How to be offline on VKontakte from a computer. How to install the royal VKontakte client or how to surf VK offline from an iPhone

In this article we will tell you which VKontakte clients for Android have an “invisible mode” and how to enable it, as well as how to do it in the official VK application!

Invisibility in the official VK application

So, to activate invisible mode you need to do the following:

1. Open VK and go to settings.

2. Select “About” and tap on the dog image 3 times.

3. Go to the dialer and enter the code: *#*#856682583#*#*

If you have a tablet and don't have a dialer, just install it from Google Play. Enter the query “Dialer” and download any program you like.

4. “VK - debugging” will open. The last item is “Invisibility”.

5. Activate it.

That is, all actions are similar to disabling VKontakte advertising. Link to more detailed instructions is at the beginning of the article.

Invisible mode VKontakte Kate Mobile

1. Open Kate Mobile. In the upper right corner, click on the options button and select “Settings” from the list.

2. Tap on the “Online” item.

3. Check “Be offline if possible.”

The application will warn you that you can remain offline only if you do not write anything on the hay.

How to be offline VK in the Lynt client

1. In Lynt, swipe from the left edge and select “Settings” in the menu at the bottom.

2. Open General.

3. Uncheck the box next to “Mark as online.”

You will be warned that if you post something on the wall, you will go online.

Invisibility VK Amberfog

1. Open the application and swipe from the left edge. Click Settings.

2. Here is “General Settings”.

3. Check the box next to “Invisible mode”.

Also in VK Amberfog you can make sure that the interlocutor does not see that you have read the message. To do this, uncheck the box next to “Mark messages as read.”

Invisibility mode in Polyglot VKontakte

1. Pull from the left edge to the right and select “Settings” from the menu that opens.

2. Then “General Settings”.

3. Check the box next to “Invisible”.

In the Polyglot VKontakte client (as well as VK Amberfog), you can not mark messages as read when viewing. To do this, check the “Leave unread” checkbox.

We looked at 5 main VKontakte clients for Android and showed how to enable invisibility in each of them, and in some of them not mark messages as read.

Even at the beginning of the emergence of the VKontakte network, offline mode was not intended. What's the point offlineVKontakte? This means being online, watching the news, writing on the wall, but remaining invisible to other users. It must be said that there is no special button still haven't figured it out. However, you can hide from your friends and still use the power of the network.

How to sitVKontakteoffline?

To stay on the VKontakte social network, hiding from your friends, you can use the method described below. In principle, it is not difficult to understand what to doofflineVKontaktefrom computer. First you need to download from the website, then install the qip program, which is quite well-known and tested. This program will help you log into your account. There are two options. You can view all services for promoting and promoting a VKontakte account or group.

  1. Upon request, you must enter your username and password, and then click on the small arrow to the right of the “Login” button. Next, select the status “Visible”/“Invisible”.
  2. Click the “Login” button, and then change the status to “Invisible”. This is done in the main window, namely, in the menu below. Another option is to right-click on the tray icon. Place the cursor on “Change status” and make a selection.

Now modeofflineVKontakte included. By the way, the universality of the program is that it can be used in any social network. Additional material about the “invisibility” VKontakte is available at link .

You can also use this mode on a phone running Android OS. To do this you need to download the very popular Kate program Mobile. Here, offline mode is active if you are in the application itself. It should be taken into account that initially the application leaves you online. This can be fixed in the settings. Find the item “Be offline if possible.” The changes made are saved. Now the next time you launch this application you will be offline. There is one condition under which these changes remain in effect: you cannot send posts to the wall. But you can read messages, send them, view news, photos, and enjoy music until you get bored. To get reposts on a VKontakte post, go to this page .

VKontakte has, as an alternative, a mobile service called APIdog, written in JavaScript. APIdog is the answer to the question, how to sitVKontakteoffline. You can use all the network features. However, if you leave notes on the wall, you will immediately find yourself online. To activate offline mode, go to “Settings” and check the box next to “Enable auto-update of dialogs (long-poll)”. You need to click the “Save” button, then “Restart long-poll”. If this is not done, then in Dialogs you will have to work with the “Update” button, otherwise you will not be able to see the messages. All actions must be saved. If you want to restrict some users' access to your VKontakte information, here is how you can do this.

Despite various shortcomings of the service, the necessary offline function will allow you to hide from other users, but at the same time be aware of all the news. If you need votes to participate in the VKontakte competition, you can purchase them here

If you want your presence on the VKontakte social network to be hidden from friends and page visitors, then you can use a little trick. You will get in touch, and your status will be offline (see).

Now I'll show you how to be invisible on VKontakte from a computer or phone.

What is this for?

Most often, this function is used if you do not want to enter into correspondence with users. When they see that you are online, they immediately try to send you a message. If you log into VK in invisible mode, other users will not know that you are now online.

How to be invisible on VKontakte from a computer

The simplest thing is to use special program. It should be noted that there is now quite a lot of software that allows you to work on VKontakte from a computer. I suggest you use a proven option - VkLife.

The browser extension option is currently being used. At the same time, the developers immediately offer to install and use the Yandex browser.

During the installation process, the Yandex browser will be approved. After the first launch, you will need to confirm the installation of the VKlife extension.

