Why is the windows 7 laptop buggy. The laptop slows down, what should I do? How to increase the speed of a laptop? Windows Rescue Service: Properties Window

The reasons why the laptop began to work much slower are very diverse. If all this is accompanied by blue and black screens, it is possible that the problem is in the hardware. But first, you should always check your PC for malware with the latest anti-virus databases. Sometimes blue screen and “brakes” during operation are exclusively due to viruses, as the author of this article was convinced personally and repeatedly. So install a good antivirus, view the views antivirus programs you can, and periodically check the system so that this does not happen again.

Learn more about what to do when your laptop slows down

Check your laptop for viruses

If no viruses were found at all, and the system slows down and reboots even during a system scan, then the matter is 90% in hardware. The most common reason for this behavior is overheating of the video card (how can you check the temperature of the video card), processor or chipset (north or south "bridge"). You can find out the temperature of the processor using CPU-Z programs. For video cards on various chips, the temperature can be found using the Everest universal hardware identification program. In addition, there are specialized utilities for video cards (NVIDIA Inspector, universal SpeedFan, RivaTuner, etc.). You can check the correct operation of the video card by reading.

With "brakes" and periodic reboots, it is strongly not recommended to disassemble the laptop yourself - take it to a specialized service, where the problem will be solved by applying a new thermoplastic, replacing the cooler or device if overheating has damaged it.

Check your hard drive

Also, hardware problems can be caused by a hard drive that is about to fail. Characteristic signs of the approaching "finish" of the hard drive - frequent fading when accessing large files. To check it, you can use the MHDD or Victoria utility, which are supplied on the popular collection of programs for service engineers Hiren's Boot CD. If, in your opinion, the problem is clearly in the hard drive, then do not hesitate to save all valuable data to a USB flash drive or external USB HDD, and then bring the laptop to the service and replace the hard drive. It is strongly not recommended to repair this component of the system. After all, data security is paramount.

Clean your laptop of everything you don't need

The easiest category of problems that can cause a laptop to slow down are excessive hard drive clutter and a large number of heavy resident programs in random access memory. The easiest way to treat it is by removing unnecessary programs, files, as well as registry cleaners like Regclean or by running a hard disk defragmenter. For prevention, carry out these procedures regularly.

OS and laptop incompatibility

A less common type of problem is a mismatch between the performance of the hardware and the operating system. This difficulty arose most massively when Microsoft released the Vista OS and manufacturers began to pre-install it on laptops that clearly did not "pull" this OS. Then consider downgrading to previous version. Let's say that many of the owners of such laptops used the "Install XP" service and the performance of their new laptops has dramatically improved.

Over time, almost all laptop owners notice that the device starts to work more slowly. There can be many factors behind this behavior. The most common of these is obsolete equipment. For example, a new game with high system requirements lags because one of the laptop settings is too low. Most often, this parameter is RAM.

Eliminating the cause is quite simple - you need it, after which it will again work stably and quickly. But insufficient RAM is far from the only reason.

Decreased laptop performance due to viruses

Owners of equipment mistakenly believe that if an antivirus with new databases is installed on a laptop, then the device is protected from viruses. In fact, viruses spread easily and quickly through emails, downloaded files, and games from pirated resources. Often, new viruses work under the guise of system processes, so it is very difficult to detect them.

Some types of malware are divided into several files and run along with the operating system, making it almost impossible to remove them on your own. Other malware are installed on top of the operating system, settle in RAM, from where only .

If the laptop slows down and hangs, you should immediately check the system with an antivirus and remove all suspicious files. As a rule, all antiviruses have a similar interface:

  1. You need to run the program.
  2. Select "Scan" or "Check" (depending on the antivirus itself).
  3. Wait for the end of the check.
  4. Delete suspicious files.
  5. Verify device performance improvement.

File fragmentation

Owners of equipment may notice that the laptop has become very slow if files are not defragmented on time. Disorganized operating system files can reduce the efficiency of the device, which manifests itself in freezing and slowing down.

