You can download Skype analogs here. We select a program-alternative to Skype for replacement

Skype malfunctions do not happen very often, however, to have an alternative that can replace the world's most popular means of making calls on the Internet is still worth it, just in order to have a way out of any problem situation... Fortunately, there are a great many alternatives for Skype on iPhone and iPad, the best of which we will tell you about today.


In order to make video calls anywhere in the world, iPhone and iPad owners do not even need to resort to assistance third party applications... FaceTime, which first appeared on iOS devices in 2010, is being used by more and more people every year who value convenience and simplicity.

You can access FaceTime by clicking on the application icon located on one of the desktops of your mobile device. You can call using FaceTime to contacts from your phone book, to specific names, and even to the email address that your interlocutor's Apple ID is registered to. Communication via FaceTime, as many have already understood, can only be carried out between the owners of the "apple" technology.


The fring application has not been updated for a very long time, but the tool copes with its main function in 2015. With fring, you can use your iPhone or iPad to call anyone for free, set up a group video meeting, or start texting. While fring is similar in functionality to FaceTime, you can make calls to devices running a wide variety of platforms.


Much better known to the public, especially in Russia, is Viber as a means of correspondence and making video calls. Working on all possible platforms, having funny stickers and nice design and not requiring any financial investments, Viber can rightfully be called the main substitute for Skype.

ooVoo Video Chat

At a time when the first webcams began to be installed by users on still rounded monitors, almost the only program for organizing video meetings was ooVoo. The developers of the utility have not abandoned their business to this day, releasing an improved version of ooVoo Video Chat for all popular platforms. The features of the application for iPhone and iPad include the remarkably implemented integration with the address book, Facebook and WhatsApp and the excellent image quality with which ooVoo Video Chat delights its users.


And the last tool in our small collection of Skype “substitutes” is the well-known VSee program. Immediately I would like to make two reservations: firstly, the utility has only a version for iPad, and, secondly, it is aimed more at conducting business video meetings. Using VSee, you can see all conference participants on one screen, broadcast windows of working applications and be able to quickly switch between external and front cameras.

Skype allows you to make video calls, audio calls, and exchange messages over the Internet (between two computers or phones on which this software is installed).

Communication takes place in real time and is quite stable at normal Internet speed; nevertheless, such software puts a significant load on the hardware resources of a computer or phone.

For this reason, some users want a better and lighter Skype alternative.

Program selection

Why is it so important to choose the most suitable software for you?

First of all, a big role is played by functionality- it is important that the software has all the necessary functions, but there are not too many of them ( since the extra functionality makes the application more difficult to operate, increases its "weight" and the load it puts on the operative memory b).

It is also very important that the management of the program is as convenient as possible - this plays an especially significant role for people who use such software quite often or regularly.

Comparative characteristics

Usually, in addition to the functionality, when choosing a program, factors such as, for example, the cost and availability of Russification (menu design in Russian) are of great importance.

The table below summarizes the main characteristics of alternative programs to make it easier to choose between them.

Comparative characteristics of programs alternative to Skype
NameDevice typePriceSecurityFile uploadAudio callsVideo callsFormat
ViberSmartphone, tabletIs freeLowYesYesYesapplication
OOVOOIs freeLowYesYesYesonline service
TOXSmartphone, tabletIs freeHighYesYesYesapplication
Google hangoutsSmartphone, tablet based on AndroidFree (pre-installed)NoImages onlyYesYesapplication
Apple face timeSmartphone, tablet, Personal Computer based on AppleFree (pre-installed)HighYesYesYesapplication
KAKAOTALKSmartphone, tablet, personal computerIs freeRelativeYesYesYesapplication
BleepSmartphone, tablet, personal computerIs freeHighYesYesYesapplication

Each of the options discussed below is described in more detail.

They are located in a top format based on user feedback.


Currently, Skype is the most popular software for communicating by this method, but "breathes in his back."

