18th.

A: I received the key and registered on gamersfirst, how do I start playing?
Q: Your application must be confirmed. You must wait for instructions on what to do next to be sent to your Email.

A: Is it possible to restore your old account from the previous APB which was closed?
Q: Can.

A: Does the game have an official website?
Yes there is,

A: Does the game have an official blog?

A: Does the game have a Russian community with blog translations?
Q: Yes,

A: APB optimization: Will Reloaded be better than APB?

Q: Yes, optimization will be better. The game's memory consumption will be reduced and support for a wider range of video cards and systems will be provided. Optimization will not affect the quality of graphics (only in a positive direction).

A: Will there be voice communication in the game?
Q: Yes, the game will have voice communication using Vivox.

A: Will there be official racing in the game?
Q: They plan to introduce racing into the game.

A: Can I make both a criminal and a security officer on the same server?
Q: Yes, it's not prohibited.

A: How are things going with cheaters in the game?
Q: Gamers First promised to pay close attention to protecting the game from cheaters.

A: How do I open character modification slots?
Q: Character modification slots open after reaching level 20 of relations with organizations. That is, if you want to open two closed slots, you need to upgrade both organizations.

A: How can I find my friend in the game?
Q: Method No. 1: You definitely need to know your friend's nickname. Press the [U] key, select the search tab, and enter a nickname there, select it and click “Enter the area.” But there is some problem here. If the user is not online, the search results will not return anything.

Method No. 2: When you select a region, there will be a “Copies” tab at the top, go there, select “all languages” and see a list of servers. Both should go for one.

A: I want to buy a car/weapon, but why are they blocked?
You need to hover the cursor over the lock (which is next to the name) and a hint will pop up with the conditions - what needs to be done to open access to the purchase of this item.

A: How to change a character's clothes?

Q: To change your character’s clothes, you need to go to the “General Area”, press “M” and select a wardrobe on the left; A wardrobe icon will appear on the map, there you need to find a terminal with a T-shirt on the screen, and then use the terminal)))

A: How do I load emblems or pictures from my computer into the game?

Q: This is impossible to do!

A: How to view ping or FPS?

Q: Enter the commands into the chat: /fps or /fps - this will show fps, ping and memory consumption.

A: Is it possible to arrange shootouts with opponents without completing a mission?

Q: If you have 5 stars, you can fight any enemy.

A: Where can I find an ammunition depot?

Q: Located near the contacts.

A: Where can I get grenades?

Q: They come to the in-game mail after training.

A: How to register?
Q: You need to register here. You just need to fill out all the fields, but for this you need an e-mail from a non-Russian site, for example. In Gamer ID you need to enter letters and numbers, from 6 to 15, using only Latin and lowercase letters. Don't forget to check the box next to the line .

A: Why are there too many opponents?
Q: When the system is looking for a partner for you or your group, it selects players with the closest rank to yours. This can be a single player or a group of players, or what we call a "meta-group" - many groups of players brought together to form one team. If you are outnumbered, it means that your opponents are of a lower rank than you, so the system has put together more people. This is only an approximate calculation, since the system understands that in reality the zerg factor is more advantageous anyway, so it tries to balance the group in both the size and rank of the people gathered together.

A: Why is sometimes the enemy superior in quality to me/us?

There are certain situations when the balance is not maintained as desired. The most important explanation for this is that not all those who were offered a mission accepted it, so players who accepted the task did not receive the necessary amount of support that was intended. When this happens, the system automatically suggests calling for reinforcements so that the meta groups are balanced.

Also, due to the fact that rank is earned over a period of time, it is possible for someone who has just started playing but is a really good player to have a rank lower than they deserve. this player will develop quickly, his rank will increase quickly, reflecting his skills, but at early stages This feature of the game can upset the balance between teams.

A: Why can't I call for reinforcements?
Q: Previously, calling for reinforcements was available to everyone all the time. Now reinforcements can only be called by the group leader and only when the system sees that you are superior in skills. If you cannot call for reinforcements, then the system believes that you are already a strong enough team to fight fairly with your opponents.

A: How to make an arrest, otherwise I can’t figure something out?
Q: You need to purchase a traumatic weapon (beginning with the word “Stub”), hit the enemy (he will crouch and will not be able to move or shoot), approach and press “F”.

A: How to update Punkbuster?

  1. Visit and click on the link to pbsetup.exe at the bottom of the page
  2. Save and run the file
  3. Click on "Add game", select APB:Reloaded. Click Browse and select the APB:Reloaded folder if it is not automatically detected.
  4. Click on "Update"
A: How to make “your own” radio (insert your own music into the player)?
You go to the player in the game-->import-->add your folder where your music is located, click on the bottom right to start importing.