For defragmentation, a program is used that is already in the operating system, as well as third-party software. The program analyzes the state of unfragmented files and gives a signal about the need to perform defragmentation. The process may take some time, but after defragmenting the device, as a rule, it works faster. It is recommended to check and defragment regularly.

Registry files also need to be cleaned. Many uninstalled programs leave behind folders with some files that drag on the computer's shared resource, making it run slower. For example, it makes no sense to keep old saves from deleted games or shortcuts to startup programs that have already been deleted. There are many useful applications for cleaning the registry.

Applications running in the background

Even if the most powerful laptop started to work slower, you should make sure that there are no programs running in the background that reduce the performance of the device. All these processes are displayed in the task manager or the lower right corner. Programs such as antivirus should be running at all times, but some may well be turned off to reduce the load on CPU and working memory.

Other reasons affecting the speed of work

A decrease in the speed of the laptop may be caused by the appearance of bad sectors on the hard drive. This is a common problem with laptop computers that are over three years old. A third-party tool can be used to search for bad sectors software or standard operating system programs.

Even overheating a laptop threatens to reduce efficiency, freezes, spontaneous reboots, and even shutdowns. If the ventilation is clogged, then it cannot cope with the cooling of the processor, video chip and other parts. In this case, the laptop turns off. For this reason, it should be carried out regularly.

Correct settings operating system will help optimize the performance of the processor and RAM. For example, by increasing the paging file, you can significantly improve the performance of the device.

Modern mobile computers- complex devices and their owners sometimes face various failures themselves. One of the most common problems is performance degradation.

Applications that used to work stably, suddenly start to open slowly, and work even worse.

The first thing to do is to find out the reasons why the laptop slows down. After that, you can start solving the problem.

Causes and solutions

The standard situation is when, some time after the purchase, the user notices that the laptop does not work fast enough. There are many problems that can cause “brakes” in work. Fortunately, many of them users can fix on their own.

Consider the main reasons that lead to a drop in the speed of work:

  • a large amount of "garbage" in the system;
  • file fragmentation;
  • many programs in startup;
  • malware infection;
  • incorrect operation of applications;
  • hard drive problems
  • problems with the cooling system;
  • incorrect configuration or program incompatibility;
  • mechanical damage.

The above list makes it possible to visually verify that the problems that can slow down a mobile PC can be very different. Let's talk about them in more detail and give tips on how to eliminate them.

View: Why does the laptop slow down?

Lots of junk in the system

Users who frequently install and uninstall programs may encounter a situation where the system becomes too “littered” with various remnants of the software, due to which the PC starts to work incorrectly.

The thing is that during installation, most programs place special entries in the system registry, and uninstallation may not proceed correctly. As a result, system failures are observed. You can solve the problem with the help of special utilities for cleaning the system.

Here is a list of the most popular applications for cleaning the system of garbage:

  • CCleaner;
  • SlimCleaner Free;
  • Clean Master for PC;
  • Ashampoo WinOptimizer Free.

Most of these utilities are distributed free of charge and do not require special knowledge to use. You can find them on the official websites of the developers.

File fragmentation

During operation, a portable PC almost constantly accesses the hard drive, user information is written there, as well as the files necessary for operation. In this case, the saving takes place in the nearest free space on the hard disk for the heads. As a result, parts of the file may end up in different places on the hard drive - fragmented.

Large fragmentation of the hard drive leads to the fact that its heads are forced to constantly move back and forth when reading. It takes some time. As a result, the speed of the PC drops. To reduce this effect, it is recommended to periodically defragment.

Consider how to defragment a disk usingWindows:

Advice. The defragmentation process can take quite a long time, so it is better to run it at night or at other times when the PC is not planned to be used.


Many programs during installation are registered in automatic loading at OS startup. Users simply forget to uncheck the corresponding checkbox in the installer or do not suspect that this may lead to a decrease in performance.

