Make an acronis disk image. Creating a Windows backup using Acronis True Image bootable media

Acronis True Image, roads of life backup.

Hello, hello dear friends. Let's continue talking about our main solution for home users.

Acronis True Image is a product with a rich history. We tried to listen carefully to our customers, and therefore the product has accumulated quite a lot of various kinds of functionality that is designed to protect user data in one way or another. Actually, in this issue we decided to tell you about the different types of backups that are supported by Acronis True Image.

Before diving into the variations of backup methods, let's briefly describe the general approach. All of our backups are done via a snapshot, either our own or the Volume Shadow Copy Service. Accordingly, you can continue to work with the computer, change or delete data - in backup the moment the snapshot was created will be recorded.

1. Disk backup.

So now let's discuss backup methods. The first and most powerful way that protects everything and everything and allows you not only to save your data, but also to get back to work as quickly as possible, is a disk backup. You can protect an entire disk, a partition, dynamic disks, all kinds of raids are supported, etc. This method frees you from having to choose what exactly to protect - just make a copy of everything that is, and come what may.

You can configure data rotation in different ways. For example, to always create a full backup and overwrite the previous one:

Of course, a lot of storage space will be consumed.

To use space more rationally, you should use an incremental backup: only the data that has changed since the last backup will be copied. But in this case, to restore the data, we will need the entire chain of copies, since new copies depend on the previous ones.

Differential backups do not have this shortcoming. They copy data that has changed not since the last backup, as incremental, but from the very first copy. So the versions only depend on the very first backup. Accordingly, you can afford to lose some intermediate versions:

Backups can be stored on USB drives, network folders, FTP servers, CD/DVD, etc. Previously, we also described creating a backup to the Acronis cloud.

2. Disk cloning

Disk cloning will make an exact copy of your disk on another disk in sector mode. This will allow you to return to work in case of problems with the first disk by simply booting your computer from the second disk. You don't even have to wait for data recovery.

3. File backup.

Well, the last way to create backups today is to copy your files. In this case, all the same options and options for storing copies as for a disk backup.

Why do you need file backups at all, if you can make a full copy of the disk? There are options here. A disk copy can be made, for example, relatively infrequently, and thus save storage space. But copies of your working files can be made every hour or even every 5 minutes (we will talk about this in detail in the next article). For example, this is what I do:

How do you protect your data?

Sooner or later, each of us discovers that there is a catastrophic lack of hard drive space. Acronis can transfer (clone) installed system, and all applications on a new, larger hard drive.

To migrate your system, you must have a new hard drive installed in your computer beforehand. If your computer does not have room to add another hard drive, you can temporarily add one instead of a CD-ROM drive.

There are two modes of system migration available in Acronis - manual mode and automatic mode.

In most cases, automatic mode options are sufficient.

In this mode, you will transfer all data from the old drive (partitions, folders, files...) to the new drive. After replacing the old hard drive with a new one, the new hard drive will become bootable. The jumper on the new hard drive must be in the Master position. There will be only one difference between the new and old disk, the partition sizes will be larger. All the rest - operating system, information written to the disc, disc labels, etc. will remain unchanged.

In manual mode, you can perform the cloning procedure more flexibly.

You can specify how partitions and data will be transferred:

Transfer partitions and data as is;
- allocate space between partitions on a new disk;
-save partitions and (data!) on the old hard drive;
-delete information from the old hard drive;
-create a new partition structure on the old disk (the data on it will be lost).

Please note that if the mains voltage fails during data transfer, the data transfer procedure will not be completed. The new hard drive can only be used after a successful re-cloning. The data on the old hard drive will not be lost, because Acronis does nothing with the drive other than reading it until the data migration is complete.

System transfer in automatic mode.

We start the program. Select the "Disk Utilities" category.

In the new window, select "Clone hard disk".

The Disk Clone Wizard will appear.

Select the cloning mode "Automatic". Click "Next".

