The phone cannot focus. Quick solution if your smartphone camera doesn't focus

iPhone is one of the most branded and sought-after smartphones all over the world. The combination of quality and style helped to achieve such popularity. But the owners of this gadget periodically encounter problems during operation. The iPhone doesn't focus is one of them.

Looking for a reason

Before moving on to the breakdown, you should find out what caused it. Common reasons include:

  • damage to the camera when dropped;
  • water or moisture entering the phone body;
  • system failure;
  • shortage RAM for the operation of an application related to the operation of the camera;
  • problem with the firmware;
  • others.

Attention, there is a reboot in progress!

The most basic way to deal with things that don't focus iPhone camera- reboot the gadget. This method works with almost everyone mobile devices and computers. The fact is that when you reboot, the system restarts all the services necessary for the smooth functioning of the phone.

It is possible that one of the services associated with the camera was faulty or closed as a result of a failure. There is nothing critical about this, and the gadget will not require repairs.

Phone is rebooted, free up some space

Physical damage is not always the reason why the iPhone 5 camera won't focus. When you have multiple apps running on your phone at the same time, one of them may crash. This is not necessarily camera software, but any other software as well.

The lack of normal functioning is explained by the filling of RAM. Although the iPhone is a powerful gadget, it cannot work synchronously with several intensive applications at once. Try not to turn off necessary programs. To do this, double-click the "Home" button and pull up the window with the application that is no longer required.


Still having a problem with the camera? Well, let's try another way. Connect your phone to your PC and use iTunes. Reset your phone to factory settings to return your device to its original appearance. The data will be saved, but the settings will be lost. There is nothing critical about this, the main thing is that the system will return to normal and the camera will begin to function normally.

Nothing helped?

If the camera, as before, refuses to work normally, then the problem is not in the system, but in damage to the device itself. In this case, you should not do anything yourself, but rather contact the Apple customer service center, where they will diagnose and repair the camera, if necessary.

Our whole life consists of memories. We carefully store them in memory, periodically fishing out the most pleasant and positive moments. For a long time now, cameras have been helping us in this matter. A well-taken photograph can convey to us a variety of sensations: subtle human emotions, the beauty of nature or the violence of the elements. An important help in this matter is the ability of photographic equipment to focus, i.e. to highlight the sharpness of a certain zone or object. But what to do if your camera suddenly stops “catching focus” and the whole image looks cloudy and blurry?

What are the signs of camera focusing problems?

The symptoms associated with this are known to any amateur photographer. This failure is accompanied by:

  • Lack of sharpness in pictures;
  • The inability to “catch focus” both in automatic and manual mode;
  • In some cases, the lens does not retract completely when the device is turned off.

Any of the above signs is a reason to sound the alarm. This function is the most important attribute of any camera; without it it is impossible to get a high-quality photo.

Main causes of failure

Failure of this function is possible for two main reasons: software and hardware. The first involves changing the device settings, and the second involves violating the integrity or performance of individual parts of the camera. First of all, make sure you didn't accidentally go to manual mode Focus settings and all device settings correspond to those before the breakdown. Another reason why focusing does not work is that various parts of the device are damaged. The main ones include:

  • Sand or other small particles getting into the lens;
  • Focusing motor failure (lubricant thickening, water ingress, etc.);
  • The focusing lens position sensor or the lens position sensor does not work.

Eliminating these breakdowns is more labor-intensive and requires special specialist training. The focusing motor and focusing lens are part of one complex system. They are extremely small, and it is very difficult to fix such a breakdown on your own, without the help of a professional. The principle of their operation is as follows: the lens is located on a rotating shaft, which is adjusted using gears connected to a motor. Depending on the position of these components, the focal distance to the object also changes.


What to do in this situation? If we talk about software violations, then all you need to do is take a good look at the focus settings and bring them back to normal. Troubleshooting hardware problems requires a lot of effort. If the focusing motor malfunctions, you need to completely disassemble the mechanism, wash it and change the oil. Inoperative focusing lens and lens position sensors must be replaced. If sand gets under the lens, you will need to sort out the mechanism and then clean it.

All these manipulations cannot be carried out at home - they require the intervention of a specialist. We employ highly qualified specialists who will quickly repair your device.

A common problem faced by phone owners is that the camera stops focusing. If the camera stops focusing, then before contacting a repair service or replacing the phone, you can try to solve the problem yourself.

How to Diagnose a Camera Focus Problem

Problems with camera focusing appear in the form of blurry photos. In order not to confuse this with a situation where focusing works but, you need to check that there are no dust particles on the camera and under its protective glass. After this, point at objects located on at different distances and take photos. If some objects come out clear, but those closer or further away are blurry, then there is a problem with focusing. For example, landscapes may be obtained, but photos taken close up, such as a portrait, will not. Sometimes the camera remains in macro mode and the rest of the photo is blurry. These are all signs of broken focus.

There are two reasons why the camera may not work correctly. The first software is a malfunction in the camera software or the system software of the phone responsible for controlling the camera. Second hardware - the mechanical part in the camera module does not work.