In fact, any automatically launched application, like others, takes up RAM, loads the processor, and so on. Solving the problem is quite simple. You need to disable unnecessary software from autorun. You can do this using Windows tools or using third-party utilities, such as CCleaner.

Let's see how to set up programs to start automatically on boot. Windows means OS:


Very a big problem of today's PC users are viruses and other types of malware. They can steal important data, destroy information, and cause a variety of disruptions.

Here are a few tips to help reduce the risk of PC virus infection:

  1. install antivirus software on your computer;
  2. keep anti-virus databases up to date;
  3. check all files downloaded from the boarding school for viruses;
  4. turn on the firewall;
  5. do not visit suspicious sites;

In more than 60% of cases, the answer to the question why the game slows down on a laptop or the program runs slowly will sound - due to viruses. Fortunately, even if the infection has already occurred, you can use special utilities and cure your PC.

Here is a list of utilities that will help cure an already infected PC:

Simply download the program from the developer's website and start scanning. After a while, the application will show a list of infected files and offer to fix the problem.

Hanging processes and utilities

Programs and utilities create processes during operation, which in some situations “freeze” or begin to take up a lot of system resources. To solve the problem, you need to stop their execution.

Consider the procedure for removing the "hung" process:

If the situation repeats during the next launches of the application, then you need to update its version or find alternative software to perform tasks.

Problems with disk sectors

Bad sectors appear on the hard disk over time or after a crash, which leads to a decrease in the speed of writing and reading data. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to check the hard drive to detect and correct them. This can be done using the built-in Windows tool or third-party utilities.

Consider what to do to start the process of checking and restoring sectors using the OS tools:

Testing hard disk sectors and fixing errors takes a lot of time. This should be taken into account before running the utility.

Advice. If bad sectors appear frequently, then the hard drive should be replaced to eliminate the situation of data loss.

Cooling system in the saw or defective

If the cooling system fails or there is a large amount of dust inside the device case, normal heat dissipation is disrupted. As a result, it gets very hot. Upon reaching certain thresholds clock frequency reduced to reduce heat generation and performance drops.

In the event that the laptop overheats so much that it can threaten important elements such as the processor or video card, its operation stops and a forced shutdown occurs. You can eliminate this situation by regularly cleaning your mobile PC.

Consider how you can clean your laptop from dust at home on your own:

Attention! Often users are interested in whether a laptop can fail due to overheating. The answer is unequivocal: yes. Do not bring the situation to this.

Power Options

Some of the power saving mode settings on your notebook may result in slower operation. For example, running on battery power often slows down the processor clock speed, which increases battery life.

If at battery life If you need higher performance, then you need to configure power plans in the Control Panel. There you can also check the correctness of the settings for other modes.

Required or incompatible programs

Modern applications with each version increase the requirements for the hardware of the computer. Therefore, fresh games and other demanding applications can run slowly on laptops that are made a couple of years ago. Upgrading or replacing the mobile PC will help solve the problem.

An incompatible program installed on the system is another reason why a laptop often starts to slow down unexpectedly.

In this case, you should try the following steps:

  • download and install latest version applications;
  • enable compatibility mode with other OS versions;
  • reinstall Windows choosing a version more suitable for the software;
  • replace the program with a similar one.

If the incompatibility is related to the hardware, for example, RAM requirements, then you will have to upgrade or change the laptop.

Mechanical damage

The mobility of laptops leads to the fact that these devices are quite susceptible to mechanical damage. They are dropped, flooded, and so on. There are many problems because of this and they are very different.

It is not possible to fix problems that have arisen as a result of mechanical damage on your own. Need to contact the experts service center for testing and repair.

How to set up a laptop so that it does not slow down

Brakes in the work of a mobile PC can over time infuriate any user. Of course, as an option, you can replace it with a new one. But this will require spending a fairly large amount, and computers become obsolete very quickly.

Most users prefer to use the cheaper performance options. This:

  1. software setup;
  2. hardware upgrade.

