Personal computer as an interface system. Personal computer as a system computer as a supersystem and subsystem user interface §6

One of the objects considered in computer science lessons is a personal computer. It can be considered as a system consisting of subsystems "hardware", "software", "information resources" (Fig. 1.20).

Rice. 1.20

The hardware subsystem acts as a supersystem for information input, processing, storage and output devices.

The operating system is a software subsystem and a supersystem, which includes system and service programs.

The information resource system includes systems of text and graphic files, sound files, video information files, etc.

Personal Computer is part of the "man - computer" system. The means that provide the relationship between the objects of this system is called an interface. There are hardware, software, hardware-software and user interface s.

Hardware interface - interaction between computer devices; provided by the manufacturers of this equipment.

Software interface - interaction (compatibility) of programs with each other, as well as software and information resources; provided by software developers.

The hardware-software and user interface are provided by the operating system of the computer.

Hardware-software interface - the interaction of computer hardware and software.

The user interface is the interaction between a human and a computer. The menu-based user interface offers the ability to select a control command from a menu (command list). In the graphical interface, computer objects are represented by small pictures (icons). The desired icon is selected with the mouse. In addition to icons, texts (for hints) and menus (for selecting commands) are also used. The 3D interface allows navigation in 3D computer space. By pointing the mouse at the door of the virtual museum, you can enter it. In the virtual hall, you can look around, approach any picture and examine it in more detail. This interface mimics the real world.

Briefly about the main

Personal computer - a system that includes subsystems of hardware, software and information resources.

A personal computer is a subsystem of the "man - computer" system. The means that provide the relationship between the objects of this system is called an interface.

The user interface is the interaction between a human and a computer. It is provided by the operating system.

Questions and tasks

  1. Which systems include the subsystem "computer"? For which systems is a computer a supersystem?
  2. Name the supersystem for the "printer" object. What is the relationship between the objects "printer" and "inkjet printer"?
  3. What is an interface? List the types of interface.
  4. What do you know about user interface?
  5. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase: "Operating Windows system provides the same user interface when working with different objects"?
  6. Specify the inputs and outputs for the "computer" system.

AVL vs Red-Black. Red-black property. Height estimation. Insert d. An example of a double right turn. A height-balanced binary tree. Analysis. An example of a red-black tree. AVL trees. Remove f. Turns. Visual demonstration. Estimating the height of a tree. New node. Red-black tree. The left child node. Balancing when removed. The height of some subtree. Container. Insert f. Vertices.

"Remote control system" - The mechanism for the gate. Sources of obstacles. Marquis. Mode. Radio control. Connection diagram. Illumination of suburban areas. Drive mechanism for gates. transmitters. Radius of action. Distance. Remote controller remote control. Creation of light scenes. Receivers for open installation. Usage example. signal transmission barrier. Marquis management. Idea. Minimum distance. receivers. Remote control systems.

"Computer terms" - Information. Device. Windows Registry. Accessories for the computer. Link on the Internet. Operating system. Online alias. Avatar. CD burner. Flash drive. Clicking the mouse button. Banner. Virus program. Start browsing. The local network. Dictionary of computer terms. Motherboard. Windows. Sound. Spam.

"The software principle of the computer" - Software imitation. Implementation. compiled languages. Computer components. Situation. Translators. Sequence management. Computer states. Organization of a traditional computer. Compilation. Representation of a constant. assignment operator. Broadcast time. Software and hardware computer. Virtual computers. Language implementation time. Influence of machine architecture. Binding.

"Searching for information on a computer" - File name masks. Sequential iteration. Examples of information processing processes. Road map. Your possible actions. Practical work "Information search". Automated information processing. What about search attributes. Communication types. Search for information and management. Search for information. Control commands. Find out the author and title of the play. What is a self-managed system. Block search.

"School computer" - System block. Hell language. Disk. Computer without software. Display. Scanner. Poem. Smart TV. School computer. Analytical engine of C. Babbage. First printer. Keyboard. How information enters a computer. Prophetic words. A computer. Ada Augusta Lovelace. The first electronic computers. CPU.