This application is the second most popular after Skype, due to the fact that it is distributed free of charge, easy to use and provides access to various additional functionality.

Feature is that it is designed to work on a smartphone and allows communication between devices on which such an application is installed.

It is maximally optimized to work on mobile device while the PC is less optimized.

In particular, it has a greater impact on the hardware of the device. However, Viber is only suitable for those users who call from a phone, not a PC.

  • The import of contacts saved on the device to the program is automatic;
  • There are assemblies designed to work on all existing mobile platforms;
  • The functionality is very diverse (audio and video calls, sending messages, chat device, sending files of different formats).
  • Strict communication with the mobile phone number
  • low security of the phone.

Here's what users say about this app:

“The application is simply installed, it is synchronized with the list of contacts, thanks to which, immediately after installation, you will see in the phone book which subscriber also has Viber installed. Easy to use, has a wide gallery of interesting emoji ".


This service is quite far behind in popularity from Viber and Skype, however, it is also quite widespread.

The essential difference is that it is still a service that works through a browser, not an application.

Thus, you do not need to install additional software to use the service.

The peculiarity of the application is that it can work on any devices that have a browser, both mobile and stationary.

It does not take up additional memory, since it is not installed directly, but it is not very convenient to use, since you need to constantly open the browser.

Therefore, it is suitable for people who use this type of bundle infrequently and do not want to load the phone's memory with unnecessary applications.

  • No need to download the program;
  • High stability of communication - in this indicator it surpasses even Skype and Viber;
  • Various functionality, for example, demonstrating your desktop to chat participants, etc.;
  • A large number of chat participants is 12 people, while in Skype the user is limited to 10.
  • A significant disadvantage of using such a service is that stable work with it is achieved only with a sufficiently high Internet speed.

Users comment on the app as follows:

“An excellent program, it worked almost flawlessly, if there were any problems, it was only in connection with the speed of the Internet. However, with the last update, problems began - the software does not start stable enough, it causes failures in other programs that use the Internet, while there have been no significant improvements after the update. "


This service is quite new and has not yet had time to be widely distributed among users, but even with this in mind, it already bypasses in popularity many services of a similar type, even older ones.

This messenger is still under development, although the existing version is no longer beta and is stable enough for comfortable operation.

The application is significantly different in that it transfers data directly between subscribers, without using any system for their temporary storage and transcoding.

The program is not bad both in terms of functionality and other characteristics, but nevertheless it is in many ways inferior to Skype.

Has a set of only "basic" functions. In addition, it is significantly inferior to Skype in terms of security and data privacy protection.

However, it is suitable for those who regularly work, since in this case it is easy to get used to its functionality, and besides, there is no need to additionally download and install the program.

  • Cross-platform with a Google account;
  • Simple synchronization of participants and adding them to the contact list;
  • Availability of all standard functions;
  • Minimal load on the hardware due to the optimization for Android devices;
  • The ability to stream conferences directly to YouTube, as well as other opportunities for interaction with other Google services.
  • Inability to use in the absence of a Google account;
  • Transfers files of only one format - images;
  • It has no privacy protection at all.

Users say the following about this messenger:

“Nice minimalistic design, all the necessary functions are present. However, it "weighs" a lot for its functionality, and besides, it has an inconvenient field for entering text (too narrow). "

Apple facetime

The program is similar in many respects to the previous type.

It was also originally designed for devices with only one type of operating system - and is also preinstalled on all smartphones from Apple.

She can communicate exclusively between subscribers who have such a device, and only if they have an Apple ID.

Stable operation of the program is noted due to the fact that it is maximally optimized for this type of operating system.

It does not require download and installation, does not take up a lot of memory and is easy to use.

In general, if the user is accustomed to Apple products, working with the program should not be difficult.

  • Featuring audio and video synchronization;
  • High stability of communication;
  • No bugs and crashes.
  • only Apple device owners can use it
  • functionality is narrower in comparison with other applications

User reviews of the app are as follows:

"This application spends a lot less traffic than Skype, it is quite convenient to use, in addition, it takes up a small amount of memory and does not need to be downloaded."