Correct settingWindows for maximum performance is as follows:

  • regular cleaning of the system;
  • checking and eliminating errors, at least once every 1-3 months;
  • selection of suitable settings for power plans;
  • usage latest versions drivers;
  • setting more appropriate virtual memory settings;
  • removing unnecessary applications from autorun.

As a result, the performance of the system will grow, but at the same time it will never become higher than it was immediately after purchase. But upgrading the hardware can take the PC to the next level.

Video: So that our computer does not freeze

Increasing productivity

The reason for the low speed of laptops released relatively recently often lies not in the processor and video card, but in the use of rather slow hard drives and a small amount of RAM. Fortunately, increase the RAM and replace the hard drive with solid state drive You can do it without changing a lot of details. This will significantly increase the speed of work.


Before buying a new SSD drive and installing it in a laptop PC, you need to make sure that this is possible. Support is required from the BIOS and OS side. In the computer settings, the ACHI mode of the SATA controller must be present.

Important! You need to understand that to use all the features of SSD drives, you need Windows 7 and higher, some technologies are not supported on XP.

It would be useful to check the supported modes of the SATA controller using special utilities, for example, HWiNFO, before buying. If only SATA-II mode is supported, then buying faster drives is pointless.

When buying RAM, you should pay attention to the supported frequency and the maximum amount that can be installed. This can be done in the technical documentation on the manufacturer's website.

Installing an SSD

Installing an SSD drive in a laptop is usually done to replace an old hard drive.

To carry out this procedure, you must perform the following steps:

BIOS check

The correct operation of the SSD drive is ensured only in ACHI mode. It is he who allows you to send the trim command, which in the background allows the drive to clear cells containing deleted files.

Let's see how to installBIOS PC modeACHIforSATA controller:

Reinstalling Windows

After installing a new drive, the operating system and other programs are not on it, so you will need to run new installation OS. This will require a bootable USB flash drive or disk.

Consider the basic steps that must be performed to install the OSWindows:

  1. boot from the installation media;
  2. select the "Full installation" mode;
  3. tell the system that the installation should be done on an SSD with free space;
  4. follow the prompts of the installer;
  5. restart your computer;
  6. in the BIOS SETUP menu, set the SSD to the first in the boot priority list.

Video: How to install Windows

Driver installation

The correct operation of the internal and external devices of the computer is ensured by special utilities - drivers. After reinstalling Windows, you will need to reinstall them.

Here are the main steps to follow to install the drivers:

  1. downloading drivers from the official site;
  2. unpacking the received archives if necessary;
  3. installation using the installers from the kit or using OS tools.

Setup without OS installation

In some cases, after installing a new drive, users do not want to completely reinstall the operating system, and also want to keep all existing data. In this case, you can use special programs to clone the system to a new drive, for example, Acronis® true image HD.

Additional OP

Many laptops until a few years ago came with a maximum of 2 GB of RAM. At the same time, expanding the RAM can significantly increase the speed of the system.

Most laptops allow you to install two sticks of RAM, and accessing them is very simple. To do this, as a rule, it is enough to remove the cover from the bottom of the PC.

Important! Before buying new modules, you must familiarize yourself with the specification and purchase only brackets that are compatible with the device model.

Consider the process of replacing or installing additional memory in a laptop:

  1. power off the PC and remove the battery;
  2. open the RAM compartment;
  3. if necessary, remove the old modules;
  4. install new memory sticks;
  5. close the RAM compartment.

There are many ways to improve the speed of a laptop. Therefore, if the laptop suddenly starts to slow down, it makes sense to consider them first, and only then think about spending money on buying a new portable PC.


One of the most common problems encountered in the operating room Windows system 7 - a computer or laptop "stupid" or "slows down". This is manifested in the fact that the device starts to load much more slowly, respond to user actions, and in the end it does not slow down easily, but refuses to work. There are a lot of reasons for this hiccup. They can be divided into two main blocks:

In each individual case, different actions must be taken. Consider the most common slow Windows problems, as well as ways to solve them.