How to fix phone camera focusing

  1. Check your photography software settings carefully. Change the shooting mode from portrait, macro, etc. in automatic. If the program has a factory reset, perform it.
  2. Install another photography program and try how focusing works in it.
  3. If the tips above did not help, you need to reset your phone to factory settings. This will delete all data, so you must first save contacts from phone book, photos, data from applications. Here are the solutions software problem with a non-focusing camera are finished.
  4. A hardware problem with focusing often occurs if the phone was hit unsuccessfully, for example, it fell. There is a mechanical part in the camera that could have become jammed. In this situation, you need to try gently tapping the phone on a hard surface. In this case, you can turn on the camera, place and remove objects in front of it, forcing you to try to focus. If there is a macro mode, turn it on. A camera repaired in this way may not work for long.
  5. You can try to move the camera lens slightly, turning it slightly in different directions. In modern phones, this can only be done under service conditions or if you have experience in disassembling phones and.
  6. The last step to fix a phone camera focusing that isn't working is to replace the camera module. When contacting service, it is better to replace the entire camera module. Because if they move it, there is no guarantee that it will work for a long time.

Modern phones have long ceased to be ordinary dialers. One of the important functions of a mobile phone is the built-in camera. The quality of shooting is constantly improving and has already reached such characteristics that the smartphone has turned into a full-fledged camera. But there are times when problems arise with the camera on your phone (or tablet). Why this happens, the main symptoms of the malfunction and how to repair the phone camera will be discussed later in the article.

Basic camera malfunctions

Important! Without diagnostics

Problems with the camera arise for various reasons. It’s hard to say what to do and how much repairs will cost without diagnostics. For example, water got into the phone and the camera stopped working. In this case, both the camera module itself and the control circuits may fail. It may be possible to restore the damaged elements, but you may have to replace the camera. The second case is that the phone has fallen heavily and the camera does not turn on. In this case, the camera cable may come off and you just need to re-latch it; the camera matrix may be damaged and will have to be replaced; there may be problems with the power controller, etc. I think the point is clear - preliminary diagnosis is needed.

1. Camera error

When you try to turn on the camera, the message "Failed to connect to the camera. Try rebooting the device" appears. The cause of this error may be water getting inside the phone, a malfunction of the camera module, or even the appearance of . Need diagnostics.

2. The camera does not turn on or the phone freezes

When you try to turn on the camera, the phone does not go into photo or video mode, hangs on the camera curtain, or the application simply does not load and crashes. All other functions work. It may also happen that if you try to turn on the camera, the phone freezes, does not respond to anything, and only rebooting or removing the battery helps. This can happen due to a malfunction of the camera module, for example, after the phone has been dropped, water has gotten inside, or even a manufacturing defect. In this case, the problems may be both in the hardware and in the .

3. Camera won't focus

When pointing the phone at an object, the camera cannot focus on the latter. Neither manual nor auto focusing helps. Photos turn out blurry even in daylight. An effect may be observed when the camera takes pictures normally near (or vice versa far away), but when changing focal length"smears". This camera problem may be caused by lens shift or improper alignment. Sometimes this can be fixed manually, but more often you have to change the camera module.

4. Phone doesn't save photos

The camera turns on and takes pictures, but the pictures are not saved either to the phone's memory or to the flash card. This usually happens when the phone’s firmware fails, possibly after infection with a virus. The smartphone’s memory may also be full and there is simply nowhere to save the pictures. We need to figure it out, but most likely the problem will be solved by flashing it.

5. The camera stopped working after getting water.

If water gets into the phone, there is a risk that the liquid will oxidize radioelements until they are completely beyond repair. First of all, the control circuits with full supply voltage are turned off, and this is precisely the power supply for the camera flash, screen backlight and others. Repairing a recessed telephone is a completely separate topic; we advise you to take measures according to the article "".

6. Camera flash does not work

In this case, the first thing to do is check your camera settings and make sure that the flash mode is turned on. Alternatively, you can check if the flash is working properly in flashlight mode. If it does not light, then the problem is clearly hardware. The malfunction can occur after water gets into the phone, when the backlight power supply rots. The LED may fail due to frequent use of the flashlight. There may also be a manufacturing defect during assembly. The phone needs to be examined.

When shooting iPhone video can't focus. Is this a phone defect or a settings problem?

Hello, Alena.

iPhone owners sometimes experience focusing problems; this is more common in Plus models with an optical image stabilization system.

To get started you need:

1. Reboot your smartphone.

2. Make sure the camera lens is not completely or partially covered. On or under safety glass Small debris may get in or the module itself may move slightly to the side.

3. Various accessories, such as a metal case, an attached lens, or a magnetic case, may interfere with proper image stabilization. Remove all additional accessories.

4. Try manually focusing on specific object, tap the subject on the screen before shooting.

5. Try any third party camera app from App Store, for example, Camera+ Free.

If problems are observed only when using accessories, you will have to use the smartphone without them, if third party application everything works fine - you need to restore the firmware on the iPhone via iTunes.

If the problems disappear during manual stabilization or do not disappear at all, you will have to contact service center. Most likely, the issue is a defective or failed camera module.

Sometimes it works right out of the box, sometimes it starts to fail over time or after the gadget is dropped. In the first two cases, you are entitled to warranty repairs or replacement of the smartphone, and in the latter you will have to pay for the repair of the device.