The application is gradually gaining popularity in European countries, while in South Korea it has long been occupying one of the leading positions in the ranking, because it was developed specifically for use in this region. And much later it became widespread in Europe and the USA.

  • Availability of assemblies suitable for any platform and operating system;
  • The presence of all the necessary communication functions with a minimum load on the device memory and its hardware.
  • it was originally developed for South Korea, and all data is processed on the servers of this state
  • during its operation, significant delays can be observed, because in fact the signal goes from you to the Russian Federation, first to South Korea, and then from there it returns to the Russian Federation to its addressee
  • the interface does not have Russification, that is, it is not translated into Russian.
  • information security and privacy of correspondence are at a rather low level. However, this presents a particular problem primarily for local users (i.e. South Koreans). For users in other regions, the app is mostly safe.

Users leave quite different reviews on this application, for example, such:

“I like the wide possibilities of personalizing the application - you can set different color schemes, choose wallpapers from the proposed ones, or upload your own. There is a wide range of emoticons, stickers and emojis that have no analogues in other messengers. It is an ideal messenger for people who appreciate good functionality, stable work and beautiful design of programs. "


This application is the closest analogue of TOX in terms of functionality, features and even appearance.

However, it has a number of minor flaws and shortcomings. which make it less in demand and popular.

This software does not have any specific control center, but only connects subscribers with each other directly.

Registration in the program is very simple - in fact, it is completely absent.

Users are not assigned any identification numbers, etc., as in TOX - you just need to specify your username.

The functionality is not very wide, but all the necessary functions are available.

  • There are versions designed for different types of devices, different platforms and operating systems;
  • This application has the highest level of privacy and data security - since communication is carried out directly between users, and in addition, all data is securely encrypted.
  • with Skype and stability.

    In addition, the program has a very complex encryption code, due to which high security of use is achieved, because it is almost impossible to decrypt the data.

    Distinctive feature of the application- stable work even with a sufficiently low internet speed.

    However, despite all this, the program has received very little distribution so far.

    But a significant disadvantage is that the software is focused only on the PC.

    Currently, a version for Android has also been developed, but it is extremely unstable, raw, and, in fact, it is impossible to use it fully.

    LinPhone- fairly easy to use, cross-platform client. Allows you to maintain a stable connection even with a significant load of the bandwidth. A significant advantage is cross-platform - there are versions for different operating systems.

    The traffic is well encrypted, which ensures high communication security.

    In addition, calls made, both audio and video, can be recorded in high quality.

    Of the minuses, one can single out the low prevalence of the program.

    It is mainly used by people who understand software... The interface is simple enough though.


    Which application should you choose for yourself? Each user answers this question independently, based on what functions he needs for comfortable work. However, for any requirements for a messenger, it is recommended to pay attention to the degree of security and give preference to those messengers that have a higher degree of security.

    Users Google services Hangouts software may seem to be quite convenient and functional, and in many ways, the optimal solution. However, for those who are not used to this type of menu design and work organization (or do not have a Google account), it is better to give preference to another messenger. As for the owners of Apple technology, the pre-installed FaceTime application will be the best option for them when they communicate mainly with subscribers who have technology of the same brand.

    Viber is very popular and is considered one of the most popular and functional messengers at the present time. In terms of popularity, he almost caught up with Skype. However, it should be borne in mind that the degree of protection in it is quite low, therefore the transfer of economic and other confidential information through it may be unsafe.

    If you use video calls quite rarely, preferring to use traditional telephone communication, then the OOVOO service may also be suitable for periodic use. Although not very convenient to use, it nevertheless does not take up memory in the device, and besides, it does not put a significant load on the hardware (no more than the usual work of the browser).