For a fast computer or laptop, the system requires a sufficient amount of memory. Most often, Windows is installed on the C drive. Due to inexperience, users install all other programs on it (sometimes even in system folders, like “program files” or “system 32”). Make sure that the drive on which you have installed Windows has enough disk space for comfortable work.

Delete all unnecessary files, programs that are on the system drive. It usually includes the following directories:

  • Desktop;
  • downloads;
  • My documents (library, images);
  • basket files.

By the way, it is recommended to clean the desktop first. The presence on it of a huge number of different files, shortcuts, folders, several times reduces the performance of a computer or laptop. Having freed up enough free space (so that the disk bar is displayed in blue, not red), the computer will hang noticeably less.

System file corruption

The next reason that a computer or laptop is very slow may be damage or the absence of files and folders that are important for the system to work. The reasons may be different:

  1. Initially wrong installed Windows 7.
  2. Critical errors after using the installed Windows for a long time.
  3. Consequences of system infection by malicious files.
  4. Improper operation of a computer or laptop.
  5. Accidental deletion of important system files.
  6. Incorrect removal of third-party applications.
  7. Consequences of incorrect work with the registry.

Most easy way to fix the above problems, perform a system restore. The advantage of this function is that the procedure does not affect programs that the user himself installed on the computer (drivers and other software) or other personal files, but only checks the integrity of the system. If necessary, the missing files are loaded and the computer slows down less. Carrying out this procedure cannot have a negative effect, and after the restoration the computer will only work faster.

If the damage is too serious, you have carried out the recovery, and the computer or laptop is still dull or slow, then you can think about the option of reinstalling Windows. This should only be done as a last resort.

Garbage in the registry and startup

As you use your laptop or computer (installing and removing programs, copying files, USB connection devices, etc.) in the system Windows registry accumulates a lot of records (). Some are duplicated, others are entered there by mistake. All this leads to the appearance system errors, applications conflict with each other, and the computer slows down and works slowly. To improve the performance of a computer or laptop, it is recommended to clean the registry. Of course, you don't have to do it manually. It is best to use the free CCleaner utility. In it, you can not only fix registry errors, but also configure startup settings.

Many programs that are installed on a computer are loaded at system startup. Sometimes these can be completely unnecessary applications that the user rarely uses, but when launched and working offline, they consume system resources. removing unnecessary programs from Windows autorun, the computer will not only boot faster at startup, but also work.

Virus infection

As a rule, the virus works in a hidden mode and requires a lot of system resources, for this reason the computer slows down. The following symptoms can indicate that a computer or laptop is infected with viruses:

  • freezing of the device when performing certain actions (for example, opening “my computer” explorer is updated for a long time);
  • files and folders are not deleted, on the contrary, they disappeared or cannot be opened;
  • critical errors began to appear;
  • changed in the browser Homepage, the default search engine, third-party extensions or intrusive ads have been added;
  • appeared third party programs, which cannot be removed;
  • the processor is 100% loaded with closed programs;
  • it is not possible to perform a system restore, start the task manager, or end one of the processes.

The problem of infection with viruses is complicated by the fact that they have a high priority. This means that if the system has a choice: perform an action requested by a user or a virus, priority will be given to the virus. Hence, there is a noticeable delay when running applications, and the computer slows down. To solve the problem, do the following:

  • install an antivirus if you don't already have it;
  • scan your computer for infected files;
  • send found files to quarantine or delete.

The virus is blocking the launch or installation of the antivirus program

Sometimes infected files change system settings. This results in the inability to run or install the antivirus. In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. Use the express check program. Such software does not require installation and is completely free;
  2. Perform a system restore. If this is also blocked by a virus, then reinstalling Windows will help save the computer (via bootable flash drive or disk,);
  3. Before making a complete reset Windows don't forget to save important information to another flash drive (it must be empty), and then scan it on another device for viruses (if the files are infected).

As a rule, a rapid virus test gives a positive result and takes no more than 30 minutes. After such cleaning, the computer or laptop will work much faster.