A: An error appeared "Out of memory"- how to fix it?!

Q: Can be fixed using simple methods:

1. "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Command Prompt" (run as administrator)

Inside we type:

BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 3072

2. Press Enter. Reboot the computer. Manually if you have 2 or more local drives: Click "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "System" -> "All Control Panel Items" -> System, select the "Advanced System Settings" menu

  • In the System Properties window, open the Advanced tab
  • in the Performance section, click Settings
  • In the Performance Options window, open the Advanced tab
  • in section Virtual memory click the Change button
  • In the Virtual Memory window, uncheck "Automatically select paging file size"
  • in the appropriate fields, set the initial and maximum size of the paging file in megabytes (for example, if the amount of RAM is 3GB, set the paging file size to 1024MB, - both initial and maximum)
It is better to change the swap volume on the disks where Windows is installed and where APB is installed - to a value of 4GB - and so that the disks have 7GB or more free.


The city of San Paro is a thoroughly rotten Olympus, built on the blood of people, handed over to the corporations-gods. The lives of its inhabitants are in danger every day, and their destinies are at the mercy of powerful forces whose motives are unknown to them. The townspeople are always wary, always feeling powerless and humiliated. There is nothing to be happy about. Money is tight. Everyone has problems with housing and work. Someone is shooting at someone on the street. The San Paro Police Department is unable to cope with the unprecedented increase in crime on its own. The city has become a patchwork quilt, torn into pieces by gangs fighting among themselves for territory; Ordinary citizens are killed by stray bullets and suffer from daily extortion. Meanwhile, in the offices of high office towers, banditry of a more subtle nature flourishes, the victims of which are investments and annual reports. This chaos has given rise to two competing groups: the criminals that have always existed are opposed to a new force - more precisely, the security forces. The battle for the biggest prize begins: who will decide what the future of San Paro will be?

Crime They are part of a brotherhood of criminals that has existed since time immemorial, but they are a new breed of bandits living by new principles. The mastermind behind this movement was the elusive Luke Vaskavi; Despite the fact that the gangs continue to fight with each other, the struggle against the current government is gradually gaining momentum. In the eyes of many, the ruling party - the Conservative Unionists, led by Mayor Derren - is a dictatorial regime based on harsh force methods and the hated Citizen Security Act. They hate the security forces subordinate to her even more - yesterday's vigilantes, who are now entrusted with the responsibility of fighting crime. It is likely that you, like other members of our noble brotherhood, have managed to make a good name for yourself as a member of a street gang, a professional criminal, or a political activist. It's time to move from the aimless pursuit of pleasure and minor violations of the law to something more serious. Guided by the principles of opportunism and easy money, you are ready to work for anyone who is willing to pay - for gangs such as Red Rain, G-Kings or Blood and Roses. They pay your services well and make sure that you work in conjunction with other criminals. You do not miss a single opportunity to enrich yourself through criminal means, taking advantage of the chaos reigning in the city, never forgetting about your interests and the interests of your accomplices. The reward is transferred to your account automatically. You have cars, weapons and equipment at your disposal - everything you have enough money for. At your service best stores cities: there is no dress code in this profession. At any moment you must be ready to enter into mortal combat with the security forces - and sometimes with other criminals. It all depends on the wishes of your employer. Remember: don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask. There is a war going on in the territory of San Paro. You don't need human rights - you have the right of the strong.

Security forces became a reality thanks to the efforts of Mayor Jane Derren, an unapologetic Unionist Conservative and the youngest mayor in the history of San Paro. Their activities are regulated by her brainchild - the law “On Ensuring the Safety of Citizens”. All thirty-six pages of this landmark document are on display behind bulletproof glass at City Hall, but its message is simple: authorized citizens have the right to bear arms and help law enforcement fight crime. Like all other security forces, you are equally likely to be a former military man, police officer, office worker or housewife. You are not a cop; You are a member of a group called “The Force”. After completing an intensive training course, you work as part of one of the organizations that receive information and orders from the city security coordination center on the Quai Fourche - such as the San Paro Police Department, the Prentiss Tigers or the Praetorian Guard. They provide you with tasks and, using a common radio network, make sure that you work in conjunction with other security officials. You go out on calls and take part in security operations, helping to keep the city under control. The reward is transferred to your account automatically. You have cars, weapons and equipment at your disposal - everything you have enough money for. The best shops in the city are at your service: there is no dress code in this profession. At any moment you must be ready to use weapons against law enforcement officers in order to neutralize or kill them - you are allowed to do both. You answer only to the mayor. There is a war going on in the territory of San Paro. Protect your hometown!