  • One of the objects considered in computer science lessons is a personal computer. It can be viewed as a system consisting of subsystems:

  • "Hardware",

  • "software",

  • "informational resources".


The hardware subsystem acts as a supersystem for information input, processing, storage and output devices.

Operating system

The operating system is a software subsystem and a supersystem, which includes system and service programs.

Information Resource System

The information resource system includes systems of text and graphic files, sound files, video information files, etc.

man - computer interface .

The personal computer is part of the system man - computer ". The means that provide the relationship between the objects of this system are called interface .

There are hardware, software, hardware-software and user interfaces.

  • Hardware interface - interaction between computer devices; provided by the manufacturers of this equipment.

  • Software interface - interaction (compatibility) of programs with each other, as well as software and information resources; provided by software developers.

  • The hardware-software and user interface are provided by the operating system of the computer.

Hardware-software interface - the interaction of computer hardware and software.

The user interface is the interaction between a human and a computer. The menu-based user interface offers the ability to select a control command from a menu (command list). In the graphical interface, computer objects are represented by small pictures (icons). The desired icon is selected with the mouse. In addition to icons, texts (for hints) and menus (for selecting commands) are also used.

The 3D interface allows navigation in 3D computer space. By pointing the mouse at the door of the virtual museum, you can enter it. In the virtual hall, you can look around, approach any picture and examine it in more detail. This interface mimics the real world.

Personal computers .

The process of human interaction with computers has been going on for more than 40 years. Until recently, only specialists - engineers, mathematicians - programmers, operators could participate in this process. In recent years, there have been dramatic changes in the field computer science. Thanks to the development and introduction of microprocessors into the structure of computers, small-sized, user-friendly personal computers have appeared. The situation has changed, the role of a user can be not only a computer specialist, but also any person, be it a schoolboy or a housewife, a doctor or a teacher, a worker or an engineer. This phenomenon is often referred to as the personal computer phenomenon. Currently, the global fleet of personal computers exceeds 20 million.

Why did this phenomenon occur? The answer to this question can be found if we clearly formulate what a personal computer is and what are its main features. It is necessary to correctly perceive the very definition of "personal", it does not mean that a computer belongs to a person on the basis of personal property rights. The definition of "personal" arose because a person got the opportunity to communicate with a computer without the mediation of a professional programmer, independently, personally. In this case, it is not necessary to know a special computer language. The software tools existing in the computer will provide a favorable "friendly" form of dialogue between the user and the computer. We can distinguish five formal features that will help us determine whether this computer personal or not.

1. The control method is simple, visual, convenient, not requiring deep knowledge in the field of computer technology. All technical means (display, keyboard, manipulator, printing device, etc.) that provide interaction between a person and a computer are made so that even a child can work on them without fear. Communication between a person and a computer is organized in a dialogue mode.

2. A large number of software tools have been developed for various applications. This will save the user from having to write a program in the computer language himself.

3. Small-sized, high-capacity external storage devices allow you to replace one drive with another. Such devices include: floppy disk drives and hard drives, cassette recorders.

4. Due to the small size and weight, comparable to a TV, no special tools are required for installation, there is enough space on the desktop.

5. The design of the personal computer, its external design is attractive in color and shape, and satisfies ergonomic indicators. For the first time during the development of computer technology, this feature is included as the main one in determining the whole class of computers.

A more thorough analysis of all the signs shows that, of course, the first two signs are the most important, which determine the nature of communication between a person and a computer, although the absence of one of the five signs listed above makes it possible to classify a computer as non-personal.

Understanding now what a personal computer is, let's consider the history of the emergence and development of this phenomenon.

The listed signs of a personal computer became possible to provide thanks to the creation of microprocessors, which made it possible to drastically change the appearance of the computer - to reduce the size and weight. However, this circumstance alone led to the emergence of a class of microcomputers. The improvement of software, the study by mathematicians and programmers of the tasks of the subject area and the development on their basis of the software tools needed in this area made it possible to turn the microcomputer into a personal tool for processing information.

The first personal computer was developed in 1973 in France. Its author Truong Trong Tee. The first copies were perceived as an expensive exotic toy. Mass production and introduction of personal computers into practice is associated with the name of Steve Jobs, the head and founder of Apple Computer, which launched the production of Apple personal computers in 1977.