Hardware failure

If the computer slows down a lot or starts to freeze completely for a certain time, while making strange sounds (knocking, creaking, noise), then this may indicate a serious internal breakdown and malfunction of the hardware. There are a number of problems that affect the speed of the computer, and some of them are quite within the power to determine the average user:

  • malfunction hard drive;
  • overheating of the processor due to a failure of the cooling system;
  • cooler failure;
  • the presence of dust in the system unit or laptop.

Hard drive failure

The speed of a computer or laptop is more than 70% dependent on the hard drive. Unfortunately, hard is not eternal and tends to wear out. When this moment comes, some slowdowns are noticeable in the system. This is due to the fact that the hard one consists of sectors on which information is stored. From time to time they are erased and marked by the system as "broken".

When the computer, reading information, enters a “broken” sector, the system crashes (a characteristic sound may appear), the computer freezes until it moves to another sector. Such a freeze can lead to a critical error and reboot the system. The more “broken” sectors, the more often the computer slows down and the closer the time when the hard one will have to be completely changed. This problem is inevitable, but it can be removed as much as possible and the consequences reduced. To do this, do the following:

  1. Defragment at least once a month. Full instructions.
  2. When cleaning your computer from dust, do not forget about the hard one, heating negatively affects it.
  3. Avoid physical impact on the hard drive from the outside.

If you suspect that one of the sectors is “broken”, use special utilities to search for and restore them.

We are looking for broken (marked in red) sectors on the hard using the Hd Tune Pro utility


Another common cause of slow computer performance is overheating of computer components. It is quite easy to diagnose such a malfunction by the following signs:

  • The computer boots quickly and works for a while, then performance drops sharply.
  • The cooler makes a lot of noise or you can't hear it at all.
  • The computer turns off unexpectedly.
  • If you have a laptop, you can simply put your hand on it and check the temperature by touch (there have been cases when the computer overheated so much that you could burn yourself!).

If the cause of slow operation is overheating, then you need to do the following:

  • Determine which of the components is overheating (processor, chipset, hard). You can do this using any free utility or even gadgets for your desktop. Windows desktop 7.
  • clean up system unit or a laptop from dust, if necessary, change the thermal paste.

This procedure will not only increase the speed of your device, but also extend its life.


The computer cannot start to slow down unexpectedly (with the exception of a physical impact on it, after which this can actually happen). Any problem starts gradually. In order for the device not to disturb you with malfunctions for as long as possible, you need to do a number of procedures that will help improve performance:

  • Keep track of the amount of free memory.
  • Sort installed programs and delete them properly.
  • Check the registry for errors.
  • Defragment.
  • Clean your computer from dust.
  • Remove in time unnecessary garbage from the desktop, empty the trash, etc.
  • Watch out for autoload.
  • Scan your system for viruses.

All this does not require much time or special knowledge, but it will save you a lot of nerves for the future.

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I often get asked questions of this nature (as in the title of the article). I recently received a similar question and decided to write a small note on the blog (by the way, you don’t even need to come up with topics, people themselves suggest what they are interested in).

At all, old laptop- this is quite relative, it’s just that different people mean different things by this word: for some, old is the thing that was bought six months ago, for others it is a device that is already 10 years old or more. It is quite difficult to give advice without knowing what specific device we are talking about, but I will try to give a “universal” instruction on how to reduce the number of brakes on an old device. So, …

1) Choice of OS (operating system) and programs

No matter how trite it may sound, but the first thing to decide is operating system . Many users do not even look at the requirements and install Windows 7 instead of Windows XP (although the laptop has 1 GB of RAM). No, the laptop will work, but slowdowns are provided. I don't know what is the point - to work in the new OS, but with brakes (in my opinion, it's better in XP, especially since this system is quite reliable and good (still, although many criticize it)).

In general, the message here is simple.: see system requirements OS and your device, compare and choose the best option. I don't comment here anymore.