Areas of San Paro

To customize your character or open a new contact, you will need to constantly visit different areas of San Paro. If you don't complete a mission, you can always move to another area. To do this, you just need to press “Escape” to go to the main menu and click on the “Select area” item.

Social district(Social District)- If you want to relax or just have fun with your friends, this is the area you need. Here you are safe, you can buy yourself clothes, customize your car, organize an auction to sell or buy things, change your appearance or any item in your inventory. You can also get together with your friends and organize your own squad to go to one of the “Combat areas”. Meet new people, play games, listen to music, and just have a good time!

Study area(Tutorial District)- The study area will help you take your first steps in San Paro. Although this area has a lot to teach you, you can still go straight to the “Combat Area” and try to get better rewards and take part in more interesting battles.

Combat area(Action District)- Capacity of one combat area, 100 players. All missions, battles, competitions are held in this area. You can go to any of the two proposed areas. Business and Port. Let me clarify right away that I was initially a little confused. There may be 100 people in one area, but this does not mean that the 101st will no longer be able to enter it, he will be transferred to the same copy area.

The combat area includes:

  • Business district(Financial Discrimination)- the city of San Paro in which the offices of large corporations are located. The city is full of high-rise buildings, bright lights. This area is also full of magnificent alleys, many colorful fields under open clouds. But even here there are dark warehouses and hidden shelters. Be careful. Just because it is a very wealthy area does not mean that you can feel completely safe here.
  • Port area(Waterfront Destrict)- Colorful boulevards filled with shops and beautiful views make this area the best for spending your free time. But as always, local gangs appear at the wrong time, and the port town becomes a sweet spot for them. Because of this, walking along the shore and enjoying the sunset is no longer as safe as it should have been. Always carry a weapon with you and do not go far from the car, usually they are not around at all when you need them

How to start playing APB: Reloaded

IN lately People often ask how to start playing APB: Reloaded, and you can read this article for more details on this.

What happened:

APB was released by The Real Time Worlds in 2010. The game was paid. Due to ill-conceived marketing, the company quickly went bankrupt and the game was closed.

After which APB was bought by GamersFirst, renaming it APB Reloaded. The developers are sincerely excited about their new creation. The game has been modernized and translated to free basis, added a premium account system.

The game was in closed beta testing mode (CBT), i.e. entry into the game was available to a limited number of people (at that time only 25,000), these people tested the game and wrote feedback to the developers, who, in turn, made the necessary changes. Only those who managed to register and receive an invitation to the CBT could play. Servers were launched in the USA, European servers are on the way.

What now:

What will happen:

New areas, missions, cars, character development system, weapons, premium items and much more will be added.

How to get into the game:

Getting into the game is very easy. First you need to download the game client, then register here And fill in all the fields, but for this you need an e-mail from a non-Russian site, for example, In Gamer ID you need to enter letters and numbers, from 6 to 15, using only Latin and lowercase letters. Don't forget to check the box next to the line "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement".


The inventory is called up by pressing the I key.

  • Weapons: This window contains your main weapon, secondary weapon and grenades. To the right of the main weapon are slots for perks. And next to the name of the weapon is written the number of cartridges you have with you, and at the bottom right is written the number of cartridges in your closet. The right column contains a description of the selected weapon and its characteristics. By clicking on the "Change" button, you can select a different weapon.
  • Character: in the top line is the current level, amount of cash, rating. On the left is a set of various clothes, i.e. outfits created by you in the wardrobe (you can create 8 sets in total and change them at any time). To the right of the character are upgrades (“Character Modifications”) that reduce the duration of your special skills. Below them is personal graffiti. Under the graffiti, you can choose a musical theme that the enemy you defeat will hear. You can create it in the built-in music editor. At the very bottom is equipment, your special equipment.
  • Automobile: Your car is on the left. To the right of the car are slots for perks. In the right column there is a description of the selected car and its characteristics. There you can click the "Change" button to select a different machine.

How to register

Here I will describe the registration system on the gamersfirst website step by step, because... There are a lot of questions about this on the forum.