Nikolay Nadezhdin

With Skype, things don't turn out the way they want. In a sense - not at all. Then Skype is buggy, refusing to load. Then updates are not put. Then the user interface becomes completely unmanageable. Then obsolete computers are deleted.

In short, let's see which of the analogs can be used instead of Skype. Are there such programs? Or are they not?

I look at And I immediately see an alternative - the ooVoo program. It's called that. And it is an alternative to Skype. This program is distinguished by the fact that it was not purchased by a "corporation of good". This means that it will not become as clumsy as Skype has become. But on the other hand, are there many clients in it? Is it possible to use it in principle? Or does this program need to be downloaded separately?

Let's say right away - you need to download it. But this is done much easier than with Skype. Just like Skype, the program can run on computers of various platforms. On Windows and OSX - for sure. Plus on gadgets iOS systems and Android. This list is already fairly complete. We write this into the pluses of the program.

Further - to start the program, you need to register on the site. Is it possible? Yes, it is quite. One-time registration - with a nickname and password. After registering, we enter it every time, registering ourselves in the system. It doesn't take long. Perhaps precisely because the number of ooVoo clients is noticeably less than the number of Skype clients. Or maybe that's not the point. But so far everything is happening fast enough.

So - downloaded the program. And they launched it for the first time. And at the same time they registered themselves as clients of the program: What's new in the program? First, it is completely Russified. When launched, it opens a page with a name and password protected by asterisks. There is also a checkbox for the "Stay signed in" option. Second, the program interface is written in such a way that it is convenient to work with it. He's black. Just black. And that's it.

We launched the program. And we got three windows. The first is the far left. It is narrow. It contains pictures "Contacts", "Address book on our computer", "Call log". Then, through a small space, there is a button "Add friends!". Then comes the "Chat" picture. Then - "Set phone numbers"and" Link "Call me" "There is nothing else in this part of the window.

The second window is the largest. This is the working window of the program. At the top is your nickname. I have Nik Nadejdin. And the green light of my status. There is also a window with my portrait - if there is a portrait. And the buttons "ooVoo", "Facebook" and "Everyone". Among them, one button is lit - "ooVoo", since this particular program is running.

In this window, an icon is drawn, consisting of five icons. This is an advertisement for a link through ooVoo. She says that with "ooVoo it gets even more fun with friends." We do not pay attention to it. Below the window ends with a large "Add Friends" key. Do not touch this button yet.

Open the adjacent attachment with the "Facebook" button. And we get a lit Facebook interface - that is, a page through which we can contact our Facebook friends. It looks very nice.

Well, and the last tab "All" opens the same page as the first time - with a drawn appeal "even more interesting with friends." In short, we figured it out.

Yes, and what is this third window? This is an advertisement. She appears once. And it can be removed immediately. Two windows remain on the screen - the first with pictures and the second with an invitation. The third window is a tribute to the commercial program. Like Skype, ooVoo is intended for commercial use. But to work with the same programs installed on other computers, the ooVoo program is fundamentally free.

Now - what equipment will work in the ooVoo program? For the owners of Macs I will say - everything. Absolutely everything that is installed on your computer. In order to recognize all the settings, let's go deeper into them.

So, open the "Options". And the first page opens - "Video calls". Here you can set the parameters of video calls - "Outgoing" and "Incoming". Next up is Screen Sharing. (The frame rate can be set to 2 or 1 per second). The last option on this page is Media Storage. This is where the storage is written, where the images taken by the program are stored.

The second page "Parameters" - "Notifications". A very simple notification system, written in the program. The first option is "Alerts". There are two default times indicated. We open the second subpage - "Sounds". And we get to the list of sound notifications about events. Finally, the third sub-page is "Email". Check the box "Receive important news and notifications from ooVoo". At the same time, we select the language for messages - Russian.

The third page "Parameters" is "Confidentiality". Here we select the privacy values ​​- "Who can log in and contact us on ooVoo". Or "Show my personal information". But the most important thing is not here, but on the "Blocked contacts" subpage. It is here that unnecessary people are blocked.