Personal computers can be classified according to the capabilities they provide to the user. both domestic and professional.

Household personal computers are used at home. Their main purpose is to provide simple calculations, perform the function notebook, maintaining a personal file, a means of teaching various disciplines, a tool for accessing public information funds through telephone channels, etc. It was widely used as a means of entertainment - an organizer and partner in various games.

Professional personal computers are used in a specific professional area, all software and hardware are focused on a specific profession. However, regardless of the professional orientation of computers, their main purpose is to perform routine work: they search for information in various reference and regulatory documentation and archives, compile standard forms of documentation, keep a diary or laboratory journal, record the results of research, memorize and issue, at the request of the user, information on given professional activity etc.

Currently, one of the most popular computers has become the IBM PC model and its upgraded version of the IBM PC XT, which, by architecture, software, external design is considered the basic model of a personal computer. Consider the basic structure and characteristics of the IBM PC XT personal computer. The basic package includes; system unit 2, display1 with a color image, keyboard6, printing device (printer), floppy disk drive and hard disk drive.

The basis of a personal computer is the system unit. It organizes work, processes information, makes calculations, provides communication between a person and a computer. The user is not required to thoroughly understand how the system unit works. This is the lot of specialists. But he must know what functional blocks the computer consists of. We do not have a clear idea of ​​the principle of operation of the internal functional blocks of the objects around us - a refrigerator, a gas stove, washing machine, a car, but they must know what is the basis for the operation of these devices, what are the capabilities of their constituent blocks.

SYSTEM UNIT personal computer consists of system board, having dimensions of 212/300 mm and located at the very bottom, speaker, fan, power supply, two drives. One drive provides input-output information from a hard drive, the other from floppy disks.

MOTHERBOARD is the central part of the computer and is composed of several dozens of integrated circuits for various purposes. The microprocessor is made in the form of one large integrated circuit. A socket is provided for an optional Intel 8087 microprocessor to perform floating point operations. If you need to improve the performance of your computer, you can place it in this slot. There are several modules of permanent and random access memory. Depending on the model, from 5 to 8 slots are provided, where boards of various adapters are inserted.

An adapter is a device that provides communication between the central part of the computer and a specific external device, for example between RAM and a printer or hard drive. The board also installs several modules that perform auxiliary functions when working with a computer. There are switches that are necessary to ensure the operation of the computer with the selected composition of external devices (computer configuration).


Every computer has a keyboard. With its help, information is entered into the computer or commands are given to the computer. The great-grandmother of the computer keyboard was the typewriter. From her, the keyboard inherited keys with letters and numbers.

But a computer can do more things than a typewriter, and therefore its keyboard has many more keys. Different keys serve different purposes. For example, an ordinary typewriter does not have keys for erasing what is written, but a keyboard does. Such a typewriter cannot insert a new word between two others, but a computer can, and there is also a special key for this.

When we play computer games, we most often use the arrow keys. They are also called "cursor keys". Using these keys, you can control how the hero of the game runs around the screen. Very often in games, the STRI and ALT keys are used. The hero shoots with one key, and jumps with the other. These are quite large keys, besides, they are located at the very bottom of the keyboard, and therefore they are convenient to use.

The longest key is SPACE. It can be pressed even blindfolded. And because it is also very often used in games.


When working with a computer, we get most of the information by looking at the monitor screen. A monitor is similar to a TV. But TV cannot be watched close up, because it is very harmful to the eyes. The monitor also affects the eyes, but not as much as the TV. The image of the monitors is clearer.

Monitors are different. They differ in screen sizes and image quality. Screen size is measured in inches. If you don't know what an inch is. then take a match and break it in half. The length of such a half is an inch.

Measure the screen obliquely - between opposite corners. Regular monitors are 14 inches. Often there are also monitors with a size of 15 inches. There are even more, but they are rarely used at home.

If you have monitors with a size of 14 inches, then you must definitely wear it protective screen- it will greatly reduce the harm from monitor radiation. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WORK WITH A CONVENTIONAL MONITOR WITHOUT A PROTECTIVE SCREEN!