Now you should see a triangle icon appear in your browser toolbar. Clicking on it should open a tool window. Here you will see an “Offline/Online” switch. Place it in the desired position.

A small trick if you are using VKontakte from a computer

VKontakte online status is activated the moment you log into home page your profile. And if you do not update it, or do not take other actions, then after 15 minutes, you are assigned the status “Offline”.

Thus, you just need to wait a while until you switch to invisible mode and continue working with the social network. At the same time, do not go to the main page - this way the status will remain offline.

How to be invisible on VKontakte from Android

After this you can continue working.


As you can see, logging into VKontakte invisible is very simple (see). The only point I would like to draw your attention to is that you should not download suspicious programs for the social network to work. By using them, you risk losing access to your page.


Today it is almost impossible to imagine a person who would not have an account on any social network. For the post-Soviet region and the CIS region, the most popular is VKontakte. This is where the greatest activity is concentrated, according to statistics.

It is precisely because of this popularity that many users want to keep the fact of their use of this social network secret. The reasons may be different: employers prohibit the use of this social network in the workplace, or you simply do not want to advertise to certain people the fact of your presence. You can, of course, simply not go online or use an additional account, but sometimes you need to access your personal data, music or correspondence with partners or friends.

For this purpose, VK does not have special “native” options. However, third-party developers offer us additional plugins, installing which can achieve the desired result.

VK offline

For Yandex browser users and Google Chrome There is a convenient and simple application that will allow you to hide the fact of your presence on the VK social network from outside observers. It's called VK offline.

It is easy to install and will not cause any problems even for people who do not have deep knowledge of setting up computers and programs.

Installing the plugin

In order to install this application you need to open your browser and go to the program menu. Next, go to the “Add-ons” section. In the page that opens, we see all installed and active applications for our browser - we need to scroll down this page and click on the yellow button “Yandex Browser Extensions Catalog”:

The second option is much simpler: follow the direct link and get to the right place immediately (don’t be confused by the reference to Opera in the link, this list of applications is the same for several browsers).

An application store will open in front of us. Using the search, we find the VK offline extension for the Yandex browser and click “Install”

The program will install automatically. Don't forget to restart your browser for all changes to take effect. After installation, the user will be prompted to authorize their account.

Important! Do not download programs of this type from unverified sites. Attackers can easily imitate the program interface and, when entering the user’s personal data, can easily take possession of it and hack your page.

The plugin's operating principle is based on API request technology. After authorization, the program will save all your information in a cache, which will be updated as you connect to the Internet, while the user’s status in the network itself remains “offline”. Thanks to this, we can easily read any of our correspondence, view news, listen to music without giving away our activity. In addition, even in the complete absence of an Internet connection, you can use cached information offline.

Features of the program include:

  • All functionality of this program is distributed completely free of charge;
  • Ability to use several accounts at once without forced re-login;
  • Full list notifications, including new messages in personal correspondence, birthday reminders, news.

Since, unfortunately, the developers of this social network did not take care of the functionality that hides our activity on the network, we have to use third party applications. This is not always convenient, but it bears fruit.

In other words, " how to be invisible on VKontakte". It's actually not as difficult as it seems. There are many applications that allow you to sit on VK and be offline. How does this happen? - Very simple.

Mobile software to be offline VKontakte

For mobile phone users there are applications that can provide partial offline.

That is, if we are talking about mobile software, then the application simply allows you to use the publicly available functionality of the social network, but if you want to change the status while offline, then you will need to turn it off. stealth mode.

Likewise, you cannot write and be offline VKontakte, but you can read the messages you receive. If you receive only part of the message in notifications on your phone, then after special application you can even view images and entire messages. The application is completely free and is called SwichPRO.

You can also try Kate Mobile - another application for working with VKontakte from a mobile phone. In its settings there are two visibility modes - constant support for the “online” status while the application is running; and secretive operating mode (this is when your friends think that you are not online). Naturally, if you go to your full profile or perform any actions, your status will automatically change and your presence on the network will become noticeable.

How to use VK and be offline from a computer:

Sitting offline from a computer will be a little more difficult, because... There is no way to intercept notifications. But still there were craftsmen who create and advertise their programs.

For example, what would go to VKontakte invisible, you can try downloading the Vkoffline 2.1.6 program. This is a browser extension that will help you become invisible.

You can also try installing a special plugin for the Google Chrome browser. This plugin is installed from the website and you can enable temporary invisibility mode in it.

By the way, keep in mind that now many viruses pretend to be useful programs, helping to have “VKontakte invisibility” at your own request. Be very careful when following any advice (including ours :)) so as not to pick up viruses. The dubious pleasure of changing your status on a social network is not worth it.

Viruses steal passwords, and not only lead to account blocking, but can also cause many more troubles with your page, and ruin, for example, your communication with friends, by starting to send malicious links on your behalf.

Moreover, the further, the more the technical part of the social network develops, and it begins to perceive and counteract the actions of such programs. As a result, the latest solution you found to solve the problem may not work after just a few days.

Are there regular funds?

No, and no again!

Many people are looking for VK stealth mode in settings personal page, but you don't have to look. He's not there. You need to use the applications described above.

I hope the methods described above will help you. If some programs are no longer relevant, please write in the comments so that we can update the software.