  • Go to the website:
  • Click "JOIN NOW"
Or immediately follow this link:

  • Fill in all fields
The most important thing is to fill everything out wisely! To do this, you need an e-mail from a non-Russian site, for example, The password must consist of Latin letters and numbers, from 6 to 12. In Gamer ID you need to enter letters and numbers, from 6 to 15, using only Latin and lowercase letters, we do the same with the nickname. We check if they are busy by pressing the button "Check Availability" and in "Gamer ID", and in "Nickname". If it says “... is not available.”, then we select other options. We enter the captcha correctly (text from the picture). Don't forget to check the box next to the line "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement".
  • And press "JOIN NOW"

  • Let's go to that one mailbox, which you specified during registration
  • Follow the link in the letter, thereby you confirm the activation of your profile on the site

Well, that’s all, you have registered an account to log into the game APB: Reloaded, now you too can become a participant. Use your email and password to enter the game.

Help for newbies

In this section I will try to describe those aspects of the game that raise the most questions!

Combat mount

You can buy or sell weapons, upgrades, vehicles, and clothing from any of the contacts available to you. Just walk up to them and press the "F" key.

You can replenish ammunition at special machine guns; they are easy to spot, because... they are painted red. To replenish the number of cartridges on you, go to the machine and press "T", to replenish the number of cartridges in the cabinet, use the terminal by pressing the "F" button.

You can call your car to a parking spot at special terminals for $50; go to it and use the terminal by pressing the “F” button.

You can apply new logos, change the paint job of your car, change wheels, or even buy a new car at such a terminal.
You can create your own logo, again, at a special terminal.


It may seem complicated to some, but personally I figured it out quickly. Here you simply create your own symbol, which you can then stick on your clothes or car. The symbol is drawn using ready-made figures or pictures, as well as letters. To which you have the right to apply various effects and apply any color. To use a shape, you do not need to click on it with the mouse. you just need to drag it into the work area. There is a panel at the top, thanks to which you can change the size of the figure, location, tilt, horizontal and vertical height. When you create a picture (symbol), you need to click on the "Menu" button and select "Save As", and specify the name of the symbol, consisting of Latin letters. Remember: you can only create up to four characters.

How to get grenades?

First, grenades arrive in the in-game mail after training. And then you need to use the mail terminal. You need to select a message that has a paper clip drawn to the left of its title. And in the “Reward” line, click on the paperclip. (see screenshot)

Next, you need to go to the ammunition supplier (if you approached that NPC, then in the inventory next to the inscriptions “Main weapon”, “Grenades”, etc., there will be no red females, which are in the screenshot) and select equipment with the “I” key. Select the "Armament" section, click on "Empty" in the "Grenades" category, click edit in the right column, select grenades, and you will have grenades.

This section will be updated as new questions appear on the forum!

Method of replenishing your game account (donate)

In this section, I will show you how you can top up your game account in APB: Reloaded. In order to be able to purchase a premium account in the game, buy exclusive items or paid equipment, you must do the following:

  • You must be registered on the GamersFirst website. (You can find out how to register in this FAQ, see contents)
  • If you are already in the game and registered on the site, then simply log in with your e-mail and password. (
  • Next, click on the “GET MORE” button

  • Select the required amount from the drop-down list, for example $5

  • Then you should see the following page, where we select the payment system "PayByCash", with its help you can make a payment via WebMoney. First, a window will open in which you will be warned about very high commission, in which we click "Continue with PayByCash"

  • And in the window that opens, select "WebManey"

  • Enter the e-mail to which your wallet is registered twice and click continue

  • Click "Order now". After this, the usual WebMoney window will open

To successfully complete a payment, you must have sufficient funds in your WMZ account for payment. They do not accept rubles, so use exchange offices to exchange rubles for dollars. Don't forget to run WebMoney on your computer.

There are also payments by other means, including visas and master cards, but I find it more convenient through WebMoney, despite the fact that there is a high commission.

This FAQ was compiled and written by

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you don’t need to know the exact technical specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and others components any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. At the same time, to achieve best performance Usually you have to lower your graphics settings.

Here you will find information on system requirements online games APB: Reloaded for personal computer. Briefly and to the point, get information on the JSA: Reloaded and the requirements for the PC, operating system (OS), processor (CPU), amount of RAM (RAM), video card (GPU) and free space on the hard drive ( HDD/SSD) sufficient to run APB: Reloaded!

Sometimes it is very important to know in advance the requirements for a computer to comfortably run the online game APB: Reloaded, which is why we publish both the minimum and recommended system requirements for APB: Reloaded.

Knowing the system requirements, you can move on to the next stage, Download APB: Reloaded and start playing!

Remember, usually all requirements are conditional, it is best to roughly estimate the characteristics of the computer, compare with the system requirements of the game APB: Reloaded and if the characteristics approximately match minimum requirements, download and launch the game!