We should also say a few words about the choice of programs. I hope everyone understands that the speed of its execution and the amount of resources that it will require depend on the algorithm of the program and on what language it is written in. So, sometimes when solving the same problem, different software works differently, this is especially noticeable on older PCs.

For example, I still found the times when WinAmp, praised by all, when playing files ( however, the parameters of the system unit now, kill me, I don’t remember) often jammed and “chewed”, despite the fact that nothing else was running besides him. At the same time, the DSS program ( this is a DOS player, now, probably, no one has heard of it) played calmly, moreover, clearly.

Now I'm not talking about such an old iron, but still. Most often, old laptops want to be adapted for some task (for example, look / receive mail, like some kind of directory, like a small shared file exchange, just like a backup PC).

Therefore, a few tips:

  • Antiviruses: I am not an ardent opponent of antiviruses, but still, why do you need it on an old computer on which everything slows down anyway? In my opinion, it is better sometimes to check disks and Windows with third-party utilities that do not need to be installed on the system. You can see them in this article:
  • Audio and video players: The best way- download 5-10 players and check each one yourself. Thus, quickly determine which one is better to use. You can read my thoughts on this issue here:
  • Browsers: in his review article for 2016. I gave several light antiviruses, they can be used (). You can also use the link above, which was given for the players;
  • I also recommend getting some set of utilities for cleaning and maintaining the Windows OS on the laptop. I introduced readers to the best of them in this article:

2) Windows OS optimization

Have you ever thought that two laptops with the same characteristics, and even with identical software, can work at different speeds and stability: one will freeze, slow down, and the second one will open and play video, music, and programs quickly enough.

It's all about the OS settings, in the "garbage" on the hard drive, in general, in the so-called optimization . In general, this moment is worthy of a whole huge article, here I will give the main thing that needs to be done and give links (for the benefit of similar articles on optimizing the OS and cleaning it - I have a “sea”!):

  1. Disabling unnecessary services: by default, there are quite a lot of services that many do not even need. For example, Windows auto-update - in many cases, brakes are observed because of this, just update manually (once a month, let's say);
  2. Setting the theme, Aero environment- A lot depends on the chosen topic. The best option is to choose a classic theme. Yes, the laptop will look like a Windows 98 PC - but resources will be saved (most people don't spend most of their time staring at the desktop anyway);
  3. Autoload settings: for many, the computer turns on for a long time and starts to slow down immediately after turning it on. Usually, this is due to the fact that Windows startup there are dozens of programs (from torrents in which there are hundreds of files, to all kinds of weather forecasts).
  4. Disk Defragmenter: from time to time (especially if file system FAT 32, and on older laptops it can often be found) you need to do a defragmentation. There are a huge number of programs for this, you can do something;
  5. Cleaning Windows from "tails" and temporary files: often when a program is uninstalled, various files and registry entries remain from it (such unnecessary data is called "tails"). All this needs to be removed from time to time. The link to the utility kits was given above (the cleaner built into Windows, in my opinion, cannot cope with this);
  6. Virus and adware check A: Certain types of viruses can affect performance as well. You can get acquainted with the best antivirus programs in this article:;
  7. Checking the load on the CPU, which applications create it: it happens that the task manager shows CPU usage at 20-30%, but there are no applications that load it! In general, if you suffer from an incomprehensible processor load, then this is told about it.

3) "Thin" work with drivers

Very often, many complain about the brakes in games on old computers, laptops. It is possible to squeeze performance out of them a little, as well as 5-10 FPS (which in some games can be squeezing, as they say, “a breath of air”), by fine-tuning the video driver.

In general, this should be done carefully. At the very least, download those drivers for which there are positive reviews, and in the description of which your equipment is listed.

4) Temperature check. Cleaning of dust, replacement of thermal paste.

Well, the last thing I wanted to dwell on in a similar article is temperature. The fact is that no one ever cleans old laptops (at least those that I have seen) not from dust, nor from small specks, crumbs, etc. “good”.