If the target disk contains partitions, select the "Delete all partitions on the target disk" radio button and click "Next". At this stage, the program creates a cloning plan and does not perform any real actions. In a new window, you will see information about the original hard drive and what structure the new hard drive will have.

Final cloning window.

Before "Proceed", you can use the "Back" button to return to the previous windows and make the necessary changes. To cancel the procedure and exit to the main program window, click the "Cancel" button.

I’ll add on my own that you can also transfer the system through creating an image system disk or the entire hard drive on the original hard drive, and then through the "Recovery" function to restore to a new hard drive, after connecting it to the computer. However, keep in mind that the "Recovery" function does not know how to create partitions. This means that the partitions on the target disk that are intended to contain the data from the backup must first be created. To create partitions, you can use another Acronis product - Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.

Greetings to all blog readers! :) In one of the articles where I talked about ways to protect your computer from various threats, I also touched on simple security measures that are recommended for every PC user in order to always have a stable working system and not lose important data. The safety of data and the ability to quickly restore the health of Windows (or other system on which you work) is very important for each of us.

For example, you earn on axle boxes, you already have necessary programs, everything is set up for your convenience and suddenly your system crashes and refuses to boot no matter how hard you try. Those. simple ways bring the system back to life don't work. The system could “die” for a number of reasons: virus infection, installation of “crooked” drivers and programs, failure of some component of the computer, and much more.

In this case, the solution for most is to reinstall the operating system, then install all new programs on a new one, configure everything for the convenience of your work, and a number of other actions to do everything the way it was convenient for you before. And all this can take, if not the whole day, then half a day for sure :) And it's good if you have some experience and can copy important data in order to return it later. And imagine if you can’t do this or they are damaged and part is removed, for example, when damaged hard drive? This can become a very big problem.

Knowing all of the above and what I had to deal with many times, I decided to write a couple or more articles about how you can conveniently make a copy of all the files you need from your computer, as well as create a complete copy of your system with all installed programs and the desired settings.

For this purpose, it is possible to use both built-in Windows tools, as well as by third parties. The tools for backing up data in Windows itself are extremely inconvenient, slow and do not have a lot of convenient, useful features. Therefore, I recommend using third-party tools for this purpose, for example, the Acronis True Image program. The program is paid and the cost of a simple home version for one computer at the moment is 1,700 rubles.

But, as is the case with antiviruses (for example, Kaspersky) and other paid programs, as a rule, it is always possible to download an already activated full copy from the Internet and use it for free :) The program is very, very useful and sometimes simply necessary.

Now I will tell you how to create a full system backup, going through each step of the settings and explaining each function.

Let's start by installing the program.

Installing backup/restore software - Acronis True Image

The installation process, as well as the interface of the program itself, of course, may differ with the release of new versions, but the essence of the program and its functions remain unchanged. Therefore, having learned how to back up and restore with the help of this guide, you can do it in any new version Acronis.

    You can purchase the program from the official website at the price indicated there, or download the activated full latest version here:

    Acronis True Image Home 2014
    ZIP archive
    216 MB

    The downloaded archive "Acronis True Image Home 2014" must be unpacked before starting the installation from the file inside. To do this, right-click on the archive and select "Extract all ...":

    A window will open in which by clicking the "Browse" button you can select the path for unpacking the archive. By default, it will unpack to the same folder where it is currently located. I recommend checking the box "Show extracted files" and then after unpacking, the folder with the unpacked contents will immediately open. To start unpacking, click the "Extract" button:

    After unpacking, run the installation file. For this version, it has the name: "ATIH.2014.PREMIUM.v17.0.0.5560.exe":

    The first installer window will appear, in which you just need to agree to continue the installation by clicking the "Yes" button:

    After unpacking, the first window of the Acronis True Image installer will appear, in which we simply click the "Next" button, since there is nothing to do here:

    We accept the license agreement in the next window by selecting the item "I agree to the terms of the agreement" and click the "Next" button:

    In the next window, we are prompted to select the type of installation. I recommend always choosing "Custom" when installing any programs in order to remove completely unnecessary components if anything:

    A new window will open where we can see the components that will be installed. In this case, nothing extra will be installed, and therefore we leave everything as it is and click "Next":

    In the next window, select "Install for all users" and click "Next". I also recommend choosing this option when installing any software, and in the event that only you or your relatives work on this computer:

    It remains only to click the "Proceed" button and the process of installing the program on a computer with the parameters we have selected will start:

    After the installation process is completed, which does not require your intervention (it takes about 2 - 3 minutes), the last window will appear in which we click the "Close" button:

This completes the installation process of Acronis True Image. Now let's look at how to make a full backup of the system: the operating system and all programs installed on it, so that if the system "falls", you can very easily return it to the same state, with the same programs and settings.

Creation of a complete copy of the system with all data for its further rapid restoration to its original state

First of all, you need to take care of where your backups will be stored, which you now, I think, will regularly create for your own convenience and security.

If your computer has 2 separate hard drives, you can store backups on one of these drives. The main thing is that the place allows, because a backup copy of the entire system without compression will take up exactly the same amount as the system itself, along with the files, actually takes from you. For example, if the volume of everything stored on your computer is 200 GB, then an uncompressed backup will take up about the same amount. Acronis allows you to compress a backup, which I always use, and with maximum compression, the volume is often reduced by as much as 2 times. Therefore, based on the explanations above, you can already estimate how much space you need to store a complete copy of your computer.

I'm backing up to an external hard drive that I plug into my laptop via USB. This is very convenient if the space on this hard drive allows. And after the copies are created on my external HDD (hard drive), I sometimes transfer them to cloud services (Internet storage), for example, to, where 100 GB of free space is given for free.

I wrote a number of separate articles about remote repositories and I recommend that you first of all familiarize yourself with the very first one:

It's up to you to decide :) The main thing is not to store backup copies of your data on the same hard drive from which you make these copies. This does not make sense, because if this HDD is damaged, you will lose all the data along with the copy, since they were stored on the same disk. I hope everything is clear here :)

So, let's start creating a backup copy of your system, including everything that is in it:

    Launching Acronis True Image from a shortcut on the desktop or from the Start menu.

    After the program starts, go to the tab " Backup and recovery." To create a backup of the entire system, along with all programs and settings, click on the open tab the "Backup disks and partitions" button:

    A new window will open to set the backup options. Starting from this, all subsequent steps are very important. First of all, on the left, select the partitions on the hard drives, a copy of which will be created.

  1. And now let's move on to the last important settings, which will be located on several tabs. To do this, click on the link "Disk backup options", which is located on the left:

    A window will open where we go to the very first tab - "Scheme". On this tab, the backup scheme is configured - i.e. how the current and subsequent backups will be created.

    I recommend selecting the "Custom Scheme" scheme and setting everything up manually. In the "Backup Method" item, it is best to select "Incremental". In this case, a complete copy of the partitions you have selected or the entire hard drives, and subsequent times small copies will be created, storing only changes since the last full copy.

    For example, my backup plan is as follows: I backup daily and once a month I create full version, and only the changes are saved for the next 30 days. Therefore, in my example, I set the value - "after every 30 incremental copies."

    And since with the advent of a large number of copies (especially with the regular creation of full copies) all this will take up more and more space on your media, I also enable the automatic cleaning of chains of old versions. I also recommend you use this to save space.

    To do this, enable the item "Delete chains of versions since the creation of which ... ..." and specify the number of days.

    Since I do a backup once a day and a full copy is created after every 30 incremental ones (i.e., it is obtained after every 30 days), I set the automatic removal of old versions that are older than 30 days. Thus, it turns out that I have another new full copy created, and the old chain (from complete to the last incremental for this month) is deleted. Due to this, I do not spend a lot of space on my media and there are not stored 2 or more full copies that will take up a lot of space :)

    In order not to configure these parameters again later, I recommend checking the box “Save as default settings”.