Minimum system requirements APB: Reloaded:

As you can understand, these requirements are suitable for playing APB: Reloaded at minimum settings; if the computer’s characteristics are below this level, then playing APB: Reloaded can be very difficult even at minimum graphics settings. If the computer meets or exceeds these system requirements, then a comfortable game is ahead with a sufficient level of FPS (frames per second), perhaps even at medium graphics settings.

  • :Windows XP
  • : Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 (2.3 GHz) or AMD Athlon x2 5800+ (3.0 GHz)
  • : 3 GB
  • Video card (GPU): GeForce 7800 with 256 MB of video memory and support for Pixel Shader 3.0 or equivalent from AMD
  • DirectX: dx90c
  • Hard drive (HDD / SSD): 7 GB free space
  • Other requirements

If the recommended requirements are met, players can enjoy a comfortable game at maximum graphics settings and an acceptable level of FPS (frames per second), usually if the PC characteristics are approximately equal to the recommended requirements of APB: Reloaded, then there is no need to make compromises between graphics and FPS. If your computer’s specifications are higher than these requirements, then download the game right away!

  • Operating system (OS/OS): 64-bit Windows version Vista / Windows 7 64-bit
  • Central processing unit (CPU / CPU): Intel Core 2 Quad with clock frequency 2.4 GHz or equivalent AMD x4
  • RAM(RAM / RAM): 4 GB
  • Video card (GPU): GeForce 8800GT 512 MB or equivalent from AMD
  • DirectX: dx90c
  • Hard drive (HDD / SSD): 7 GB free space
  • Sound Card: highlighted sound card with support for hardware acceleration.
  • Other requirements: broadband internet connection
operating system Windows 7/8 (64bit)
CPU Intel Core i5 660
RAM 8 Gb
Free hard disk space 7 Gb
Video card NVIDIA GeForce 8600 Pixel Shaders 3.0
DirectX version 9.0c

APB Reloaded requires a lot of computer resources to run properly. Its graphics are at a normal level, but you can only enjoy it if you have a good video card from the category Nvidia GeForce 7800 Pixel Shaders 3.0 or higher. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the “Settings” tab, or it is better to open the computer’s system settings and look in the “Display” tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 9.0c or higher. Windows XP does not support versions higher than 9.0, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can select the current version that suits your operating system.

The game works on operating systems Windows 7 (64bit). The game will not work on older versions, and it will not work correctly on new versions.

RAM is an important part of hardware. The game requires about 4 GB. You will need about 7 GB of hard drive memory to install the application. You can find out whether there is enough memory on your hard drive using the context menu that is called up when you click on the local drive in the “My Computer” window.

Intel processor A Core 2 Duo 6400 or stronger is capable of adequately processing data from the APB Reloaded game and not being overloaded.

Ways to check system requirements

1. System parameters You can find out your computer using the Win+R key combination, after which you need to enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties in the window that opens.

If your computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to the minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of worse graphics. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.

operating system Windows 7/8 (64bit)
CPU Intel Core i5 660
RAM 8 Gb
Free hard disk space 7 Gb
Video card NVIDIA GeForce 8600 Pixel Shaders 3.0
DirectX version 9.0c

APB Reloaded requires a lot of computer resources to run properly. Its graphics are at a normal level, but you can only enjoy it if you have a good video card from the Nvidia GeForce 7800 Pixel Shaders 3.0 category or stronger. You can find information about the video card if you use the context menu on the desktop in the “Settings” tab, or it is better to open the computer’s system settings and look in the “Display” tab.

In addition to the video card, the computer must have Direct X version 9.0c or higher. Windows XP does not support versions higher than 9.0, which means that for Windows 7 or Vista you will have to install more advanced versions of Direct X on your computer. You can download Direct X from the official website, where you can select the current version that suits your operating system.

The game works on operating systems Windows systems 7 (64bit). The game will not work on older versions, and it will not work correctly on new versions.

RAM is an important part of hardware. The game requires about 4 GB. You will need about 7 GB of hard drive memory to install the application. You can find out whether there is enough memory on your hard drive using the context menu that is called up when you click on the local drive in the “My Computer” window.

An Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 or stronger processor is capable of adequately processing data from the APB Reloaded game and not being overloaded.

Ways to check system requirements

1. You can find out your computer’s system parameters using the Win+R key combination, after which you must enter dxdiag and press Enter.

2. On the desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and select Properties in the window that opens.

If your computer starts to perform poorly while the application is running, you can reduce the settings to the minimum levels, which will increase performance at the expense of worse graphics. If this option does not fix the problem, then you can check out other similar games on the site that will meet the system requirements of your PC.