On the Audio / Video page, it becomes clear how this whole system works. The input level (microphone) data is written here. The speakers and the notification system are involved. And also a camera is selected - if your computer has two cameras. Or the one in your laptop turns on.

The last page of "Options" is "Support". Here you can enable debug logging and enable sending saved logs.

That's all about the settings. Let's see how the program works. Turn on ooVoo. And we send a request to another computer. In this case, the following will happen. If the computer does not installed program, a request for its installation will be sent to the mail (if it is in the address book). And by installing the program, we will be able to talk to the person we are calling. This is the easiest way to communicate. Having dialed once, we will be able to call further - using email... The program, I repeat, is very easy to download. And just as easy to install. The program settings for the Mac are very simple. And in Windows system look no more complicated than Skype settings.

In addition to video calls, we can turn off video communication and communicate only using voice. Or via text chat. Everything is just like in Skype. This program has become an alternative to Skype - since this program has such difficult moments. And there is hope that she will not have what happened with Skype. That is, the program will not be purchased by Microsoft. And there will be no "improvement". This means that the program will work and work.

A couple of years ago, it was impossible to talk about an alternative to Skype - a video calling program. However, today on the Internet you can download other applications that will be easier to run on weak PCs, not updated without permission and not buggy when switching from one tab to another. Consider the analogues of Skype and their advantages.

ooVoo - video chat program

ooVoo is free app, which allows you to organize video chats for up to 12 people each. The advantage of such a program over Skype is the absence of lags with a weak Internet. The program also has the function of exchanging text messages, files, pictures, stickers. That is, it is in no way inferior to the popular Skype. That being said, it should be noted that ooVoo takes up less space on the PC.

WhatsApp with video calling support

Probably only a child does not know about WhatsApp. It is a popular messenger that appeared simultaneously with touchscreen phones. And if previously the video calling function was only available for devices with operating system iSO, from the end of 2016 users of other popular platforms can also make calls via WhatsApp. Including Windows.

Talky - a new analogue of Skype

Talky is still young. It is designed for iSO powered gadgets. To use it on Windows 7 and higher, you should use a browser. However, Talky's advantage over Skype is that you can video chat for up to 15 people at the same time for free for an unlimited time. At the same time, Talky allows you to capture images not only from the camera, but also from the screen. This means that it is quite realistic and simple to show other participants what is happening on your display.

WeChat is a service for video calling on Windows 10 and MAC

WeChat is a popular Chinese service that has an English-language interface. Until recently, it only worked on Android and iSO. However, in 2016 it received support for MAC and Windows 10. With this application, you can organize video calls, carry on correspondence, transfer files of various formats.

Viber is a favorite service for calls

With the installation of Viber, many PC users have a number of difficulties. However, this does not affect the popularity of this application. Using Viber, you can send various files to your interlocutor, call mobile phones and even organize video communication. The program is completely free. It differs from Skype in rather rare updates that are not downloaded without the knowledge of users.

ICQ - old-timer for video communication

Initially, ISQ was developed exclusively for text correspondence. However, as its popularity grew, this application began to receive many other useful features. In addition to transferring files and attaching stickers, making calls to a mobile phone, the program received a video call function. Since the program is familiar and convenient to everyone, there are no problems with its use.

Gem4Me is the world's easiest messenger

Not much is known about Gem4Me. This is a popular messenger in Europe and America, which appeared 2 years ago and already have 1 million downloads on Google play... With this application, a person can make calls, write, organize video conferencing and even send money. The program has high-quality protection against hacking. Developed in Switzerland. It is distributed free of charge.

Hangouts is a simple video conferencing program

A program for communicating on the network with which you can send text messages, files, call mobile phones, organize video conferences. The program is designed for browsers. Works on both MAC and iSO.

In addition to the listed programs, there are others on the network that can become an excellent alternative to Skype.