    Go to the "Advanced" tab. On this tab, we will go through all the sections and set the necessary settings. In the first section "Image creation mode" we check that the option "Archive in sector-by-sector mode" is disabled. Such a function will create a copy for us, taking into account all errors on the disk, i.e. will create a complete copy along with the disk structure in addition to the data itself.

    1. In the "Backup protection" section, we are asked to password-protect the created archive and encrypt it. I recommend creating a password in the first place in order to protect the archive from viruses. And secondly, in order to protect the copy from prying eyes, if you think that someone can peep or destroy the data.

      If you set a password only for the purpose of protecting against viruses, then I recommend setting the simplest one, for example: "123":

      We will not choose the encryption method, since it is advisable to do this when working in an environment that is dangerous in every sense, and at the same time, the backup copy creation time will increase due to encryption.

      Nothing should be included in the "Pre/Post Commands" section, check:

      In the "Split backup" section, check that the value is "Automatic". In this case, Acronis will split the archive itself, depending on the selected scheme, or even create a copy from one file:

      In the "Verification" section, you can enable checking the backup for its operability. Since I constantly create new copies and every month a new full copy, I turn off the check so as not to take up resources once again and not be distracted by this. You can enable validation after creation or on schedule:

      In the next section "Backup duplication" you can specify additional storage space for your backup, and it will be duplicated in this storage. This will give even more security to your data, since a copy will be stored in two places. But not everyone has the opportunity to allocate an additional amount of memory for this on some media. I do not enable this option and just periodically manually copy the backups additionally to other locations:

      In the "Setting up removable media" section, I recommend unchecking the only checkbox. This is necessary so that during a scheduled automatic backup it is not necessary to manually confirm that a removable media (for example, a flash drive) is connected to the computer:

      Let's move on to the "Backup Comments" section, where you can optionally set any notes regarding the backup being created. You can leave the field empty:

      The Screenshot Settings section allows the program to take a screenshot when the backup starts. The function is almost never used, so it's easier to leave it disabled:

      Let's move on to the Error Handling section. Here I recommend unchecking the item: "If there is not enough space in the Security Zone, delete the oldest backup copy":

      What is the "Acronis Secure Zone" and why it may be needed, I will tell later.

      The penultimate section "Turning off the computer" sometimes turns out to be useful. Here we can activate the function to turn off the computer after the backup is created. It is good to use this function when backup, for example, is scheduled for the night or at the time when no one will use the computer, so that then the computer turns off by itself and does not stand idle.

      The last section "Accounting Windows entry”, in principle, is never needed if you work as a user - Administrator. Therefore, we leave the function of starting backup from another user disabled here:

      On this, with the “Advanced” tab, we figured it out :) Let's move on ...

  2. Let's move on to the "Performance" tab, which is also not unimportant. Here I recommend setting the compression level to the maximum. In my experience, the duration of creating a backup in this case does not increase significantly, but the created archive sometimes decreases by almost 2 times.

    The priority affects how much computer resources Acronis consumes when creating a backup. The higher the priority, the more they will be consumed, respectively, but the faster the backup will be created. If the computer is very productive, then you can safely set the maximum priority, but I recommend “Normal”:

    The last 2 tabs: "Notifications" and "Exceptions", as a rule, are not needed and I recommend leaving everything there as it is by default:

    The "Exclusions" tab can be useful if you want to specify some files and folders that you do not need to back up and Acronis will skip them.

    To save the settings at the very bottom of this window, click the "OK" button:

    To start backup in the main settings window, click the "Archive" button:

    If you click not the "Archive" button itself, but the arrow on the side, a list of options will appear: postpone the start of the backup for a period of 1 to 6 hours or until a manual start at any time.

As a result, the backup process we configured will start. Its duration will depend on the volume that we are archiving, on the performance of the computer, the selected priority, the degree of compression of the archive and other parameters:

We just have to wait until the end of the backup.

After copying is completed, its verification may begin if you specified this during configuration. And then go to your media or the place where the copy was made and check that the backup is in place :)

This is how an archive created by Acronis True Image looks like:

In my example, the archived space had a volume of about 12 GB, and the archive turned out to be 4.9 GB in size. Those. the maximum compression made it possible to reduce the archive by more than half, which is just great!

Now let's look at how to back up individual files and folders, and not the entire system to restore if necessary in case they are lost.

Create a backup copy of individual files / folders

As I mentioned earlier, Acronis can create not only entire partition backups for further computer recovery if necessary, but also individual files / folders. Thus, you can save space on the media where you will store backups and back up only those data that are really important and cannot be lost.

For example, those who work in boxes using multi-accounts probably have a large table with logins and passwords for the boxes themselves, wallets, mail. I know from my own experience that losing this data is a very sad situation :)

So, let's look at the process of backing up files and folders step by step:

    After running Acronis True Image, go to the "Backup and Restore" tab as before and click the "Backup Files" button there, and select "To Local Storage" from the list that appears:

    We can only wait for the end of the operation and if the volume created copy big, then you can still do your own thing, for example, work :)

    After the backup process is complete, just in case, go to the media where it was performed and check for your backup (a file with the “.tib” extension):

This is how you can create full copies of your system on a regular basis so that in case of its “crash”, then quickly restore it entirely or some individual files/ folders. Of course, the instructions turned out to be voluminous and at first glance it seems that all this is complicated :) In fact, the steps are simple, I just got used to describing each action. But you won’t get confused anywhere and, having done this once, everything will become clear and the next time you won’t need any instructions at all.

I will tell you how to restore the system from a backup immediately to a ready working state, as well as restore individual files / folders, in the following article:

I do not say goodbye for a long time :) Bye everyone!

When replacing a hard drive with a new one, for example, a more capacious or high-speed one, as a rule, it becomes necessary to transfer information to it from the old drive.

If you do it manually - reinstall the system, programs and copy user files, then you can spend a whole day.

It is much more convenient to entrust this to automation - special programs for cloning hard drives. With their help, all files, settings and the system itself will simply “move to a new place of residence” in the form in which they were on the old media.

Cloning a hard disk is a low-level sector-by-sector transfer of data from one medium to another. In this case, the clone disk will be an exact copy of the original disk.

Cloning a hard drive

To create clone discs, a lot of paid and free programs. Among them there are universal ones that work with any HDD and SSD, and highly specialized ones designed for drives of a certain brand, for example, only Samsung or only Western Digital.

Let's take a look at five popular and easiest-to-use programs for cloning hard drives to SSD or HDD of any manufacturer.

EASEUS Disk Copy

Farstone RestoreIT Pro is primarily a system and user data recovery tool after crashes, virus attacks, changes and accidental deletions.

As such, this program does not create disk clones, but it can create backups of any information on them.

The backup frequency in RestoreIT Pro can be configured at least hourly. And restoring to a saved copy is done by pressing one button.

RestoreIT Pro features:

  • the ability to restore the system even after the bootloader is damaged;
  • 2 backup modes - full and cumulative (saving only changed data);
  • monitoring the entire disk or only selected partitions;
  • storing the entire history of file changes, not just the last saved version.

The disadvantages of the program are a paid license ($24.95) and the lack of a disk cloning function.

Hello, friends! I bring to your attention an article in which I will show you, how to back up all hard drive partitions of a new laptop with installed Windows 8 in the Acronis True Image 13 program. I want to say that in this program you can backup any hard disk partition separately or all partitions together (this is how you want).

In the second part of the article, we will look at restoring a laptop from this backup in case it does not boot due to any errors. The True Image 13 program is paid, but nevertheless, letters with requests to do it detailed overview(especially when working with new laptops and GPT (GUID Partition Table) style hard drives) comes from you a lot.

So they say on the official website of the program!

Creating a laptop hard drive backup using Acronis True Image 13

Note: A full backup of the laptop hard drive or simple computer can be done not only with Acronis True Image 13, there are several more free ways. For example, or, if interested, follow the links and read the articles. It will be very cool if you play it safe and periodically use at least two ways to back up the hard drive of your computer or laptop.

In this article we will talk about the Acronis True Image 13 program, which, in my opinion, deserves a separate mention on our website and here's why.

I am sure you will be interested in our new articles about Acronis True Image.

Firstly, Acronis True Image is specially designed to create backup copies of operating systems and restore from these backups, under the most unfavorable circumstances, for example, you can recover even when your computer or laptop does not boot.

Secondly, Acronis True Image 13 is compatible with the new Windows 8 operating system.

Acronis can create a backup image of all or any hard disk partition (including Windows) of your computer or laptop, netbook separately at once and restore it (them) if necessary in place.

For comparison, if you use the Recovery program built into the laptop to create a backup, then you can only backup all the hard disk partitions together and restore it together, which will result in the loss of all information on your computer, laptop, netbook.

If you use built-in tools to create a backup image Windows Backup 8 and Windows 7, then the created image cannot be renamed and transferred anywhere, and HDD after creating the image, it will not be possible to further partition it, since after that there is a high risk of not recovering from the backup image.

With the help of Acronis True Image, you can create a backup copy on anything and transfer it anywhere, while restoring, Acronis will surely find its backup.
Acronis True Image can transfer your operating system to another hard disk partition or even to another hard disk and even to another computer. The backup copy can be divided into parts and renamed. Once, many years ago, I got acquainted with this program and still work with it, don't take it for advertising. Imagine, you install an operating system, then install about a hundred programs for working with text, video, graphics, the Internet, accounting, and so on, almost every program has its own installation features, sometimes it takes you several days to do everything about everything. And in the end, you create an archive backup of everything that you may have to work with for several years and then work quietly without fear that your operating system will crash or become inoperable for some reason. You can restore it at any time using the program... Acronis True Image 13 Nowadays, most computers and laptops are sold with Windows 8 installed and UEFI interface instead of BIOS, therefore, the hard drive on such devices has a new GPT partition table layout style (GUID Partition Table). Works stably with such devices latest version Acronis True Image 13. But even if you don't have new computer and the hard drive has an outdated MBR partition table, then Acronis True Image 13 will handle it even better.
On the official website you will find more information about the program. Choose "Home"

and you can download and install a trial version of the program for free, with which you can create an archive image of the operating system, consider all its features, but only one thing is impossible - to recover from a backup image. To do this, you will need to purchase the program. Creating a backup image in Acronis True Image 13 In the main program window, select Backup and Restore.

Backup disks and partitions.

Look carefully out the window Disk management of my laptop, you can see two hard drives, the first Disk 0 has four partitions:

The first section: System, hidden, 1.00 GB, Healthy (Recovery Partition), is a service partition of the laptop.

Partition 2: Unnamed, Hidden, 260 MB Healthy (Encrypted (EFI) system partition) belongs to the operating system.

Third partition: 687 GB, installed Windows 8 operating system, that is, drive C:

Fourth partition: Recovery, hidden, 10.75 GB, Healthy (Recovery Partition), this partition contains files with the factory settings of your laptop.

Disk 1: My Passport (E:) is our portable USB hard drive, in fact, on it we will place our backup image of all partitions of the laptop hard drive.

Acronis True Image 13 offers to include all existing laptop partitions in the backup image. If you have just bought a laptop or computer, then my advice to you. First of all, create a full backup image of all partitions of your laptop's hard drive, as the program suggests. To do this, it is best to switch to disk mode, but before that we look at what will be included in our backup image.

Click Switch to Disk Mode.

We tick the hard drive of our Toshiba laptop, now we need to select the location of the created image, click "Browse".

In the left window, select our portable USB hard drive My Passport (E:), click on it with the left mouse and click OK. Give the name of the backup in Latin or leave it by default, in my case - TOSHIBA MQ01. We press OK.

If you click the Archive button now, the process of creating a backup image of the laptop will begin, but before that, let's select the Backup Options button.

I want to say that they are optimally configured by default, but still some points are worthy of attention. For example, you can split a backup into several parts. I'll set this option to "Automatic"

Be sure to check the box "Archive in sector-by-sector mode"

And "Verify backup after it's created". We press OK.


The process of creating a backup copy of the entire laptop hard drive begins.

After successfully creating a backup archive, we look at exactly where our backup image was created on a portable USB hard drive, the folder E:\My backups\TOSHIBA MQ01.

Creating Acronis True Image 13 bootable media

And now be sure to create bootable media. The natural question is why. Friends, you need to create bootable media for Acronis True Image 13 in case of an emergency. For example, your laptop will not boot due to errors, and even our article will not help you restore it. Then we boot from bootable media (CD or flash drive) and restore our laptop from a backup image. How to do this is described in detail later in the article. But first, let's create a bootable media.

In the main window of the program, click on the Create bootable media button.

I will select a drive and create a boot disk with Acronis True Image 13. If you want to create bootable flash drive, connect it and it will appear in this window. Further.


The bootable media has been created.

Recovery process with boot disk Acronis True Image 13

You can also restore Windows 8 using Acronis True Image 13 from a running system, launch True Image 13 and select restore.

Caution: If you only backed up the C: drive, then all data on it will be replaced with the data from the backup. If you backed up the entire hard drive, then all information on your hard drive will be replaced with the data from the backup.

But usually, recovery using Acronis True Image is resorted to in extreme cases, that is, when the laptop does not boot at all and the program cannot do without a boot disk.

Imagine such a situation, our laptop does not boot! This can happen for many reasons. For example, we experimented with creating new partitions on our laptop and accidentally deleted the service partition with files Windows boot 8. Or you decided to reinstall Windows 8 on Windows 7, but something didn’t work out for you and now nothing is loading on your laptop, except for errors on a black screen. Or maybe you successfully reinstalled Windows 8 to Windows 7, but after using the seven for a while, you decided to return the laptop to its original factory state.

For example, for the experiment, I deleted all partitions on the laptop hard drive

And now I'm going to do a recovery. I want to keep you from such experiments, no need to unnecessarily mock your laptop.

Note: To restore from a backup, you first need to enter the UEFI BIOS of our laptop and disable the "Secure Boot" option ( You don't need to disable the UEFI option.! ),

otherwise, you will get an error when booting the laptop from the Acronis True Image 13 boot disk. If you do not know how to do this, read our article ".

So, we boot our laptop from the Acronis True Image 13 bootable media (CD or flash drive). If you don't know, follow the link and read.

For example, my laptop can be booted from a disk if, immediately after turning it on, I often press the F-12 key. The boot menu appears. I select the DVD-ROM with the Acronis True Image 13 boot disk.

Choose True Image

Sorry for the quality of the photos, but the operation of creating a backup archive, as well as restoring from it, I carry out on a real laptop, and not on virtual machine. So it's all for real.
Recovery Disks.


Finding a backup Windows archive 8. It is located on our USB My Passport (E :) portable hard drive, in the My backups\TOSHIBA MQ01 folder

Select it with the left mouse and click OK.

Put a tick on the item "In sector-by-sector mode"

Tick ​​"Disk 1" and all other partitions

Check "Restore Disk Signature" and click Next.

The program shows what and in what order it will restore. Proceed.

The process of restoring our laptop begins.